J - ^ f " New Orleans and Cuba MolasEes, Lemon, Pine Apple and Strawberry Syrups, Cordials Pivkles, Claret Wine at GERALD'S GROCERY JOHN INORAiV, " Semiring & Forwarding Merchant and Bank Agent, . CAMDEN, 8. C. Ali business entrusted to him faithfully attend-; ed to? on moderate terms. i P. ROOT, .AUCTIONEER, - wUKtnlceinn Mornhnnf At fjpnnral Affftllt. ' JLUVIVIIIUIV W v? viiv. v.a ... e A M 1) E N, S. C. ?tUftnd to Public and Private Sales of any : ^ description. - w OZTAuction Room opposite James Dunlap, a few ; * v ^ -doors above Davis's Hotel. 11?'f SELLING OFF FOR CASH, j W. AN ?>ERS()N & CO. infendir.grto close their j general business. will offer their stock of Ready Jladc Clothing, HARDWARE, SADDLERY. BOOTS. SHOES, &r. At very reduced prices. As our assortment is good, and we arc determined to sell, we would invite purchasers to call, as great bargains may he expected To the Public. The subscribers beg leave to return their thanks to their customers for the liberal patronage afforded them during the past year, and to inlonn the public that they continue tne inisincss ;u tueirum aland, where all orders in their line w ill be thankfully received and promptly ai tended to. They have good workmen and superior materials, and will warrant all work clone whether of iron or wood. Ready made Ploughs kept o:x hand or made to order. Wagons, carts, carriages, tj*c. made or repaired. Prices moderate , jan. 19. W HI TAKER & A R R A N TS JEW DAVID'S OR IIEMil EVV~PLASTE K WI1KRE THIS PLA5TEH IS APPLIED PA IN CANNOT EXIST. A eandeman in the South ol Europe, and Palestine, in i 1339neanl so much said in the latter place in favor of Jew I David's Plaster, and of the (a? he considered.) miraculous j cures it had performed, that he was induced to trv it on his own person, for a Liver affection, the removal of which j had been the chief object of his journey, but which had resisted the genial influence of tiiat balmy and delicious dims. He accordingly applied a plaster on the right side of his ( chest, where the pain was seated, another between the j shoulders, and one over the region of the liver. In the meantime lie drank freelv of an herb tea of Inxative qualities. He soon found tiis health improving, and in a few weeks his cough left liim. sallowie ss of bis skin disapneareH. his nain was removed, and his Health became per manently reinstated. Since that time lie has been recommending it to his friends and acquaintances for all fixed pains whatever such as Rheumatism, Gout, Pain in the side, hip, hack and limbs, in every case of wnich it has proved an efficient cure. He has likewise witnessed the happy effects of its softening and healing qualities in numerous ca.*es o Scrofulous Humors, Knots, Wens, White Swellings, Hard Tumors, Stiff"Joints, Ague Cakes, Ague in the ISrt-n-t. and j the like, to the united satisfaction of liirnself anil others. It lias been beneficial in cases of Weakness, such as paid ! and weakness in the Stomach, weak Limbs, Lameness j Affections of the .Spine, Female Weakness. ssil?ly result from its we; it being, in all case* applied to the external portions of the eye; thereby avoiding all the inconvenience, pain j find danger, which necessarily attends the introduction of ! any pungent article into the eye. ts activity in subduing inflaination is so great that hut fewcases require tito use of raof** than one bottle to effect a a perfect cure. J. R. McKAI.N, A-a?e, removing all impurities from the body, opening the pore* externally ami internally, separating all foreign ami obnoxious particles from the ChyU, ?o that the blond, of which it is the origin, must be thoroughly pun*?necessarily securing a free and vigorous action to the Heart. Lungs, Liver ami Stomach, thereby restoring health, by opening the pores, cleansing the "'" '"I ?"""?? imiinne.dina all the natural veins and nil- I rifying the blood; they render the system nut only thoroughly sound, hut also impervious to disease, even wiien all other means have failed. !tO~ Within the last twelve months, more tlutn one hundred rasw of the mn*t agzmvnted forms of dyspepsia have been cored by the Medicine, where rigid dieting, the Blue Pill, and almust every other means had been resorted to without any benefit, and when death stared its miserable victim Aillvin the face. If L>r. Gordon's Pills were not adapted toth? cure of any but this horrid malady, their uniform success in this disease al<>ne would be sufficient to waft on to fame" the name of their inventor, as a benefactor ok his species. 83rThi* medicine never fails to cure the tvorMirases of PILES in one week! For a more detailed description of the Medicine, the man- I ner of its operation, the complaints it is adapted to and the cures it has performed, we refer the reader to our agents, who will give them a Pamphlet gratis. For sale by James R. McKain, F. L. Zemp Camden, also, forsaleatall the. towns and country stores in the South and West. Dr. O. K. TYLER'S PEV3P, AND AGU3 PILLS. If there ever wan a medicine that merited the public praise for the great good it has done in curing Chills and Fever, it certainly must he Dr. TyI?'? A??,io Pill?_ na thou euro iho nnliont in 9>J 1^1 a Jijjuv . ? 1 r? hours. They do not operate as a purgative, but an a tonic, and produce no unpleasant symptoms, and cura permanently, nor can thfy fail, if used as directed?the trial of a single box will prove the above statements, therefore, if you would secure your health, procure a box of the genuine Tyler's Ague Pills. For sale by J. R. McKain and F. I,. Zemp, in Camden, and on euquiry will be found at most of the towns and country stores. BANK AGGMCY. WILLIAM J. GERA t.D, will attend punctually to all buataMI entrusted to His mi* in either of Ut? Bank* ?f Camden May 10. > JDK. TOWXSEND'S COMPOUND KXTRACT OF SARS*lP*lRILL*(i, WONDER AND RLESSING OF TItF. ACE. The Most extraordinary Medicine in the World. i OyThis Kxtracr is put up in quart bottles; it is six times cheaper, pleasanter. niul warranted superior to any sold.? It cures without vomiting, purging, sickening, or debilitatinir the Patient. ! The great lieauty and superiority of this Sarsnparillaoyer j all other medicine is, that while ii eradicates disease, it in- , vigorates the IkkIv. It Ls one of the very I test , SPRING AND SUMMER MEDICINES Ever known; it not only purifies the -a hole system, and | strengthens the |KTson, b:it it en rates xew. pure and rich | blood; a power possessed hv no other medicine. And in ( this lies the trrnnd secret of its wonderful success. It lias performed within the last five years, more than 100,000 . "m? MVM nf iti.?lw III lens! l'l (XX) were COll'i dcred incurable. It Las saved the lives of inorc than 3.U00 j eliililren during the past season. 10,000 cases of Geucrul Debility iinJ want of J Xervoas Energy. i Dr. Towns-nd's Sarsaparilla invigorates tlie whole system permanently. To those who have lost their mn?eular en- i er?y hy the tee of in"i!iciiie or ituliseretiou committed in i couth. or the excessive indulgence of the passions, and . brought on a general physical prostration of the nervous , system, lassitude, want of ambition, fainting sensations, pre- | mature decay and decline, hastening towards that fatal disease. ('onsumption. can he entirely restored by this pleasant rcm-lv. this Sarsapnrilla is fir superior to any IXVJGUll \Tl.\(i CORDIAL, as it removes and invigorates the system, gives activity to the limits, and strength to the muscular system, in a most extraordinary degree. Consumption Cured. Cleanses and Strengthen.s Consumption can 1k- cured, Bronohotists. Consumption. Liver Complaint. Colds. Catarrh. Coughs, Asthma. spitting of Blood. Soreness, in the Chest Hectic Flush. Night Sweats, Difficult or Profuse Expectoration. Pain in the Side, Arc. have been and can be cured. SPITTING BLOOD. New York. April 23. 1817. Dr. Towxsexd?I verily lvlieve that your Sarsapnrilla has been the mean?, through Providence, of saving my life. I have for several years had a had cough. It became worse and worse. At last I raised large quantities of blood, had night Sweats, and was greatly debilitated and reduced, and did not expect to live. 1 have only used your Sarsapnrilla a short time and there has a wonderful change been wrought itt me. 1 am now able to walk all over the city. I raise no blood, and ntv rough has left me. You can well imagine j that 1 ;ttn thankful for these results. Your obedient servant. WM. ItrsSKLL, C3Catherinc-st j Rheumatism. I This is only one of more than four thousand rases of j Rheumatism that Dr. Townsend's Sarsapnrilla has cured, t The most severe and chronic cases are weekly eradicated j hy its extraordinary virtues. James Cuinmiiigs, Esq.. one of the assistants in the Lunatic Asylum, BlackwelPs Island, is the gentleman spoken of in the following letter: Blxckwki.l's Island. Sept. 14.1317. Dr. Towxsexd?Dear Sir: I have suffered terribly for j nine years with the Rheumatism; considerable of the time , I could not eat. sleep or walk. I had the utmost distressing pains, ami mv limns were terrioty swouen. i mm- u^i-u ; fst evervthing for her. hut without success; at last, j although we could find no recommendation in our circulars i for eases like hers, we thought.as she was in vert' delicate t health, we would give her some of your Sarmparilla. and are very glad we did. for it has not only restored her strength. I but she has had no return of the Fits, to our grert pleasure ! and surprise. She is fast becoming ruggetl and hearty, for which wc feel gratful. Yours, respeetfullv. JOHN fiLTLER, Jr. Femnlc Medicine. Dr. Townscnd's Snr*apnrilia is a sovereign and sry-edy cure for Incipient Con: umption, Bnrreness. Prnlapsns'lJtert. or falling of the womb. Costivness, Piles. Lcueorrhoca, or : Whites, obstructed or difficult Menstruation. Incontinence ! of Trine, or involuntary discharge thereof, and for the general prostration of the system: no matter whether the result of inherent cause, produced by irregularity, illness or accident. .Nothing can In* more surprising than its invigorating efl tson the human frame. Persons all weakness and lassitude. from taking it. at once become robust and full of energy under its i iflttence. It immediately counteracts the nervelcssness of the ft male frame, which is the great rouse of barreness. It will not Ik- exacted of us. in eases of so j delicate a nature, to exhibit certificates of cures performed i hut we can assure the afTlieted. that hundreds of case* have been reported to us; thousatuls of cases where families have ltoen without rhiidren after using a few bottles of ibis invaluable medicine, have been blessed with fine, healthy offspring. To .HotIters nnti .Harried Ladies. This Extract of Sarsnparilla has been expressly prepared in reference to female com plaints. No female who has reason to suppose she is approaching that critical period. "Tic turn of life." should not neglect to take it. as it is a certain | preventative for any of the numerous and horrible diseases to which fematnales are suhj-ct at this time of life. This period may be delayed several years by using litis medicine. Nor is it less valuable for those who arc approaching womanhood, as it is calculated to assist nature, by cpiiokning the blood and invigorating the system, indeed, this tnedieinc is invaluable for all the delicate diseases to which woman are subjectIt braces the whole system, renews permanently the natural energies, by removing the impurities of the hotly, not so far stimulating as to produce smvequeni reiaxauou. muni | is tli? case of most medicines taken for female weakness ati i j disease. By using a few liottles of this medicine. many I severe and i>aiiifiil surgical o|ierations niuy.be prevented. Notice to the Ladies. Those tliat imitate Dr. Townsetid's Sarsanarilla, have invarialdy railed thcirstufTagreat Itemedv for Females. A-r. j and have copied our hills and circulars which relate to the ! complaints of women, wonl for word?other men who put j up medicine, have since the preat success of Dr. Town- j send"? S.ar?apariBn in complaints incident to females, recom- I mended theirs, although previously they did not. A iiiun- j her of these Mixture, Pills. Arc. are injurious "o females, us j aggravate disease, and undermine llm constitution. Scrofula Cured. This certificate conclusively proves that this Sar.-aparilla has perfect control over tlw most obstinate diseases of the J ' Blood. Three persons cured in one house is unprecedented, i Three Children. Pn. TowxsEnd?Dear Sir: 1 have the pleasure to inform j you that three of tnv children have b-eii cured of the Scrofula by the use of your excellent medicine. Tliev were afflirted very severely with had sores; have taken only four I Iloiiles; it took them away, for which 1 feel myself under j great obligation. Vours, respct'ly. ISAAC W. ('RAIN. IOC Wooster-st. Opinions of Physician*. Dr. Towdccnd is almost daily receiving orders from Phy' sieians indillirt jiarts of the Fnion. j This is to certify tliat we. the undersigned. Physicians of ! the City of Albany, have in numerous eases prescribed Dr. j Townseiid's Sarssiparilla. and believe it to he one of the ! most valuable preparations in the market. II. P. PCI.INO. >1. D. J. WILSON. M. L>. R. II. BUICOSM. D. Albany. April I, 18-17. P- K. ELMENDORF, M. D. Caution. Owing '<> the groat successand immense sale of Dr. Town- | tvnd's Sursapnrille.a nuntbernf men whn were formerly our i Agents, have cnninit-iireil making Sarsaparilla Extracts, Elixir*. Hitters. Extracts of ^ ellotv Dock, IH|.I|R\ uauuiiy I " Reseda " Ci'mndla Rose For sale by F. I.. ZKMP. PERFH^KRY, Ac. The subscriber lias just received the most complete supply of choice Perfumery ever brought to this place, consisting of the following, with many other articles in that line: Extracts of Jockey Club Kan clc Venns I'atrliouly Nymph Soap Monocline f.ily ^ hite Vcrhcna. Ac. Extrascented Rose, Almond Ronssells' C ologne Water and Musk Toilet Soaps German do do Transparcnr Wash Bulls Musk I/-vender Sand Rnlls {land's Kan Lustral Itousscll's shaving Cream Rear's Oil IWeen Fun Curling Fluid Cut Glass Toilet Bottles Bnndofine Flower Vases, &r. July 12. > R. McKAIM. V Hemorrhoids or Piles. Internal or External, permanently cured By Dr. Upham's Vegetable Electuary \n INTERNAL REMEDY which. If used accordingtp directions. A GERE FOR LIFE IS GUARAN IE ED. SYMPTOMS OF THE DISEASE. A common consequence of this affection is a kind of teicsniun, or bearing down sensation, as it is familiarly cal- j i*ij; there is also heat, tension and throbbing in the part, rarying from a moderate degree of these senshtions to the Host excruciating suffering;?these are caused by the flow of tlood to the parts. Sometimes the inner coat of the ImjwcI protrudes at every evacuation forming what is culled |Jrola|>su?, or fulling of the bowels; this is the effect of long .-outlulled irritation of that organ. In some instances the Patient experiences nervous pains, which arc indescribable, ind known only to the sufferer, which commence immedi* itely after nn evacuation, and continue from thirty minutes loseveral hours; these sensations are very annoying and sometimes very distressing. This disease, when of long continuance, is attended by pain and weakness in the back. irritation of the kidneys, bladder, and other organs in the vicinity, pain and numbness in the legs nnd feet, a sense of -traitnes's about t!ie chest,and unnatural fulness of the abdominal viscera, accompanied with palpitation of the heart and oppression. Individual* sometime* experience, previous to an attack of the Piles, s\ mptonis denoting great derang incut in their circulation; there is a sense of weight and pressure in the abdomen, with a peculiar feeling of uneasiness in the howeW, constipation or periuaeum, attended with pain in the hack and loins, nausea, and slight pains in the stomach, pale countenance, confused sensations in the head, weariness, and irritable and discontented state ol inind, and a sense of fulness and oppression in the region of the stomach. The circulation on the surface is feeltle, and the current of blood determined inwards and downwards. FOR A I.I. TIIE A ROVE DISEASES A\t> COMPt.AINTS, DR. I PI I A.us VEGETABLE ELECTl'AKY. Cl'RKS EFFECTl'AI.I.V. AMI THEREFORE PREVENTS P,LKS. HEAD THE TESTIMONY. Gents?I have used Dr. I'pham's Vegetable Electuary which I purchased of you. and Unci it one of the best medicines in use for ihe Piies, and also for all bilious affections. arising from an impure slate of the system. Yours, ac. E. A. COLE, Marble Dealer. REMARKABLE CURE OF PILES! Tiiirtv Years Sia.vihnc;! Berkshire Co.. >ht-s., .Nov. 29. 1S-IT. Messrs. Ketcham )' I)riiggi?ts generally throughout the L'nilod States aw! ("aitnila. J. R. JfrKAIX. Agent for Camden, S. C. Mare11 '22 12 tf Wanted, A light second-handed BUGGV. Apply at tWis Ofilr*. 34 tf Aug. 23. Mill Cranks. The subscriber is prepared to make Mill Cranks at short notice. .Suitable Iron may be had at tlie Itnre of JMessrs. McD nvall & Cooper Other Mill rons inadc as heretofore. SAMUEL SHIVER. .Tune 21. 5^ tf Bargains, Bargains. GOODS AT A SACRIFICE. Those who wish Goods at prices to suit the times, had better rail on me before long. The Goods must be sold at some price. W. K. JOHNSTON. Cotton C>ins. The subscriber returns bis thanks to those who patronized liiin last sc ?son. Fie continues to manulacture til.NS up> ii the most approved plan, and warrants them equal to any other Gins, in workmanship, materials and performance. Tliev are warranted to give satisfaction. CKcpairing will be faithfully attended to. The subscriber respectfully requests a share of the patronage of the planters ol this and the adjoining Districts. If yon wish to SAVE YOUR TOLL, get one of those HOUSE MILLS, well known as McCreight's Mill, made expressly to be attached to (Jin Gearing. The subscriber has a few on.hand. O" Orders for Gins or Mills, will be promptly attended to. R. J. McCREIGIlT. rtunilnn. mar. 1^.13, DcKall) Factory. Our Cotton Yai:n having recently suffered in reputation, we have changed our arrangements, and are now manufacturing it of a quality that we can safely recommend to our customers. By special attention to tIiis department of our business, we arc determined fully to rc-eslahljsh the lost character of our Yakn, and hope that our friends will give it a fair trial. We are manufacturing the DEKA LB OZNABUKG3 of a more uniform weight and quality. Aug. 10. _ W. ANDKBSO.N &. CO. Notice. All persons indebted to mo are requested to make immediate payment. sept. 'JO. " J. I). MURHAY. Notice. Application will he made at the next session of the Legislature lor re.opening and keeping up as a public roi'd, the o'd Georgetown road from its intersection with the Lancaster road at the residence of the late David (i Leigh, to its intersection with .1 - .. ...ii...: II rn v'c lilU .si.igu luau i i w:ju< a ?* , .i< ?. w ^ . . Notice. All persons indebted to the Instate of John Web!), deceased, or Mrs. Jane Horry, deceased, are requested to make ininiediate payment, and those having demands ajaiust said Estates are notified to hand hi their amounts du'v attested to. on. 4. (40 It) J()li.\ WKI1B. Adm'r. II(>'),"rt L. Tweed's Wheei.w]:h:iit and Bla< Ks airn Shops, corner of Jim ledge and Market streets, where he keeps constantly on hand or manufactures to order, Wagons, Carts Wheelbarrows, or any other article in his line of business, out of the best seasoned materials. Iron of all sizes, l'ipc and other boxes. A few Iron axles with boxes lifted, and a lot of th) best Slay, Tongue and Breast chains for four horse wagons, ever offered for sale in this place?call and see August fith, 1S48. B2 it" Cra>lief everv quality CAI'I'DTINGS " Su|*!r Ingrain Carpeting* I (In Ivxtra Do do Imperial three :>!y Do 151 do !5ru-''-ls !> > ci Fine and chenille Dugs; Carpet Ilindings AI.sc i |j Onimy and Dundee Bagging, Rope, Twine I'r Sugar, Co lice, Suit, Baron, Molasses, Iron, il Steel, Sadd cry, Hardware st Blacksmith's Tools, Hats w ** ' - -.1.-- _?|? ? iV,? \V lilt |'1 variety Wl UUIVI ainncr, iui ,1<1IU Uii n.v ,11 ! most accommodating 'orins, by It ^ sept. 27. II. LEW. It Lamp Oil. ^ i A superior article ol Bleached Sperm Oil, at the .)( low* price of ONE DOLLAR per gallon. ai For srlc by F. L. ZEMP. j0 i)( Vi pi Goods at and below Prime Cost. 01 C( i My entire stork of Goods, consisting of Fancy 1,1 ( and Staple Dry Goods, Hardware, Crockery, &c, j will be ottered for sale for a short time at Cost ,c J Prices, b< Bargains may be bad, as ti.e object is to close up ; ' as soon as possible. I" Terms, cash. For bills of fifty (lollars and up- *st 1 wards. Notes, well secured, at (50 and 1)0 days will ai j bctakcu. W. 15. JOHNSTON, May 21. 21 Agent for Assignees. 11 Family C.rocei ics. la A large supply of superior Family Groceries kept constantly on band, and lor sale at the lowest prices, at the CAMDEN' GROCERY STORE. In Equity? Lancaster District l, James Grittin vs Richmond R. Terrell, Kx'or of John Smith, Nancy Long, James Laney and Jno. _ Laney?Ilill to compel Kx'or to assent to legacies, Partition, account and Relief. It appearing to my satisfaction, thatNanry Long, In James Lancy and John Laney, three of the defen- V dants in the above case reside without the limits of w this state: It is ordered, on o otion of Wright, so- C licitor for complainant, tfiat the said defendants do w appearand plead, answer or demur to the bill in tl above case on or before the 4th day of January, !!S4f), otherwise judgment pro confesso will bo ordered against them. ~ JAMES II WITHERSPOOiN", C. E. I.. D. Sef*. If, !W. l?J lit - r: i'-mkm ?" 1 ~ Carriages. The subscriber lias now on hand, a variety of rriages, Buggies, Rockaways, &c., and Harness Northern make, which lie offers for ssle at larleston prices. Having leased the establish- J ml in which he works, he is prepared to build ? d to repair every description ot Carriages, Wag- 1 ns. arts, Wheelbarrows, &c. and all kinds ot ' >n work, either for plantation or other use. 1 a portion of patronage iB respectfully solicited, ! April 26. ROBERT MAN. i Ordinary's Notice. Whereas no application has been made for adnist ration on the effects of John Bales, dee'd. I ve taken them in hand ns adm'r. do bonisfnon.? ] I persons having demands against said estate I! present them duly attested, and those itidebt- . to the same will make immediate payment. j. it. joy, o, k. d. June 7. 23 tf < Tliomsonian Medicines. Alcohol Nerve Powder Gum Myrrh Jlayberry ayenne Pepper Golden Seal tiTjTMtii-n Lobelia Number Six holera Syrup Tor enle low oy F. L. ZEMP. riniby's Union Water-Wheel. 'ood and wiiii a loss qun! :1 t^ ^ heel in use, (except the ever shot under extreme I ph heads) is very simple and illiable to disasters, id Jurable, being made entirely out of cast iron. : The subscriber will sell district or individual j ijrhts, with or without wheels. Satisfactory ref- i enccs can be given in regard to the success of I e wheel, by application to the subscriber, who m lie consulted personally at the Columbia HoI, or bv letter through the Post Office at ColurnM ART IN CIIAPJN. 4/ay 3 13 tf This will certify that I have used Hotel.kis's atcnt Water Wheels about one year applied by R. , liarwick, and have recently removed tiiemand id the Union Wheels applied by Mr. G'liapin ana id the latter by far superior to the former. So r, as 1 have yet tried the latter, they will saw at ast doubly as fast as the former, with much less mntitv of water, atthe same mill site. THO. STARKE. Kershaw Dist., May 17, 1843. *21 tf CAMDEN GROCERY STORE, BY S. BENSON, Tv 7 c-o ._ j c n urudiL oi/ea, I^UIIIW:77, o. o. Administrator's.'Notice. F. L Zetnp having' received from the Ordinary r Kershaw District, grant of Letters of Admintrntion do bonis non of all and singular the goods id Chattels rights, credits, dues and demands at were of Joshua Reynolds deceased, hereby otifics the public, that all dealings with the esite of the said Joshua Reynolds deceased, must i futue be with too suhscriLer. Ali persons having claims against the 6aid esitp, will present them properly attested, and all 2rsons indebted to the same arc hereby notified i cnuie forward w-thout delay and make payment. FRANCIS L. ZE.MP, Adm'r. de bonis non. Jan. 4 1 tf .Just SSeceived. Galvanic Rings, do Bracelets do Belts do Necklaces do Garters Magnetic Fiuid Graduated Magnetic Machines Chloroform do Inhalers Surgical Instruments Shoulder Braces Thermometers Tarrant's Seltzer Aperient " Cordial Elixir of Turkey Rhubarb Thomson's Svrup of Tar and Wood Naptha Davis's Tain KilJer India Rubber Halls do do Tobacco Pouches Finn out crlass Smellin?? llottlos. Juno it' "" J. K. MrKA IN. Kail ISoad Script Payable 1st July. IS 19, taken at par for Grocces, at caslt prices, bv Aug. 21. ,m well ditched and drained; the up-lanfl inculvat ion is circlcil. The most of it isjperfectly esh; but little of it having been cu^rited more inn from one to four years. The pUrd water enough to gin tlm cctton crop, id grind all the corn lor the use of the plantation, is well supplied with springs of the best water, has upon it a large gin house and pr.'ttun press; cnlTtriont lo nromndazo from 7.) to ' 1 U *!?'rl I " ?umv.w..? /?1?^ * - - - - 3 negroes and all necessary outbuildings in pro-1 rtion. The l)uellinaffiousoy? good and roomy, id the yard is haiidspn;cly^?'})rovcd. It has ad. lining the hniis?^?Ktfnc orchard of peach, plum, 3ar, apricot, nectarine, apple trees, grape vines of irious kinds, and almost every fruit that comes to irfection in this climate. It is believed to be iic of the most desirable tracts of land in the wnlry, not only on account of the land, improvclents, water tj'-c., hut also health. It is offered for sale at a less price and on better irms, than any such improvements and land are ling offered at in the country. There will also he sold at the lowest market j rice, with the pladtation, the crop of corn, a large ock of hogs, about GO head of cattle, sheep &.C., id plantation tools of every description. Also, if wanted, all the Household and Kitchen irniture. Tlie above mentioned Plantation is adjoining tne nils of William MeWillic, anil \V. E. Johnson. For further information or purchase apply to ABRAM A. McYVILLlE, Near Camden, Mississippi. Real hand-wove Welch Flannel, warranted not i shrink; fine bed and crib blankets; fine and low rircd Alipachas; just opened bv Oct. 4 E.* YV. BONNEV. REMOVAL. The subscriber would inform the public that he is removed to the store formerly occupied by Mr, /illiain Johnson, second door above II. Levy's, here he will keep on hand a good supply of GROERIES. HARDWARE, CROCKERV. &c. to i? ? ,i.? .iiniitlnn nf norehnsprfl. ar IIICI1 lit? I!?\lie? IIIVJ hiiviuiv.. t , iev will be sold very low. J J. CMIARI.ES WORTH. March R. 10 if Frcsli Citron, Just received by E. ^ BONNE\. k 4 _ r - Ca. S#. N. A. F. Brewer ) The Defendant. N. A. F. Brewer, who is In the custody of the Sheriff of said District, by virtue of the above,, npias ad satisfaciendum, in order to avail himself of the benefit of an Act passed for the relief of Insolvent Debtors, has filed in- my office, on oath, a sccdule of his whole Estate: Notice is therefore hereby given to the iMaintiff , in the above stated case as well as all others concerned, to he and appear at I-ancaster Court House ? nf l\Jnv'0mlipr novf at 1? AVfiirk ?'il I I1C AUlll VJOJT VI Afv.v api.':s ad satisfaciendum. Joshua W. Uendrix. j The Defendant, Joshua W. Hendrtx,wbo is in the custoily of the Sheriff of said District, by virtue of the above apias ad stisfaciendum, in order to avail himself of the benefit of an Act pasted for the relief of Insolvent Debtors, has filed in my office, on oath, a schedule of his whole Estate: Notice is therefore hereby given to the Plaintiff in the above stated case as well as all others concerned, to be and appear at Lancaster ourt House on the 13th day of November next at 12 o'cldck M., before the Associate Judges, to show cause it* any they can, why the said Defendant should not be discharged from further confinement, on bis as. signing and delivering the effects mentioned in bis N schedule. H. R. PRICE, Clerk. . Clerk's Office, this 22d March, 1843. Month-Carolina. I LANCASTER DISTRICT. J IN TI1E COMMON PLEAS. J. B. Boyd & Co. ) vs. > Capias ad satisfaciendum. Robert Dukes. N The Defendant, Robert Dukes, who is in the custody of the Sheriff of said District, by virtue of tl?e aUive apian ad satisfaciendum, in order to avail himself of the benefit of an Act passed for the relief of Insolvent Debtors, has filed in myo? fice, on oath, a schedule of his whole Estate. Notic is therefote hereby given to the Plaintiff in the above stated case as well as to all others concerned, to bo and appear at Lancaster Court House on the 13th d.y of ^November next at 12 o'clock M., befuiL Hill K^?ciate Jud?e?, lo show cause if any they can^'wTiy the said Defendant should not he discharged from further confinement, on his assigning and delivering the effects mentioned in hit schedule. H. R. PRICE,Clerk. Clerk's Office, this 14th March, 1648. GjwnyBaspnj; " Gunny Bagging, Kentucky Bale Rope and Twine just received an for sale hy Sept 6. r.V> tf) E. W. BONNET. ar pctings Printed Floor cloths and Rngs, jnst opened and for sale by E. VV. BONNEY. Sept. fi. 30 tf ' > For Sale. ^The Dwelling House and premises, fronting on Laurens-street, now occupied by Win. B. John, ston: Also, the Brick Two-Story House and premises adjoining the first Lot. Also the Dwelling House in front'of the Met ho. 1 di?t hurch, known as the John Smith House. The property is in good repair and mast be sold. .Apmy 10 W.M.REYNOLDS, ) . J. M. DkSAUSSURE. \ AM debt? due to W. B.Johnston, not paid by the first day of October, will be sued. September 6tb. 3f? If Georgia Plains ' ' For sale by \V. ANDERSON CO. Home and Lot for Hale. The subscriber offers for sale his House ami Lot Minted near the .llethooist Church in Camden. For further par. lieulars apply to T. W. Pcgucs. Frh.2t>. W. J. FRANCIS. Law Copartnership. The undersigned have formed a Copartnership in the practice ofLaw and Equity for the Districts of Lancaster, Fairfield, Kershaw and Sumter. Office, heretofore occupied by Jaa. Cheennt on Main street, near the Court House. JAMES CHESXCT.Jr.. W. TIIUKLOW CASTOX. ar... 1.0 lu-ia on tf JOS. B. KERSHAW, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Broad-street, Camden, 8. C. Attends the Courts of Kershaw, Sumter, Lanaster and Fairfield Districts. The Subscriber. WILL continue to act as BANK AGENT, in both the Banks of this place, and attend to any Commission Business which tnay be entrusted to him. Office at the Counting Room of McDowall 4-Shannon C.J. SHANNON. Wheat. The subscriber will pay the highest ma-ket price for good Wheat delivered either at Cr.mden orat his mills on Sanders' Creek, six miles above tho town. J. B. CURETON. Camden July 4, 27 tf Prime Leaf Lard, Bacon, Flour, Bntter, Cheese, and almost every article of Groceries wanted^by a family, at retail, at GERALD'S Fire and Marine Insurance. GAMDEN INSURANCE COMPANY. (nK NEW JERSEY,) CHARTERED IN 11,34. PROTECTION INSURANCE COMPANY. (oF ?f. JKHSKV.) CII.VRTURR1) FKHRUARY, 1848. The subscriber having received the Agency ?f the above institutions for Camden and vicinity Will rpr^ive .mnlications. and issue Policies at the cur* rent rater, *V. D. McDOWALL Feb. ?9. 9 tf