The Camden journal. [volume] (Camden, S.C.) 1836-1851, April 19, 1848, Image 4

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For tin raw of H-ta Itch?, Gil lines*, Salt Khenn Rh -n a?i< n. Piles, !I;j.r:h:ira. War.a-', Dyspepsia. Ch > wa ilorbn, Pai.i-i in t ie 11 L' nb< a 11 Joints, Genera ?Wu?, Fits C?n*n notion, !?.il.?iriiti??a of th? Heart Liver Complaint, llisinj in the Throat. Erysipelas. lL-ifness. I)rop*y, Asthma. Itchines of the Skin. Fc\w of all kiti.Is, Oo.Js, G ait, Arave!. Female Complaint*. Ncrv -ms Complaints, an I a!l other Diseases ari-iay from i.vri'Ri rn:s of the dlooo,anJ morbidskcrbtions of tilk livbr and stomach. 33T Every disease to which the hitman frame is subject. Ofi 'inaUt-i from imparities of tiie blood or deran^ein -t.t o! thedij- tstive or?an% Dr. Gordon's Family Pil's. Bein* cotfljtonnded exclusively of sncti Ingredients as Nature intended should operate on the impari iet. of the llu nan System. Strike at the fool of the disease, removina a'.l impurities from tike body, openinjth? (Hires externally a i l internally, teparatin^ all aa.l obnoxious particles fr-mi the Citvle, so t;,ai the bfood. of which it is the origin, mu-t b' lunrott thljrpure?necessarily s-curinr a free and vi/ .r -r.. action to the Heart, Latins, I.i er and Stnrnich. thereby restoring health. hv opeiiintr the jure., clean-in r li.e veins and arteries, u u:ii;t-e lin-i all the natural veins an.I paTifyinj the bin >1: they render t!t-? svstem net only tlioma^hlysotin!. but also impervious to disease, evi:n* when ad other means have failed. (CP Within the last twelve months, more than one bun* dre l ease - of the mxCu^sravattd form* of iivsria-.-i a have been cured by the Medicine, where riuid di--:inr the llltie Kill, and almost every oilier tu-*aas had b-en mwort.-l t-? \V.tlmut any benefit, and when death stared its miserable victim fu'Iy in the face. If t *r Gordon's Pills were n-.t adapted 11 the cure of anv but this horrid malady, their unif >na success in this disease alone would he sufficient to "waft on to fame" the name of their inventor, as a benefactor of his species. DO"This medi-ine never fails to cure ttie worst, oases o! Piles i-4 out week! For a more detailed description of the M -dieine. th? manner of its operation, the complaints it is adapted tnaud'in cures Jt nris prrmrtlHtfl. we r-i-r iait n-an r ! > tmr ageai-, wiu> will jive them a Pamphlet uratK "For sale by James R. McK'aix. F. L. Zemi* Cantd-n. also, forsale at all the towns an<t country stores in t!?o -South atiH West. Truth ?is powerful," and, in this instance, has | p re vailed. JPtiters' Vegetable Testimonials.?Extract <<f a lector from Dr Wamesot Philadelphia, Feb. "J, 1M0.?"Your Pills arc the mildest in their operation*. and ye: t.tost powerful in tlieir effects, ot any that 1 hive ever met with in a practice of eight and twenty years, Their action on the chyle, and hence on the minorities of the biood, is evidently very Ptirprisitijj." Extract of a letter from Dr. H*viry I! ill, of Que. bee, Ij. C, March tf, H41.?"For billions lever.-, sick, headaches, torpidity o? the bowels, and enlurgement of the spleen. Dr. Peters' Pills are ar excellent medicine." For sale by sll the Druggists in Augusta, I lambu rtr and Charleston, and A.J. Muses, Sumter* ville. f J. R. McKMN, Sole A pent in Camden. Also, for sale by J. R. McKaiv, Camden, and A A. }. Moses, Sumterville, 11 \KillSO.\\S OINTMENT, an unfailing remedy in the cure of all *' fcinds of Wounds, Sores, Scalds and Burns, and the Piles. Price 50 cents. . Dr. G. K. TYLER'S 2ST7321 AI73 ?.373 PILLS. If there ever was a medicine that merited the " public praise for the great good it has done in curing (Thills and Fever, it certainly must be Dr Tyler's Ague Pills, as they cure the patient in id hours. They do not operate as a purgative, but as a tonic, and produce no unpleasant symptoms, and euro permanently, nor can they fail, it ti?edas directed?the trial of a single box will prove the above statements, therefore, if y?>ii would sccurr your health, procure a box of the genuine Tyler's Ague Pilis. sale bv J. R. McKaix and F. T,, it Camden, and on enquiry will be found at most o 9 the towns and country stores. VEGETABLE UNIVERSAL FILLS. The startling drawback on nearly all M dicina! Afient; has ever bt**? Uia: in their proceiw <if puriMn ?i and cation, thev liave also uesilitateo the s>stem. ID nc: Purgative Medicines have always li-en r.-pirded as a! lies' bnt a Nccexxary KeH, Patients r?-.-ctt.i2 t< ;tie-u tlie relief of oxs disease at the exjieucc of avotuer. To o!?. vjatethis, Paysician* have Img sought i'?ra:i Agent thai would at the same time PURtfE Pl'ltlFV AND STREXttT.'ir.X. But their efforts wvre nearly fruit!***. and they had almost despairqd of success when the labors of science, and Twearcli were rewarded hy a discovery which fully realised the-fond f I desires of the Medical Facility, and w hich is justly regarded as one of the most important Triumphs that Pharmacy las ever achieved. This important d-^ideratutn is aamed Dr. Lc Roy's Vegetable Universal Pills, Which Purify the Bland, and remove all cormf, a-id vtfi'tted humor*, and unhealthy accumulation* fnitn the body in a manner never belore-rivu!!ed,.ir.d whirh yet produce no wjakaes* or latitude whatever, htt: on the contrary tone the Stomach, an J invigorate tlie constitution during the Progress of theiroperations! Dr. I.e Roy's Pills, in fact unite those heretofore irreconcilable. Icit m >-t de.-irahie qualities. Evacuation nn<\ Inriz?r<itiou for titer nr-at the feme time a STRENGTHENING PURGATIVE, AND A PC UFVING TUNIC. The two pri'icipa! ingredients in Dr. 1,- Rev's Pills are f Wild Cherry and Narsayrftri'la. - So prepare! thstt eaci jiromotes tin- h-oefo-ial eiTct of the other, the formerstrengtheninz, w idle the latter, through it* union with various vegetable ingredient*, eve.f mites ami puri/les; thus they superinduce no torpidity of latitude of tlie Digestive FuuctiuMi, ami hence their o-ierniioris are attended hv no Reaction, or Suh?-qucnt Costive i?-*s. Dr. I.e Itoy'* Pills are tlie in et active nod s-arching Medicine in existence. They at once attack the very r*>t ol Uiiwes, anU tiieiraetion is so ;>r->u:>i that in ? . h?ir or two after they are taken, the paii-nt is a war* ??f i!i-ir $ <><*1 ctiect*. Tlu*y nntouly operate ou th* k|<?i<|. I>nt also on tt?- chyle, of which t'i? is ti?r :i an i thi- sccur*** bM from the fountain li-.t i. moreover th**v prui'tre neit ernausea, eripin^ or debility. an:! as a a*niiv medicine they have ?'?rival* Price 2*? cents per box. For sale by James IJ. .McKain, Caoi len. S. ('. UEALTil! 12 E:\3.TIi! THOMSON'S COMPOUND SYRUP OF TAR k WOOD NAPTHA The only CERTAIX REMEDY for the ('tire oj W W W W ma m am V ? ? 4 A*h n t. Jlrowh '!*, Sjii/titg of P! Ptit, it Ihr S-'h ntt'l /?re/*f. sore Throat. Ihi**.,/ii>it of thr // rt, Whooping Couth. Crou,< //??*. V nous 7Vcmr S.i.v >Kti il. />/. ? - i Kill < </*. <md -V Ajf clioits sum r illy of th. ThrtMit. Uriust, 4 V flaa Li'"-, all ''f* 'lis *a--s nun i- :ii ?> "ur climate here i* none mSt.x: eve- il. ii-i! ..i : * anus ii'n air I fatal as . *^iv a < ' ' i la '!-i? "ii iti". - il!.. I'lj'iiio iary Cimiv* r'Jjb:u>?ii i' em >ltatically u * and in it- nuMbio ca* je r. siv.teps ovrr tie: land - -t ' in.iiie \n:>e|. I.iviux I'isi v\i a a relen-! .isid. the ?'r I' - i ii utiresi "four fi?'?. //.Mi-no a'l if-'-i-.irr'-f hi* dread ii?ea-e have pfuvej vnitl. and ail that si*-in ! within anr jr.wer wru at h"st the :tile.via*i'#'i ?l -'tii?J ?r-ii lerniij ?ui mhT. the ivitnm i>r jres* ta Tin- imii'v TV" 1* ronrietur. in nfF-rtrij ilii? |>re; t?? t?i?* fniMic, vvml l i".!i'ira? e the lily f'1 "*?unan what grounds it pat" forth its merit*: and the reason upon -* ?ii? !i i; Is it* nu>'ri ?r oiaim-* to i!i<- nifeiri'in of taiJIi'te I. that ail \vb" ro-inire ?!? 'l any re|?o-e Fill c-r?itfiti'?ji?*o in its varati?" paw rs. Si ic- j:-. lii-i "at'Miii h?" III- fin-l the p|t"?s ir. ofwi'iii-ssjiiiy hnapyr>-'il> irt niirii-"-"?:i- i-tanre-.; It'll he was 1 t--r*i?in?' I fiat to <>(F"r i' '<> tin- *"ti'.Iir- until h" had biT'im-t tii iron.* hi v runt Inf.' I cf i*?efti a?-\. Ilaviti^.sui-b ronvirtian, In- now < .H it v fT e. it is a rcmnJjr-Wihra'tt apariHrlin tin* i-'ir-'if I't'L.M-t.S'AilV ON St'.Mi'TlON ami its ki:rl"" I s. L* t the fijllywinsj speak lor it If-? 4 I htrvo ?i?t??rl Tha n an*? Coin;>nnnd Svrup of Tar and Wicid Naptha. for same tine ia my praefn-e, ami have f mi 1 if to** mast effirimtt remedy I ev**r it I in Can implive rases, rhranic eatirrli. Aw.. uiie.i -r-at irritability, with tv-asii'-w of ft" pi'moaarv "ryi i* *-\i toil. The rapidity with which if nets is urea'I y i?i its favor where dys?ntsi> or upprs'j'i'i exists, whirh is immediately relieved }?V ih In Point'wary Cwisiiaritinn it ran he used with fOnfi'lrtlre, heintf a:>a'irah!>* to every fori a of that disease, trill mttsklrr iU ra-diein** well wor'hv the nltentirm of PliVRicinus.aml exempt Irani the imt>ii>nti">i of empiricism." r i M. CHAMUKllS, 31. ].?. The aS-?ve ?!?< lifin-"r^part-il only hy Ar\kv \ T)ickrow, at N. F.. corner of FifHi .me str.-.-t*. P!.i![ul<;|. jj?iia. ?oH in f'nnvl-n hy F I.. ZEMP, Sole Agent, an 1 by Drusjists generally. Price ?1 or 59 eta. per h-ttle. Beware of Imitation*. January 13- 3 Ht Fine VVine.*; Lemon Syrup; White Wine and Cidvr Vinegtr, for sale by i Feb. 09. E. W. BONNEV. | THE WORLD'S ILLATION! rn.\t Tin: riLEs is disarmed of its terrors By Dr. Upham's -Vegetable Electuary The great sensation \v!ileh wis ere it ted among the 3Iedical Fac ulty, ami th.ouirhoul the civilized world, by the annnunaoment of Dr. FphmnV K1 km nary. for the cure of Piles adi-e.oe that resisted all form medical ireatntenl.) has et'lf I down into a thorough cmli lenee that it is a jwsitive art ! cure in ail ra-es of Piles, cither Bleeding or Blind. Kx' or Internal, also, for ail diseases of the Sto* inach and Bowels, such as s :vt:kj: and ITuitriii. C&STIVkxF.SS. DVSfErS!a? t.tvkr Co in1 la i sr. op]i]: JStlEKN, Km.NF.Ys, tit.iio.iui. Iltiv. ris. a\n Sri\.:: I i.ri:ii aTiiiv nr the Ix TKS'TIXKS- Fi,niV Ol' Hi.OO!" To Tljj: II1!\U \\0 for, the relief of married women. Voluntary Certifleates I MTrn Status Marsu.u.i.'s Office. > New Verb, neciinlH Ht7. S Messrs. V? vatt At Kf.tciiax?{tenth men?rnderstand!:it that you are th" ?*?< t?-ra! Asrents fi>r tiic sale of I)r. I"phant's Elecuary for tin* i urc of Files, I have deemed it a duty to volunteer n recommendation in Isdialf of tt:n! valuable M.'lichte. 1 have lieen ullliotod with tlie File- nitstiv Ve:ir?.and oa\e tried various remedies, but with tin beneficial effects. Inived. 1 Ite^pin to consider my case hop-less. But. abm' the lir.-l of Sent -tuber liWU. I was prevailed upon by a fra ud, to make a trial of the above named tiv-dici;:.-: 1 t 'k l.i- a i\ ire. ami rejoice ' > -ay that 1 am not i only rolie\ I. !,tf 1 h ieve peril-rt!> cafcd. I most cartiestJ ly recommend i* to all who nitv have the misfortune to be ulUicU.* ! with iiiat annoy itsc and laiiaerous disease. Verv lie vctfullv. tour ob't. M-rvunt. ELY MOORE. Nt.w York. September Gilt. 13-17. Messrs. Wvntt & Ketcham?<7entietii--n -! :m coir-trained to jive vou a sta em.-iit cf the lien-fit 1 derived from trine Dr. Ffe.tvn'- El- c"mry. itt a ra-e of File-, by so do* inc. 1 shall render a heiidiit to tho-e who are sufii-rins? from that troublesome disease. 1 wa- reduced for several years by the Files so much that it ua< with creat dilliculiy lbr tiic to wn'k or attend to my business. 1 al-o -tifF-red from oth-r disea e. which were extremely trouble-onus. mid which I am pit* e l to say two hov? of the Klecturventirely r-iti wed; and that my health is Is-ttcr now than it las he?:t for many y?-t?rs. It ha< done m ami my family since ' mo-- and w i it less ex;iou-e. tliau all tie- phy-i'.-ians to I whom ! hate applied, or medicine that 1 have iced. 1 remain, - till in jvrfect health. Your ob't fei'v't. N F.LSON N EWTON, 2-30 Spring street, cor. llenwieU. Nv.w York. November 2.1817. Messm. Wyntt A: Ketchum-dlcnik'tnoti?I consider it a duty which 1 not snlv owe to you. hut to my fellow beings, to sjvak in praise of Dr. Fpltatn's Electuary, a medicine which 1 think has saved tnv life, and re-toted me to full i ?I.'- l- -- 1 I l I>il?. toeetlf f ii <Tuii. rur>rwnn j ??? >-uuu> ...... . ; ' er wiih ])y<pep?ia. ami a general derangement of the sysj t.-m. I employed physicians. with no c'skI result, j aid '.hey at lr:??t t*>LI ti?-- thev could do i." uvrv for me. and **il lha*' I in'i-l die. J *'??? < hoi given u:> all hop,;> of ever , ' having rav heabh r??until I ha I called 10 mind the lfc-n"fit> that u nephew of mine in Philadelphia llJetijamin IVmval. 11a I denv-.i in a severe ' " of chronicle (lyse.'g tery. by your niedi. inc. that 1 purchased a box. which, lo tnv surprise. alYrr taking n few dose*. I received ureal rei lof. and thank tc.vl. by coi:liiiui>i? it.-: n?e. that I ani nowre. stored to p rfeet health. SAfl MI T. A'.MKS. I 112 Mercer str-.s-t. Notict.?The genuine PpharnV T'l*-tuarv has his vvrit leu signature ihu? tx?>" V- I pham. N. ll.) 'I'lus hand i> al* | so done with the tvn. Price ?1 a box. SoM wholesale a;id re ail by WVATT & KETUJIAM. 121 Kulion street. .\. \ . and Druggist* generally, throughout the United Sia'e- "tid Canada's. J. tt. .MrK'd.N. Agent for Cam Jen, S. C. Much 22 12 tf Most EztrHordiuarjr Work! THE MARRIED WOMAN'S PRIVATE MEDICAL COMPANION. By Dr. A. M. M.-VRK'KAll, Protestor of Diseases of Women. Sixth Edition. l-sni. pp. 23d. lri<e$l25,0vK) copies sold in Three -Months. ! Every female isgetting a ropy "I* this m is; imp. riant and interesting Work Tb?m aud< o( females, married and unmarried, (the married particularly) are sutTering and , have suSE-rod for years. e*|n-.iditig money in purchasing ' useless rn"dicines. who weiihl l.ere at once discover the nature of their complaint. i;s cause, and the remedy. , It is iiiten J-J especially i<*r the married, ?r those coni tetnplating marriage. as it di-closes important s.-crets which , should he known to then (articidarly. And thus fur one dollar, (the pro eof Hie ls?.h.; years of misery will hs saved to thou-ands of females, ami th-ir. youth, beauty, and ' buovaucy of spirits retained to,au advanced age, instead ofadii:.1, sick, and cni.ici.ti .! ai tliiriy. I To the wile, lo the mother, to tlo* female either hudr ding iutowoniiuli'jod.orto the one in the decline of years, it. whom i.a'ure contemplates an i.nxr'ai.t eiiange, a> also to tl.e one contemplating marriage, j- is beyond price Over ten thou-and copies j.ave hern M-nt by mail within three months, with ptr.fcci safety and certainty. In no instance has a remittance failed to reach the publisher, *.-u .?tth< m it has Iteen directed. On tlie receipt ?f |fci|!:ir> ".\iurrit.,i Woman's I nvate tied tea I ( >m.anion* ?? -.... , wx.?/?u?t to lh'- jwriji i* r J'ur jtuxttigr.i to any pari of the United late*. P. Piioknto.v. at the I'ost Oilice is Agent for C'aniJcu, i for the sale oftt.e above j Feb Z3, laH. 8 Ctn For Sale. ! A new Rose-wood I'iA.NO FORTE, of fine toac and an;:euor litiish. It may he teen at my Ware Room, and will be sold low. Juiv ?. J. F. SUI'HERLAND. x. is. lbt v Will continue l > hoi as .Went for both the II inks in this place, and attend to any commission business that may he entrusted to hint. We arc now rwivia? from N.-w-Vork. ?ur stork of Beady-made Clothing. made in the latest and most fashionable style. \ i/.: 5>u;it Btai k l)res? and Frock Coats; I?o * " Sacks; Brown air! Olive Frock C'dt-'j i B.i in ? Cut--, of various styles, and" made of handsome materia is; j Clntli, B ?. *r Cloth am! Pilot Overcoats; Vests of variui;> style-: Pan!-?vc; With a full ?ii;i;?ly of >iiirt-, I n ! r Oa-m?iit?. Su?penders.s-tea|j isti.ii Stoeks. Oravats. (il .ves. iloisery ?&e, ;t!l of w licit will !>r s?!J at tii? verv lowest prices l?y Oct. *27. \V. ANDERSON A- >'(). (ttrXotic c.-CO Those who want bargains in the way of Ladies Worsted Dress (iotds, will do well tr rail and set; my assortment, as I ;;m determined to sell them oil" a* very low prices. w. b. Johnston; 1/iicwinx Tobttcc ' Frieu l-i "l.'iierry Red," and "K?><e lltnl" rands, some ol tiio liuest chew inn1 Tobacco in arket W. It. JOHNSTON, in I'laitis Form!- hv \V. ANDERSON < O. Oct. 27, 1317. \cgro shoes. We have on hand :t lull a*v'?rriii -nt (if Rest qualitc h'.t.'k IVi.'c.I Brooms; 44 do ilo (In Second quality Ink. i| > il(i SYi " all cf our own manufacture. which can b rcccin iv-nd-d ^iv? entire saiirfacnon to the pur- 1 cha-cr. Planters are in< i'.cd n> call and e\iitnine our stock. ; as we kn>w they will be pica ed. b-'ili a< to quality and , price. W. AN Dl.ltSON A: (10. I K. XV. BO.IXBY tVill co it'Mf in act .is Ajoni tor personstrans! acu itr !?iisi:i"'-s m either of the Banks in Camden ' on his us m! terms. I-lsl ItlM'Ci v<4<l. | 1 cask old Brandy (iloiioessos' lirand) 1 41 Bia?s\s London Porter, pints 1 case Brandy Peaches So la Crackers, mixed Pickles, &c. I'm.- I?. S. BENSON, Cheese ami Kicc* Jii>i ii iim ??i mik; nuiiir.'rii tiiffi/Ke, also i a few bushels 1J irtJ'ri host Rico. Do.-, h. e. \v. nnwp.Y, I' Freii.u'i iv I S. ;),ii!rs and walking Slices : I city made; also, men's and boy's Russet and K;p | * Brcans. Just received and lor sale Itv j February 2. E. W. BONNEY. Crtblirtl suj?r, and superior I Sperm Candies, just received ami for sale Itv W. R. JOHNSTON. Dec. 22. 01 tf Old Port Wine. Just received another cask of that splendid old ' 'I'nrt Wine.' precisely tJio same article a* that j which 1 cohl before. \\ . I? .JOHNSTON. Copartnership. The subscribers have this day luruied a copart ncrsliip in the Auction and Commission business under the name and linn ol (JAMEW EEL &. RASKIN,and will promptly attend to all business en trusted 'o tiieir cure. J. N. GAME-WELL, J. VV. RASKIN. w?i?iwii i ! ?1 THE FASHIONABLE TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT. The subscriber being thankful for the large patronage he has received, assures his customers and the public, that ho will continue to execute his work in the best anil most fashionable style, at j short notice. In order to obtain the best workmen lie has to pay the highest prices in cash; he has then-fore changed his business, and adopted the ; cash system, and will expect the money whenever i his bills are presented. W. M. WATSON. Sent. I. 1847. 34 if Notice. All person." having demand* against the estate of Cnpt. Powell .t/cRae, late of Kershaw District, de| ceased, are earnestly requested to present them properly attested forthwith, and those indebted, are 1 requested to make payment to the subscriber. I WILLIAM J. TAYLOR, Executor. hi tie Hitli.lH?. Rrichittyiu;; and E'l;s.*tei-isig. The suhscrihcr having located him.-eil in Cam den. respectfully oliers Irs services to the citizens ! of the town and the surrounding country. Brick' laying, plain Plastering, stucco work, corn is-h and | centres, rough casting, imitations of all kinds of I stone &c., will he executed in a manner warranted to g've satisfaction. A share of patronage is snli< ited. lie may he found at his residence on Rulledge hot ween Market and Lyttletun streets. PerI sons in the country wishing his service, can ad! dress him through the Post Office. JOSEPH SHEPHERD, i Aug. IS, IS 17. il- tf Ladies' Boo Is a;t (I SJtocs, W. Anderson & (,'o. iiave received from Phila! delphia. a handsome assortment ot Ladies' colored silk Gaiiers " Fritnciiis Gaiter ) made hy " htnek la-Ming Gaiter* > Ryan ft Co. " black half Gaiter* } Philadelphia" " Kid Slippers " Kid an I ('all* Walking Shoes" j Mi?scs tvack and colored Kid Slippers ' " Kid and Call" Walking Hi;.kins Children's fancy Bronx? and l?!ack do ? w>o? ' Men's unved and p'-ffff-'d Itni.niiis. verv low Men's Women's and ii?y*s Shoes and Bootees, of our own | manuf iciure, for sale low, hv W. A XD Ml SON ft CO. Scjrarsatstl Tobacco. Superior Spanish Sugars, of favorite brands, and fine chewing Tobacco, foe sale hv May 111. _ __ * S. BENSON. A d :ni ni stmt oris Aolicc. F L. Z tup having received from the Ordinary i of Kershaw District, grant of Let'ers of Admin! istra*ion de bonis non of all and singular the goods anu < hutte!.-, rights, credits, dues and uemanes teal wire of .I".-hin Reynolds deceased, hereby uotilies !|io public, that all dealing with the es i.ate of the sa.d Josiina Reynolds defeased, nius in I'll!tie be with too subscriber. Ali persons having claims against the said cs tale, will pre.-enl tlieni properly attested, and al persons indebted to tlio same -ire hereby notified to come forward M'llmu' delay and make payment. FRANCIS L. ZE.WP, Adm'r. de bonis lion. Jan. 4 I jJ; ovf koi* cash. W. AN i 'KRSON & CO. intending to dose their general business, will offer their stork of OD C^CDCD!:D=53a Hctitly JIadc t'hdliia?, HA HI)\YA IIE, SA DDL Ell V, ROOTS, SHOES, &r. At very reduced prices. As our assortment is I good, and we are determined to sell, we would inj cite purchasers to cali, as great bargains may be expected. j Cjtr.ill<;;ae;aN Boots, I made, tur ile t?y & Jan. 27. YV. ANDF.USON & CO. .Itisi Kcccived. Hogsheads Sugar (some very low juiced) Tierces (Jranulated Sugar Barrels crushed and powdered do. le af do Fine old Java Coffee; Rio do Sperm Candles. For sale low bv Jan. 12, ISIS. S: H. I.EVV. 44 A f? w HKoac of tlio same Sort." 51 It HI (odd Sugars 5'JliO Charleston do Cubrev llutleifly do Pre.-.-eJ Hsjierango Reg J is do Thomas* sup. chewing Tobacco Tobacco o! various brands, some low priced. Hall SpanishSegars. Just received by January 12. 1-4**. S. If. LKY'Y Champaignc. Baskets Champaigne, "I'oiiin ,er" do do pints, "Bollinger" do do "Uourlic" Casks Porter, quarts and pints do Ale. Wines Liquors of all qualities. Just received by S. B LEVY. Prewrvcs. West India Preserved gmg-r; West India preserved pine apples: tunes, peaches, plumbs and cherries. Fresh jirunes, currants, citron and lentous; tor sale by S. B. LEVY. Nov. 2, 1? 17. Ilai>iu<iati(l Pin4 and Apples. \ and ? boxes Raisins; i'ruuis Figs Bar els Nortl.ern Apples; B".\ Lemons. Al.-n?A fresh su'pjily ol Candies. Just received i,v ? ri i .p.vv " Jan 11. " 'J if To the Public. The suhsciilx is ln-g leave lo return their thanks (i> their customers lur liie^ patronage afforded them during the past y< ar, and to itilorm rise public that they continue the business at their old stand, where all orders in their line will he ti auk fully received and promptly attended to. They have good workmen and superior materials, and will warrant all wmk done whcthei ol iron or wood. Ready made Ploughs kepi on hand or made to order. Wagons, carte, carriages, ?f-c. made or re paired. J'riccs moderate. Jan. I'd. W IUTaKKR & ARRANTS. Garden Seeds. The Kiihsrrit?er is opening a stock of fresh Gar. den Seeds, Iruin the celebrated house of Tiiurdqrn Co., New York. He will coiiliiuc to keep a supply ol the very host and treshest Seeds winch can he ohta.ncd in the country, and will dispose of them on reasonable terms. Nov. 17. J. R. McKAlN. \V 11K K L \V lilCJ I1T AM) BLACKSMITH'S SHOP. Tiic subscriber lakes this method of thanking Ins friends lor their patronage, and would respectfully iiitorm the citizens of Camden and. ncrsons residing in the country, that he is stiil to be lound at Ins old stand, corner of Rut ledge and Market-sts. where he wilt he glad t?? supply any one in want of good Wagons, Carts, Wheelbarrows, or any other uork in his line, having a line supply of seasoned Oak and Ash l'la.'.k, Spokes, Hubs. &c. Alsu, z (plantiiy <?l Tier and other Iron and boxes, for cither iron or wooden A.vletrees. Jan. 4. ROI5ERT L. TWEED. OJ A good niarksmitli wanted. Dissolution of Copartnership On the 1st of January next, thu co-partnership existing under the firm of Poby &. Kennedy will he dissolved by mutual consent All debts due by and to the concern will he settled by R. M I IV llllDV nciiiiruy ?? . J'V/i) I Dec. 22. K. M KENNEDY. DR. JACKSON^ Pile and Tetter Embrocation. N'i iir'iclo ho?ftoctually rt moves the above painful and troublesome affections. For sale bv Feb. 22. FKANCIS L. ZEA1P. Fresh Garden Seeds, OF THE G it 0 W T H 0|F 1847, Wholesale or Retail, ^ WARRANTED GOOD, J ust received by P. Thornton, at the Post Office, CAMDEN, S. C. Globe Artichoke Early Sugar Loaf Cabbage Giant Asparagus Early Ox Heart do Early China Dwarf Beans Long Orange Carrot While Kidney do Large Dutch Parsnip L U-fiigco or 100 to 1 do White Solid Ccllcry Red Warronton do Long Green Cucumber Early Valentino do I Early do Robroy do Gherkins, fine for Pickles, Yellow Cranberry do very prolific, apd bear till j Large Lima, n very rich frost f shell Bean, runs well Early summer hush squash A and hears till frost Crooked neck Cishaw, a V\ hite Morso do fine rorioiog squash, fine A very tender snap Beanj for pics end very prolific, doc* Musk Melon, tine well to pl.nst with corn, ('antelope do Early Washington or six Nutmeg Melon do weeks Peas 'Wnler Melon, very fine f Early .May dojcreeu curled Kile n E irly Charlton do^ Korly curl'd Silccia Lettuce Bishops early dwf prolific do Large caMtngo head do V Large white Marrowfat d?!.M gnuin Bonuinand lee do , c Vic,oria I choice kind do White Matchless I Large Red do | Blue Prnssim do Liige Scotch Iicck Tall Sugar do Top Onion Seed Eirly Tuscarorn Corn Curled Parsley Earl. Golden Sioux do Cayenne ami Bell Pepper Early Sugar do Long Scarlet Radish Canary Seed, "or Birds Etrly sc irlet short top do 1 Long Blood Beet Loig salmon do ! 'j Early Turnip do Scarlet Turnip do ? True French sugar do While Turnip do | Large Purple Brncoli Bl ick winter do A J Early Cauliflower Round Summer Spinnage ( CABBAGE. Prickly do ' Large lata Drum Mead Pin pie Egg plant or Guinea 'r L'rgo Drum Savoy Squash Lite Dutch Lncern or French clover Green Glizcd Round Red Tomatoes Large Mountain Yel ow do ; I Green curled Savoy Early spring Turnip |A Early York Largo N orfolli do ^ Eirly Battcrsea Rula Baga j i Eaily Dutch j | ILTA c> nsidcrablc discount will bo made to per- ^ | sons who wish to purchase to sell again. , ^ Should any of the above seeds, an trial, not prove I > good, others will be given in return. Dec. 1. j ^ New Fall Goods. \[ The subscriber is now opening a genera! assort- ! ment of staple and fancy Goods, selected by hint- f sell in New York, which he offers on his usual ac- j coiiunodating terms. They comprise in part, as j ^ follows? woolens. o Heavy London <!iitfi! Blankets do striped hrtnvn French Blankets do E-cy and wliite'inackinaw Blankets do ?lrab and brown negro kerseys v do gray and plaid negro cloths * do (ilascow jeans do do do Kingston striped and plaid nezro cloths White, red .:nd yellow tl tunels, ass'd qualities Superfine real Welsh ll.innfds ?io black, blue, invisible green and cadet mixed cloths Fashionable cassitncrcs, assorted colors Krinine ami doeskin cassimeres U Sallinets, assorted colors and qualities hlontcry cassinteres; fancy vestings frexcii embroideries, &c. '' Elegant real French embroidered collars do do do trimmed do do do do embroidered capes do do do lace do u do do do worked sleeves h do do do do ladies caps do worked infants' rn'ics do do do robe bodies do rimmed linnen cambric handkerchiefs do embroidered do do do ?' do do lace bordered do ^ Superb embroidered cashmire robes I' Rich cashmire dresses S! Rich velvet-striped poult de soie silk French figured and worked muslin for dresses COTTON (iOODS. Calicoes, of new style ami assorted qualities English and American longclotn, unusually chcnp j>' lti-4 bleached sheeting's jji Blea. "lid unlilea. homespuns, assorted qualities Unbleached and bleached canton ll.inncls Cotton cambrics and nlaid muslins Furniture dimity and hook muslins Swiss and mull muslins ami Fur .iturc Fringe C i ivrvu III Irish lincnp, lawns ami sheetings; brown ho1. ! 1 iiid ami linen oznaltur s; btrd-ove and Russia dij a|>?rs; lalilo d.aj cr and damank table cloth.-; duw- _ | las andjincn threads. AI.SO Alpaccu and bombazine; Monterv plaids; grain ^ plaids; colored merinoes; gondola plaids; worsted _ mante las; brlgrave hoods; butterfly rarvod tucking combs; carved polka tucking combs, dressing and line tooth combs; hair brushes With a variety of other articles sept. 22 II. LEVY. flagging ant! Rope. C 150 pieces Kentucky R igging; 11IU coils Rope. Just received and for sale by sept. 22. II. LEVY. fjj JOHN OGRAtV, c< Receiving & Forwarding .Merchant and Bnnklgrnl. CAM DKN, S. C. All business entrusted to him faithfully attend. n i ed to, on moderate terms. [ ! I ; I.' JOHN J. WORKMAN, ACiE.Mi', I ( A M |)i:\. S. c *1 11 A n rn r uuu 1, AUCTIONEER, i Commission Merchant & General Agent, v (JAM I) ION, S. (J. \V !] attnrul to Public anil Private Sales of any description. ?Ir ET Auction Room opposite James Dunlnp, a feiv nu doors above Davis's Hotel. 11?tf fiirocorics. 500 sar|<s Salt in,\N Now Orleans and St. Croix Sugar ^ Now Orleans Molasses cs, Kin and Java Coffee tlu Crushed and Loaf Sugar; superior Teas eh Paeon Sides; Iron and Steel ? vie Liquors assorted, with a lull assortment of j I,ri flroreries, which will he sold on reasnnahl terms, l,y II. LEVY. Wltittkcy. A few barrels fine old Baltimore whiskey, Mil- ".l'f ler's Brand. For sale by | "'J JAMBS McEWEN. | _ Feb. 2tt, 1819. 9 tf , Ladies' colored dress silks new style, lor sale 1 h;i< low. Alsorol'd all pachas, French merinos,cash* ; \V meres and mouslin do lanes at reduced prices. vvli Dec. H. E. W. BONNEV, Cf . DOIJGLA & CO. ~ ),!l the Will act as^Agenls for persons transacting business in either of the Banks in Camden on modcr- ] ate terms. ? They are also prepared to rereive Cotton and ] other Country Produce on on very moder- a n ate terms. December 15. ] ipring slock of Boots and Shoes. G. W. Olney lias this week received a genera, ssorlment of LOOTS and SHOES, consisting, ir art, of? Gentlemen's fine light Loots, at fi 00 do Calf, Kip and Goat Skin do. at 2$ to f do Seal and ('lotli Gaiters .adics' white Kid and Satin Slippers do black and colored iviti ana morocco i its do Congress Boots and Buskins do black and colored Gaiter Boots do do do lialf do. I'uinps and welti dj excellent morocco Simpers, al 50 rets do Seal, Goat Skin anil Leather Buskin Tie loy't Calf, Kip and Seal l'ooteos li.-sos' Morocco, Seal and Leather Bootees do do do do Buskins dit black and colored Morocco and Kid Ties ihildrcn's black and colored Gaiters do do do Morocco Bootees do Leather pegged and sewed do also A large lot of Men's Boy's bound and unbonm irogans, at iow prices; with a general asso:t nentof FIATS AND BONNETS, I'hich will be sold at a small advance on priirn ost. Call and look, and you will not go away du atisfird. ()]>posite the Dank if Camden. Marl, 15. II 4t. NEW GROCERY AM) The subscriber has just opettcd a ra'efully so ^cted stock of Family Groceries, which he propo es to sell tor cash, at a very small advance on cos li.? stock consists in part, of? lio, old Java, Cuba and Mocha Coffee .oaf, lump, crashed, pulverized and brown ?ugai Cew Orleans* and West India Molasses itinj nwder, hyson, green and black Tea i co, Fiour lieese, iltooi, l/tnl and Mack trel . > 0limes in oil, salmon and lobsters tluioiids, raisins, currants, citron and figs 'reserved ginger, pine apple, lemon and orange Jraitdy | caches, cherries ami pears Jushroou.. tomato, paoIi and walnut ketchup 'ickles assorted, and sauces of different kinds lustard. pepper, ginger, mil megs, cloves, ailspic ioda, butter, sugar and water crackers iCmon, pine apple, raspberry and ginger syrups i-'ognae Brandy (IInnnesse's and other brandsj lordeatix, old peach and apple brandy r.JI.trwl Hin. TninfttOfl fitli! I*' f l<* I tt I If] Rtlffl loiinngalielu, old rye, Scotch and Irish Whiskey ?e*.v Orleans (readied) ai.d North Carolina do bRaga. .Madeira, Sherry and Tenerifl'e wine /'hampngne, old Fort, larot and Muscat do /union I'oricr and Scotch ale in quarts and pint unerican and French cordials, assorted 'allow, sperm* and adamantine candies lar snip; starch; indigo; castor oil; salt petre 'casf, seiill.lz ami soda powders; .Sal /Eratus With a great variety of othci article,, too numcr lis to mention. S. BENSON, tirkson &. Lntta's old stand, nerly opposite Davis _IIoteJ May 19. ftortlicni Tubs, Brass Bound v'ater Buckets, Sugar Cans, Heelers, Measure! :c.. For sale, y E W BO.MNEY. Jan 5 ' 1 tf For Kjtls. 50 barrels fresh LI ME, in good order. Jan. 5. J. F. SUTHERLAND. TIic Subscriber. FJILL continue to act as BANK AfiENT, ii If both the Banks oft his place, and attend to atq 'cnnissim Business which may be entrusted t< im. Oihco at the Counting Room of McDowal f-Shannon C.J. SHANNON. Sew JIslliudiM SEynui Rooliit. A supply of the lieu* Soolhern Hymn hooks ill he received by the I)elvn!l>, and will In e sold at the publisher's prices. W. IJ. JOHNSTON. Notice. All persons having demands against the Estate F John II. Anderson, will hand them in to the dministrator legally attested, within the time rescribed by law,and all persons indebted to the lid estate, will make immediate payment to JAMES 11. McKAIN, Adtu'r. Aug. 25. 1847. Superior Scgars. Just received u tine iot ot Segars, branded *B. runkliii* and 'Lovoii do Oro,' hotii brands very ue. W. 13. JOHNSTON. Dec. 22 51 tf Brick Yard. Tim clll.tmrilmi- r lr>i.m,l tl.o Hr rk Yard n ol. James Chesmit, i>n l'uie Tree crcck, will he epared in a short lime, t<> furnish any quantity hricks on accommodating terms. April 2-i, ls47. J. F. SUTHERLAND. . 31 AT?3S5SO X, BANK AG R N T. T IIIS OLD ST.Wl) OPP"SfB DaVIs' HoTKL. E*icc. A r rime article of Rice, on sale. W. B. JOHNSTON. ~TlRE~AND~iviARTNE TNSURANCET~ nmdcu Insurance Company, of Ncw-Jcrscy. C11AKTEBED IN 1SJ3, Tlie snbscriber having received the .Agency of lis institution lor Camden and vicinity, will relive applications, and issue Policies at the eur iit rat"s, It'. I). ,M(DOW.M.L. Northern Tata Sole Leather, Calf and Lining Skins. Harness and Red and ok upper Leather, Patent Leather, Saddle i;i.or, .Shoe 'I'llread &c. &c , lor sale hv hVl?. -JM. GEO. ALDEN. E.tulieO BIools am! Fait; hlioes. Ladies line Lasting Boots ?!o do Kid Walking Sli N do do Slips rlr, TP.n.w.l. Iv ,1 Stllnc do white Kid and iSati ? Slips do Lasting Buskin Ties do ( skin walking Tics. LSO?A fresh supply of Misses's School Shoes and Bootees, heavy and gunJ. Together with a general assortment of < hi]en's Shoes, all of which are Iresii from the maifacturers, and for sale by Fob. 28. GEO. Al.DEN. SOLD AT NEW YORK PRICES. Dr. SMITH'S PREMIUM TORPEDO MAGETIC MACHINES?Tiiis is certainly the n >att and most povverlul Instrument yet oflereJ to j public, and as a re odial agent in nervous and ionic. airect:ons, it has bee., found highly ser ealile. The American Institute has awarded a ze to this Instrument over many competitors. Forsaleliy F. I,. ZEMP. ISoci*c and B.ot for stile. riu> sulwcriber oilers fir s:il>>lii<> House and l.nt situated ir the .Metlionis* I'linrcli in Camden. For further pariilars applv to T. W. IVgues Vh. 22. ' W. J. FRANCIS. KUIIOVAL. The subscriber would inform the public that he s removed to the store formerly occupied by Mr, 111 in in olmson, second door above II. I.evy's. irre he will keep on hand a good supply of GROIRIES. HARDWARE, CROCKERY. &.c. to iich he invites the attention of purchasers, as 'y will be sold very low. J. CHARLES WORTH. March R. 10 tf Ladies' black Kid Gloves and clear Lawn Hdkfs. ew article. Just opened hv February 2: E. W. ONNEY. . \ ? A PLANTATION FOR SALE, In Madison County, Mississippi. A plantation containing 1040 of the very beat ' creek bottom ami tip-land is offered for sale on the 1 most liberal terms. From 550 to 600 acres are in 1 cultivation, of which nearly one half is creek bottom. well ditched and drained; the up-Iand in cultivation is circled. The most of it' is perfectly > fresh; but little rf it having been cultivated more than from one to four years. The place has a constantly running stream passing through it, which will afford water enough to girt the cotton crop, and grind all tiro corn lor the use of the plantation. It is well supplied with springs of the best water. 5 It has upon it a large gin bouse and cotton press; a negro quarter suSIicient to acomodatc from 75 to s 80 negroes and all nscssary out-buildings in proportion. The Dwelling House is g<xxi and roomy, and tbp yard is handsomely improved. It hps ad,; joining the house, a fire orchard of peach, plum, pear, apricot, nectarine, apple trees, grape vines of various kinds, and almost every fruit that comes to perfection in this climate. It is believed to be one of the most desirable tracts of land in the country, not only on account, of the land, iraproved ments, water cj-c., but also health. It is offered for sate at a less price an'1 on better I terms, than any such improvements a>.<i laud are being offered at in the country, c There will also ho sold at the lowest market . price, with the pladtatioii, the crop of < > r . i large stock of hogs, about GO head of cattle, sl eep Sic., and plantation tools of every description ' a ?M ,!.? I .1,1 ?n,l k';?/.t,on .tint, II >? Uin'.iJ, ai 1 111*; I iuunvir'iu niiu ikivvuvw furniture. The above mentioned I'ian&fion is adjoining lite ^ land.- of William MeWillie, and YV. E. Jijhn?on.< * For further information or purchase appty to apka.m a McWJLLIB, . Near Camden, Mississippi.^ TO MILL WRIGHTS ' and mill owners. ; The subscriber having obtained a patent for his improvement on the Water Wheel is prepared to seli Rights, cither for States, Districts, or to Individuals. The advantages of this wheel overall others now in ure, are, that it is not affected by dead or back water so long as there i3agood head above it; i; increases the speed over the ordinary wheel, so as to grind a bushel in from 3 to 8 minutes?with n gi rd head of water a bushel ba^been ground in the first mentioned time?its constructs | tion js so simple that any one who can make a Tub i Wheel can j.;it one ol these in operation; in fact, i ft is the Tub Wheel improved. persons purr basing a right for a State or District. w ill lie furnished a model free of charge, and ; to those who purchase indidual rights all necessary I instructions will be given on personal application i to the subscriber nine miles west of Camden, where i one of the wheels can le seen in operation. Letters addressed (; "st p iid) to the subscriber, s (care of A. M. Kennedy,) will meet with prompt attention. * EMANUEL parker. I Attention is invited to the annexed certificates "Catnien S. C. March 1, 1847. ' This is to certify that I have used lie Water Wheel invented by Air. Kutaiiuel Parker. 1 applied it ?o my AI ill, , | which had previously ground one bushel in twenty-minutes ' ! hut which, after its application, ground a bushel \nfive mmj ?/<*. with two-thirds of the water power. The meal is e j qually as good, if not better than before." P. McMA. I "South-Carolina?Kershaw District. 5 | I do hereby certify that I have in use. attached to my Grist Mill the improved Wafer Wheel, the Patent of widen Kinanu-'l Parker of Kershaw District lias obtained; and find it superior to any w!i?r! I have before had or recti, and more than realising my most sanguine expectations. a. a. Mcdowell. Decemlcr 9. IS-17. Sonth-Cnrlir a--Kershaw District. This is to certify that Air. E. Parker lias affixed his Patent Wheel to my Grist Aliil, and I am very much pleased I w ith its performance, and feel confident that it excels j any tlthfg of the kind that 1 have everscen. ' I \ | WM. TAVLOR. ? '! TVolice of Administratrix. I Maiit C. Reynolds having obtaiued grant of ! Trotters of Administration of all and singular the i , ; goods and chattels, rigiiis and credits that were of , George Reynolds deceased, at the time of his death, I hereby notifies all who are indebted to the estate | of tl e said George Reynolds to come forward and settle their debts, with the administratrix, and all I persons having claims against the said estate will I hand them in to her properly attested withiq the | time prescribed by law. j I hereby constitute end appoint James Chesnnt, : Jr. as my agent and authorize him tor me, as Administratrix, to receive any monies that maf be due the said estate, and for me and in my name, toexecute and give receipts and acquittances fur the same. MARY C. REYNOLDS. Jan. 12. 131*. 3 If To Rent, TIip store house on Broad street, now occupied i by Jefferson Hurl;ley. Possession given inmiedi| atelv. Apply to A. G. B A SKIN. Jan. 3 1 TAKE A SKAT! 7TJust received a line assortment of curl-maple an 1 fancy Sitting and Rocking ('hairs, cane and wo id seats; together with a fine assortment of Furniture, such as Sofas, Book Cases, Wardrobe*"^,, Bedsteads, fancy and plain Dressing Bureaus, 4*c.' For sale cheap for cash or good paper. r?< ? Jan.5. J. F. SUTHERLAND. In Equity--Kershaw District. James Tiller, ct al: ) ' vs > BILL. John McSwi en et al. ) It appearing to my satisfaction, that John Tiller, Jane Tiller, Seaborn Tiller and Crcighton Tiller, | the children of William Tiller, deceased, defeu | dants to this Bill are absent from, and reside bej yond the limits of this State: On motuui of C.hesj nut, complainant's solicitor, it is ordered that the ! said defendants do plead, answer or demur to the - l i : 11 I k.. c .! _ a-. >?uu i.hi uuiiiti uiitx' 111?111111> iiuiii 11115 udit'f i/r dii I order pro confesso will bo entered against theru. W'M. M. SHANNON, c. e k. d. Comm'rs. "tnc.e. Fob* 18. 1848. . [87] In liqnily- licrshaw District. Margaret McCasktll and SamLP. Murchison vs. Dame! McCaskill and others. It appearing to :ny satisfaction, that Daniel Mc* Caskill, the brother of Alexander McCnskill, who s one of the defendant.-: to this bill, departed from ihis State many years since, and has not been heard from or of since then: On motion of J. M. DeSaust ure, complainant's solicitor, it is ordered hat the taid Panic', or if he hedea,d any children i that he n ay have loft, do plead, answer or demur to this bill within three months from this day, or an order pro confcsso will be granted against him or them. W'Yi. M. SHANNON, c. e. k.d. | t.omnvrs. wince, ren. in, ic<J3. L#/87J lOUUlXOX. | This fine and thorough bred Stallion will sftlnd tiie ensuing season, commencing1 on the first of March, and ending on the 1st of July, in the vicinit ty of Camden, at ?10 the season and $20 the in-, surance and 50 rents to the groom. Equinox is a beautiful dark chesnut, 15 hands, three inches high, finely proportioned, of superior form and action, of great docility, and in alFree-j ports admirably adapted to improve the stock of saddle and draft horses. He was bred by EL I<. Stevens, Esq. of New York, out ol Janetle? jul| * sister of Sir Charles; his sire Mr. Botts' celebrar ted horse (Johanna. Feb. 2?=2S_ Assignee's Notice. Dickson & Latta having made an assignment to t! e subscriber for the benefit" f their creditors, all indebted are requested to make payment, and all persons havinc claims are roouested to randan Jiein to James Chesnut Esq, who is a]60 authoriz, ed to i olleci all notes, due-bills, or open accounts, E. M. BEACH, Assignee, Camden, March 20th. 1848. ? The stock of Groceries on hand will be offered at psivate sale during next .week at cost. Bar, gains may beoxpected. * (12 3t) E. M. B.