BT MAGNETIC TELEGRAPH. Reported for the Columbia Telegraph, New Orleans, Feb. 16. Sales of cotton yesterday, 4000 bales; prices steady. Sales of the week '23,000 bales, The receipts thus far are 102,000 bales behind the receipts to the same time last year, A destructive fire broke out at an early hour this morning, and destroyed about ?0 building in Camp street, and several in Bank Place?mostly stores. The Office of the Picayune was also consumed ?little having been saved from the destroyingclement. The total loss is estimated at $500,000, most of which was covered by insurance in the different offices of the city. New Orleans, Feb. 17. Sales of cotton yesterday only 500 bales. Prices firm. Ididdliiig'11 Jc. The fire of yesterday morning is supposed to hui.ii ?],< U'nrlt of nil inrpiiilinrV. There were five Insurance offices burnt, among which weretin"*New York,"*' Sun," and "Mutual"?whose losses in this way reach $150,000. The Picayune of this mo ning puts down the loss at over ? l , of lite Baltimore Sun. Wamiinotox, peh. 13, 18501 Mr. Calhourijet remains in a precarious condition. His further continuance in active public life may he considered as very doubtful, if not wholly out of the question. Last week, however, he sent word to his friends that he hoped to be so far restored to health as to he able to kddressthe Senate on Tuesday next ensuing. He now says he must make one more effort, though Such efTort should he at the cost of his life. Ml5, Calhoun is determined to die when he must, with "harness on." He is 'game' iu justice and right to the last. The Senate has been wasting time and energies in a fruitless discussion of the petition from "Friends" in Pennsylvania, praying Congress to adopt measures for a peaceable (!) dissolution of tlie Union, as though such peaceable dissolution can ever happen. If Mr. Clay, iu his celebrated speech last week, had not taken ground against the line of 30 deg. 30 min., the exciting, absorbing, and i -i- A 5?Li 1 -I . 1* jUl-imponani question migiu nave oeeu in a inir train of settlement The South would be satisfied with an arrangement which would extend said line to the coast of the Pacific. We yesterday were told by one of tire warmest advocates for the rights, interests, and honor of the South, a distinguished Senator, that but for Mr. Clay's proposition and 3peech, the vexed question might have been settled satisfactory to all parties. But now, Mr. Underwood voting with Mr. Clay, aird Gen. Houston with Mr. Benton, all in opposition to the Missouri compromise line, the question is unfortunately left open for further and possibly more disastrous agitation and discussion. Heaven forefend such a result! The Senator and Representatives from California are on the floor of the House, and are cordially greeted by members of all parties. If the question of admission rested solely with the House, California might be a member of the Union without the delay which is now anticipa The President's message upon California affairs, together with n voluminous mass of public documents relating thereto, has just been laid before the Senate and the House of Representatives. It amounts substantially to this. " I have the honor to submit herewith the Constitution of California, &c., and am very respectfully, Ate. Z. Taylor." No recommendation pro or con, in relation to California, forms part of the message. In reference to Nicaragua, Mosquito, Ate., the President assures Congress, all the information asked for and in the power of the Executive to give, will be communicated cheerfully so soon ns the public interests will make it expedient and proj>er. Mr. Stanton, of Tenn., is occupying the attention of the House in a defence of the last administration, and especially of Mr. Buchanan. Col. Davis, of Mississippi, is replying to Mr. Clay in the Senate. Having succeeded in getting smuggled into a very fair position among the la dies, wno crowqeq tne loonies tnrougn tne gallant motion of Gen. Foote, we had an excellent opportunity to see and hear Col. Davis. His remarks were principally in reply to and comments upon the speech of Mr. ("lay, and he succeeded in controverting very successfully the positions assumed by Mr. Clay, in all the resolutions up to that relating to the boundaries ol Texas. At this point, Col. Davis, somewhat reluctantly gave way to Mr. Mangum's motion to postpone the consideration of the resolutions until to-morrow. We cannot, at this moment, make a just or proper comment u|?on the very able and eloquent remarks of Col. Davis, to which we have been listening with all attention, m n ii ?.? n . l T*__. i. Duller rung, witn senator uwtn, auu rvep. rcseiitntives Wright and Gilbert were in the Senate during the delivery ofCol. Davis' sjiceeh, Mr. Atchison, of Missouri, in the chair. Z. Rem-:,?A letter from Alexandria, dated tlje 16th of August, announces the discovery in Egypt of a;i ancient papyrus containing part of the Iliad. The document was found in the hands of a mum* niv of Afnntn fnlm it MARRIED?On the l,t inst at Cornncopiir, Geo., by the Rev. t . P. Benutn, A. B Springs, Esq. of York, S. C. to Miss Julia, Blandina, daughter of Jorfirc Eli H. Baxter, of the foniier plnce. ()n the 17th inst. hy E. Clark, Esq. Mr. Levi Patf, Jr. of Kershaw, to Miss S. J. McMillan, of Chesterfield District. CONSIGNEES PER RAIL ROAP, Rogers & Spencer, H. Hollejman, T. Ingram, E. Stuckey, H, R, Price, B. Boykin, D. ' Boykin, L. Dinkins, T. K. Cureton, C. D, Clawson, T. L. Dixon, P. Barnes. W. Dixon, W. Reed, C. J. Flinn, H. Somerville, J. Reed, J. i A. Cunningham, M. L. Phifer, B. Cookman, t rr,, t n n if T> I? , j. x nompson, j. n., r>. in. uujmm, u, uicvmo ! & Son, W. & Co., W. C. Workman, W. W. | Reed, A. M. & R. K., W. B. Campbell, D. D. ! Penny, J. CharleBworth C. Haile, J. Dunlap, W. C. W., Rogers & S., J. Ai Carms, D. & Co. ! E. Spencer, C. Halle, J. Brown, S. Benson, ; J. P. Knox, [D.,] J. McEwen, S. D. Miller, J. K Df?nni?_ M, ifc R.. T. M. Muldrow. J. New berry, S. E. Wilson, H, H. Gooch, R. 0. P. Stewart, D. G. Anderson, T. Ingram, T. Lynch, Y., Alden & M., J. McCfta, J- McE, R. P. Hnr? ris, Planters' Hotel, C, P. Evans, R. L. Tweed, L. T. Patterson, M, C. Witherspoon, G, Mc? Cutcheon, J. B, Mickle, J. B. F. B., Y. Li, J. A. C., M. B. Perkins, Allison, & A., C. H., J. R. McK, W. & B,E. W. Bonney, C. Matheson, | H. L. A-lSon, A< dt Murray, C. M, W. Kelly ' G. 8. D. & Co, W. A. dt Co, H. Pate, J. C., T. P. B, II. H. G, G. S. Douglas, H. C. Brevard, ! T. P. Ballard, J. Adams, J. Roper, A. D. Jones, W., D. & S., Branch Mint, A. J. Young, B. F. Williamson, L. L. Whitakcr, L. J. P., W. Pat ; terson, T. B., G. Alden, T. Lang, W. J. T., A. li. lioyknt, w. Wallace, J. tt. wuticrspoon, a. ! Young, J. F. Sutherland, Winchester & S., W., J f Truesdell, W. J. Taylor. | CAMDtN PRICES CURRENT. Magging, per yd. 18 In hunt, lb 8 to 10 ! Pale Hope lb to 12 (.end, lb 6 to 7 ' i Macon, lb 61 to 7 Molamr*. gull 31 to 40 Mutter. lb 12 to 18 Mackarel, obi 8 to 14 Brandt*. gall 23 to 35 i.Nail*, lb 6 to 8 Heenwai, lb 18 to 22 (bin, sheaf, cwt 50 ; '?cef. lb 4 to 6 Pens, bushel 50 Cliewe, * lb 12 15 Potatoes. ?weet. bit 37 Cotton, lb 10 to 12 _ Irish bu 75 ! Com, bushel 55 to Rve. bushel 73 to 87 Fl?ur, bbl 6 to 6i Rue. bushel 3 to 4 Fodder. rwt 50 to 75 Sugar, lb 7 to 14 1 (idry lb 8 to y Salt, ?ark 5 Iron, lb 5 to 61 shot. 1 hn? 11 l.iine, bbl i to 211Tobacco, lb 10 to 75 i Leather, sole, lb 18 *o25 IWlieut, bush 90 LZ-. QDw CIDo Kershaw Lodge.Numbcr 9 The Regular Meeting of this Lodge will be held at their new Hall oil, Friday evening next,at 7 o'clock. By order of the N. G. H. C. WE1.LKAWSEN. Secretary. Notice. The Regular Mee.ings of the Lancaster Division, i No. 30, Sons of Tempt r mce, .are held every Monday evening, at 7 o'clock. i J. W. COOK. R. S. G027S 07 T3M72RANw2. Wateree Division Ifo. 9. The regular meeting of this Divsion will be held on tomorri w (Thursday) evening,at Odd Fel Intf'u 11,11 ,1 7 nVlnrl Ru fiPlIprof I ftp W. P. z. J. DkHAV. r. s. CADETS OF TEMPERANCE, KERSHAW SECTION NUMBER 4The regular meeting of thin Section will be held at their Ila'l on Friday evening next, at 7 o'clock, By order of the W P. ^ Wm. I). MASON, Sec'y, JOS. B. KERSHAW, ' ATTORNEY AT LAW, Camden, S. C. WILL at attend the Courts of KERSHAW, SUMTER, FAIRFIELD and DARLING!TON DISTRICTS. : Feb. 19. 14 wGl Spring! Spring!! I SHALL open this morning, a handsome as. sortmenrof NBW SPRING GOODS, cnnsis. j 'ing in pan, of Indies' Dress Goods, such as plain and fancy Berages, rich plaid Grenadines, Tissue j Silks, new style and very handsome; printed Jarn. net Lawns, from 1^ to 50c. per yard; real Earle! ston and Muslin Ginghams, Organdi and printed Muslins, English and American Prints, Indies' Cravats, coloreil Swiss Muslins, for Evening Dres ; SOP, best quality Kid UlnveF. Silk do., Silk ai d Cotton Hone, of every description; Fans, Sun Shades, iK?c(acies ana onvcr uomus Just received by A. YOUNG. FebJU 14 tf_ School Books and Stationary. ITW-iKMBNT/iRY and Classical Books in use in Xv Schools and Academies of the town and country, constantly kept on hand. Also, Letter, Note and C'.'P Paper; Ink; Steel Pens; Wafers and , Motto Seal#, A. YOUNG. I Feb. 18. 14 tf NOTICE. irpilE steamer HO BERT MARTIN, will from j X and after tips date, (13th Feb.) tako Cotton ! from Carndne and all the intermediate landings at 1 EIGHTY-SEVEN AND A HALF CENTS per bale, WITHOUT INSURANCE, the Planter and Merchant being their own insurer. She will not take Freight on any terms involving insurance.-? All persons sending property as Freight to the Dual must be considered as accepting these terms. W. M. LUBBOCK &- CO. Feb. 14. ' 14 4t E. W. BONiNEYi il VL ir.EKT AM) AKHERAL , MERCHANT* CAMDEN, S. C. Family medicines. I Townsend'a SarBaparilla, Wistar'e Balsam, Ayer'a Cherry Pectoral, Lee's, Spencer's, Gor' don's, Moffau's, Brandreth's, Peter's and Bcckxvith's Pills, &c., &c , always on hand at ! Jan. 2, 1-tf Z J. DeUAY'S. Great Attraction! AT THE FEMALE ACADEMY, The Grand Colossal Moving Panorama of the Hudson River, or American Rhine, together with some of the most beautiful {Scenes in Virginia, i sketched and painted by that eminent artist, Peter i Grain, Sen'r, covering no less than 9,400 feet of ! ooitranc avirl nnrtrarfitfr tn tlm nvo I'mHorlna. , ...... ..a*, ^ J y ?UKi(5iiinI tion of the visiter views over an extent of 500 i miles. For a minute description of the various scenes of this beautiful Panorama, we refer the public to the hand bills distributed over this place, This Panorama will be exhibited during the week, commencing on Monday evening next the 18th instant, at half-past 7 o'clock. Doors open at a quarter past 0. Admission 60 cents; children under 12 years of age, halfpriec. ere will be an afternoon exhibition on I Saturday the 23d, commencing at half-past 3. ?gr-DEVOE Proprietor: D. PRATT lecturer. Feb 15. 13 3t Robinson & Eldred's NEW-YORK CIRCUS. ROBINSON & ELDRED beg to announce to the 'adieu and gentlemen of Camden, that 1 they will open upon Mr. McKENNA'S LOT on ! MONDAY, FEBRUARY 25th, when they will | produce a series of EXHIBITIONS unequalled in | this country. Their Compeny" Is, with the^efccpptiofi of the ; Proprietor and MASTER JAMES, entirely new, and composed of ARTISTES of i first rate ability in every line which they profess. I MASTER JAMES noBlASO.*, ! is without a rival in the known world)?his j HORSEMANSHIP creating the most boundless admiration and wonder. Upon his last visit to SaI vannah, he was presented with a splendid Gold \\ afeh and Lliain. as a testimonial ot his ski i. .HISS HENRIETTA ROBINSON. The enchantress of the circle, this talented child has created sopreat a sensation in the eques. Irian world, that critics from all parts of the Union have witness her performances and pronounced at . _-.l-_r.-l mem wunueriui. Tiro CLOir*rs, ROCKWELL and Peterson, will etiliven tbe scenes of (lie arena with original and brilliant con ruscations of wit and genius; *-nd the Managers pledge themselves that nothing shall transpire within the pavilion to shock the delicacy of tfie most refined Lady. The Comoany of Performers consists of FORTY I PERSONS, and Fifty magnificent Ring Horse* and Ponies. Ti e entertainments will be varied, i and got up in quick succession, so as to avoid any ! thing like tediousness. ICTFor Performance particulars please see large and small bills D"Doors open at 12 m ; performance to coin* ; n.ence at 1 o'clock, p. in. O*Admission 50 cents; Children undor ten years of ago, half price. [p"( oloicd persons half price. N. R.?The GRAND ENTREE will be lod by Mrs. Robinson and Mrs. RockwcL; these Ladies are ci nsidored perfect models in the splendid art of Female Horsemanship. Feb. ID. 14 2t A FRESH SUPPLY. Just recoived, a* large assurlmont of all the various kinds of BOOTS and SHOES, also, Hats, ! Caps and Bonnets, Trunks, Carpet Bags, Valires, ; Sole and Upper Leather, which will be sold at a i small advance on manufacturer's prices, and which i the public arc respctfully inv ted to call and ex amine before purchasingelsewhere, as bargains i will be given. The slock consists in part, of Ladies Morocco Buskins and Tics do Thick soles do i'liiladclphia kid and morocco .Slippers do French .?id Slippers and Ties do Exec sior Slippero do Thick and thin sole Gaiters do Mazarine Gaiters do Slippers, .'roin 5(1 to 75 cents ; Misses' kid Ties and Slippers do thick sole morocco Buskins do leather Buskins and Ties j Children's Boots and Shoes, ali kinds do Gaiters and buttoned Boots, different colors do bronzed Boots l l> . t_ t 1_ I 1* L. no imois, oiacK nun iigiu ruiui* Gentlemen b Boots, from # 1 75 to #7 DO do t> in soie pegged Boots, from $2 50 to 84 50 do sewed l])i af Cureton's Mill. After the above named timop, 1 will attend at Camden until the first day rf May next, at which time the bonks will positively he closed and all dei faulters double taxed. J. W. DO |nr, t. c k. v. Feb. 3. 9 w3t Choice Sflftlll N, Such as, Rip Hondo, Gold Deaf, Espartero, i Washington. Charleston. &.C. &c., to be sold ox ceedinpfy low lor cash only. Jan 23?0?if] MOORE &. BEI/J HER. The Kubscribnr respectfully requests all porsons indebted to him lo make immediate payment I|c hopes a further call will be unnecessary, as his is a cash business and the credit was jjiveil only for a short time. A. E. ALLEN. Ill Persons Indebted to the estate of H. Holleyman, Sr. will make payment as early as possible; and all those who have claims against the estate will present them for payment to Messrs. Chestnut & Caston, properly proven >V;M. ||. HUL.L,fcI!HAfS, Admr. with will annexed. Feb 13 12 w3t StQilC Lime, Plaster of Paris, and CementThe above articles constantly on hand, of good quality and at low prices. Also, Gvpsuin or land plaster. C. L. CHATTEN, Feb. 12. 12 tf The subscriber has just finished off a lot of Mahogany Rocking Chairs in plush. Also Sewing Chairs |n plush and hair; very neat articles and. at unusually low prices. C. L. CHATTEN. Head Quarters, CtiARfcKsTox, Jan. *-32, 1850. ORDER NO.... The following- Troops will Parade for Review j and Drill at the times and places mentioned, viz: The Unifoim Companies of the 16:b and 17tb Regiments, and the 1st Regiment of Artillery and the Charleston Hussar*, on Fridayj the 22d of February. The 18th Regiment of infantry at Ridgevillet on Tuesday, the 201 h of February. The Lower Battalion of the 19th Regiment at Strawberry fldrry, on Thursday, the 28th of February, The Upper Battalion of the 19th Regiment at Black Oak I/ick (or Club House) on gatqrday, the 2d of March. The 5th Regiment of CaValry at or near Bradley & BrittohS Ferry (south side) on Thurday, the 1st of MarchThe 31st Regiment of Infantry at Black Mi?goon Tuesday, the 5th ot March. Tho 33d Regiment of Infantry at Cpnwayboro, on Saturday, the 9th of .March. The 3?Jd Regiment at Marion Court House, on Tuesday? the 12th of MarchThe 29th Regiment of Infuqtry at Darlington: Court House, on Thursday, the 14th of March. j The 7t!i Regiment of Cavalry at o?t\ear l)arlinglon Court House, on Saturday, the 16th of March. The 30th Regiment of Infantry at Bennettsville, on Tuesday, the 19th of March, The 23th Regiment at Chesterfield, on Thursday the 21st of March. The 21st Regiment at Lancaster, on Saturday, the 23d of March. The 2'2d Regiment at Camden, on Tuesday, the ; 26th of March. The 20th Regiment at Swimming Pens, on | rhursdav, the 23th of March. The 44th Regiment at Sumtervillq, on Saturday, | the 80th of il/arch. The commissioned and non-commissioned offi I cers will assemble previously at the place ot rendezvous of their respective Regiuiei ts or Battalions, for Drill and Instruction. The Major Generals and Brigadier Generals will i with their .S'tafF, attend the Reviews in their respective commands. The Brigadier Generals arc charged with the extension ol tins order. All the Troops and A:n\8 will be inspected ex- , cept at Charleston. By order of the commander-in-chief, J. W. CANTEY, Adjutant and Inspcc'.or General. Feb. 5. 10 w7t Mortgage Sale. Will be sold on the tirst .Monday in March, Nine Negroes (all Held hands) and their children, ; to foreclose a mortgage. Terms :?A credit of one, two, and three years, j with interest from day or sale, on bond and good personal security, and a mortgage; purchaser to pay for titles. McRA BREVARD. Feb 8 1] tds Sugars, Coffee, and Molasses. Just received, a supply of new and fresh Grocc-1 rips; as, Prime Muscovado and Crushed Sugars, " New Crop Cuba and N. O. Molasses, Superior Rio Coffee, Prime Cos lien Cheese, Bendy's and Colgate's No. 1 Pale Soap. 5*c. For sale low, by 11. C. WEJXIIAUSEN. I Dec 19. 51 tf In Eqnily? Lancaster District. Jonathan 1). Johnson, Adu.'r. vs. Asia M. Caston : and others- Bill for Injunction, for sale of pro-I pcrty, and sofurth. It. appearing to my satisfaction that Samuel N. ! Caston, a Defendant in the above case resides ; Without t|ie limits of this State; It is orib red, on motion of Clinton, comp. sol. that the said Samuel N. Caston do appear and plead, answer or demur to the Bill in above case on or before the lOtli day of May, 1850, otherwise judgment pro confesso will be entered against him. JAMES H. W1THKRSPOON, C.e.L. D. | Feb. 2, 1850. [?7] wtd Superior Cologne Water. Manufactured by J. A. Cleveland, who obtained a premium for the best article of Cologne presented to the " South Carolina Institute" at the late KP-% i m In f^liorl oolnn I 1 no rt on/1 nut! IwiHIaq f*.?r Vrtll III vs 11 a i i 50tvi|i vj? nail aiiM j/iiji. uiancrf ivu sale bv Z. J. DsHAY. Jan. tj. 1 tf ?50 Likely .\ errors for Sale. Will be sold at the Court House in Camden on Tuesday tlie 19th instant, Fi/hj Valuable Negroes, L I. _ rv I Deiougmg mine Cihiucoi ti. jone.*. Tfrms of Sale:?Oue-tifth cash, liie balance payable in one and two years, in equal annual instalments, with interest payable annually until the whole amount is paid; paymont to be secured by bond, and mortgage of (lie property and approved personal security ; purchasers to pay lor pajers. I,. J. PATTERS >N, Agt. for Kx'trx. fry Carolinian, Charleston Mercury, and Suinler thinner please ropy. SI?3t Gloves, Just opened, direct from Neiv York, Ladies' White, Black, and Colored Kid Cloves, pf superior quality; also, Plain IJIark Silks, and Colored do.; Rich Mohair Lustres ; Fine BoinImzincs ; Plain and Fancy Cashmeres ; Ladles' Merino Vests; Clear I,awn Handkerchiefs; Cotton, Thread, and Lipen Edgings. Iqsertings, fcc. E. W. HONNEY. | Jan. 80 8 tf Seed Potatoes. ? ! A few barrels just received. For sale by I Feb. ?-9-3tl T- BONNELL & CO. The Hesperian Harp, A JHUSIC BOOK IN PATENT NOTES, BY DR. WM. HOUSER, Is the greatest work of the kind ever offered tq the world. It coptaihs 576 pages, and more tyw 700 tunes?Psalms and Hymn Tunes, Odes and Anthems, Sunday School, Infant, Revival, Camp? Meeting, Missionary, fepperance, Moral, and Fa rintirt ninnrtn C/*^*nU Twi<-n mwiiu 1/iC^COj k?i,UlUU) JL11C11) VCIlllcLU* 1' ICUl'l^ other nne foreign tunes. Much new Music ppvpfbefore published ; the noble old tunes that thritye^ the hearts pf our fathers and-toothers in their youta, and one the plainest expositions of the principles of Music and of musical composition ever pubnafci It is specially suited to the taste of the Soutjf and West, (the author is a Southern man in birth, education, and all his affinities) and is adapted to the Day School^ for children, the Singing School, the Church Choir of every denomination, the Missionary and Temperance Meeting, the proud gala days of our Republic, and the social party, where frond fpmsp and 'tbp lnvp nf pvprvthtti-r t-irfnniio a??f noble should rule the hour. Inquire of the Booksellers and Cotintfy 5fer? chants generally, and of GEO. A. OATES & CO^ Augusta, Ga. teachers who will travel and sell this work cat} make from $50Q to $ 1500 a year. Address the au-, thor, post paid, {Spier's Turn Qut, Jefferson co. Ga.. Feb. 14. Iml3 Fifty Dollars Reward. T^?t. in thf> dftprnnna nl th<> fllh of P?Ki?m. 18$0? On the road from ftusael flape to my residence* a large calf-skin pocket book, containing variouspapers and about jEIGJlT flyflDRED DOLLAR# in Bank potes, mostly on thp State Bank. Threor hundred and forty arc in twenty dollar bills, $30 in $5 bills, and the balance in $10 notes. Merchants and others are requested to stop in their hands money presented by negroes or per* sons of suspicious character, if the amount exceeds what is usual for such persons to handle, as I have a private mark affixed to every one of the bills lost, bv which I can identify them at a glance. T.t l"ir ? rk ml T 1** TV\nT\ reo id.?id?dij j. rvt rwtiu. NEW SPRING GOODS: To enable families to have their children's and servant's clothes made up in time, the Subscribers have thus early laid in their spring supply, CONSISTING IN TART OF J All wool Tweeds and Spring Cassimere, Columbian, County Prison, Marlborough; and Manchester Stripes, Printed and Norwich Denims, Plain and Striped CQttpna^fe, also Paris, English, and American Prints; among which are a variety of small patterns, warranted FAST COLORS. Black Alpaca, a great variety, " Silk and Cotton flose, Green and Blue Barege, Madonna rohesj (a new article,) Brown Linen, Bed Tick, Furniture Dimitvy &c. McDOWALL & COOPER. O" Cashmeres, Mousselines de Lafrie, and Merinos, selling at reduced prices. Feb. 12. 12 t( ' FF.3SE T2A, &Q. One cliest extra fine Hyson Tea, selected-firoi* the latest importation at New York; Willow Wagons and Towel Stands; White Gra?)ite Ware,. Crocker}', and Glass-ware. Just received by McIXJVVALL & COOPER.