The Camden journal. [volume] (Camden, S.C.) 1836-1851, January 12, 1850, Image 3

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111 I ? a????M m >ir iled demand, some 2100 hales changed hands; j generally at prices which holders had hcen uii? j ahlc to realize previously. The following are , the particulars oflhe sales : 50 hales at 10 5 8; | 55 at 11; 392 at 11 1-4; 92 at 115 16; 54 at | 113 8: 213 at Tl 1-2; 178 at 11 5-9; 47 at 11 11.16; 820 at 113-4; 171 at 12. New York, Jan. 8. The sales of cotton to-day amounted to 3.000 hales, at advanced prices; Fair Uplands, 125-9; Fair Orleans, 13. New York, Jan. 9. j The sales of Cotton to day amounted to 3000 ; hales, at an advance of 1 8. Fair Uplands, ; -~ ~ 1Q , a" a I'Z #?o; run unraii', jo * ? , salps were principally lo spinners and lor shipment. Sugar steady. Nkw Ori.kans, Jan. 0. The sales of cnlion yesterday amounted to i 3-000 hales at unchanged prices?.Middling, 10 1-2 a 10 5 8. Xkw Orlkans, Jan. 9. The cotton market yesterday was excited by the accounts from New York, and the sales amounted to 14.000 bales, at an advance of 1-8 a 1 4. Middling 10 3 4; Fair, 11 7-8*. Charleston Mercury. MfL AIlRAiVGETIEXTS. I SOUTHERN M\IL, VIA AUUUSTA, tJKt?. Due Dailv at : : ; 7 P. 31. 1 ;jC3<w;s *l : : : : 9 P. 31. j " NORTHERN MAIL, VIA CIIERAW, S. 0. I hit' dailr. at : : : : 4 A. 31. Cluoe* " : : : : 5 P. 31. j CHARLESTON MAIL. Due daily, nt : : : : 7 P. 31. Closes * ; : ; ; 9 I' 31. ?y A War Baq will l?e kept open for the reception o Charleston letters until 4 o'clock A. 31. WESTERN MAIL, VIA COLUMBIA, S. C. Due daiiv. at : : ; ' 7 P. 31. | <Jlo?* : : : : ?J P. 31. St/MTKIt DISTRICT MAILS, VIA STATKBCRti. ?. C% Due Daily, at : : : 7 P. 31. " :' s ' ; : 5 P. 31. KpWajr 3laiU for Office* on the South Carolina Kail Road close ilnily at 5 P. M. Cl(AUCoTTK MAIL, VIA LANCASTER C. II. *. C. fin.,v and Thursday. Sunday, at 3 P. 31. ..-Ck?e* Monday, Wednesday A Saturday. at 7 A. .V. tokkvillr mail, via red hill, 6lC Due Thursday, at : t : : 11 A M. .. r Close* saw* day, at 1*2 M. LYNCH WOOD nail, via tilly *'B FERRY. ? Ihw Tuesday and Friday, : : : 4 A. M. Closes sane day, at : : : 3 1*. M. J. X. GAME WELL, P. M. ! office Bonis. Open * 8 A. M.-CIose At 1 P. M. Open at 3 P..M , Close at 5 P.M.. *?d open half hour after the arrival of tho Southern Mail* in the evening. I On the "Sabbath, open from 9 to 10 A. M., and half an ' ItduraPer tliearwal of the Southern mailt) in tlie evening 'Pn?tap? stamps Wr sate. July 1. IM? J. N. GAMEWKI.L, P. M. ?' ' ?A. G. MARSHALL, COLLECTING AGENT, Columbia, S. C. | Merchant* and others, having unsettled claims j ill.any part of this State or Xorlh Carolina, can have litem promptly attended to by plscing them in j Ins hands at the Office of the Telegraph. January 7. '<& tf Teacher Wanted. The undersigned will receive proposals for the office of Principal of lite Washington Academy, located in the southeastern portion of i<ancaster District, until the 1st of February next. Testimonials of moral character and ability to prepare students for the Junior class in the South Carolina College will be required. Applicants will be re aplired to stale the amotfnt for which they will uncage. Loiters to be addressed, post, pa id, to the Subscriber, at Pleasant Hill, Lancaster. ian. 2??y~Gt E. L. FRAZER. Notice. Xo person having applied to me for Letters of Administration on the Estate of William Key, I ftave taken possession of the same as derelict, and hereby give notice to all having demands to prevent them, duly attested, and those indebted, to Make immediate payment to me. , J. It. JOY, O. K. D. Jan. 8. 3 3t / Noiiec. No person having apnlied to me for letters of Adininistratibn on the Estate -of Janes Norry, I have taken possession ?1 tt)e e/uHe a? nercnci, ann hereby five notice to all persons indebted to said Estate to make immediate payment to me, and those having demands, to present them duly attested. J. R. JOV, O. K. I). Jan. 8* 3 3t Town Taxes. The unilersi'/ned will open the Tax Bonks belonging the Town on Monday the 14th inst. for the purpose of receiving taxes, and will keep tliein open until the 1st day of February, 1850, after which, delinquents will be rdurned to Ccuucil, to bc'dcalt with according to law. By order of Council, i vv iim 'i? u^rnr.ur D" Oifice hours from 9 o'clock, a. in. to p. m. Jan. 3 i If Notice. I will sell at the court house in Camden on the the first Monday in February next, (if not previously disposed of privately,) a NEGItO FELLOW, a good carpenter, sober and steady. Any person wishing to purchase will please call on the subscriber, who will give his character in full. Jan. 10. 3t J. It. JOV. Art ml n istrator's Sale. By permission of John It. Joy, Ordinary for Ker ? ehaw District, will be sold before the court bouse jn (Camden, on Saturday the 2(ilh inst,, at 11 o'clock, a. in., the following property belonging to the Estate of John I'rin e, dee'd., viz: One fine (iOI,D WATCH, one sorrel HORSE, Saddle and Blanket, with a number of other articles. ' Terms made known at the sale. J. D. MURRAY, Adin'r. Jan. 12 3 5t Sale Postponed. The sale of the property of John Riddle dee'd. heretofore advertised has been postponed. The J,and will be rented and the Negroes hired out for the present year, before the court house on Monday next. J. W. CANTEY, Adin'r. Jan. 0. 2 2t Attention Cavalry! Ai? election will be held on the first .Saturday in February next, for aecond'Lieulenant and Cornel of tlie Kershaw Troop. Lieut. Jones, .Serjeant Brevard and Private Wessenger, 'are detailed to manage the election and forthwith re|>ort the result to the Colonel. Bv order of the Colonel. W. A. ANCRUM. (.'apt. K. T. Jan 8, lS-'M). 2-8t Notice. It you owe mr, call and pay tnc, and then I wiil call and pay those that I one. 15. 1'. BOYD. Jan. ?J. 'J 21 [ Wanted. I A cook and washerwoman, voting licaHhy and <>t A pood character for 'hrt \ j.toc.! ', i ' ot;rr:': All Ordinance, To raise Annual Supplies for ike Town of Co nulen. Be it Ordained by the Intendanl and Wardens of the Town of Camden, and by the authority of the same, That hereafter annually, during the month ; (if January in cacli year, the following Taxes shall j lie levied and paid into the Treasury of the Town ! of Camden, for the support of the government ! thereof: 1. That there shall be levied an annual tax of i one dollar on each and every negro slave hired out , in the said town, for moie than one mouth at n time, to be paid by the owner, if a citizen, or by the j person who brings such slave into the town, it j owned by a non-residfent of said town. 2. That there shall he levied an annual tax of; two dollars on cacti and every negro sm>c mt- j chanic working in the said town for more than six ; nioii.lis at a time, who may belong to non-resi- i dents of the said town, which tax shall be paid by t he person for whose benefit and use such incclia- | nic shall work in the said town. 3. And on all other negroes or slaves belonging j to citizens of the town, or living therein, the sum i of fifty cents each; to be paid by the owner or agent ! of the owner. 4. On ail goods, wares and merchandize, on ! sale in said tvwn, on the first day of January in I each year, twenty cents on every hundred dollars i value thcieof. 5 Twenty cents on every hundred dollars of ; the value of all town lots, houses and real estate j situated in the said town, according to the value ; thereof, assessed by commissioners appointed at j the close of each year, for tnat purpose, by the J Town Council of Camden. ft Timnio on ovorv hundred dollars of , gross professional income received by any person i i having an office in said town; excepting on the in- < come of School-masters, School mistresses, and ; Ministers of the Gospel. | 7. On all fme negroes uuder fifteen years ol j age fifty cents, between fifteen and fifty, three j | dollars, and over fifty years old, one dollar. 8 On each pleasure carriage drawn by one l.orse, 1 where only one horse is kept for that purpose, one j dollar; and on each and every carriage drawn by j two horses, where onlv two horses arc kept for j thai purpose, two dollars; regulating the tax by j the number of horses commonly kept for drawing i a carriage or carriages. 0. On all vehicles, wagorip. carta or drays, cm- j ' ployed in or about the town to haul for hire 'or more | ? ? ? ? "tn }>? fkroo nr nmrr < ! Lflilll Ullt; Uiiy /1L a iiuivf UKiit II u? miivv w, M.w.v | horff>tf or rnules, five dollars; drawn by two horses ! or mules, two do lars and fifty cents; drawn by one j horse or mule, one dollar and fifty cents. 10. On each and every hreak wagon, owned and j used in or about the town, five dollars. i 11. One fourth of one per cent on the assessed 1 value of every :mproved or occupied lot in the said town, whereon there shall not be a good well of water, so that water can be drawn therefrom cor.! veuientlv, as a well tax. which tax shall not exceed four dollars, to be paid by the owner of any one lot. i 12. All persons liable to pcrfoiin patrol duty, \ sliall pay inio the Town Treasury two dollars and | fifty cents as an exemption therefrom, during the j I year the said tax may be so paid. 13. All persons iiable to work on the roads, shall ! be allowed to commute therelor by paying two dollars and fifty cents for each person so liable. I 14. The owners or possessors of dogs who shall . have dogs on their premises in the said town, on i flie first day of January in each year, or lliercnfter ! during the year, shall pay an annual tax of one j dollar on each and every dog so kept within the said town 15. That all returns of propertyand information . to assess taxes shall"be made on oath to the Town ' Treasurer, and all persons liable to taxation, shall I give full information to the Treasurer respecting ilic property subject to taxation, when thereunto ' required. i 16. All Ordinances, and parts ol Ordinance.-', . repugnant hereto, shall be and the same are licrebr i repealed. i Ratified in Council, this twenty sixth day ol December, in the year of our Ijord one thousand eight hundred and forty nine, and in the year ol American Independence, the seventy fourth. JAMES R. McKAIN, Iuteudant. ' L. W. Ballard, Town Recorder. i DENTISTRY. Dr.. J. LEE, may he found in his office after the I 6th January, lor one week after, after which his i nrrjiiiKiiiiiiiiic io flip rniuitrv will renoire a short absence. : Jai.. 9, lSoO 2 2t A.fKI'ALS FOR UN50. Sp!fi??li?I t'tlirioiiN nf the workx of the mont celobniUxl p"* <?i* ; Amial* &< ? suitable for ilie Muoon, , Friemlxhip'x Olltrintt. for IMTHA 1'iK'Ut DfR'.rin^, J.-aieu of .Memory, w Mirror of life, : fJetii of the Scaxuu, Know Flake. " i Tin- Kowmary, Harvest filcaninirs " i Ktyiil'a Iv-rualu Pin-in of Anrricn, I'octir&l Work* of Hrvuni. I.ongfi'lkiwn, Ilullook Ac. | .4I..V) Amerii-ari Aliiisurac for IS.jO. Dictionary of Poi-tii-al limitation*, Kennedy'* l<ifc "f Wirt, i Puritan anil Pilgrim l athers, ' f'olemnt's I'uroiieau Life and Manner* ! A. YOUNG. lA-c. ID. 18-10. 1 Sugars, Coffee, and Molasses i Just received, a t-upply of new anil fresh Grocerie??; such as, Prime Muscovado anil Crushed Sugar?, " New Crop Cuba and N.O. Molasses, Superior Itio ColTee, Prime Goshen Cheese, Unnrlo'c mill f'/ilirtitn'c Ma 1 Ptiln Ssnmi X* o i For sale low, by " "ii."<?" vViiiXilAUSF.N. | Dec 19. 51 tf Administration Sale. 15y Order of the Court of Ordi ary will be sold at llio late residence of Thomas 1 lot land, deceased, , on Monday the 21st inslant, at 11 o'clock a. m-, the balance of llio Personal pr<>|x rty belonging to the Estate, consisting of Eight likely Negroes, i Terms?A credit of one at d two years, witli bond and good security, with interest from day of j sale, mortgage of the property, If deemed necessary and purchasers to pay for papers. JOHN FOLSO.M. I January 1, 18">0. 2 2t IN EQUITY. Lancaster District. Middlcton (}. Caston vs. Susannah Caston ctal.? Bill for Partition of the Estate of Samuel Cation, deceased. It appearing to my satisfaction, that William K. i McDonald and Evelina A., his wife, William Frederick Williams, Sarah Evelina Williams, Eliza| bcth Williams, Susan Jane Dye, Anna M. Caston ; Samuel N. Caston, and Jefferson Caston, Defendi ants in the above stated case, arc absent from and u'iilimit tlm limiiu nf this State. !I. is ordered, on ! ['notion of Williams, Solicitor for Complaiunint, tliiit the said defendants do appear and plead, answer, or demur, to the bill in tlie above ease, on or 1 before the 10th of April, i-oO, and in default there of judgment jm> nnifrysn will be ordered against each and every of them. I.VMKX II. WrrilKKSl'OON, ('oiiiuiissioiier's oilier, f K. I,. |). Mist December, |r* 10. \ - Mm Scpns, y : : .:. a i; i?. . <v ?i. i.;:v\ . $50 Reward. I IVilI he paid for the .ipprehetision ofjmy man STEPHEN, who left my place on the 22d day of; July last. .Said man is 5 feet, 7 or 9 inches high, i about. 20 or 27 years old, once belonged to Mr. I Wi Jiam K. Davis, of Fairfield District, he is sup- j posed to have returned to that District, or the ad- . joining one; bespeaks cjuick when spoken to, and j inc ined to bo left handed, tolerably stout built, ; weighs about 160 or 170 pounds; uses a whip when | driving a team with the left hand; he may deny I his name and owner. He may ho lodged in any 1 Jail in the State, so that I may get him. B. F. SIMMONS. I Pull Swamp, Orangeburg Dist. Jan 1840. AIT* Right. AND THE HOUR HAS COME! Those indebted to OUR HOUSE, will please i pay. If not, A. (J. Bnskin will give the receipt j requisite. Those having any demands agani6t the same will please present thern for payment. _Jan. 2. J AS. C. MeKENWA. Commissioners of Roads. A meeting of the Commissioners of Roads will be held ill Camden, at 12 o'clnrk on Monday the Mlh instant. JOIJN WUITAKER, Jan. 2. I 2t. Clerk. The Camden Hotel, With its ample arrommodations, will continue io receive TRAVELLERS, DROVERS, tfc.? Its proximity to I he Depot renders it a convenient stopping place to Railroad Travellers. The Stables and Lots will hereafter he in the possession and receive the attention of the undersigned. irr-XONS OP TEMPERANCE rsnmit obiect to the presence of a BAR, as accommodations in tlie licjuor Hue have boon discontinued. B. P. BOYD, Proprietor. Jan. 1,1S.30 ff 0*Thc Columbia Telegraph and the Hornet's est will insert weekly for 4 weeks. dividend! Southwestern Railroad Company and SoathWESTERN RAILROAD BANK. The It lilroad Company has lias declared a dividend of ONE DOLLAR AND FIFLY CENTS per share And the Bank has declared a dividend of FIFTYCENTS per share. The united dividends is payable at the Bank on and after Tuesday the first January, 1850. Dividends on Road ? J:-.. n_-I. .-marcs liaVlllg HO COrrespoilUlllg utun ?jiiuiv.o payable at the Road office. TIIOS. WAKING, Auditor 8 C. Railroad Company. JAS. G. I10LMES, Cashier Southwestern R. R. Bank. Jan. 2, 1 3t New Year's Notice. T..? subscriber begs to return his thanks for i the liberal patronage received during the past year ; and respectfully solicits a continuance of the same, and assures his friends and the public, that no effort will be spared, to render satisfaction to those who may patronise him the present year. Having to pay his workmen in cash, weekly, lie will consider that his hill ) will be due, and expects pajment when tncy are presented. He would be pleased to extend ths usual credit, but the calls on him for inonev torbid it. Jan. 2-l-tf " VV. M. WATSON. G. V. ANTWERP, MERCHANT TAILOR, Columbia, S. C. Keeps on hand and is constantly manufacturing j an extensive assortment of plain and fashionable I garments, which will bo sold at reasonable prices, i The goods are gut up expressly for a fashionable I cus'oin trade, and will be found superior m workI nianship and quality. I have also on hand and ain j daily receiving an extensive assortment of shirts 1 and furnishing articles, chuicc and cheap, i shall ' sell no article but what ii good and substantial. also A fine assortment of .S'ilk and Fur Hats, of the ' very latest styles, fioin the house of Lleebe tj- Costor. Jan. 2. 1 tf Vrnsli Crocerios. Ate. Tlio subscriber lias on band an extensive and ! ivelt selected slock of (iroceries. comprising all I ilio leading aitides, which country people will liud to their advantage to examine before purcha! sing elsewhere. 5,000 Florida Segars, of the first quality, on j hand, at from o to G dollars per thousand. Dec. 0. 11. 1IO 1,1,1': Y.MAN. A CARD. Reynolds & Reynolds. I have ibis day associated Wji. J? Reynolds | with nie in the practice ot Dentistry. 1 Mr. Reynolds has been my pupil for the past j four years*, and I commend him with confidence tu the coiiiiniinitv. The business will he conducted ns formerly at my ullicc on .Main street, under the above name J and ptylc. WM. REYNOLDS. Aufril8l2'2 .'M tf Day Books, Ledgers &c. Blank Bonks for Accounts?Memorandums Ledgers?Com ion Bonks; of t;n*ai variety. Inks. |wi|jor for Record* ami deeds?Letter |ci|k-r. .Note ami Cup/liO?r.tiveio|K.*.? fur mt:?*sit!iil loiter.-?jil.iia wliiie-.ciniiu.-Mvl. :ilver edged ami lmir<>f every size; wafers. motto seals ivn*.?j? 11cils ami iiennil leads drawing malt-rials. tVc. A. VOl'Xfl. Bibles, Testaments & Hymns, | Qtmrln (tildes ami 'IV'sliiim-iiU- with largo t; (?'. ami also : School. ininintiirv t-iliiiuns, 1'raycr Honks ami lii bios in ele| gam velvet ami embossed binding, all tin; Ilymti Honks ir iisc in ila- 'I'mvn ami Country?Southern lloriaonv, Mis} .-oiiri do. lioston Academy's colh-rtion of Sacrcil Music ? ! Hihlc Dictionaries, ('niienrtlanivs. A. YOI'ND. Music and Musical Instruments. Colrott's (irnintuar of music; Hainilton's Dictionary of .Musical terms. Thorough Uass Pritncr, " - IT..aM1| Piano rone miners', iiuuiui c, vkhhvio , ?.... Clifton's Instrnctor for tlie Piano. Otto Thorpe's, Klenim's and Carat-sin's Inst, for the Guitar; Ho wet Inst, for the Violin, Flute, Guitar &c. Ins'ruclions for tlie Clarinet, Cornet a Piston, anil Kcnl IJuglc. Music for the Flute and Violin. A large assortment of Guitar and Piano music will be re ceivcd shortly, also, Violins, Flutes, Fifes and Guitars, Strings for the Violin and Guitar. A. YOUNG. Fresh Goods JustJKeccivcd. Raisins in i|iiartcr boxes, Preserved ginger Northern cheese, Soda crackers, and Pilot bread Pin fruits Mountain butler. New Rice. Now No 1 and 2 Mackrcl. For sale by Dec. 12, T. HONNKM, &, Co. Segars! Segars!! A clmice lot of Uio Hondo ami Cousolaceon So gars for sale by T. J'ONNKI.Ij i|f Co. Iron Iron and Steel. | Swccd's Iron from 1x2-8 to 10x1-2 in. Hat. ( " " " '1-8 to 1-1 in. .s?|iiarc. " " " il-8 in 1-1 hi. round. Cast Sli-ol ' 1 2 In 1-1 in square. J I if i man ami Blister Nlucl. For sale l>v ; Doc. 12. 'J'. IJO.WMI.I. iV Co. Dninti !?n|toiis 1:1 K- !. *.il- l-v \H ,.*? !. ark Notice. The undersighed have this day entered into a copartnership, under (he naine and firm of 1TIOOKE ?fc BELCHER, for the purpose of transacting a Gtxieral Grocery j Business. They hope by slrict attention to busi- [ ncss and an earnest endeavor to please, to merit a i liberal share of patronage. \V. C, MOORE, M. 1\ BELCHER. January 1, 1650. 2 tf .> /; !? t.ISff STORE. The subscribers arc now receiving a variety of those articles wliicli generally constitute a FAMILY OROCERY and PROVISION STORE, consisting of SUGARS, brown, crushed and double refined COFFRES, Rio nml Juvu Flour, Rice Cheese and Molasses Baoon, Lard, Muckarel and Salt Raisins, in quarter, half and whole hoxes Currants, Almonds and Candios of all descriptions Assorted Pickles, Catsup, Pepper Sauce, Sardines Pepper, .Allspice and Ginger Spcrin, Adamantine and Tallow Candle# Crockery Ware Scgars, Tobacco, &c. &c. MOORE & BELCHER, Three doors south of II. Levy und nearly opposite the Post Office. Jnn. 9, 2 If FRESH GARDEN SEEDS, OF THE GROWTH OF 1849. i Asparagus, Artichoke, Melon.?Nutmeg, PineBEANS?Early Rachel, apple. China, Mohawk, Valen- MUSTARD?Black r, < line, Half Mood, Dutch White. Case Knife, white Kid- Onion Buttons, Wj;'.c ney, large while Lima, and Red ; Onion Se . scarlet Runners. Okra, Parsnip. BEETS?Long Blood & PEAS?Bishop's Dwarf, Early Blood Turn p. Early May, ( harlton, Broccoli, Uollardp, Cele Dwarf Blue. Prince Alery, Cauliflower. Albert, (very early,) CARROT,?Altringhani Imperial, Dwarf Sugar, and I,ong Orange. Matchless Marrowfat, I CABUAGE-Early York, D'f Marrowfat, Knight's | May, Paris Ox Heart, DwarfAfarrow.Knighl's { Dutch Drumhead, Sugar British Green, i I.oaf. lartre York. latfcParelev: PeDDer. fBellA i Dutch, Green Glazed, RADISHES?-Long Sal! curled Savoy, Drum- mon, Early Scarlet,Red i head, large Mountain. and Yellow Turnip, and ! Cucumber?Longgreen, Black Spanish, j Early frame,green clus-Spinach ; Salsify, i tcr, short prickly, Glier- SQUASH.?Early Bush, kin. Vegetable Marrow. CORN. ?Early Tu6ca- TOMATO.?Large and ?eru, Dutton, Burling- Small Red. ton, While Flint, Sugar TURNIP.?Spring, Nori corn. folk, Hanover, Aber} Egg Plant, purple; Kale doen, Red Top, Early , and Leak. Dutch, White Garden | LETTUCE.?Ice-Head, Stone, Ruta Baga. ! Silesia, Large caabage. Sage and Thyme, also? Lucerne, Large Italian AJilJet, Canary, Rape, and Hemp Seeds. The subscriber is particularly careful that his seeds arc fresh, and of the description mentioned above. Being in the habit of proving his seeds before vending them, he is enabled to recommend them with confidence, and to warrant their growth. JAMES R. McKAlN. Jan. 1, 1850. 2 tf "list of letters Remaiuiug iu the l'ost Office at Camden,.8. C. Jauuary 1st, 1850. A. K Alcorn, John Knigeton. Frances B. Kellv, Jolui O Rossarrl, Col. Jem* S Kimhall, William Bell, Vincent (?) L Braeey, .Miss AI Lowll, Lowis ' r?, V t II i>e<uy, i ihw. i ifnw, *. u. Hnxkin, John M Bell, Vincent, jr. McDonald, A.Ji Howard, Mint fc K Mifiinaix &. Wido Brewer, Elizabeth MeKuakill, Angus (3) C. .McAllister, J- D I Clark, John Manterton, Aaron Carey, John T. (3) McDowell, B Cat heart, K. A: Co. Moore, W A Clark, Sain'l Mnhlrow.T. M (Jhalnl>e.rliiin, llcv. II MrDowall, John Crnnklield, Jonathan McNeill, Daniel Ciarey. John Me Williams, J. N Cunninjiham. K 11 Mose< F. J. A- M I Coalox, Joseph _ N ' Cook, Ileiifciinin (3) Neal, Jas. M. 1 Comvav. flarriet Nelson, J M i> i? Diivin, Joseph I'itnitie, R I taw*. (i W I'eay. N A (2) Dmilap. George Parson!, L II Durnnt. Uev II II Patterson, !. J Drakefonl .Hi*1 K _ II II Robinson. Sjirsyh W Fslwunls. P. (/' llantiey, II j Elerlie, E. M Ri?leil?jf, Abbey F l?:irnlul]ilt, Will j Frost, Charles Richboiirg, Isaac ! F rosier, L. I. 55 j Flimi, E. A. E. ('-) Smith Jolm ] Flowers, Tims. H Smyrl, Ilui^h i Freeman. .Mutiheiv Shivers, John I l';iin. Col. S Shiver, Samuel i Frsisior. Rev. E l. Smart. W K Fiske, Franeis M Shiver. Geo W U T (Jrcirir, .l;un"s Tlmmrs, Win .1 Green. E- \V. 'I'lioiuav Rev. F G II TiiKly, Wm | Unimex, J. <' Taylor, Win II ! Howard, A Triicxdale.Jnhii 1 I llm-y, T. W. (2) W ' j IIn?an. \V'illi:iin Wells, Jeremiah i 1 low ell, Kit-hard W Williams. Lmra A J Walxon, Alphciix (?) I Junes. Miss Jii'n-y | White. Maillia J ,I:ii'I;miii, Isnin i While, C'apt Win I .IoIiiisiiii. P ; Wilson, Adam j Join's. .Mary I Wilson, Miss iS'nncy 1 .Innlon, (Jaisi'V j Y j lu'iiwrly, A- W j Voiiiifj, Ann 31 J'crioiis asking for Lcttrs from tlie above Li.M i will jilc.isse say that tlioy are advertised. JOHN N. OAMBWELL, P. M. j Jan. 1,1ST)Q. 2 _ St Instate Sale of Negroes. | | By order of James U. Tl'itherspoon, Ordinary foi ! Lancaster District, will be euld on tho 18th ani J l'Jlli days ot January, 1850, in the village of Lan caster, the whole personal estate of Mrs. Marj ' Oil!, consisting of , Thirteen Choicefond VnluahJe Negroes. . Among the number are some likely boys and girls I good field hands, a superior meat aud pastry cook one mulatto seamstress and house servant, abou 16 years of age. Also, a great variety of * Household and Kitchen Furniture , ono pair match horses, large, good and young,; wagon, and many other articles. ' 1 At tlic same time, the largo and commodiom * house known as the " (ilobo Hotel," will be rente< j until the first of January, 18.11. 0"The negroes and hous > and lot wil)bedi6 posed of the first day, (the 18lh.) Tkkms :?Eleven months credit: purchasers t< I give note '.villi good security, with interest from tin ' i day of sale. JUNES CROCKETT, Adm'r. Lancaster C. II., Dec. ill, 1849. 'J 'Jt \ofice. The subscriber will offer for sale, before tin Court House at Camden, on the first .Monday ii ; February next i'irri:i:\ likki.. vxkuiwes. ' Terms?A credit of one and two .-oars, bom ; >; :?!i ?ecurirv ???! m? ut llu* pro|H?rtv if "re i, i ,, ; ? <\i M. iv.?. . ?*#-- t --J*-.earn** -*+ _^^..._____' Tissue Paper for Artificial Flowers, Of the brightest colors, and finest lexluri Just received at Z. J. DEHAVS, Jan I. 1 tf Cod Liver Oil. THIS va'uable MEDICINE is now used with astonishing efficacy in the cure of Consumption, Scrofula, chronic Rheumatism, General Debility, diseases of the Kidneys, etc. etc. A fresh euppiy just received and for sale by Jan. -2. Z. J. PeHAY. Bright Light. I have lately received two casks superior Sperm and Solar Oil, which will he sold as low as it can possibly be afforded In this market, for cash, or to punctual customers. Z, J- DeIIAY. tin -j lfitn 1 * if Hauel's ?au Lustral, Hair Restorative, M Tlicre is nothing in this wide world, that contributes more to comeliness and beauty than a profusion of .soft, flowing ring ringlets, or auburn tresses and he who can devise the means to preservo and letain, in its original beauty, this important appendage to the head, will confer an inestimable blessing upon mankind, and deserve the lasting gratitude of the community." Such an article is Hauel's Eau Lustra!! I have tret received direct from 1 ho Proprietor, a large and fresh supply, in Bottles at 50c. 75c- and $1. each. 1 Z. J. DkUAY. Superior Cologne Water, Manufactured by J. A. Cleveland, who obtained a premium for the best article of Cologne present, ed to the 14 South Carolina Institute" at the 5ato Fair in Charleston. Quart and pint bottles, f??r sale by 25. J. DallAY, Jan. 2. , 1 If Family BKedioines, Townsend's Sarsaparilla, Wistar's Balsam, Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, Lee's, Spencor's, Got. don's, Moffalt's, Brarytaeth's, Peter's and Beck* with'a Pills, &c., &c., always on hand at Jan. 2. 1?tf Z. J. DeHAY'S, 8uptriorB*th Bricks, Mount Ragle Tripoli, Spanish Brown, Venetian Red, and Red Lead, for cleaning Knives, Brass, Hearths, df-c. &c, always on hand at Jan. 9, 1830. Z. J. DaHAY'S. Rnrobrninit flaiidv. Manufactured in Charleston, and of snporior quality, Jujube, Paste, Fancy and Medicated Lox> enges, Pastilcs de Paris, for Coughs, Colds Sir, tf*o. may always be found at Z. J. DkHAY'S. Jan. 2, 1 If Vegetable Liquid Hair Djre. FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS REWARD, To the person who will pr >ve that Jdlks HacEl's Vegetable Liquid Hair Dye in not the heat, ihe very bert yet known in this country or Europe. Thin valuable discovery will enable a person to dye instantaneously tlie'hairor w hiskers in a few minutes, without the. least inconvenience. This preparation is wnrranlcd not to wash ont.nor to injure lite, health and retain all its softness and brilliancy. De certain to a-k for 'Jules Hauel's Liquid Hair Dye," as all others are spurious. If you wish fbr black, ask for box marked N; if for brown, ask for box .narked B. Premium* have been awarded to the subscriber at the Frankful Institute F.xhihition. For sale wholesale and re* tail by the proprietor, JULES llAl'EL, Perfumer and v.. sM..? iri.i.i * 'IK'hiim, mi. iV/iicnuiu? vircoif imnccu liiuu aim Fourth. Philadelphia. Manufactured by JULES IIAUEL, Philadelphia. For vale in Cair.den by J. U. McKai.v, Z. J. DeIIav, F. L Zcur.and A. Yocwa. J air. 2, 1830. 1 4t SCHOOL BOOKS. A nan- and general assortment of School. A Classical Books, in tike, just received and opened by theeulwcrib r, who will supply Schools and Academics with complete sets of hooks, at as low prices as they can he sold .-.^particular attention will be given to the correct execution of nil orders for books, and every other article ia oar lina of business. Orders from the country solicited, The following are always kept on hand t Elemeulary Primers, Spellers, and RetJera. Grammars?Smith's. Brown's. Bullion's & KirkhjpuV Dictionaries?Walker's. Webster's, and Dictionary Spelling Book. Arithmetics?Pike's, Smith's, Davie*', SmjieyV Col burn's, Perkins', and Emerson's 1.2. & 9. Keys, to no Geographies?Primary, Mitchell's, Smithy Parlojr'it apd Chilli's First Book in Geography. Shwl Giootv phiks. Mitchell's School Geography nn<l Alias, da Abc.iptjt. Smith's new (Common School Geography. Histories?Willard's Universal Iliatorv, P&rtey*s 1. 2 A J Books Hist. Common School Hist. Pictorial llist. U. S.* and England. Bobbin's outlines of Hist. WiHard'a a ridged llist. U* S. Pinnock's Goldsmiths Hist. Bngaud, Greece and Rome. Bigland's Nat. Histories (utcnliools. lteaders?New York No*. 1 and 2., Grigg A Elliot's Nos. t 1.12.3 and 4. Ncwmryn's Southern Reader Nos. 1 ami 2.. National Render. Easy Reading, Lessons for children in one and two syllables. Composition?Parker's Aids to Composition, Exercise in, do. level's U. S. Sjicakcr and Rhetorical Dialogues. Rhetoric & Logic?Boyd's Logic, Mill's do. Hodge's do? Caiapbell's I'hilos of Rhetoric?Blair's Lectures?Kama's Elements. Philosophy?Draper's, Jones' Phelps', 01 mete ad's ami1 _Gunstock's. ^ n t ^ I (Jiieniisiry?Mtlimans, urapcr", wanaB^s, onaofts,. Fowne's, Jones' and Comstook's. Botany?Mm. Lincon's, Gray* Hotonical Text BookCLASSICAL. AnflinnV Homer. Horace, Virgil, Cicero, Caesar, Salusl, Anabasis, Greek and Latin Lessons, Greek and' latin Prose Compositions, Jacob's Greek Reader. Greek.Gram,-, mar and Classical Dictionary. Bullion's Lttin and Greek Grammars and-Readers. Andrew's &. Stoddard's Latin Grammar; Reader and Ex errises. (ionId's Adam's Latin Gramrwuy Fisk's Greek Grammar, Ruddimuus Rudiments. Owen's Xenuplions, Hutchinson's & dvaflainVs do., I.incons Livy, Folsoms do. Greek Testament, Grnva Mnjora and Minora, .In ri ill's Latin and Greek KeiyJej Latin Tutor and Mairs Svnta* Ilisloria Sncra and Yin &>?*? VinfipB i'clpliinla Aiusworilt'n Laiia l>WuoofVF? * Lcvereti's I-exieua Grove's Greek do. DiuinigaUfc do do abridged. A. YOUNG. Gold Watches, Jewelry Ac. r A line stock of gold and Silver watches, chad** I seals, Rings, Earrings, Coral Becds and necklaces* Gold, Silver and Steel Spoctacles, Glass sail-, f ted to watches and Spectacles. Fine cutlery-Knives, Scissor** Raxors, Pruning Shares &c. Hair Brushes?*tooiK nan anu Mesh Uriube*. ' Tucking conU?, new pattern. Plated caeUwtv Candlesticks and Snuffers. Tea Trays, mats,, 1 Dish covers. Looking Glasses in plain gilt frames Fine glass and china cups and Vases., A. YOUNG, Family Groeeries. s A large supply of superior Family Groceries, ] kept constantly on hand, and for sale at the lowest, prices, at the CAMDEN GROCERY STORE. F. ROOT, AUCTIONEER, i Commission Merchant & General Agent. CAMDKX, S. C. * Will atlnnd to Public and Private Sales of any < description. Regular Auction day, every Friday. O'Auction Itoom two above the Bank of (,'auu l;d.-n. 11-;i I . _ " f * ? :.?; m?v Hit.-. xr"x\*'iT . 1 'i.iim syit;.i f. i i.tlf I'V * IV 4* ,>y