The Camden journal. [volume] (Camden, S.C.) 1836-1851, November 15, 1848, Image 3

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for I coughed constantly. I procured a bottle?drink of it?read the direction*?took the stage for home, continued taking it from that bottle one week, and when the Balaam waa gone, my cough and pains were gone, and I have not coughed since. Respectfully yours, Ac. F. A. REDINGTO.N. None genuine, unless signed I. Butts on the wrapper. Sold in Camden by J. R. McKain; at wholesale by P. M. CoHKN, A Co., Charleston, and by Druggists mnMPallu in South Carolina. fc-.. triumphant success of jayne.s family medicines. J. W. Goodson, Bellevue, Ohio. ?iy??Your medicines ^ sold have given very penentl satisfaction, and the demand i" increasing. TV C arminative Balsam in wiling well. I). Beaver. Winchester, Preble Co., Ohio, says:?Yotir Expectorant in getting very popular. and in fact taking the place of all other medicines of the kind. Your Vermifuge is deservedly popular, as also your Carminative Balsam ami Pilla. and require no certificate to recommend tlicm. ? D. A. Barrows, Galena. 111., June, 1845. Says>?I am out of your Vermifuge, and wish you to send me some as soon as |i?siMe, as I have calls for it every dny.?also send me tnorr Sanative Pilla. I tin also nearly out of Expectorant and llair Tonic. I have sold considerably by the dozen. Jesse M. Allen, Columbiana, Ohio. April 1,1845. says:? You will perceive that 1 have sold all your Vermifuge, ami I may tell you dot I have been out for a long time; with a great many calls for it- Your Vermifuge stands deservedly high as a worm medicine, and lias uniformly been attended with good rfleet- Please forward as soon as possible. WilljaiBs tfc Haymwd, Raleigh, .V C. June, 1815, says: Send us a fresh supply of your medicines. Your (farminsiUve Bslisua is higliiv spoken nfbvall ilat Have used it. P.O. Wit-ou Aug. 20. 1815, says - ?We wisn vou n? red us some more of your Carmiuathe Balsam. Your laei&riites sell rapidly this summer. 'I he Babainarul Vermifuge give good satisfaction. AyX. Williams, Ifarfcerxbtirg, Vu.. sjivk?Your Carmiastive Balsam. I tried in the case of an infant of my own, afllieted with Diarrhoea and Hepatic derangement, with marked success. Prepared only Dr. T>. Jsittic Pliiltidrljbia. and ?>ldori agency ny ' JAMES 1L McKAIN Cnmd'-n S. O. CAMDEN PRICES CURRENT. _ Bagging, per yd. 18 to 20 fLtinl. lb 8 to 10 , . Bole Rope, lb. 10 to 12 , Laid, ih C to 7 Karon, lb. 71 to 8 Molasses. gall.31 to 40 Batter. lb. 12 to 18 ; Maekarel, bhl 8 to 12 Brandy, gall. 28 to 35 ; Nails, lb 61 to 8 Beeswax. lb. 18 fa 22 Oats, bush 30 to 35 IWf, frwh, lb. 4 to t> uil, ^pcrm. gin. i in , , ' Cheese, lb. 14 Linseed. gal. 70 to 7?5 Coffr, lb. 8 to 10 Peon, bush 50 to 55 ' ottm, lb. 4 to 41 Potatoes. swert Im 27 to 50 Corn, biulwl, 40 to 45 Irish bhl Hour, barrel, 41 to 51 [ Rve, bush 75 to 871 Fodder, cwt 60 to 75 j Rice. bush. 3 to 4 leathers, lb 55 to 30 1 Sugar, lb 8 t?> 16 Class, WOtecl 21 to It Sah, sack to lr Hides, (dry) lb 8 to 10 Shot. bag to lr Iron, lb 5 to 61 ! Shingle*. mle 2 to 21 Lime, Itbl 2 to 21 ' TutartA lb 10 to 75 Leather, sole. lb 18 to 22 i Wheat, bush 78 to 90 80278 07 T32I7EIL&.2T03. Waf^rcc Division Xo. 9. The regular meeting of this Division will l?e held on Thursday evening next, at their Hall at 7 o'clock ^ " J. K. WITH K RSPOON, r. S CO* QD? Xorabaw Lodge.Numbcr 9 The Regular Meeting1 of this Lodge will beheld at their new Hall on Friday evening next, at 7 o'clock. By order of t'te \T. G. A. L. S >1.0 M0N, Secret try. ET The services of iMiss Anna M. R. Cruise have been obtained for the Camden Female Academy. On and after the 20th November, the Exercises of this seminary will be conducted under the aupervision of Mrs. F. A. McCandless and the above named I.ady. -Nov. 15" 40 3t . JOSEPH FREY, FROM CHARLESTON.' 8. C. I Begs leave to inform the Indies and Gentle. ?? .f r.^inn ^n?t fLrinitu that hf? is oreoared to f TuNEand Repair Piano*, Organ*, Harps, Seraphi. n*?,t Melndcons, Accardeon*, Violin*, Guitars and other Musical Instruments. Apply at Doyd's Hotel. N. B.?So charge trill be made if satisfaction is not giren. ^ Nov. 15, 1848^ Daguerreotype Likfnessts, Von that liare beauty, should to Coburn tako it* ^ Vuu that have none, should go arul let him make it. Danmille Register. JL COBURX, las opened a Daguerrcan Gallery over the Port-Office, and invites tire Citizens of Camden to call and ev*mitre Ijj^necimens, and judge for themselves of their artiSflHaTiiierit. Any person sitting for their picture, ueed not fake it, unless *?trot*ctorv. Camden, Nov. 14th, 1818. tf 40 Ordinary's Sale. (a pursuance of the Act of Assembly, will be sold on Saturday the 25th inst., at 11J o'clock a m. at the residence of the late K. S.CUrkson all her pen*habte property consisting of household and Kitchen furniture <J-c. Term* at sate. JOIIX R. JOV, o. k. n. Nov. 1.1,1848 46 tf Sheriff's Sales. By virtne of sundry writs of fieri facias to ifle directed, I will sell before the court house in Cain* den on the first Monday and day following in December rext, being tlie fourth and fifth days of said month, within tire legal hours of sale, the follow- | ?ngr property, to-wit? 1 Negro man named Henry, levied on and to be so'd as the property of the defendant at the mi it of John D. Murray and otliero vs. Elijah llass. ?? also ) Negro man named Jim. levied on and to be .sold as the property of the defendant at the suit of William Johnson vs R chard llyott. also 1 Negro man named Rann, licvied un and to be sold as the pro|>erty of the defendant, at the suit of Daniel Beauford vs Daniel Motley. also 200 bushels of corn, more or .'esp, 5,000 lbs. of fodder, more or less, one grey marc and colt, one 1>ay mare, 1 wagon, 15 head of sheep, 6 head of cattle, 12 head of hogs, and one bt of shucks, lemi mil tn La aolil aa ihe nrooertr of the de fendant, at the suit of John J Schroter ve John : iHolly: , [Tl?e shove property will be sold at the residence ,of the defendant on the second day of sale, except ithe horsey which will be sold at the court house ,on the second day of sale. [1-50J ??also 1 bay horse a?d I small wagon, levied on and to t?e sold .a* the property >of the -defendant, at the suit .*>f M. H. OcLeon, Ex'or. vs Grief Wise. ??also The following Books, to-wit: 3/adison Papers, f^egare's Writings, Webster's Dictionary, (large eize) Encyclopedia Americana, celebrated Trials, The Bunk Case, Mitford'e Greece, GilleVdo., Pre* I fnont'e Expeditions, Sic., levied upon and to be sold as the property of the defendant* at Lhe&uit of IJayden & Gregg vs J. P. Dickinson. Terms eash?purchasers to pay for papers. Nov. 18. T. J. WARKKN. s. k. d. J. f, DICKtfOI, (JSHMWiClOB Jierciuini miu ( encraiiAscni, No. 157, East Bay, Charleston, S. C. Respectfully announces to the public, that he hat commenced the general commission business at the above place. All business intrusted to his care, will receive immediate attention. N. R?He will also attend to receiving and foryarding goods. Oct. 20. Store to Rent. The fekoro at present occupied by 8. B. Lew; possession given by the middle of November. also The Office one door below W. J. Gerald Esq. formerly occupied by Doct. E. H Anderson. Apply to II. LEVY. Children's Zephyr Dresses. The subscribers have just received from tf manufacturers in Philadelphia, an assortment i the above which they will sell low. Nov. 15. McDOWALI, $ COOPER. KentaIi Hei'i'inirs. A few Kite choice Scotch Herrings, just receive and for sale low by GEO. S. DOUGLAS & CO. Nov. 15 2t 46 I\cw Books. The Women of the Revolution, in 2 vols, bv Mn Elicit ! The French Revolution of 1848. The Ingoldsby Legends: Brothers and .Sisters Rival Beauties; Kate Walsitigham, by Miss Pelt ering; A warning to Wives; Stray Subjects; Th Two Dianas; The Mysteries of Three Cities, cf-< Nov. 14. ALEXANDER YOUNG. FRESH GROCERIES. The subscriber has just received a fresh suppl of staple and fancy GROCERIES, and intends t keep a constant supply, which he will sell on tin most reasonable ierm6. They consist in part a follows? New Orleans \ St. Croix / DR0WN SUGARS M uscovado / Clarified ) CmM | WIIITR SUGARS New Orleans and West India Mo'asses .Sugar House Syrup Rio, Java, African Coffee Gunpowder, Hysotr and Black Teas Sperm Candles and Soap Pepper, Spice and Ginger vttso Fresh Citron, Raisins, Currants, Almonds. Preserved Ginger, Nutmegs, cloves, cinnamon LIQUORS. Super 1805 French /Jrandy do J. J. Dupej's Brandy do Sherry and Madeira Wine do Old Port Wine do Very o!d Gin Cordials and Syrups Old Rye Whiskey (Miller's) do Monongahela Whiskey; Rectified do. Porter and Ale in pin s and quarts Salt, Iron, Gunnv and Dundee Wagging Hale Rope and Twine. H. LEVY Bacon. 10,000 lbs. Bacon, sides. Fsr sale bv Nov. 1& II' LEVY. Segars, segars. The subscriber will keep a constant supply o the m >st approved brands of Spanish Segars, ant ?.>w on ban I? La Yillan-'uva La Filaotropa Consolation Gold Leaf j. SEGARS. Pressed Ksepranza , Ledies' Regalia Crown Eagle Cazodore d Nov. 14. II. LEVY. Olininpaigne. Baskets Colinger, Star and Anc hor Chatnpaiw in pints and qharts. II. LEVY. Medical and Surgical Notice. The undersigned respectfully inform the citi zens of Kershaw and the surround ng districts tlia they have instituted in Camden an Infirmary fo chronic disease, where patients will be received 01 the following tern s?for medical treatment, incln din^ diet, $-c , 60 cents per day; w here operation are requi-ed, the usual fee will be an additiona charge. Parents will be under the constant sii|?orvisio of the proprietors, and every provision made fo their comfort. Tl e 'ihove establishment offers to Planters wh may have cases of citron c disease on their planta tions. advantages n?t obtained by the ordinar UlOfleor prac l'"C, !18 ll insures sysiuin.iuc trunnion and regimen. desiderata often indispensable to sue cess in the treiime it of disei<e. W. J. McKAl.V, M. D. C. J. SHANNON. M. J). Oct. 15. 42 tf Ayre's Cherry Pectoral, For Coughs, Colds and Consumption. Jiwt received, a full supply of Aycr's Cherry Fedora a truly* valuable REMEPl Inr coughs, colds and all a flee lion* of the lungs. Mediral Colleges and the J'rufessio generally have given it the most flattering reception, it ingredients and mode of prcpar.ition having been public! and fully laid o|ieii to their inspection. It is a powerli and eflieient remedy in aggravated disease, and in tiiiuiii isheil doses one of the pleasantest. safest and best fainil uiedirines in use. For sale in Camden by James It Mr Kaix. Urugttist. Oct, 18. On an Improved Plan. MR. HAVDKV respectfully announces to th citizens of Camden, that he will give a thorougl Course of Lessons in Penmanship, on the Semi Angular System, during which the orinciples c writing on this plan will be taught. This pystcc is more easily acquired and more rapidly writtei than any other. The object, in learning to write is permanent impression, and with pro/tcr s.tteutioi on the part of lite pupil, such impression will b a ._.i _?:?; w?*rraiiLUU, ur ihj i icijiuiiu* Persons desirous of improving their writing, wil please call at Davis's Hotel this week, where ; grewt variety of ppecimens will be exhibited. Nov. 8 tf 45 \ ___ Camden Hotel. This^aluablc establishment now occupied by E P. Dovn Esq, is offered for sale on accntmnodafinj terms. The building in its arrangement and adap tation for a Hotel. is i ot surpassed by any in lite lb< interior of the State and its contiguity to the publi offices and Railroad Depot, adds to its advantages Toany person disposed to engage in keeping a Hoto a ipore favorable op|>ortunity could scarcely be of fered for a profitable investment If not previous ly sold, it will be rented to an approved tenant am possession given on the 1st Jan'ry next. Nov. 8. C. J. SHANNON. D'The South 0 roliuian will copy till 1st Jan uary, and forward bill to thisVXi'.e. Camden Male Academy. Mr. R. d. ALLISON, a Graduate of Chapel Hill N. C, who has been engaged in teaching lor four teen or fifteen years, and who has in his pnssessioi testimonials obtained from ti.e highest sources, o fiis qualifications as a Teacher, will lake charge o the classical department of the Camden .Male Acad emy. The English and Mathematical studies wil l?e taught by Mr. L. McCandless. It is tlieearnes desire <>f both these gentlemen to establish a largi and flourishing Academy. If the citizens vvil come up to their assistance, this may he done. Nov. 8. 4o 4t Land for Sale. The subscriber offers for sale his plantation oi Granny's Quarter creek, twelve miles above Cam den on the Lancaster road. m. I A. r AA 1 AA J be tract contains aoout ouu acres, iw <j which, is first rate swamp land, the balance goo* oak and hickory land ; about 2.30 acres are cleared under good fence and in a high state of cultivation On the premises are a good frame dwelling with all necessary outbuildings, together with Gin house and Screw and Blacksmith's shop,&i To an approved purchaser, the place will b sold on very accommodating terms. W. It. YOUNG. Nov 8, 1848 45 3t Attention Cavalry! The 5th Regiment. 3d Brigade of Cavalry wil assemble in Columbia at 5 o'clock, P. M. on lb 12th of December next, to pitch camp and be full equipped for duty for two days. The Officers an Staff attached to the Regiment will assemble a the same place and time fully equipped for dutj By order ol Coi. Ancrum, R. II. GOODWYN, Jr. Adj't. Columbia. Nov. 4. 45 5t - Chestervilie Observer. e The undersigned proposes to publish, tf sufficiently encouraged, at Chester C. H., S. C.. a weekly newspaper under the above title. We deem it unnecessary to enumerate the advantages to be derived from a District Newspaper, and know of no District better calculated to sustain one than Chester; with an independent and intelligent population as she has, we do ((i not hesitate a moment to believe, that her interests require it. and that her citizens will cordially co-operate with the subscriber in the proposed undertaking. It will be our aim in every instance to make the Observer acceptable to its jmtrons, by giving such matter as we may conceive to lie of interest and importance; embracing the latest news, foreign, political and domestic, w ith Agricultural. Temperance, Religions and moral ethics, &c. Arc. In reference looitr political course, we deem it only necessary to say for the present, that being a Carolinian by birth, our feelings and interest arc with the South. and we jj shall resist w ith all our might the unjust and unholy crusade . of Northern fanatics against our Institutions, and will unite in any measure best calculated to secure our rights, and an e eqnnlitv with the rest of the Confederacy. 5. TERMS.?The Observer will be pnn'?d on a sheet of Super-royal size, with new type, at TWO DOLLARS, (with two months to pav the advance moncv.) and within siv months TWO DOLLARS AND FIFTY CENTS, nnd ? ifnotpaid until the end of the subscription year, TI1KEE * DOLLARS. 0 We design issuing the first number as soon as a mifflcient e number of subscribers is obtained. g We respectfuly solicit Host-Masters, and nil our friends throughout the Suite and elsewhere, to ppJeure us subscribers and forward their names. Z. BRIDW'ELL, dr. November 8th. 1813. TI1E AMERICAN REMEDY. THOMSON'S COMPOUND SYRUP OF TAR & WOOD NAPTHA The onfo CERTAIN REMEDY for the Cure oj CONSUMPTION, Asthma, Bronehitis, Spilling of Wcxl. Ruin in the S'ule and Breast, sore Throat. Hoarseness, I'aljntiitionof the Heart, Whooping Cough, Croup. Hives, Nervous Trrmourx. Liver Som/Jaint. Diseased Kidneys, and Affection*generally of the Throat, Breast, and Lungs, Although the ravages of Pulmonary Consumption in the United States are jierhaps without a parallel in fatality, annually sweeping thousands to the grave, no remedy has been discovered until the present time that could confidently be relied upon to arrest the fearful march of the great destroyer. Hence the popular impression is. (utterly false however) that consumption is incurible. This opinion we shall endeavor to combat by facts. Tiik Compound Syrup ok Tar and Wood Naptiia is and unparalleled remedy; it can and has radically cured this terrific disease, ill ruses where physicians no longer had hope, and where nil other remedies had failed. U N PRI:<;KDKNTED CURE. We have seen within a few days the person who gave the following certificate. He remains well, being perfectly cured of his disease. PHILADELPHIA. Jan. 3, 1347. Front a sense of gratitude, and a desire that the afflicted may have resource to a truly invaluable medicine, 1 would state the benefit 1 have experienced from the use of Thomson's Compound Syrup of Tar and Wood Nuptlia. For several years I have been afflicted with a distressing, racking cough, accompanied with great oppression and dificulty f of breathing, with a sensation of tightness at the chest.? J Recomeing greatly alarmed, a friend who had been much benefitted by this medicine, recommended me to try it. I did so, and in a very short time every alarming symptom disappeared; my expectoration became free, all oppression left me. my cough ceased, and itia few daps 1 was able to go out and attend to my business a well man. Any further information will Is- cheerfully given the afflicted, by calling at my residence, No, 193 S. Front street. JOS. McMANAMY. ^"(XyThis invaluable remedy prepared only by Angnf.v Dickson, at N. E. corner of Fifth and Spruce Streets. Philadelphia. Sold by F. L ZE.MP, Camden S. C. Committed To the Jail of Kershaw District a Negro man a hunt '20 vonrs of a<rp. who savs his name is Mo r? n ? ' pes, and that he belongs to John Quattlebaum, of - Lexington District, The owner is requested to empty with the law . a?e take him away. t D. II. ROBISON, Jailor, r Oct'. 30 44 ll__ n In Ordinary. LANCASTER DISTRICT. 1 John Isoin, Applicant, vs. Rebecca Isom, (widow,) William tsom, Sally Isom. Henry Clark and n : wife Roily, John Clark and wife Nancy, Sally Isoin, r James Loin, Sally Crowdcr Elizabeth Crowder, and the children of Betsey Rest, deceased, Defen0 dants. Real Estate of Win. Isoin, deceased. It appearing to my satisfaction that Rebecca y Isoin and the children of Betsey Best, dee'd. Det fendaiits, reside without the limits ol this State; It - is therefore ordered, That they do appearand object to the sale or division of the Real Estate of William Isom, dee'd on or before the 13th day of December, 1848, or their consent to the same will be entered ol record. J. H. WlTMBRSl'OON, O. L D. sept. 8,1843. 187] 3m I. Caindcii, Sept. 127. lyft*. Certificate No. 155, fur six Hiares of stork in the Bank ii of C&inden, South Carolina. in favor of Mr*. Rebecca Balis lard, on the 25th of April, 1837, having been lost, npplicay lion for a new certificate will he made to said Bank, three il mouth* after the dale of this nonce. JOHN B. MICKLE, Ex'or. 1 Small llarg-aius. . FALL STOCK OF BOOTS $ SHOES. ' (r. W. Olxf.v is now opening a general assort ment of Bunts ami Shoes made to order expressly for this market, and warranted to give satisfaction ^ to those who buy. It is needless to enumerate the various kinds and prices as persons who wish to * save money will find it to their interest to call and judge lor themselves. Determined to adhere to 11 the cash system, he is thereby enabled to sell at 11 least 10 per cent less than the like qualities can be ' | purchased otherwheres. " The stock ot' Negro E'rognns and Stitch downs e of home manufacture is large, amply sufficient to supply all demands. Also a An entire stock of Hats, (Japs and Bonnet at cotresponding rates. leather,shoe thread and all kinds of shoe maker's tools constantly on hand. Shoes made to order and repair ng executed on moderate . terms.?Store opposite the Bank of Camden. Camden, S. C., Oct. 11, 1S4B. 41 tf S ~ A frcsli Supply. c The subscriber lias just received a new supply of superior Family Groceries, consisting of Loaf ,'i lump, crushed and brown Sugar, Coffee, Tea, Mo ' lasses, ILce smoked Salmon, Mackarel, (in whole " and half barrels and kits,) Herrings, smoked Beef, j sugar cured Ilams, Irish 1'otatoes, Allspice, Pepper, Ginger, Cheese, Sperm, Adamantine and Tallow Candles, and n great variety of other arucles, in his line, all of which will be sold very low for cash. Oct. 31. A.K.ALLEN. Fresh Fruit. Pine Apples, Oranges, Lemons, Bananas, Rai' sins, and Almomls, all of the new crop. Also, an assortment ol Charleston made Confectionary. f | For sale by A. K ALLEN. < Tobacco and Segnr*. * Thomas' superior gold leaf chewtnir Tobacco I 1 * . w 63 I Fine cul Smoking 'J obacco t Spanish, half Spanish and American Sejjara ij For sale by A. K. A!,FEN. Notice. All persons are forbid helping thcmsehcslo j Bricks from my Yard, I will take pleasure in atI tentling to all who may want Brick, and return II j t'lein thanks for their patronage. * j 0""The person or persons who helped themselves last Fall (o some 3,000 Bricks have neglec'f! ted to report, which 1 hope they will do soon. The ^ person who did the same thing last week will con'? fcr a favor by reporting to me the amount taken or ' paying for them. J. F. SUTHERLAND, a July 20 30 tf e Notice* Whereas no person litis applied tome for letters of administration upon the goods and clinllles of the late M.S. Clarkson. I have taken possession of the same as dereleel and therefore give notice to those indebted to make payment to me, und those huvinc demnoils to present tliein duly attested. JOHN It. JOY, o. K. t>. || November 8, 1848. 45 tf e Notice. J Whereas, no person has applied to tne for letters of ad? ministrntion debnni* nmi upon the Instate tif John Dnstr, it formerly of Charleston Distriel. 1 have taken (smsession f <if lite snme. with the will annexed nnd therefore give notice to all who may be indebted to said Kstate to make payment to me, and if any demands to present ihcin to me duly attested. JOHN R. JOY. o. *. n. November 8, 1818. if 5 ^ * " DOMESTIC INTELLIGENCE." Tho'sfc who .wish to supply themselves with First It ate Domestic Goods. Are requested to call at the subscriber's NEW CASH STORE, j Second door below Mr. H. Levy's, and ascertain the prices of the follewing articles? 7-4 and 8-4 Idea, Homespuns and Long Cloths 7-4 and 8 4 hro. do 6-4 and 12 4 bleached and brown Sheetings Bleached and brown Cotton Drills Bed Tickings, of superior qualify Blue Denims and Coflonndes Marlborough stripes and Apron Checks Red Flannels, plain and twilled White Lancashire and Welsh Flannels Whitney and Duffle Blankets Negro Blankets, very cheap A_ . . _( vr ci?.i.. A,? mi iismji uncut ui viuuia, v*-t. \?i.i All of which he guarantees as low as they can be found. THR COTTON GOODS. lie would particularly call attention to, having purchased since the recent DECLINE IN THR COTTON MARKET, And offered at prices which cannot fail to suit the most economical purchasers. Nov. 8. JAMES WILSON To be Remembered. The subscribers have been for sometime past, and are now, receiving weekly, at their Clothing Establishment, some of the latest styles of WINTER CLOTHING, all of which will be sold at very small advance on cost for cash onlv. Purchasers will find at all times, a good assortment of the following articles; Superfine French and English Dress and Frock Coats; Beaver Overcoats and Sacks; Cloaks and Morning Gowns; hlk. and col'd cassimere Pants; Velvet, Merino and black Satin Vests; Shirts; Suspenders, Cravats, Hosiery, &c. \V. A. KENT &- MITCHELL Masonic Hall, Cainden, Nov. 8. 4 Negro Shoes, HOME MANUFACTURE. A large stock of Stitch Downs, a very superior article, made of choice materials. also Men's and Boy's bound and unbound Brogans of every description. For sale low by Nov. 8. G. W. OLNEY. Men's and Boy's Boots, Of all varieties and sizes. Also, Ladies' Kid, Morocco, Seal, Goat and Leather Ties, Buskins, Pumps, and Welts. For sale at low prices. Nov. 8. G. W. OLNEY. New System!! The subscriber having determined to change his system or doing business on the 1st of January next, will dispose cf his present stock for cash at a small advance on New York cost, and on a credit to be paid by the first of March next at greatly reduced prices. Ilis stock is very complete, anil worthy the attention of all who wish to get a large quantity of goods for a small amount of money. All such, are invited to call, as he is determined not to be undersold?either lor cash or ton credit. E VV. BONNEY. N. B. Cotton, Corn, &c., will be received at the highest market prices in payment of old debts. E. W. B Nov. 8 46 tf Dry Goods in Charleston, FOR FALL TRADE. The subscriber respectfully solicits the attention of his friends and purchasers generally, to his stock of Goods for fall sales. He has recently received and opened 350 PACKAGES OF NEW GOODS, ninkirg the largest, inost varied and elegant assortment he has ever exposed: consisting of every variety of new and Rich Dress Goods, Shawls, Visettcs, Laces, Hosiery, Linens, Linen Goods, Clotns, Cassiineres, Embroideries, Prints, Long Cloths, &.c. &c. His DOMESTIC GOODS ROOMS are as usual, well stocked with a great variety of Fabrics adapted to Negro wear, such as Ke seys, Sattinets. Plains, Jeans, .Stripes, Cotton and Linen Oznaburgs, Blankets, &.C., &.c. lie is prepared to supply Plantsrs with the same style of GEORGIA PLAINS, lie has sold for tl.e past two years in any quantity, Samples of these Goods will be sent to any persou who may desiie 1 them, and all orders shall receive prompt attention. Planters and others visiting Charleston will find it to their interest to examine this stock, as it will be found the Most Extensive in the Southern Country. and he is enabled to offer Goods at prices well worthy the attention of purchasers. E. W. BANCROFT, 233 King-H. Charleston. Oet. 1848. tf I??ii t ',,,1,1.. j*t"iT r un < The subscribers are now receiving and opening their Fall slock ol Goods, consisting, in part, of Latest of winter Sattinets; Vestings goods, for ladies'wear 'ravats; Stocks Alpaccas Suspenders Bombazines Bed Tick Ginghams Linsevs I'riols Flannel; Blankets Shawls Blea. and bro. Shirtings Broadcloths , Hose and half Hose Cassinieres: Tweeds | Gloves A c Jinplete assortment of Ready made Cloth ii g; Ifre>s, merino, lamb's wool and silk Under shirts; ladies'Vests, fashionable Hats; men's and boy's rlolli Caps, cj-c. To which they feel a confidence in inviting the attention of theirfcustomers and the public, both as regards quality and price. A. M. &. R. KENNEDY. | eept. 20 03 tf !\cw Fall and Winter Goods. M. DRUCKER & CO. Are now receiving tlieir fall and winter stock, | consisting of an extensive assortment of DRV GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, CUTj EERY, &.C.. &.c., to which they invite the atten! tion of purchasers. Call and see, at ihc CAMDEN BAZAAR, Opposite the Bank of Camden. ' THE PEOPLE'S CANDIDATE : i Keep it before the. People of Lancaster District. ; We the citizen? of this District, announce Eld ; C. BISHOP, Esq., as a candidate for the office ol Sheriff', tl e next term. Mr. Btsiior being a native of our District, has given us an opportunity of L-iinwinnr him well, from his youth up to the present time. His honesty, honor and strictly sober and moral principles have been well tested among us, and highly appreciated by all good citizens who know hint well. We therefore earnestly recommend him to the favor and respect of each and every voter of our District, and hope they will feel it their duly to give him the office, as lie is every way qualitied to discharge the duties thereof with credit to himself, and satisfaction to the people, and we will appreciate the favor. I MANY VOTDItS. j March 30th, 1848. Gentlemen cml Fellow Citizens?From a sense j of the duty and obligation 1 am under lor the high ! honor conferred by so numerous and respectable a portion of the good pcoplc,l accept your nomina| tion, and return you iny warmest thanks and heart, felt gratitude for the honor thus conferred, and pledge myself to the people, if found worhty of their confidence, and they elect me to the high and responsible office, to discharge its duties with all honesty and integrity, to show all the favor and lenity that lies in my power, without incurring a liability upon myself or securities. 1 romain, Dear Sirs, your most obedient servant, KM C. HIS nop. Dwelling- House. . To Rent, my former Residence on Fair street Sept 13 (37tf) . W.ANDERSON. For Sale on Accommodating Terms. The preinisea at present occupied by the sub* scricer. Also, a Summer Residence at Kirk word. 1 Oct. 31. C. MATHESON, SEW GOODS] GREATER BARGAINS THAN EVER, AT THE CHEAP STORE, O^TOPPOSITE THE POST OFCICE.^0 The subscribers beg leave to call the attention of all who wish to get a Large quantity of goods, wi h a A SMALL AMOUNT OF MONEY, To the IMPORTANT FACT, That they have returned to Camden with a large and fresh supply of Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes. GROCERIES, HARDWARE, &c. Embracing almost every article usually found in a WELL ASSORTED STOCK. Which they have now open, ready for inspection and sale one door above their old stand, OPPOSITE THE POST OFFICE, and they are determined to sell the same so cheap, that all who wish (o buy, have only to call to satisfy themselves that they CWVOT BUT CHEAPER. Thankful fur the liberal patronage they received last season, they solicit a call from' all who want cheap Goods. ' ' *' ELIAS & KOOPMAN. Oct. 25. 41 tf NEW CASH STORE. The citizens of Kershaw and the adjoining districts are respectfully informed that the subscriber has opened the store formerly occupied by Mr. II. Levy, and is now receiving a large and carefully selected stock, consisting of 2)^^ ??OLDS* Hardware, Crockery and Groceries All of which he offers FOR CASH, at such prices as must command the attention of purchasers. The following are a few of the articles, which lie can conntienuy recnmmenu as oetrig unsurpassed for cheapness and elegance? Ladies' Department. 6-4 Brocale Cashmere*, with Fancy Silk Cravat*. <J-c. Trimmings to match Kid. cashmere & silk Gloves Rich Plaid Cashmeres A full assortment of Hosiery Newest styses printed do Linen-c-arabric Hd'k'fsChamelion Cashmeres Hemstitch and Reviere do Trafalgar Plaids trench Needle Work, very Satin striped Cashmeres cheap, comprising, Fancy M. DeLaines, new de- Muslin Collars, at all prices signs Straight do newest shapes Satin striped Alpacas elegantly trimmed Black and colored do Chemisetts. plain and trtm'd. Finest Earleston Ginghams Muslin Cuffs Changeable French do Swiss and Jaconet Edgings Fancy check do. in great va- do do Inserting* riety Lace Capes and Collars Shawls, suitable for the sea- An assortment of Zeph. Wool son?amongst them are, do do Floss Silk "Lamnrline." "California,"' Plain and shaded Purse Silk and "Mexican" 8-4 Shawls Fashionable Bonnets 8-4 printed Cashmere do Bonnet and Cap Ribbons Small Shawls every descrip- Thread and Lisle Laces, &c tion ALSO A very large and varied assortment of fresh Winter Calicoes, American, French and English, fast colore, bought unusually low, and offered at prices that cannot fail to recommend them, including a variety of 4-4 French printed Cambrics. Gentlemen's Department. Black Broadcloth Black Satin Vesting* do French Doeskins Plain hlk* rravau and stocks do French and English Fancy Cravats Cassimeres Silk Pocket Handkerchiefs Fancy striped and check do iCotton half Hose, at all prices Mixt all wool Tweeds Merino Shins and Drawers "Rough and Ready" Cassi- Cotton do do meres Fashionable fur and MoleSaltinctts, plain and fancy skin Hats Plantation Stuffs, assorted Salin. cloth and far Caps Fancy Cashmere and Valen- Boy's cloth Caps, new style cia Vesting* READV-MADE CLOTHING. Tweed Coats, at all prices Black Satin Vests Cloth do do cloth dn Black Dress and Frock do Fancy cashmere do Overcoats, assorted Plaid do assorted Al' fresh from the North, well made and fashionahi/ cut. Also, a superior stoi k of ready made Sliirtr, together with a general assortment of such articles as are usually found in a country store, all of which will be marked low, and offered to the public as a specimen of the Cash System. JAMES WILSON. Oct. 31. 44 tf HE%V FALL GOODS. The subscribers are now receiving and opening their slock of fancy and staple Goods, to which they respectfully invite theattention of their friends and the public generally, as they will be sold low for cash. They consist in part of Alpaccan I Fancy Prints Cashmere* English do Mouflin Delaines Brown and bleached Shirt- ! Cingluim* ings Red and White Flannels .Schawl* and Handkdrchieft Canton do Blanket* Apron Checks Hose and Half Hi*e Bed Tick (Roves, Mitt*. Sic. Sic. Plain and striped Homespuns ALSO An invoice of Ready-made Clothing Dundee and Kentucky Bagging, Rope and Twine An assortment of ladies' and gentlemen's Shoes Negro and house servant's Shoes With a general assortment of Hardware, Glass and Crockery ware, and Groceries, Liverpool Salt. For sale by GEO. S. DOUGLAS CO. Oct. 31 44 tf_ To Kent. The Brick Office formerly occupied by Doctor George Reynolds, and adjoining the one at present occupied by F. L- Zcmp. The office contains three rooms, and is most conveniently situated for business.?Apply to JAMES CI J ESN UT Jr. Oct. 18.?41 tf Agent for Administratrix. HI a. u n.riii> Some half dozen Dwelling Houses and about 1 hall as many Store Houses. Applv to i Oct. 18. JOHN WORKMAN. 71KS. <>OODLAO'$ 1 Fashionable Bonnet Store. New Goods just received, consisting of Ribbons, Bonnets, Flowers, Capes, Cardinals, Gloves, &c open and ready for sale at very low prices for cash I or to punctual customers. Mrs. G. particularly | recommends them as being the most fashionable in | the market. < O" Bonnets cleansed, altered and trimmed so as to render the most skillful judges unable to tell thein from new. At the store formerly occupied by l)r. A. Dr Leon. Oct 18 , Chairs Jtc. < Just received Maple, Walnut and painted Chairs, < Rocking and children's do. also Stone Lime in good order, all of which will be , old low by C. L. CIlATTEN. Octtober 18. 4'2 To Kent. 1 The STORE at present occupied by Mr. W, B. I Johnston. Apply to W. ANDERSON. Sept. 13 37 tf For the Season. A fresh supply of the genuine l.ubin's Extrait 1 Jockey Club, Boquet de Caroline, Extrait Mousse- | line, Verviene, Rose, Patchouly and Oiange de ' Portugal; ilauel's Lustra) Hair Restorative, Shaving Cream, &c., Maugenet & Coudrny's and E Ron Reel's Philocombe, an elegant preparation of beefs marrow, for the hair; Edi's Hcdyosmia; Pa- | toy's Extract of Verbena; llauol's Eau de Venus and Nymph Soap; Cleveland's superior Cologne Water in pint bottles, together with a fine assortment of Combs, Brushes, Toilet Powder, Sic. Sic. Just received at^ 4ft. CLEVELAND'S. ft At CkailalMlW??^ ~ J, A. CLEVELAND, ffl " BRFGGIsr^l APWfffetfillY, j. Nearly opposite Masonic Hall, Canuikn, fL*& -' Takes this methodof informing the eittzensof Camden and the sorroonding country, that be still continues to keep constantly on hand, a freaband well selected stot-k of Drags, Chemicals, Paints, Oils, andDfe?Staft, Patent Medicines and Perfamery, Soaps, Brashes, Combs and Fancy Artidmy Christie's Galvanic Rings,Belts,Biatefeto^6l?i ters and Necklaces, Thorapsonian Medicines* * W Embracing every article now uscd-in the practice, ' &c. &c. . , All of which will be sold as low as articles of the same description can be be bought io Cbarlestoil. rOR CASH OR APPROVED CREDIT. ETPhysicians, Planters and Country Merchant* will do well to give me a call before purchasing elsewhere. All Medicines sold at this establishment warranted, and ail orders executed with despatch. Oct 18. J. A. C. Cleveland's Dentifrice, For removing all Tartarous adhesions without injuring the Teeth, interposing its antiseptic qualities to scorbutic affections of the gums, restoring them to firmness and a pleasing color, and contributing largely to establish the pearly whiteness of the teeth, and a pure and a salubrious breath. Afresh supply just received at Oct. 19 (41 tQ CLEVELAND^. | Patey's Cold Cream, A superior preparation for ladies that are annoy- C ed with chapped faces, lips or hands, at this season of the year, removing the annoyance at once, aod rendering the skin soft and smooth. A new supply jupt received at CLEVELAND'S. Yon need not grope in darkness now* The subscriber has just received his fall and winter supplies of superior Lamp Oils, which ho will sell as low as articles of the same quality COD be got in hBarleston, for cash. also Superior Neatsfoot andTiain Oil for tanners; Family and Plantation Castor Oil, at prices lower than they can be bought this side of CharfeetOB. J. A. CLEVELAND. Fresh Arrivals. The subscriber is receiving and opening a large and varied stock of Fall and Winter Goods, consisting of Dry Goods of every description; Hardware, Groceries and Crockery, which will be sold for cash or punctual custom1 r, as low as they can be hrd in this market. C.MATHESON. October 4th, 184K. 40 tf ~ Committed To the Jail of Kershaw District, a Negro man, about 28 years of age, who says his name is William, and that he belongs to Robert Gr ierof Pike, county, Georgia. The owner is requested tocoraply with the law and take him away. Oct. 18 ?42 tf D. H. ROB1SON, Jailor. South Carolina. KERSHAW DISTRICT. tv rnir/Tv 4 1V 4 Margaret McCaskill and Samuel P. Afurchison, vs. Daniel McCaskill and others?Bill for sole tf Land. It appearing to my satisfaction that Sarah McCaskill, one of the defendants to this Bill, resides beyond the limits of this State: It is,on motion of J. M. DeSaussnre, Complainant's Solicitor, ordered that the said Sarah McCaskill do answer, plead or demur to this Bill within three months from this ate, or an order pro confesso will be en* tered against her. WM. M. SHANNON, c. E tc.?. October I9th. 42 8m The subscriber's Agents for the Saluda, Concord and Salem manufactories, are constantly supplied with the following goods and yarns, which they offer for sale on accommodating terms, via: Bales cotton Osnaburg, 3-4 and 7-8, plain, M 44 3-4.7-8 and 4-4 stripped 44 44 shirting, 3-4.7-8 ard 4-4 44 " Yarns of all numbers from 3 to 12 inclusive, 44 Linseys, white and colored. The attention of planters and others are called to the Linseys, a new article in this market, for the quality and durability of which, we are permitted to refer to Messrs. Jas. Chcsnut, Jr., J. M. DeSaussure and B. Boykin, who for some time past have been furnished with them. Buyers will find it to their interest to call and examine before purchasing elsewhere. P. F. VILLEPIGCE A. SONS. Camden, October 11, 1848. 41 tf NOTICE. "TTT The subscriber* Agents for the sale of the Mount DtsthtS Factory Cotton Yam, beg to inform their friends and eav tomers that they have now on hand, and are receiving a large supply of tlutt celebrated Yarn, of tins very beat qoui* ty.andnre prepared toofTcrfor?aIe,eitherat wholesale or retail. at the very lowest market prices. This Yam is made from the very best of Cotton, and may be relied upon as being a very superior article, and will be sold low. by sept. 27. GEO. S. DOUULA8 A TO. Hand Shower-Baths; Well Wheels: Enamelled Preserve Kettles and Gridirons; Door Porters; Tin Foot Tubs; Cake, Sugar and Coffee Canisters; copper Tea Kettles; Blocktin do.; Sow Knives: Kitchen Spouiw. Forks and Ladles, Ac; Umbrella Stands; Spice Bores; Chaffing Dishes; Sausage Sniffers; Butter Prints; Steak Beaters; Toasters; Chamret ign Openers; Nut Crackers: Jelly Moulds; Patty Pans; Finger Bowls; Strainers; Cullenders; Graters; together with a great variety of House Keeping articles. jn*t received aad for sale by F.- W. BOXNEY. ^ A R ASlIf li*TS5 f'hunnorrnn WinA f nnortn anj) vii " > \t?? '* 'v oints) of the most approved brands, and of superior quality, at GERALD'S GROCERY,* > One Door South of the Bank of Camden. April 12 15 tf E. W. BOSlfEY : " IVill continue to act ax Agent for persona transacting business in either of the Banks in Camden Look Here?Cheaper Still. As the assigned Estate of the subscriber moat he closed shortly, the remainder of bis Stock or Goods, will be sold still cheaper, than heretofore; as the goods must he sold, prices will be made as low as possible. Buyers wiil do well to call da* ring 'he present mouth. < let. 1,1615. W. B. JOHNSTON.' Fresh Family Groceries. Just received at the Cnmden Grocery Store, a fresh supply of Family Groceries, consisting in aart of Sugar, Coffee, Tea, Molasses, smoked and jickled Salmon, Mackarel. pickled Beef, sugar :urcd limns, Irish Potatoes, cheese, crackers Ac. Oct 31 S. BENSON. Fruit and Candies. , nmniwi. I.pmnns. GraDes. Raisins. Almonds Pine Apples, Bananas, and the finest assortment >f Candies ever offered in this market. Just re. teived by > S. BENSON* Est ray Male. E. II. Jameson Tolls bclore me one Dark Bay Mule, with a split in the left ear and marked with larness: supposed to be 11 or 12years old. Apprai. ted at thirty dollars by Joseph Albert, Messcr ? Edwards, sworn appraisers. Said Mule will be ound at E. H. Jameson'8,15 miles west of amde n. Oct. 14. (42 tf) E. PARKER, Mag A Surveyor, The subscriber respectfully offers his services, ind solicits the patronage of land holders, and rroinises that his work shall be performed accurate. Iv and expeditiously.?Address him at Hanging Rock Kershaw District. JOHN D. ^ OUN&. Notice This. The subscriber will run a good PASSENGER COACH to and from the Rail Road for the acconw modatinn of Passengers, and will take them loan? part of the town as cheap as the cheapest. Small favors thankfully received. JOHN K. WITHEHSPOON. October 26th, 1848. 48 ' U . .., * * ta*~y