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f ? vi ? fiCJ rr. . . _ ... . **355-y^. :") Tfc " ; " ?hc Crtmben 3oitrttftl. ^vr^T^T. nAATDEN. SOTTTH-CAROLINA, OCTOBER 4, 1850. NT M HER Til. ?????i i ; I "But there nre renditions." s?tid Lndv lJ. THE CAMDEN JOURNAL PURLI9HKD BY TOO. J. WARREN & C. A. PRICE, EDITORS AXD PROPRIETORS. THE SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL Ik published at Three Dollar* and Fifty Cents.'if paid in Rdvanre, or Four Dollars if payment is delayed for three toon tlit. THE WEEKLY JOURNAL Ik pnltlished at Two Dollnr* and Fifty Cents, if paid in advance, or Three Dollars if payment is delayed for three tnwithx. Any |>crson procnring five responsible* suhscrib-rs shall be entitled to the sixth ropy (of the edition subs< tilted for) Jrrati* for one year. ADVERTISEMENTS will Ite inserted at the following Vat-s: F?r one square (14 lines or less) in the semi-weekly, Hie dollar for the first, and twenty-five rent* for each subsequent insertion. In the weekly, seventT-five rents per square for the first, ?nd thirty-**ven and a half cents for each sulk-equent insertion Single insertions one dollar per square. The numner of insertions desired, and the edition to be published in, must be noted on the margin of all adverse inents, or tliey will be inserted semi-weekly until or ?ivd"tofte dlscnntiuasd, ann rhargrd accordingly. Semi-monthly. monthly and quarterly advertisement* ?barmd the mine a* for a * ingle insertion. liberal discount* allowed to those who advertise for three, six, or twelve months. C3T*AII communications by mail must be post-paid oj secure attention. The following gentlemen are Agent* for the Jonrn&l: W?. O. Caston, General Agent. Col. T. W. Host, Jackson ham. Lancaster Di*t. S. II. Kosscr. Fx]., Lancastervillr, S.C. C. 0. McCrcmmkn, Carthage, N. C. W. 0. MoorR. Esq., Camden, 8. C. And Postmasters are requested to act as oar Agents. MANS 10 N H 0 U SET CAMDEN', 8. C. THE subscriber respcrtl'ullv. announces to I i< friends and the TRAVELLING PUBLIC generally, that he ha6 opened, as a HOTEL, that large and commodious house iti Log Totvn, formerly the private residence ol K. Perkins, esq. The building is admirably adapted for that purpose. being situated in the u ost healthy and pleasant part of Camden, combining all the advanta gee of the town with the balmy atmosphere of the country, and within a lew minutes' walk of any part of Camden. The rooms are large and airy, Jiis Servants respectful and attentive, and he pledges himself to spare no pains in keeping up - * ? ?i ma nt li 1 an alTractive ana wen supplied i nslo, anu iu every exertion to please those who may call upon him. His STABLE^ will lie found commodious, and always fully supplied with Provender, EFT he House being conducted on Temperance Prmeipies, he flatters himself!hat those who fator him with a call will find the MANSION HOUSE not only the comforts and attention of a well regulated Hotel, hut the quiet retirement of a llmne. Charges moderate. 17All the Stages arriving in the place, and the Omnibuses running to the Depot, will call at the House when desired. . .... E. G. ROBINSON. " * ivy *"i f v^amoen, oepu i. -ti .. R Fifty Dollars Reward. UNAWAY from the subscriber on the night of the 2*2d inst., (six miles south of Lancaster Court House on the Camden road) a negro man named John, about six feet six inches high, with a scar on his face, (near his eye) occasioned by the kick of a horse, he is black, carried off with him two suits of clothes, among which was a sattinet coat, black cloth pants, blue flannel shirt, striEed shirt, die. He carried off a chesnut sorrel orse, fine black saddle with plated stirup irons, doubled reined bridle and martingales with ivory rings. ft appears said boy, after lea ring my house ! went to Mrs. Stinson's, at Russel Place in Kershaw District and carried ofT a negro woman and young child, that Mrs. Stinson had on trial and was about purchasing from toe. The negroes were recently purchased by me in the city of Bal a: 4t l Lfi I t)lu Ulliurtr. wujw lurj nave icn * uumiowuu ? ? man said he (tad a free pa**, that he brought it with him from Baltimore. The above reward will be paid for their apprehension and delivery to me, or information given so that I can get them. ELI C. BISHOP. Lancaster Dist. S. C. 23 Aug. 1850. 68 tf Salem Woolens. HAVING taken the agency of the Salem, N C. WOOLEN MANUFACTORY, we arc prepared to supply Planters with their Negro Cloths of various qualities, and at Manufacturer's prices. These Goods have been used hy several Planters in this neighborhood for many years, to whom ?u koinir on ortiolo f,tp u'ortntk onrl W V? v<l|| UO l/V l?"g "?? '?? "VIVj !" "UMIIHI Mliu durability, of a very superior quality. CTWOOL will be taken in exchange, at a fair price. ... W. ANDERSON & CO. Aug. 22. 67 2m Attention Guards. YOU will parade at your Rendezvous on Saturday the 12th ofOctobernext,properly armed and e?|iiiped.? At which time by the order of Lieut. Col. J. B. Kerxhnw, an election will be held for 3d Lieutenant. Sergeant* Huglnon, Huckabee and Woolen, are detailed a* manager*. By orderof C'apt- K. S. MOFFAT. W. E. Hl'GHSON, O. 8. Sept. 20,1850. 75 w3t Notice. i LL persons having demands against the estate il of the late Mrs. Mary B. Gill, dec'd of Lancasterville, will please present them properly attested to the undersigned, by the first of December next. JONES CROCKETT. Sept. 23d 1?50, 70 tf South Carolina?Kershaw District. WHEREAS James S. Ervin, has applied to me for Letters of Administration on all and singular the Goods and Chattels, Rights and credits of James F. Ervin, late of Ue District aforesaid deceased: These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of the said ueceiiFeut iu ue aim apwar ucn*re ine ai our next Ordinary'* Court for the said District, to be holden at Kershaw Court House on the 7th day of Oct. next, t<> show cause, if any, why the said adinin. ist rat ion should not be granted. Given under my hand and seal, this 21st day of Sept., in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty, and in the seventy-fifth year of American Independence, JOHN R. JOY. O. K. D. Quinine ! Quinine I! 1 new supply of Rosengarten & Dennis' superior jl Quinine, received this morning, and f r sale by Z. J. PeHAY. WM. MATTHIESSEN'S Wholesale Clothing Establishment, Corner of East Bay and Qneen Streets, CHARLESTON, S. C. Manufacturing House, 36, Piatt St. New Tork. COUNTRY Merchants purchasing Clothing, will find it to their advantage to look through the stock of this extensive Clothing House, where they will find fresh and desirable Goods, at prices as low as can be purchased at in New York. July 26. 59 &wlOt JOHN B. DESAUSSURE, Adgcr's Wharf, Charleston, S. C. Will give prompt and close attention to the sale of all descriptions of Produce entrusted to his care, and to the selection and filling of orders. sept. 13. 72 6in ^ ;k & son, Factor. Commission Merchants, SOUlil COMMERCIAL WHARF, CHARLESTON, S. O. WII.LIAH MAZVCK.) W. ST. J 1JAZVCK, J PAUL T. VILLEPIGUE, FACTOR, And General Commission Merchant, ACCOMMODATION WHARF, CHARLESTON, S. CLiberal advances made on consignments of Produce, and prompt attention given to the forwarding of Goods, at the lowest rates. Aug. 26. 63 20,000 PA*RS OF BOOTS AND SHOES. fTX) BE HAD at the New Shoe Store, and will JL be sold lower than auy ever before offered in this market?having paid the cash for every article, and selected from the best and largest manufacturers in the United States, we flatter ourselves that no one can fail to be pleased in quantity, quality and price. The stock consists in part, as follows? Men'< fine Calf stitched Boots " " ' Pump Boots " " Waterproof do cork soles " " " do stitched and quilted sales 200 pairs fine Calf sew ed Boots, from ?4 ."Hi lo ?6 00 I $)0 " 44 and Kip pegged Boois, from $2 to $5 0? Men's fine Calf sewed Bootes jti to 9-1 00 44 44 44 - J i n.,1. tt,??? aft m A.1 50 " M " Jersey Ties, $3 to ?3 50 u <? ? j^gpetl Bootees. $1 to $2 00 " " Kip " " 75c to 81 00 Youth's Kip pecired Bootees, 50c to 75c Calf " 75c to 81 00 " " Bonis assorted " Kip " Ladies' Department* Fine silk Goiters, block and colored satin " " " " lasting " " " "* ' " welts and black " " Half Gaiters, welts and black " " " " colored and black Well " 'l ies, Foxed, Rroad and Easy " " " without Tijw. for corns " Jenny I.ind Bootees, Kid and .Morocco Pump " " " a ill and Enameled Excelsinrs Kid and Morocco Jenny Lind Buskins Taylor Ties. I'utnp Fine Kid Slippers. with Rosettes Fine .Morrooco Slippers and Tics Fine Ties and Buskins, Welts Pine Morocco do do Kid extra wide Hip* and Ties Goat Buskins and Ties, Welts Goat Bixits " Misses' black and colored Gaiters " blue and light colored ilnlf Gaiters " black, blue and brnuze Bisitees " black and colored Slipp^rss tioat lloolcex. sewed unit pegged, torocnooi onoes Children's Sho"s and Roots, assorted Together with a great variety of Gentlemen's, Indies' and Children's Shoe*, too numerous to mention. a lso?? Fine TRAVELING TRUNKS, CARPET RAGS, VALICES, HATS and CAPS. All of which will positively he sold lower tlinn the lowest for cash. GCrCall and see for yourselves, at the NEW SHOE STORE of WORKMAN & BOONE. Sept. 20. Fall Goods. TBONNELL & CO. are now recjiving their Fall supplies, to which they invite the attention of purchasers. SUGARS?Si. Croix, Delta, crushed, powdered and clarified COFFEE?Rio and Java TEA?Green and Hyson MOLASSES?West India and New Orleans SALT?Table and sack MACKARKL? No. 1 and 2 Pickles, Ketchup. Mustard, Ginger, Pepper Spice, Cinnamon, Soap, Candles, Starch, &c. Hardware, lines, Axes, Spades, &c. ttutftfiug, Rope ati?l Twine. DOMESTICS?Bleached and brown Homespuns Together with a general assortment of Goods suited to this market For sale low by July 26. T. BUNNELL & CO. mortgage Sale. I WILL sell on the first Monday in October next before the Court House door in Camden, two nrtrroes. Caroline and Leah, to foreclose a deed of 0 mortgage executed by Wrn. J. Gerald to Joseph Cunningham. Tilt'. J. WAllREN, Agent Sept, 17. (82,25) 6t74 Keady-Madc Clothing. I COMPLETE assortment of Over-coats, Drees II and Frock-coats, Business-coals, Blanket and coating Over-coats, gentlemen's Jine Cloaks, Pants and Vests, Ready-made Shirts, Stocks and Collars. sept. 16 H. LEVY & SON. Carpeting. A COMPLETE Assortment oi Ingrain and Ve A nelian Carpetings, for sale low by Sept 2ft. H LEVY &. SON. New Goods.^ THE unilernlgned in now receiving bin Fall Hiipply ol good*. Having pnrchnxed very largely, he i* enabled to ofh>r great indncementM to hi* friend* and ctmtonter* to purchase from hiin. Among hi* xtorlt may be found many article* not UKually kept, and winch he will take great pleasure in showing; at. it regards prices, lie will be not. ixfied with CharleNioa terms A liberal deduction made on cash purchase*. K. W. BONNEY. Sept. 17. 74 tf Raisins* A few Boxes now Raisins, just received by W. C. MOORE. \ poetical Department. From the Baltimore American. The Dying Maiden to her Mother. I am going home?Oh! mother press Me fondly to thy heart, In one last, long, and warm caress, And let mv soul depart, Whilst locked within thy tender arms, My head upon thy breast, Life for me has no charms? I long to be at rest. Then seek not mother, to detain My spirit from the 6kies; This feeble irame cannot contain The hopes that now arise. Ilearest thou not the songs of praise? How sweet they seem to flow From Angel's harps! divinfistlayis! Dear mother, let me go! Weep not, mother, tear drops dim The brightness of my home, Lift thy thoughts ;n prayer to him, Who bids thy daughter come. She shall be first to welcome thee, Tr> that hriaht land nhnvp. I go!?when next we meet 'twill bo In God's high court above. PITY. Woman may err?woman may give her mind To evil thoughts, and lose her pure estate; But for one woman who affronts her kind By wicked passions and remorseless hate, A thousand make amends in age and youth, By heavenly pity, by sweet sympathy, By patient kindness, by endearing truth, By love supremest in adversity. Theirs is the task to succor the distressed, To feed the hungry and control the sad, To pour the balm upon the wounded breast; And find dear Pity even for the bad. Blessings on women! In the darkest day Their love shines brightest: in the perilous hour u , ( Their weak hands glow with strength our feuds to stay. Blessings upon them! and if man could shower His condemnation on the few that err Let him be calm and cease his soul to vex; Think of his mother, and for the sake of her Forgive them all and bless theia gentler sex. jHKHnr :rnr??? illisccllaucous Dqjcnrcnunt. A FASHIONABLE WIFE. A BRIEF STORY WITH A GOOD MORAL. (Yuu know, my dear, I am a spoiled child ; I must have my way this time,' said Mrs. Finlay, a beautiful bride to ber adoring husband. It was a matter of consequence to Finlay that she should not have her own way this time. It was the first lime her will?that odious, positive word?had made its ippearance, and now was the very time to crush, to subdue it, before it had Herculean strength. Finlay was a young lawyer of fine talents, just getting into extensive practice ; it was necessary that he should remain in the city, but a strong necessity was upon him, his cara sposa would i'o to the country, to be present at the wedding ol a friend. Bui dearest, you know I have several important cases upon the docket, Hiirh are just about to be tried ; my client <1 be dissatisfied,'said Finluv, in that mild tone of entreaty which should find its instant way to a woman's heart. N'imporle; let them go. you will have something besides clients to live upon, you know, some ol these days.' There was much pride, little sense, and great want of feeling in this speech. Mrs. Finlay's - - -j i i.: i: I..I ... o. expectations oepenoeu ujhjii a kiiiu inuuigcm iuther, during whose lifetime they could not be realized. Finlay let it jar upon his heart-strings and vibrate to the very core, but he excused it, or set it aside. 'Shu is a beautiful thoughtless creature, she cannot be unfeeling.' To the country they went. 'Well,' thought Finlay, ! shall have exquisite pleasure in pointing out to my Caroline some favorite scenes, came striking views, which may have escaped her notice. We must sometimes make sacrifices to those we love; leaving town, after all, was a matter of little consequence.' The boat glided almost with the rapidity of lightning over the smooth, deep Hudson. Come upon deck t nroune, we are nt-uriug the Highlands, never did they look so splendidb ' It was the momentary glow of radiant coloring which a happy heart gives to nature, that at this moment rested so gloriously upon the picturesque Highlands. 'Come, Mrs. Finlay,' said Finlay, carefully wrapping the shawl about the faultless firm of his beautiful wife. Why (Jeorgo, one would think I had never been up the river before in iny lift.', said Caro. line, then in the midst of an animated discussion with a fashionable friend, upon the spirit of their respective milliners. 'I have seen the Highlanders a thousand times; all that romantic stuff is out of fashion ; quite oulre; nobody .-ll.- i nofiiM luil linnrrliiirr 1HIKS HI lilt) Ofiiuiioa ui huiuivi "u> ?? ?-Q school misses.' The repulsed Finlay left her, and took his seat upon the deck with a sigh. 'Out of fashion,' thought he, and his noble forehead was wrinkled with frowns, his proud lip curled, and a momentary flash illuminated his dark eyes with unwonted fire. 'Out of fa-hion ! Those lowering, frowning palisad this dark river, yonder rising moon !' ' into a reverie, long and deep, for nr ft not enjoy these things alone. he cou At the ond of Iy, "Silt! cenuiuiy lias bfiisiuiinj, uci unuu is plastic, I can mould it into any form, and make it a complete reflection of my own.' Conjugal affection is a tender plant. The first rude shock sometimes scatters its fair leaves to the four winds of heaven. If but one leaf be torn away, all others are loosened. In poor Finlay's case they followed one by one in rapid succession. all the world's consoler, Hope, whispered kindA few weeks in the country entirely[dispelled the illusion which love had thrown around his idol?tho celestial halo, which.he saw, was only a hallucination of his own imagination, had drpartpd forever. He had a beautiful, weak woman, with whom his cultivated, refined mind could hold no communication. r inlay returned to town an altered man. nig high ambition had been sanctified in hi* own estimation, because it was not entirely a selfish feeling. In all his visions of success his honors were to be laid at the feet of Caroline. He entered aramupon his laborious employment. He was for a time entirely devoted to business, and lost all care and reflection in the close attention which he gave to his profession, al duties. But 6oon he needed relaxation; some place to which he could resort, to spend a few hours in pleasure. Home did not afford it The spoiled, heartless Carolina was engaged in an endless round of fashionable amusements. When at home, she was weary, vapid, peevish. She needed the excitement and admiration of a crowd to give her animation. It was not worth while to exert herself to please ono, and he only her husband. Thus driven from that home, which should have been the haven of rest and peace, Finlay fled to the society of the gay, dissipated young men. Soon his office and law books were forsaken. His clients' frequent knocks were unanswered, they became less and less frequent, and at lenglh ceased entirely. They had lost their advocate, their councillor. He had rendered himself unworthy their confidence. The highly gifted, ambitious Finlay had become a drunkard! After a few years, Caroline returned to her father's house, because her husband was no longer able to support her; she returned a faded, disappointed, wretched woman. The viper sting of conscience told her that she bad brought all her misery upon herself. Why will not woman learn her own happiness ? Can one whose every thought before ?._ !* ! t ?* _ . marriage in setnsimess, can sne ever sacrifice her own interest to the will of another? Yet submission on her part, will alone insure domestic comfort. Pride lifts itself in opposition to this doctrine, crying out, 'equal rights.' But down with the rebellious spirit; her suggestion amounts to this. "Hotter reign in hell than serve in heaven." Woman, too, must be man's intellectual companion. Without this domestic life becomes so dull, so insipid, that to a man of refined taste and cultivated understanding, it is intolerable. The weak idolatry of a fool is valueless and disgusting to a man of sense, hut (he affection of a high-minded, virtuous woman, is a discrimintiliitrr i n f??11 i iro n I Jpi>n aftpntinti U'hii*)i it itf """'"61 |- i ? an honor to gain, and a pleasure to cherish. FIRST MARRIAGE. Tfie following amusing sketch of "horn to good luck," is said to he from the pen of the fa cetinus Samuel Lover: Lady C. was a beautiful woman, hut lady C. was an extravagant woman. She was still single, though rather past extreme youth. Like most pretty females she had looked too high, and estimated her own loveliness too dearly, and now she refused to believe that she was not as charming as ever. So no wonder she remained unmarried. Lady C. had about five thousand pounds in the world?she owed about forty thousand pounds; so, with all her wit and beauty, she got into the Fleet, and was likely to remain there. Now, in the time I speak of, every lady had her head dressed by a barber, and the barber was the handsomest barber in the city ol London. Fat Philan was a great admirer of her sex, and where's the wonder? > ?onrn Pot ii'ntnn Frishnmn. ft U'.U OI1C VeTV fine morning when Philan was dressing her O ~ captivating head, that her ladyship took into her mind to talk to him, and Pal was well pleased lor lady C's. teeth were the whitest, and her smile tho brightest in all the world. " So you're not marrted, Pat," said she. "Pivil an inch, ypr honor's ladyship,' says he. And wouldn't you like to he married," again asks she. Woul^a duck swim ?" " Is there, any one you'd prefer?" Maybe, madam," says he, 'you have never hoard of Kathleen O'Reilly. down hevant Doneraille??Her father's coasinf to O'Donahoe, whoso own steward to Mr. Murphy, the under agent to my lord Kingstown ; and?" ' Hush," says she, "sure I don't want to know who she is- Hut would she have you, if you asked her ?" " Ah, thin, I'd only wish I'd he after trying that some." " And why don't you ?" " Sure 1 rn loo poor," and Philan heaved a I prodigious sigh. 44 Would you like to be rich." " Does u dog bark ?" " If 1 make you rich, will you do- , , 44 Mille murther ! yer horn*. tell you. talizing a poor boy." <?' don't be tan* Indeed, I'm not,' ' How would youj*ld lady C. "So listen. 4 Ah, thie .iice lo marry me ?" Russia ' my lady, I believe ihc King o would be nroud to do that same * alone a poor divil like Pat Philan." "Well, Philan, if you'll marry me to morrow ? I'll give you one thousand pounds." dl " Oh, Whiluhoo! whilahoo! sure I'm mad o Id enchanted by the good people;" roared Pat it, dancing round the room. " After the first day of our nuptials you <n<i<t never see me again, nor claim me for your wile.' " I don,t like that says Pat, for he had been ogling her ladyship most desperately. " But remember Kathleen O'Reily. With the money, I'll give you, may go and marry her.' That's tra*," said he, "hut then the bigamy.' "I'll never appear against you,'says her ladyship. "Only remember you must take an oath never to call me your wife after tomorrow, and never to go telling all the story." "Divil a word I'll iver say." " Well, then, says she, "there's ten pounds. Go and buy a license, and leave the rest to nu-; and then she explained to him where he was to go, and when he was to come, and all that. The next day Pat was true to her appoint, meut, and found two gentlemen already with her ladyship. * " Have you got the license ?" said she. " Here it is, myJady,' says he, and be gave it to her. She liqjkdedit to oae of the gentle, men'^rtio viewed it attentively* Then calling in ber servants. She turned to the gentleman, who was reading:?"Perform the ceremony," said she. And sure enough in ten minutes Pat Phi 1 an was the husband, the legal husband of the lady C. " That will do," says she, to ber new hnsbaud as he gave hern hearty kiss; that'll do. Now, sir, give me my marriage certificate.' mi tt . I _ J;J 1 I 1 lie old genueman aia so, auu uowing respectfully to the five pound note she gave him. he retired with his clerk ; for sure enough, I forgot to tell von he was a parson. " Go and hring me the warden,' says the lady to one of her servants. 44 Yes my lady,' says she, and presently the warden appeared. 44 Will you be kind enough,' says Lady C., in a voice that would have called a bird off a tree, "will you be good enough to send me a hackney coach ? I wish to leave this prison immediately. 44 Your ladyships forgets, "that you must pay forty thousand before 1 can let you go." 44 I'm a married woman. You can detain my husband, but not me," and she smiled at Philan who began rather to dislike the appearance of things. 44 Pardon me. mv lady, it is well known you are single." ii?? ? " 1 tell you I am married ?" ; u Where is your husband?" ' 'SsK*-'" ' There, sir !" and she pointed to the astonished barber; "there,he stands. Here is my marriage certificate, which you can peruse at your laizure. .My servants yonder were wit. nesses of the ceremony. Now detain me, sir, one instant, at your peril?" The warden wasdumfounded, and no wonder. Poof Philan would have "spoken, Tint tieTtBl*r party would let him. The lawyer below was counselled. The'rcsult was evident, Iu hall an hour lady C. was free, and Pat Philan. her legitimate husband, a prisoner for the debt to the amount of forty thousand pounds. Well, sir, for some time Pat thought he was in a dream, and the creditors thought they were worse. The following day they held a meeting, and finding they had been tricla-d swore they'd detain poor Pat forever. But as they well knew that lie had nothing, and would'nt leell much shame in going through the insolvent court they made the best of a bad bargain, and lei mm uui. Well you must know, about a week after this Paddy Philan was sitting by his little hre, and thinking over the wonderful things he had seen when as sure as death, the postman brought birn a letter, the first he had ever received, which he took over to a friend of his, one Ryan a fruit seller, because you see, ho was no, great hand at reading or writing, to decipher it for hint. It ran thus: " (Jo down to Doneraille and marry Kathleen O'Reilly. The instant the knot is tied, I fulfill my promise of making you comfortable for life. Hut as you value your life and liberty, never ii-t-i-, ? .?,i h oreaine a syuaojc ui wu?u uus paowu, uuu^iuher you are in .ny power if you tell ihe story.The money will be paid to you directly you inclose me your marriage certificate. I send you j?")0 for present expenses." Oh! happv Paddy! Did'nt he 6tart next day for Cork, and did'nt lie marry Kathleen and touch a thousand pounds ? By the powers he did.? And what is morp, he took a cottage, which perhaps you know, is not a hundred miles from Bruffin, in th? county of Limeric ; and i'fax he forgot h(S first wife, clean and entirely, and never told any one hut himscif, under promise of secrecy the story of his first marriage. The Co'ton Trade.?A friend of the Boston Traveller, who is curious in regard to statistical information of all kinds, has furnished that paper with the following memoranda respecting the cotton trade front its commencement to the present time: The use of cotton begun in England ii 1011, with small quantities of the raw article from Cyprus and Smyrna. 1 n 5 years, 1701 to 1705, only (5,000,000 lbs were used. No account of the manufacture kept till after the year 1770. From 17','j to?1774, 4,700,000 lbs. per year u*p I"; 1781, 5,181,000, 1784, 7,(570,815. InThe year 1800, 51,(510,(572. That year, 1800, G,000,000 lbs. exported from South Carolina. The first cotton from the United States to Livpool, three bales. In 1703, South Carolina produced 1 1-2 and Georgia 1-2 million lbs. Total, 2,000,000 lbs. imported into Liverpool. Bales, Bales Cotton. This year, f 1701 to 1800 GOO, 284 1701 (58.101 . 1801 to 1810 1,728,502 1801 08,752 1811 to 1820 2,780,472 1811 174,132 , 1821 to 1830 5,008,0(54 1821 413.182 1831 to 1810 10,04G,354 1831 701.582 r 1841 to 1845 7,115,392 1 811 1,161.2G0 I 55 years, 28,188,96!) bales.