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I . ' v^an ' @ljc Cam&cn Journal. VOLUME tl. , CMDEN, SOUTH-CAROLINA, SEPTEMBER 27,1&50. NUMBER 77. ?????? - --???????? "* ' 'n '' ?1 I *1??? Ito nmnnrtiflng ware nrodifrious. I TIE CAMDEN JOURNAL PPBLI9HED BIT TUSK J. WARREN A . A. PRICE, j EDITORS AND PROPRIETORS. THE SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL ' published at Three DoHani and Fifty Cento.'if peklr advance, or Four Dollar* if payment is delayed for the taontha. THE WEEKLY JOURNAL la published at Two Del bin and Fifty Cents, if pahh Vlvanee, or Three Dollars if payment b delayed for the tamtb. A?y person procuring five responsible' subscriber* sbl Re entitled to the sixth copy (of the edition subscribed ft ^ES?S5ENT8 will be inserted at the followi Ma?*a: For one square (Id lines or less) in the semi-weekl W dollar for the first, and twenty-five cents for eai **?il iMartifn In the weekly, seventy-five cento per square tor die fin Hod thirty-tw Von and a half cert* for each subsequent i hsertion 8ingle insertion* one dollar per square. 'Viae number of insertion* desired. and the edition be published in, nasi be noted on the margin of all adv. iaeraents. or they will be inaerled semi-weekly until ered to be discontinued, and charged accordingly. Semi-monthly, monthly and quarterly advertisetne charged the hum mm for a single insertion. liberal discounts allowed to thoee who advertise filer, six, or twelve months. oarAJI communication* by mail must be post-paid I state attention. The following gentlemen are Agents for the Journal: Wit. C. Castor, General Agent. Col. T. W. Hoar, Jackson ham, Lancaster Diet. S. EL Rossaa. Esq., Laneasterviile, S.C. ? ^ v r l*? v>. KCL/KDMU, twuw^c, ? v. W.C. lloou, Esq., Camden. 8. C. And PoMvtM in requested to acta* oar Agents. Poetical department. AGRICULTURAL BONO. BY JOHN PALMER. Plough deep to find the gold my boys! Plough deep to tuid the goia: The earth has treasure in her breast Unmeasured and untold. Clothe the mountain tops with trees, The sides with waring grain! Why bring over stormy seas What here we may obtain. O, Britain nee I not bring her bread , From countries new or old, Would she but give the ploughshare speed - And depth to find the gold! Earth is grateful to her sons For all their care and toil; Nothing yields such large returns As drained and deepened soiL fVinnn. land thy kindly lid. Her riches to unfold, Moved by plough or moved by spade, Stir deep to find the gold. Dig deep to find the gold, my boys! Dig deep to find the gold! The earth has treasure in her breast, Unmeasured and untold. JIHsctllaneons Department. From the Americmn Messenger. A 0 OUTERS AT ION. MOh, mother, how liusy the little ant* bar bees to-night," exclaimed Arthur, at he hurr ed iu, leading hit little sister by the hand. "Annie and I have been watching them for long time. Some careless person ha* trndrie upon their hole, and spoiled the work they hav beea an long doing; but they went right to wor! again busier than ever, and it was wonderfu, mother, to see them. One little rreature woul c >me up after another, each with a little grai of sand in his month, which be would drop an^ then ran back again for more. There aeeme a ha luiiwtiaita nf lk*m. ami vat ihav all nrnrliW together without ever interfering; end Ann! end I thought it must be that they could talk tr> nether in tome way, and understand each othei They have done working now, and the Iktl heap of tand is a perfect circle, just as it wa before. Who teaches them to work so, mntfc er, and how is it they can all agree togethe what they will dot" "God teaches them, my child. He gives u reason, bat be give* to animal*, and birds, an insects, a power which we eall instinct. Ho* they understand each other we cannot tell, hn when, as you did to-night. I have watched i number of insect* at their work, I could no doubt their having some wajr of communicaiinj their plans to one another, so that they all ac in concert. I once watched a battle betweei two parlies of black acts, and a moat fierce am bloody battle it was. lasting several houra.Each parte kept distinct by itself, and though could not discover any difference between them yet those of each army seemed to understam perfectly which belonged to their own side am which to the other. Aa soon as one was killer or wounded, two of his party would seize bin and carry him out of the ranks. At list on< army wii victorious, and drove the other fron the field." How wonderful U is, mother," said Arthur Yes, my son, we can never stop and tool carefully at any one of the many works of God : from our own curiously contrived bodies dowi i to the smallest insect, without esclaiming, 'How - wonderful!' Had we magnifying glasses pow - erful enough, we might see, in insects mam ?times smeller than the little ants you have beet - watching, the same agreement in their plan : and labors. We might see bow wonderfull; flnA (ntmwt llum all an/t fanerhf iKam ti - lake rare of themselves, and provide for tbei wants. "1 once saw many very wonderful things li a solar microscope, which reflected every thin/ placed in it upon a large sheet on the wail magnifying them many thousands of times,? One single drop of vinegar placed in the mioro > scope appeared, whan reflected be wall, a fit were a largtea with many living crea tl< tures in it. A fircambric needle looked like p, the mast of a ahip'ith projection# and point# i| jutting out from it iud one seed of a fig placed cl on the end of the ndle, appeared like an im ]? I tnense mas# with limala crawling over it as J; j large a# full-gruwnahhit#." ! "Oh mother," sa little Annie, "it seems to me that I can nereeat vinegar or fig* again." "Yon might as wll say, my dear, that you , will never breathe r or drink water, for these two are filled with nnumerable little insect#. i nrnrli too small t,, m ipen bv the naked eye, ,i and yet all wondeiilly and perfectly formed, p by the name God thn formed us and all the , beautiful ohjpcf* amnt us. Truly may we ex- w 1 claim wilh the 'How manifold are ?hy c i works, 0 Lord f in wisdom hast thou made _ Ikrtn a Mi.* _ "But it is getting late, andyou may now come # out into the garden with me and look at a sight e which, more than ony other, fills me wilh as> toni*h.oent and wosder." ? The children acrompanied their mother to u the garden, where, sitting down on a bench, v she told them to look up (or a little while and c tell her what they saw. j; "Oh," said Arthur, "I see millions and mil ( lion* of bright shining stars, and while I look ^ they keep coming more and more. Are these e all really worlds, mamma?" "Wf do not know exactly what they are, ? my son'; but we do now, that many of them are ( many times larger than this world of ours which n we think so large, hut they arc so vpry, very far off that ihpy appear like little shining specks. , * * " * - ' - ? ?f ni-l ennoiliQ r a Ana Hern 100, ine leirscwyr. mc r bows him new wonn rs when he looks at the heavens, more astonishing than those revealed c bjr the microscope. When we attempt to think B on this great subject our feeble minds cannot ( begin to grasp it. 1 might tell you many things (J about the heavenly bodies, which you are too e young to understand. And an astronomer might tell meof many wonderful things of which , 1 have never heard or thought, and yet the as- , Imnotner has hardly begun to know the won- 8 ders of this wonder-working G??d. Those who bare been for ages in heaven studying his character and perfections, and ever learning some- |, thing new, we may be sure are constantly ready , to proclaim. How wonderful! 4He knoweth j. the number ofihe stars ; he calleth them all by t ibeir names.' *He made the heaven of hea. [ vens with all their host; the earih, and all ^ things that are therein; the seas, and all that is therein.' And this is the same God who t created every thing down to the little animal rul*t of which I have been telling you, that ex j i|t in-tbe air aud-water... * When 1 consider thy f heavens the work of thy fingers; the moon and the stars, which thou hast ordained. What is s man, that thou art mindful of him; or the son of j man, that thou visitest hitn ?' And yet God is , mindful of us ; he never for a moment forgets us, , bat watches over us continually, defending and preserving us* Now I am going to tell you a , little story, and then it w ill be time to go into ( i the house. I "A great many years ago, in another country ( . far away from this, there were a man and hi* ' wife who were obliged to take a journey to a i city a Ions distance from their home. They were poor; and when they came to the city , and went to the inn where they intended to stay, they found that it was lull, for many other ! people had business in that city at the same I time. So they were obliged to go out to the , I stable to sleep, and here a babe was horri; and ( i he-was wrapped in some clothe* and laid in the f straw. Do you know who this babe was, Annie V* 44 Why, it sounds like the story of Jesus Christ, mamma." "Yes, it was Jesus Christ; the same God who made all these wonders of which we hare been talking. The same l*od whom all the host of heaven worship, lies in a stable, Ins only bed a manger. And why is he there. Arthur?" "He came to this world to die for sinners," answered Arthur. "Yes, to die for us; to live a life of poverty and die a death of shame and dreadful suffering, t U., !/>e (Kin Cd\f tic tn ltd irvautc llirin ?ao rn/ virto# u ny ivi ? .-> ? ? saved. Oh, is it not the greniesi wonder of all that every creature who hear* of thin great salI vation which Christ has purchased (iir us, does i uni joyfully and gratefully accept it? Is it not ; passing strange, that it must Ik* urged upon dy I ing men, that every argument must lie used to il persuade them to accept of life?life purchased j by the death of this great and wonderful G?sl ?" t What do you think of it, little readers of the it Messenger? And while you are thinking of it, 4 just remember that this great Creator, this babe j of Bethlehem, this crucified Jesus, you and I I will one day meet as our judge. l. l. J Extinction of a Whole Family.?Mis. II fortune* seldom come singly. A mom neari. J| rending instance of thin truth came to our know* V, ledge on Monday. A family called Kaufmnnn, ? consisting of five member*, p rt of whom reach* i ed thi* city last week, have a I, with the excep lion of one, been swept into eternity since leav. ing their home in Germany, a period of about ( fifty or sixty days. As they embarked at Havre , for this country, an older son who had just fin* " *' -r?*1 .! e I:-: ) \ iftbed DIS education lor ine pniniicp ui ui*-uii;iii?-, /'fell overboard and was drowned. Three or . four weeks after as (be vessel neared New Or. r leant, (be father, Mr. Philip Kaulmann, fell a 1 victim to shlpfever. The mother, almost heart. * broken, immediately on reaching the city, f brought her youngest son, a boy about twelve ? years of age, to the hospital laboring under the -t_ j _.. r.ii : l . r lime aisease, ana ine any lummiu^ mm nun n young daughter, the only surviving child, acl com pa n ie d hi* remains to the cemetery. Three { weeks only elapsed and the two had got to this , city, when the fell destroyer again made his ap > pearance. .ot ter expired last Saturday. . ofa triolet it i fever, induced and much ng. i grarated,uelieved, by her sorrows. A lit r girl five or six years of age, homeless and >nni)ess, is all that there is left now of the fam. y A Mr. Samuel Lmnsden, a worthy me itanic, has adopted the child, and iutends, we iarn, to raise it as one of his own.? St. Louis ntelligencer, llth. THE BOATMAN'S BAUGRsFR. The following remarkable story has all the iterest of a romance; yet it is true, and the arlies are still living: It was in the memorable year of 1614, when le allied armies were concentrated aboul 'aris. A young lieutenant of dragoons was engaged nth three Hungarians, who aftei having re. eived several smart strokes front his sabre, I lanaged lo send a bail into hi* shoulder, to j *rce his chest with a thrust from a lance, nd leave bini for dead on the bank of the rivr. On (he opposite tide of the stream, a boat* nan and hit daughter had been watching this inequal fight with tears ot desperation. But rhat could an old unarmed man do, or a pretty hild of sixteen? However, the old soldier? or once the l>oatman was?had no sooner teen he officer fall from hit horse than he and hit laughter rowed most vigorously toward the otb* r tide. Then, when they had deposited the wounded nan in their bont, these worthy people crossed he river, but with faint hopes of reaching the nilitory hospital in time. "Yoj have been badly treated, my boy," said be old guardsman to him; "but here ain I, who iave gone further on, andcomo home. The silence and fixed attitude ol lieutenant 5 showed the extreme agony of his pains nd the hardy boatman soon discovered that, he blood which was gathering about the wound n the left side, would shortly terminate his iistence. He turned to his youthful daughter. "Mary," he said, "you have heard tne tell ol ny brother! he died of such another wound as bis here. Weil, now, had there only been omebody by to suck the hurt, his life would lave been saved." The boatman then landed, and went to look or two or three soldiers to help Dim 10 carry he officer, leaving his daughter in charge of lim. The girl looked at the sufferer for a minite or two: What was her emotion when she leard him sigh so deeply, not that he should lie without a mother's kiss. 'My mother! my dear, dear mother !" said he, I die without " Her woman's heart told her what he would iave said. Her bosom heaved with tympany, and tier eyes ran over. Then she remembered what her father had taid; she thought how uncle's life might have >een saved. In an instant quicker than thought ?he tore open.the officer's coat, and the gene, rous girl recalled him to life with ber lips. "L A ..I C~.t Amidst this huiy operation, ine ?<>uuu ?/ steps ?'k? heard, and the blushing heroine fled lo the other end of the hoal. Judge of her father's surprise, as he came up with two ?oldiers, when he saw Lieutenant S??, whom lie expected to find dead, open his eyes, and a?k h?r hi* deliverer. The boatman looked at his child and saw it ail. The poor girl came to him with her head le'oi down. She was about to excuse herself, when the father, embracing her with enthusi. asm, raised up her spirits, and the officer thank* ed her in these prophetic words: "* * J 1 -1'- - IA UASI " l??u nave sutvea my me; n After this she tended him, and became his nurse, nothing would he take hut from her hand. No wonder thit wi h such a nurse he at length recovered. Mary was as pretty as she was good. Meanwhile master Cupid, who is very busy in surh cases, gave him another wound, Rnd there was only one way to cure it?so very deep it was. The boatman's daughter became Madame S M L.. A.** MAMi *%/ ! o aimnln I'lPlllAnflnt. nrr is uuwt imm a niui|/iv ImjI a lieutenant general ; and the hoatmnnV daughter in a* elegant and graceful a lady at any you see at court ? London Journal Affkction. ? We sometimes meet with men who seem to think that any indulgence in an affectionate feeling is a weukness. They will return from a journey and greet their families with a distant dignity, and move among iheii children with the cold and lofty splendor of an iceberg, surrounded by its broken fragments There is hardly a more unnatural sight on earth than one of those families without a heart. A father had belter extinguish a boy's eyes, tliar take awny his heart. Who that has expcriencei the joys of friendship, and values sympathy ant affection, would not rather lose all that is haau tiful in nature's scenery, than he robbed of th< hidden treasure of his heart? Cherish, then your heart's best affections. Indulge in the warm and gushing emotions of filial, parenta and fraternal love. 'Chink it not a weakness God is love. Love God, everybody, and even thing that is lovely. Teach your children U love ; to love the rose, the rohbin; to love thei parents; to love their God. Let it be the stud ied object of their domestic culture to give then warm hearts, ardent affections. Bind you whole family together by these strong cords.? You cannot make them too strong. Religioi is love ; love to God, love to man. Interesting Flour Reminiscences. Some experienced, if not aged miller, in th ISuflnlo Commercial, ha* given a few interest ing facts concerning the origin and progress r Suydam, Sage &. Co. He says their'* is the heai iest failure, of a private house which ha* eve occurred in this country, arid that nono rnor relialile has ever existed. He adds : 44 The original business of the concern \va commenced by James Boyd ann rerainana ouj* dam, under (be firm of Boyd & Suydam, (not I Suydam & Boyd) and ihey were (he consignees i of the firet flour (he writer remembers of ever < being sent from Western New.York to the city 1 of Ncw.York. This floor was made at what 1 was called the 'Red Mills,' (now Seneca Fads) < erected by Col Mynderse, and was sent down i hjr water through the Seneca outlet, Uneida < Lake, Wood Creek, and through the locks at I Rome into the Mohawk, and thence down the i river to Schenectady. Boyd dt Suydam used 1 to sell this flour long hetore the last war with j Great Britain. ** Some of the old citixens of Boflhlo will pro- 1 bahly rememl>er an early merchant here by 1 the name of John Scott. He came here in 1 the war of 1812, hut be had served a clerkship ! with Boyd Suydam previous to that period, < and came here under their patronage. "Mr. Boyd was one of the directors in the < old Uuited Stales Bank, when it had a location i in Broadway, just below Wall-street. Mr. Suy. dam was a director in one of the local banks, j The Arm and its successors have stood upright i and unshaken, amid all the financial and com- < mercial revolutions which have agitated Europe 1 as well as this country, the last forty years.? i But distinguished firms, like the old and sturdy i oaks, do sometimes yielded, though they have 1 long withstood the stormy blast of time. Such i is the fate of man and the fortunes of trade, i Hence this little narrative may possess some in- i terust for your commercial readers." < Colors.? In these the ancients certainly far exceeded the moderns. Sir Humphrey Davy made many efforts to analyze the celebrated i Tyran purple of the East; but these efforts were without success. lie declared he could not discover of what it was composed. The Naples yellow, too, though less known, was much used, and the art of making it is now entirely gone. The Tyran purple is the color of many houses of Pompeii, and they look a fresh as if just painted. The colors of Titan are equality as vivid and beautiful as when first laid on by the great artist, while those of Sir Joshua Reynolds already looked chalky and dead. And Sir Joshua himself confessed, after making ft the study of his life, that he had never been able to discover how Raphael and the other great artists had been able to preserve the beauty and brightness of their paintings. But if we marvel at these artists, three centuries back, what shall we say of those paintings found in the tombs of Egypt, more than two thousand years old, and yet kept fresh and bright, though buried for that time beneath the .ground, in the damp, dark caves of the East! The very wife of Solomon is found there, just as she was painted on the eve of departure from her father's home, to share the throne of Judea, and not only the color of her garments was preserved, but the bloom is still on her cheek and lips, and the lustre in her eye is even as it was. Their pafhtings, too, are as far back - ?? ?I as Hlft Uine Ol Jiuseb i a portrait 3U|)|iubi;ii w be that of the Nice, the king who drove the Israelites into the /fed Sea; and even the colors of this are preserved peafectly. A Beautiful Sketch.?The bell tolls!? Again the sad minstrelsy of death strikes out his iron notes in measured tones. Again! the same tide is told. The remorseless enemy of man, is again in our midst The sky is o'ercast and cloudy and the drifting snow eddies in the whistling blast A lone day for a funeral ? cold without, and mother earth fast folding her failed bosom in her chilly shroud. Earth is passing away. Another one has passed beyond ?li.. rivilms of snows and wintrv blasts, into a spring of eternal bliss and unfading bloom.? Passed away in winter! Fit time for the old I to die, falling like nutuinn leaves to the earth, in tbe w inter of life ! But cold for the warmhearted young to pass away. " Room, gentle flowers, my child would pass to Heaven!" said Willis, as he laid the child beneath the green summer's sod. Twasa beautiful thought i for a child to pass through a pathway of flowi ers into heaven, a brighter bud than all to oxpand where graves and winters are nob But it is winter now and a child is nassing to its liti tie home in the cold earth. The snow is fast , falling, and the turf above its rest will soon be I white as its own lips and cheeks, or the shroud , around it But the seasons will move on.? The spring time will come again; and the i sweet ilowers will buret from their wintry sleep . upon die little girl's grave, while in the sum, mer of immortality she shall bloom iu unfading , innocence and beauty. 1 A Tiger Slayer.?The morning after our 1 arrival it was signified to us that there was a large royal tiger in a nullah near the town. This was soon confirmed by die apiiearnnce of ? a native who was preparing to attack it single4 1 rIM?A woo olmef nnf rnlmat nnm. IWlTJUf U. J IIC nuo >, n I plotely made, sinewy and active, having a oaun-. tenunoo remarkable for its expression of calm 1 determination. He was entirely naked above 1 the hips, below which he simply wore coarse r linen trousers reaching half.way dawn the thigh. * He was armed with a ponderous knife, the blade " of wbich was exceedingly wide and thick, with r an edge almost as keen as a razor. On the left " arm he bore a small conical shield, about eigh teen inches in diameter, covered with hide, and ahi<til<>d with brass, having a point of the same metal projecting from the boss. My compan ion and myself walked with this intrepid little e Hindoo to the! lair of the sleeping foe. We were the less apprehensive of any personal dan>1 ger, knowing that the tiger is a very oowardly r. animal and seldom makes an open attack; and r further, that it always prefers attacking a native e to a European. We soon reachod the uullah, and discovered ,s the beautiful beast at the extremity basking In U1U OUUt y* v^#w. V.U..M ? | ? . tiave never seen one larger. The nullah was narrow, bat at the bottom perfectly free from inequalities, so that the area wasmore than usually favorable for the operations of the undaunted tiger-slayer. As soon as we reached the spot, the man boldly leaped into the hollow: at the same time uttering a shrillcry in order arouse the enemy from its slumbers. Upon seeing its resolute aggressor slowly advance, the animal raised itself upon its fore legs with a terrific bowl. As the little Hindoo continued to approach which he did sloly and with his dark eyea keenly fixed upon the face of his formidable foe the tiger rose to its full height, and began to lash its sides furiously with its tail,yet it evidently appeared to be in a state of embarrassment Still the man advanced deliberately but undauntedly, the uneasiness and rage of the excited beast increasing with every step. At length it crouched, evidently with a determination to make its terrific spring. The man suddenly stopped, when the tiger nnnood turned unon its head, and making a hor r w rible noise, between a snarl and a howl, made one step, forward, and sprang towards its vie tim, who instantly bent his body, received the animal's paws upon his shield, dashed the knife into its body, and fell under but almost entirely beyoud the extremities of his wounded enemy. The creature turned upon its back; and the little Hindoo regained his feet in an instant, Btriking the prostrate tiger, with astonishing quickness and precision, a desperate blow upon the throat, which completely severed the windpipe, at the same moment springing, with the rapidity of thought, beyond the reach of the monster's claws. The tiger d ed almost imediately. When assured that it was positively past doing any more mischief?for it had done much in its time?we descended into the nullah. The gash in the animal's body was terrific. The lower region of the heart had been wounded, and the intestiues cut through. By way of a trophy, the victor deliberately skinned the dead enemy, which he soon accomplished, and with great dexterity, and then returned, in the pride of power, with the token of victory upon his shoulder. He obtained from us two *? ?l-i?L L- -a mnaf or three pagouas, which n? cuuuucicu <* Uv? liberal reward for his bravery. [East India Travels. Committed fob Tkial.?We find the following report of the institution of proceedings against the negro thief Chaplin in the Washington Republic of Saturday: "Mr. Chaplin was conveyed to Rockville on Thursday evening. Soon after his arrival there he was taken before Squires Ademson. Spates, and Braddock. Here D. Ra'dcTifleT JTT^e w??y and Asa Chflds. ewp., appeared in his defence; and the Hod. R. J. Bowie andvJrfi. Taok, esq., for the prosecution. The number of persons assembled at the court house was unusually large. "Mr. Bowie remarked that he had tendered his resignation of the office of attomoy for tne commonwealth, hut that it had not been accepted ; and he felt it to be his duty to comply with the call made upon him to attend in the present case. "Mr. Tuck stated that he was not a volunteer, but had been engaged by citizens of Mon? gomery to appear for the prosecution. He declaimed at some length upon the enormity of the offence attempted by the accused. In the midst of his s|>eech he was vehemently applauded. Mr. Bowie rebuked this applause. Mr. Tuck expressed his regret for it 'I he magis. traces commanded silence, and ordered the arrest of any person offending in this wise. The apnlause was, however, subsequently repeated. We mention this as showing the excited feelings of the people. " There was some argumjnt between the counsel relative to the power of magistrates to accept bail for the prisoner's appearance, it be ing contended by the prosecution that a court of record alone was competent "The case was finally adjourned till yosterday morning, when, upon the reassembling of the court, the counsel for the prisoner announced their determination to waive further resistance for the present, and the accused was accordingly committed to prison to await his trial upon the charge of a murderous assault "It may, perhaps, be well to explain, that the. charge is based upon the defence or assault made by himself or the two slaves of Messrs. Toombs and Stephens, whom be was aiding to escape from slavery, some weeks siqo?\ when the officers of police aud others, who had fbl-. lowed him from this city, Ueyoudthe Maryland line, were about to arrest hto* and hfe party." One thousand of Mr W. L. Chaplin's lady friends in Western New York have had a spfendid silver pitcher made l\y Jones, Bell Ac Poor, of Boston, to be presented to Mr. C. "in prison,M No more than tea cents was aHowed to, he given by any one subscriber, and tlw pitcher cost $100.?iY, Y Sailoa anb Highwayman.?One of the Dover stages, on its way to London, was stopped by a single highwayman, who, being informed by the ooaehman that there was bo inside passengers, and onty one da the basket, and he a sailor, the robber instantly proceeded to exercise his functions upon the honest tar; when waking him out of his sleep, Jack demanded to know what he wanted; to which the robber replied??. "Your money,'4 "You shan't have have it," says Jack. "No y* replied the robber, "then I'll blow your brains out," "Blastyour eyes, blow away!" says Jack* '*1 may as well be without brains a? without mo* nov ririvft on ooapJipp " Within the last ten yean, 140,000 Mormon* have emigrated frem the Gre^t |)rtta|n Iq (he United Stat ft*.