I I. O. O. F. 1 KERSHAW LODGE, NO. 9. I fT^HR regular meeting of thus Lodge will be held I X this (Friday) evening at their Hal), at 8 o*. I clock. By order of the N. G. I 57 Z. J. DEHAV, Sec'y. | BOOK AGENCY. I Stc A- and be great?die and be glonooa; V Read how our artnie* were victorious' I Over Mexieaa hordes that vainly planned I Our defeat on the Rio Grande. I THE MEXICAN WAR AND ITS WARI RIORS. BY J. FROST, LL. D. H. Manrfield, Publisher, New Haven, Conn. WM. C. C/STON having obtained an Agencv from the Publisher, to scil the above work by subscription, respectfully informs hie friends in the counties of Union and Mecklenburg, N. t\, and Lancaster district, S. C. that he wiil travel ^ through the said counties (heginnfng in Union, about the 1st of August,) with a Prospectus, ex| hibiting a description of the history, with specimens I of the Engravings, &c. The work bound, in embossed cloth with gilt ti \ lie, will contain more than 300 pages with 40 En. graving*, at 8150 to each subscriber. In every case where the Book is not as represented in the Prospectus, the Agent is authorised to?i*e the copy gratis. A Lecture, explanatory of the History, may be iKfc'ted at Monroe, Charlotte, Davidson College, and Iduicaster, respectively?of whicti dm re particular nciice hereafter. ty For testimonials of character and responsibility, reference may be made to the following gentlemen : In Monroe?Maj. D. A. Covington, Ch'm. C. C.; S. If. Walkup, County Solici or; Col. J. M. Stewart, C.C.C.; T. D. Winchester, F. M. Charlotte?S. N. Hutchison, County Solicitor,; Lieut E. C. Davidson; J. B. tlerr, C. S. C*; Law rence Badger, E ... , Trezevant; Andrew Wallace, Esq; John G. Bow man, Ed. Temp. Adv. Wadesboro?Col. A." Little. Cedar Hill?Dr. S. G. Twitty; Col. Win. Smith. N B. As no other person is authorised to sell 44 Frost's History of the Mexican War," I will endeavor to see every man, eit er at public places or his-private dwelling. Wm. C. CASTON. Lancaster District, S. C, July 3,1850. 3t 57 NOTICE.THE following extracts from the Act of Congress for taking the Census, are published to enable the persons of this District to give me the necessary information as required by the said Act, without delay and inconvenience. 1; Every person will be required to give the names and ages ot nunsen ana 01 every pevu m bis family, their place of birth, &c^ and all who were at school within the last vear. The slaves ofeach owner are to be numbered separately, beginning at No. 1, and a separate description of each one to be given?the person on whose plantation a slave is to be found is to be considered the owner?the age and color of each slave to be given; if the exact,cannot be given insert some age which is the nearest approximation to it; the sex of each slave to be given. 3. The name of every person who has died in the family during the year ending 1 June. 1850, their age, sex, color, place ot birth, whether married or not, their occupation, and the disease or cause of death. 4. Every person will be required to give the number of acres of bud improved and unimprov ed?cash value of farm, the whole amount ol live stock on 1 June, 1550, the number of cattle that are one year old, the number of sheep one year and older, whole uumber of swine on farm on 1 June 1850; cash value of all live stock; produce of farm ending 1 June 1850, to wit: the number of bushels' of corn, wheat, rye, &c.; value of home made manufacture. _ . ~ JOSEPH E. NETTLES, Asst. Marshall. July 20. 57 w3t T>V virtue^^^^r directed, I JD will eel! on the 1st Monday in August next, and the day following (tf necessary) being the 5th and 6th days of said month, between the legal honrs of sale, before the Court House door in Catnden, 1434 acre# of bind, lying on the waters of Gum Swamp creek, in Kershaw District, adjoining lands of Messrs. Haile, Mathis, McKain, I/?ve and Bas*" "l _ - - '?r Tkninia Mnmlap I Kin, leviea on u iik pnipcn; ui munr deceased; (tobe sold by consent on a credit) at the suit of tbe President and Directors of the Bank of the State of South Carolina, vs.F . Sumter, Executor. ALSO, At the store recently occupied by the defendant, his entire stock in trade, consisting of Dry Goods, Groceries, rockers, each " wood, > u mahogany,j " cane seat, > " wood, > Cotton gins, fans and smut machines, each Carboys ot vitriol, (extra hazardous,) each Demijohns and jugs of liquor, per gallon M empty, per gallon v Jugs, 44 each Smith's bellows, (small size,) each " " (medium and large size,) each Shovels, spades, scythes, sifters, brooms, collars and Ploughs, wheelbarrows, corn shelters and straw cutte Gunpowder?per keg of 25 pounds, (extra hazardou Single packages?per freight train, noi less man Grain-?corn,wheat, peas, rye, nut and grass seeds, in Oats, per bush. Potatoes, per bush. Ice, per ton, Hay, 100 lbs. Specie, $1,000 Live Stock?single horse, mule or Ox, each $8; 2 i $3; 20 or more, each $2,50. Sheep, goats, hogs, calves and deer, each 50 cents; 1; Dogs in baggage car, 50 miles and under, each 25cen Geese and turkeys in coops, per freight train, per do; Ducks and fowls 44 M 44 Live stock per car load, (the stock in every instance attendant to each car will be permitted to past Wood?per cord, for first 10 miles, $1, and 25 cents I first 10 miles, #:J, ana OU cents ior every auimiui 10 miles, $1,50, and 25 cents for every additions cents, and 25 cents for every additional 10 niilei 25 cents for every additional 10 miles. (To be l< at the convenience of the Company.) Large lota in the Summer time taken under special s The company does not engage to notify consign* considered as delivered when they have reached the removed, will be turned over to the warehouse keepe No risk assumed beyond $200 on any one pack; jewelry, and other valuables, to pay a freight proport: The company will not be responsible for the lbllo burstiug of beer and cider barrels, bieakage of glass, these latter; also for damage to chairs, sofas and sett No claim for lost or damaged goods will be allowe loss or damage is said to have occurred. No package will be taken by passenger tram for for less than 5U cents. Larger packages by the passenger train, 14 centf 50 cents to $1 each, r Freight on articles for "Way Stations," must b company ceases the uioineut they are put out at si owner. Freight of ice and other perishable articles, must Cotton received in good order at the depots, an company's expense; other damage that may occur,1 promptly settled at the "bureau Office," if accompani to the tacts ol the case. Charleston, S. C., July 1st, 1850. Q1? ?^>rrf^0 Three Strong Men; by Pumas Limia, or Uie Young Pilot ol the Bel^e Creole; a Talc ol Southern Liie Old Oak Chest, by James r Keginaid ttastings, by Warburton J The Duchess Aimeda, by Eugene Sue si Philip Augustus, The Cuitegiaus U Masonry Kevealed and Illustrated Norval Hastings, a Nautical Tale y The Bronze Statue, cr Virgin Kiss; by Reynolds p ? * - I '? v 1 V^UL'eil S WeCMdte, Hiiiiiian U.HIIB j, '1he Traitor; by Liuerson beiinel p Rose Foster; a sequel to the Mysteries of the y Court 01 London i .July 2. A. YOUNG. y A. CARD. || flAfiE Subscriber respecliuily informs his friends p X and Uie public, that he has es-abhshed a bi'EAM b'ACl OR Y on Laurel street, directly . in Iroul of the Columbia iiutel, lor iii-iiiuiaCkUring of boon, feuftlies, isiiud*; Fiauiun, Tongue and mrrooviiig Jt'looriutf and uin- f er Flunk, lie ilatlers luiuseli thai, with ihe la cihlies lie has, he can luruisn any article in his line ol business, of a superior quality, and at pri- ., ces which cannot tail to please. P Orders solicited and promptly attended to. I.. nfinuariiiin i*,nh me Ksiaoiislniienl is a tiret- , rale Dlill lor grinding Curie. Also one lor L grinding Colwleul lor Cattle. ideal and ?*risia coiii-uiiily lor sale. tie still carried oa the Carpenter Business, and fl is now prepared to contract lor Buildings ol ail de- F di-rmiiiiiiH. irum a t'oltuite to a fuiacc, on Hie C most lavorubJe terms. f lie takes litis opportunity to return his most li grateful acknowledgments lor past lavors, and so. F iicits a continuance. UUtk. S Columbia, June 3, IdoO. 44 w2m L WHOSE STORE IS THAT OPPOSITE / THIS POST OITlt'E I IT is KL1AS & KUUlWldN'JS, who will sell Faucy Dry Goods, Ready made Clothing, Croce- P ries, alid all sorts ot Merchandize cheaper than can be louud elsewhere in this market. We return ' our hearty thanks to customers wlio have so liber- I' ally patronized us, and beg a continuance ot their I lavortf Uur Slock is new and well selected. ( ELJAS KOOPMAN. April 19 31 Adiuiuwtrator's IVoticc. ALL persons having demand* against John Prince, deceased, late ol'this District, are requested to hand them in duly attested, and those j indebted are hereby notified that immediate pay- ] ment is required. J. D. MURRAY, may 24?41?tf] Administrator. ! CHAMBEBS & WHITE7 , RECEIVING AND FORWARDING AGENTS, CHARLESTON, S. C. June 18, 1850. 48 eowSm >UTH CABOLIlfA RAILROAD, nmbia, and Camden. i .Wbwww^p e 5 o'clock p. ni. of the one day, will be sent off Columbia and Camden. is, settees and chairs boxed,) per foot, 10 lo?" n-looo ^rntrc rrmfppfinnprv. biscuits D-' J 60 ather, feathers, loaf and crushed sugar, md sheet iron, window glass, paints, oils, astings, hardware, hollow ware, lard, tal1 dried fruits, mill gearing, bacon, (loose,) 25 1 stones, nails, bacon in boxes and casks, 25 Company's risk, $3, at the owner's risk, 3 00 76 3 00 2 00 I cider in barrels, each 75 75 'Is, each 25 Is, each 40 25 25 20 50 25 37* oris, and 2 horse rock a ways, each 10 00 lis, each 6 00 50 40 35 40 25 15 3 50 1 25 12* 05 08 1 00 1 50 saddle trees, per dozen 25 :rs, each 50 s,) each 35 25 sacks,(no allowance for wastage,)per bush. 07 05 08 3 00 20 50 or 3, each $6; 4, each $5; 5, each $4; 10, each ambs, kids and pigs, each 37$ rents. ts; beyond 50 miles, each 50 cents. ten ?1 ( The Company reserves the right ) 04i i ? V>o r-mi Ku maaunrpmpnt. 4 UU 1/lOt ^ IU uiaigb *Jj nvwwutvi?v>*? J will be taken at tlie risk of the owner; one i free.) 30 00 for every additional 10 miles; Bricks, per M., for tal 10 miles; Spokes and Staves, per M., for first 110 miles; Shingles, per M., for first 10 miles, 75 9; Lumber, per M., for first 10 miles, $1,50, and jaded and unloaded by owners, and attended to igreenient ?es of the arrival of goods and produce; they are Depot, and at the risk of the owner; but if not r, subject to the usual charges, ige, except by special agreement; and watches, ionate to their value. wing: leakage of Molasses, oil and other liquids, crockery, castings, hollow ware, and rusting of ees in matting. d, unless presented within one month after said less than 25 cents, and no receipt will be signed > per foot, or 50 cents per 100 lbs., and barrels at e paid in advance, and the responsibility of the lid stations, and they aie then at the risk of the be paid in advance. d torn whilst in transitu, will be mended at the with which the company are chargeable, will be ied with the ceitilicateofthe Receiving Agent, as 55 3t ANOTHER INSTALJIIEWT OF NEW SUMMEE GOODS!! P1JK Subscriber has just opened a handsome * addition to his already large and varied asjrtment of SUMMER DRY (iC)OUS,of which ic following articles form a portion : LADIES' DEPARTMENT. Yhite spotted muslins lor Dresses laid Swiss muslins (an elegant article) rinted muslins in every variet) of price and style lain white Jaconet, Swiss, and check'd muslins lourniug and fancy calicoes ; Grass Skirls >nce Canes, muslin collars, and chemisettes iuslii. cutis ot the newest fashion Wants' Frock Bodies wiss and Jaconet Trimmings .aces of every kind. also: t large assortment of New Bonnets for Ladies and Misses, i Ire.-li supply of plain and fancy ribbons losiery ot every description i prolusion of Fans and ditto of Sunshades and Parasols larege shawls and mantles Hack and white sewing e* Horses entered. First Horse, $50,1)00. Q ?> sr ~?, v cp>| 71 > 5 y Z I ~ ? I* 2 3 4 i sr rr s* 2 - 2 o o o e e SsStSg I 1 1 ?? ?, tlte Intfn/lll/?l inn nf v> itn a view iu ciii uma^E iu? v......... ? these matchless Teas, it is the intention of the proprietors to distribute by lot, among the purchasers, a quantity of Tea equal to The first years' Profits on the sales effected. Eacli purchaser will receive enclosed in the package, a numbered certificate, entitling him to ONE CHANCE IN THE DISTRIBUTION!!! Kr FOR EVERY FIFTY CENTS aid out; and on the receipts amounting to $20,000, the undermentioned parcels of Tea, to* the value of ten per cent, or TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS, will be given away as bonuses!!! according to the following scle: 5 Prise* of 501b* of Tea each at t?l per lb. 25011?* or $250. 20 " 25 " " 5IX) ; ? 500. 50 " 10 * " " " " 500" " 500. 100 " 5 500" " 500. 250 " 1 " " " " " 250" " 250. 425 Prize* in all. 2.00010s ?2,000 Th< sc who prefer lower priced Teas, can receive their prizeB in pro|tnrtion, or, they will be repurchased far c.ash, at a deduction of 10 per cent. O Country agents required. Applications to be addressed (post paid,) to the Company's Depot, as above. I -r urjl \ Ar, .tm June #i i **. > -*w w... Miscellaneous Books, &c.~ Tlie Ag^el World, by the author of Festus Watson's Dictionary of Poetical Quotations Cosmo*; by iluiiiholt. 2 vol*. Southern Harmony; Lineon's Botany Traveller's Guide through the U. S. with a Map Music for the Piano and Guitar Rertinn's Instructions for the Piano Olncy's Modern Geography and Atlas, revised edition Youatt on the Horse Elliott's History of Roman Liberty, &r. July 2. A. YOUNG. To all Concerned, ALL persons against whom execution lias been entered for neglect of Military and Patrol duty, WILL TAKE NOTICE, thai tlieyare cxjtec. led to SETTLE IMMEDIATELY, otherwise the law will be POSITIVELY and RIGIDLY en forced, T1IO. J. WAKKE1\? aim. iv. u. July 12. 55 swim Council Chamber, July 10, 1850. rpilt: Town Council will hi lend In the inspecI tion of the various Ditches and Lois in the Town of Camden on the 25th inst., when they expect to tiud them in pood condition. All weeds cut down, ami offensive mailer removed, that all proper precaution may be taken to preserve the health of the community. The attention of the citizens is respectfully called to this. By order of Counc I. L. SV. BALLARD, Recorder. Ju'y 11. 55 3t Mill Gudgeons, &c. Mill dudgeons, 10? to 20 inch Mill Cranks, assorted sizes North Carolina, English and Norther Hollow Ware, assorted, from \ to53gallons Patent Iron Axles. 1 to inch. Mill Irons ofanv kind furnished toorder. McDO WALL & COOPER. July 8 54 if Wanted to Hire. TWO Fegro Fellows to work in a Brick Yard. Apply to J. F. SUTHERLAND. July 8. 54 tf CATAWBA SPRINGS, % LINCOLN COUNTY, N. C. 'T^HIS well-known Watering Place is again open _L for the reception of company during the pre- ?v. > sent season. The Springs naving been recently repaired in a way which has rendered the water not inferior to any in the State. The sulphur pro- ' perty of the water is very little inferior to the celebrated Sulphur Spring, (Wilson's) in Cleveland county. N. C., independent of Uieotner properties belonging to it. Persons wishing to spend a few weeks or months of pleasure, will find a healthy country, good climate and much more convenient at this watering place than crossing the mountains^? The Spring is 24 miles North-west of Charlotte. Visitors from the South will find it best to come by way of Charlotte, crossing the Catawba river at Itozell'a Ferry, or Beatie's Ford. THOMAS F. HAMPTON. June 30. 54 sw!3t Another arrival of New Groceries. Q UCH as Sugars, brown, crushed aud loaf; CofiO fees, Rio and Java; and Ext't Java do.; Molasses, Salt, Lard and Butter; Rice, Cheese, Salmon 4"c- 4k ALSO A fresh supply of West India and Americaa Preserves: Lemon SvruD:-Prunes:jJellies. drc.: Lime Juice, Ginger Preserves, &c.; Raising Almonds; Currants, &c. also Assorted Candies; assorted Pickles; Catsups and Sauces; ground Pepper, Ginger and Cinnamon; Nutmegs; Ginger, &c.; Pickled Salmon, Lob. sters, Sic. 1?also? Soda Biscuits, Pilot Bread and Boston Crackers. also ? Adamantine and Tallow Caudles, Starch, Fancy and common Soaps, Powder, Shot, Lead, Crockery Ware, See. With many other articles, exceedingly low for i,u mfvtrp. A. rpi chp.r A Four Hone Wagon, WITH Harness complete, will be sold low., Apply at this Office. South Carolina?Kershaw District. WHEREAS Nathan Catoe lias applied to me for Letters of Administration on all and singular the Goods and Chattels, Rights and credits of Charles Mcleod, late of tie Districtdeceased: These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditor* of the said deceased, to be and appear before me at our next Ordinary's Court for the sajd District, to be holden at Kershaw Court House on the last day of July inst,, to show cause, if any, why the said adininistration should not be granted. Given under my hand and seal, this lltli day of July, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty, and in the seventy-fourth year of American Independence. JOHN R. JOY. O. K. D. Jnly 12,1850. 55 Just Received, AT McKAIH'S DRUG-STORE, Cod Liver Uii v\'mte Lead Quinine, Bay Rum, Castor Oil, Congress Water, Eau Lusiral, Tanuin, Extract Vanilla, Fresh Ergot, German Cologne, Aromatic Vinegar. also tr All the varieties of TURNIP SEED; Suitable for the season. Ju'yfl ICE! ICE!! t RRANGEMENTS have been made for ob taining larger supplies of Ice, which will be furnished at the following rates?for Jess than 25 lbs. four cents; over 25 lbs. three cents per lb. aickain's drug-store. July8. 54 tf STORE TO BENT. MILITARY HAI L, next oortotheCrmden Bazaar. Apply to VVM. ANDERSON. July 9. 54 WASOMC HALL CLOTHING STORE, 2G8 King-street, comer of Wentwortli, charleston, s. c. WA. KENT & MITCHELL are now re ceiving their usual supply of Spring and Summer Clothing, to which they would invite the attention of purch; sers. They keep constantly on hand, a full and complete stock of Clothing and Gem lemon's Outfitting articles. Purchasers will at all times find a lull stock of English and French Cloth Dress and Frock Coats Medium and low priced Cloth do Pauls, of all descriptions, And a lull sto<"k ot Vests. They would invite attention to their stock ot Outfitting articles, viz: Shirts, Collars, Cravats, Under Garment*, Hosiery, Glomes, Suspenders, Dressing Gowns, &c. ects the money or other satisfaction when the work is delivered. For (hose 10 whom he is indebted, he will do work at the lowest cash prices. N. B. ARRANTS. June 14,1H50. 47 tfw Hot tied Soda and Sarsnparilla. For sale by MOORE &. BELCHER, may 7. 30 tl' Bacon! Bacon!! Bacon!!! rpMIE subscriber has on hand 120,000 lbs* .1. superior BACON and a corresponding quantity of LARD, in the lot there is nearly 1200 fine Hams, any person wishing to purchase might find it to their advantage to call and examine, before purchasing elsewhere; terms will -be made ac cotninodating. An extensive and well assorted Block of other articles in the grocery I inc. comprising all the necessaries of subsistence, together with fifty tliouaand best Cuba filed Florid;, Segarp. H. UOLLEYMAN, * April 2, 1850. 20 tt Strayed, FROM the plantation of the Subscriber, a few davs ago, a bay mare Mule, two years old, with a large scar on the left side. A suitable re 1 ?-'I I? IJ i*.- *1? J..llT,nvir nl uot'/i millo 1a wiiru win uu }?aiu lur uiu uuim ; ? ?.%* ??? ? me at this place. JOHN McCAA. ' Camden, July 12. .j; $S "f