X>odge.Number 9 'The-Regular Meeting of this Lodge will beheld it their new Hall on Friday evening next, at 7 a'cloek^.w>;W fl , ? L ^ By order of the N. G. I . Ai Lu SOLOMON, Secretary. Jo liic Voters of Lancaster District. ' A-s i t - ' - ^ , i. ,u_ l" miOW c wtzciw;?.-II urr .. j of the friends of on" of the prominent Candi ^ date* for Sheriff?Jamrs Adams?and as I conceive, in justice to him, I appear before you i in this. way in order to put in my disclaimer to | a certain objection, which is said to bo freely " urged against his election. The objection is, p^. that in ca?e he is elected, I will have the in an agerrtentnnd. divide, at lenst, the profits during his term; which say the objectors, will be giving nie the office for twelve consecutive years, ipasSuch as f was say they, de facto Sheriff under uncock?and further, that in all likelihood shuuld that lie the case, I would again offer and lie elected in 1853: and thus monopolize the ? office.'for sixteen years,' So fiif* feHow citizens from this objection liavin^W^'Wast ffttinihrhan intVnfh, 1 assert in the utmost sincerity of my heart, that a ere it legally possiIile and morally certain, that I coiiW^itt re elected in January next. I would rr?ir accept-the office?[ am as you are aware, getting oJandxpre'ss tnv heartfelt and sincere gr.iti tilde and' acknowledgments to my friends and fellow citizen? G?rllteir many stilislamial ex {>res?ioti? of confidence nud favors which they tare bertowrd upon m??I can never forget them?-?or can I hope ever to requite them ?if I have lieen at any time evilly spoken of, ? r nnjnstltr cu?|?ec?e(l by any, I freely forgive then:; If 1 h*v* given any occasion so to speak, I hope pT Tnr forgiveness?as 1 am conscious of this one thing?I never intentionally desired to injure any, -Suffice it to say. if I have been so firtunate as to deserve the confidence of my fellow citizen*, and should I ever have reason to beJi#y* they desire a renewal of my services, I thall ever hold tnysclf bound to obey. \ vi . , -- .j- adams. .^^iovj loth, 181ft. <'nn> Rail Road .\oticc. mmmmzmmua Pp SUNDAY, the 26lli inst. there will be an extra fain of Car* leave Camden at 12 o'clock. M. for the accommodation of the members of the Legislature. yi.l CFO. S. HACKER, ^ , Agent Transportation 8. C R. R V?. Notice. r- At r'J'he subscriber having closed bis business, requests *U persons indebted to him by note or open account, to come foru-ard and settle immediately, ileitiay be found at Mr. II. I#evy'? Office;. - No*y2-,\ - S.B.LEVY. I and ? Boxen' Raisins, Prcsli Citron, Northern Cheeee, Sperm Candles, Mould Candles, Powdered Su^r,J3ll> M. BOYKIN. Nov. 22. j 47 tf Sale of Houses. Will be sold on the first Monday in January next, at public outcry before the court house, the Heal Estate of William B. Johnston, being the Dwelling House opposite the Methodist Church, the Dwelling House fronting on I/turens street, and the"public square, and the brick Dwelling * . ? ?n i i- ?? IJOUVe BUJWIIIIg. I CI llin Will UC IlllftUC nilun n v.l | the da? of Bile or previously, bv application to j WM. REYNOLDS, ). J. M. DeSAUSSUUE. 5 AmS?cc* I Nov. 23 fit Will be Sold, ..Before the courthouse on the first Monday in Itecember next, the Store and Dwelling House *'nd Lot immediately opposite Messrs. AlcDowail &<'6oper, belongmg.to Capt. 1'etcr Waneo. Term* made accommodating to. I he purchaser. tor. 22.- T. J. WARREN, Agent. Fifteen Dollars Reward. Kanaway from the subscr.ber in September last, a fiegro woman of a copper color, 4W or 50 years old,'about 5 feet 6 inches high. She wore off a plaid dress and calico uonnei; sue is prouauiy m Camden, or in the neighborhood of Dr. Ford. Irom whom she was purchased. 1 will give the above rewart for her delivery to me near Ifeckliainviilc, Chester Dv.crict, or ten dollars for her confinement in Mil so.that 1 get her. biov.22 J. N. STROUD. - third quaRly."Statement of the : mutual Life Insurance Company OF NEW YORK. NO. 35 WALL STREET, For (he second ferm of Jive years. Amount of lot dividends nnd reserved fund, $537,158 2 Amount Premiums received from 1st Feb. to 1st Nov. 1818, on account of second dividend, $195,333 43 j Amount received for sea risks, policies &e. second dividend, 1,9-10 79 ! Amount received for interest on bonds and mortgages &c. 15.779 98 I Annuities?balance, 3.353 15 $216,410 3 $753,563 6 DISBURSEMENTS. Losses and expenses and paid for surrendered policies, $761,261 03 ASSETS. Cash on hand, 2201 95 Cash deposited in the Bank of Vw York 4375 95 Bonds and Mortgages on Real Estate ill tlic cilv of N. York, nnd Brook lyn, valued at twice tho amount loaned thereon 175,237 19 Stocks of the State and City of New York and of the United States 194.102 99 Amount due from Agents 3,746 33 Amount remaining unpaid on half vearly and quarterly policies issued previous to first dividend 2.093 20 632.307 61 $753,568 6Increase of investments since Feb. last 164.747 50 Number of policies issued from 1st .May last 591 Whole, number policies is- ") sued. ... 5597 I of which 3224 are for life Less?cancelled, forfeited. > '* ISO" 7 yean and expired, dead and | " 152 oth. pdi surrendered. " - 152 J ""'4266 4266 M. ROBINSON, President. Samuel IIanks. Secretary. JOHN ROSIER, Agent for Camden, L. M. HATCH, " Charlestou. New IJooks. Smith's New School Geography with Maps and engraving! in otic volume quarto, on a new plan. Perkins' Higher Arithmetic, designed for High Schools Academies ?A Collcges; in which sonic entirely new prin ciples are developed, and many concise and easy rulei are given, which have never before api>eared in ant Arithmetic. Perkins' Elementary Arithmetic. Thompson's Mental do* Elcmen's of geography, with practical applications, dc signed for beginners,by G. 1L Perkins Professer of Matin: rnnt'es. Wilson's Juvenile American Histoiv. ALEXANDER YOUNG. Nov. 22. 47 tf. Heart Quarters, LOWER B.ATTAUOX, i S2.\i> Regiment, S. C. M. > [ Orof.rs No. 3. 1. This Battalion is hereby ordered to assemble nt Catn den at lOo'clcck, A.M. on Tuesday December the 19tli arinol and ?*qnip|vd fo- Drill and Review. 2 The Offort* ami Nou-rnntmissioned Officers will as so table the day pr< \ ions at the sam hour for DrilL 3. Captains and Companies arc charged with the exten I siau of litis tinier. JO<. ? KKItSIIAW, Ll ('til. Com. Battalion. Nov.'aOlh, 184 i -17 .. ' 4t Notice. Al! persons indebed to the I i'P firm of DobytJ Kennedy, are earnestly requested to c ill on tin subscriber and settle the same without tlelav. tpt , - R M. KENNEDY. Nov. 22. 47 tf_ U* The services of M iss Anna M. R. Cruisi have been obtained for the Camden Female Acade ??y. On and af er the 20;h November, lite Kxerctset of this seminary will be conducted under the eu pervision of Mrs. F. A. Mc.Candi.ess and theabovt named Lady. Nov lo" 4(5 3t JOSEt'JJ FREY, FROM CHARLESTON. S. C. Begs leave to inlurm tl.e Ladies and Gentle men ol Camden and viriniiv, that he is prepared t< Tuxrand Repair l'ia:io>, O/onns, Harps, .Seraphh ttas, Meliid'ji'ii-", Accordeous, Violins, Guitars ait other Musical Instruments. Apply ft Boyd's 11 < r 1. N. 15.?Au charge tcill be made if satisfielio' J is vol given. Nov. lo. IS 18 40 tf , fi>agucri'cotjpe Likenesses. | You tli.it have liiMuty, should to Unborn take il* , You that have none, sliould <*<> and lot hi n make it [ *, i Dantirille Register. A. CO BURN, has ripened a Pij/uorrean Gal lery over the Post Office, and invites the Ci'.izrm, of CVmdcn to call and examine !iis specimens, am judge for themselves of their ;r!is!ical merit. Am j person sitting for their picture, need not tal e it |. unless sktisfSctory. ' | Camden, Nov. 1-lth, 1S19. tf 4(1 Ordinary's Sale. Hi .pursuance in mi- a?i 01 As-mnuiy, win o' j sold on Saturday iJ;r *J5t1i insi, : l 11/, o'clock a m at the residence of the iato-E. S. Clarkswi sil liei perishable pr. pertyvcoi.tsisting of huusekuid ant Kitchen furniture :Ld | VVIIITB SUGARS New Orleans and West India Molasses Sugar Mouse Syrup Rio, Java, African Coffee * Gunpowder, Hyson and Black Teas Sperm Caudles and Soap Topper, Spice and Ginger also Fresh Citron, Itaisins, Currants, Almonds. Preserved Ginger, Nutmegs, cloves, cinnamon LIQUORS. Super ISO") French /frandy do J. J. Do pet's Brandy do Sherry and Madeira Wine do Old Port Wine do Very old Gin J Cordials ami .Syrups Old Rye Whiskey (Miller's) do Monongahela Whiskey; Rectified do. Porter and Ale in pin s and quarts Salt, Iron. Gunny arid Dundee Bagging Bale Rope and Twine. M. LEVY. Bacooi. 10,000 lbs. Bacon, sides. l''sr sale by Nov. 10. II. LEVY. Segars, Scgais. The subscriber will keep a constant supply of the most approved brands of Spanish Segars,and . now on hand? , | Villntieuva | La Filautropa Consolation C/oki Lent i?r* \po Pressed Bscpranza f &LUAKfi>* Ledies' Regalia Ctuwn Eagle Cazudore j Nov. 14 II. LEVY. , i lininpaisne. Baskets Colinger, Star and Anchor Chainpiine in , nts and qliarls. II. LEVY. Medical and surgical Notice. : The undersigned respectfully inform the citi zens 01 Kershaw and the surrounding districts that j they have instituted in Camden ap Infirmary for 5 chronic disease, where patients ivill be received on - j the following tern s?foruiciical treatment, inclu> > ding ilui, cjfe., fill rents per day; where operations arc required, the usual Ice will be au additional charge. Patients will be under the constt.nt supervision of the proprietors, and every provision made for tlioir comfort. Tic l>ove establishment offers to Planters who ' j may have cases ofchron c disease on their planta| lions, advantage i)"t obtained by the oidiuary ' j modeof prac re, as ;t insures systematic treatment ! and regimen. desiderata ? ten indispensable to success i.i the treitme.it ??f disease. ? W. J. McKAlN, M. D. c. j. shannon, m. d. I Oct. IS. _ 4-2 _ tf Ayre's Clicrry Pectoral, For Couch*, Cohh and Consuinp'iun. . I Jn?t r-Ti-iviMl. a full supply of Aver"* Cherry IVctoral. j a truly valuable REM Eli V tor roughs, cold* ami all alter! lions of the limes. .Medical (.'oilcues and the Profession - I gnu-rally have given it tin- must flattering reception, its j iiiL'rrdiciits and in-xlr <>f preparation having been publicly I , ami fully laid u|.cii to their hispeeiio i. U i* a powerful I iiihI i fli' ieiil rvuieily in aggravated dura-a;, uad in dimi.i' I i-h.-d do.es one iifiln* piem-ante-l. safest and Iwsl family , | iimdirinri in use. l'ur sale in Camden by Jamks U Me* kain. Druggist. Oct, m. *. n-i-y -rsTVf .--X \ "-r ^>'r?"t;ri;ra On an Improved Plan. .Mil. II.WOKN respectfully .announces to the r citizens of Camden, tli.it lie will give a thorough | Course of lessons in l'etiinaiisln|>, on tlie SemiAngular System, during wliicli the principles of n liting on this plan will lie tanirlit. This system is mure EAstt.r acquired and more rapidly written than any oilier. The object, in learning to write, is -permanent imjtression, and with proper ; Mention on tiie pari of the pupil, such impression will be warranted, or no recompense required. Persons desirous of improving their writing, will ; please-call at Davis's Hotel this week, where a great variety of specimens will be exhibited. Nov. *> tf 45 Camden Hotel. This, valuable establishment now occupied hv B. P. Bovn Esq, is offered lor sale on accommodating terms. The building in its arrangement and adaptation for a Hotel, is i ot sutpassed by any in the lhe ' interior of.the .State and its contiguity to the public offices and Hail road Depot, adds to its advantages. To any person disposed to engage itt keeping a Hole! a more favorable opportunity could scarcely be offered for a profitable investment IfmJt. previously sold, it will l.e rented to an approved tenant and I possession given on the 1st J.m'rv next. ; I Nov. t. C. J. SHANNON. | O'The South (I rolioian will copy till 1st Jan j uary, and forward bill to 1 his office. Camden Male Academy. Mr. It. G. ALLISON,a Graduate of Chapel Hill, N. C\, w ln? has been engaged in leaching lor four1 teen or liiteen years, and who has in Ins possession I testijnoiuals obtained Irniii l..c highest sources, of . j his cualilieat ions as a Teachm*, will take charge of ' ! the classical department of the Camden Male Academy. The English and .Mathematical studies will | he taught by Mr. 1.. McCaudlcss. It is the earnest ' desir? ol both these gentlemen to establish a large ' and nourishing Academy. If tlie citizens will come up to tiieir assistance, this may he done. 1 Nov. 8. 4>") 4t Land for Sale. The subscriber offers for sale hi* plantation on . Cranny's Quarter creek, twelve miles above Canii den or. the Lancaster road. The tract contains about 000 acres, 100 ol which, is first rate swamp land, the balance good oak and hickory land ; about 'Jolt acres are cleared, under good fence and in a high state of cultivation. On the premises are a good frame dwelling, with all necessary outbuildings, together with a Gin house and Screw and fflacksmilh's shop,&c. To an approved purchaser, the place will be sold on verv aciolnmodating terms. W. It. YOUNG. Nov 8. 1848 43 Mt___ 1 Attention Cavalry 1 The 5tli Regiment. 0d brigade of Cavalry will assemble in Columbia at 5 o'clock, P. M. on the . i..... . i. 1?? i. .....i i,? i..ii.. ' I 1CUI Ol I'L'CUUIUVi IIC A If LU pill II e-lllip nun ug iuiij J equipped for duty for two days. The Officers and Staff attached to t he Regiment will assemble at r the same pluco and time fully equipped for duty. 11V order of Col. Ancrum. R. II. COODWYN, Jr. Adj't. ! Columbia; Nov. 4. 45 ot " DOMESTIC INTELLIGENCE." [ Those who widh lo supply themselves with first Hate Domestic Goods. Are requested to call at the subscriber's 1*EW CASn STOKE, Second door below Mr. H. levy's, and ascertain I the prices of the follewing articles? 7-4 and 9-4 Idea. Homespuns and Long Cloths 7-4 and 8 4 hro. do 0-4 and 12 4 bleached and brown Sheptings RIeached and brown Cotton Prills Red Tickings, of superior quality Blue Denims and Cotlnnades Marlborough stripes and Apron Checks Red Flannels, plain and twilled White Lancashire and Wt.|s|| Flannels Whitney and Duffle Blankets Negro Blankets, very cheap I An assortment ol Neirro Cloths. &c. &c. All of which he guarantees as low as they can be found. THE COTTON GOODS, He would particularly call attention to, having purchased since the recent DECLINE IN THE COTTON MARKET, And offered at prices which cannot fail to suit the most economical purchasers. Nov.8. JAMES WILSON To be Remembered. The subscribers have been for sometime past, and are now, receiving weekly, at their Clothing Establishment, some ot the latest styles of WINTER CLOTHING, all of which will be sold at very small advance on cost for cash onlv. Purchasers will find at all times, a good assortment of the following articles; Superfine French and English Dress and Frock Coats; Reaver Oveiroats arid Sacks; Cloaks and Morning Gowns; lilk. and col'd cassimere Pants; Velvet, Merino and black Satin Vests; Shirts; Suspenders, Cravats, Hosiery. &c. W. A KENT & MITCHELL. Masonic Hall, Camden, Nov. 8. 4 Ncsvo Shoes, HOME MANUFACTURE. A lnrg? stock of Stitch Downs, a very superior article, made of choice materials. Men's and Roy's hound and unbound Brogans of every description. Fur sale low bv Nov. 8. G. \V. OLNEY. Men's and Coy's Boots, Of all varieties and sizes. Also, Indies' Kid, Morocco, Seal, Goat and Leather Ties, Buskins, Pumps, and Welts. Fur sale at low Drires. Nov. 9. G. VV.' OLNEY. New Sysfesn!! The subscriber having determined to change his system of doing business on the 1st of January next, will dispose cf his present stock for cash at a small advance on New York cost, and on a credit to be paid by the first of March next at greatly reduced prices. His stock is very complete, and worthy tiip attention of all who wish to get a large quantity of goods for a small amount of money. All such, are invited to rail, as he is determined not to be undersold?either lor cash or on credit. E W. BON KEY. N. B. Cotton, Corn, die., will he received althe highist market prices in payment of old debts. E. W. B Nov. 8 4G tf \ew Fall t-oocls. The subscribers are now receiving and opening their Fall stock of Goods, consisting, in part, of Latest sty es of winter! Sattineis; Vestings goods, for ladies' wear t'ravats; Stocks Alpaccas Suspenders Bombazines Bed Tick Ginghams Linseys Prints Flannel; Blankets Shawls ' B!en. and bro Shirtings Broadcloths j llose and half Hose Cassiiuercs; Tweeds | Gloves A complete assortment of /fcady made Cloth i* g; Dre-s, nicrino, lamb's wool and silk Under shirts; Indie.-' Vests, fashionable Hats; men's and boy's riot It Caps, cj-c. - To which they feel a confidence in ir.vlfin? the attention of their custi mors and the public, both as regards quality and price. " ' , A. .M. &. 11. KENNEDY. sept. 20 <18 tf ]\ew Fall and Winter Goods. M. nitUCKEIl & CO. Are now receiving their fall and winter stork, consisting of an extensive assortment of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, CUTLERY. &c.. ?Vc., to which they invite the attention ol purchasers. Call and see, at the CAMDEN BAZAAR, Opposite the Hank of Camden. Tli ft Slate of South-Carolina, LAN CAST ICR DISTRICT. In the. Common Pleas. J. F. S-cri-ft 1 \*. > Declaration in Foreign Attachment. Sevitnmr Taylor ) William Reeil. 1 vm > Declaration in Foreign Attachment. fJenrtr*: W. (Jill ) W, M. Marlon ) \~n 5 Declaration in Foreign Attachment. . Seymour Taylor. ) Clinton A Canton ) vi*. ? Declaration in Foreign Attachment. > Stewart Mitchell. ) N\ Mayhlooiu ) vx. [ Declaration in Foreign Attachment. Stewart Mifcliell. ) The Ailmr'a of John Hammond, Dcc,ani|jon in Foreiffn Stewart Mitchell.' j Attuclin*ntlite same ) vn I Declaration in Foreign Attachment. 'Hie same. ) Wright A Stewart ) vh > Declaration in Foreign Attachment. Stewart Mitchell. ) John Williams. 1 v* | Milton More et uxor / Declaration in Foreign Allach't James More et uxor I Kli'/nl>eth Co rues. J . Wm. II. Brown, ) vs > Declaration in Foreign Attachment. Stewart Mitchell. J Whereas ti c. Plaintiffs in the above sla'cd eases, have this day filed in my office, their Declarations ajrainst the Defendants who are absent front nnd without the limits of this State, as it is said, having neither wives nor attorneys Icnown within the same on whom a ropy of Dcclar tion with a rule to plead thereto, might he served; It is ordered, that the defendants do plead to the fame within a year and a tlav from the date hereof, otherwise final and . I :>I l? I...I ousoiim: jmi'reiin.iii win uu uv?.im> > .... ... II. 11.1'RICE, Cleifc. Clerk* Odlce. April 2C 18-18. The subscriber's Agents lor the Saluda, Concord ami Salem manufactories, are constantly supplied Willi the following goods and yarns, which llioy offer for sale on accommodating terms, viz : Hales cotton Osnaburg, 3 -I and 7-f, plain, " " " 3"l.7-8 and 4-1 strip; .ml " " shirting, 3-4,7-8 ai d 4-1 " " Yarns of all numbers from 3 to inclusive, " I.inseys, white anil colored. The attention of planters and others are called to the I.inseys, a new article in this market, for the quality and durability of which, we arc permitted to refer to Messrs. Jas. Chcsntit, Jr . J. .M. DeSausstire and II. Hoy kin, who for some time past have been furnished with them. Buyers will find it to their interest to call and examine before purchasing elsewhere. 1'. I'\ VILLEPIOUE & SONS. Camden, October 11, 1H18. 41 tf f'olil f^renni. A superior preparation lor Indies that are annoyed with chapped laces, lips or hands, at this season of the year, removing the annoyance at once, and rendering the skin soft and smooth. A new supply just received at CLEVELAND'S. To Rent, my fbrmfeV Resrtleuce-bif F;>ir street. Sept. 13 (37 tf)--'- W. ANDERSON. < !-> * ' - ?-?ij'a.j. '".* > 1 For Sale on Accommodating-Terms. t Tlie premises a( present occupied by the sub- ] scricer. Also, a Summer Residence at Kirkwocd. j Oct. 31. C. MATHESON. ? ; 1 , AEW GOODS. " GREATER BARGAINS THAN EVER, ? AT THE CHEAP STORE, _ [ O^Topi'ositr thi: post ofcice.??0 The subscribers beg lenve fo call the attention of j all who wish to jret a , f LARGE QUANTITY OF GOODS, . . , t A SMALL AMOUNT OF MONEY, ? To the IMPORTANT FACT, ' ] That they have returned to Camden with a large and frebh supply of '' r Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, t GROCERIES, HARDWARE, CAR'S b Fashionable Ilonnet Store. o New Goods just, received, consisting ol Ribbons, Bonnets, Flowers, Capes, Cardinals, Gloves, &c ; open and ready for sale at very low prices forcasli ! I or to punctual customers. .Mrs. G. particularly J s recommends tlicm as being the most fashionable in J 'I the market. In O Bonnets cleansed, altered and trimmed so as ) a to render the most skillful judges unable to tell d them from new. At the store formerly occupied bv Dr. A lb I.eoM. Oct lrt Chair* &c. Just received Maplo, Walnut and painted Chairs, i Rocking and children's do. I'r Stone Lime in good order, all of which will be I P old low by C. L. CIIATTFN. ci Octtobcr 18. 4'J For flic Season. A fresh supply of the genuine I.nhin's Kxtrait Jockey Club, Coquet ?le Caroline, Ext rait Mousse- \ line, Verviene, Rose, Palcliouly and ()*ange dc |ti Portugal; Hand's Lustra! Hair Restorative. Shaving Urea in. &c., Maugenct &. Coudray'g and E j.] Ho: ssel's Plnlocoinbc, an elegant preparation of f(] beefs marrow, for tlie liair; Edi's llodyosmia; Patey's Extract of Verbena; Kauai's Eau de Venus and Nymph Soap; Cleveland's superior Cologne Water in pint bottles, together with a' fire assort- A ment of Combs, Crushes, Toilet Powder, &c. Sic. L Just received at CLEVELAND'S, For Sale, R Two Philadelphia made GINS, to be seen at C. RIATIIESON'S. September 6 30 e Ft , 7 ?Sej^B$l^?hiS65 mder die above titles r . v, , ;.->*//.: v . . v ~ NVe deem it unnednwhry to-enomemte' the advaitagdMp wderivtidfrpraa* If^wqnpcr,-iia^ District better calculated to austaiqone' lhad'CTtestet{Vid!( in independent and intelligent popiikliona* sbe~haA,'*-e dd tot hesitate a moment to believe, that Iot interests require t, and that her citizens will cordially cooperate -vqith. tfpB ubecriber in the proposed undertaking.' 'V-t: .aVT It will he onr aim in every instance to make the QbqefVer, icceptahle to its patrons, by giving such matter aswfc fiasf ronceive to be of interest and importance; embracing thai atest news, foreign, political and domestic, with Agricultual, Temperance, Religions and. moral ethics, Sic. Sic* . . In reference to our political couree, we deem it only bSftj ^ ?l J w p^-VjlVf MH?V iswhik VBiviiui^i yi >irth, onr feelings and interest are yrith the Sotfth, and wf hall resist with all our might the unjust,andndiolf crusade f Northern fanatics against our Institntions, and will Itohtl n nn'y measure, best calculate(1 te secure our rights, and *n quality with the rest of the Confederacy. Tfcllt.MS.?Tbe Observer will be printed on a sheet of super-royal size, with new type, at 'fWO DOLLARS, with two months to pay the advance mangy.) and wil bio ht months TWO DOLLARS AND FIFTH: CENTS, tad f not paid' until the end of the subscription y??f, THREE WIXars. ' ^7r. . .,.-u We design issuing the first number as.fpon as a sufih'i?Btl lumber of subscribers is obtained. , We respectfully solicit Post-31asters, dntf an oar modi hroughout the State and elsewhere, to procure us fflbactv >ers and forward their name i. Z- ?RID W November 8th,. 1848.. . :, DRUGS AND MEDICINES,' ,'. At Charleston Prices. - ?. ; rtr.' 1? J; A. CLEVELAND, :r^ MUGCTS? AND APOTHECARY, ' Nearly opposite Masonic Hall, Camden, S. C.t!' Takes this methodof informiner th? citixene of larnden rnd the sbrrodndlng country, that heitjH' continues to keep constantly on hand, a fresh itfd veil selected stock of: Jrags, Chemicals, Paints,* Oils, an& Dye-Staflk, Patent .Nedicines and Perftrmery," v?' . Soaps, Brashes, Comb? and Psocr Alticle^ * Ihristie'sGalrnmfcifcSb^F, Belts,"Bracefet??G?r? ' ' ' (enandlTeeklseSi,1'' Thompsonian medicines. ?* embracing every article no# used in the practice,. Sic. Sid- .. All of which will be sold as low as articfea-w he same description-can be be bought in Charleston.TOR CASH OR APPROVED CREDIT. tTl'liysicians, Planters and Country Mjrcfyflffjii vili do well to give me a call before purchasing; jlsewhere. ' , *>* All Medicines sold at this estftblishtneWfhepr"anted, and ail orders executed with despatch. ' ' "* Oct i8. , /. x..err Cleveland's Dentifrice, "'V'5* For removing all Tartarous adhesions witte^t' njuring the Teeth, interposing its antiseptic qtftfi' ties to scorbutic affections of the gums, resto ing thein to firmness and a pleasing color, toil' 'ontributing largely to establish the pearly whiter icss of the teeth, and a pure and a salubrious jreath. A fresh supply just received at '' s^ Oct. 16 (41 tf). . CLEVELAND'S^"'r Foil need not grope jtadarkneeinqflpr. The subscriber has just received his fall and' winter supplies of superior Lamp Oils which he* .vill sell as Ion- as articles of the same quality pan ie got in hBarleston, for tasth. ALSO . Superior Neafsfoot andTiairt Oil for tannery Family-and Piurrfattoo Castor Ofl;# at prrcps'lower ban they can.be bought this side' of ChirTeAptL ... J. A. CLEVELAND,.^ Fresh Arrivals. V The subscriber is receiving and opening a large ind varied stork of Fall and VViuter Goods, cWalisting of Dry Goods of every 'dMcrtptJdrt; vare, Groceries arid Crockery, w hich will fee soldi or cash or punctual custom r, as low as they can >e hrd in this market. C; MATHKSON. _ October 4th, 184^. 40 ? tf ^ : U-uA Committed i,<"' To the Jail of Kershaw District, a Negro piaqf. ibout 28 years ol age, who says his name is Witiim, and that he belongs to Robert Grietof Pikfc;:ounty, Georgia. The owner is required to com>lv with the law and take him away/ '-..V Oct. ia?42 If D.H.ROBISOJOai'or. ~ .V?. . South Carolina. : , KERSH'A W I) LSTftf CT. in equity: ; r>\ Margaret McCaskill and Sainup] P. A/urchison, Daniel McCaskill and others?BUI for. sale of Land. : It appearing to my salisfactioh that, Safa&af^i [laskill, one of the defendants to this Bill', rtfaidtes >ey.md the limits of this State: It is,'6n motiAli if J. M. DeSaossnre, Complainant'^ SoUicitidf/prlered that the said Sar,ah 1\lcCaskill do 'a/fswer, ilead or demur to this Bill within' thrife months rom this ate, or an order pro confesso will be fewered against her. WSJ. M. Slf ANNON^K. %.?. hci.ilior IS:!, ^*2 ' . 3m ,. Sheriff's Sales. By virtue of sundry writs fieri facias to roe lircctcd, I will soil before the court house in Cam* Icn on the first Monday and day following in I)eember rext-, being the fourth and fifth days of said nontb, within tho legal hours of sale, the follow, ng properly, to-wit? ' * w 1 Negro man named Henry, levied on and tp bfr io'd as the properly of tho defendant at the.Buil of olin D. Murray and others vs. Elijah Bass. ALSO-'?? 1 I Negro man named Jim, levied opi andTtJ'lwa old as t lie properly of the defendant at the eait of rVilliain Johnson vs R chard Hyott. ALSO , ;rd^. 1 Negro man named Bann, lieviedon nwdip be old as the property of the defendaut, at the suit of Janiel Beauford vs Daniel Motley. y\LaO ? ' . 200 bushels of corn, lufire or 'es^, .5,000 lbs. of odder, more or less, one grey mare and colt, one iay mare, 1 wagon, 15 bead of sheep,6 ..ead of a:tle, 12 bead of hogs, and one l it of shucks,leieil oil and to be sold as the property of the deendant, at the suit of John J Schrbter vs John lolly: I The .above property will be sbldat'the residence f the defendant on the second day of sale, except be horses, which will be so!d:al the court housp n the first day of sale; [1.50] ALSO?' 1 bay horse and 1 small wagon, levied on and to e sold as the property of I be defendant, at the SU K f M. 11. DeLeon, Ex'or. vs Grief Wise. '? ALSO The following Books, to-wit: .Madison I'apero .ogam's Wtilings, W ebster's Dictionary, (large - -_I_i?.?i IZt'J l'ilirV? !o|?03 Nov. 13. . T. J. WAKRKN, sk.p." Fresh Family Groceries* "* Just rcrt>i\ed at the Camden lirvccry Store.* esh supply of Family Groceries, cuu*?siu?g in art of Sugar, (\ flee, Tea, Moires, smoked and ickicd Salmon, Mackarel, pickled Beef, sugar urod Mains, Irish Potatoes, cheese, crackers &c. ??v ^i*i\npnv iarcL VVitie at UUKALLTCI Vinu^urti JOIinT[\?RA?, , " : ecciving & Forwarding Merchant and fiinklgenti CASIDKN, S. C. All business entrusted to him faithfully J to, on moderate terms, if?c- . v