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?ir ?l)c Cftmfteti Journal. VOLUME il. CAMDEN, SOUTH-CAROLINA, SEPTEMBER 6,1&50. NUMBER71. THE CAMDEN JOURNAL. * i ? : PUBLISHED BV THO. J. WARREN & C. A. PRICE, EDITORS AND PROPRIETORS. THE SEMT-WEEKLY JOURNAL Is published at Three Dollars arid Fifty Cent*, if paid in advance, or Four Dollars jf payment is delayed for three ; months. THE WEEKLY JOURNAL Is published at Two Dellnra and Fifty Cents, if paid in '? advance, or Three Dollars if payment is delayed for three month*. j Any person procuring five responsible subscribers shall ; lie entitled to the sixth copy (of the edition subscribed for) tenuis for one year. -ADVERTISEMENTS will be inserted at the following : For one square (14 lines or less) in the semi-weekly, "one. dollar for the first, and twenty-five cents for each J ' subsequent insertion. H the weekly, seventy-five cents per square for the first, wnd thirty-seven and a half cents for each subsequent in-sertion. Single insertions one dollar per square. j , "I1?e number of insertions desired, and the edition to be published in, must be noted on the margin of all advertisements. or they will be inserted semi-weekly until ordered to be discontinued. ami charged accordingly. ^Semi-monthly, monthly and quarterly advertisements charged the same as for a single insertion. liberal discount* allowed to .those who advertise for three, six, or twelve montli*. tKT-AO communications by mail must be post-paid to secure attention. ' '? ' . " ' - a r._ T . I'M touowing geniiemen are Agonm iur uic ^uuuui. W*. C. Caston, General Agent. "Col T. W. Horr, Jacksonluun, Lancaster Dint. S. H. Rosskr. Eaq.(- Laxicasiervillr, 8. C. G. McCrummkk, Cartilage, N. C. W: C. Moork, fc*q., Camden, S. C. And Postmaster* are requeued to act as our Agent*. Poetical Department. Home is where the Heart is. Tie Home where'er the Heart U, Where'er the love.l ones dwell, In cities or in cottages, Thronged haunts or mossy dell; The heart's a rover ever, And thus on wave and wild, The maiden with ber lover walks, The mother with her child. Tis bright where'er the heart is; Its iairy spell can bring Fresh fountains to the wilderness, And to the desert?spring. Tliere are green isles in th? ocean, O'er winch affpctioi: glides; And a heaven ??n p.ach sunny shore, When Love's the star that guides. '< - Tis free wheree'r the heart is; . - - * - No chains nor dungeons ditn, May check the mind's aspilings The spirit's pealing hymn! The heart gives life its beauty, * It? glory aqd its power,? "Pf= unntiiW fn it? rinutinf utrpam. _ And sot4qw, to ils flower. A HONEY MOON SCENE. A correspondent thus describes a scene llmt took place ai'Saratoga, n short ?in?e since, between a newly married couple, who were there spending the honey moon; A bridaf party came down a few days since. ! nevpf-saw a more hnneyniooni?h set in my life. Xhe Wide and groom looked, walked, talked, and acted love to the life. A more de vote*I couple you never beheld. I'hey were silting in the parlor one morning, when I acci. dentally o^rhenrdihe husband say with a melting tenderness id voice and manner? M Rid you speak deffrest ?" u No, pet, I did not--! *vas thinking,* replied the bride looking as angelic as possible. >. r?rnilinl wufo i'n? ihinlrlnir in\* l??Vn !" vi ?M?? J?\r " >? "v 411 hardly .ilara tell you, pet." 44 What,.. loveHe?rof your wx? distrust your adorer so won 7" 44 Pardon, a thousand*pardons, dear Edgar, if I have aeemed td wrong so noble a being." 44 Spoken like yonr own true self?like my fond and dearly loved wife." 44 Oh, Edgar, Edgar, vou aro a flattereryon are, t know you are." 44 No, no?yotT wrong me?indeed you do? r u ...... ,t... ?i?i.t, ..! :.i_i ?p?.? A C1NIIU uui lianoi JUU| 4uc viicinucu iuwi ui iiij soul." " Oh, you naughty man 1 You know how dear ynU'itfa ' " "* r * * You will tejl me, then good angel, that you re?you will tell mo 7" MTwHI-^hur first give me assurance that you will iint frown on vour too fond Rrhcrm. A frown, Edgar?nay, even a reproving look from your *wwet eyes, wouId break my now too hap py heart. Say, then, you 'will not fiown." ** Foolish child! Do the starR frown when the poet looks Up to them for inspiration !? Doe* the fond mother trown when her firstborn looks up to her eyes as he 'nestles still closer to her bosom? Does love/fond, true, pure love, frown V* 4i O say no more, dear Edgar. I feel, I know you arfe the best, the kindest, the ino^t devoted of men !'*."c "Tell me, then, love, of what were you think. ??ft 7" " Of you only?only of you, Edgar, on my .truth." " And what of me, my own Rebecca 7" " Alas! what shall I say f How shall I ox tricale myself from this perilous dilemma 7' " Speak, loved one, I charge you 7" " D"iir Edgar, you know?' * LA V ? * 1 r?f irwgr* iwwvvo? ??'I'lmJ?-oh, how shall I say it V* " Am I how?go on, dear Rebec? " 'I'fMi if you continue?' ? ?continue?' ? 1 ii pat? " Cabbage!" " Cabbage?' " Cabbage?what then ?" 44 Yau may catch theebolera, (sobbing,) and (sob) I may (lob) be left (sob) a widow (sob) before (sob) tbo season (hysterical sob) is over!' 2 Sclcdci) Sale. THE FKEE HASON'S WIFE, A TALE OF THE .MEXICAN WAR. " by a traveler. The two year's war with Mexico was rife wilh many a thrilling incident, the details of which have never found their way to the reports of commanders, paragraphs of newspapers, nor to the numerous volumes written upon the pro. lifie chapter of the world's history. Ft would take a thousand pens#to record the moiety of the surprising events und romantic circumstances that have transpired in the war. Every ' ? * ? ?A UI.. Attttt f/?lrl Sit kin nu'n i s outer rius ?. Riiny m ma mill, ???'u ...... wav, of his own experience; and each soldier's story is worth the listening lo. In the innnih of August last, I was a passenger on board a steamer ascending the Mississippi. On board were several returned officers who had served on the fields ol Mexico. A voyage of four days in their company gave me ! an opportunity of listening to the rpcital of many a hairbreadth escape and daring deed in the "imminent deadly breach not that the brave actors therein were fond of boasting, but on the contrary, were retiring and dillident touching the discourse of their experience.? Nevertheless having nothing todo to pass away the time, we succeeded, step by step, in drawing them out. One noble locking young corporal, who spoke well, and knew how to describe what he bad seen and taken a part in, particularly itiicre-led its. lie had the rare faculty to bring the bat lie field and the individual comhal directly he. fore his auditor*?and it is a picture of individual |M>wer that most pleases the listener. I have *een a woman face a lire that appalled nor reiriinpni. and made lis keen rover. Ah, how was that ? Who was she? Young ar.d pretty? An American, or a Senorita ?? When was it. and how? was the string of interrogations that assailed the tecum.ter. It was 011 the second day. before Mexico. The particulars were these. In our company was a mere lad of sixteen, a daring young Virsitiiau, the fiivorite for his cheerfulness, courage and youth ; and here let me add, talking of courage under fire, give me a regiment of well grown laiys from fifteen to nineteen. Nothing can withstand their charge. Boys bound and leap over the ground as if they were at play, and dash at anything without thought, like so many blind pups. For a hard fight in the street or for a headlong ru?h give me the boys. They are perfect imps for fight. This boy some weeks before had leaped a fence and climbed a parapet some hundred yards ahead of his company, and was taken orUouer, .1 L. ..... I.":II: \i..,.,1 IIIUU^II IHll w 11 nmn ?\1111(IIIIICC> ami wouniling.the Golonel before lie gave in. Hi>. mother. a widow, (llmti^h u lady, and why not') heard ol it, and a* in* was her only son, yearned for his release. She had no money no infln ential friends. Suddenly she recollected ihai she was a Mason's widow ; hope was lighted up in her liosom !>y the thought, and siie dried her (ears. 6he said, I will lest "he tulismatiic power of the order my husband loved and revered so highly." There was a movement of interest with the listeners. Grave gentlemen grew nearer and gave closet attention, doiiltilens being of the order thorn-elves. The soldier evidently gratifi od t>v Ili?? size and eagerness 01 ms encircling audience, resinned !?i* narrative. She sold some litile articles of value, and with the money she reached Washington city; she readied the Secretary ??f 'he War l)e|iarlineni on foot anddustv. With difficulty she olnained audience wiih the great man ; lor our li g secretaries are as lug lords as KnglKli lords are, only wanting tho title. A poor soldier or a poor woman stand* a poor chance with qnal. ity. "Well, ma'am," said he, crustily, as she cn? tered and lie saw how dusty she looked, hut when she removed her veil, and he saw that she was lady-like, and handsome too, he ha If a rose * - lay ii i_ .1.1 ti a and pointed to a cnatr. ?ven, sne io;u mm 01 her sou's capture, and that she wauled to go to hiin. "I cannot help yon, ma'am. Very expensive! He will be exchanged by and by. Better wait." "You can help mo to a past*port, sir," she said, nothing daunted. "Of course ; thev can't refuse ih if to yon at the Secretary of State's office. You say you are poor. How do you expect to pay the expenses ofa journey to Mexico? it is a visionary scheme. Good morning ma'am." . "Sir, if you could recommend me to the care f.i in i ..r?t... : . ,i._. 01 I lit? ouieur III cuiiiiuumi in mi.- ic^iiiiciii mai sails from Balliinore " "Impossible, tna'am." (To the page in wait, ing.) "VVho did you say waited ? tell him I arn at leisure." "Are you a Mason ?" said the widow to the Secretary, making a sign for the page to delay. "Yes, rna'ain." "I am a Mason's widow. Mv son is a IMa. son's son. I appeal to you, sir, in that cupaci. ty, anil by the honorable order," said the widow firmly. The secretary's manner at once changed to one of courteous interest. "Slay," he said to the page* "Take a seat ma'am." And from that moment, the affairs of the wid. ow took quite a new turn. The Secretary gave hrr a politely written note to the Secretary of Slate, who, in turn, gave her a letter to the commandant at New Orleans. lo furnish her a free passage to Vera Cruz. The lodges at the ingt gitioii of the Secretary, advanced her three hundred dollars, and the widow left Washing, ton on her mission. The stage agent, who was at Pittsburgh, on her showing him a If tier which the Grand .Master furnished her, (but which she could not herself rend, it being writ ten in a mysterious cypher, hut she knew it was potent,) would not receive anything for her passage. The Captain ol the steamboat at Pittsburg had no sooner deciphered it, than he gave his best state-room, and her passage free to New Orleans, so that when she reached there, she had two hundred and ninety dollars of her three hundred left. Here she waited on Gen. in command of the station, who instructed Col. , who had the charge of forwarding the troops to Mexico, to see that she had a free passage given her on the first steamer. By all the officers, she was treated with the greatest politeness and delicacy, for they were all Masons, and lliey felt bound to her by a lie stronger than that which binds brother and sister, and they fell a pleasure in the opportunity afforded them of carrying out into practice the beautiful and systematic theory of their order. Alter a passage of five day9 she reached Vera Cruz. Having a letter to the American Governor, she sent it to him, inclosing the tab ismanic card just spoken of, and which thus far had proven stronger than gold. The Governor immediately called upon her at th2 house of Dramond. and offered her transportation to the city of Mexico by a train that was to start the next morning. The Colonel who commanded the lr;iin limk oharoe of her. Mffiiilerl iter ?Vt?rv facility and comfort oil the journey, providing her with a carriage when the country was lev. el and with mules and palanquins over the mountains. Arrived within ninety miles cfthe city, they were overtaken by a detachment of dragoons escorting a Government oflicial to the city. Anxious to get on faster, she asked |w;rmission tojoin it; and though informed of the danger and iaiigue of a hard ride, night andday on horseback at a steady trot, she was willing to try it, that she might the sooner see her son. Provided with the Heel andgentle-gaited Mexican horse, she took her place with the troops, escorted by the olliccrs, and never flagged with iaiigue till the towers of Mexico were in sight. Brave lady ! But where was her son, and how \viis she Jo jr?rl into Mexico 7 II, as 1 understand you, you had uoi yet tuken the city." ' Ami where was il she stood fire?" asked the gentleman dressed in a Inoad hat. "All in good time, gentleman," responded the narrator. "As 1 .-aid at first, we were fighting the second day's battle before the gates when she arrived ; but her son was in the city, w here In; had been for hve or six weeks in prison. i will tell you how I first came to see iter. Our regiment had been doing ji., b(\<i (,> keep S.OUO cavalry from joining the lell wing of the Mexican army, when we Were ordered to face ulrou: to the left and drive a hody of the enctnv from a hill on which they were forming with artillery. It was when.the company 1 was attached to was cro?itig a ravine to fulfil the order, that we eneountere.d a body ot horses. At first we took them l<>r the enemy, hut soon saw tiiey were Americans. They kuiiic on slowly, as if fatigu-d with hard service. I saw a lady tiding Inside their captain ; such a i?ig; I at Micii a lima draw the attention of more than one ol us. i he parly was the one from Vera Cruz, aborting the oliicer. They were slowly malting liteir way to (ten. Scott's quarter, too tired to a man to engage in the tight. At tills iiimiieiii Gen. Sirott andstaflTeamo up, when the ollicial from Washington placed his packet ol h iter* in his hand*, glad to end his long errand. The (Jrneral immediately ordered the escort to seek quarters, and was riding on to another part ol ihe field, when I heard the lady say earnestly to the captain : ' ! cannot de. lay, sir, one hour, within sight of (ho city that holds my sou a prisoner. 1 tmisl see him.' "The city niu*l be taken first," he answered. "I cannot wait! my son may he ill?dying. An hour's delay may forever remove him from me! I will enter the cily." "You wili surely he killed! You can reach it only by crossing the battle fields,' said the olfiri?r. "I have not travelled from Virginia to the gales of the city to few to enter them. Thanks, a thousand thanks sir. for your kindness and attention. I shall always remember officers with gratitude. But do not detain me. Yonder is a gate that leads to the city. I will enter through it ami search for my son." "You are mad," I cried, for 1 had lingered to Ree what she would do, surprised enough at her danger and resolution, and as she was dashing forward over the field* f seized her pony by the rein, and pointed to the almost impassable danger and difficulties that beset her path. "This is no time," said she to the officer who now rode up to her side, " to talk to me of prudence ami tear. I urn (old that Gen. Santa Anna is in the midst ot yonder glittering group. 1 shall seek him, and place in his hands the Masonic letter I have borne so far ami so well, for lie is a Mason and will listen in nte." "War destroys all brotherhood," said the officer, who I judged was not a Mason. The lady did not wait to reply?but watching her moment, she struck her pony smartly, and started off across the plain. At the same moment a masked battery, five hundred yards in advance, had opened upon our regiment, which, alter having been hull mowed down; begnn to return to take, up a po? sition in the ravine under temporary cover, until they could be reinforced. Yes, right across the field of slaughter and winged iron, I saw the lady gallop on her white pony, avoiding inn piaioonx 01 r?airt;iiiiii?; iihmi, by a semi circle ;ound their flank. The next moment she was eoOrsing over the ground in their rear, the battery in lull play. Half our men seping her. stunned, forgetful of the storm ofiron, lo follow wiih their eyes what seemed to iIk'iii an apparition. I kept my eyes on her, and so did the officers expecting each instant lo see her struck. But oil she went, galloping in top speed, her air fearless. "The woman's lovet'or hor Ron has mado her wild," satd the dragoon captain, "one will perish." "A mother's love is stronger than death," 1 replied. "I believe she will reach Santa Anna in safety and get to see her hoy." "She deserves it," he answered. The same moment a reinforcement came up, and we were ordered to take the fort, and we did take it. After we had taken the city, I learned the fate of the American lady. "She was killed of course," said emphatically the man dressed in the broad hat. "I'll bet twelve to one on hei," said Tennes. see, strongly. The last gentleman is right. She went over the field through the holiest fire of that day, and reached old Santa as sound as u roach. He was not a little astonished to see her, you may be assured; but ho received her politely, and when she told him, in French, her story, he told he would oblige her not merely because she was a woman, but the more because she was a Mason's widow. u For," said he, "I am n Mason myself, and know the obligations of the order in war, as well as in peace. Your son shall be liberated, though he wounded my maternal nephew so that ho has since died, vyhen he was captured. But by the tenor of the letter you bear, I have no power to refuse your command." He then gave her nn escort to the city, with an order for her son lobe given to her arms. The order was obeyed, and that very day, as she had promised, she embraced her long lost boy again. So much Ibr a woman's standing fire, gentlemen, and so much for being a Ma son's widow! * At this crisis of the story we reached Smithland, and our group was broken up and dispersed; each man no doubt, going away with greater reverence for woman's courage and greater reverence for maternal love. JHtsccllaucousr Department. Outt Rku Hhothkp.s.?A delegation of nine Indian Chief? has arrived in this city and are staying ul King's Hotel. They represent the Mennoinenee tribe, from northwestern Wisconsin. They are dressed ill showy Indian costume, with their long black hair hanging loose. |y over their shoulder*. They tire accompanied by Win. H. Bruce, Indian sub-agent ; Mr. Powell, Interpreter; r. J. bran dp l, rastoratiu Superintendent of.lio Nation, and two or three ni(ache's, making quite a train, almost as imposing a- that of the Krnperor of Huyti. The IWennomenee trihc number some 2.200; 500 of whom are being educated and christianized and have acquired some knowledge of agriculture. They liavn two schools permanently established, with 14 or 15 hoys and as many girU that can read and writa the English language correctly. They have quite a ntimher of good mechanics among them, and the whole trilie are engaged to some extent in cultivating the soil. The delegation have some business to transact with the Ciovernrnent and wi<h to v'imi the "(Jreal Councils of" the Nation," and have a long talk with thpirpule Chief ut the big 0?hko?h, the principal Chief of the tribe is among them.?Southern Press. Putting Tan Funs to Roost !?In one of the Toledo hotels a stuttering little waiter and the black cook wore at sword's points, and the only end for which Jack the waiter lived was to pester the cook. A fewtlays since, when .1-- L:?? I (lie uir wci?i ntwiciiiii^ hiiu uira m mu uuiki^ room were more plenty than candidates at a free democratic convention, word was sent to the cook I hut Jack wanted him. He hurried up with?''Well, salt, what do you wat ?" " Why, cook," replied Jack, "you see lite f-t-flies b-holher me r, I c can't set the ( table, and as you're s d-d-deuced li black, I wanted you to c.cast a sh-shadu over the r-room, and they'd tit think it was night and g-g-i?n (o roost! ! !" A dining plate whizzed close to Jack's head as he vanished through the door, singing, "Oh cast that xh-shmhnv from iliy l?row." Medical Receipts.?To sharpen the appo. lite ; swallow a whetstone. Tn irivo tone to the stomach : rret it lined t l-?- - ? - - o with lie11 metal. To present the lic-dollar-owo ; never run in debt. For a tightness of the ehest, first get vonr lieart opened wirli some mild charitable laxative and the lid ofyour chest will open easily. For the neuralgia ; cease taking too much of the old regalia. To cause a white swelling to disappear ; cover it with shoe black or Japan varnish. To prevent the hair from turning gray; nifitfn nil vmir mind In live. Fur a cataract : darn your eye. For a lelnn ; arrest anil imprisonment. For His ; consult your tailor. True Grit.?A fun-loving contemporary tells the following story of a spunky cltap in the land of hlue laws and wooden nutmegs, wholelt that he was "just naturally hound" to shine in some shape, iy hook or by crook: A young man of nor very prepossessing moral character, lately proposed uniting wi li a church in Couuoricut, hut neither his present nor prospective piety gave moral power to his application. At length, after a delay, tho it.l Mm r.. was kiinllv in formed lliat for the pros out the church declined his proposal, with the hope however that his future course might oro long warrant his reception. The hopeful rejec-. tod was at first astonished, hut as a happy thoguht struck him ho turned on liis heel and exclaimed with a significant snap of the finger, "Wal, if you wan't let me jine your Church, 1 know what I can do?I can-'list iuto the Troop, bydurn!" St i political Ucpartmcut. CALIFORNIA DILL. The pa?sagfe of this measure by a majority of i he Senate of the United States, is an event which puts an end to all hope of the conservetire chaiacter of that hody. K more flagrant violation of the Constitution of the Union, and of the principles of the federative compact has never disgracecj that l>ody. or given the friends of liberty occasion for lamentation. . There was a time when the patriot, whose heart sickened at the view of the corruptions and seditious practices of the lowef house, or at the gross usurpations of the Executive, looked with pride on the Senate, as the last, and probably permanent refuge of liberty. There were oc. * casions, when in the midst of the vilest outrages] on constitutional freedom, and amidst the most wicked assumptions of party, that body stood forth as the boldest defenders of American institutions, and the most independent assert or of their first principles. That time and those occasions are no more; and t# now hehyld that department ofthe government, once so honorable and just, the most vile and unprincipled. The men, once powerful enougli.ta resist tyinnny in any and every form; once independent enough to put even honors and rewards at defiance; "have become the miserable tools of a fanatic population, and in pursuit of an abstract idea, have shown themselves willing to overturn the most sacred, monuments of patriotism, and set at defiance the most clear evidence of right. Unfaithful indeed to every valuable relict of American liberty must be those, who vested with political power; taking their seats with an oath to preserve the Consti? .L - i: iL. J ft... luiv'Jii on meir itp^, in me piKue* snucuuiirti uj the presence cf the fathers of the Revolution; could, driven by the furor of Abolition andFjeo Soilism, lend theumelves to the dreadful outrage on the Constitution and rights of lhe South, perpetrated by the passage of the California Bill. About Texas, we say but little. We once thought the assertions of that State as to boundary, as much too strong; but as the government went to war with Mexico in the assertion of it, we hold that government to her position; and however the consciences of others may re. gird this matter, for themselves, if we, had voted for the act which thus deprives Texas of her territory, and substitutes ten millions of pav lor it, we should consider ourselves bought traitors not only to Texas, but the whole CAHIK TUis lifiiinrlo er nTTovoo im 11 At o irlotVAe UUUIII. I iixy 1111111111(41 j vi i ciao n inn n maitci in which that Stale alone in interested. She in made the locality, on which is to he planted lhe standard of insurrection in the Southend the base policy which could propose ten million of dollars, for the territory, is the pofjcy whtrb seeks'the utter destruction of Southern institutions. To the United States, or to the people of the Free States, the territory and the money are nothing. But it is something to the higher law party, to interpose on our Southern borders, a State, intended to he devoted to the encour. agement of rebellions and absconding** it is something to put their hands into the treasury, filled Irom Southern labor, and buy tin advocates to the measures, which cut off the slave property of the South from the entire Pacific* and contract rhe enjoyment t.f that property, within the narrowest limits. As God is our judge, we know of no instance in the history of this nation, evidencing such gro?s and faithless abandonment of principle. And in (be face of the world, wo pronounce the measure*, wntch have broken clown (he equality of the South, as ? treasonable to the Constitution, to the Union, nnd to every principle of free government.-^ What course it is the duty of the South to pur. sue, is too grave a matter for us to point out. In the' present emergency, the people of the slave holding States should be united. He should l?e driven from our border*, who hesi. tale* to siMain the South in any step by whfch she may redress her wrongs; or who \ynhid forget, in the claims of his party, his first duty _ I to his covntry. For ourselves, always moder. atr*;?always a friend of ihe Union;?always yielding loihe hope of the supremacy of justice; wo have long stilled our indignant sentiments and rebuked very expression of discontent in others. The time (or moderation is past. Forbearance, so lar Irom being a virtue is a positive vice. H(> who will not. amidst the proof now before the country, of deliberate outrage on the South, vindicate her cause, ami go to. any extreme (or her protection, is as faithless to the nature of a freeman as he is to the duties of a patriot, and the social virtues of a free go. vermnent. In mere political acts, dividing the people of (he same country, a support of (he central governmental power may be. consistent with the obligations doc the State; but in the. case of wanton outrages on the principles of liberty; of manifest abuses of power; of violent efforts to .change the nature of the politics of the. country from freedom to despotism, there is with the honest man, (liter? may be with the slave.) no question of opposing allegiance.? There is hut one tie?-that is to our State, and to our Slate alone! To litis fidelity, to this ul. leginnce we pledge ourselves; and never, while j we can raise ottr voice to assert the rights of I the South, or an arm to protect it, will we cease i to condemn and to resist this deliberate, itiiprtn I ci|)|ed :i?<J base viofution of her constitution,il J liberty. ? Erening I . Most Siwlimk.?Can any of our leaders I peruse the following touching appeal, and retain a dry eye? If tliey can they mist ho strong hearted : "Oil! dear, the eve'nin'" clear, Thick flicx th?? Hkinimin swatter, Ttvssky is blue, tlie Ileitis in view. Airfndin'green and yaller. Come let us si my our toilsome way, Ami vii'W tlm charm" of nater? Tim hurkinjr ciojr-s 'he sqit' oliii hugs, Ami every nosied tatsr.