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i?s sl)e camkn mkkmi VOLUME 11 "CAMDEN, SOUTH-CARQLINATiVUGUST 6,1850. NUMBER 62. THE CAMDEN JOURNAL, _ PUBLISHED BV THO. J. WARREN & C. A. PRICE, EDITORS AJiD PROPRIETORS. THE SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL Is published at Three DnJIurx and Fifty Cents, if paid in , advance; or Four Dollar* if payment is delayed for three . moat l>s. THE WEEKLY JOURNAL Is published at Two Dollars and Fifty Cents, if paid in ! \dvanre, or Three Dollars if payment is delayed for three mouths. Any person procuring five responsible subscribers shnll he entitled to the sixth copy (of the edition subscribed for; gratis for one year. ADVERTISEMENTS will be inserted at the following mt"F: For one square (14 lines or less) in the semi-weekly, one dollar for the first, and twenty-five cents for each -subseqnent insertion. . -hi the weekly, seventv-fivo cents per square for the first, *i?nd thirty-seven and u lialf cents for each subsequent insertion Single insertion* one dollar per square. 'Jlie numaer of insertion* desired, and the edition to be published in, must be noted on the margin of all advertisements. or they will be inserted serai-weekly until ordered to be discontinued, and charged accordingly. Semi-monthly, monthly and quarterly advertisements charced tlie same as for a single insertion. Liberal discounts allowed to those who advertise for I three, six, or twelve months. ft3T-All communications by mail must be post-paid to ! secure attention. Hie following, gentlemen are Agents for the Jonmal: Col. T. W. Hoer, Jackson ham, Lancaster Dist. S. II. Rosser. Esq., Lancasterville, S.C. 0. C. McCrcjimen, Carthage, N. C. W.C. AIoorK. Esq., Camden. S. C. And Postmaster* are requested to act as our Agents. Poetical. Department. The Land which no Mortal may Enow. Though earth has many a beautiful spot, As poet or painter may show, Yet more lovely and beautiful, holy and bright, To the hopes of the heart and the spirit's glad sight, Is the land that no mortal may know. Theie the chrystalline stream bursting foith from the throne, \ Flows on, and forever will flow; Its waves as it rolls with melody rife, A..j :??. cnarHiiiu with heautv and life. ! AIIU IIT? wairjr aif c|'winu..^ j , . lu the laud which no mortal may know. And there on its margin with leaves ever green, ~With its fruit healing sickness ami woe, The fair Tree of Life in its glory and pride, Is fed by that deep, inexhaustible tide Of the land which no mortal may know. There, too, are the lost! whom we lov'd on this earth, With whose memories our bosoms yet glow, Their relies we gave to the place of the dead, But thefr glorified spirits before us have fled To the land which no mortal may know. Oh! who but must pine in this dark vale of tears, Froth its clouds and its shadows to go? To walk in the light-ofthS glory above, And to share in the peace andlhe joy and the love Of-tbat.iaud which no mortal tnav know. itiisccilahcmts. Qepartmcnt. r '-p-v - "? ?;? ? AVPATUBR'S FIRST INTKRVIKW WITH HIS - PiiTT/n?The noet f!nmnb?li. soon nfter the ' "."'I7'' ri" ?:?f - * birth of his first child, wrote as follows to a near friend. The passage teems with all the tender fervor of a father's heart Our first interview was when he lay in his little cribTin'the.midst 6f white muslin and dainty laceSj prepared by Matilda's hands long before the stranger's arrival. 1 believe that a lov lier babe W35 jievcr snriletl upon by the light of heaven. He was breathing sweetly his first sleep; I dyxst,not-awaken hiui, hut ventured one kiss. Ho gave a faint murmur, and open ed his ltUle azuro light Since that-time .lie has j continued to grow In grace and statue: 1 can ! take him in my ajpis,. but~still his good nature and his beauty are hut provocatives td tiie affection one.must not indulge; he cannot bear to be huggetf; he eaiinot stand a worrying. 0! that I were sure be v/oold live to the days when I could take him oq .my knee, and feel the strong plumpness of childhood waxing into vigorous youth. My poor boy! shall 1 have the ecstacy of tepchkig hiin thoughts, aud knowl edge, and "reciprocity of love to me ? I' is bold to venture into futurity so far! At present his lovely little face is a comfort to1 me? Iris lips breathe that fragrance which it is one of the loveliest kindnesses of nature that she haa given to infants; a sweetness of smell ' more delightful than all the treasures of Arabia. What ndortihle beauties of (iod and Nature's bounty we live in ivitkoat knowledge! How few have ever seemed to think aw infant beauti ful! Ilrit |o me there seems to be a beauty in the earliesi dawn of infancy, which is not inferior to tbo attractions of childhood, .especially when ttiey sleep. Their looks excite a more tender train of emotions* It is like tremulous anxiety we feel for a candle newly lighted, which we dread going out Tns Alt.igator.?Towards the latter part of January, 1814, the United States schooner Alligator, mounting eight or ten guns, with a cornplimentof forty men, was attacked in Stone river (six miles south of the channel of diarieston,S.C.) by six boats froin the enemv's squadron off the mouth of the river, having on board one hundred and forty men, and succeeded in j beating them off,-after a warm action of thirty : minutes, ie which the eueniy suffered very so- | verelV. 'Hie loss 011 board the Alligator was twoki.l d and two wounded. Great credit is due to her conunander, sailing-master Dent, and crew, for defeating a force so greatly superior in numbers. The Alligator was afterwards lost in a severe gale, and twenty-three of her men drowned. A loeomotivefengine it is said, is composed of 5,418 pipces. i Onb Way to Save tub South.?A corros I pundent of the Colum jus Enquirer, in commcnting 011 the exci rtmcnt now pervading the coun* I try, claims to give his opinion. He says: " If it is thought that the admission of California without regard to the line of 3(5 30 will min the South, it is time for us to begin to ask ourselves what will save her? If we believe this, it is time we were up and doing. My plan is this: Let the South pledge itself, as did the fathers of the revolution in relation to Britain, not to purchase their goods or any of their manufactured articles, and you will bring them to terms at once. Withhold the trade of the South, and you will see those arrant disturbers of our peace lick the dust But not the dagger into the hands of the assassin who you think would stah you to the heart, nor warm the adder that would fasten his fangs into your vitals. "It is a Weil settled fact, that if we know a man to be an enemy, or if we thought him to be so, we would not give him our patronage; for if we did we should he recreant to ourselves, as he who aids his foe is a foe to himself. How then is it that men appear to he ready eat a common thinker, swallow him who'' without greasing, if he happens to differ as regards a remedy.? It has been said hv some that men who differ with them on this question are enemies to their country; so it was said of Stephens and Toombs in '48. What, flesh have those great Caesars fed upon that has made them so wise? There may be perchance another Brutus iu Rome! 1 see some almost ready to assassinate those who differ with them in relation to this vexed question. If the wise men of the world differ as regards the adjustment, why should not ali ? Is it the love of the South that j men have become so patriotic all at once? Ij fear not If so, why do those men, or at least I some of them, leave I heir beloved Sou! It, In spend j ???>*/>># f,\f fit# rirru/fiWi/itiy i ;nr. istfuifitc u.w* iiu'ii* ?/ /?? i??io/* //ww enemies it the Norlh." Mr. Rhett's Treason.?The Augusta Republic, a good Whig paper, has'a strong article on Mr. Clay's denunciation of Mr. Rhett. The following are the concluding paragraphs. ISuiiih Carolinian. " Who calls Mr. Rhett a traitor I A man who, though possessed of transcendant abilities and grown old in a long term of brilliant services to his country, denounces the institution of slavery as a wrong, an evil, and a curse? who recently said, in the United Mates Senate, he would yield his life before he would vote for j the extension of slavery. Who is .Mr. Rhett ( ' A true-hcarU*d, noble-minded defiMnler ol* our ' rights and institutious? one who has seen twelve year# 'service-in-Congress, to-lentless and cruel our Northern brethren have liecome. Mr. Hliett prefers disunion to iJislion- j or, and he sees in the future the baleful tires of ruii; sbuing us in the face. Is lie a traitor ? A traitor to what? To the Union? is not its j true spirit gone when one portion of the Slates j and disgraced by another? He is a traitor! lluw! By contending for the! Constitutional rights ol the Month, his own j state among them ? lie would lie a traitor if he was not true to them. 'Cake Mr. llhett's speech, read it, and you will tind there a proper devotion lo the Union as it was, and ought to he. We will furnish our readers with j^rtions of it in our next, and they will see ia it the lire of true patriotism, as it ought to burn in every [ Southern, yea in every Ainciican bosom. " We admired and loved Mr. Clay. We j were no summer fiiend of his. Wc followed him tluutigli all fortunes, and. and every change j ol seasons. We stood bv him through evil as j well as through report, cooiiuing in his J justice, null believing that lie would stand by j the rights of the Mofrth. Hut alas 1 lie has j turned his face to the North? ami shall we fol- | low him at the saciifice of the South ? That we cannot, will not do. We would yield our life before we would be such a traitor to our section." CoTTOIf and PltlLNATIinoPY.?the Haitiinore American stales that the philanthropy which was once so rife in England in behalf of negroes held in slavery lias so far subsided now that many ol those who were once loudest in their denunciation of America for retaining the .institution or y in those States that chose to have it, . .w gladly see our slaveliold- I i ?! i ' *i... I IIJ? IVIUtVi^ ...I uiu L JIUjJUlUllOil IN till? South largely increased. The p)iilanthropisi.?ts, adds the American, | want more cotton, and they arc dependent upon ; the United States lor that article, and they have learned from the exampie of Jamaica I negro labor will not produce cotton or anything ; else very abundantly, unless it is under the control of masters. It may happen, in the course of time, the American justly observes, that some ot our American philanthropists, engaged in the cotton manufacture at the North, will discover that au institution which produces the raw material upon which their business depends is entitled some consideration at their hands, and that it would better for them to cease to he manuiacturers wuen ttiey are ready to set out as fanatics.?Richmond Rejmbliran. Sijnator Footb,?We wore informed, on Friday last, that certain persons were busily engaged in circulating a paper among the crowd at Messrs. Fort and Wair's barbecue?obtaining the names o( individuals to a document, or letter, approving the course of Senator Foote upon the Compromise. We did not see said paper, except at some little distance, and onlv speak from information, but we have no doubt as to the correctness of our information. Doubtless Arnold may have received commendatory letters from Wis brethren after he had deserted the standard of American freedom ; and why should not congenial spirits attempt to console and soothe Senator Foote, after he has deserted his friends and gone over to the enemy in the worst and fullest sense of the word. Traitors tire never without friends, and desperate efforts are sometinios made to sustain sinking nibn, in order to make political capital out of the operation, but we opine it will take abler heads than those who wore engaged in tiie work at the barbecue to write Gen. Foote up as fast as the almost-unanimous voice of the press can write him down to that level to which lie has proved himself to belong. Gen. Foote should he immediately whipped into the Southern traces, or kicked out of the Southern ranks ?politically?without if or hut.?Peoples Press, Miss. From the Sumter Banner. CELEBRATION O.N SAMMY SWAMP. Clakkndov, 5th July, 1650. The Anniversary of our National Independence was celebrated on Sammy Swamp, by an unusually large assemblage of the citizens of Clarendon, with a spirit, unanimity and cnthu ...i! i .i t - . i _ _ siasm, which ine msioneai importance ui me Day, and the "impending crisis'' to our institutions, were well calculated to evoke. The attention of the audience having first been directed, in prayer and supplication to the Throne of CI race, from which all human and national blessings are dispensed, the Declaration of Independence was read in a clear, impressive, and effective manner, by Mr. Cbovin Richardson. To this succeeded an Oration by Dr. James McCauley, teeming with patriotism and eloquence and for more than an iioui enchaining the attention of a gratified and delighted auditory. The company was then invited to partake of a sumptuous Dinner prepared lor the occasion; and of which the jIoii. JL. F. Khanie and Capt. j M. Al. Ben how, (as presiding oliicers,) dis- j pensed the hospitalities, in a manner both to ! please and to ndcrtain. Of this large concourse it was gratifying to | observe that the Ladies constituted so considerable a portion, as well as so important an element. Never perhaps on any similar occasion, ! was there ever more beauty and.lovoliness assembled to grace, dignify, or enhance the en- ; jovnicnt, of a patriotic festival. Amidst ail, it was not a little remarkable, that whilst the heart of every one seemed to be j pouring forth of its patriotism; whilst every j hour and every minute was occupied by a speech or sentiment on the great and momentous topics of the Day, not a word was uttered o(Stale or /oral politic.*?no discordant crv of Hank or Aiili'liank?no rivalry of candidates'?no eonnothing n? ilii'ii~nCt tlnr Mum. scls, of tliu policy of the State. All seemed to accord in the great necessity of first resisting! the common danger?of repelling the foreign J enemy; and of fortifying and strengthening the ' hands of those already in the van oi the contest; and who had hitherto proved firm, faithful and incorruptible in conducting it. It was a spectacle worthy of the Day and of the occasion, it was a scene that the signers of the Declaration ofludepeudeuce might have beheld with pleasure. It is certainly the noble boast 01 Clareudon, that she has no citizen, who can not forego his party, his political predilections, ami even iris ambition, to sustain the tit ate?the fc'outli?and her institutions, in this, the most perilous hour of her enicigency. 'i'iie viands having been removed, the following sentiments were announced by the Presiding Ollicers, and responded to, in a manner that bespoke both unanimity and enthusiasm. Ji EC I LA It TOASTS. 1. The Day we celebrate.?May it teach a lesson to the oppressed in every part of the w orld; ami he commemorated through all ages as the great epoch of Constitutional Liberty. 2. '1 lie Constitution ami the I'uiou.?They cannot exist separately, nor together, by force. As long as the farmer is held sacred, we are wilting to abide by the latter. Hut when it is broken and disregarded, we are ready to srjiarate. ij. fcioutli Carolina.?Our (,'01111:1011 mother, liar fume is as dear to every son, as his men. 4. The Coventor of South Carolina.?lie has shown himself trilling to promote the best interests of the State. 5. General Taylor.?May he remember that he is the lYc?ideul of si great l'coyle and not the organ oi a sn lionul parly. t?. 'the Liiion.? It can only bo preserved, not by compromises, but by preserving the Constitution. 7. George Washington.?The father of our country?nis .mule will never cease to sound dear to every true patriot. .May his example ever actuate us in insisting oppression. Ci. Joint C. Calhoun. ? 1 lie mail of a ccntu rv; the greatest ami must gifted Statesman of lue Age. Ilia memory is enshrined in the hearts of all Carolinians?ami never can be obliterated from his country's history. 'J. Franklin H. Klmore.?Next to his distinguished predecessor?the most tried, the most trusted, and most gifted of South Carolina's public servants. Love.:! as well as ad mired? and if he ever had an error of the head, we are sure he had nunc of the heart. 10. Our Senators and lleprosontalivos in Congress.?Thev have proved themselves worthy of the charge committed to them. The}' li ivii s;tiiiiii mi mill li-ittli-d .'OOiinst. Northern inr. gression witli becoming (irnmoss and patriotism. 11. The Patriots the Revolution.?By their toil ami biooil, they have bequeathed to their posterity on inheritance of Sovereignty and Independence. .May their sons never prove recreant to the trust. 12. Southern Rights and Northern Aggression.?The time has arrived when every F.qydh ern State should tlemo ml the ^V.o/nnd resist the I (liter?ju a manner t \0 jJ0 cvnded or mistaken 13. Woman.?Heaven's last, best gift to man; our arms her protection?her arms our reward. VOLUNTEER TOASTS. By L. F. llhame, President. The Orator of the Day: We are happy to hail him as citizen of Clarendon. May he live to fill that sphere of usefulness, for which nature and his own ex| ertions have so properly fitted him. Dr. McCauluy having replied in the happiest and most appropriate manner, concluded with | the following sentiment: j The Spirit of Liberty: Like some redolent flower of the forest?the more pressed and trampled upon, the richer will ho the perfume. By M. M. ilenbow ?The reader of the Declaration : His firm, manly, and c'oqceilt reading gives promise of future usefulness. By S. C. C. Richardson?The Orator of the Day: 11 is brilliant achievement upon the present occasion, together with his known abilities, I should ever entitle him in his future undertakings, to the esteem, patronage and confidence of his fellow citizens. By J. E. Brogdon?Clay's Compromise Bill: The miserable patch-work of ar. ambitious tool; insulting to the gflou sense and honor of the South. " Down with it." By A. D. Rhamc?The South: If true to I herself a bright future must and will be hers, i But, if false, ruin and degradation will be her lot | By Chas. Moore?The Memory Gen. Washington: May the thoughts oflus wisdom^and j valor in the field, and his conduct as a statesman, always be a pattern and a stimulus to I all American ollicers and statesmen in guiding our affairs. | By W. F. Butler?" Abolitiou Ber.ton," Hale and Sewaid: May they speedily reap the rei ward that all such scoundrels deserve. iiy Dr. J. J. Ingram?The Nashville Convention: An assemblage of pure hearts and ; wise minds. The resuit of their patriotic dclib! orations, in reference to our constitutional rights has given evidence that the Southern States will i exist as equals, or not exist at all. ! Bv P. M. Butler?'The Hon. A. P. Butler: Our distinguished, able, and well tried Senator i in Congress; a more true hearted Southern man never lived. By A. It. Bradham?Our Senator, J. L. Manning: His integrity and services have justilied the confidence of the people of Clarendon. Col. Manning having been also toasted by the Orator of the day, (Dr. James McCauley,) and being loudly called for, rose and responded in a speech that seemed to have awakened a deep, intense, ami well sustained interest in the aucd to have blended the feelings of liis constituents into his own strong ami inflexible determination, to resist the common danger at any and every hazard. iJo concluded by offering the following sentiment: My Constituents of Clarendon: We have been associated hitherto in cultivating the arts of peace; but should we hereafter be drivem to arms, we shall still ho together?ready nil of us, among the foremost in tiie land, to discharge any duty which the South may require from j strong hands and willing hearts. ! By T. D. lihame?Dr. Jno. J. Ingram: Our i faithful Representative; he has been equal to our expectations. Thus evoked, Dr. Ingram rose amidst all those cheering manifestations of a popular sympathy, which prove him to be so great a favorite in Clarendon. His remarks told with thrilling effect, and were received with the loudest plaudits. In conclusion he tendered the following sentiment: The Palmetto Stale: The faithful sentinel of! the South ; pure in principle, linn in purpose, j over miedtul nflier she is ominl to the i crisis which approaches her. 15 v (-'apt. T. Connors?The Memory of John C. Calhoun: Long to he remembered by every true American; well may it 1)0 said, that the brightest star from the galaxy of the Union is extinguished. I?v J. J. (/onvers?The .Missouri Compro-1 mise: An infringement on our Constitutional! Rights; a patriotic sacrifice by the South for the purpose of preserving peace and harmony. Forbearance has ceased to be a virturc?endurance has reached its bounds liy 11. Bautn?America: The mother of the orphan, the stranger, and the oppre-s'ed. By P. (r. Beiibow?lion. R II. Elmore: Though ho is now encircled in the cold embraces of death, his memory will be coeval with time; and lor him never will the silken cord of affection cease to draw with fond reminitiisccuce. By a Cucst?John L. Manning, our present Senator: i lo has discharged his duty with ability and fidelity. We will trust him farther. | I5y James Curran?South Carolina: May ! she abound in her staple productions by strict ! attention to her agricultural pursuits. liy ('has. Moore?The Militia of Sumter District: May they ever be ready for the defence of their country, when needed, as a band of true patriots, who fear nought but the doing of evil. Ity J. Minis?The Speaker of the Day: Clar! endon's most eloquent orator, may bo be forev ! mi I i. - J:.? ; VI lil l/MI <111(1 l||?|J IH- WiJlillll *1 %U?"" i nity worthy of his approbation. Hy Chas. Richardson?The Union with our 1 rights and institution*, or our rights and institui lions without the Union. I Hy P. M. Rutler?The Hon. John Helton ()'Neall: The well tried anil laitiiful Judge upon i the bench; may lie bo tju? next President of the ! Hank of the State of South Carolina. Hy Jas. S. Tindal?lion. J. A. Woodward: : A perfect gentleman, gifted orator, incorruptible statesman. IIis only ambition is the good and welfare of the fjouth. Hy II. W. Aiitchuin?The Day wo Celebrate: May each succeeding anniversary find us in j creasing in numbers, and extending our sphere [ of usefulness. By W. F.Butler?Calhoun and Elmore: Their aspects eo noble, pale grave cloth disfigure, And their conquering arms are despoiled of their vigor; * * > On those lips, which dropp'd wisdom,, is silence imposed, And those kind beaming eyes forever are closed. ' By W. F. Sherriff?The Citizens of the Northern States: In the struggle for Independence we proudly acknowledge them brothers. They then had white faces and pure hearts: but since, they have been metamorphosed to white faces and black hearts;??we should disown the broth-, erhood, and be brothers only in purity, and enemies in traitorship. By B. F. Brogdon?Eden was originally a > Desert; with woman it became a Paradise. By Mr. Sourhavour?The Union; We cherish it, and stand by it, so long us it realizes iu its operations the designs of'those who founded it, aa a uontederaey of equality. * By T. N. Butler?Hon. J. C. Calhoun : Who fortified the firmness of the South? the inlegritv of the Union, and the rights of his State May every true Southerner deplore his loss. By P. G. Benbow?Senator Venable, of North Carolina: His unwearied attention and unchanging devotion towards our deceased Senator, should elicit the encomiums, and entitle him to the liighest confidence of every South Carolinian. By T. Touchberry?The memory of JVC. Calhoun: Though dear to all fieemen, should be particularly dear to South Carolinians. By Richard Harvin?Hon. J. L-Mannig: The man whom we confide in?may he fill the . Jjjpr* next Gubernatorial chair. * , By. Jas. M. Butler.?Hon. L. F. Rbnme; The true-hearted friend to Carolina's sods ; may he live long to enjoy the fruits of his labors and benevolence. By J. J. Conyers?Hon. L. F. Rbame; Our former energetic Senator; though retirejl to.the peaceful avocations of private life, he yet deiights to mingle in patriotic homage with his fellow-citizens. A perfect gentleman, and an honest man; Clarendon rightly appreciates him. By J. M- M'Fadden?The Ladies of America : France may boast of her dark-eyed daughters; Spain of her fair brunetts; Italy of her languishing beauties?but the Ladies of America stand unrivalled paragous of refinement, in telligence and beauty. By Mr. Sourliavour?Hon. A. P. Butler: A bold and uncompromising defender of Southern rights?and not to be misled by false promises. By a Guest?Gen. Andrew Jaokson : The hero of New Orleans?may his name ever be remembered. n,. vr m Ptaiiho""- cu- .f i A^.rTf "jyi mise: We repudiate them both?now oia Coon!?Twere better that you wore dead; 8eHoii. find CIimrr. and damned : and that Ronton and Foote should fight the battle of the Kilkenny Cats, rather than the South should accept the Compromise. By Charles Boyd?Hon. R. B. Jlhetfc The distinguished author of the Southern Address. Tried, disciplined, and experienced as a Statesman: faithful, able, and prompt,in ever}'emergency: gallent spirit, and an incorruptable soul; he is the man to lead the councils of the South through the storming deliberations of our National Legislature. By Robert W. Burgess?C'apt. F. Suinter: As he stood gallantly at the bead of his Regiment, and foremost in the fight on the bloodstained fields of Churubusco and Chapultepec; mav we soon see him Governor of the Palmetto State. rP TamaIiKakm^?tlrtn P VV Pir?lf(JnQ? Hifl j * uuciiuui i j aiuua 11 a v?*v~x ..... soul stirring eloquence in the late Nashville Convention has well sustained the reputation he lias already acquired, as one of South Carolina's most able Statesmen and gifted Orators. Bv a Citizen of Clarendon?Col. Maxcv Gregg: In his hands we feel that the interests of the South are safe. Let him lead on, and we follow, and if strife must come, to him we prophetically look, as the young Washington of the Southern Confederacy. The New York Herald, we are glad to observe, expresses the hope that Powers' statue of Hon. John O. Calhoun, lost in the ship Elizabeth, oft* Fire Island Light House, may yet he recovered. It was carefully packed, and was placed near the koel, which still remains, with many of its adjacent timbers. This Statue wasorderedb va company of gentlemen in Charleston,and who therequest of the City Council, had consented to permit it tobecome the property of the city. Its lo<s would he regarded as a public calamity, and we earnestly hope the Herald may bo right in the. expectation of its recovery. It is :i noticeable fact that John Quincy Adams anticipated the great renown acquired by Sir Robert Peel many years ago. Returning from the mission to England, to Washington city, in 1817, he remarked, \yhilc speaking of the public men of England, that for extensive education ami knowledge, combined with superior endowments and effective oratory, he regarded Mr. Peel as first amongst those then advancing into renown?an opinion remarkably sustained by tno result. 7 uk Stkamsiiip Atlantic.?According to the log of the Atlantic^ she \yas hut just si$ ?lays ami one hour from land to land?that is, from Cape Clear to Cape Race?thus making the passage in loss than a week, and with only live hours fair wind. Nkkko AVit?A negro once gave the following toast: "De Gubernor ob dc State; he come ill wid berry little opposition; he go out will none at all. We learn iVom the 3roy Whig that a large portion of the bank at Niagara Falls is in a condition which indicates that it will soon follow the example of the Table Rock. %