1*^ as l.\i ^HAUT BOTTLES. FOR PURIFmo T-JE BLOOD, AND FOR THE CURE OF 4,1-rofula, Rheumatism, Stubborn Ulcere; Dyspepsia, Salt Klteum. Fever Sores, Erysipelas, Pimples, Hiles, Alureurial Diseases. Cutaneous Eruptions, Liver Complaint, Hronchitis. Consumption. Female complaint, Loss of Appetite. Central Debility. <&c, PilUPKJE TORS have spent much time JL in bringing this preparation of Sarsaparilla to its present state of perfection ; and the experience of fourteen yeais has lurnished them the most ample opportunity of study, in their various forms, the diseases for which it is recommended, * 1 ' "* ? M*linf n itrl 11 ro Pa_ ana toaaapt u exacuj iu men icu? . ?tients who wish a really good Medicine are invited to give it a trial, and satisfy themselves of its superiority, and the invaluable property it possesses of arresting and curing disease. The bottle has been enlarged to hold one Quart, and in its present improved form may safely claim to be the best and cheapest medicine of the age. Its progress to the fame it has attained may be traced by a long line of facts and cures, that stand as landmarks and beacons for the invalid, pointing the way to the haven of health, and what it has already done for the thousands who have used it, it is capable of doing for the millions still suffering and struggling with disease. It purities, cleanses, and strengthens the fountain springs of life, and infuses new vigor throughout the whole animal frame. REMARKABLE CURE OF BRONCHITIS. New York, Feb. 17, 1^4tf. Messrs .Sands:?Having suffered many years witn a disease of my throat, affecting the larynx, during which time I was treated by the most distinguished phvs.ciaus in Europe and the United States, without receiving any permanent benefit, but all the time my general health and strength declining, and the dtse isc making fearful progress: caustic applications were used, and whatever else was thought inost efficient for producing a cure ; | but I am confident the deplorable situation I was in, the laryngitis being accompanied with phthisis and great difficulty in breathing, would soon have terminated my life, haa I not obtained rebel through the medium of your invaluable tfarsaparilla. 1 must say, gentioinen, when i commenced using L- ^ ;ii.? I A.A iiii ni mo I'nnfi/lpnrp I lie oarsaptf rm f nift* If nrivoa mo orroaf nlp.iKiirr f<> add that I can recommend it to every sufferer from any similar complaint. Respectfully vours, GEORGE ROBINSON. Prepared and sold, who.esale and retail, by A. B. &. I). SANDS, Druggists and Chemists, 100 Fu'lon st, corner of William, New York. Sold also bv Druggists generally throughout the United States and Canada*. Price $1 per bottle; six bottles lor Sold at James R. McKain's, Camden, by Dr. A. Malloy, Cneraw, A Pitch, Columbia, and ILviland, Ilarral rj- Co. Charleston. March 26. 24?w3m illnkc Way! TO make way fur new goods, a targe siippiynt Lades' Wjnter Dress Goods will he sold at greatly reduced prices. U. W. BONNKV. February 16 tf A RESCUE TO TME AFFLICTED. THE CELEBRATED mMMmmMBBam A certain remedy f??r all fixed pains in the Side, Chest 1 Loins, Back. Bowels. Jinnies, ilheiitnatism in all its va- i ried forms, Nervous aff-ctiims, Luii? and Liver Com- | plaints. Spinni Affections. Female Weaknesses, etc. etc. ( For the above complaints this plaster has no equal-? , The great celebrity which it has already acquired, not only in the old, hut in the new world?the extraordinary | cures it has performed in the most extreme cases of sufler- j ing, have acquired lor it such a refutation, that the pro- 1 prietor litis not?until recently?been able to supply half ( the demand. The sales throughout every city, town and village in the United Slates, are without a parallel! I A circumstance not surprising, when the vast ntnount of j human suffering relieved by it.s use is considered, in spi- i ( nnl defects, liie benefit usually is of the most decided character. Jii .Nervcus Complaints, nineteen cases out of ; twenty readily yield to the penetrating stirnula combined < in this \uluatde preparation. In Kheuinutisni, either acute or chronic, the claims of the Hebrew Plaster have long rince been universally ac- J knowledged. Those who are laboring under weak backs, no maiter froin what cause the weakness may have origi- ' nated?even if snclt persons have been misguided in previous applications?in the use of the llehrew Plaster they will iind the affected part suddenly restored to its origina soundness. As a supporter in cases of constitutional weakness it will be found of great advantage. It is particularly oin ore mended to females who are suffering from sudden weakness,or general debility. In short, it oinbraces all the virtues which the most scientific mind was capable of coinpounding from valunhie substances found in tiie old world, and will be found entirely free from those objections which are a source of complaint with the numerous spreadplasters now la-fore the public. Where this Plaster is applied, pain cannot exist. These Plasters possess the advantage of being put up in | air-tight boxes, hence they retain their full virtues in all climates. We have just received the following testimonial from C. C Sellers, an eminent lawyer in successful practice in Wilcox county, Alabama, lie is a gentleman * in hitrli standing, and one whose influence lias ereat ... ?a-- =, weight; Camden, Ala., Nov. 21, IS48. Messrs. Scovil Jjr Mead t Gentlemen?Having been reque-stcd to slate what has been the result of inv experience by the use of your Hebrew Plaster, 1 cheerfully comply, by bsaying that 1 have found it to be as heretofore recommended, an invaluable medicine. Indifferent cases of my family 1 have applied the Plaster to chronic sores, tumors, and pains, and it has never failed to afford instant relief. 1 have also used it with good effect upon my own person, in tac cure of ulcers, with which 1 have been severely afflicted. Respectfully, etc. C. C. SELLERS. Betcare of Counterfeits and Base Imitations. CAUTION?The subscribers are the only General Agents in the Southern Slates for the sale of this truly valuable Plaster; and in order to prevent purchasers being , imposed upon by a counterfeit article, suld in this city and elsewhere for the genuine, they invite particular attention to the following murks of the genuine ; 1. The genuine is put up in smooth, engine-turned bottomed boxes, not soldered in. 2. The genuine has the engraved head of Jew David on the directions around the.box, with accompanying Record of Court, to E. Taylor, Rochester. SCOVIL & MEAD, 113 Chartres st., New Orleans. Sole General Agent* for the Southern Slates. Sold by J. R. McKain Camden; A. Fitch. Columbia; llavilaud Harrull i)r Co. and P. M. Cohen Charleston; Mansel Hall, Winnsborough. Caldwell & Jaines, Newberry; Reedy & Ruff", Chesterville. "MTCULLEN'S ISDJA* VEGLTABLE PA.VACEA! This Medicine is waurantkd to be superior to any other pre|?aration of Sa rsaparilla in the world?has cured and will cure more cases of Scrofula, or king's Evil, Consunip- j tion, Bronchitis, Kry*i|>elas, Obstinate * u:uiieous Eruptions. Blotches, Biles, Ring Worms, and Tetter. Scald Head, Chronic Ulcers, Mercurial du-ease, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Liver complaint, Palpitation of the Heart, Dyspepsia.etc.. than any olher medicine ever discovered, and hence it is the best purifier of the blood ever offered to the public. Read the certificate of Mr. Brooks, and then send ........ i...i n i.nmnlilpt cnnlitiiiiiiir snores lost as K# UUI >lg?u aim 5v. .. f-"-, ? 0 j strong. ISAAC BROOK'S,"JR., CASE !! GO AND SEE IIIM AND YOU WILL SAY THE HALF IIAS NOT BEEN TOLD ! ! We the undersigned, liuviiii> visited 3Ir. Isaac Brooks, kr., at the office of Messrs. Kowami J. W. Jo.ves. M. D* Rev. John Chambers, W. Steeling, M. D. Rev. A. D. Gillette, 'I'. P. 8. Ronv, M. D. - - i. i.v.......i h h lie v.j. k. .mciioi.as, |JAV?U i I?.um ... Rev. wm. Urik, s. b. Coi.es. m, i). Rev. E. Kincaid, J- W. Asiimeaii, Esq. Rev. Levi Brink, P. ?kkjsSmith, Esq. E- oullion, sq. L. A. godev. K-q. And thousands ol others equally resjiectalile, whose, names might he added if necessary. Residence west side of Jefferson street, third door from Schuylkill, running from Schuylkill Sixth, between Locust and Spruce* Wholesale and retail by Row and A* walt on. Proprietors, No. 21 N. Sixth street. Phila., James R. McKain, Camden, Hoatwrigiit .t JIiot, Columbia, P. M. Coiien, Charleston. A CERTAIN CUKE FOR THE PILES. Dr. CiiIIcii'n Indian Vegetable Pile Remedy Is a Domestic Preparation, which has been used with entire success foruiauy years. Being an internal medicine, it litis decided preference over outward applications, which are but (datives, and not curatives. This medicine acts upon the diseased |>aris, producing healthy action, and a ? i.1..i, iiv. u'lrranl or Safin id llie Minimi' i pciilm..ei........ .... .. ..v . ... Wholesale and retail, hy Kownnd & Walton, proprietors. 21 N. Sixth street, Philn., James K. elvain, Camden. Boat ivright and .Miot, Columbia. P. Cohen. Chfirleston. DR. CULLER'S I\i>iv\ VEDETABLC KlinEDV. NO CUIIE NO PAY. Read Physicians' Opinions o f its Virtues. 1 have prescribed the nlsivs Medicine in several rases n. Primary Venereal Disenses and Secondary Syphilis, and the effect lias been strikingly Iteneficial; so innch so as to induce me to continue i j< use in such eases with much satisfaction. It is generally agreeable to the taste of patients. JOHN A. KLKINTON, M. I). V/? 1 rtO V Pi ff h Sfrnwf Philadelphia. June 12, 1815. I have prescribed " Dr. Cullcn's Remedy" in many rases of Gonorrhoea, and found it tnelleet a enre in a very short time. A. WAI1.S0N. 3! I). Corner Twelfth and Sltippen-sts. Wholesale and retail by Uowand and Walton. prnprietors, No. 21 N. Sixth street, I'hilti., James R .Mt-Kain, Camden. Boutwright and .Hint, Columbia, P. 31. Cohen, Charleston, Segars! Segars!! choice lot of Rio Hondo nnd CcusoUceon Se gars for sale by T. BONNELL tj- Co. IS KICKS. THE Subscriber would refer those who may desire BRICKS, to Mr. Nathan B. Arrants. who will give any information as to quality and price, and will see to the delivery 01 them. ' WM. J. TAYLOR. April .'10,1850. 34 2in SUPERIOR 5-4 India Matting, Cotton Carpeting, Oil Floor Cloth, &.C., for sale by April 19.31] E. W. BONNEY. ??????B?????????E Give it a Trial. YOU will find it to perforin all it promisep, in a manner not to be equalled, much lee? excelled. We allude to JULES IIAUEL'S VEGETA BLE LIQUID HAIR DYE, which is now generally admitted to be the best, and indeed, the only irticle which will dye the hair in an indellible nanner. without the slightest injury to it or the skin. It if entirely harmbes, and yet it gives to red nt gray hair the most natural and beautiful >'.tr,i.<> mil ik Krluntprl to all cniimipxions. as biack. brown, or cliesliui color, may be instantaneously procured, and cannot be removed by the action of beat, perspiration, water, or otiier hostile agents, i'liis simple and excellent article is the only hair aye which is compounded in a scientific manner, warranted free from all injurious substances; and tbe immediate effect of which is truly wonderful.? I Be sure to ask for Jules Hand's Vegetable Liquid Hair Dye, as there are many imitations on sale igainst which the proprietor of the above would caution the public. Prepared liv JULES HAUEL, Philadelphia. CO"" For sale in Camden by James It. McKain, Z. J. Dellav, and F. L. Zcmp, Upward of ten Thousand Cures, Consumption can bo Cured!: I)R. ROGERS' COMPOUND SYRUP OF MVKKWORTAft TAR, For the cure of Consumption and all Diseases j of the Lungs and Breast. rurim ,?i> uibau my Late. Professor in Cincinnati Eclectic Medical j College. Mr. A. L Scovill: However reluctant I have! been to permit my name to be attached to patent medicine, I consider it a dutv to the community to strte that in three cases of incipient consumption, viz: Miss Bell, Miss Barjjer, and Mr. R. II. Cox, line of our City t otincil, that Dr. Rogers' Liverwort and Tar operated more like a specific than like any other remedy, that I ever used. One or the cases, viz: Miss Bell, pronounced by several Physicians to be laboring under the last stage ot Scrofulous Consumption. She is now in good health, from the use of a few bottles of the above syrup. HIRAM COX, .11. U. Cincinnati, Jan. 25, 1847. FROM THE HON. JUDGE HENRY MORSE. Mr. A. Scnvill: I am well acquainted with Dr. Hiram Cox and his practice, he laving been my physician for many years, and can cheerfully say that 1 have as much confidence in his skill as any man living. HENRY MORSE. Cincinnati, Nov. 8th, 1847. Despair not though your Physicians and Friends give you up to die!!! Your condition cannot be more helpless than thai of Mrs. Rowe. This is to certify that I was taken with a pain in my side and breast, attended with a distressing comrh. and lor the space of one year grew rapidly O ' . _ worse. Although I had in attendance three physician!', one of whom was considered very skillful, all of their efforts proved alike unavailing. At last one of the physicians came in, and decided that I could not live more than one day longer! All of my friends believed that a few days at. most would end my earthly career. My brother at this crisis, hearing of the astonishing cures made by Dr. Rodgcrs' Liverwort and Tar, went to Chiilicutlie, distant thirty miles, to procure the above medicine; and, strange to tell, neiore I had used half a buttle my cough was entire y cured, and when I had used two bottles I was able to attend to my family vocations as usual. HARRIET ROYVE. Mr. Merriweather writes as Follows: Mr. A. L. Scovill, Dear .Sir?Dr. Rogers' Liver wort and Tar came sale to hand. I have sold a number of bottles. 1: has met with great success. A young man of this place, supposed to have the consumption, iias been entirely cured. D. MERRIWEATHER. Denmark, Tenth, June Jit), 1348. CC^Tiic following certificate from one of the most distill, guished physicians m Cincinnati, is entitled to great credit: 1 feel .'unstrained from a sense of duty to make toe following statement. conscious that it niav appear unprofessional. Mr. Charles Wade, <-f tnis city, was quite low with Pulmonary Consumption, for which I had been treating with lew than umisiI success. At Ills' request, and thai of his. Iricuds, 1 permitted him to try Dr Rogers's Liverwort and Tar; and I must confess that its eHerts were really surprising. After using the serontl bottle my visits were discontinued, and lie was soon restored to heulth. 1 do conscientiously recommend my brother practitioners to prescribe this remedy in all pulmonary complaints which baffle the ordinary mode of treatment. WILLIAM J. RICHARDS, AI. D. Cincinnati, Oct. 1st 18-14. Extract from a letter dated Jackson, Tenn. Oct. 2G, 1843. Mr. A. L. .Scovill,Cincinnati: Dear .Sir?I want you to send mc one gross of Dr. Rogers' Liverwort and Tar. I am entirely out of it. and have constant calls for it. The remarkable cures that it has made here, has made a great demand fur it. Yours, (Jr., U. W. 1HTTINGTON, Druggist, try l}eware of Counterfeits and base Imitations..^} rS.R.?The genuine articles is signed, "Andrew Rogers." on the engraved wrapper around each bottle. flCrl'rice?$1 per bottle, or six Bottles for Sold wholesale ami retail by SCUVIL coni|M>iinded by Dr. t : itl. Jackson have produced the very I ellecls and the same happy results, which the immortal j inventor indicated and intended, anil consequently must he j prepared with scrupulous accuracy. In x iew of the aliove facts it seetns singular, that any tody could have the hardihood and impudence to abuse the name of litis distinguished Doctor, wiio died thirteen years ago. To pass oil* a rharliian quack preparation as the real and genuine iimdi. cine, and to give a semblance of originality by affixing a foe. simile, of tin; deceased, is indeed extraordinary! '1 he , public will understand what to expect, and what to do nn. i der such cireum-natioes." A number of Crerinnn (wipers copied the above and there- . fore entitled in our thanks. 'I I test" hitters are worth thp attention of invalid. Possess. | ing great virtues in the rectification of diseases of the liver | anil lesser glands. exercising the most searching (wtwers in j weakness and afleciioue of tiio digestive organs, they are withnl.safe certain, and pleasant. Opinions of tiik PniL.adkl.pii] a Press.?The German i Illustrated .News" says: ' Our editoraml others of this office have ttsed the Germnn Hitlers. L'nil r*nn riTniiiiiienri it with iVHifuletire to onr I reftdcrst. As prepared hy Dr. Jackson. it fully equals if not surpasses in intellects upon diseased Liver and Suomacn, the fullest expectation of the distinguished physician. The "City Items" October Ifith. says : Jov pott the InvaJ.ii>.?How many of our readers are afllicteil with diseased liver, stoinne, or nerves! .Many no dnubt. They are to he pitied, yel to all there is a cure Dr. Hoortand's Herman bitters has already cured hundreds and that it will cure.and none who once use it will doubt.i|fthey use it as it is directed. It has 'esteblished for itself nil undying fame, which few have done out of the vast number that litis been thrown before the public. It is one of the most perfect preparations in use: and, as n (Jertnnn contempory has said, that as prepared hy Dr. Jackson, it fully equals, if not snr|iasses, in its effects, in its clients, the fullest representations of the distinguished physician wholirstcompounded it. Asa spuriotmarticle is now hefore the public, we would caution all against using any but that signed by C. 31. Jackson nnd sold by hint nt 120 Arch street. The "Catmlen Democrat," the best pajier in West Jersey, says. July 21. "Uooklanu's <,cftma\ bfrrervt."?"We have seen many fluttering notices of this medicine, and the source Dotu which they come induced us to make inquiry respecting its merits. From inquiry we were pursuuded to use it, and must say we found it specific in its action npon diseases of the liver and digestive organs, nnd the powerfuc influence it exerts upon nervous prostration is really surprising. It calms and strengthens the nerves, bringing them inton state of repose, making sleep re freshing: If this medicine was more generally used, we are satisfied there would lie less sickness, as from the stomach, liv er and nervous systein thegrent majority oi real nnu imaginary diseases emanate. Have thein in n heallliy condition, and you enn bid defiance to epidemics generally. Thin extntordinnry medicine we would advise our friends who are at all disposed In give a iriul?it will then recommend itself. It should, in fact, be in every family." Mo other medicine can produce such evidences of merit. Hkwaukok Countkrpkits?This medicine hns attained that high character which is necessary for all medicine to attain to induce counterfeiters to put forth a spuriotiss article at the risk of the lives of those who are innocently deceived. Kip mile wholesale and retail, at the GERMAN i MEDICINE .STORE, No. I "JO Arch street, one door below Sixth, lute of 17d Race streets, Philadelphia. For nale in C'ami>en, l>y James K. MIyain?Columbia by Boatwright X. Mini?Chester C. II. hy Reedy X lermanent cure of Diarrhoea, Dy?utery. Cluilcra, Infantum, Cholera Morbus, Gliolic, Sumner Complaints, Flatulency Pains in tlie Stomach, dtc. md frfim all aerangement 01 stomacn aiw noweu irora L'ee tiling. tty '1 lie time lias again arrived when disease# of the tomachand bowel# carries it* thousand# lo a premature [rave, 1# there no remedy to #ta>* the march of death ? iVe answer, YES?ihe Cordial will cure and prevent line-teinlis of all cases of disease affecting these organ#' ilore than five thousand case# of disease were cured by it luring the past year. All families consulting the welare of their children and selves, will act wisely to have his article by them. In all cases of failure the money vtll cheerfully returned, and lo ill those who are uuahle 0 purchase,it will be cheerfully bestowed. THAT IT WILL, AMU HAS CURED,THE WORST " rOlOlS OF DISEASE OF T11E STOMACH AND HOW ELS READ THE FOLLOWING EVIDENCES; From the Spirit of the Times. Dr. Keelcr's Cordial and Carminative, i# certainly a .Billable desideratum in every family, to the voting and .0 adult, but particularly wheree there are children. We peak advisedly, because we have thoroughly tried it, and > roved its healing and efficacious properties ill our family. iVe would most cordially recommend the public to give it 1 lair trial, which is only wanting to appreciate if value From the North American and United Slate# Gazette,Sept. 4th 1847. In these davs. aboundine in fruit, it behove# every one* to be prepared with a remedy for the evil effort* which-it-* -ometirrifM produce!"?we liave been told by those til a* knew and who have tried it?that KeelerV Gonhafi* ari? article which has been used in goiue of the severest c.asua" ?f Summer Complaint, both in infant* and ftruwit pcn-raw..1'he Cordial can be procured at the corner of Tliird aiufi South Streets. From Neal's Saturday Gazette August23th 1817. Dr. Kuelers Cordial.?We would call the attention of " our reader* to this invaluable medicine, which will be found advertised at length in our columns. As a corrective in cases of Diarrhoea, a disease very prevalent at the present time, it is highly spoken of by all w ho have used it.? It is perfectly safe in its nature, and we speak experimentally, when we say that it affords immediate relief. From the Pennsylvania Inquirer, Sep. 1st. 1847. Dr. Keeler's Cordial and Carminative.?This article i? advertised in another part or our paper, it is warmly recommended hy families who have tied it. It is especially useful among children, and has effected hundreds of cures. The doctor is abundantly supplied with testimony upon the-, subject some of which is very strong. The Cordial is not a quack nostrum, but a carefully prepared medicine, and perfectly free from any tiling injurious. From the Daily Pennsylvaniaa, Sept. lfith 1847. We are constrained to say that the *'< arminative".of Dr. Keeler's now extensively used in tin's-Citv, is rapidly making its way to public favor. Its ingredients are of course unknown, but it is mild in its operation, pleasant to the taste, and a remedy quite as good as any now used for the same complaints. From the Daily News, July 15th, 1850. Summer Complaint?The season when this complaint exists is now here. If persons having it in their families would only purchase a bottle of Dr. Keeler's Carminative Ii.il ill,.i- would rait- innrh rinenw and trouble. We peak of i he virtues of this medicine knowingly* Frnin the Spirit ot the Times, Kutztown, Jnly 18,1818. We wish to direct the attention of the readers of this paper to Dr. Keeler's cordial and Carminative, advemised in another column. It is a medicine higlily esteemed by everyjone that has used it ltd Diarrhoea. Dysentery, Cholera infantum, ect, which at this season is so frequent. It is a perfect innocent medicine and gives immediate relief ? Prepared and sold *294 Market street Philadelphia? where tnay also he had Dr. Keeler's Cough Syrup, Vermifuge Syrup, Rheumatic Lotion, Liver and Sanative Pills, Medicines of unsurpassed efficacy. C3* Also Er. Keeler's SAlLSAPARILLA.a celebrated remedy in all Scrofula . 1 f 1 I- : .U arm V. oiisiiiuuuiiai i/isoruers. 11 in, muiuui uuum, mo chea|>est and best remedy for Chronic Disease of the Chest Strmach, Liver, and gkin known?and admirably adapted forali derangements arriving from Impurities of the blood, females sulk-ring from the L/ms of Appetite, Nervotl* Debility, Irregularities, Pains, Pimple*. Blotch*. Sallow Complexion Costiveness, etc.. Will find the Sarsapari I la decidedly the best remedy in use for their removal. No one should bo without Dr. Heeler's Fammilv .Medicine*, no beneficial in many dl-ea*e?. Pricn $1 per bottL?6 botlh a for $5* For sale by Z. J. DeIIAY, Camden S. C.,and by Druggists and Stores throughout the. country. Price 25 centa per bottle?sec circulars Ate., in hands of lite agent*. July'J, ldfiO. 51 DR. CULLEN'S INDIAN VEGETABLE SPECIFIC FOR FEMALE COMPLAINTS. This Medicine is a Vegotable Preparation, and far our l?sses Hooper's Fills in all cases in w hich they are recommended* Hundreds of Females whoso constitutions have been lieon broken down* have been restored to perfect health by the use of this invaluable medicine. It is entirely harmless in it-- operation, mid may be taken with perfect safety at any lime. Wholesale ?aud retail by Rowand and Walton, proprietors, No. 21 N. Sixth street, Phila., James R McKuin, Cn. iden. Boatwrighl and Miot, Columbia, P. M. Cohen, Charleston. July 18 29 tf ... List of Letters REMAlMMi Hi tne I'osi umce ai umueu, uu the 1st of July, 1850. Allen, Joseph Montgomery, D. H. Albert, W. Mickle, Martha Akdins, J. C. Martin, Bailey Aniason, J. H. Mickle, Lunuun Adkerson, VV. McRae, Neat Bass, Josiah McNouten, W. D. Boyden, Mr. 2 Murpliy, A. 2 Barwick, James Marsh, James 2 Brown John Mickle, R. B. Brown, M. L. & co. Meudenhall, E. P. Blanding, Mrs. Mary Motley, Ransom Brewer, Elizabeth Mclnnis, J. H. Cook, Sarah Mosely, R. Cohen, D. D. Mclmion, Jerry fcCherry Collier, Maria McDowall Rosetta Crossland, William Noland, P. Cane, William Nelson, John Davis, J. Nelson, Levi Dunlap, William Noland, Charles Dean, M. P. Orr, maj. William Dntton, W. H. Oriens, William Donnoly, S. Phillips, Rev. Edward. Doling, Lucy Perry* D. D. Dozier, M. J. Peay, N. A. Edwards, Win. 3 Patterson, L. J. Ewart, James B. Reinbert, James Fair, Col. S. Riddle, Louisa Gillespie, J. C. Ratcliffe, R. C. Cirims, hn a. Button, a. Graham, Rev. N. Saunders, Wm. 2' Gatlin & Stuckey Shiver, Charles, 3 Gregg, James Stokes, Hinibrick Hollow ay, W. Stuckey, H. Heaiot, D. Saunders, T. O. 2 Haile, capt. B. Sessions, Rebecca Harin, Daniel Shiver, Samuel Hollidav, Thomas Shiver, George lialey, Peter Smith, J. W. Hunter, Jane Thompson, Rebecca. Hill, Benjamin Thompson, Sol. B. 2. Hutson William Towers, A. B. House, G. W. Taylor, David Horton, M. A. Thompson, R. F. Holland, E. Tultberry, Miss Hammond, S. B. Taylor, Wm. R. 2 Irwin, B. J. Walker, Mary Irwin, J. P. 3 . Who?Mr. Bill Guem. Jackson, Sallie Wheat, Thomas R,. Joseph, M. W. White, L. 1*. Kirkland, William Watkins, B. Kirkiand, Margaret Welch, H. L. Kirklands, either Mr. Williams, John: Love, S. W. Wood, Wiley Alintnn. Douglass Wood, James McRae, Lucy Walker, W. W?. McCaskill, Mary Young, Mrs. W. McSuecn, Angus Young, Mrs. A. Motley, Harriet Young, Elizabeth C'. Mitchell, Epsey Young, Archibald Mrlhvain, J. 1). Young, John Persons calling for the above will pleas* say thoy are advertised.