' ^ ; LIVER COMPLAINT, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Chronic or Hfervo-13 Debility, Diseases of the Kidneys* A NO ALL ari'-iny r, !ic J.ivvr .1,- St:-a?ar!>. -nH? a* i iiiv.tfii Piles, tuil.t - o" !/'" j t.'1 >iu'Head, _ ...i.-,.. _r. c- ...? i. \ a .tuna - Heartburn. disgust for Fo d. fulltie>? or weight in the Stomach, sour eructations. Mnkint; or fluttering at the Pit of t!ie Stomach, swimming of the Head, hurried and difficult Breathing, fluttering at the Heart, clinking or suflboaiing aenoatione when hi a Lying Posture, dimness of vision, dots or webs before the Sight, Fever "and dull pain in the head, deficiency of Perspiration, yellowness of ihe skin and eyes, pain in the side, back chest and limbs, sudden flushes of tlie Heart, burning in he flesh, imagining of evil and great depression of spirits, CAN BE EFFECTUADLY CURED BV DR HOOFLAND'S CELEBRATED GERMAN BITTERS, PREPARED BF DR. . IV. J ACKSOY, \T THE GERMAN MEDICINE STORE, 120 Arcli Street, Philadelphia. Their power over the afwve diseases is not excelled, if quailed, by any other preparation in the United States, as the cures attest, in many cases after skilful physicians had failed. These Hitters are worthy the attention of invalids. Possessing great" virtues in the rectification of diseases of the ' ='0?l I'lands. exercising the inoft searching I powers,iu weakness and affections of the digestive organs, they art, withal, safe, certain and pleasant READ AND BK CONVINCED. Chas. Robinson, Esq , Eaxton, Md., in a letter to IT. Jackson, Jan. 9, 1850, said? " My wife and myself have received more benefit from Ionr medicine than any other we have ever taken for the lyspepsia and Liver disease." " The Tenth l-egion," published at Woodstock, Va., Jan. 10, 1850, said? "A GXEAT MEDICINE u "We have uniformly refrained from recommending to the public any of the various Patent Medicines of the day, unl"?* thoroughly convinced of their value. Among those we consider worthy of notice is the German Bitters, invented by Dr^Ioofland, and prepared by Dr. Jackson, in Philadelphia. One instance in particular, in which the superior virtues of this medicine have been tested, has fallen under onr observation. During the last summer, a son of Mr. Abraham Brabill, of this country, was very seriously afflicted with Liver Complaint, and after trying in vain various remedies, he purchased a bottlrofthe Bitters and after rising it, was so much relieved of his distressing malady that he procured another bottle, and is restored entirely to health. READ FURTHER A FEW FACTS. The "Philadelphia Democrat," the leading German jou 7 ! nal of Philadelphia. The editor said, Nov 24th? "We again call attention to the removal of the German I Meoieine store, the principal depot for the sale of Dr H-ofM laud's German Biltere, from 278 Race to 120 Arch street. oue do in calling ibo a: -or reader.- to the present proprietor's (Dr. t' i j i:. I>,?t in recom tie..diugthearil' UK KVtOKMtP. T!< 1" ' ' iTtiruji < '. i. ; the best family ..oith'-iied iii the Unitr.l ^titt.--. i he editor says of l>K. IIOMFI, Wit's UKitMAN BITTED. 4lt is seldom that we recoininend what are termed Patent Medicines ;o the confidence and patronage - tour readers. and therefore, when we recommend Dr. Iloofland's German Bitters, we wish it to he distinctly understood that we are not speaking of the nostrums of the day, that are I noised about for a brief period and then forgotten after they have done theirguilty race of mischief, hut of a medicine long eltaclished. universally prized, and which has met the neartv approval of the Faculty itself." Evidence upon evidence has been received (like the foregoing) from all sections ol the Union, the last three years, and the strongest tesiimony in its favor, is, that there is more of it usep in the practice of the regular Physicians of Philadelphia than all other rostrums combined, a fact that can ea*ilv be established, and fully proving that a scientific preparation will meet with their quiet approval ! when presented even in this form. That this medicine will cure liver complaint and dyspep- J sta, no one rati donbi, after using it as directed. It acts i specifically upon tbe sioraach ana liver?it is preferable to j calomel in all bilious diseases?ihe effect is immediate.? | They can he adruimstereo to lemaie or truant wim smeiy j and reliable benefit, at any time BRWARK OF C'H'NTKRFRITK This medicine has attained that high character which tt necessary for all medicine* to attain to induce counter feitere to put forth aspuriousarticle at the risk of the lives of those who are innocently deceived. LOOK WBLL T-? THB MARKS OF TIIE GBM'INK. They have the written (denature of C, M. JACKSON upon the wrapper, and the name blown in the bottle, without which they ore spurious. For sale, wholesale and retail, at the GKRMAN MEDICINE "TORE, No. 120 Arch street, one door below Sixth, (late of 278 Race street,) Philadelphia, nod by respectable dealers generally throughout the country. For sale in Camden, by James R. M'Kain?Columbia by Boatwrigbt & Miot?Chester C. H. by Reedy i J, . r: "i >0:1 fir. ji-o i;? i i, J;r It . \ an prints r ? ! T -.? K. oiiim .it,.,' f:..rr' i . o *. ? ' r (> .1 .H e a v-ct?p criptjbnyt; I.::e'..mas,drc., % M.,,*. .. ! , | i ' ,< ' .% id; is ami tla'st'ii'ps Quill*, linen i.t.'S; P-jiiriy Limns, Diapers, . . ir,j" assortment ol jjood9 suitable for u s w r?ar. Tiie whole of which will be dis -ft! hi on ibeiiiost reasonable terms, for cash or o punctual customers. A. M. & R. KENNEDY. April 2 2Q tf Upward of Ten Thousand Cures, Consumption can be Cured!: DR. ROGERS' COMPOUND SYRUP OF LIVERWORT AN TAR, For the cure of Consumption and ail Diseases oi ilie 1jlilies nuu ureusi. FROM DR. Ill RAM COX. Lute Professor in Cincinnati Eclectic Medical College ' Mr. A. L. Scovill; However reluctant I have been to permit my name to be attached to patent medicine, I consider it a dutr to the community to 8tote that in three cases of incipient consumption, viz : Miss Bell, .Miss Barger, and Mr. R II. Cox, one of our City ouncil, that Dr. Ropers' Liverwort and Tar operated more like a specific than like any other remedy, that I ever used. One ol the cases, viz: Miss Bell, pronounced by several Physicians to be laboring under the last stage ot Scrofulous Consumption. She is now in good health, froiu the use of a few bottles ot the above syrup. HIRAM COX, M. L>. Cincinnati. Jan. 25, 1847. . FROM THE HON. JUDGE HENRY MORSE. Mr. A. Senvill: I am well acquainted with Dr. fliram Cox and his practice, he '?aving been my physician for many years, and can cheerfully say that 1 have as much confidence in his skill as any man living. HENRI MORSE. Pinr innati. Nov. 8th. 1847. Despair not though your Physicians and Friends give you up to die!!! Your condition cannot be more helpless than thai of Mrs. Rowe. This is to certify that J was taken with a pain in my side and breast, attended with a distressing cough, and tor the space of one year grew rapidly worse. Although I had in attendance three phvsicians. one of whom was considered very skillful, all of their efforts pioved alike unavailing. .At last one of the physicians came in, and decided that I could not live more than one day longer! All of my friends believed that a few days at most would end my earthly career. My brother at this crisis, hearing of the astonish* ing cures made by l)r. Rodgers* Liverwort and Tar, went to Cliillicoihe, distant, thirty miles, to procure the above medicine; and, strange to tell, before I bad used hail a bottle my cougii was entirely cured, and when I had used two bottles 1 was able toatteud to my family vocations as usual. 11 i nniciT ontvp n winicii nun u. Mr. Merriweather writes as Follows: Mr. A. L. Kcoviil, Dear Sir?Dr. Rogera' Liver I wort and Tar came safe to hand. 1 have sold a number of bottles. I haa met with great success. A young man of this place, supposed to have the consumption, has been entirely cored. U MERRIWEATHER. I>eimiHrk, Tenn^ June 80, 1348. jarTuf following certificate from one of the most distin. guis!ter it. The remarkable cures that it i.ns nuuln iirre. has mode a great demand for iL VouM. ^cV. ' It- w: H1TT1NGTON, Drugget. tET-Beware of Counterfeit* ami base Imitations. Jco N.B.?'1'iie genuine articles is signed, "Andrew Rogers," on the engraved wrapper around each bottle. {CPTnoe?$1 per bottle, or six Bottles for $5. Sold wholesale and retail by SCOVIL if MEAD, 13 Clmrtes ?t, New Orleans. Sole General Agents for the Southern .Mates. Sold by J. R. McKain, Camden ; A. bitch, Columbia ; HavilanJ, ilarrnll & Co., and P. M. Cokes, Charleston ! Mannsel Hall, Winnsboro. 0*Ca'!l on the Agent for a pamphlet, and see the above certificates in lull, and a vast number ol others. March 26, 24 wGin A RESCUE TO THE AFFLICTED. THE CELEBRATED A certain remedy, for all fued Dams m the iMde. T! ?t Loins, Bark, Bowels, Mu??:les, Rheumatism in all it* varied forms. Nervous A flections, Luiir anil Liver Complaints. Spinal Affections. Female Weaknesses, etc. etc For the above complaints this plaster has no equal ? The great celebrity which it has already acquired, not ? ?ty in the old, but in the new world?the extraordinary cures it has performed in the most extreme cases of suffering, have acquired for ? such a reputation, that the t>r'~ prielorhas not?until recently?been able to supply ital'. medrht&nd. The sales throughout every city, town and village in the t'nited States, are without a parallel! ? : inKim rKo voii tininilii! i,t I A CjrrillTlHttlHIi; Il"? nui|/|iPiiii^t fVMVH ?I?V human km Airing relieved by its use is considered. In spinal defects, the benefit usually is of the i.o-t decided character. In Nervous Complaints, nineteen case* out of twenty readily yield to the penetrating stiinulu combined ill this voluaole preparation. In Hbeuinstism, either acute or chronic, tlie claim* of the Hebrew Plaster have long since been universally acknowledged. Those who are laboring under weak back*, no matter from what cause the weakness tnay have originated?even if such persons hate been misguided in previous applications?in the use ?f the Hebrew Plaster they will And the affected part suddenly restored to its origisoundness. As a supporter in cases of constitutional wealtne* It will be found of great advantage. It is |>nr uddc weaknuM np 0?iiHrnl Hi'hilitv. In short, il omh-'Hces all the vir lues which the mo*! scientific mind wn.s capable of compounding from valuable. substances foiuid in the old world and will be found entirely free from those objections which are a source of complaint with the numerous spreadplasters now before the public. Where thit Fluster is applied, pain cannot exist. These Plasters possess the advantnge of being put up in air-tight boxes, hence they retain their full virtues in nil climates. We have just received the following testimonial from C- C Sellers, an eminent lawyer in successful practice in Wilcox county, Alabama. He is a gentleman in high standing, ami one whose influence has greal weight; Camden, Ala., Nov. 21, lSlrf. Messrs. Scovil if Mend t Gentlemen?Having been reouested to slate what lias been the. result of mv experience by the tusc of your Hebrew Plaster, I cheerfully comply, by bsaying that I have found it to Ire as heretofore recommended, ai; invaluable medicine. In different cases of my family I have applied the Piaster to chronic no res, tumors, and pains, and it lias never failed to afford instant relief. 1 have also useJ it with good effect unon ray own person, in tne cure of niters, with which I nave been severely afflict"'!. R- spect'ully, etc. C. C. SELLERS. ' 'futx and Base Imitations. < : " ' libera are the only General ' v en fur the sale of this truly : ' to prevent purchasers being i r.eii article, sold in this city and eh ho! : r i' .iu: ie. they invito particular attention to ilc following marks of the genuine : 1. Tin? genuine is put up in smooth, engine-turned bottomed boxes, not soldered in. 2. The gennine has the engraved head of Jew David i on the directions around the box, -ith accompanying Record of Court, to E- Taylor, Rochester. 8COVIL R. KEEPER'S CORDIAL AID CARMINATIVE. For the speedy and permanent cure of Diarrhoea, Dysentery. Cholera, Infantum, Cholera Morbus, Cliolic, Summer Complaints, Flatulency Fains in the Stomach, .*e organsMore than five thousand cases of disease were cured by it during the past year. All families consulting: the welfare of their children a la-elves, will act wisely to have this article by them. all cases of failure the money will cheerfully returned,arid to ill those who are unable to purchuse.it will be cheerfully bestowed. THAT IT WILL, AND HAS CURED,THE WORST FORMS OF DISEASE OF THE STOMACH AND BOWELS READ THE FOLLOWING EVIDENCES: From the Spirit of the Times. Dr. Keeler's Cordial and Carminative, is certainly a i'alii..hl.. .luttiHaratiim in everv familv In the. VOUnir and to adult, but uartioularly wheree there are children. We speak adviseuly, because we have thoroughly tried it, and proved iu healing and efficacious properties in our family. We would most cordially recommend the public to give it a fair trial, which is only wanting to appreciate its value From the North American and United States Gazette, Sept. 4ih 1347. In these days, abounding in fruit, it behoves every one to be prepared with a remedy for the evil stlects which it sometimes produces?we have been told by those that knew and who have tried it?that Keeler's Cordial is an a/tide which has been used in some of the severest cases ot Summer Complaint, both in infants and grown persons. The Cordial can be procured at the corner of Third and South Streets. From NeaJ's Saturday Gazette-August 2Slh 1347. Dr. Keeler's Cordial.?We would call the attention of our readers to this invaluable medicine, which will be found advertised at length iu our columns. As a corrective in case* of Diarrhoea, a disease very prevalent at the present time, tt Is highly spoken of by all who nave used il? It is perfectly sale in its nature, and we speak experimentally, when we say that it affords immediate relief. From the Pennsylvania Inquirer, Sep. 1st. 1847. Dr. Keeler's Cordial arid Carminative This article is advertised in another part or our paper, it is warmly recommended by families who have tied it. It is especially niuiinir r?liililivn Ami linu hiiriHrpHu nf'rurvM The doctor is abundantly mipplied with teHiiinony upon the subject some of which iM very strong. The Cordial is not a quark nostrum, but a carefully prepared medicine, and perfectly free froin any thing injurious. From the Daily Pennsylvanian, 'Sept. 16th 1817. We are constrained to ray that the "t arminative",of Dr. Heeler's now extensively used in thin City, is rapidiy making its way to public lavor. Its iugrrdients are of course unknown, but it is mild in its operation, pleasant to the taste, and a remedy quite as good as any now u?ed for the some complaints. Fmra the Daily News, July 15th, 1850. Summer Complaint. ?The season when this complaint exists is now here. If persons having it in their families would only purcliase abottle of Dr. Heeler's Carminative Cordial, they would have much ex|ieiiHe and trouble. e peak uf the v irtues oi this medicine knowingly From the Spirit o! the Times, Kutztown, July 18, 1843. We wish to direct the attention of the reader* of this paper to Dr. Heeler's cordial and Carminative, advernised in another column. It is a medicine highly esteemed by ever) jone that has used it im Diarrhoea. Dysentery, Cholera infantum, ect, which at this season is so frequent. It is a perfect innocent medicine and gives immediate relief. 1'repared and uold 284 Market street Philadelphia? wnere may also be had l>r. Heeler's Cough Syrup, Vermifuge Syrup, Rheumatic Lotion, Liver and Sanative Pills, .Medicine* of utiawpaased efficacy. Also Dr. Heeler's SAHNAPAKILLA,* celebrated remedy in all Scrofula and Constitutional Disorders. It is, without doubt, (lie cheafiest and best remedy for Chronic Disease of ihe Chest btriuach, Liver, and skin known?and admirably adapted fur ail derangements arriving from Impurities of the blood. reiuales sunertng irom me oi a p peine, nfnuu* i/ehility,Irregularities, Pains, Pimple*. Blotch*. Sallow Complexion. Costiveueaw, etc., Will find the Sarsaparilla decidedly the best remedy in use for their removal. No one should Iks without Dr. Heeler's Famtnilv Medicine*, so beneficial in many disease*. Pricn 81 per OottK?6 bottles for kjFornftle by Z. J. DeHAY, Camden C..and by Druggist* and Store* throughout tlie country. Price ?5 cents per bottle?see circulars &c., in liauds of the agents. July 9, ld60. Philadelphia Made Calf uttd final VV Shoes Kid l ies titc.i S!:j?iiers.jn.i received by W ASDKilSON & CO. .ATOORE & BEECHEli TT71LL promptly attenito all business commitYV ted to them" as Receiving and Forwarding Merchant*. They respectfully solicit that patronage which they promise to merit. In Equity-Lancaster District. .Nil* . J). M? Car,5-*:l el Hi., vs l;ur.o> K. Ih'iioh,.,.* ;ii.?il li r.T partition i>: tin* Krai Ks;a,e "I I-.JIII.'J- I''lUg'-aes. II' *|J}jCariii? '? ; r.'i-f.ii't on that Tii'tinas A Met 'ardesi, li >?< ' .i A I.en, Defendants in the above case, reside without the limits <>t this State. It is ordered 011 iiiotn 11 of VV. A. Moore Soi'r lor complainants, that tlie said defendants do app ar and plead, answer or demur to the bill in above case on or before the 31st day of Augist 1650, otherwise judgement pro cunh'880, will be ordered against each and all of them. J. H. WITHERS P( )ON, c. e.l.d. Cotn'rs Office, May, 8lh 1850.40 15w In Equity?Lancaster District. J R. Humor vs. Allen Blair eial.?Petition to account and apply funds. IT appearing tn my satisfaction that Allen C. Blair, a defendant in the above case resides without the limits of this State: It is ordered, on motion of Clinton that he do answer, plead or demur to t' e petition in above case 011 or before the 7ih day of October. Itf50, otherwise judgment pro confesso will b- ord? red against mm. JAMES H WIT 11ERSPOON, Couiui'r. Eq. L. D. . r\a-^ T..l? 1 IttAtl f.?st71 uoinin rs vjuice, juij ?, j In Equity?Lancaster District. J. A. Hasseltine, Adin'r. and Amelia Villine.s, Adm'x. vs. William McCorkle and Elizabeth, hie wife.?Petition lo revive and apply funds, and so forth. IT appearing to my satisfaction, that M illiam Mr Corkle and wife Elizabeth reside without the limits of this State: It is ordered, on motion of Ulinlon & Hanna, sol's, for petitioners, that the paid defendants do plead, answer or demur to the petition in this case on or before the 7th day of October, 1850, otherwise judgment pro confessc will be ordered .gainst them. JAMES H. WITHERSPOON, Comra'r Eq. L. ft Comm'rs. Office, July 1,1850. - [$7] FOR PURIFYING THE BLOOD, AND FOR THE CURE OF For the, Removal and Permanent Core of all Diseases arising from an fmpnre state of the Blood or habit ot the System, viz j Scrofula or King's Evil, Rheumatism, Obstinate Cutane ous Eruptions, Chronic Sore Eyes, King Wormor'l etter Scald Head, Enlargement ami l'aiu of the Bones and Joint*,Stubborn Ulcer*, Syphilitic Symptom*. Sciatica or Lumbago ; and Diseases arising from an Injudicious use of Mercury, Acidities or Dropsy, Exposure or Irnpruin I if** oluil ( ( Jin vt ifllt i irmi t ]iRj?rH*T>j This medicine has acquired a very extended and established reputatiou wherever it has been u-ed, based entirely on its own merits, which its superior efficacy has alone sustained. The unfortunate victim of hereditary disease, mith swollen glands contracted sinews, and bones halt carious, hat been restored to health and vigor. The scrolulous patient, covered with ulcers, I athsome tc himself and his attendants, has been made whole Hundreds of persons, who had groaned hopelessly lor years under cutaneous a id glandular disorders chronic rheumatism, ami u any other complaints springing from a derangement of the secretive organs and the circulation, have been raised as it were from the rack of disease, and now. with regenerated constitutions, gladly testily to the efficacy of 'his inestimable preparation "TRUTH IS STRNGKR THAN FICTION-" The attention of the reader is called to the following as toiiibhing core, effected by the use of bands' Sarsaparilla This is to certify that! have a colored womat wi o has been afflietedjor lite last live years will; -Scrofula, anu all the remedies I used had uoetlecl in arresting the progtess ot the complaint; on the contrary, she constantly grew worse ; and after expending between $70 and $10 with physicians, busides using oilier popular remedies without sue cess, till the disease had eaten away the cartilage of her nose, made Us ravages in the roof of hei mouth. In this drcadlul situation, with the prospect ol death staring her i:i the lace, 1 slated her case tc Dr. Disusway, the agent for bands' Sarsapariila in -Newborn, N.? by whom 1 was advised to use 'hat artic e : and to my surprise and to thai of my neighbors, she was restored to perfect health, and that in the space ol three weeks and was able tc w< rk in two weeks Irom the inue she comiueoced taking it. In witness of the truth of this statement, I have hereunto affixed my name, this 9:h Sept., It;47. JOSEPH McCOTlER, J. P. Mouth of Neuse River, Craven Co. N- C. SURE THROAT. The following is an extract Iron) a letter received from Mrs. Bevan, who had been afflicted several years with Scrofulous Ulcers, Dyspepsia, &c., and recently an affection of the throat and chest.? Baileysbubo, Va., Dec. IB, 1045. Messrs. A. B &. I). Sands : Belore 1 commen| ced using your Sarsaparilla, my sufferings were almost past expression ; my throat was completely ulcerated, 1 had a dreacllul cough, and there were irequenily weeks together that!could nut speai above a whisper ; and besides, Uie intJamution irom my throat extended to my head, so that my hearing was very much unpaired. Alter taking the .Sarsaparilla a short time, my healtu improved, and my throat is now well; I am as fr e irom cough and tightness of the chest as ever 1 was, and can near quite distinctly. My throat has been well about three months, the cure ot wh ch was effected entirely by the use ot your Sarsaparilla. Your Iriend, LOUISA R. it K VAN* The following testimonial to the value of .the Sarsaparilla, is from the Rev. Luther Wright, aged 76 years, Congregational Minister, residing at VVoburn. WoBtJKN, Mass., March 30th, 1846. Messrs. Sands : Gentlemen?From what 1 have experienced, and from the information 1 have re~>">i""l i rrtm u n 11 in I,,- r ui oersons ot hum "c""/ l5",'? r y respectability who have used your Sarsapaiitia, i have not the lea.-t doubt but tuat it is a must valuable medicine, and that the numerous certificate* you have received of its efficacy are tuliy sustained by eqperience, and although its reputation and utility are very extensive, and stand in no need of my humble efforts to increase them, I want all who a>e affhciei' by disease to become acquainted with the efficacy and power of your valuable medicine. 1 am, gentlemen, gratefully and very respectfully yours, LUTHER WRIliHT. Prepared and sold, who esale ana retail, by A. 11. & J). SANDS, Druggists and Chemists, 100 #%??!? ^ -I. O . .1 I' U'.mi- r, corner or >vuiiain, :>cw iutk. ouiu alsu Dy Druggists generally throughout tlie United States and Canada*. Price %fl per bottle six bottles lor $5. Sold at James R. McKain's, Camden, by Dr. A. Mblloy, Cneraw, A Fitch, Columbia,and Haviland, Harral cf- Co. Charleston. March 26. 24?\v3in Jew David's or Hebrew Piaster, THE most successful Pain Extractor of the present day; Leidy's Sarsaparilla Pills; Jayne's Ague Pills; Brandreth's, Peters, Spencer's Moffat's, Gordon's, Keeler's, Robert's, Lee's and Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills; clove anodyne Tooth Ache Drops; EgyptianjChampoojPastiles de Paris; English Tooth Brushes; Hair Brushes; Buffalo, Horn and Ivory Combs; Perfumery; Gilt Toilet Bottles; China Inkstands, Paper, Pens, Envelopes, Sealing Wax, Wafers, Mottos, &c., &c., may always be had at July 2. Z. J. DeHAY'S. Family Medicines. T^nSTAR'S Balsam; Townsend's SarsaparilV la; Cherry Pectoral; Rowand's Tonic. Mixture: Roche's Embrocation, for hooping cough; I Vnninff'u S,rea na rilln and Oilmen's Deliifhtt Dr. ? ,- ? -. Allen's Compound, for the core ot Dyspepsia, &c.; together with every article in the line, may be had at Z. J. DeHAY'S. The subscriber has just finished otf a lot of Mahogany Rocking Chairs in plush. Also Sewing Chairs in plush and hair; very neat articles and at unusually low prices. C. L. CHATTEN. Chimney Screens, OF beautiful patterns, with borders to 6uit.? For sale by A. YOUNG. JUST received Southern Corn Shellers, Patent Cutting Knives, and Wheat Cradles, by June 18 E. W\ BONNET. For Uk Removal and Permanent' Core of all NERVOUS DISEASES, And of tbo*e Complaint* which are cauaed by aa iapai**^ weakened or unhealthy condition of the NERVOUS SYSTEM. Thia beaatiful and convenient application of the mytterfcma power* of GALVANISM and MAGNKTISM, ha* bean pr? | rounced by diitinguiibed phyaician*, both in Ktirnpe and tM United State*, to be the moil valuable medicltUl ilYcaaeru at Dr. CHRISTIE'S GALVANIC BELT and v>M AGNETIC FLUID, ' k osad with the moet perfect and certain aucceea in ?ll caiea of GENERAL DEBILITY, Strengtnening the weakened body, giving tone to tha variety onrani, and invigorating the entire ?y*tejn.__Al*o in KlTt, | CRAMP, PARALYSIS and PALSY, insrersiA or inuf QESTION, RHKUMATI8M, ACUTE and CHRONIC, OOUT, i EPILEPSY, LUMBAGO, DEAFNESS, NERVOUS TREMORS, PALPITATION OF THE HEART, APOPLEXT, NEURALGIA, PAINS in th? 8IDE and CHEST, LIVER ! COMPLAINT, SPINAL COMPLAINT, and CURVATUtt , of the SPINE, HIP COMPLAINT, DISEASES of the KIDNEYS, DEFICIENCY OF NERVOUS and PHYSICAL Kit ' ERGY, and all NERVOUS DISEASES, which complain* affca from dim aimpla cauae?namely, A Derangement of tha Nervous Oyst?. 0(7- In NERVOUS COMPLAINT8, Drug* and Madieiaaa r inarait the Untie, lor they weaken tha vital energtea of tha already proetrated ayatea; while nnder tha itrengthening, > life-giving. vitalixing infloenca of Galraniam, aa applied by I thii beautiful and wonderful diecovery, the exhausted pattaat and weakened sufferer ia raetored to former health, strength, alaaticity and vigor t Tha great peculiarity and excellence of Dr. Christie's Galvanic Curatives, conaixta, in tha fact that ther arreat and core dieaaae by aef ward tpvlieatian, in place or the uaual mode of dragging and physicking tha patient, till ashaoatad Nature ainki ropalaaaly 1 under tha inflictioa. 7>ey ilrtntlhen ike whole tytlem, equalize Ike wtalaSaa of Ike Hood, fromote Ike eeerelione, and newer do Ike tlifklool tgaiy render any eireumelaneee. Since their introduetioo is the United States, only three yean eince. mora than - 60,000 Persons > including all agea, claaaea and eooditiooa, among which wan a large number of ladies, who are peculiarly eubjeet to Mitt ' oua Complaints, have been BNTIRBLT AND PERMANENTLY CURED, when all hope of relief had been given up, and every thing elee been tried in vain I To illuatrate the ute of the GALVANIC BELT, tappets the raie of a perxon afflicted with that bene of dvflisHia% nvQPL'psii ?r *nv nther rhmnic or Narvona Diaorder. Is ordinary cw***. *t|mi>1*n*? ?r? taken whirV hf tbair MltliM M the nenree and KOi clef of the stomach, afford myww raM [ bat which leave tha patient in a lower ?tata, and with injured faculties, altar the action thu* excited baa ceased. Now compara thii with the effect resulting from tha appikatiaa of ft# i GALVANIC BfcXT. Take a Dyspeptic sufferer, even ia tha wow eymptowse of an attack, and simply tie the Boll aoewad the body, uung the Mafnetic Fluid u directed. Ia ikort period the ineeneible perspiration will act on the positive element of the Belt thereby causing a Galvanic circulation which will paaa on to the negative, and thence back again to i the positive, thai keeping up a continooua Galvanic circulation throughout the ayatan. Thua the meet fever* eanfdf DVfiPKrsiA are PERMANENTLY CURED. A FEW DAYS 18 OFTEN AMPLY SUFFICIENT TO ERADICATE THE , DISEASE OF YEARS. CERTIFICATES AND TESTIMONIALS Off tfco aieat lladoabted Charactw, From all part* of tha Country could ba given, auflciwt te IB vary column in thia paper! AN EXTRAORDINARY CASE, which concluiively prove* that " Truth Is stranger than Fiction." CVBl OF RHEUMATISM, BRONCHITIS AND DYSPEPSIA. Rev. Dr. Landla, a Clergyman of New Jersey, if distinguished attainment* and enslted reputation Swkcv, New Jeraey, July 13,1848. Da. A. H. Chbii tr?Dear Sir: You wish to know of we what has been the. wult in my own ease, of the application ol THE GALVANIC BELT AND NECKLACE. My reply mm follow*: For about tmrnty y The articles are accompanied by IhU end plain direction* Pamphlets with full particular! may be had of the authorised Agent PARTICULAR CAUTION. t(P> Beyeore of Counterfeit* and WerthUee tmi'c'ione. D. C. MOREHBAD, M. D., GENERAL AGENT rni THf UBH W WTATM, 139 BrowAwijr, *?w Twk. For sale in Camden by the amothized Agent JAMES R. MCKAIN. In Charleston by Dr. P. M. COHEN. In Col nbia by BOATRIGHT 4c MIOT. Mill Gudgeons, Ac. Mill Gudgeons, 10$ to 30 inch Mill CranKs, assorted sizes North Carolina, English and Norther Hollow Ware, assorted, from $ to 55 gallons Patent Iron Axle* 1 to 8$ inch. Mill Irons of any kind furnished to order. McDO WALL & COOPER. July 8 34 U