The Camden journal. [volume] (Camden, S.C.) 1836-1851, December 24, 1849, Image 3

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I ! : , edopt some of them, to five it hid I cow; but either because the man sue about the dolUrt, or are blind to k en arc J i the system, the House will not pp| j,ann?>rccUl fl f provement or experiment to touc, ,it the li^J r>f irn ' Hieing of the State, for tho proper ^ jlf j-or ^ wftjj I and inculcating fight principle" *( njng 0f |r yout|, . * lion submitted at the last session, I niora|it , rcso)u . than that proposing to correct the u 1[>oro ^ortnn " among the schools throughout th no?jn usi was retry'mtnitest from the discu. country.And i that the roem'iers did not fullv ap ^ in h^oum threatening o?ir instilntione from 4 ^.iute thjfangcn i tlie leading minds of the State I. # source W'liili 1 letters, end lectures on slavery, in*i wriij?ff Icitt7.?n? in ??vo Seriploral .ulhoritunB^^ vil. and political blessings that fl?v ind tJw ^ ^ lion. Peter I i-rtey, or Goodrich wi.f (fom ^ P-mtk* of History for chiltlrcn, and . ^ 2(fend 3, JVoa. 1, 9, and 3, with their disl ^ ( y YorKeade wonting Uw slave as naked and opp, P(j| der the weight of his labors, urged, . , ,, ... *" 0tntic un vniuter, standing over mm with wu ( ^ a j( ^^ )| with the false doctrines of Paley * ioh...d! ^L tilling up the susceptible mind6 ol ' | otf,cr>. ? not km, ? and impreesnma unsound a ^ ^ which must be unlearned or erased/ djr,?,.ro. Surely, surely, such hooks ought f uwfo, n^ho ' tl?e hands of Southern children! Ii] lQ ^ . that the teachers should not use the; ^-jj d ^ no others. The Legislature has fo for ^ ^ 1 proper hooka, and there are no others ^ ,0 **' I itO.oortant tiinb in a child's educatio1^ ; 1 k " 1 . M Pri?t- I is an 1 ?-?! ?nH wi? venture * ? , .. A WJinv""* 1 wncq u H nrxl B tlire^fo.urthf of the children South ?> e a*ertie thai to,nulled hj necessity to p.a* it I ^ j F *?rrd at the .North. When t?ie res* )ng), ^ 1 ' feoaaiderati-n, >'r. Adams, of RiCi tjoil w?,urMj|| | p.??aj< on the gi mnd thit it wouh (|d> prtaH) f latent?that South?. ?T inlelleet wo? ;aJiyc Wrft* Wok* if lite pay certain?? ^ ji|Ju#d lo t Hf Cheater, Who had subtt'^ted a res, >fr. Mc-Uilo., Ilht neheol fund Atuw $37.(XH1 ii0n |0 jnr0J80 Aed #fth lira form of the appropriate >0, wa^diMtia. by a nrt*din*:6d strain of ridicale. I Bn<j tuc?*l.>ri . iL. *p<?4 * ,? C?W., illin, ,h^ Lancaster, who Irttd Wttd with lira ? f# Hu*. 0f lion u? the impropriety of the couraprity, oncflec. taken, and nest niorrunf tft?de a flou? had the resolution recontidtrriI, b?l (, juvc Ipaaani to the Senate, and could net ^InaMy it Jiud South Carolina may bo.mof h?f,kon?ni?. exalted State pride, but her measure}! ^ |(jJ' J|V Ira full?liar boasting. will not Ira dfT . ri)J no| sweeps from her Statute Book that.f^,^ ^ up thing called a system of com.i?olH^fa in its rtead nmo prortarons mora ti^Toots ^ u and arose decerni* of her fame and ? mof# THE ELECTORAL QDMClW' Tn another coiumn will he fouad tn^joN. fremlbeOmamee rrivtlege* ; mi mkmiu* hy Mr. WkUJT,/, ? j <Uc,Mrfy?rm the ^Ulure Unc<)| mf 3*re?ide?Uai Eli-etar* U the pe<* . ? , . ? * ' < t/MS tlrclion vtT?a, we believe, are xatudaetirtr _. ' _ 7 reutoim The Mil at the let eeeuen wu ia K ... > jhaiwwrahlr. * Unit, and the aarun cm?c har ftvemt . . *. L. !" w?"1 of 1l>jr. A majority of the po*f?? ?< tec u- pistolt ly pamed ever, vottl 1852 ahail find ? left oa. However, tlw f Hernia of the* 1 ... Ik 4 ^ ?h? ? ?, WfaT*-? A??h(v I eametetil time y<* Mmm e?t rri , __ ' . . _ . , , aL llwre i? for Ipe Legialateet tetmdw wived t - J?,| ,, *'?? ?^"o? j f t^per enu*i% 1 CTTbelloo, W, t Ei*a an'd fat; (teen elected 0. 8. Seeitom front Alai | era* elected on the third Mk fcr ?* tB""""* *** , arte Mr. B ?jby- Mr. Ctcnwew" on tl^^ (ill the unexpired terui ?f the (lea. liBfeflpjjjgpN ceaeed. ?bt* dc. EDITORS' MEET IN UBS The faltemieg uMeeetuir a ccimal | of Ed it ?r? ea lite laat Mf hi of the tabet^HG venlioe, appeared seam twee aieoe m ffctria^ L Dell*. ' We iMeifnd be pwhlivh ileift^^HL Con. P traa rnialaiil; which wo r-t{Tr<lcd. p*ijfc< F count of the Coraplinrant nry ftnticoi COpV tRepm- rilUtrea, Mp'CiaWy of Mr. I.^H?g BC. arhona extraordinary eeetermronal pod^^^B,^)|lns attainments appear to have made a \Kit;ig, upon hw eollrtgwc* of llie CeeWiilwHif^^^p raried " On the last night of the sessi^f^Mpnewon phi* Convention, the Press of thi A Hightower Hall, a splendid s"p)l | Mfm. brethren from other State*, a* welv^Bive, at distinguished gentleman who hadjWp their connected with journalism. The a,?,atndry one ??t cordial good feeling and ger.B., hern , change of wit and sentiment. Boat' Sn, wa, nideraMe corps of Memphis Kditnrv B net nt good fellow* a* ever a!*.?enilfStrCo?. the social hoard?there were pre*,* :?|v a pleasant litile reunion, that e.jtrnnrsi^ft,rwind the admirable Crichtun of the Smr^ft^ (|,;g f?ert G. Pike, of Little Rock, Arkas^^E^,,^ approaches nearer our idea of a "n'vvX^B?t,A I than any man we. ever knew, Ab*|^Tp|,p has displayed genius of a very higd^ft proof of which, we call old CliHV'aK., i,? Blackwood, to the book ; at a jhe bead of the Bar of Arkansas; and ,?'one<>r' r'va' ^Bi?tj fishenna."1* b? b"* forgotten more thaif,^*,^ ( Walton era." knew. To these qualitieK?" ^ j | add a fine taste in literature, profound i I and general know>dge, the gift of i|,y ft good song, or making a happy lastly, a person on a scale of magni^^BH , jinking aspect suited to such a comprV*|fl 1 B _* -.;*w ?rMeat. Imagine a t ill, | Ml? w r *4 more than twu J^wdiwl weight, with. (jrt. j ^ l*ad covered with an im.7?en*e q.iamitjB |a(|f j W hair, which ha* not been in^i.1'^ ^ 'j*! rgy ft contact of ?hear? for many a month ; w?l ark j k*rs and mustaches of like luxuriance,! ,<:h j^K covering a face ruddy with health ; e\U iUM *.*d Urge full black eyes, radiant with j ? [> ] I genius; and you may form some \ ;ve H j^J^*rt G. Pike, o( Arkansas. The never. (. v j|B Yrit |.nd ready resources for all kinds of ^ nf U?omen*, r?f this gentleman, made him t> |Jtr V *jpd sgiji gf Jbf# pleasant circle. Therti if^ | B also present, the ghU and subtle South (r (tH fl uian, Hon. /. Woodward, member of, rfl B gress?-that fififipqirifi but profound and < ij W tabling phj lumber, the lather of (he n MV ?r*t80) of Phreno-Physiology. J)r. fyittag " I CsroJifla. a writer nl gregf force and wit,d( ,(1 ft Jleardno. the gentlemanly end popular ?d. , W the Arkansas fanner ; Harry '!' (7rattan f f nager av) proprietor of the Memphis TV ?'f and lately of the American Theatre in thi|t ,. Mr. F. J. Garrell, the eyer affable and an , ? able edrtpr of (he itferpphis Eagle; the t .! prys, of the Enquirer, genuine, kinrf hei, ^ gentlemen; Mr. McCleqahan, of the Appi< nluMni and inielliTent pontleman ; and fit ir-?rr-r~- 'r-7TT~r - ?. .. . . r*nnMhjll, of t^ff Times?quite a yogngpi , hut well worthy to sustain a name dislingu'i jn the Joumali?tn of the Southwest, hi> fi having edited a paper in Tennessee for r j year*. There were several other geptlemr, the Press present, together with a full re|>r<> i fation of the independent Press of the cit,' " New Orleans. * ^le evining?should rather sny the night il and J eoijiiderahle traction of the morning? f pa?il almost imperceptibly in pleasant littlo ? enMnfert of wit, hiyjorous speeches and sallies j N . of fj and scniinieir, diversified with songs, j ti i, nnftrjifes, and other entertainments. \ verv ! ? . deliglfnl re-unlrtn, indeed, it proved to he, of l thosefngiged ill It foigeniaI pursuit?a pursuit, E 3 loo, ^ic|) dm?s nnf pMsont many occasion* of ^ i tnob irdial intercianp>s of good feeling and , Hln^iip, as the me n which we now refer. A 3 Ayer's "hery f*cctorat. C Wf ^uld rail the atenti<u of our readers to the oircu, ptr corded in ihi* day issut of our oarx-r. wliirh is itaelf il*o?n|?rtificate ofchtnctet, and of the intrinsic worth H of tie fi|?xration it g?? to -ecotnmend. Head it?it is j > wart landing. , Tlfc c^tingoished nan* lent in its favor, nre a sufficient ) r t**unnd of i* valne, alt the medicine itself shows that " Hlnwojliy die best rotnendation bestowed upon it. ' Whet Mi men in our dm country ae Sillirnan of Vale j GuUf,i'nifat*or Hitclioik, the venerable President of c r Arahrst^oHqje, I'rofessoCartlett, of the Transflvania Co l Collef o Medicines, Doct? Valentine Mott, of X. York jjf. i city, pd iarrtd Editor of Boston Medical and Surgi- ( I calJirni, tlf Southern ediral Review, the Western ' l,an<S, <V., r Well as manhigli Medical Authorities In t ( foreije cotjtriis. give their cjence so strongly in favor of Oh the (^rrypedoral. we conlnot ?lmi!?t it* ??? t" ^ if waiail bt .he evidence t our own experience in if fitvof Nomdicine could hi* better friends, and certainljwnelcerve* belter. \? may then wifely congra1 tuiatche ptih on the posxestn of a remedy Which can p be r?d unfit relief from the^ourge and terror of our m clima, disa* of ine lungs. Hull And ' cIiiotN pricTscurrent rZ I Baggt- per f. 18 to I .an lb 8 to in Hud Bale ;pe > to 12 b-ar lh 6 to 7 ( Bacot b G| to 7 Moines, -gall 31 to 40 Line Rutiei b 12 to 18 MacVel, bhl 8 to 12 Gret Brand gi! 28 to 35 iNails, lb G to 8 Gi Bee**, b 13 to 22 'Oata.ieaf. cwt 50 Jaco Beef, b 4 to G Peas, bushel 50 f?atii Cheea b 12 15 I Potato, sweet, hu 37 llisti Conor b 9 to 10! Jrie^ Hti 75 Vi Corn, bi?U40 to Rye, , hushed 75 toB7 A ins Fiour, hi 6 to Gl Ricp. bushel 3 to 4 b-ve . poride ct 50 to 7.5 Sugar, lb 7 to 14 Grov jlidea.7 a 8 to 9 Salt, sack li Dour Iron, 5 5 to Gi shot. hag II Uotf. hi 2 to 211 Tobacco lh 10 to 75 I,e*tl*?ole. I 13 to2i 1 Wheat. bush 90 ST. 'AVES LODGE, DALINGTOW. Tli^t- Davl'j Ijnthje will cele-ale the Anni- jajj rerc^iof St. "Hn the Evangevst, on Thursday, Jteoiberj?, by a public Precision and an Ontirfey Ambose Spenceh, Est iJreren of dier J/wljrrs in ouoptandingr are fraterjl.v i?avtt(i to attend and unt in the cele- T1 bratioif the da. thee; GEORiE J. W. McCALs w.-. M.\ pared Dargton C.'-L Nov. 1849. 6t lose < <E>. zs> iHrJ Kerhawliodg'e.rimber 9 ci TVipolar ftietiny of tliii* Lodg?'ill be held am' u tt theinew ijll on .Friday event? next,at l,reini T.'cVx CjldcrofteN. G. ?;fi'' I nnrvr.CC , I , n 'f-r^iary. - -j ? ~ * I f rvoticc. The IjnUf Mdlingsof the LanenpteOivipion, No. 50,?i* tf Ttoperance, are field evry Alonday er?g it 8 ttJock. 1 . J- a. ?.ark.:.s. Con B98 0rT31I?3?.AW3. tltcret DiviMuii No. 9. '?no The mir nieemrrof this Divsion will I held a"ir?oo< on to-nx* (Thrsdav) evening.nt OdiFel- WO low't HaJTo'ck*. By ordernl'the W.? J?W j. , ' W.C.MQOKE. hS. ,*Jj O^TS 01 TEKFERANCE, '? r tt JhtsiaUn^Tnda^Cooii next at 4 o'ekrk. -jj| j _ D. B-IaUSSURR. Scc'r. 201 2 ?? ? NAM * Favorablcpportunity rA. Ip n iilfured to thn.*?, WimIi to obtain not of ",e fl Da.mtotrpe l.ikenesaof themselves or tber Moi friend v Ma? Rot in the Odd Fell# Hall. Call and e> Ota amintr yourselves. s. 'P. CORLF.Y. ^ ?1 ~~ m Alfcrpons intendinf apply for License to Mfl< sell ?|tuotis liquors dur?the ensuing year are remind that their l.iceij expire on the 31t?t day oto present month. v ^t. < A #ct compliance witie late act of the Le- Hoi ginlnte, as well a* with, recent Town Ordi- , _ nanon iliesnhject will ft required before any j{ , licenwillbe granted tort ensuing year. .M?i Byderof the VownCocil. Ne* L. W. B^ARO, Recorder. Wanted tyiire. T jjj A;p! "ate Cook, win; inls'i :i ???od washer pol on: andDnC? f?r whith libe'al iag s will be paid. ><?. 3 Entjrc t this offirc. B-. 2>I Lost.! " 1 r,ncfi[old chaii and set, the finW will be ?? sublyl warde I. W. C. ADORE. 1 ffc.iy Bas 1 Sale of UerJ gstutc. Bhipm lv or ""of the ourt of Ordinary, will he sold He w before ti "rourt hotsc dooiin (jirnden onthe first dttcc Monday ' Januarynexi hdwetti the Ic?I hours throu; of sale I ,he eherit all the Rt*l Estate )f John He Mversil 9 aped, copistingnf t%-o tract? W" pine week land, on i 342 acts, bouidcl by lands of R. w' Turner, Pecblealid othuvt also one tact of other! 238 acr? jboundetky landsjf fi- Holland, Ceorge ca" 'J brown others. cngtag Tertr ?n a cre< until lie first tlay of Jauiary J'C ho flSAl,) crest fr? day of sale, with Until anil may f security '"<1 a mcMtage nf-tfn premises if nres- l ll?l sary, to c Ordina. Purchase to pay In pa- Duu: ptirR. EDI ril M ^ KRIS, Adrnt. Dec. y u'4 ?} AdmlitraJor^ Sale. ~ Ry ot?r of the (jrt of Ordinary, will be i^ld Cal before tJe Court fcjse door in Camden, on .\]?i jiC ,rc day Tthday of Jatiry next, between the lepl iin!.,p80fr*'e a the^personal properly oft. * S. Bar.** corifiotiti^r of one negro wi- w,1'cli man Xatcy. (a goiouie servant and weaver) Ipc,u? and hei four c','p?, o"e maw, {Silver lew fcrtln Watch,i"'i doublirrel gun. favors Terrvi ?On * until the first day of Janu- A jor ary 1 Bod with "ot^ security dud mortgage or i"y:negroer if necee#, interest from day of sale, 1 purcliaitrs to payLaperp. 1 SAMUlp. THOMPSON, Adm'r. ITllsfu? I On tie fist in January next, before the i Court Ilouse do? (jamden, immediately after To ShcriffV> lies, a vf v<1|uablo negro fellow, aged loo n tiOyeart. on a cr^Lf months, with bond and L 1 - ? - mAflrrnrrA r*f tl.n unquesflotiaoiu an<i 4ii";"s ,b1' l,c p0 pro'perfj if requi^ilh interest from day of sale. B)ad |'ureisers to kor papers. , %S.). WARREN, Agent. Dec. 16 1M1^ ?Carpenters'at(.h8mi,||S' Tools, Iron, Hollow Were, NaijCffing, Rope, I wine. Crock. of erjr. Glass WareKjfg^ <f('- ';r:'l < Jior sale at tliflL^ prices by ineht . <jt R. KENNRPY. t'ottr (iroCCrif^* ^ plant A large siipH ,,Uperior Family Groceries aloi.e kept constantly and for sale at the lowest ton i prices, at the J| ' (0mP C.^>A GROCERY SJORh. JuI SCHOOL BOOKS/ A new and general assortment of School & Class! Iooks, in use, just received and'opened bv thoBuhseri rhn will supply Schools and Academies with romp 'ts of book*, at as low prices as they can be sold.?j cular attention will be given to the correct oxecutio II orders for hookb, and every other article in our liu usiness. -.Order* from the country solicited. The following are always kept on hand: llcmcntnrj Primers, Spellers, and Headers, ruin mats?Smith's, Brown's, Bullion's & Kirkham' >icti?uarien?Walker's, Webster's, and Dislioni Spelling Book. , rithmotics?Pike's, Smith's, Davles', Smiloy's, I burn's, Perkins', and Emerson's 1. 2. <S? 3. Keys, ttfdct eogmphiea?PrijJart, Mitchell's, Smith's, Parlo anil Child's First Book in Geography.- Siiool Gaoui niiEs. Mitchell's School Geography and Atlas, do. L cient. Smith's new Common A'clioot Geography. isiories?Willard's Universal History, Parley's 1. 2 i Books Hist. Common School Hist. Pictorial llixt. U. and England, Bobbin's outlines of Mist. Willar abridged liist. 11- S. 1'innock's Goldsmith.? Hist. Kt hnrl, Greece and Rome. Biglaud's Nat. Historic* School*. ?aders?New York No*. 1 and 2., Grigg <fe Elliot's N 1.2- 3 and 4. Newman's Southern Header Nos. 1 and National Reader, Easy Reading, Lessons foj children ineand two syllables. in position?Parker's Aids to Composition. Exorcise d. Lovel's U. S. Speaker and Rhetorical Dialogues. letOricA Ivifrie?i?\t:ih- J- J W"/?I " .Mill H UU. IIUURP H G /'aiupbcll'8 Rliilos of Rhetoric?Blair's Lecture*?Kami ilemciil*. ilosophy?Draper'*, June*' d'helpa", Olmsteod's at kwiWIOck's. emistry?.Sjlliman's. Draper*", Grahara'i, Si*on' otvne's, Jones' and Com* lock's. tauy?Mr*. Lincon'n, Grays Botonical Text Book. CLASSICAL. lion's Homer. Horace, Virgil, Cicero, G'swnr, Sains naba*is, Greek and Latin Lesson*, Greek and lati rose Compositions, Jacob'* Greek Reader. Greek Gran ar and Classical Dictionary. lion's Ruin and Greek Grammars and Renders. row's <fc StoJdurd's Latin Grammar; Reader ajad Ei rises. Id's Adam's Latin Grammar, 's Greek Grammar, dimans Rudiments. n's Xenoplions, Hutchinson's & (.'leaxland's da ons Livv, Folsoms do. :k Testament. era Majors and Minora. h's Latin and Greek Reader i Tutor and Mairs Syntax nria Sjacra and Viri ilonna rgir* Delphinin worth's Latin Dictionary rett's Finxicon e's Greek do. ligans do do abridged. A. YOUNCL Knox Insurance Company. CAPITAL $200,000. c, Marine & Life Insurance. ;e on Water Street, near Market, ia Wiae't Brick Row, YIn ccanes, 1 ddiabda. ii? Company Itaviner been duly organized. and ? w ? O ~ * apital ntuck properly secured, are now preI to receive applicat: >ns for insurance against ?r damage by lire, on Buildings, Merchandize, linery, Mills, Manufactories, and all descripof properly, Also merchandize and produce in i ourse of inland transportation,?the sea6? pon the lives of individuals. The ratea of uin which will govern this institution, will nn to the established rates of the Eastern 3. All losses will be liberally and promptly ed, and paid. W, D McDOYVALL Agent at Camden S. (J1 J. B. ULM, IV HOLES ALE GROCER, aer cfHayne and Church Street, Charleston, S. C. vv receiving an extensive slock of GROCERIES, iUOKS, consisting in pnrtof: Impi of Rio, Java, and oilier qualities COFFER. IiImI*. St. Croix. I'orio Rico, and Muscovado Sugar. hhds. Cuba Molasses. h!?)s. N. <). Molasses. Ilis. lyuif Sugar. bbls. Crushed and Clarified Sngnr. hoice and well selected assortment of TEAS, of inporiation, and all other nriicW- v T-rvfi.w.- ?? AI.KO, V) pieces BAOGING. X) coils Itojie. IX) pounds rwine. AI.SO. ,S, Shot. Powder, laawl. Ac. ^ lice selection of foreign W USES and UltAoDIES, illovving favorite brands: < It It AN'I MRS. ton. vintage 1805 and 18-15. well. rd, Depttv & Co. letinesev & Co. . | rtell. | ievoisin. WINES. Jeira. in octaves ntid qr. casks, rrv, I'ale and Hrown. t, Spanish, in I casks. Ltnpagne..Hcidsick nnd other brands. Croix and Jamaica Rum. ( land Cm and Irish Whiskey. DOMESTIC LlQlORS. ndy. in 1 and 1 ensks. tificd Whiskey, longahela do. Pnnrlti nil Uli:n. "".mackerel. 0 Bari'l* Halifax ami Ronton Mackerel, ' ) Half and Quarter Hariri* do. I her with many other articles; nil of which will lie [tccnniinodatinf? terms. J. B. ULM. ii. ihtj. 44 tf G. A. NEUFFER, , Commission Merchant, < id Dealer in Flour, Grain, fee., \ Vo. 121, East Uny, Charleston, S. C. 1 to inform his friends and the public, that , repared to make liberal advances on all ( fits of FLOUR, GRAIN, &c. made to him t i also make advances on shipments of I'ro- ? t the iS'orth, or elsewhere, when made r srlhim. r Its made arrangements whereby he receives lysnpplies of Flour of superior brands, all ? lie he warrants. Country Merchants and < nil find it to their advantage to give him a efie purchasing elsewhere/ Having been ,edn the above business for a lengt h of time, peso give general satisfaction to those who t avo him with their consignments. t fcre.tes? Messrs. R. & J. Cjudwkll, R. f i, ail J 1}. Ulm, Charleston. f v. 7. 4"? 3m Fdl Goods, just Opening, .. M. & It. KENNEDY 1 the ttcntion of tlioir friends and the pubncrall., to llier new and extensive stock of I cy, Domestic and Staple Dry Goods, j i they ac just nceiving. Having been scI with ;reat can, they with confidence of- ' cm, boh as regaxls quality and price?on as 1 ible tcuiB as cai he presented elsewhere, lion of he stock i comprised in the follow- ' 'lain andFigured filk, changeable colors, 'lain andI'rmted Fetich Cashmeres and Le J,ai ins latest stiles, figured aid l'lain Lutres. changeable colors, I'rcncli aid English tingham, do do. Siiglishanl Ainericani'rints, &.c. &c., , gcthcr will a variety f Fancy llrcss Goods | microns foment ion. Sept 2(5?If ; FOK I.V)U. irtcon ncff*oc.?, r.onsiwng of a first rate ' oniitli, Carpenter, Lahrcrp, Cooks, House I , iinl rVurees which thciubscriber wishes to >Ut for the eisuing year.wid is now ready to c?ntractp. A. BUR It. c.5. 49 3t i J* VIIWi a;td after tie 1st Septmntr next, the scv- j Motion J'resses in Charlesln will, l?v agree, rliargc 77nr(y ('mis jwr pxtrn, on all m bound with iron, Itwk nWVitoden bands, his charge will iieressarilw'all upon the or*, this notice is given Ihatfopc Handagrs i may he used by them. Nea'v all the Cot- ( sent to t harlcston and iSavtanah is now ressod before s! ;pi?ent. ly 11 28 ; #0t 4 mttr?lfi?inrMmmmmmrnrnrn ! m ?T?n? New and Choice Fall Goods, oax The subscriber* are now receiving one of tiie large: b r, and most desirable stocks of GOODS thai lias over bee ilote 'offered to the friends and customers of the Kf CAMDEN BAZAARo of They have, during the past week, opened, and are 8C? prepared to show a most splendid assortment of Rich Fabrics for Ladies' Dresses, BIICH AH try Elegant Cashmorea, Mu*lin IMjiirie*, Plain SJerineu Chameleon Lustres, Lyiuiese Cloths lot i)eLisle Stripes, Ginghams, l'riiits, Are. A large assortment of Nhatvls, ^ Stich as I/ong and square Slinwls, both pliuo and printJ . ed, silk, cnahmereand bmche. also A large stock of Linens and Linen Goods, Marseille* Quilts, Dimities, Curtain Staffs, Ao. j'J KVERY VARIETY or nOSIERY. 1*" Goods for Gentlemen''s FFVfrr, |Of Broadcloth.:, Cassimeres, Tc*tingg?,Cmvau, Ac. o$. ALSO 2. Large and Splendid Stock of llcadr K&do CLOTHING, Of every quality, and at price* which cananl p.easc, AND lo? They are also prepared to offer to Planter* and other*. >'? one of tho must coinplelo assortment* to he found in Camden,of 1,1 Blankets, Kerseys, Sattinets, jeans, a, DOMESTICS, Ac. Ac. IT'Pl.ey confidently invite the attention of purchase to their atock, as one of the largest in town. I, i* tlrnii- ?? - ... .w iiiicimk'h 10 cmoraco in their ?tock every article of Dry Goods tliat may be new or desirable, so that purchasers can always be atipplied with the newest and best style of Goods in the 1 market and at the lowest possible prices. M. DKUCKKR At CO. Day Books, Ledgers &c. Blank Bonks for Accounts?Memorandum* Ledgsr*?Com! (Miction Books; of great variety. Inks. |?per for Records and deeds?Loiter paper, Note and Canyio.?Envelopes for notes and letters?plain white, embossed, silver edged and butrof every size: wafers, motto seals wa*.?pen, eils ftnrl iiMfi/vs! -I :? ? * ' ' ? ~v??* I* av<?uB, uraniiia materials* etc, A. VOIIEO. Bibles, Testaments fe Hymns, Quarto Bibles and Testament* with large type, and #1h? School, miniature editions, Prayer Books and Bible* in elegant velvet and embossed binding, all the Ilvmn Book* in use in the Town and Couniry?Southern Iiarmony, Missouri do. Boston Academy's collection of Sacred Musie? Bible Dictionaries. Concordances, As YOUJil'. Music and Musical Instruments. Colcott's "Grammar of mimic; Hamilton's Die- ' tionary of Musical terms. Thororgh Bass Primer, , Piano Forte Primere, Hunter's, Cramers', and ( Clifton's Instructor for the Piano. Otto Thorpe's, , Klemrn's and Caraenin's Inst, for the Guitar; Howes t Inst, for the Violin, Flute, Guitar <tc. lnstruc- j, tions for the Clarinet, Cornet a Piston, and Kent Bugle. Music for the. Flute and Violin. A large assortment of Guitar and Piano music will be received shortly, also, Violins, Flutes, Fifes and _ Guitars, Strings for tho Violin and Guitar. * A. YOUNO. " Gold Matches, Jewelry &c. A fine stock of gold and Silver watches, chains ^ seals, Rings, Barrings. Coral Heeds and necklaces. Gold, Silver and Steel Spectacles, Glasses fit- jy ted to watches and Spectacles. Fine cutlery-Knives, Scissors, Razors, Pruning |j Sii-ires &cHair Brushes?tooth, nail and Flesh Brushes. Tucking combs, new pattern. Plated castors, Candlesticks and Snuffers. Tea Trays, mats, ' DihIi covers. I/ooking Glasses in plain gilt frames. tQ Fine glass and china cups and Vases. _ A. YOUNO._ [J 50 Kegs rmils just received and for sale at Tl the lowest price. Also Iron, steel Arc. cu E. W. BONN FY. r New crop Raisins, currants, almonds, Ate. ye also, an assortment of extracts and Rose j.;/W. BONNET. fiv I IK Northern Potatoes, now Rice, and Sugar an House syrup for sale by I'-. W. .BONSKY. Sn< Wanted* cm A cook and washerwoman, young healthy and of sol jood character for the year lb.rH). he Dec. 12, J. W. COOPER. ih< Fresli (-oo<is Just Kcceivcd. |m! Rhihiiis in quarter boxes, Preserved ginger, ^ Northern cheese. Soda crackcr|, and Pilot bread, (| I'ie fruits, Mountain butter, New Kice, New No. (r^ I and 2 Mackrel. For sale by " Dec. 12, T. BONN ELL fc Co. 1 Segars! Segars!! . Rl: A choice lot of Kio Hondo and Coiisolt?ccon 8c- J ;ar? fr?r sale by T. RON NIC 1,1, if- Co. Iron Iron and Steel. _! Sweed's Iron from lxtt-b to 10x1-2 in. flat. 44 44 44 3-b to 1-4 in. square. , * ** " tt-8 to 1-4 in. round. . [?a*t Steel * 12 to 1-4 iu square. [Jcnnan and Blister Steel. For sale hy ' l<ec_12, T. BON NELL fc Co. ^ Houses for Male. tlic The subscriber otters for sale, on reasonable of i erms, bis Houses and Lands at Kirk wood and in Ian "amden. The House at Kirkwood is pleasantly cor lituated, large and commodious, with every tieccs- m? iary Outbuilding, with an ahundance of pure water Dh :onvenicni thereto, with 27 acres of Land attach- hot id, most of which is woodland. The House in Mi' ,'atndcn is situated on the West end of DeKalb Ian trcct, upon a considerable elevation, and is large md rommodioiis, with all convenient and neccssav <3utbuililmtrs, a Well of good water, and 27 1 icrca of Land. Possession given immediately. ? Persons wishing to purchase will please call and ,'xaminc the premises. *r. _Oct _ JOHN WHITAKER. \ Frcxh Groceries, &c. 1 The subscriber lias on hand an extcneivo nnd J1. ' veil selected slock of Groceries, comprising all . 10 he leading articles, which country people will 101 ind to their advantage to examine before purclia- nr!'1 ling elsewhere. J0' .5,000 Florida Scgars, of the first, quality, on land, at from 5 to G dollars per thousand. !"01 Dec.5. _ II. HOLLEVMAN^ Executor's Sale, j By order of the Court of Ordinary of Kershaw moi district, will be sold at the Lynches creek Plania- lam ion of Benjamin llailc, rlcc'd on the 27th day of p., fanuary next, half of the said Plantation Tools.? / \lso, at the cour' house in Camden, on the .'fist twi lay of the same month, between the legal hours of nor laic, one Horse. Cairiago and Harness: being left of J iut of the last will and testament of said deceased, san forms cash. goo KDWARD HAH.K, mis COLUMBUS HA J LB. il J)ec- 1!), 7t lix'ors. ]] JlOKTiiAVi: SALIL , " I will sell on Monday, the 7tli day of January lext, before the courthouse in Camden, the fol? . owing N KG ROUS, to-wit: Mark, Nelson, P'oill, , Vill,, ami lipr luri rliililroii. under n . ' if mortgage executed by W. 15. Walkimh. tojaiuoa ^ Dunlap. Terms cash; purchasers Id pUv fur pa-, jcrs. TIIO. J. WAlti<UN, AtfcuU [lu Dee. 13. 11 SO] ?} NEfiROESTOllMiir dis Will be hired on the lfith day of January next, tho it. my residence, NINKTKKN NKClltOKS, tho an; import v of tho minor boivs of I,. Young deceased, not Terms, note and security, payable on the 1st yf < lanuary, iy.r)l, IV J A Nil 0- Y<)UN(?, tiuardian. ei" Dee. I!) It SI of TO IURC A numher of ?o?jroon will he hired before tho'ourt House door, at eleven o'clock on the first ^ Monday in January next. . J. I\l, DESAUSSURE, Guardian. \l,r, Dec 19 ft] 3t trie A.19KIAL8 FOR 1850. ? Splendid editions of the works of the most celebrated _ els; Annals Ac., suitable for the season, Friendship's Offering, for 1850. Poet* Offering, ** Ijeatets of Memory, f Mirror of life, " ("lent of the Season, Know Flake, " The Rosemary, " Harvest Cleanings, " Read's Female l oots of America, Poetical Works of Hryant, l<ongftillow*, HoUeok d a American Almanac for 1850, Dictionary of Poetical quotations, Kennedy's Life of Wirt, Puritan nnd Pilgrim Fathers, Coleman's European Life an-J M&nnera. A.Y0&VO. Dec. l'J. 18?. Sugars, Coffee, and Molasses. Junt received, a eupply of new and fresh (iroci rics; Buch ae, Prune Muscovado and Crushed Sugars, " New Crop Cuba and N. O. Molasses, Superior Rio I offec, I'riine Goshen Cheese, Bendy'* and Colgate's No. 1 Pale Soap, &c. For sale low, by II. C. WELLllAUSEN. Dec 19. 51 tf Estate Sale. By order of Jaines H. Withcrspoon, Ordirwr 'for Lancaster District, will bo sold oil the 4th an 5th days of January lrt50, at the late residence c Thomas J. Wright Esq. deceased, in the Villagi of Lancaster, his whole personal Estate, consistin; of EIGHT VALUABLE NEGROES, in the number is a good plantation Smith, a eooc cook, two young girls, (one with her first child,] the other a mulatto about 15 years, trained to the House, two choice boys about 15 years of age, botl likely and smart, one a superior carriage driver, and body servant and is also a bright mulatto. Also, an extensive and well selected Library oi LAW BOOKS, a catalogue of which will be farnishe'd at the sale. Also a Carriage and Horses. Cattle, Hogs, Waggon, plantation tools, Household and Kitchen Furniture, and many other articles? Terms.?12 months credit, purchaser* giving Bond with good security with interest I rum day ot Bale. NANCY J. WRIGHT, AiRx. M. CLINTON, Adw'r. Lancaster Dec. 12,1846. 50 4t Notice. persons having demands against Thomas J. Wright, Esq. late of Lancaster C. H. deceased, jithcr of a prolesnipnal or.private nature are reluircd to present the same legally attested to the indersigned, and all persons indebted to the said leceased, are requested to settle the same either >y cash or note. NANCY J. WRIGHT, Admi. W.CLINTON, Adni'r. Dec. 12, 50 *l ioutli-CnroIina?Sumter District Ex Parte: ) n ... Mary J. McFaddin, } PcUt,onWill be sold at Sumter Court House on the rst Monday in January and the day following, A PLANTATION, the Estate of Titos. R. IcFaddirt, containing about thirteen hundred tree, situate in Salem County in said District, on lack River hounded by lands of Dr. Robert Mulow, R. B. Muldrovr, M. P. Mayes and W. Plow:n, with a two-story dwelling house, and a negro tarter for eighty negroes, situate thereon. The terms of sale are, a credit of five rears, to be paid in five equal annual instalments, with inrest payable annually from the day of tale until e amount oftlm sale be fully paid and satisfied. Iiat the purchaser do give bond and personal eerily and a mortgage of the premises At the same time will he sold a gang of EJOH- \ Y NEGROES, on a credit of one, two, and three c are, with interest payable annually from the day *-'lp lliljfll Llif MJTS lu? fMl1" "''' "* c per cent, cash, arid the balance on the last ( credit. The purchaser giving bond t J personal securities, oroiip security and mort. I go of the neg'oes purchased. No negro to be removed until terms of sale are a nplicd with ; and if not complied with to lie re-* o Id at the risk of the purchaser, in the interim to lodged ill jail lor safe keeping at the expense of v ? purchaser. Tlierc will also he sold at the samotime House Id Furniture, sixteen or eighteen Plough* and tar, Stock of all kinds, Corn and Fodder. Credit o > same as upon the sals of l he negroes, purchaser o ing bond and personal security.- Purchasers to h / for all necessary papers ( For full information enquire of Cat*. Jas. D. ( mding, Suniterville < |}v order of the Uoin-t: d JOHN n. MILLER. Com'r. c lumtervillc, Nov. 2t)ih, 1WO. o a In Equity--Kershaw District. * William Randolph vs James Adkinsnnd others, ? Bill for partition, &c. ^ [n pursuance of orders mado in this case at the j, t June sittings of this court, I will expose to J. alic sale before the Court House in Camden, on ' first Monday in January next, being the 7lh day r' <aid month, all that piece, parcel, or tract of ? d, late the property of Eli Adkins, deceased, ttaining two hundred and Fcventy-five acre#, re or less, situated, lying, and being in Kershaw strict, on the water' of Cranny's Quarter Creek, inded north and west by lands of John R. rklc, (late Mrs. BallardH,) caHt and south by f: ds of John Love and James Lore. aj L'krm# :?Caph?purchasers to pay for paper*, a WMi M. SHANNON, C. K. K. D. It ")cc 2, 1849. 49 Bt H In Equity--Kershaw District. ? rgarct McCaskill and S. P. Murchison v* Dan. ^ el McCaskill?Bil1 for sale of ".and. n pursuance of orders made in the above case " lune Term 1849, I will offer at public sale on first Monthly in January next, before the court e' ise in Camden, the following tracts olland lying _ ir Lynches creek in Kershaw District, and adling each other viz: )no tract containing two hundred and fifty acres rc or less, hounded south hy lands of John Mr.. ^ agan, north and west by lands of John Webb, t. hy lands ol J. H. Bell and Satnl. Ilerrean- i \lso, one oilier tract of tliree hundred acres, a re or less, bounded on the north hy the Kamsay c' ds, East and west, by lands of John Webb and ^ McCaskill. Uso one other tract containing five iaindrc.) and mty three acres, more or loss, bounded on the tit by lands of laivick Young doe'd. east by lands I. J. McLatirin, south and west, by lands of the in estate. Terms?A creditol'tix months with id personal security aud a uiorlgago of the preich. J'l'nrr/nasow to pay for papors. tec o VV. Si. SUA NNON, c. t, t. n. ,f South Carolina- -Kershaw District. a mv john ]?. jov, kstl. ohdinahy. \ boreas, J. I). Murray, applied to mc for Letters ^ Administration on all and singular the goods and ittols, rights and credits ot J. Prince, late of the itrict aforesaid, deceasod: These are therefore i>?m1 nil ami clnmilnr H?n tiuitrnil CIIV UIIU UllUK'lltOii M?l nuu o 1 creditors of the said deceased to bo and appear ore me at our next Ordimry's Court for the said . trict, tube Imlden at Kershaw court house on i '?j6lli day ol Iktcoinbor inst., to show cause if . t they can, why said aduiinistration should . he granted. Ilivou underlay hand and seal, this Ktlh day of comhcr, in the year of our Lord one thousand lit hundred and forty nine, and in the ?4tlt year v American Independence. J. It. JOV. O. K. I). f' torney at Law and Solicitor in Equity..n larinc Iniiili'd :iI Liuirasl'Tvillo. oUcr* lii* iirnlrwinnal y riWHto lb., citizens of l.auntMi'r, and uiljniniiiir fli* i i*, Oct 10?'^n I ECONOMY IS WEALTH! r?- wrrn SABIN'S WASHING MACHINE. THE above machines for washing clothes have been used and approved for the last six Months in this place and vicinity by men of the highest respectability, and the subscriber is prepared to furnish them at short notice. The machines are of simple construction, and perfect in operation. They to. can be worked by a bov, girl, or woman,and much J : ...i.o o.rcu ur wanning witnout injury to theclotbes. All persons are forbid ml iuging on the patent. O" Directione go with each machine. E. G. ROMNSON. Dec. L 49 Swv Committed, To the-inspection of Planters and1 the Public generally, a cheap lot of heavy Blankets, Plains, *' Kerseys and'Jeans, of every description, suitable for House and Plantation Negroes. Also, a large stock of Wool-Hals and Domestic Goeds. i Purchasers are requested :o call at'the "PALMETTO STORE," pay charges and take them away. JAMES WILSON. Domestic iHannfactures. We are now prepared to offer our stock of _ Black and Russett Pegged Brogans, and Russett j sewed Negro Shoes, all of our own manufacture, j which we can recommend fc> our customers a? ? c they have been got up with great care and made* , of the best materials. Purchasers will please call 1 and examine for themselves. Oct. 17. VV A NnVOQOM - rr .. . >?ofc vw Just Received^ yew Rice, Buckwheat floor, La quarter keg*, frwh Currants. Citron and ltaisins. 1 Dec. 18, JAMES McEWEN. Sheriff's Sale. By Tirtoe of sundry writs of Fi. Fa. to me direeled, will be sold on the first Mondar and Tuesday in January next, before the Coort House door m Camden, the following property, to wit. 3 Mules, 1 horse, 14 stock cattle, 5/0 hogs, 1 wagon and gear, 1 sett blacksmith's tools, sundry articles of household and kitchen fnrnitnre, 2 sad' dies, 1 com sheller, the wood work of a wagon, iron bosee and bands 7 or 800 bu. corn and 6000lbs, Fodder, more or less, one lot of pea* and shucks, levied on and to be sold as the property of W. B. Watkins, at the suit of the Bank of Camden and others ts. W. B. Watkins. To be sold at the residence of the defendant on Tuesday, the second day of sale. also 1 grey horse, one lot. of hogs, (about 20 in number,) 3 guns and some articles of household and kitchen furniture. levied on and to be sold as the property of James Norry, dee'd at ths suit of James Conner. The horse to bo sold on Monday, at the court house, and the balance at the residence of ! Williapi Hull on Tuesday the second day of sale Terms :?Cash?Purchasers to pay for necessary papers. THO. J. WARREN, 8. K. D. Dec. 3, 1849. 49 41 HEAD QUARTERS. GENERAL ORDERS. All applications for Arks and AccouTtrWEliTs s'ill in future be made to the Commander-in-Chief lircct. :haracterof arms and accoutrements on band, tlie lumber and cbnmcter nt accoutreinenta required, ti no event will any requisition he complied with mtil all the eld or useless arms and accoutrements ,re ret lined, or satisfactorily accounted for to one >f the Arsenal Keepers of this State. Tho 117tli See. A. A. lr*41, herewith published, trill be ridgedly enforced. By order of the Commander-in-chief: J. VV. CANTEY, Adj. and Jnsp. Gen. "Eachofficer required by law to make any return r report, or who shall be required by any superior llicer, and fail to make such return or report, shall e liable to be lined as follows, to wit: A Maj. loncrul, one hundred and fifty dollars; a Brigadie" General, one hundred dollars; a Colonel or tfficer commanding a regiment, seventy-five ollars; a Lieutenant-Colonel, Major, or officer ommanding a battalion, fifty dollars; a Captain, or fficcr commanding a company, twenty.five dollars; Judge Advocate General, 6eventy-five dollars ; a Legimental Judge Advocate, twenty-five dollars; Paymaster General, seventy-five dollars, a Divis. in Paymaster, fifty dollars; a Brigade Paymaster, flirty dollars; a Regimental Paymaster thirty dolirs; and all commissioned staff officers shall bo ned in similar sums, according to their respective [ink, and fifty per cent, on the amount of the last cneral tax ol such delinquent of any grade." UTAH the papers in the State will copy 3 times. Dec 19 51 3t OUR noTmK The proprietor returns thanks to his kind bcncictors lor the past season for their liberal patronlie, and for which, I have engaged the services of man to travel tri* weekly between here and Char:ston to furnish all the delicacies requisite tosa- sty taste or appetite; such as Oysters, Lobsters, 'urtle, Fish, Shrimps, and all Game in season, 'ith other varieties of tho Charleston and New ork markets. J, C. McKENNA. P. S.?Alljiersons in town or country, desirous r being lumislicd with tho above luxuries, shall e, on giving duo notice at the Bar, where a choice election of Liquors, Wines and Segars can be bad Heap for &e. fee. Auction .Sale. 1 WILI. sell on Monday, 7Hiof January next, 330, before t' e Court House door in Camden, the lore und dwelling occupied by Mr. J1. Robeson, 'ho premises aro convenient and well adapted for store, having all necessary out buildings, and )uld be made with little expense very convenient >r a family. The lot is we'l located and roomy. Towns arc: one-third Cash ; balance in two )ual annual instalments with interest, secured by and, and mortgage of the premises. THO.J. WARREN. Agent. N. R It will he sold at Private sale, if ?ppli~ ation l>e made prior to Mutuary 1st. Dec fl 4?) tf Notice. Tho subscriber having removed from Columbia > Charleston, he offers Ins services as a Factor nil Cnininission .Merchant, and pie ges himself to se his best exertions to satisfy those of his friends , 'homay employ him Advances will be made on tattoo anil other Produce. JAMES MARTIN, Office 3 Hoyco & C'o. W harfs Ol.,.|no^n 14 1A4II :W flm Toys, &c. Just received r. large lot of Toyp and Fire Work* Dccj>_ A 10 M4KN A CAKI). Reynolds Sl Reynolds l have this day associated VY*. L. IvrNObPfc I'llh inn in the practice ot Iteutistrji. Mr. Reynold* has boon wy pupil tortile past >ur years, and 1 cummtMufc li'ui wd'j.tumtidence to. lie roinnuniiu. The hupiness will be cowdyctsJ a* formerly at ly office on Main, .street v under the above namend style. WM. REYNOLDS. August ?> 54. tf