SANDS' SARSAPARILLA rfcrA *.. W QUART BOTTLES. For ..the removal and permanent cure of all Disr eases arising from an impure state of the Blood, or habit of the system, viz: Serf/ilia, or King's Evil, Rheumatism, Obstinate Cutaneous Eruptions, Pimples, or Pustules on the Fnrj>. Rl/itches. Biles. Chronic Sore Eves, Ring Worm or Teller, Scald Head, Enlargement and Pain of the Bones and Joints, Stubborn Ulcers, Syphilitic Symptoms, Sciatica or ^Lumbago, and Diseases arising from ?it inju.dicious use of Mercury; Ascites, or Dropsy, Exposure or imprudence in Life. Also, "Chromic Constitutional Disorder* icill be remated by this Preparation. The value of thw preparation is row widely known, and every day the field of its usefulness is extending. It is approved and highly recommend. edJby Physician and is admitted to be the most powerful and searching preparation from the root that has ever been employed in medical practice. Tfie unfortunate victim of hereditary disease, with 1 swollen glands, contracted sinews and bones half carious, has been restored to health and vigor. The serofulons patient, covered with ulcers, loathsome to himself and to his attendanss, has been MflW WWW- nuuureuo U? pciounc^ nnv Biota groaned hopelessly for years under cutaneous and glandular disorders, chronic rheumatism, and many ihier complaints springing from a derangement of ' thesecretive organs and the circulation, have been raised as it were from the rack of disease, and now, with regenerated constitutions, gladly testify tothe efficacy Of thrsCInestimable preparation. The tes- i tHwpiiyof those who have been cured hy its use, ] with their residences, has been published from time to time* and were it desirable a mass of the rnqpl overwhelming testimony could be brought fcrgrrrd, proving most conclusively its inestimable following certificate from Col. Samuel G. Taylor, a gentieman of high standing and extern aire acquaintance through the Southern States and litply appointed I'onsul to New Granada, commetro* ftse'f to the attention of all. New York, January 7, 1848. Messrs .-A. B; and D. Sands: Gentlemen?Ha v. used, and witnessed the effects of your excellent |inineml'iiii Iif Sarsaparilla on different persons in HBPUa ports of the Southern country, viz?Virginia, Louisiana, Texas and .Mexico, I feel n.uch Sin stating the high opinion entertained of medicinal value. In my own case it acted : ke a charm, removing speedily the ener- 1 ate of the system, and exciting in the 1 HKWt agreeable manner, a tonie and invigorating : Your Sarsaparilla is highly approved and extensively used by the United States aruty in Mexico, i and my cousin Gen. Zachary Taylor, has for the i past five years been in tbe habit of using it, and I uAmm.mlii the ?mp - he and mvself adoDted the i . article at the same time, and it is now considered aii almost indispensable requisite in the Army. Jh conclusion I would say, that the better it is Irnovrn the more highly it will be prized, and I trust that its health resto ing virtues will make it generally known, throughout the length and breadth of onr widely extended country. Yours very respectfully, .. S. G. TAYLOR, U. S. Consul to New Granada. /remariuble cure of bronchitis. yyl x,.,. . New York, Feb. 17, 1848. ' rush. Sands.?Having Buffered many years w^th a disease of my throat, affecting the larynx, 1 during which 'ime I was treated by the most d;stinguished physicians in Europe and the United | States, without re'eiving any permanent benefit, btft aK the time my general health and strength declining, and the disease making fear.^f^oorrefls: caustic applications were used, arvwha>o..~* else was thought most efficient U*- proofing a cure, kt^Li^ain confident ?be deplorable situation [ wan in, the laryngitis Htfrng accompanied with phthisis " - ? tuniilil cmin hlun Mia great aimcuy m ?.eaiini.6, ....... ....... terminated roy life, bad I not obtained relief thro* the medial? of your invaluable Sarsaparilla. I most my, gentlemen, when I commenced using die fihwapari 11a I did not place much confidence I in to virtues ; and this will not surprise you, when 1 you-Wb informed I bad tried more than fifty different sfemed ies during the past four years, without An/Viceess; bat after taking your Sarsaparilla a _Jfcw weeks, I was obliged at last to yield to evidence. This marvellous specific has not only relieved, but cured me; and I therefore think it my duty, gentlemen, for the benefit of suffering humanity, to give you this attestation of my cure. Yours very truly, ;?i D. PARENT. Consulate of France in the United States. The above statement and signature were acknowledged in our presence by Mr. D. Parent U teue. For the Consul General of FranceTN^J L. BORG, Vice Consul. .Sands' Sarsaparilla.?It has ever been a prime article of our medical creed, to recommend no advertised medicines, for wp are opposed to them conscientiously and p-otessionany, out we feel bound to deviate from this rule, and recommend to the suffering the article at ihe head of tbie notice. The great medical virtues or Sars?parilla, are well known and appreciated by ph> sicians, hut the uncertainty of the strength of the, different preparations of the root, some being'alinost. inert, has caused the medicine itself to fall into disrepute. The Messrs. Sands, it would seem, have succeeded in obtainmg a powerful and uniform preparation of it We have seen an hfa lance of testimonials to its efficacy from the highest authority, and we recommend it with pleasure.?Southern Whig. The following interesting case is presented, and the readprmvited to its careful perusal. Comment on audi evidence is unnecessary. New York, April 26,1847. Messrs. Sands: Gentlemen?Having long been afflicted with general, debility, weakness, loss of appetite, etc., receiving no benefit from the various remedies prescribed, I concluded about three months since to make use ol yonr Sarsaparilla 1 now have the pleasure of informing you that its fleets have been attended with the happiest results in restoring my health, and I am induced to idd my testimony to the many others you already possess, and to those desiring fu-ther information, I will personally give the particulars of myca:e, and the effects of this invaluable medicine, by calling at 285 Bowery, New York. Yours respectfully. JANET MclNTOSH. This certifies that Miss Janet Mclniosh is known to me a raembor of the Church, in good standing, and worthy of confidence. J. S. SPENCER, Pastor of Second Presbyterian Church, Brooklyn. Prepared and sold, wholesale and retail, by A B. and D. Sands, Druggists and Cbemita, 100 Fbltt>n?st, comer of William, Nevr York. Sold alee by Druggist* generally throughout the United State* and (Janadaa. Price f 1 per Bottle; eix Bottles for $5. For aale by JAMES R. McKAlN,Camden. J?M 201b, 25 important Remedy. MITCHELL'S EYE SALVE, A oertain. safe and effectual curt for Sore, Weak and Inflamed Eyes, designed expressly for diseases of , the Eye, The unparalleled succes which has attended the use of < his preparation, and the acknowledged necessity for some 1 article which can he relied upon, as a remedy in severe i rases of Opthalmic affections which are so prevalent in this country, induce the Proprietor to make arrangements j through his Agents, to place this Salve within the reach-of i every individual who may need the benefits which result from its use. I nr?k?. ariraniairae nnMPfifipd hv this article over every f I IIV , other, Uncertainty. Safety, Con* knience and Economy. All Physicians admit that great danger is to be apprehended from drugging the eye when in an inflamed and unhealtliy state. In the use of this Salve this objection is entirely removed, as no harm can possibly result from its use; it being, in all eases applied to the external portions of the eye; thereby all the inconvenience, pain and danger, which necessarily attends the introduction of any pungent article into the eye. ts activity in subduing inflamation is so great that but few cases require the use of more than one bottle to effect a a perfect cure. J. R. McKAIN, Ajrent for Camden. DR. GORDON'S VEGETABLE aNTI-BILIOUS FAMILY PILLS. For the cure of Headache, Giddiness, Salt Rheum Rheumatism, Piles, Heartburn, Worms, Dyspepsia. Choi era Morbus, Pains in the Back Limbs and Joints, Genera weakness. Fits, Consumption, Palpitation of the Heart 1 Liver Complaint, Rising in the Throat, Erysipelas. Deafness, Dropsy, Asthma, ltchings of the Skin, Fevers of all kinds. Colds, Gout, Gravel, female Complaints, Nervous oricinir from impurities uompiaims, anu an tmici i/iovaobo ? ? of the blood,and morbidsecretions of tjie liver and stomach. 9Cr Every disease to which the human frame is subject, originates from impurities of the blood or derangement of the digestive organs. Dr. Gordon's Family Pills. Being compounded exclusively of sucii ingredients as Nature intended should operate on the impurities of the Human System. Strike at the root of the disease, removing all impurities from the bodv, opening the pores externally and internally, separating ail foreign and obnoxious particles from the Chyle, so that the blood, of which it is the origin, must be thoroughly pure?necessarily securing a free and vigorous action to the Heart, Lungs, Liver and Stomach, thereby restoring he vltii, by opening the pores, cleansing the veins and nrterl *, ttiiimpeding all the natural veins and purifying the b ooi;they render the system not only thoroughy sound, but also impervious to disease, even when all other means have failed. 93T Within the last twelve months, more than one hundred cases of the most aggravated forms of dyspepsia have been cured by the Medicine, where rigid dieting the Blue Pill, and almost every other means had been resorted to without any benefit, and when death stared its miserable victim fully in the face. If L)r. Gordon's Pills were not adapted to "the cure of any but this horrid malady, their uniform success in this disease alone would be sufficient to "waft on to fame" the name of their inventor, as a benefactor of HISSrECIES. ' 9^* This medicine never fails tocure the worst cases of j piles in one xccek.' For a more detailed description of the Medicine, the manner of its operation, the complaints it is adapted to and the cures it has performed, we refer the reader to our agents, who will give them a Pamphlet gratis. For sale bv James R. McKain, F. L. Zemp, and 1 Z: J. DeHaT Camden, also, for sale at all the towns ana country stores in the South and West. Dr. G. K. TYLER'S F3V3F AND AO-PS FILLS. , If there ever was a medicine that merited the 1 public praise for the great good it has done in cu- J ring Chills and Fever, it certainly must be Dr Ty- | ler's Ague Fills, as they cure the paiient in 24 < hours. They do not operate as a purgative, bur ' as a tonic, and produce no unpleasant symptoms, ! and cura permanently, nor can they fail, if used as directed?the trial of a single box will prove the above statements, therefore, if you would secure your health, procure a box of the genuine Tyler's < Ague Pills. ! For sale by J. R. McKain and F. L. Zemp, in < Camden, and on enquiry will be found at most of * the towns and country stores. Dr. Le Roy's Vegetable Univer- 1 sal Pills. j Those pills are taking the place of overy other med- < icine of the same class, and from what we know and j hear of its virtues, it is a wonderful, miraculous, and I singular agent. Not a disease exists whicli it not ei. ! tlier cured or mitigated by its use. A large amount ( of testimony applauding its virtues are daily received by the American agonts; cures of every complaint with a name is certified to and the prevailing opin* ' ion throughout the whole country is, that Dr. Le Roy's Piles are the best family medicine extant, SARSAPAR1LLA AND WILD CHERRY, Compose a part of this vegetnblo compound, which makes it not only the beet purifier of tho blood, but j ifio best tonic and aperient medicine in use. In billious i and liver complaints, indigestion, piles, and all chronic E complaints, it has achieved a triumph hitherto un* < k known in the healing art. Tar it.?A single dose will stamp the seal of truth ( on all we have said jn ii* favor. Price 25 coots per ? box. For sale by J. R. McKAlN, Camden. April 11, 15 2m j I5,4\K AGENCY. ! WILLIAM J. GERALD, will attend punctually to all 1 business entrusted to his care in either of the Banks of ' Camden May 10. _ j C. IWATHESON, " 1 BANK AGENT. AT HI8 OLD STAND OPPOSITE DAVIS' HOTEL, | Gentlemen's Fashionable Boots Philadelphia made, lor sale by Jan. 27. W. ANDERSON &. CO. : S. B. LEVY i Will continue to act as Agent for both the Banks In this place, and attend to any commission busi. ' ness that may be entrusted to him. Watches and Jewelry. , Gold and Silver Watches. Chains, Keys, Rings, Earrings, Bracelets, Pens and Pencils?Spectacles, &c. ^ A. YOUNG. < Apr!?*N^j49^ tf 1? L Collier's Remedy for Diseased Horses, Warranted to cure CW.eness, Spavin, Big Jaw, Founder, Spraiue and Strains, Splints, Wind-galls, Big Bone, String H*lt, Thrush, Poll Evil, dtc. &c. A limited supply of the above, to which the atten- ( tion of farmers and owners of horses is invited, jy*l recived and for sale by . I may 9. Z. J. DeHAY. j Irish Linens. Real Irish Linens, of good quality, also, Ladies' l Grass Skirts, for sale unusually low by J. CHARLESWORTH. April 24th tf 17 , Labour-Saving Machine. The undersigned having purchased the right of i Sabin's PATEMT WASHING MACHINE, for j Kershaw District, has commenced manufacturing 1 them. They are a very simple machine and can- J not get out of order. Those who are using them in this place, can testify as to their performance. As much washing can be done in one day by this machine, as in three, by the old method. ( The public are invited to call at McDowall & ' ami pyamiiie them. Thev are no i UUWJ/t I O Pl"IV * ? _ A humbug, and will perform what is required of ihem without injury to the clothes. ITDirections go with the Machines. E. G. ROBINSON. May 16. 20 6m Soap ! Soap! I Soaps!!! '* Let him shave now, who never shaved before, And he thnt shaved before, now shave the more." ( And for that purpose, purchase and use such as t you can do it most comfortably with?Iiauel's, Roussel's and Guerlain's Shaving Cream. Rous* . sel'e Walnut Oil Shaving Cakes, Lew's Cosmetic Tab'et, and Brown Windsor Cakes can be confidently recommended. All of which may be had t ?t Z. J. DeHAY'S. j Iced Soda Water, In Bottles and from the Fountain. Also a supply of fresh CONGRESS WATER, for eale by may 10 J. R. McKAIN. ? 111 II Mill WM DR. TOWNSEND'S COMPOUND KXTHACT OF SaRSAFJtRIJLLA, WONDER AND BLESSING OF THE AGE. riie Most extraordinary Medicine iu the World. ttyThis Extract is put up in quart bottles; it is six times theaper, plcasanier, and warranted superior to any sold.? It cures without vomiting, purging, sickening, or debilitaing the Patient. TTie great beauty and superiority of this Sareaparilla ovet ill other medicine is. that while it eradicates disease, it in figorates the body. It is one of the very best SPRING -AND SUMMER MEDICINES Ever known; it not only purifies the whole system, and urcngthens the person, but it createsnew, purs and rich ji.ood; a power possessed by no other medicine. And in this lies the grand secret of its wonderful success. It has performed within the lust five years, more thun 100,OW Hires of severe cases of disease; at least 15,000 were consv lered incunible. It has saved the lives of more than 5.00C hildren during the past season. 10,000 cases of General Debility and want oj Nervous Energy. Dr. Townsend's Sarsaparilla invigorates the wlrole systerr permanently. To those who have lost their muscular en :rgv by the use of medicine or indiscretion committed it roiith. or the excessive indulgence of the passions, anc iironght on a genera! physical prostration of the nervoui tystem, lassitude, want ofambition, fainting sensations, pre nature decay and decline, hastening towards that fata lisease, Consumption. can be entirely restored by this pleas int rem?dv. I his Sarsaparilla is far superior to any IN VIGORA'riNG CORDIAL, as it removes and invignratei the system, gives activity to the limbs, and strength to tht muscular system. in a most exttaordinary degree. Consumption Cured. Cleanses and Strengthen.s consumption can he cured Bronchotists, consumption. Liver complaint, colds, ca tarrh. cnghs, Asthma. Spitting of Blood. Soreness in tin chest Hectic Hush, Night Sweats, Difficult or Profusi Expectoration, Pain in the Side, &c. have been and cat be cured. SPITTING BLOOD. New A'ork. April 28, 1847. Dr. ToW.vsKjtn I verily believe thai your Sarsaparill: ha* been the means, through Providence, of saving my life I have for several years had a bad cough. It became worst and worse. At last I raised large quantities of blood, hai night Sweats, and was greatly debilitated and reduced, ant did not expert to live, I have only used your Santa pari 11: a short time and there has a wonderful change been wrough in me. I am now able to walk all over tne city. I raist no blood, and my cough has left me. You can well imagin that I am thankful for these results. Your obedient servant, W.M. RUSSELL, 05 atherinc-et Rheumatism. This is only one of more than four thousand cases o Rheumatism that Dr. Townsend's Sarsaparilla has cured The most severe and chronic cases are weekly eradicate! by its extraordinary virtues. James ummings, Esq., one of the assistants in th< Lunatic Asylum. Blackwell's Island, is the gentleman spo ken of in the following letter: Blackwell's Island, Sept. 14,1847. Dr. Townsend Dear Sir: I have suffered terribly fo nine years with the Rheumatism; considerable of the tim< I could not eat, sleep or walk. 1 had the utmost distressing pains, and my limbs were terribly swollen. I have u?ei four bottles of your Sarsaparilla, and they have done m more than one thousand aollars worth of good. I am s< much better?indeed. Iam entirely relieved. You are a liberty to use this for the benefit of the afflicted. Yours respectfully, JAMES UMMINGS. Fits! Fits! Fits! Dr. Townsend, not having tested his 6'arsaparillain case of Fits, of course never recommended it, and was surprise! to receive the following from an intelligent and respectabli Farmer in Westchester county: Fordham, Aug. 13, 1847. Dr. Townsend?Dear Sir; 1 have a little girl seven year ofage, who has been several years afflicted with Fits: wi tried almost everything for her, but without success; at last although we could find no recommendation in our circular for cases like hers, we thought, as she was in very deiicati health, we would give her some of your Sarsaparilla, am ire very glad we did, for it has not only restored her strength but she hns had no return of the Fits, to our grert pleasun ind surprise. She is fast becoming rugged and hearty, fo which we fee! gratful. Yours, respectfully, JOHN fiUTLER, Jr. Female Medicine. Dr. Townsend's Sarsaparilla is a sovereign and speedy jure for Incipient onsumption, Barreness, ProIapsus'Uten >t falling of the womb, ostivness, Piles, Leucorrticen, o Whites, obstructed or difficult Menstruation, Incontinent* >f Urine, or involuntary discharge thereof, and for the gen ;ral prostration of the system; no mattet whether the resul >f inherent cause, produced by irregularity, illness or acci lent. Nothing can be more surprising than its invigorating . fleets on the human frame. Persons all weakness and las litude, from taking it, at once become robust and full ofen :rgy under its influence. It immediately counteracts the tervelessness of the female frame, which is the great cous< )f harreness. It will not be expected of us, in cases of s< lelicate a nature, to exhibit certificates of cures performed jut we can assure the afflicted, that hundreds of cases have jeen reported to us; thousands of cases where families lave been without children after using n few bottles of this riviiltmble medicine, have been blessed with fine, healthy jfifcpring. To Mothers find Married Ladies. This Extract of Sarsaparilla has been expressly prepared n reference to female complaints. No female who has reaion to suppose she is approaching thatcriticnl period, "The urn of life," should not neglect to take it, as it is 11 certain ireventative for any of the numerous and horrible diseases o which femainale8 arc subject at this time of life. This jeriod tnay be delayed several years by using this medicine, S'or is it less valuable for those who are approaching womanmod, as it is calculated to assist nature, by quickning the jlnod and invigorating (he system. Indeed, this medicine it nvnluable for all the delicate diseases to which woman are lubject. It braces the whole system, renews permanently the nattral energies, by removing the impurities of the body, nol to far stimulating as to produce subsequent relaxation, which s the case of most medicines taken for female weakness and lisease. By using a few bottles of this mediefne, many leverc and painful surgical operations may be prevented. Notice to the Ladies Those that imitale Dr. Townsend's virsawirilla, have tivariably called theirstufTa great Remedy for Females, &c tnd have copied our bills and circulars which relnte to the vuuplaint* of women, word for word?other men who pui up medicine, have since the great success of Dr. Town iend's Sursaparilln in complaints incident to females, recotn mended theirs, although previously they did not. A num ber of these Mixture, Pills, Ac. are injurious *o females, ai aggravate disease, atul undermine the constitution. Scrofula Cured. This certificate '-onclusively proves that this Sarsaparill: has perfect control u* cured in one house is unprecedented "hrps Children. I)k. Townsend L^ar Sin I have the pleasure to infonr you that three of my children have been cured of the Scrof ula by the use of your excellent medicine. They were af dieted very severely with had sores; have taken only foui bottles; it took them away, for which 1 feel myself undei great obligation. Yours, respct'ly, ISAAC W. ORA1N, 106 Wooster-st Opinions of Physicians. Dr. Towdsend is almost daily receiving orders from Phy sician* indiffert parts of the Union. This is to certify that we, the undersigned, Physicians o the City qf_^ibdtry7have in numerous cases prescribed Dr Townsend's Sarsaparilla, and believe it to be one of th< most valuable preparations in the market. H. P. PULING, M. D. J. WILSON. M. D. R. B. BR1GGS, M. D. Albany, April 1,1847. P' E. ELMENDOllF, M. D. Caution. Owing to the great success anil immense sale of Dr. Town end's Sarsaparilla, a number of men who were formerly oui Agents, have commenced making Sarsaparilla Extracts Elixirs, Bitters, Extracts of Yellow Dock, &c. They gen srally put it up in the same shaved botties, and some of then iave stole and copied our advertisements, they areonlj n orthless imitations and should tie avoided. For sale in Camden, by J. R. McKAlN. Price SI pei jottie. Six bottles for $5, cash. August 16' 33 ly soaps, &c. [lose Soap Chinese Floating Soap Husk Soap Omnibus Soap Taylors Transparent Soap Almond Soap Transparent Wash Balls Shaving Cream Hiliiary Shaving Soap Gen. Tavlore Shaving Table fancy Perfumed Boxes Fancy Toilet Boxes "ace Balls Powder Puffs Lilly White Toilet Powder Toilet Bottles of various Patterns. For sale by F. L. ZEMP^ perfumery" folognes (all kinds) Milk of Roses Lavender Water Extract of Heliotrope )range Water " Patchouly Sxtract of Pink " Rose " RoseGeraaium " JockcyClub ?? Mousseline " Caroline " Verveine " Verbena ? Jasmin " Jonquille " Bo<|.de Chantilly ' Magnolia " Reseda " Citranelln Rose For sale by _ F\_L. ZEMP. To Rent or Sell. That largo new Store and Dwelling House situatcc in broad Street, opposite the Episcopal Church, foi erma apply to JAMES McEWEN. Nov 20 tf 48 Keep Cool. Just received and now opening a large assortnentof Summer Coats, Vests made to order and n the best style. For sale at the lowest price it BONNEYS. For Sale, Two Philadelphia made GINS, to bo seen at C. AlATHESON'S. September 6 86 co-be ye wise in time.-co Mothers read this Attentively* Attested by thousands and used by Physicians DR. KEELER'S Cordial and Carminative, stands before the public unequalled for the speedy and certain cure of Diarrhoea, Ditsknterv, Cholera HIobus, Cholera . Infantum, Colic, Griping, Pains, Flutulencv, and for all derangements of the Stomach and Bowels caused by teething, improper food, drinks, etc. Asiatic Cholera.?This scourge of nations has at 11 length appeared among us. Before it the timid flee and , the stoutest quail, while along its pathway thousands are ! cut down as summer flowers. Hearts ouec gay become , sad, and many mourn over the desolation dial this dcapoil> er of the threshold has occasioned. As a preventative , and positive cure for Asiatic < holf.ra and all other af) fections of the Stomach and Bowels, DU. KCELEB'S Cordial holds out the greatest promises. There is no , deception in this remedy, it-is capable of grappling with the severest forms of disease, and in all oases triumphs. I ! say it unhesitatingly, and 1 cliallcngc investigation, that ' there is not known within the ample folds of the Materia ' MEDiCA.norbv the wide spread public, a single remedy, ! that will under all circumstances cure one half as many J oases of Summer < omplaints as the Cordial. The pro5 prietor asks a caivfiil perusal of the following letter from j a gentleman, well known in this city. Had this Article 1 been used, many whose bones lie bleaching on the plains of Mexico, would now be among kindred and friends. " Alas! for the bigotry of medical boards and governmental 5 favoritism. ; HEAD THE FOLLOWING TESTIMONY. Philadelphia, June 1st, 1849. Dr. J. N. Kecler: Dear Sir?I received your note this. morning asking for information as to the distribution I * made of the package of Cordial ywu nut into my posses2 -inn ...l.iU. in . nmmnn/t ,\t |Km ITnilml* StAtCS TrailSDOtt J during the Mexican War. According to vour directions a j 1 part was distributed in Vera Cruz, the other I kept for the : use of mv seamen and others on board, believing I should , have use for it as I had on board frequently from one to j three hundred persons, and that many on leaving Vexito ! 1 would be on the sick list. Such was the fact, Dysentery, Diarrhoea etc. extensively prevailed- I used the Cordial 5 freely and not in a single instance do 1 recollectof its hav| ing failed to completely cure. My own crew would often 1 be attacked with Diarrhoea. Dysentery, peculiar in nearly 1 all after getting on shore and eating fruit and vegetables? 1 in such cnse^tfie Cordial failed in none to cure speedily. e When in New Orleans a friend informed me of a Pnilae delphia gentleman, S. Churchman Esq., was sick with the Dysentery and despaired of by the Doctor. I mentioned having a bottle or so of your Cordial?lie sent it to him and in a few days I had the pleasure of seeing him on J change and well. I can give you many names and testi- I f monials of the efficacy your Cordial if necessary. I | !. have given it to one Ship-master of this port in particular, j (Capi. Whipple, ship Moin-gehala) and he informed me he would never be without it, and from my own opinion of it, e I think it the safest and best medicine 1 ever used or have ? known to be used in affections of the Stomach and Bowcis. I remain vours respectfully, D. S WILCOX, No. 285 st. and 8th st. r Extract of a letter from Sand ford Bell, M. D. B Philadelphia, Sept. 13rh, 1817. ? Dr. Keeler:?At your request I have tried your Cordial > in my own family, as well as in several instances upon e those I have had occesion to prescribe for, and am highly , J pleased with its operation, and have no doubt it will ere t long become one of the most popular remedies for affections of the stomach and bowels of the present day. With the best wishes for its success, believe me, vours truly, SANFORU BELL, M. D., r Late Surgeon U. S. Army. ! Extract of a letter from the Rev- Dr. Earle. s Davisville, Bucks county, August 25th, 1847. Dear Sir:?>* * * 1 am now prepared to recommend your Cordial from having used it with success in several s instances; and I am now trying your Sarsaparilla 5 Panacea in a case of protracted debility, attended with , cough, apparently produced in the young lady by tier "outs growing her strength," to use a common phrase. s Yours, Sic., 1 ALFRED EARI.E, M. D. , Prepared and Sold Wholesale and Retail N. W. Cor. 3rd 5 & South & 3rd & Green Sts. Philadelphia, where also r may be had Dr. HEELER'S Cough Svrup, Vermifuge Syrup, Rheumatic Lotion, Liver & Sanative Hills. For sale also by P. M. Cohen, Charleston ; Z. J. DeHay, Camden; Boatwright & Miot, Columbia; S. F. Goode arising from nusperitiea of the Blood, or habit of the body, viz: Chronic diseases of the Chest, Consumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Pleurisy, Scrofula in all its forms. Tetter, : Scald head. Blotches of the face, Chronic diseases of tho ' Stomach, Liver and Skin, cutaneous eruptions, white! swellings. Hip-joint affection, deep seated pains of the ' bones, swellings of the joints. Ulcere, Syphilitic disorders ! Mercurial ana all Hereditary predispositions. Females ' suffering from obstruction, sallow complexion, nervousness. 1 &c.. will find the Sarsaparilla an elegant remedy for their ' removal. OCT" For details, certificates, Sic., see circulars, Sic.? Price $1 per Bottle, large size, 6 bottles ?5. I For sale bv Z. J. DeHAY, Camden. June 20, 1849. 25 Another Miraculous Cure. , Read the following letter, and then, if yon are troubled with any disease of the lungs, go and get a bottle of DR. HASTINGS' COMPOUND SYRUP OF NAPT1IA. St. Jolinsville, N. Y. Feb. 5, 1819. 1 Mr. Harrison,?Sir. 1 will trouble your pati?nce a few ! minutes by informing you of the great triumph which your Naptlia Sruyp has obtained in the case of my brother. He increased the dose as yon directed, and the result was that j 1 he began to raise very freely, and it scented so badly that ' it was impossible tostay in the room where he was, on the ' fifth day after the increase of the dose. In a day or so ' after lie began to get better, and at this present time is quite revived, has a good appetite, and don't cough a qnarteras much as he did previously. A severe cough ami imi mense expectoration were the prominent symptom of the . disease. I ihink his case a singular one none of the phy- ; i sicians here had ever heard or seen any thing of the kind } t before. I mentioned all these particulars, as i am nrm in the belief that, had it not been for the Naphtha Syrup, he i could have expected nothing but a speedy grave, as there J were an immense number of tubercles formed on his lungs j i which the medscine took immediate hold of, and in a few | days he threw them up by the quantity, some of them was j as large as a bean, it he improves as fast as he has done, i I do not think that he will nred any more than the six bot. ties I now send for Enclosed are five dollars. Direct the . box as before to Jonas Snell, care of Chas. Kingsland, Rail Unad Depot. . Yours Rcspeetfully, [ JONAS SNELLAfter reading tho above who can doubt that Hastings' r Naphtha Syrup possesses all the virtue that is claimed of r For sale hv JAMES R. McKAIN, Camden?Price $1 per bottle?six bottles for $5 cash. March. 21,1819- 12 3m WM. E. MARTIN, f ATTORNEY AT LAW, j No. 9, Broad Street, Charleston, S. C. Over the Office of William M. Martin, Will practice in Barnwell and Columbia, and continue to practice in Beaufort. April 23. 20 3m ; JOS. B. KERSHAW, Attorney and Solicitor. > Broad-street, Camden, S. C. ' Attends the Courts of Kershaw, oumter, r caster and Fairfield Districts. He took a Fit. The undersigned would respectfully return his thanks to the public for the large patronage they have bestowed on him, and informs them that he has made arrangements with Messrs. White & t Underhill one of the most fashionable Tailoring Establishments in New York, who will furnish him monthly with the London, Paris, and New York Fashions. He hopes with his own well known ability, and the large number of good workmen he keeps employed, will enable him to execute work at short notice, and in as good style as, can be done in the State, if any have doubts, pleaae let them come and take a fit iv *r WATsniv Feb 14 tf 7 ~ (KrTIie Rail Road Blacksmith^) Most respectfully returns his best respects to his friends and customers for past favors, and begs ' their continuation for the preset.t year; he requests ] those who have so liberally patronized him to call and settle their past year's accounts, as he is poor r and wishes to pay his accounts so as to prevent his losing time in loafing about the streets to collect his accounts, for unless he pays he cannot expect to get credit, which is the only capital he has to carry on his business upon. His customers may | expect to find him as ever, at his post, to wait on them. Work of all kind is to be found at his shop, ' such as Ploughs of all sorts?that is, good ones? together with Plantation Tools: indeed, he is prepared to do all sorts of Blacksmithing, including ; carriages, wagons, mill work, cranks, &c?and rail road work, especially the repairing of Engines i &c. l Crooking Shears, Small Points, Square and Scales, Tape Measures, marking Chalk, Curved Rulers, The Mirror of Fashion is published on the first day of every month, at ?2 a year, devoted to a review of the Fashions for the month, and to the subject of measuring and draughting, by the most approved authorities in the world. The Fashion Plates for Spring and Summer just received; those wishing them will please apply directly. The English and French Fashions will be out in a few days, say the 1st of April. march 5. Spices of every Kind, both ground and unground, fresh, and of warranted purity; superior English Mustard; fine Flavoring Extracts of Rose, Vanilla, Lemon, Nutmegs, AL mond, Aromatics; Rose, Orange and Peach Waters; best Russia Isinglass, Gelatine, <$-c. Gum Lozenges, Pate de Jujube, Pate de Guimauve, Horehnund Candy, Wistar's cough Lozenges, &c &c. Fresh Congress and Pavilion water. Genuine Tarina Cologne, Rowland's Macassar Oil, Eau Lustral, Jayne's Hair Tonic, Amandine, for chapped hands, together with a large assortment of fir.e Perfumery, Chemicals, Patent and Thompsonian Medicines, medicine chests, Paints, Oils, Window Glass, fresh Garden Seeds, &c. For sale by J. R. McKAlN. To Rent. That valuable Store House at present occupied by McDowall & Cooper, it is admirably arranged for an extensive cotton buying establishment Terms will be liberal and immediate possession given. Apply to C. J. SHANNON. Cainden, Jan. 1st, 1849. tf 1 Just Received, 2,500 pounds pure White Lead 150 gallons i.amp oil 150 " Linseed Oil 75 " Spirits Turpentine 300 pounds Sal ASratus 100 " Black Pepper 75 " Colgate's Starch 12 dozen Sands' Sareaprilla 1 bale Hops In conformity with the times, the above articles, with all the Goods in store, will be sold lower than they have evei been in this market F. L. ZEMP. Fire and Alarine Insurance. GAMDEN INSURANCE COMPANY, (of new jersey.) chartered in 1832. PROTECTION INSURANCE COMPANY. (ofn. jersey,) chartered february, 1848. The subscriber having received the Agency ol the above institutions for Camden and vicinity will receive applications, and issue Policies at the cur< rent rates, XV. D. McDOWALL. Feb. 29. 9_ tf JOHN INGRAM, Receiving & Forwarding Merchant and BankAgent, camden, 8. c. All business entrusted to him faithfully attend ed io, on moderate terms. E. W. BONNET Will continue to act as Agent for persons trans. acting business in either of the Banks in Camden Turning, Either in Iron or Wood neatly done; also, having had considerable experience in Gun work, repairing Locks, Keys, &c. will be thankful for an} jobs of that kind. R. J. MrCRElGHT. Feb. 27. 9 tf Attention. A further supply of Groceries just received making my stock complete. Those wishing tc buy, have only call and I am satisfied w ill go awa} pleased with their bargains. GERALD'S Grocery. Dec 13 tf 50 * Casli for Bark. We will contract for Bark at tii rate of S6 i cord, cash?or $8 in Trade. W. ANDERSON & CO. March, 7th, 1849 10 tf Removal. The subscriber having removed his Shop one door in rear of M. Drucker's store, will"be happy to supply any one with a Gin, Horse Mill, Threshing Machine or Wheat Fan. He requests Planters, before sending to another State for Gins, tc call and examine his, as they are warranted to be as well made, as free from taking fire, to run at light, and make as good cotton as can be had, ant' sold as cheap, (two dollars per saw, made out ol the best cast steel plate.) Old Gins faithfully repaired. Feb. 7. R. J. McCREIGHT. From New York, The subscribers have received per Southerner, a case of" Warnock's" Fashionable Summer Hats, Also, dozens J. M. Davies, Jones & Co.'s patent shoulder seam Shirts, and an elegant assortment of summer cravats. They have also, T? 1 L_:? Mafa uruau uiiiu nuuv a m? do do Panama do do do Campeachydo do do Palm Leaf Yoi-th's Panama and Fur Ilats Children's Palm Leaf and Leghorn Hats April 4. McDOWALL & COOPER. IVedical Books, Ac. Medical, Moral, Religious nnd Miscellaneous Books,and Stationary of great variety, for sale by ALEXANDER YOUNG. April 4th, 1849. tf ~ 14 ICED SODA WATER May be had through the Summer Season at may 9. F. L. ZEMP'S The subscriber has on hand a large assortment of Chairs, &c., which will be disposed on reasonable terms. Mahogany, Walnut, Maple and Wove Seat Rockers, Sewing Do. Also, Wat nit, Maple, Oak, Box and Plush Seats-Limitation and plain Windsor, Do. Office and children's Do. Do. With all articles generally in his line of business, C. L. CHATTEN. March 28, tf 18 4 t - a m Dissolution of Copartnership. The Copartnership heretofore existing Doderth* Firm of P. F. Villepigue &> Sons is this dsjr die* solved by kutoal consent, the name of ibeftqa 1 will continue to be gsgd byeither of the me mber* in liquidation dnfrT''" - ' I PAUL F. VlLLBPIGfjfc j I PAUL T. V1LLEPPQW ^ I Camden Jur.e 1st, 5t . ... 33 < The subscribers beg leave to rilfoVmT!lfe4)fobl? > j that they have this day formed a Copartnership J under the firm of Paul F. Vilftpigtte & Son, for 1 the transaction of a similar Knaiiwato ried on by the lute Firm of -P. JEV Sone, and being grateful for the patronage bestow- .. ed upon it solicit a continuance of the sarnie. PAUL F. mLOTlGUE, J. I. V1LLBPIGU& Camden, June 1st, 1849. " 51 W I . - .i J J, .yt tytcht crtunnr. haaka _ . 41AJ VI WWM.VVM The subscriber has on hand,and is constantly reemplafc, all the standard new School Books, in use in OtajMMM of the Town and country; and will sell them at jljdnwlbt prices, for cash, or to puncfnal customers. Tbey consist in part of tire following, ' GRAMMARS'?Smith's, Bullion's, Brown's,JSjfkbaisV SPELLERS?Elementary; WebsterV Sequel; Oarpen- >, h>r\i ; U. S.; and Southern. i\- >*. 1 HEADERS?Grigg, Elliot Si Co's No. L 2. 3 St 4 ; Newman's Southern Reader; Southern,-No. 1 & 2.; Cobbs'; New York, No. L2 Si 3; Rhetorical Reader*, and Dialogues ; Loral's 0. S. Speaker, American preceptor; National Reader; Parke:#' Exercises And Aid# to Composition. DICTION ARIES-vWalker^s; Webrtsarfc ,GWmshaVo> Etymological Dictionaryt Bolles' Phonographic; Webster's &. Walker's 8 vo> . ap 5>l ARITHMETICS?Emerson's No. !. 2 & 3; David* School and University ArithmcticfPerkb?f8tejus?iarp and High School do.y Thompeou'a Mental do.; r-SafchV* Smiley b& Pike's. n? *.".j r'#> *** G EOGR.kPniES?Smith's New Common School Geo* 1 graphy and Atlas, in 1 voL quarto.; MhcMelPs uaSPariej7? Primary Gc*tgraph?: Olney^ Smith'sfAluoheU's School Geography and Atlas, 2nd revised edition. PHILOSOPHY?Draper's; Olfnstend's; ComatoAh* '?* Conversations on Philosophy sad Cbemiswyf. fkdfi BOTANY?Mrs. Linon's; Gray'* Botanical Text Boot; e cHPtnsTDv^nraMA & -* ca It HISTORY^!Parie^T 2 A 3d Book EDstorrj Robfcfatf Outlines History; Worcester*; Willards U. p. do. UrtK? vtrsal History; Tytler's History, P^IeyV Cgmirkm Scnool do. Grimsliaw's History of Francei ; -rf?Arns worth's Latin do 8vo.amlAbg'a. , m* Donnegan s Lexicon; do - abridged. ^ ' Greisbach's Greek Testament. I'arkliurbt's Hebrew lexicon. ' French, Spanish, Italian and Gentian Grammars, Dictionaries, Readers. Exercises, Ac. ' A For sale by ALEXANDER YOUNGSpril 4th, 1849. tf 15 # [ New and Elegant Perfamery^ The subscriber has just received, and opened a new and choice selection of Perfon.eiry, Soaps, Cosmetics, &.C., consisting in pari, of Lubin'a Ex't Jenny Lind Saixy's Er"t Cotnte d*Orsay " ' Jockey Club Ede'i Hedyormia ' " ' " Migni'onette Haul's Eau Luatral . ? " Patcboly " Nympb Soap. " " Verviene " JShaving Cream ? " Boquet de Caroline RoosseFs ** - -** Essence Boquet Guerlain's .j f Low's Windsor Soap Transparent Wa?*BaOa^. | " Shaving Tablet Ortjs Tooth P?fe ^ ALSO ? Cologne. Rose, Honey, and La/ender Water, Bay Rum, French Philocomb, Bearrs Oil, Bear's Grease and Beefs Marrow, for the hair, with many other articles in the line tou numerous to.haeoi tion, which may be had at may 9. Z. J. PaHAY'S/*/ , ! Wicks and Glasses.The subscriber has just received and opened a | large and select assortment of Solar,. Catnpbiue . and other Lamp Wieks, Glasses, Sic. , also . Spertn and Solar Oil which be offers forsale on the most reasonable terms, for cash or punctual customers. Z. J. DEHAY. Nearly Opposite Masonic Jlwl. ' April 4th, 1849. tf 14 m 1 ncghp Bush Sl miller's , Superior Friction Matches, warranted nat,4psftil * in any weather, and will keep in any climaty*!* I ways on hand and for sale by ' ;1-* !&*' i may 9. Z. J. ' The Bank of Camden, Sooth GaxotynaJ ' During the sixty days from May 2, inst., all notes intended for renewals must haive the original signatures of the parties. By order of the Board. ,, , r -T W. J. GRANT, Cashier, May 1,1849. 18 ^ " tf Seasonable Goods. The subscriber has just received a good supply of Fresh Goods, suitable for the season, consistu g in r,ri nf vnrimij, articles for Ladies Dresses. ! Calicoes, at all prices, brown and"bleiched Homespun, &c., together with a good assortment for Gentlemen's wear, and & great variety of other ' articles. 1 also ' A stock of choice Groceries, all of which he | will sell as low as they can be had in the place, and to which he respectfully invite* the attention r of purchasers. J. CHARLES WORTH. April 25 17 If ~~ NEW GOODS. * 4 M. DRUCKER & CO. z re now receiving from the North, their large and well selected stock of * ' Dry Goods, Hardware dc Groceries, ' which they will sell at the lowest prices for cash [ only. Being determined to sell Goods, thew^ili ' not suffer themselves to be undersold, and invite those who may wish to purchase, to t&U and r\. .yJ amine for themselves. Sold wholesale and at the CAMPUS Bft&fllR Stone 19ft Bbls. Stone Lime, in good order, (a few bbls. extra white) just received by C. L CHATTEN, Mav 16, tf v 20 ItlRS. GOODLAD'S Fashionable Bonnet Store. New Goods just received, consisting of Ribbons, J Bonnets, Flowers, Capes, Cardinals, Gloves, die. 1 open and ready for sale at very low prices for cash I or to punctual customers. Mrs. G. particularly * recommends them as being the iqost fashionable in the market. ETBonnets cleansed, altered and trimmed so as to render the most skillful jndfflM. unabte to tell them from new. At the store formerly occupied . by Dr. A. DrLeon. OC*. 18. H Candles &e. Sperm, edamjjnjjfleigfld Tallow Candles, Soap, Starch, Mustard, rtfper, Spice, Ginger, (given and ground) Cloves, Nutmegs* ?&c For sale by may 2a , A. E. ALLEN.