* .ft* U ggg Sheriff'3 Sales. T)V virtue <>1 Wr Is ol Fi F.i to uie directed, I j ) will sell lT^SJ>TO tf;20 JFKO.Ml Cl?.u ileitJosi to York. THE CHEAT .MAIL ROUTE FROM ; CHARLESTON 8 C. IEAVrNG 1 fie wharf at the foot of Laurens st. J daily at 3, p. 111. after the arrival of the South .. , u'ni nAVt cm-cars, via WiLiWINli'l u.\ ami \v r?i^iv j N. C PETERSBURG, RICHMOND, to WASHINT,TON. liALTIMORB, PHILADELPHIA, and to NEW YORKThe public is respectfully informed that the steamers of this line, from Oh rlcslon to W il-; nriiigton, are >ii first rate condition, and are navi grated by well knmvn and experienced command- j . orx, and the Railroads are in fine order, thereby I securing bo ii safety ami despatch. A THROUGH TICKET having already been in operation will' Be continued on and alter tlie first ol Oct. 1-49,, as a permanent arrangement frotn Charleston to i Nero York. PaseSngers availing themselves there 1 of, will have the option to continue without delay | throujrh the route or otherwise, tostop at any iin- j mediate points, renewing their seats on the line to sui their convenience. By this route travellers may reach New York on the third day during business hours. Baggage" will be ticketed on board \ the ste uiitr to Weldon, as likewise on the change i of cars at the intermediate points frotn thence to ' M ?' Ti?.-nnrt, v .vin alone be had ncu II It A* 1MIVUJM of E W.'NSLOW, Agent of the Wilmington ami Raleigh Railroad Company, at the office of the Company, foot of Laurens street, to whom please apply. For other iufuruiatio inquire of L. C. DUNCAN, " at the American Hotel. May 3, 34 tf The State of South Carolina, KERSHAW DISTRICT. JOHN II. TRUSDEL. who is in tlie custody of the Sheriff of Kershaw District, hy virtue ot a Writ of Capias ad Satisfaciendum, at the suit of IL lloileyman, Jr., h ving tiled in my office, together with a schedule, on oath, of his estate and effects, his petition to the Court of Common Pleas, praying that he may be admitted to the benefit of the Acts of the General Assembly made fur the relief of Insolvent Dcdtors. It is ordered", that the said H, llolfeyn an, Jr., and all other the creditors : to whom the said John 11 Trusdel, is in anywise rndebted, be, and they are hereby summoned, and have notice to appear, be I ore the said Court at j CanrMnh. on Miauiac the fourth dav of November i next, to shecv cause, it any they can, why the j>ray- i er ofthe petition aforesaid, should not be granted. S. E CAI'EKS, Clk. Office of Common Pleas Kershaw District, Uth Apifil, tlS50. iii6mi25 French Embroideries. IH7VVE received a superb assortment of French Needlework, comjinsinj rich worked muslin collars, "Queen of Scot's" do , rich worked chemisettes, with -rid wiilmtit c* liars. mourningcollars, worked muslin cuffs, 11a iy Frock iIndies, Swiss and Jaconet Edgings and 1: sertions, with a hand souie lot o' trimmed chemisettes. Also, aH the newest styles < ; plain and trimmed lace canes, a full stork <>i mien, thread, ami cotton edgings ami laces black i>ionde Lace, black siik fringes, colored ditto, Bonnet Tab:-, Ceo. Ate.; all now and carefully selected. JAMKS WILSON. .W.rcbi'J . 22 tf_ South vs. North! JT is now universal!) admitted lliat Southernmade brown Homespun* and Drillmys are not only belter, but considerably cheaper, than those of Northern anutacture, and thciact can lie fully ascertained by calling at lite "I'aimc'to Cio-h Store " Having 1 nd in an unusually large supply of Dttnir tic ods previous to the advance in cotton, lam prepared to scil ("liarleston and (Iraiiitcville brown homespuns and drillings, Nelson's and Ailamiile brown and bleached sheetings, bleached long cloths, Bed Ticks, blue Denims, colored Chaud*rays, coltonadcs, aud cotton good* of every d.;scription, either wholesale or retail, at lust summer j>r;c<-s. My stock of these articles is large and varied, and cannot fail to su.i the numerous wants of tnv numerous patrons March 1!)?22-21] JAMES WILSON Ifew and Elegant! 7? W. BONAi- \ is now receiving his entire. stock of new and fashionable Sprit g f every variety and quality Motirniinr and iancv Fans l\>r a:i ?r any of the above articles lie will be ?ati>li 'I witb Charleston retail prices. March 2(>. 23 tf . Srugs! Drugs!! f I'M IK Son- *ri > -. has on hand .ml is constantly ! 1 recrivi ;l- fV? -11 supplies of Drills. .Medicines. Paints. O.: . V'!.': utino, \ an i-ln Putt;., Itrnshr . and Win ! nv (Pa-- : all of which are warrant* fit of lit'' best juality, and will be sold lowi r than at at-, e : t in the place. Those who Inn i .r <. !i \y ; lind it very much to their advant'lip t) anp'v first to FRANCIS I.. ZK.MP. P. b -11 I5_ jf Lamp Oil. TL" *>'i' r ivi-d a new supply of I/nop Oil: which f) liny !i had at ilic low price of SSc. per gal-I Ion: ! o. p ire winier-s'iniii'-d Sperm Oil. S. A !.v FRANCIS L. ZKMP. i-< 11.11 i.r> tr 11SG 101* SPvIG. rp J.\*i' v !'?, srtrt\Vli, Ik*1 i t.', . - ! > ul" Jo.-hua IF vituSd*** jr. ! i Mr. Siiiijur! K. ('ajuT.-.? Ti. . in \\ . ! i. Vitv liberal. I 2.'-! ' FIvAXn.S L. ZKM!\ | M 15 ? 1 rp ,[ ; >: iior ii i-i jiivt ri'."? iv?'i! a few ounces , I iii !r> _> r:"n ic Denis's iVuperinr (Quinine j v. ': ?* If ; ice-- n.?- low as il can l.c possibly t til*-rile i hi fur cash or shurl cicil t. Z. J. DjJIAY. j Ths Great Cough Semedy. 1 ifllkfiSsiBsS For llic Cure of COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, BRONCHITIS, WHOOPING-COUGH, CROUP ASTHMA and CONSUMPTION In oiiijriHjr to the roiuinuniiy this justly celebrated remedy l< r diseases oi tiie throat and lungs, it is not our \< s i in trilie with the lives or health of the atll.iTed, but frankly in lay before them the opinions of di.-tiiif consumption, commenced the use of the Cherry Pectoral audjias completely recovered." ? - .... .... . , ,M, l-T-VTf-t .f V I_f 1! n>in says : I iiavc been a great sufferer with Broi.chilis, and but for the use of the Cherry Pectoral might have continued to be so for many years to come, but that has cured me and Iain happy to bear tcstimnny to its efficacy." From such t< stitnotiy we ask tiie public to judge for themselves. IIo:ir the Patient. | I)r. Aver?Dear Sir: For two years I was afflicted with a verv severe cough, accompanied by spitting of blood and profuse night sweats.? By the advkc of my attending physician I was in! duced to use your Cherry Pecturu!, and continued to do so tiil I considered mysuii'cured, and ascribe the effect to your preparation. J \AJ ES RANDALL. Hampden ss. Spi:i.\GFt::i.?, Nov. 27. 1-jH. This day appeared the above named lames Randall, and pronounced the above statement true in ever}* respect. mnrvAi vnrrrnv lnvth-n The IIf5iie. yearly worse until last aiitunui. it hrntj/ht uti a rmisfii witicli. eotiiiricd mo in my chamber, m <1 In ^.?n In assume tin? alarming ' symptoms of ronsimiat oa. I had tried liie best advice ; ;:?! liio l.c-i mo.!.cine to no purpose; until I used voiir ('htm/ l'ich>->ilt w hicSl has cured mo, and vou may welt beneve me. liratcfuliv V"'.irs. J I). Flit! LI'S. If there is any value in the judgment ol the wise ; who speak from experience, bore is a medicine ' wo thv of the public. ruutitiencn Prepared by J. C. A Villi, Chemist, Lowell, Mass, am! soli! in <' on leu by J. li, Aii KA'.N, and by Drije^ists and dealers yvutra.iy throughout the .State. Aur. 2, ly.">(>. til :i u PIKE AIR AAD CLUA^LIXEftS? i are new ai'mitieil m !?. the pr.-ventive of i!Lcacc. at ul; j times but mere e.p*i-i:?IIy linritr^ li.e prevalence el tl.a. frightful scourge TlIK rilOI.KUA! Ii therefore l)-c<>ifi"s (lit* (ituy ?:":i!l lo n?o every mean' t?>:uv! iniX cntiiely accomplish tlie purjiosc, and there is no doubt ! hut tli.it TflOl.SA.NDS HAVK OIK!) i who used nil the precautions known at that time. Many -*??r can with enrui'.lence recommend Utile public as in my virtues nfw liidi im ?>ther article can hiNiHl. It<'llcct:uiily cuiavr.irN all tinhcallliy mala* ria, ai.ii by it> agreeable tin i r viviiig Inittr.mcc, rentier.the at in-1 plu-re so our . that tli.i.- using it may nr.i'V < O.NT\<;ioN : X" |icr:a>ii shiml 1 lie witlumt this article at this time, as j it is nut thele-s agreeable than b'liefieial, ami will supply the place of cologne or other perfumes. In-ick rooms i: Iietudieiul etheL- will It-: e*|?eeially frit, as its exreedirur pari!; lug principles have :i direei icndeiiev to prevent contagion. Mini !?v nil i.w.i-ius cfllitxi:i? will materiiilly a?i-i the i'.valn to a sl'i.KD UKSTOIl \TlO.N l!ut it is also useful in many other ways. Ii i? a desira* hie article fur I lit- t?i!ft, and a most excellent cosmetic. 1' is an a>!it'raltlf ili'iilrifiiM and an excellent wash. It will instantaneously relieve headache. languor, fuin'ncss, rlc'il| tiialii* pains. Ale. It will strengthen ihc eyes liinl remove iiilliiiutiiuli'iii of ||>|- i-V'dids. and i mined in lel v relieves I lie pain ami I'aiign-- inci l-nt t-i excessive lllti-ciilnr exertion. I an i w !ii- i u-e i in '.tic hath is productive of tile happiest efteeis IVrsons \i-iting the sick, inav he preserved from llie liability of coiii r.'ion h\ inhaling the Aromatic Vinegar. and sprinkling u few drop- upon t!: ir |H.-r.-oi,s. lie fore entering the room. It imiiK-dialely dissipates the languor and exiMtll-'lioil eoiiseipielil lijioii se.l-siekness. Alt', lie parljcUlar to a-k for .11 l.KS IIAI Ki.'ii AUO.M vTIf VINFt! All. Prepared only by JFI.F.S Il Al'KL. l'Jtl Cliei Tint I doors Isdnw llh. For sale inC'am leii by J. 11. .M- h'ain. Z. J. Del lav and F. I.. Zrinp. A tie ii-t THE CAMDEN BAZAAR" r|^HM subscribers bef FANCY ai.'.l STAPLK (lOODS; all ?l which they oiler at the lowest prices possible. To tiie following articles they wish most particularly to draw the attention of purchasers :? Plain, figured. and satin-striped IIaretes Figured and Kiuhroidcred Lawns | French and other calicoes Tissue silks, and (iinohams ! Plain and Figured Swiss 1/ulls Plain and Figured Cambrics; Jaconets KiiihrnideP d curtain nuts litis Linem?Irish and (Ira.->; Linen cambric II tiulkercleels, La <-m hanoe a lot of fine 1 hams for sides. II. liULLFYMAN. may 31 43 if jjkju!?ujnii|ljwnutmiii?jawwun.ljm?uijiim.umiwj*.w? Victims of Dyspepsia! LOOK HERE I! I)lt. ALLEN'S COMPOUND. This Medicine is offered to the public generally from ;> lull conviction that it is superior to any other now in use, for the cure of Dyspepsia, Liver Compl.iint. .Nervous Debility, Bodily Weakness, &c. Prepared onlv bv the Proprietors, G. W. ALLLN. M. I), Philadelphia, and J. A. & W. L. ( LEVELAND, No. :>07 King Street, Charleston, So. Ca. tllf* None Genuine unless signed by I)r. G. W. A LI.E.N, and countersigned by J. A. & W. I. CLEVELA.Nl). 'i'he Initios having the words Ali.iin's Dyspeptic Medicine, Piiila.," blown on i lie glass Eo!e Agent for Camden, Z. J. DeIIAY, Nearly Opposite Mr sonic Hall. Kept 3t> lv Dress Goods. THE subscribers have just received from New | 'York, and ire now opening their Spring and Summer supply, consisting in part, of? Plum, .Metalline, llroehe and i'rinted Parage Prinl'd M :?r<]u:so, Tyroleinne, Alborineand Floride Black .Mongolin de Lain, Parage and Silk Tissue Paris printed Jaconet and Organdi Muslins Fancy and mourning Ginghams (small check) arts, American and English Prints ,-.lsc?An elegant assortment of Ivorv and Paper Fans. McDOWAlX & COOPER. Apni 1. ilG tf ANOTHER INSTALMENT OK HEW SUMMER GOODS!! '"TM1E Subscriber has just opened a handsome addition to Ins already large and varied assortment of SUMMER DRY GOODS,of which the following Articles form a portion : LAB>35W i5JdPA52'i'AIK1VT. White spoiled muslins lor Dresses Plaid Swiss muslins (an elegant article) l'rinied in nsi ins in every variett of price anil style I 'lain u lute Jaconet, Swiss, ami clieck'd muslins Mourning and fancy calicoes ; Grass Skirls L ee Capes, muslin collars, ami chemisettes .Muslin cufTs ot ilie newest fashion Infants' Crock Bodies Swiss and Jaconet Trimmings Laces of every kind A large assortment of Mew Bonnets for Ladies and Misses, A frc-li supply of plain and tancy ribbons Hosiery ol every description A profusion of Fans and ditto of Sunshades an l?a asuis Barege shawls and mantles Black and while sewing - ik mitts Gloves of aii sorts and sizes Linen cam bur. handkerchiefs at 10c. and others | with an upward tendency 12i2PASST32?XT. If.. ,.l.. UUJ. vu.s. all Sizes I i.nicj-uute alack aipucca co.its at 75. Boys' coals, assorted sizes i'liii iiii , Leghorn, and double-brimmed straw hats j Black lirap iv* 17tc tor coats Figured ditto tor I'aiils i Summer coatings,and Vestings j Dres? S.nrts, Drawers and Suspenders ! JlaiainOivhif'ls, crav.it?, ^c. &.e. At' new aiat :.lir:n live, and guarantied us low as j they can be kiund in mrj utarkrt. i'ifii-.i. itZjiij.l.'i i. S, I'avilioii, (JaUiC, and iU-1 .\ett lor the Mosquito ; season, Irish Linens . ml Scotch Diaper, Lng'isii longciotiis, iiie.mlied and br sheetings i lioiucsjjuu and Domestic (muds 01 every descrip- i lion .-till o.i'cic-d at lust scunner's jirices at WiLoOVtS PALMETTO riTOiiE. May 17 o'J tt Just iccccivcd, AT j3rIk.A2.VS i>4i.l'Oi-3>TOH17, od Liver Oil While Lead Quinine, ll.iy hum, C iSior (JjI, Congress A atcr, Kau l.usiral, Tannin, Extract Vanilla, Fresh Ergot, German Cologne, Annua tic Vinegar. All the varieties of TU 11 Mi' iSEED, fcsuit ib!o for ilie season. Ju'y 8 ice: ice:: VURANGK.M .iN i'S iiavc been made for obtaining larger supplies ui Ice, winch will be lurnish.dai the billowing rates?tor less than 25 lbs. Uur cents; over 25 ins. three cents per lb. AicKA1X 'ft L>ii U G-ft l'U 11K. July 8. 51 tl fi'or httlc. V SECOND hand Straw Cutter, (Eastman's patent,) in good order; also, one of HutchI i m.-irlv iu'U" ,.illior or li.ith ill* U'liieli \ will Ixi soul very cheap. Apply at this office. WAITED! I rI^IIK subscriber earnestly requests those indebt' JL ed to linn to come forward and settle without | delay. FOR TUF. FUTURE | lie will work for cash, and expects the money or other satistaction when the work is delivered. For ; those io whom he is indebted, he will do work at the lowest cash prices. N. U. AKUANT& June 11,145(1. -17 tfw Chiihrtl Sudti itiid Stmapnriilit. For sale by MOOlllO it llELCllEli. may 7. 36 tf HaiTiMiitN Columbian Ink, I * V l...,l 1..^ Inrunlli liv ' 1" AlOORL^ 4-' BELCHER. Ladies, Look at This, J / \/ \ i* mi;.s ul i.ailics (Jailer Boots of every i . ~i"( '( ' description, ol tlie bust i'hilndclphia anil ! Eastern m miilacliires, at very low prices OU pairs white Kid a ltd Satin Slips -also Mark Slippers and Walking Siioos, of every descript ion Misses'(Jailer Boots, black and colored, cloth and leather (ion! lemon's Depart men t. Fine pump and thick Boots, l'iiiladelpliia do do do Bootees, do do do Congress (Jailers, calf and cloth do velvet and goat Slippers And many other ipialities of Boots and Shoos, too mi morons to mention, sewed and pegged. U>*\Ve are also manufacturing line Shoes and Boots to order, and warrant them to give entire : sal lad lull ('.ill nnil see. . \VUKK.\IA.\ &. BOUXK'S. ! April -j:j. j?? tf : 7 > V.AS'S I.Hiiilm, Porter, best Port Wine, Lemon : i) ^vriijs Wliite Wine Vinegar, Sugar House Syrup, &< ... fur Bale l?y K. W- HO.XNKY, Ami: in :n Uoys'" Clot l?i ii^T" Handsome Patterns and neatly made, for sale by H. W. UONNEY. l-JUULltJimj.-Ml" I Willi II ! Medical Books. Wood's Practice- oT Medicine United Stales Oispcrtea'ory, Wood and Bacbe C'liril icon's and Gritfith's Dispensatory Griffith's Universal Formulary Dungliisson's Medical Dictionary Hooper's do do Hot se*s Pocket Lexicon of Medical Terms Taylor's Medical Jurisprudence Wilson's Human Anatomy; Horner's Anatomy Smith and Horner's Anatomical Plates Carpenter's Elements of .Physiology Do Principles of Human Physiology Churchill on infants ami children Cmidie on diseases of children Eherlie's practice of Medicine, new edition in one volume De wees on cliildren Do. on Females Churchill's M;du ilery Ciymer's W ilium's Piinciplcs of Mcdiciuo / I U.O I nf PtHliulPil Simon's Family Medical (iuide Griffith's McJica! lio'any Druilt's modern Surgery ( lymer's Treatise on Fever Dio.khOn's Practice of Medicine Miller's Priuc?j?!o? and Practice of Surgery Morton's Human Anatomy .Mutier's Hicmcnts *V- a?lw I fe?P |f V V:// /? -?.n:i??*ri? " of itifantrv at Wiunsboro', on Saturday ibeJdlii ni'July im-x'. Tin* Gili regiment of cavalry at Yongticaville.on Tuesday thetiSd of July. The tirtlli a:i'i -7:h regiments of infantry al Cheslferville. on Thursday tin* tiSth of July. The I'llh regiment of infantry at or near Lbewzer, or. Tuesday the 3t>th of July. 'i'in* tilth reriiiifntiuiantry at Yorkviile, on Thursday ilio l.t day of August. 'J'ii 37th regiment of infantry at Wilkins', on Monday the fnii of A tie 11" t. Tin* o.nli .-'. _'uiif lit at or near i'nionville, on Thursday the h n: Aug>?-'. 'J'he t'lli regiment of eavnlrv near Glenn's Springs, on Sain-.lay the t,:l!: ol August. 'l ie ifcfcji regiment of infantry at Tiintiions'old Held, on Saiur.iav ihc 17.ii *?f August. Tic l.'uh regiment of infantry at the Hurr.t Factory cn Tit--i|av the d.'th Aitsju-t. The 11.-? reeirn >>! <>l infantry at Park's Old Field on Tl.nr- lay the <>;' Att'tu. t. The 1"<|i regiment ?:i" infantry at lloyd's, on Saturday the - th < !" Ai '.; l Tiic h'tli regiment of civ-dry at Martin's, or tlcir regi Mental partl-dc gr. nr. I. on i i:e~!av tnc-.ih of AugustThe rt-^iii. na of in: tiery at or near Keller's Old FieM. on T!mr> lay lie Jl'lh of tt._*i;^i. The 3l>i!i r.-^ini" n: of i mailt n a' or near KttfT'a Mountain. on Saturday the 3h". of ' u^nst. '1 he eo!iiin;>-ioiii-J and nen-c.-nnuiinioned officers will af-en?!i!e tie day pr.v.iic, at iheir re.-;>cetnc para tie ground*. 'e\. i die 3Tth regiment tit Wiii.ins*; tlu-y will a: lenilile or. iv.iurnuy the !?., of August,) lur drill and in. urttr; Ion. The Major (ieni-.v.ls hit;! "rluadwr (Senetttl-. will, with tlunr Stall.-, a.tend the reviews -within their resjvtive eoniiaiiu..-. 'J'lie 1!.-: ja-Iier Generals are charged with the extension of this or :er. At: in.'jiectitin of arms will take place at or before tho review ol ta. 'i r.giiueut. A return of ail ii:e regiment* must tie had by or before the 1st of Oi-ioitef next. l?y order of the t'oniinatider-in-Cbief. J. W. ?' \.N i'iil, A .j't& Insp. Gen'l. T!n? I'hark'-t'iti I'mirier an I fler'-ury, the t arolinian and Paluiett"r?t.t:e Ida*. i.-r,ilie faint--,to Standard, iorhviile Mix-ehatiy. i niilieid herald Aevvberry Sentinel, spartan a . : !.a.ireu>;ide Herald will insert once a week ?t.til r?... If..v:4*wi\ ;irit tiVl-f. may ill i3 . if Lava Ware; rjpiiF Hub.-ci.Ucr ii.us rc;*e.vuu Card Baskets, JL I'iales, Baskets, Candlesticks, 1'itchcrs, &c., made oi i/ivii, ail neat and handsome ariiclos.? A.'co, Clima Cuj-s and .Saucers, China Colognes, (jiia.-s Baskets, 'J'uy Tumblers, 1'iiciiers and liason.-, Lcmontie (ii 'S.-c.-, Clnna Flower Fuls, China IJoII ll'-iid.-, Tool Cheats, Large l'urtc iiiuim.es. iiackif.uiiai.iii hoards, dne, immature kmves, China i'lill" im.Nos, 'A it.'i a ii.r^o variety ol Toys and Fancy (jixids, all lor saiehy F. L. Z1S.UF. April l!J, :J1 e -J :<* .*\ ' I' v/ J ro rr.c t- x ) r?ra^ 1 I's'i* r.w.-iv,..! pM?r SiiufJi^riUT: J I undress water, tvltser Aperient, Castor Oil, Cod Liver Oil, S?wi Oil, l'ot ash. Toilet Njmnge, Quinine, (ielaiine, P no Vanilla Deans, l " eil, In?li;i Rubber Halls, China !>ol| Heads, Yeast Powders, India Rubber do. Heel' Harrow, l'an l.u-iral, Harry's Trieoplicrous, Hair iie-inralive,Are. A-e. Also receiving monthly from New Y'ork and Pliiladel, pliia. fresh supplies nf lirn.;-, Jl-dieines, and Chomicals Snrs;ieal instruments, Perfumery, l.-isnji-. Window Class. Paints, Otis, iVe., wliieli will l>: sold on reasonable terms, Pnrii.idar attention gi\ en to tire putting up of physicians prescriptions ami fatally recipes. i\ Satm5^SO57 li A X li A G li N T. At itrs or,n stand (ii'io'sitk Davis's Hotel JAMES ?. BAW ILU3T1 dlti jE2Z??!, ca.a di::*, s.c. Will attend prompt!y to all business entrusted to Willi, lit: may be loaml at the Sheriff's Office " Thompson's celebrated Starch Polish," ("^O.MI'UiSKU <>l Isinglass, (Jum .Arabic, t^u., J and cur.tains nothing injurious. It is highly recommended lor {riving a beautiful, {.'lossy, and smooth surl icc to linens, cambrics, collars, sbirt bosoms and all hinds of prints, &c. One cake will do sixty dozen of clothes, and no family should be without, tlicin. !'rice lii per cake; $!, per d< zen. For sale hv June 11. MOO 11K &."ili:i.CIIKR. To all Concerned, ILL persons against whom execution has been il outer,;,! tor no?l..': Memphis Institute. TESliiCAE UEPARTMLEIfT. THE regular course of Lectures in this Institule ?'ili commence on tlie First of November, niiil t ontmuo until the last of February. The Anatomical department will he opened and ready to receive students by theFirst of October. The Medical Department will be under thedireciou of the following PROFESSORS: - - ; J. CONQi'EST CROSS, M. D. Professor of the InftiMiioft of .Medicines and .Medical Jurisprudence. W. BiitD POW'ELL, M. D., Professor of Cerebral Physiology, 3I?dical Geology and .Mineralogy, It. S. A EWTO.N. 31. D-, Professor of Surgery JF. J. IllLCE, 31. D., Professor ofTheory and Practice of Mediriue. , .1. A. V. I I.SOX, 31.1 ', Professor of Obstetrics and Diaenses of Women nnd Children. J. KING. 31. L)., Professor of 3Iateria Medicia, and Therapeutics. /, Kit if KM AN. 31. P., Professor of Anatomy. J -MM/I ON SANDEItS, A. 31., 31, D., rrofessorof Chemistry, and Pharmacy. (.UNIQUE LECTURERS. .MEDICINE?PiiOF. n J. lirLOE NlUGEili'?IMIOK. It. 8. NhWTON. '/. FREEMAN, 31 1)., Anatomical Demonstrator. The Ices for a lull course of lectured amount to$105. "* Leach Professor's Ticket, $15. A/atrirulatorV $5. Demonstrator's Fee $10. Graduation, $t!0Those desinng further information vvil pieaaer^ address their letters (post paid) to the Uea..; ar.tfS i students arriving in the city will please call on hurts at the Cominerci 1 Hotel, K. S. NEWTON, M. D., Dean of tiie'Faculty> LAW XuSPARTJUEXT. IION. E. W. M. KING, Professor of Theory an Practice of Law N'OIt- V. D. BAllRY, Professor of Commercial Ju~ rispntiience. T^uis ?$50 per Session. AVcoinmuiiications pertaining to this departs inetiL must be adJru.-sed to X' \\T ">r iT-Tvn n iii. jaj.11ur, j&sq. Memphis, Tonn., March, li*~>0. Tin; Faculties, for intellectual abilities, moral worth and professional acquirements, will compare lav. rablo with tiie most distinguished in our coun try. The medical faculty constitutes an anomaly in tiiis or any other country?all of them are able lecturers and the best of teachers. Those who wiil contemplate our geographical position, and the extent of our population, can have no doubt as to the eligibility of out situation for aa enterprise of the kind. As to health, including ail seasons of the year, we deny that any other city has moke. A c. innioii error exists in the minds of many students relative I <, the place of studying uicdicincsj those wijo intend practicing among the diseases of tiiu West and South should certainly educate themselves at a school whose faculty are practical* ty acquainted with those diseases. That the public may bo satisfied of the permanency of this sch- nl, we feel it our duty to state, thai the Trus'e.-s and Faculty form a CNIT in action which augurs well for its luturc success; and that t!ie pecunar internal organization which connects them, cannot he* interrupted. E. W. M. KING. President of the Memphis institute. J ily 17, 185U. IS ly iren ircsanc steel. ] S weed's I rev: lniiv*Prv. '"V JTF. SUTHERLAND ]Mav 23, 16"i0. 42 if Window Glass. 1"MIE Glass manufactured by the Patapsco Co. . of Baltimore, cannot be excelled by that of any other, 1 have just received a Iaru:e invoice of -v the following; sizes: 8x10, 10x12,9x11, llxl3l 12x11, 14x18,18x20, 18x24, &c.., to which I would invite the attention of those in want of the article.'Also?Lamps, Chiuinice, plain aud cut solar-" Globes, Nursing llottlcs, Physicians pocket Case-?-' > and Vials. Z. J. DfiHAV. . April 2. 20 tf :\cw Goods. A irenerul assortment of DRY GOODS, iiardwarr. GROCERIES, &P. Received Iiy W. ANDKRSON' & CO. KIa*tic Doll Eicacls. VNfilVnnrl beautiful article, superior to any tiling of the kind ever before manufactured. Heiiiir elastic: they will not bicuk b^alling: Painted in till, when Muled, may he w^ped with soap anil w ater, tor sale by F. L. ZKMl'. April It). 31