JEW DAVID'S OR HEBREW PLASTER WUBliE THIS PLASTER IS APPLIED PAIN CANNOT EXIST. A gentleman in the South ol Europe, and Pali-stint*, in 133;) heard so much said ui the latter place in favor of Jew David's Plaster, and of the (as he considered.) miracuiou? cures it had performed, that he was induced to trv it on his own person, for a Liver affection, the removal of wliicli had been the chief object of his journev, hut which had resisted the genial influence of tiiat balmy and delivioui clime. Hj accordingly applied a plaster on the right side of hi* chest, where the pain was seated, another between the sin nil lew, arid one over the region of tlie liver. In the meantime he drank freely of an herb tea of laxative qualities. He soon found us'heallh improving, and in a lew weeks his cough left liitn. sallowness of his skin disa|>peareJ, his pain was removed, atid his nealtii hecaine permanently reinstated. Since that ti ne he has been recommending it to lib friends and acquaintances for ail fixed pains whatever to .eh as, (iont. Pain in the side. hip. hack arid Ihnbs, in every case Of Waicli it lias proved an clli" oieiitcure. lie has likewise witnessed the happy effectwf its softening an-l healing qualities in numerous rases o Scrofulous llirn'irs. Knots. Wens, White Swellings. llaril Tumors. Slid'Joints. Ague Cakes. Ague in the itreast. ami tiie like, to the united satisfaction of himself and others. It lias been beneficial in cases of Weakness, such as jmi and weakness in the Stomach, weak Limbs. Lament-si A!lecttoii? of the .Spine, beniale Weakness. ?Jr. No female subject to ptiiu or weakness in the hack ?rsid--s should Ire without it. Married ladies in il -ltcatesitualiisiir iind great relief from constantly wearing this piaster. The application of the plaster between the shoulders ha; been found a certain remedy for ('olds. Coughs, Phtliysir and Lung Affections, in their primary stages. It destroy! . infiammation by perspiration. In view of the great benefit resulting froin tlr- use of thi plaster, within his own obs-rvation, his confidence in it superiority over every othes plaster, ointment and onadil ch?o. before the public in this country, has indu. ? <) tlii gentleman to place the Hebrew Plaster into the hands o those who will give it publicity, believing it will provi itself a blessing to the coniuiuiiily at large. **-1- --I I mil,I,I are nwiu Tb? peculiarities 01 uic nrum m ? _ to its extraordinary eflect upon the animal fibres or nerves ligaments and n.nseles, its virtue being carried byilieia t the immediate neat of the disease or of pain and weakness C2^None genuine without tlie engraving of JEW L)A VFD <>n tlie wrapper, around each h >x. Price fifty rents per box. Each hox contains suflicien to spread six or eiiriii plasters. JXrSold wholesale and retail by MOVIU.& ME ? P No. 80 Chartres street, New Orleans, the ceneral agent for the .South and West, to whom all orders for the genuii article must be addressed. Sold in Camden bv May 30. J \MKS R. McKAIX. Important Remedy. MITCHELf/S EYE S\LVE, A certain, safe and effectual cure for Sore, Weak an Jufiamed Eyes, designed expressly fur diseases of the Eye, The unparalleled sncces which lias attended the use r this preparation, and the acknowledged necessity for soni article which can be reli -d upon. a? a remedy in sever caws ofOpthalmicaflection* which are so prevalent in thi countrv, induce the Proprietor to make arrangement through his Agents, to place this Salve within the reach every individual who may need the benefits which resul from its use. The great advantages possessed by this article over ever other, its Certainty. Safkty. Con* kxienck and Ecoxr MT. All P .ysicians ?dunt that great danger i? to be a, prehended from drugging the eye when in an inflamed an unhealthy state. In tic* us- of tins Salve this objection i entirely removed, as nn harm can possibly result from it uw; it b-iug. in all cases applied in tlie external jsirltoti of the eye; thereby avoid.tig ail tlie inconvenience, pni and danger, which necessarily adenosine iiuruuuruuii . any pungent article into the eye. t* activity in subduing infla;n:\tion i? so great tiiat hut fci cases require the Use of more than one bottle to efli'Ct a perfect cure. J. R. MrK \IX, A'jent fur Canith n. DR. GORDON'S VEGETABLE A.N II-liIMOU3 FAMILY FILLS. For the cure of Headache, Gi !dine?s, Salt Rhcit: Rheumatism, Piles. Heartburn, Worms, Dyspepsia. On era >l'?rbux. Pains in toe Rack Limb-and Joints, tie net weakn-ss, Fits, Cmku nption. Palpitation of the Heai Lifer Complaint. Rising in the Throat, Krv?iiielas. pen new, Dropsy, Asthma. Itrhings of the Skin. Fevers of a kinds. Colds. Gout. Gravel. Female Complaints, .\ervm It Complaints, and all other Diseases arising from impciuti* of the blood.and morbidsecretions ok tiie liver an stomach. 53r Every disease to which the humatt frame is suhjec originates from impurities of the blood or derangement < the digestive organs. Dr. Gordon's Family Pills. ? Being compounded exclusively of sum ingredients r Nature intended should operate on the impurities of tl Human System. Strik'- at the root of the disease, removing all iinpuritii from the body, opening the pores externally and internal! Repainting ail foreign and obnoxious particles from tl Chyle, so that the blond, of which it is the origin, miM I thoroughly pure?necessarily securing a free and vigorm Action to the Heart, Lungs, Liver and Stomach, there! restoring health, by opening the pores, cleansing tl einsand arteries, unimpeding all the natural vein- and pi rifVing the blooJ; they render the system not only thormigl ly sound, but also impervious to disease, even when a other means have failed. Within the last twelve months, more than one Inn J?' ? ?? nf ttmaiairrrraDtUed forms of nvsrKivsi t hat hteu cared by the Medicine, where rinid dieting, the Bli Pill, and almost every other means had been resorted I without any benefit, and when death stared its miserah victim fully in tlie face. If Dr. (iordon's Pills were u< adapted to the cure of any but this nor.RU> mai.aijv. the uniform success in this disease alone would he sufficient i waft on to fame'' the name of their inventor, as a beni factor ok ins species. IQrThis medicine never fails to cure the worsticases < .FILES in one week! For a more detailed description of the Medicine, the nmi ner of its opeation, the complaints it is adapted to and tl cures it has performed, we refer the reader to our agent who will give them a Pamphlet gratis. For sale by James r. McKain. F. L. Zkmp c'amdei also, for sale at all the towns and country stores in the Soul and West. Dr. G. K. TYLER'S FSVS?. AND ACTJD PI1L0. If there ever was a medicine that merited th public praise for the great good it has done in ci Ting Chills and Fever, it certainly must be Dr. Tj ler's Ague Pills, as they cure the patient in 'j hours. They do not operate af. a purgative, lit as a tonic, and produce no unpleasant syinpto n and euro permanentiy, nor can th? y fail, if used a -directed?the trial of a single box will prove tli above statements, therefore, if you would secut your health, procure a box of the genuine Tyler .Ague Fills. For sale by J. R. McKain and F. L., i Camden, and on enquiry will be found at must i the towns and country stores. V>A\K AGENCY. WILLIAM J. GERALD, will attend psinrtu.illy toa b?r?irie!? entrusted to his c-ara in either of the Hanks < Camden .May 10. C. tHATHESO\T " B A N K A G K .N T. At his old stand OPPOSITk I)avis' FIotf.i GeuUemeiiN I'asliionahlt' Hools Philadelphia made, lor sale by Jan.27. W. ANDERSON & CO. S. B. LEVY Will continue to act as Agent lor both the Ban I In this place, and attend to any commission bus ness that may be entrusted to him. ROOVAL. The subscriber would inform the public that I has removed to the store formerly occupied hy M William ohnson, second door above 11. Levy' whore he will keep on hand a good supply of GK(. CERIES, HARDWARE, CROCKERY. &c. t which he invites the attention of purchasers, < they will be sold very low. J. CHARLES WORTH. March 8. 1U tf Notice. All persons indeb ed to the late firm of Dobvi Kennedy, are earnestly requested to c 11 on tl subscriber and settle the same without delay. R M. K. 1'J A A LI) Y. Nov. 22. 47 if To Rent. Some half dozen Dwelling Houses and aba half as many Store Houses. App'v to On. 18. JOHN WORKMAN. Notice. All persons indebted to me are requested make immediate payment. sept. 20. J. D. MURRAY. JOHN INOKAJI, feeeiYing & Forwarding Merchant and Bank Age i CAMDEN, S. C. All business entrusted to him faithfully attn ed to, on moderate terms. DK. TOWi\SEi\D'S COMPOUND EXTRACT OF S*llZS*U\miJL?,&, \V>NDCU AND HUF.SSINO or T1IE ACE. ! The .Most extraordinary Medicine in the World. . Kf i'his Extract is put op in quart bottles; it is six titues | cheaper, pleasanter. ami warranted superior to any sold.? It cores without vomiting, purging, sickening, or UebiliuxI tine the Patient. . The great beauty and superiority of this Sarsaparilla over all other medicine is. that while il eradicates disease, it inVEjoratesthc body. It is one of tl.e verv best SPiilNt; AND M 3).WEit WiWUClNES Ever known: it not only purifies the whole system, and strengthens the person, litn il fit kati'.s new. pi're and r. icii iti.ooit: a power possessed by no ojher medicine. And in tins lies the grand secret of i's wonderful success. It lias [lerfonn :) within the I:: t fixe Vettrs. more than lOO.IHHt cures ei"severe cases of iliseasc; tit least l.'i.OOlt xxere considered incttrahlc. It !:;? : saved the lives of more than u.tXK) children during the past season. 10,0i)0 cases oi'iieucml Debility and want Of Nervous Energy. i Dr Tiiwnsend's K.irsatxiriiia iuvi^ i.-ates the whole system )K*rinancntly. To thee who have lust their muscular enI erjry by the list; of medicine or indi-crelion mm mined in I couth. or the exee'?ive indulgence of the passions. and brought on a general physical prostration of the nervous I system, lassitude. want ofuuihitiou. fainting sensation*, pre mature decay and decline. Iia-c towards that fatal . disease. < 'ou>utioi,. can he entirety restored by this pleas-. ant retu-dy. this tSarsaparilla is far superior to any 1Ni '? P?ttit \ I'LN'tJ ('Ui'lM.VL. as it removes and invigorates tile system, gives activity to the iimhs. and strength to the . muscular system, in a most extraordinary degree. Coi.sttniiitiou Curotl. ' Cler.u-TS and Strcmj'hea.* consumption can he cured. Bronrhniisi*, consumption. I.her coatplaint. cold'*. catnrrh. coughs. A-ihtna. sj>iiliiig of Ilinod. Son-ue-s. in the client Hectic Flush. Night Nw -ati. Difficult or Profit-v Expectoration, I'ain in the Side. ?. lata now able |o walk all over the city. I rai-e nohlood.nnd my c?:i;h lias left me. Von can well imagine '? that I am thankful for the**e resul's-. * Vour oliedient servant. Wil. iit sSlll.I., 6a atl.eiitie-st Ithenmnlism. This is only one of more than four thousand cases of Rheumatism that Dr. Town-end's Sarsaparilla ha" cured. The most severe and chronic cases are weekly eradicated by its extraordinary virtues. . Jutnes mnmiugs. Esq.. one nt tur a?.?i-r;iru" m in.Lunniic Asylum. li!:trkwvlj's Island, is ihe gentleman spoken of in the following letter Hlackwki.i.'s Island. Sept. 11. 1*17. - Dr. Toavxsknd IVtr Sir: 1 suffered terribly for ' nine rears with the Uheunntistn: cotpidernhie of the lime * 1 con!.! not eat.?!ei-p or walk. 1 had the utmost distressing mins. and niv limb* were terribly swollen. I have used four bottles of your Sarsaparilla. and they have dooeine more tliau one thousand dollars worth of good. 1 ant ?o I much liter?indeed, lam entirely relieved. Von are at liberty to use this for the benefit oi the afflicted. Yours respectfully. >' J I M'.tllNGS. ^ Tits! Fits! Fits! i Dr. T"\vtt?etvl. not bavin? ?e?ted bis Sarsaparilla in ca?-e? of Kits, of course never recomm uidi"! it. and was surprised i. to receive the follow imf fo nt an intelligent atid respectable Fanner in Westchester comity: ? For nit am. Aug. 1.1. 1*17. Dr. Town?end?Dear Sir; i have a little girl seven years of age. who lias been several years atllir:ed with firs; we i% tried almost everything for her. but w ithout success; at la?t, although we could tinfl no reromtnetida:ion in our circulars for ra?es like hers, we tiiou? -In- was in vert- delicate health, we would give In r some of your Sar-ajiarilia. and _ are very glad nodi I. for it has not only restored herstreug:h, but she lu.s had no re'urn of the fits, to our grert pleasure and surprise. She is fast becoming rugged and hearty, for which we feel gratful. Yours, respect fully. JOHN ill'TLER, Jr. Female .Medicine. " Dr. Townscnd's Sarsaparilla is a sovereign and speedy ' cure for Incipient oic-mnption. Rarrenes*. Pmlajviis'l. tcri, u or failing of the womh. oflivticss. Piles. f evl.ihit c.Ttificat's of cures performec; i* but wo can assure tlx* afflicted. thai hundreds of cases liavi iu Iieen reported to us; thousands of ra-cs u lice faun behave liecti without children afvr using a few Iwittles ofthi.>#i invaluable medicine, have been blessed with fine, health} V. offspring. ic To Mothers nnd Married Ladies. ? This Fvtrnct of Sarsaparilla has Iieen expressly preparet in reference In female complaint*. No female who has re,: ?/ son to siipj?osc she isapproachinir ilia: critical period. "TIk to turn of life." should not ncg-ecl I" take it. as it is a ceriaii ?- preventative for any of the numerous and horribl-i!i.-en?ei to which feinaniales are subject a: this time of life. Thill period may lie delaved several years by Using this tneilicine S'or is it less valuable for those w ho are :i]f this medicine. main severe and |Mtiul'ul siirgieal operations tnayjie prevented. ?f Notice to the I.tidies. Those that imitate l>r. Town-end's Sarsaparilla. liavt invariably railed theirstufTa great Uemedy for reniales.Ar 1 j and have copied our bills ami circulars which relate to the I coutplaitits of women, word for word?other men wdiopu tip medicine, have since the great success of Dr. Town [1* ' semi's Sarsaparilla iu complaints incident to females, recoin mended theirs, although previously they did not. A liillii 1st of tliese Mixture. I'ills. Ac. are injurious *o females, ai aggravate disease.and uiidertniue the constitution. ScrotiiIn Cured. e This certificate conclusively proves that this Sarvapnrilb has perfect control over the mot obstinate diseases of tlx Blood. 'J'hree persons cured in one home is unprecedented Three Children. 1 Dtt. Tow.nsENu Dear Sir: I liave the pleasure toinforir jt you that three of my children have Itccn cured of the Send n iila l>v the use of vour excellent medicine. They were af - ? - i ..i ?,.i,. ' flirted v<-ry severely wmi nun >nn-. , ..... 18 hollies: it took tlii'iii away, for whieu I feel my veil' unde ie great obligation. e Yours, respct'lv, Is* \ \'I W. Cit M.N. IM> Woostcr-st '8 Opinions of Physicians* Dr. Tnwdsend is almost daily receiving orders from i'liy sirinn- itidilf'il is'in- of I lie I iiioii. n This j* to certify lit"t we, (lie undersigned. Physicians n jf the City of Albany. have In iimiieroii-eases |?r**?crilie:l {>r Tow n-eiid's Sarsapartlla. and Udicve it to Us otto of tin most valuable preKirations in the mark'-t. ii. |?. i i t.l Nf;. M. [). J. WILSON. Jl. D. " K. H. li.M.OS. M. I). uf Albany, April 1.1S17. !? K. KI.MKNDOliF. M. D. _ j Caution. Owing to the great success and immense sale of Dr. Town ! scud's Sarsapiirilla.n nninherof men who were formerly on j Agents, have commenced making Narsapariila Fxiract* t Klixirv. Hitters, Extracts of \ ellovv Dock. A c. They gen ? orally pot it up in the same shaved bottle.*. ami some of then j have stole and copied our advertisements, they are null worthless imitations and should hcavoi.led. For sale in Camden, hy J. It. .WclvAl.Y Price $1 |>e bottie. Six bottles for S.r>, cash. August 10- 33 ly Is SOAPS, Ac. I'ose Soap Chinese Floating Soup Mn-I, S 'iip I liii.iihtis Soap Taylors Transparent Soap Ainioud ss i?Ki:ruus:i:v. Colognes (all kinds) JVIilk I'ltiw lavender Water Extract of Heliotrope Orange Willi r ' I'iiK-liinilv ? Kitraci of Pink " K?m* " Kik? niTiiniiim " Jockey riuli ? M>ni?M'liiie 11 H"i|. ill* Curolino " Verveiuc " Vi'rlwiia ie ' Jasmin " Jiii(|iiillo " B'h|. de Cli.mtilly " Magnolia " Reseda " Cilriiiii'llu Rose Korralc by F. I,. ZI.MP. New Hooks Smith's Now School Ocv'nipliy will: Maps and engrnviniB ut in i?n?' volume ipiarto.mi a lieu j'!nn. I'crl;ill*" Higher Arithmetic, desioncd fur IliL'li School Academies A- College; in which n tne entirely new prii ^ ripleH nm developed, inn! many concise ami ea?y rnli an- given. uliirli have never before appeared in an Arithmetic. Perkins' Flernentnry Ariihmelic. ' 'homnson's Mi'iitnl ?l? Elements of (Jeography. with praelirnl applications. d< nipneil for beginners, by (?. II. Perkins Profeescrof.Math' ma tics. Wilson's Juvenile American I list on*. ALEXANDER VOI'NfJ. | Nov. <2. 4? tf. u'; Georgia Pliiius I P ii sale by W. ANDERSON f CO. fv Hcniorrlioids orPil es. Internal or External permanently cured jjp By Dr. Upliam's Vegetable Electuary An INTERNAL REMEDY which. If used nccordingto directions, A (TEE FUR LIFE IS Gl'ARAN FEED. 101 SYMPTOMS OF THE DISEASE. A common consequence of this allection is a kind of tenesmus, or bearing down sensation, as it is familiarly called: there is also heat, tension and throbbing in the part, |l varying from a moderate degree of these senshtions to the I' most excruciating suffering;?these are caused by the flow of _ blood to the parts. Sometimes the i mer coat of the bowel protrudes at every evacuation forming what is called lli Prolapsus, or falling of the bowels; this is the effect oflong continued irritation of that organ. In some instances the ? patient experiences nervous |tains. which are indescribable, and known only to the sufferer, which commence immediately after an evacuation, ami continue from thirty minutes jj to several hours; these sensations ate very annoying and sometimes very distressing. This disease, when of long t" continuance, is attended by pain and weakness in the hack, ar irritation of the kidneys, bladder, and other organs in the |r, vicinity, pain and numbness in the legs ind feet a sense of ,\] straituess about the chest, and uiiiiiiturnl fulness of the ah- ( . :?i ?f ,1.,. Iinrirt at nominal viscera, neroinpainvu ? ,..1.,.. ( and oppression. Individuals sometimes experience, previ* f;j oils tu an attack of the I'iles, s? mplnms <1>-ih.1 inrx great de- jj, rang' incut in their circulation: there is a sense of weight and < . pressure in the ahilomcn. with a peculiar feeling of uneasiiii*vs in the bowels, constipation or perinaeuin. attended p, with pain in the hack and loins, nausea, and slight pains in j>j lite stomach,pale countenance, contused sensations in the head, weariness, and irrilahle and discontented state ol mind, and a sense of fulness and oppression in the -eginii of the stomach. The circulation on the snrfuee is feeble, IJ and tiie current of blood determined inwards anil downward*. FOR al.t. THE aijovk piskasfs a\n comi'l.atxts, ,, dr. 1 I'lla.m s vegetable electeaky. n clt.lts kfi-kcti ai.i.v. axii therefore prevents p. REAR THE TESTI MO.NV. f Gents?I have u*cd Dr. I'pliam's Vegetable Electuary which I purchased of von. and (ind it one of the best medivines in lise for the I'iles, and also for all liilioii.. aflcelions, arising from an impure slate of the system. Yours. . e. E. A. COLE. Marble Dealer. _ It REMARK \RLE CERE OF PILES! t< 'J' Years St anih.xo ! p Berkshire en.. M.i-s.. Nov. 529. 1817. Messrs. Ketehani & lien-haw?Gents: For thirty years I have been afflicted with the I'iles. general d- bility anil in* fl.unation. causing turnnrs and pro!ap-ns of the bowel*. nnd t 11 .% ? 1 1 (Ir f'lmn. which had ivsMfd an wiu lu-uirui uruuiiMM />. ? ...?r man and nthrr* cihiM give. Tin* la>t three year-* t?f line my stiff-ring- defy description. I was confined M bed. unable to help myself. and at la*t given up by my physician* and friend* in despair of ever gaining my health ; in i fart for three clays before I commenced n-iiig Dr. I pliam's j Electuary. 1 was entirely speec hless and tny burial clothes were made. Hut under Providence, and the Use of Dr. rpham's Electuary. though an old man. I have ti e pleasure of statins the fact to the public that my health is j now good, and hope to live many years, if it is (Joel's will, to tnnke ktio n the virtue* of Dr. ('pliam's Electuary, and to recommend it to nn afflicted fellow creatures. It In-lpi ed me lieyondthe expectations of till that knew my ra*e, ' ?rid I ran only say to others that it is. in my opinion, tin* . : best medicine in the world for I'iles.or any other disease of ! the tsivxeb-; ai d if they \vi,l use it according to directions, I ' will myself warrant a cure in every case. Yours, with the utmost expression of thankfulness, ( ORNKUl'S SPl'll Euh.xxioxt. Berkshire n >la*s . Nov. *'J. HI". The ahove certificates tells a simple and truthful story of ! snip-ring and reli -f. ol which, as Physician and witness in tie-ca-e. I cheerfully endorse. Dr. IIA I'M A.N. .NOTICE. The genuine I'pliant'* Electuary lias his written signature thus (DOT A. i pliant, M. D.) The hand j is alone done with a pen. Price ftl per lux. 55" Sold wholesale and retail by A IIk.vsiiaw, ' 121 Fulton street. N. Y., and by Druggists generally throughout the I'nited St.ites and Canada. J. R. McKAIN. Agent for Camden, S.C. March 22 12 tf , IIASTIXC'S Compound Syrup of Naphtha, NOT O.M.Y A POSITIVE BIT A WARRANTED CI RE fir roiisiiniption anil all diseases of the lung*.? j This medicine has decided the dispute about the curability t of consumption, and satisfied the medical faculty and all ! I who havt used it, that consumption and all affection* of > | the lungs can not only la- cured, nut they arc as easily and ; simply cored. a> almost any of the disorders to which the * 1 | human frame is liable. The operation of a single bottle, 1 i - ,?cii t,, kaiisl'v auv anient?if not ' i altogether too far gone with the disease?of this fact; ami ! ^ ' ! even a .-inch- dose ui vi-s evidence of its extraordinary in- ' ' Alienee in arresting and eradication the malady hy the im- f ' ! mediate relief which it atlbrd*. This is no tptaek orse- I ' i rret remedy. Dr. Hastings its discoverer, is one of the I most eminent physicians of the age. and litis made n full ' i disclosure of its history, and all its component part* to tlie S ' world, lint whiting to iiirur the respotisihility of confining ' 1 to himself, for the sake of profit, a secret which was ealinland to dosueh universal good. And such has heen the ' wonderful result of its operations, that the London Laurel. 1 Medical Times, and the inosi eminent l'hy*ieiaim of both ' hemispheres, are anxiously calling upon stillerers to have | j iiimtediate recourse to it. and proclaiming that of all known I medicine, it alone has positively established its efficacy hy I iiiideiiiiihie proofs of curing consumption and all other dis j eases ol the lungs. i i OPINIONS OK THE PRESS. | * j Fruin the Sunday Atlas of January, 16.jl818* 4 '"We would call the attention of our renders to the adver- ' * tiscnieiil of Hasting'* Compound Syrup ol Naphtha. The proprietor of this medicine (Dr. IIa?tings} is uoipinek. hut ' ranks as one of the l)e?t pliysieians of England. He is also 4 at the head of the Blenheim-street Free Dispeicary. Ilav iug like most other physteiens. had his attention drawn to the great preponderance ol deaths from pulmonary com plaints, he devoted his earnest attention to it for several 1 year.-, and the result was hi* convietioti ll.a: Naphtha, as a t i remedial agent in consumption, surpassed any other reine' ; dy known lo the facility. It has since been used with the * . greatest success hy nearly all of the first physicians of I England, and, as we learn from the American agent, (Dr. | Harrison) it is now being introduced extensively in our Ims, ! pitals, and in the privai," practice of a majority ol our physicians. We advise all who are in any way troubled with [ pulmonary complaints to try a single bottle, which will j j prove its efficacy." From the Western Palladium of Dee. [f-JT. . i *'We were uiui-li surprised the oilier day by a vNit from ' . : an acquaintance whom we hist saw. a few weeks since. ' i , j f'olllilied lo his bed by a severe eomplailil of the lliugs. He | I is now in ahiio-t perfect health.and he assured us ilint this | ( I surprising change had been produced by six Isoldes of HoslJ ing's Compound S\rup of Naptlin." ' \ ! For sale hv.lA.MKS l(. McKAIN, Camden?Price ?1 J , per buttle?six bottles lor $3 cash. ' j Dec. ">. 18 Id. -19 l!in i Constantly 011 Elnntl. ' j Tarrant's Seii/.er ApeYioni, Wislar's Balsam of j r Willi Cherry, .Sands' Sarsndarilln, |)r. Jayi.e's r .Medicines, Lustral, Bandoline, lor cnrlin tl e j lour, Jnjiiiic Paste, Cum Drops, (linger, Mace, I j (,'loves, <'innaii.on. Allspice, Starch. Nutmegs, C?e! latino, with a thousand articles beside. I f' Some more of that celebra'od CORN SALVE, . which Ins atlorded this community so much case ! ' during the present year, and preserved its even* ness "F TEMt'eit, in spite of the iiakd times. Nov -J5). F. L ZKAIP. ;! tipcrui Oil. J The Subscriber lias just received a supply of ( i superior ttlc.iclicil, Winter -irers for ssle at [Jliarlcston prices. Having leased the establishment in which he works, he is prepared to build rod to repair every description of Carriages, Waggons. arts, Wheelbarrows, &c. and all kinds ot Iron work, either for plantation or other use. A portion of patronage is respectfully solicited April titi. It OH RUT MAN. JOHN J. WORKMAN, MAGISTRATE, CA.MDI-tN, S. C. Rhode Island early seed Potatoes, selected expressly for planting?also Stone lime for sale by K. \V. BQiWKY. NOTICE. The subscriber* Agents for the sale of the Mount Dearborn factory Cotton Yarn, beg to inform their friends arid ensomen Mint they hove now on hand, nod are receiving a a%'e supply of that celebrated Yarn, of the very best ipialiy.nnd are prepared to offer for sale, eilhersil wholesale or re. nil. at the very lowest market priees. This Yarn is made From the very best of t'otiou. and maybe relied upon as be ni; : very Mi|n.rior lirtirl,.. met will Is- sold tow. bv sept. 'J7. CKO. s. DOt't'I.AS A- ? O. JOHN J. WORKMAN, ATTORN EY AT LA W, i:a ,'i hi.?>. * . Cflice. that formerly occupied by Wrn. M. Shannon, on King street, north of the court liou.-e, and west of linvil'i Hotel. Law CopailiK'rsaiip. The undersigned linve formed n Copartnership in tbr practice of l-nu and F.i|iiiiy for the Districts of Lancaster, Fairfield. Kershaw nnd Sumter. Office, heretofore occupied by .Ins. Cliesnut on Main Ktreet. near the Court House. .t A>1FS CIIF.SNFT. Jr.. W. TUCK LOW CASTON. May 10. lriffi. 20 tf For !* air. Yarn and Shirting from the Catawba Factory, No Ca. by J. McEWEN. Nov 29 tf 48 For Sale toy (lie Subscriber*. New erop N. O. Molasses, Nark Nal', Sugar & C'ofTce, Nails, assorted sizes Sweedish Iron, com pleteassortment Blacksmith and Carpenter's Tooh ttc., which will lie sold to punctual customers, oi for cash at the lowest prices. A. M. &. Ii. KENNEDY. Doc 0 If qj; Just received Ladies blark and white Frenrl Kid Gloves, Thread and Cotton Edgings von cheap, Superior Blark Bombazine, Heavy Scotcl Hollands, Clear Lawn Handkerchiefs, Skirting Cloths, Linen Cambrics. Worsted Yarns, Heads & Purse Trimmings, Irish Linens very low, Yorl Mills Long Cloths. E. W. 1IONNBY. Decti If dy The Subscriber offers his services to the publit as a Surveyor; those wishing to patronize him will find him at his residence near Lvnrhwooi Post Office. P.H.YOUNG. Jan 10 -J - T-y* m?? maMM?BMW? South-Carolina, KERSHA W D IS TRIC T. IN THE COMMON PLEAS. E.Jones, for Jinncs Croxton,) vs | C'a Sa Natlianiel Ilolchkiss, ) John Adams ) vs > Ca Sa The Same ) The Defendant Natlianiel Ifotchkisp, who is in the custody of the Sheriff of said District by virtue of the *bove Writs of Capias : d Satisfaciendum, in order to avail himself of the benelit cf an Act passed for the relief c f Insolvent Debtors, has filed in my office on oath, a schedule of his whole Estate. Notice is therefore hereby given to the Plaintiffs in the above stated cases, as well as all others concerned, to be and appear at Camden on the first Monday after the fourth Monday in March - ... -1 I?.-I. M I?fn, l.n Tii/lrrnc I IICXT, illKUl iuviv 1,1. litivit hiv ucovvhiii, - "a'? lo show cause, if any they can, why the said Defendant. should not be discharged from further conlinemi nt, on his assigning and delivering the effects mentioned in his Schedule. S. E. CAPERS, Clerk. Clerk's Office, Dec. 11. 1648. 3m 50 The subscriber's Agents lor the Saluda, Concord and Salem manufactories, are constantly supplied with the following goods and yarns, which they offer for sale on accommodating terms, viz: Bales cotton Osnaburg, 3 4 and 7-8, plain, * " " " 3-4.7-8 and 4-4 stripped " " shirting, 3-4, 7-8 at d 4-4 " " Varus of all numbers from 3 to 12 inclusive, " I.inseys, white and colored. The attention of planters and others are called to the Linseys, a new article in this market, for the quality and durability of which, we are permitted to refer to Messrs. Jas. Chcsnut, Jr., J. M. DeSaussure and B. Boykin, who for some time past have been furnished with them. Buyers will find it to their interest to call and examine before purchasing elsewhere. P. F. VILEKPIGUE & SONS. Camden. October 11, JH4S. 41 t/ Fresh Arrivals. Tiic subscriber is receiving and opening a large and varied stoi k of Fall and Winter Goods, consisting of Dry Goods of every description; Hardware, and Crockery, which will be sold lor cash or punctual customer, as low as they can he hrd in this market. ('. MATIIESON. October 4th, 184K 40 tf For Sale, Two Philadelphia made GINS, to be seen at C. iM ATIIESON'S. September G 3fi Notice. Whereas, no person ha? applied to me for letters of ndministratien deboilis mm upon the Estate of John Donr, formerly of Charleston District. 1 nave taken possession of the same, with ihe will annexed ai d therefore ttive nonee to all who may he indebted to said Bstnte to make payment to me. and if any ucinands to present them to me duly attested. JOHN K. JOV. o. K. n. November 8. 1818. 45 if Notice. All persons are forbid helping themselves tc Bricks from my Yard. I will take pleasure in attending to all who may want Brick, and return thcin thanks for their patronage. . 0"The person or persons who helped themselves last Fall to some 3,POO Bricks nave neglec ted to report, w hich 1 hope they will do soon. The person who did the same thing last week will confer a favor bv reporting to tne the amount taken or paying for them. J. F. SUTHERLAND. Inly ->fi 30 tf_ JG. W. BOTIRTEY IVill continue to act as Agent for persons trans, acting business in either of ilie Banks in Camden Ordinary's Notice. Whereas, no Admmisirntion on the Estate ol p...Wnal, Into nf l\. r-diavv District. deceased has npplicd lor, in pursuance of Uic Act ot Assembly, 1 have taken pnsxsion of the poods and chat, tcls, rights and credits of the said Instate as derelect. Ail persons indebted to the said estate are required to pay the same over to me, and those having de i ands against the estate will present them to me duly attested for payment. Sept. 13.184ri. JOHN R". JOY, Q. K'D. Dry Goods in Charleston, FOR FALL TRADE. The subscriber respectfully solicits the attenion ot his triends and purchasers generally, to hu tock of Goods for fall sales. lie has recently reived and opened 3">0 PACKAGES OF NEW GOODS, making the largest, most varied and elegant assortincnt he has ever exposed: consisting of ever) variety of new and Rich Dress Goods, Shawls, Viscttes, Laces, Hosiery, Linens, Linen Goods Ck>tns, Cassiineres, Embroideries, Prints, Long Cloths, &c. Sic. His DOMESTIC GOODS ROOMS arc as usu< al, well stocked with a great variety of Fabrics adapted to Negro wear, such as Ke seys, Sattinets. Plains, Jeans, N'tr;pes, Cotton and Linen Ozna burgs, Jllankets, &c., &c. lie is prepared to supply Plantsrs with the same style of GEORGIA PLAIN'S5, he has sold for the past two years in any quantity, Samples of these Goods will he sent to any person who may desiit them, and all orders shall receive prompt attention Planters and others visiting Charleston will fiiw it to their mtcrcstlo examine this stock, as it wili be found the Most Extensive in the Southern Country. 3 1 ~ ? nfTnr Gnn/1c nt nriroc tl'p] .inn nu is eiiiiuivu u. \.ih.i ?v |?,vVV .... vortliy the attention nf purchasers. K. tV. BANCROFT, 233 King-xt. Charleston, Oct. 1848. tf FKF.SU CKOCFRIFS.Tl c suhsrrilter has just received a fresh Hiipplj nf staple and fancy GROCERIES, and intends t( keep a constant supply, which he will sell on tin most reasonable terms. They consist in part a: follows? New Orleans \ Sr. Croix / BR0\VX SUGARS Muscovado ( Clarified ) Loaf I wiIITR SUGARS Crashed ^ New Orleans and West India Mo.'asses .Sugar House Syrup Rio, Java, African Coffee Gunpowder, Hyson and Black Teas Sperm Candles and Soap 1'eppcr, Spice and Ginger i A'iiSO ? Fresh Citron, Raisins, (Entrants, Almonds. Preserved Ginger, Nutmegs, cloves, cinnamon 1 LIQUORS. Super ISO.") French /Jrandy do J. J. Ifupet's Brandy do Sherry and Madeira Wine do Old l'ort Wine do Very old (Jin Cordials and Svrups Old Rye Whiskey (Miller's) do Monougahela Whiskey; Rectified do. Porter and Ale in pin s and quarts Salt, Iron, Gunny and Dundee Bagging Bale Ropo anil Twine. H. LEVI In Equity?Kershaw District. Isabella S. McKa, Ex'rx, ) ' Rill to revive &c. ,s I ? - Mary McRaand Julia MeRa ) It appearing to my satisfaction, that Mary Me i Ra and Julia AI< Ra, defendants to the above name r hill are without and reside beyond the limits o i this State: On motion of Chesnut & Caston, com r plainant's solicitois, it is ordered that they do plead answer or demur to the same within three month i from this date, in default whereof, an order pr conlesso will be entered against them. \VM. M. SHANNON, c. e. k. d. Ceinm'rs. Office, Jan 8,1341). For Sale. j Cognac Brandy, Scotch Whiskey, Raisins, Currant and Almonds by J. McEWEN. | Nov If 48 4 fL ' " - f DR, BREWER, ST7EGE01T DENTIST, Has returned to Camden and will attend fo pju tients as they may desire, either in town or country (under 100 miles) at as 6hort notice as circum-? stances will permit ofAnd will take the liberty to itifurrn thopg.UfaI want Ins services, that lie will warrant his wiqrk to give entire satisfaction, and that it shall be performed in the most skilful and dexterous manner, and with less inconvenience than ihesame operation can be performed by any other practitioner* and having made a greatly improved (or novel) eievauon, ne is enauieu iv cAimki iwui ui ??m...yr, ^ of (cell) (in any situation) with such facility and case as will scarcely fail to astonish, patients, without the least contusion of the gums or danger ' ol perforating the soft parts of the mouth; and in pivoting teeth, he can safely insure no incopveni- JJ ence from inflammation of the root, as a conse- Pi qncnce of injury done it in engrafti g the artificial ' crown in it, and as he takes an important p ecaut:on in preparing pivots (which some of tlie most reputed Dentists in the State do not, and none to his knowledge does) he hazards nothing insayl ing, that teetli pivoted by himself will last longer than those set oy the majority of practitioners, anil in supplving teeth on gold plates will adopt and arrange them with such mechanical nicety anfl skill as cannot be surpassed by any, and will not fail to meet the most sanguine expectation of all, of which he could give the most respectable refer- ~ence; but for a r? spcct to the refined feelings of those he has had the pleasure to serve. Let heron given when desired. O" Those who want his services may avoid a disappointment, by giving previous notice of tup fact through the post office or otherwise. Tan 3 tf 1. The Undersigned, j Would return his tlianks for the very liberal pa* tronnge that has been bestowed upon him, and at llie same time inform his friends and etictomers thai be is now prepared to furnish them with all kinds of poods on as good terms (either for cash, M or on a credit till the 1st day of January next) as | they can be had in the place. I Persons wishing to avail themselves of the ad- . ? vantages of cash purchasers, will receive a deduction of ten per cent on all sums over ten dollars until the 1st of July next ilis old customers, am) other persons .disposed to patronize hiin, are invited to examine his Stock. Jan 3 if 1 E. W. BONNffYV1' FRESH GARDEN SEEDS, di ? OF THE GROWTH OF 1?48. >T r ' * Artichoke, Asparagus CORN?Early, in-ears a. BEANS?Early China. 3Io- Kale and Reek*, Scotch hawk. Half Moon, large 1-ettnce, Egg Plant " white Lima, Rachel, ('ran- Melon*, Mustard fx-rry. Valentino, Dutch ONION?Buttons and seed < are Knife Okxa: Parsnip BEET?Long Blood,Tnrnip PEAS?Early Washington, and Sugar Frame, Warwick, Bishop's Broeoii, Collard a-jd Cauli- Dwarf Marmwm, Matchflower less Marrowfat, Prince AI( A R ROT?Orange and Al- hert, very early, Chariton tinghmn Parsley, Pepper , m CABBAGE?Early and late ? 1 41 I Gum Lozenges, Pate tie Jujube, Gutmauve, Morehound Candy, IVislar's cough Lozenges, &c &c. , ,fT ,j." Fresh Congress and Pavilion water. Genuine Tarina Cologne, Rowland's MaciwWr Oil, Eau Lustral, Jnyne's Hair Tonic, Amandine, : for chapped hands, together with a large assortment of tiie Perfumery, Chemicals, Patent and Thompsonian Medicines, medicine chests, Paints, Oils, Window Glass, fresh Garden Seeds, For sale by J. R. McKAlN. Jan. Ifi 3 *- ^ To Rent. That valuable Store House at present occupied by McDowall & Cooper. It is admirably arranged for an extensive cotton buying establishment . Terms will be liberal and immediate possession r given. Apply to C. J. SHANNON'. . Camden, Jan. 1st, 1849 tt f FrcsEi Garden Seed. > Every variety ot Gn-den seed suitable fqr tfie winter a d spring may be obtained from the subscriber. From the pams taken to procure seedof ! cood qcalitt he has no doubt that purchaser* ? will have little cause to complain of failure*. F. L. &EMR, Just Received, > 2,500 pounds pure Wliitc Lend , 150 gallons 1 jinp oil ' 150 " Linseed Oil 75 " Spirits Turpentine ' * ~ 300 pounds S:ii .Lraius < U I 100 " Hlark Pepper | 75 " Colgate'* Starch .i. ' 12 dozen Sands' Sarsaprillii 1 hale I lops In conformity with the times, the above article*, with all ? | the Goods in stpre. will lie sold lower tlian they have ever been in this market. F. L ZKMP. To Rent. The subscriber offers her House and Lot for Rent, on reasonable term*. Possession given . immmediately. CHARLOTTE BROW#' 3 December 20lli, 1848. lif > J and Surgical Notice. The undersigned respect lully inform the citizens of Kershaw and the surrounding districts that lliey have instituted in Camden an Infirmary for chronic disease, where patients ?\ ill be received on the following tern s?for medical trentmenL'inrcIo* ding diet, cf-c., 60cents per day; where operation* are required, the usual fee will be an addition*) charge. - ? Patients will be under the constant supervision of the proprietors, and every provision made foe their comfort. Tl e *bove establishment offers to Planters who mny have cases ol chrome disease on meir plantations, advantages not obtained by the ordinary mode of practice, as it insures systematic treatment and regimen, desiderata often indispensable to success in the treatment of disease. W. J. McKAIN, M. D, C. J. SHANNON, iyi. Q. " _oct. ia 42^ -tij Fire and Marine Insurance. r GAMDEN INSURANCE COMPANY, '"J (of new jersey,) chartered in 1832. PROTECTION INSURANCE COMPANY.-,. (of x. jersey.) chartered february, 1846. The subscriber having received the Agency ef the above institutions for Camden and vicinity will receive applications, and issue Policies at the cur. rent rates, \V. D. AJcDOVVALL. Feb. 29. 9 tf . OUR HOUSE. d OYSTERS CHEAPER THAN BREAD-! f tu ..ili^.lKor havimr inst returned from Char. * lesion, takes pleasure in inforniirg those who have ' so liberally patronized him, and all those who may, s that having1 made arrangements with New York 0 anil Charleston agents, to receive a daily supply of Oysters, Fish, all Game in season, together with our home market, flatters himself that he will serve up the" above varieties of the season in as good stylet8 any Restaurant in the Union. ' :s City and country order* promptly- attended to. JAS. C. McKRNNA. ; Belter known as .1f.4 C.