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^Volume" li. camden, south-cauolina, September 3, i85o. nMberto. THE CAMDEN JOURNAL - ? "''JvW;. : : / ' -PUBIilSHKD BY . THO. Jfi W ARREN it C. A. PRICE, KDtTiiKS ATS'D PROPRIETORS. THE SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL Is published at Three Dollars and Fifty Cents, if paid in advance, or Four Dollars if payment in delayed for three vnonths. THE WEEKLY JOURNAL Is publisher! at Two Dollars and Fifty Cents, if paid in advance, or Three Dollars If payment is delayed for three months. * v> Any person procuring five, responsible subscribers slmll Weptitled to the sixth copy (of the edition subscribed for) grails for one year. ? ADVERTISKMENTS will he inserted at the following b?t?w Rrirnnp wniarn (14 lines or less) in the semi-weekly, Hwtf-'doflar for the fir*, and twenty-five cents fur each WnhAcqnent insertion. In the weekly, seventy-five cents per sqoareiipr tKe first, Tuiil thiriy-SHVen end a half cents far each subsequent in^rtlhn. Single insertions one dollar per square, g ITbe. nqip'vr of insertions desired. And the.edition to he published in. most be noted on the margin of til trdvsrtifcmdhti, or ,'they^rtll. fcfc inserted semi-weekly until orVdeted to hie discontinued. an-i charged accordingly. S^mi-monthly, monthly and quarterly advertisements charged the same as for a single insertion. Liberal dt*cnnnr? alloweil to those who advertise for tluoe^six. or twelve months. car All communications by mail most be post-paid to eenre attention. The following gentlemen are Agents for the Journal: WW. fi, Castos. General Awn!. Col. T. W. Hoer, J.icksoiihain, Lancaster Di*t. R H. Rosskr. Esq., Lunra?t rville, S.C. C. C. McCaoMMKjf. Carthago. N. C. W. C. Moose. Esq., Camden. 8. C. And Postmasters are nqnested to act as our Agents. Poetical department. 1| tctt1 prayeh of the betrothed. > Alady in the St. Louis Union, over the signature qf Iuez, portrays her thoughts in the following most lifeautiful verses, on the eve of her marriage: Father, Icome before thy throne, * With low and bended knee, To thank Thee, with a grateful tone, For all Thy love to me. Forgive me, if my heart this hour I give not all to Thee, For deep affection's mighty power r ' Divides it now with Thee. Thoukjiowest, Fathet,<very thought That wa^ep within my bnaft, Anii! how this heart has vainly sought To keep its love suppress'd. Yet whenvthe idol, worshipped one, Sits fondly by my side, And breathes the vows I <^nnot shun, . To me, his destined bride? Forgive me, if Amoving kiss, He leaves upon my loving brow, Is thought of in an hour like this, ; And thrhle JtHfeven now. He's chosen me to bo bis love ,ife '* Enable me, oh poo, to prove t A losing; faithful wife. . Hia know* nbfc-Father, nil the deeD Affections I control? Thethofl^tt^loring thoughts that sweep Norc8an^^ Then guard b^, F^ber--round his way. And render ^ch successive day . 'Atid, Father; grant us so to live, That when tttVlife is o'er, v Wiffiirf*tfte b?ppy home you give ' "Well jfiSdt to part no more, i - - d' ^ ^Icttcb gfllc. THE BANKER'S CLERK. a ta lb of blood. The Swell mob, in this vest metropolis, have recourse to many tricks and stratagems, in order to obtain Jpo^sessinn of the pro|>erty of their intepd^.ijctim*, The newest plan adopted late by thieves of-this class is, by some plausible story or other, to induce persons left in cbanre of boffBes containing propeity, to quit ? ? ...? t *? -? i j i mv*1 1 1 them tor a short ume, wmiscunaersKinui nanas ttie W|ria<?? plunder ii* dexterously and quickly pcrfortnc/d. The plan, however, is not so new as many of my readers may imagine, and as the following-tragic tale will show. The westendof the Irish metronolis has, in the present day, bat little of the splendor and respectability of the English metropolis, known bv the ?arpe designation; or evien cf the magnificence of which it could itself boast in better days; and which, is now only traditionary, or to be guessed at from the relics which have escaped the ravages of time and neglect The poriodia hot yery distant when no part of the city of Dublin exhibited more numerous specimens of wealth, public spirit, and national grandeur. than that which is known by the name of the "Enrl of Meath's Liberty." It was at once I the residence of .the aristocracy, abi the foous of trade. In proof of the latter part of my assertion, I need only .mention, tliat in Sevan street, overlooking the pleasant garden of the Hon. E. Svoege Cooper, M. P., stood the eelfbrnt?'<l cinch manufactory* of a Mr, William Collier, who, at the time t>f our story, is said to have i i .j loy^d upwards of two hundred men, and t?? have turned out one new carriage every in Mr. Collier's coach factory that Mr. Aidermhh button, M.P., served his time asfa coach body makCT. Mr.Ho'ttonV coach factory on Somerset Hiil, Dublin, is now one of the finest establishments of this.description ip the. United kingdom. - itt I - -.*v^ ' '"Yi day in the year. This was sometime before the "Union." This trade has undergone a great change since those days of Dublin's prosperity. The west quarter of the city is now the abode of thankless toil?of famine, disease, misery | and sin. During the latter part of the lastcen! turv, one of the most retired and perhaps gloomy streets in the city contained several of the wealthiest commercial houses in the city:' Since a few years after this period, when business began to fall, one of the houses in this street remained uninhabited, until it became ruinous for even to poorest of the Irish poor?and heaven knows, that is poor indeed! A foolish story j has gone abroad that it was haunted by spirits : ?if ail}' at that time dwelt therein, they were the makers of """illicit whiskey," for I am of i onitiinn it had its foundation in an event which once happened in it, and which I am now about to narrate as I had it from an aged person who was alive when it occurred. The bouse of which I speak, was well known at the office of the banking firm of Messrs. ??." It stood between two immense masses of buildings, exclusively appropriated to the storage1 of goods, with loft above loft, to the height of seven stories. The banking offices were on the ground floor and the upper portion of the house was furnished for the convenience ? olj?rlr vtttkrt rA&Iilnrl am fho unnf Ul a UUSlvrviliiv titin, iwiucu wu hic and who had in charge the whole of the premises, when the business of the day was over. The name of this clerk was Henry Macready. He had been taken into the office at an early age. His talents for business and well tried ridelity, by degrees raised him to "the highest post under the heads of the establishment; and on his marriage with a young and amiable woman, he was installed in a suite of handsomely furnished apartments in the Bank, and made sole manager of the concern. It was about a year after his promotion to this important trust, that a deposit was lodged in the Bank to a very large amount in cash, and diamonds and plate, of the value of several thousand pounds. The lodgment had been made by a nobleman who was going abroad. J he transactions took place in the presence of the partners of the banking-house, Henry MacrcuJy, anil a book-keeper named Luke Fane. The gold and diamonds were placed along with the bank cask, in a strong fire-proof coffer, the key of winch Mac ready always kept about i,is person. The plate was kept in a separate coffer. The bank dosed at the usual hour that day; but Macready remained in the office to balance tiie cash, which had been very heavy. Some slight difficulty occurred in his task, which he war nmihle tn ova nnnia ; nnd tin wns nnn nf those genuine accountants t) whom the fractional part of a lartiiing was as dear, as the thousands of pounds which stood before it It was a day in t le depth of winter, and the evening was hir advanced before Macready had found out his error. He pushed the book from him, and threw diimsclf back in his hi^ii chair, in a musing posture, trying to recollect the various transactions of the day?at least so it may bo presumed?and at length wearied with conjecture^ fell fast asleep. When he awoke,-it was late, ami a strange glimmer was in the apartment, as if from a dark lantern. He tried to move, bnt to his astonishment and dismay, he found himself tied to his seat with strong cords, in such a manner that though lie felt no considerable pressure, to use his arms for any purpose was impossible. He uttered an angry exclamation, and in an instant two men were at his side. Ono of them held a lantern in his hand, by the light of which Macready perceived that their faces were blackened. The man who held the lantern desired him to be quiet " What do you want here, and why uiu 1 thus pinioned ?" said Macreadv, upon whose mind the whole meaning of the scone began to break. " Be quiet, and you shall know." "I will not be silent?I will alarm the house. Ho! Thieves! llobers!" shouted the poor cashier, as he writhed upou his chair, aud in all- the agony of constraint. "Another shout, and you die," said the second burglar, advancing closer to him, and drawing a pistol from bis coat pocket "i'hat is the voice of Luke fane?14uiow you now, I comprehend your villainy." "If you do, theu deliver your keys, and let us despatch the business." Maoready again shouted with redoubled energy A pause onaued. No one came to his assistance from the house, and the street outside seemed to be quite deserted, Since you know me," said Luke, "know also thut shouting will avail you nothing, tor 1 have contrived to send your wife and servants out of the way." "Monster! is it thus you repay the kindness of your employer K" said the confidential clerk. "Listen to me," said Luke, "tell me where the key of yonder coffer is?tell me quickly? I n^t ?.li>?r?nir n rluciuirutti rrnrtiA unti will mifc hr? i uki p??y?"? m ? trifled with." Mac ready had the key suspended from his neck within bis vest; stooping suddenly over tho chords which crossed the chair in front, ho contrived to bring it within tho grasp of his pinioned right hand. Luke observed the motion, and guessed the object. "Give me that key," said Luko. "Never but with my life," returned the cashier. Another pause ensued, and then the two men fell at once upon Mac ready, and struggled tu force thy key from him, but the energy with which the faithful clerk hold it, rendered it impossible for the robbers to effect their purpose without undoing the chords which secured thenprisoner. "I will cut your fingers from nbove it, if you do not yield the kej' quickly," muttered Luke : between bis grinding teeth, as he relinquished ' the attempt. Fane and Macrendy looked at each other sternly, when the struggle ceased." At length the latter spoke again. "Can this he possible? Is this no dream ? Is Luke Fane indeed become a housebreaker and a murderer ? and are his victims the men whose bread he has eaten for so many years, and the fellow-clerk who was once his best of friends? l'or shame Luke! Give up this insane attempt; release me, and depart, and take leisure to repent of this foul crime." "I cannot, even if you promised secrecy, which I know you too well to hope for. I have gone too far?too far!" repeated Fane,striking his forehead, and adding, merrily, "no more preaching, ifjmu please, but deliver the key at once or you are a dead man." "Never, while I have life." itT 1.1 1 - l wuuiu nut willingly iikvcmiui uiuuu upuu my head?I would spare you for the sake of old times. Resign thedtcy V ' Never!" " Think of your wife and child." " Margaret!?wife!?dear wife! why do you not bring me aid?" shrieked the miserable man as he twisted and struggled in his bonds like one impaled. " Dispatch him said the man who held the light. " or we shall be discovered." Once, more the key! said Fane, as he summoned up his worst resolution. The cashier saw the polished barrel of the pistol steadily held within an inch of his forehead. The veins swelled out upon his tempies like knotted whip-cord, headed with the cold etimof nf lit5 ntrruiv Vint Vn orrocnpil thn kev DMCU,M Vl MW "bv,V> - v tighter than ever. " The key P gasped Fane, in a voice hoarse and broken with iho devlish rage of the murderer. "Never! never! but with life!" Fane advanced the pistol until it pressed agninst the bare forehead of his victim. He drew the trigger?a dull report resounded through the apartment, and nothing but the corpse of Henry Macready remained sitting in his office chair. On that same evening, as it was growing dark, the wile of Macready was sitting in her draw, ing-rooin playing with her infant, when d'nnor was announced. On descending to I'.ie dining room, and not nodi ig her liiHbcitul in his u n ;l place, she d i:ed t.i rvant t;i tip t'.-: < lice ?la>>r. which wa> hi usual ?ig::?l. '1 n- servatic uul is, and reiving no answer biongi.t hack v. nrti that master was lioai home, and Margaret at ouce concluded thac he had gone , out to dine with a friend. When her solitary meal was over she returned to the drawing- ' room, to amuse her until her husband should return. An hour bad passed thus, when a person, : who said he had a message from Mr Macready, 1 called. This person said that Mr. Macready 1 was dining with a family of his acquaintance at 1 the* south side of the city, and had sent him to 1 conduct Mrs. M. and the child to the place.? Margaret at once arose, and alter some slight alteration in her dress, went out with the messenger, accompanied l>y a feuialo servant and 1 her infant, leaving the house in charge of the 1 man servant, not without sonic reluctance, as lie Ifad been but a short time in the service of 1 the bank, The party had been walking more than half 1 an hour through crowded streets, when all at 1 once the messenger disappeared. Having J waited a considerable time for bis return, Mar- ' grot concluded that he had accidentally miss- 1 ei| them, and not knowing the exact locality of ' the house to which she was going she bent her 1 steps homewards. Tired and disappointed, the little party arrived at their own door soon after < nine- o'clock, and admitted themselves t>y means i of a latch key. I On entering the sitting-room, Mrs M. rang for the man servant, but no one answered.? Putting her infmit to sleep in tho tiradle, and and desiring the maid to go to bed, she determined to sit up for her husband. Eleven o'clock struck?twelve?one, an neither master nor servant returned. Poor Margaret could no longer bear up against the weariness and want of sleep which weighed her eyelids down, and retiring to her chamber, she sought her pouch and soon was fast usleep. Troubled dreams, however, disturbed her repose, and she awoke, just as the clock was sti iking four. The night light had just gone out, but a clear frosty moon was shining through tho windows at the front of the bouse. Throwing a cloak over he might ? - -I 1 . A 1 I A uress, she descended io uie urawing-room. .an i was colli and silent there. She grew terrified with the loneliness of her condition, and strange and fearful pictures of danger and calamity swam before her mental vision. J n this state, she went down to the ollice. She felt something compelling her to try the handle of the door. The room was nitph dark. Dragging herself to one of the shutters, she opened it, and a beam of moonshine, clove the darkess of the apartment. Margaret, to her surprise, now discovered the figure of her husUwwhom she imagined to be asleep. With a cry of delight, she ran forward and laying her arm upon the shoulder of the corpse, exclaimed? "Wako, Henry! and come to bed?you are frozen with the cold !" She wnnderect at the deepness ot jus similiter, i as she heard no sound of breathing, and felt no 1 motion. Passing her hands over the body she . felt the chords, and touched die icy hand which 1 had been partly freed from the ligatures, Her ( flesh crept with horror. { "You are not dead, Henry ! O ! spoak, speak to me,dearest?wake! wake!" < The moonlight had now moved over the figure of die murdered clerk, and the ghastly and s disfigured features of Henry Macreadv, render- ; ed whiter and more ghastly as the light fell i stronger on them, met the eyes of .Margaret.? i Uue long gaze unraveled the whole mystery, : and she turned from the sight a raving-maniac. Thero was a witness to this scene?the man < servant, >vho had been corrupted by Fane, and f who shared the contents of the plundered coffer. Years a^erwards, he confessed the part he had t?!.*.n in the murder of the Banker's Clerk, when upon his death bed. Fane escapeb with his share of the booty and was never heard of afterwards. miscellaneous Department. From the Savannah Republican* The Hethodist7Church;North and South. As every tiling connected with the controversy between the North and the South is of interest to our readers at this time, and as the dispute between the Northern and Southn*n portions of the Methodist Episcopal Church, which resulted in the division of that Church, is perhaps not generally understood, we have concluded to present the prominent featured of the dispute as another illustration of the injustice of the Morih towards the South in all matters relating t<? slavery, whether in Church or State. At the General Conference held in New York Way 1844, the following resolution was adopted against Bishop Andrews, who resided in this State, simply because he married a lady who owufcd slaves: Re solved, That it is the sense of this General Conference that he desist from the exercise of this offico (of Bishop,) so long as this impediment remains. The Southern members of the General Conference presented a protest against the action; and a declaration that the interests of the Church in the slaveholding States demanded a e separation, xne njauerwus imciicuiv a wmmittee with instructions, that if they could not devise a plan to adjust the difficulty, "they devise if possible, a constitutional plan for a mutual and friendly di\*ision of the Church." The Committe reported a plan for the division of the Church whirh was adopted. The first resolution in this plan leaves the question to the Annual Conference in the slaveholding States to decide whether they would organize a separate Church or not, and proceeds to*'specify the rule that should regulate the hound irv lino In-1ween the two Churches should the ;'.n "5*! ? ; .*.! :? Hiee. Taisreso1* -1 -y, h iIs.) and uny- ? j 1 :> the a goes o.? t< }.: ?j vi 1 for a:: "eipit'.hie of the bock oucocn ci:dt..e charte-cd i'uad," which passed hy a vote of yens 119, nays 10. The Annual Conferences in the slaveholding States, excepting Maryland and Delaware, elected delegates to a Convention, which met iii Louisville, Ky., May, 1845, to decide Upon the necessity of a separation under the above cited plan. The Conference were fully represented, and after mature deliberation and free discussion, the Conventien by hi vote of yeas 94 and nays 3, ''Resolved, That it is right, expedient, and necessary to erect the Annual Conferences represented in this Convention, into a distinct eccle*iastio!o connection." The three in the negative were from the Kentucky Conference. Anxious still to kepp up friendly and fraternal feelings and intercourse with the North, the Churcli South, thus organized, appointed Dr. L. Pierce, o/Cenrgia, delegate to the next General Conference of the Methodist Episcopal ru 1 ?*' A? Pkwtefinn onInfo_ unurcil i> orui, IU loiiucr mo vuiiauun ouium.[ious of the Church South; but he was an. ceremoniously rejected, Three Commissioners were appointed by the General Conference in 1844, n "like number to bo appointed by the Church South should one be formed," to make the .division of the property as provided for by the plan of separation then adopted. The Convention of the South, ifterresolvingto separate, appointed three Com nissioners to act for the "Church South," in carrying out the division of the property. But the Commissioners for the Church North refused to act. This left the question unsettled till the General Conference of the Church North wet in 1848, when the Conference assumed to innul the whole proceedings of the General Conference of 1844, touching thp plan of sepa. ation, and utifrly refused to give t'ie Church South .n particle of the property. Cut oflTrom ill hope of justice at the hands of the Church N orth, tho Commissioners for the Church South lommenced a suit for the funds, according to ;he plan of separation of 1844. Suits are now lending in the Courts of Ohio, Philadelphia and New \ork, where portions of the property are ocated. '1 ho Church South, then, are suing for their rf funds which they held jointly with the whole Church, and which the Central Conference of he whole Church, by a vote of 147 to 10 in 1844, declared was the due of the Church South ihould they separate. The Church South did separate according to tho plan adopted by the Ceneral Conference of the whole Church; and low, the Northern portion of tho Church refuses ~ 1 - ' - l-i nuiiirr ?.^eeoce!nn I ,1) HiJIUU 1Jy tilU urn p'ljovooiuiij :hey mean to keep it, unless the Ptrwng r.nn of ;iie law can unclench their grasp. This is Northern Christian justice ! it is to be hoped ;iiat the law will force them to do the Church South justice, if their code of morals will not \ local case in Alexandria, ami another in Waysvilie, Kv? have been tried in their civil jourts have decided that the parties should be joverned by the plan of separation adopted in i844, and under which the Church ciouth jlaiins the funds in suit Wo have thought it proper to say this much ibout tliis controversy between the North vnd south, in this numerous and intiuential dencmiihtioii of Christians, to gi e a specimen ul how .ic South is treated rel'uioudy, by the North, is well as politically. ?Vo are informed that Messrs. Webster, .Meredith. Johnson, Lord, Uorwin, and Bryan, arq tiig counsel for the South. Treaty Rights of the New Mexicans. Some of the Northern papers are insisting strenuously upon the right of the inhabitants of New Mexico to immediate admission into the. Union as one of the privileges secured to them by the Treaty of peace. The Albany Evening Journal, in particular, treats it as a question of national faith?andurges that NewMexico with its boundaries as they existed when she was a member of the Mexican Uhjon,has cldms on the nations! honor to he let forthwith into the Union as a State, on the sole condition that she shall have the requisite numW.otjmbabitants required by our Constitution. It so is, however, that there are'no constitutional nor statute provision whatever regulating the number of inhabitant* requisite to entitle a State to admission into the Union. There was in the .ordinance of1787?concerning the North Western Territory?a' ^efal cRu8$'<08&mpact, that the States formed therein shoald be received into the Union as each of- them should contain sixty thousand free inhabitants.-.But this agreement was execoted long ago, and there does not now exist any rate of the uonstitution, of law, or of nsage, whtchconfers-the right of admission as a State upon ariy parttiplar number of people in the territories. Itipa matter entirely within the discretion of Congress. The rights of the New Mexicans are no higher or better than those of American citizens in the old territories ofthe Union would * be?and of this the treaty itself takes special care, for it contains a clause, of abundant caution, which expressly recognises the control of Congress, in the selection of the Ihne and manner of admission. It says i i^f ^ *' The Mexicans, who, in the territories afore said, shall not preserve -the character ofxiti- r*g zens of the Mexican Republic, conformably with what is stipulated in the precediog^Jftide shall be incorporated into the Urtkmof.the United States, and be admitted at the proper time (to be judged of by the'Corigress of the United States) to the enjoyment of afi the rights of citizens of the United States, according to the principles of the Constitution/' " To be judged of by Congress of the United States," that is the contract. "The Mexicans"?not the of New Mexico,"and the Sht.^' O:' Calif c; i.t dvi'tn t>?;'r.dx!all the right) adi! pihife'ges of United states, whenever Congress thinks it t|ie proper time. Congress does not yet consider it the "proper time," and may Dot think so for a longtime to come, of the New Mexicans; and yet no breach of faith will be committal, or # any reasonable expectation be disappointed-? The Louisiana treaty of 1803 contained & still more unqualified clause, providing that the inhabitants of all the ceded territory "should be admitted as mm as possible according to the principles of the federal constitution, to the enjoyment of all the rights, advantages and immunities of citizens of the United States"?yet thirty years passed before all the inhabitants were so admitted. The Florida treaty of 1610 contained one equally as broad, providing that the inhabitants of the territories ceded "shall be incorporated into the Union of the- United States as soon as may bo consistent wjth the principles of the federal constitution'V-yet Florida was not admitted for.. nearly thirty . years; and kept oat several years after she had framed a constitution and made her application to Congress. It was construed then, and ak m n r* ill ko mmj! niuNnnaln Ak n 4 ik/v AilUkA A A/1 way a win iw, auu pi wpwir, inai iuc uuiv aim propriety of admission Is to be decided by Congress, at its discretion?and in the Mexican 9 treaty the same was expressly reserved, and so st ited iq the most explicit terms. The Mexicans of New Mexico and California would sure ly have no right to complain of any neglect of the obligations of the treaty, if they were kept out of the Union as long as the inhabitants of Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, ^mansas and Florida were; to wham "rights and privileges^' as citizens, were guarantied by treaty, in even, stronger form than to them, in the treaty of. 1848, ' ** Moreover, we nowhere find in the treaty any cession of New Mexico or California as States, or any pledge or guarantee to the inhabitants * of either as organized political communities. Tin l.*inPTia??r? of the treaty refers'to all the in- * habitants of both as person, occupying the ceded territories, without distinction info State or c immunities. They are first described as "Mexicans now established, in territories previ*' ously belonging to Mexico, and which remain for the future within the limits of the United States, as defined by the present treaty/' and afterwards as "the Mexicans in the territories aforesaid." But this does not recognise a <(ter* ntory" or organized community at an, 01 eitaer New Mexico or California, but only the'Mex^ cans in mass of the territories ceded, W? Jiaye never scon the slightest- evidence that it was * i contemplated by tlie treaty that the bid political' subdivisions should exist in their new delations towards the United Slates, else it would be breach of treaty faith to alter the boundaries of . either. The pledge i9 to? the Mexican inliabi tants of tho whole of the acquired'lands, tq any part of thorn in any organized society^ We have come to the conclusion, therefore} that the New Mexicans have nq treaty right in New Mcxioo, whether east or west of the Rio Grande; that all Mexican boundaries were obliterated by the war, and re-established by the peace only so far as the treaty or previous laws and treaties of the United States or the legal boundaries of existing States re-establish them.?Ar. 0. Picayune. A woman who loves, loves for life, unless a well founded jealousy compels her to relinquish the objects of her affections. So says somebody. A man who loves, loves for life, unless feq alters his iniuct says somebody else, * "* \