fei: I IMM For the cure of Headache. Giddine< , Suit Rheum, Rheumatism, Piles. Heartburn. Wortns. Dyspepsia. Cholera Morbu*. Pains in toe Bnek Lifnbsand Joints. General Weakness, Fits, < Vjv.uiupiion. Palpitation of the ii-'art. LiverComplaint, Risitr: to the Thr-vi, Kry.-ipcdn*. Deafness. Dropsy. Asthma. IteMier? of the Skin. Fevers ?f ai! kintk. Isolds), Gout. Gntvrl. i etnalc Complaints. Nervous Complaints, and all other !/i-eases arising from impvritikk of the BLOOD, and MOItltlD SECRETIONS OF TtIK t.lVF.R AND 6TOMACU. I 5Cr Every disease t<> which tlie human frame i* subject. I originates from impurities of llie blood or derangement of j the digestive organs. ?r Dr. Gordon's Family Pills. Being cnuinonmli'd exclusively of such ingredients a* i XatUre intended should operate on the impurities of the j Human Syst-un. 'Strike at the root of the disease, removing all impurities ! from the hod v. opening the pores externally and internally. : separating all foreign and obnoxious particles from the j Chyle, so tliat the blood, of which it is the origin, must be thoroughly pure?necessarily securing a free and vtgorotl* | action to the Heart, Lungs, Lixcr and Stomach, thereby restoiunc health.by opening the pores, cleansing the > veins and arteries, unimpeding all the natural veiri? and po- I rifying the Wood; they render the svstem not only thorough- j ly sbuud. but also impervious to disease, even when ail OTHER means It AVE FAILED. WW ithin the last twelve months, more than one hundred cases of lit - moit nttsrat cited forms of nrsrsrsiA have been cured by the .Medicine, when- rigid dieting, tli? Blue Pid, and almost every oilier m-am had been resorted rn without any benefit, and when death stared its miserable victim fully in tlie face. If !>r Gordon's I'ills were n->t adapted to "the cure of any hut this horrid malady, their uniform success in this disease alone would he sufficient to "waft on to fame" the name of their inventor, a* a benefactor of his SCECtKS. ,.23" This m 'dieinc never fails to cure tie- worst cases of files in one 1 reek! For a more detailed description of the Medicine, the manner of its opeiation, the complaints it c adapted to and the curesit has performed, xve refer the reader to our agents, who will give them a Pamphlet gra'K For sale by James It. McKain, F. L. Zemp Camden, ahw, for sale sit all the towns and country stores in the South . and West. Truth ;is powerful, and, in this instance, has prevmtea. Peters'1 Vegetable Pills, Testimonials.?Extract of a letter from Dr. Waines of Philadelphia, Feb. 2,1310.?"Your Pills Tire the mildest in their operation*, and yet most powerful in their effects, of any that 1 have ever met with in a practice of eight and twenty years, i Their action on tin; chyle, and hence on the impurities of the biotxl, is evidently very surprising." Extract of a letter from Dr. Henry Hall, of Quebec, L. C., March 6, 1841.?"For billioue fevers, rick headaches, torpidity of the bowels, and enlargement of the spleen, Dr. Peters' Pills are an Excellent medicine." For sale by all the Druggists in Augusta, Ilamlmrg and Charleston, and A. J. Moses, Sumtcrrille. J. R. McKAl.V, Sole Agent in Camden. nillfto, for sale by J. R. McKain, Camden, and A. ,A. J. Moses, Sumterville, HARRISON'S OINTMENT, an unfailing remedy in the cure of all kinds of Wounds, Sores, Scalds and Burns, and the Piles. Price 50 cents. Dr. G. K. TYLER'S _ "ffBVSSt AXTD AOUS PILLS. If there ever was a medicine that merited the :public praise for the great good it has done in curing Chills and Fever, it certainly must be Dr. Tyler's Ague Pills as they cure the patient in 24 hours. They do not operate as a purgative, hut ?s a tonic, and produce no unpleasant symptoms and euro permanently, nor can they fail, if used as directed?the trial of a single box will prove the above statements therefore, if you would secure your health, procure a box of the genuine Tyler's atrno Pi lie For 6ale by J. R, McKain and F. L. Zemf, in Camden, and-on enquiry will be found at most of the towns and country stores. A CURE FOR LIFE SECURED DR. fPHAM's VEGETABLE ELECTUARY, or internal remedy eor the piles. Dr. Upharn'x Electuary is a certain cure for that distren ?fa?g complaint, whether Bleeding or Blind. Internal or External, and also for other diseases of a similar nalnre, Which are frequently found in conjunction with Piles? ?uch as Itiflamation of the Liver and Spleen; Infiamation of tlie Soreness of the Stomach; lnflatnation of the Bowels, Kidney arid Bladder; Torpor and Inactivity of the Liver; Impurity of Blood and Ioternal Humors; Weakness and lnflatnation of the Spine; Severe and Habitual Costivrnew; Flow of Blood to'the head, Dizziness, Ate. Mark tliis.?It is an internal remedy?tint an external i application, and will cure any case of piles, either bleed- j inc or blind, internal external; and the only thing that | will. It is a positive cure?speedy a?.d permanent. It is also a convenient medicine to take, and improves the gen- i era! health in an excellent manner. It is very mild in its I operation, aud may be taken iu the most acute inflaiuatiou I without danger. All external applications are iu the high- ] ? eat degree disagreeable, inconvenient and offensive and j from the very uaturo of the disease, temporary in their ef- ' fects. This mediciue attacks the disea-e at its source, and removing the cause, renders the cure certain and permanent. For sale in Camden, 55. ('., by JAMES R. McKAIN. Sold wholesale and retail, by Wvatt jz imctciiaM, .21 Fulton-street. N. Y. For Sale. A new Rose-wood PIANO FORTE, of fine tone and superior finish. It may he seen at my Ware Room, and will be sold low. inly 21. J. F. SUTHERLAND. S. B. LEVY Will continue to act as Aoent for both thn Ranks a thin place, and attend to any commission business that may be entrusted to him. Faxliionable Clotliiut;. Wc are now receiving from New-York, otir stock of j Ready-made Clothing, made in the latest and most fashionable style. viz: Super Black, Dre?sand Frock Coat*; Do *' " Sack"; Brown and Olive Frock Coats; Business Coats, of various styles, and made of handsome materia!-; Cloth, Beaver Cloth and Pilot Overcoats; Vests of various styles; Pants Ac; Witli a full supply of Shirts, t'ruler (Jarment?, Suspenders, self-adjust ins Stocks, Cravats, Cloves. Hoisery &c, !l of which will bs sold at the very lowest price* by Oct. d7. W. A.SI)lilt.SON A. CO. I " ~ i (KrXotice.?co Those wiio want bargains in the way of Ladies Worsted Dress Goods, will do well tr call and ?ee toy assortment, as I am determined to sell them off at very low prices. \V. B. JOIIXSTOX; Splendid Che win? Tobacco. Friendship," uCherry lied," and "itose Bud" brands, 6ome of the finest chewing' Tobacco in market W. IS. JOHNSTON. v>i?: ? WCUIglU K For sale by W. ANDERSON ft CO. Oct. 27, 1817. luU Received, 1 cask old Brandy (Uennesscs* brand) 1 " Biass's Loudon Porter, pints 1 case Brandy Peaches Soda Crackers, mixed Pickles, &c. June 9. S. BENSON, Cheese and liice. Jast received, a lot of fine northern cheese, also a few bushels Bossard's best Ilice. Dec 8. E. \V. BONNEY. Negro shoes. We have on lmnd a lull oworrment of Best quality black Pegged Brogans; " do Koweto do do Second quality blk. do do Stitch-down Shoes, all of our own manufacture, which can be recemmctided to givo entire satirfaetiou to the purchafer. Planters ure invited to call and examine our stock. a* we Know uiey win be pleased, as in quality and price. \V. ANDERSON & CO. Wanted! The subscriber wants to hire for 12 months, a good woman cook, and house servants, suitable for Hotel. B. P. BOYD. Dec. 9. 49 2t 1 # Hps p if lS#swlil Bl?w if ^j VEGtiTABLrti UNIVERSAL TILLS, ! Thcsinrtlinc drawback on m-arir nil Medicinal A Rents ha* ever Ik-d llinl in lli -ir i>ro.-..-. (if |itir:.*:ilinti and pnrifi- 1 c.-tiinn. tlicv hnvm alf!> ?K!iii.it.\ti:o tiii: s\.ca-.; a! (tie rri^'irr i>f ivrniKR. To obviate tiiP. Physician*; hive long Miughi furan Agent thai would a' I'm* f.tmt: timk PURt.K I'! Kin* , Hoy's PilD are Wild Cherry and Snrsnpnrilla. So prepared that each promotes tie* beneficial cflVt of the other, the fontvrstrengthening. while the latter, thrmgh its iinititi with various vegetable ingredients, evacuates and pnrifi? ; thus they superinduce no torpidity of la--ittitle ??f tlie Pigc- nve Functions, ami hence their operations are attended hv no Reaction, or Subsequent Cosrivcnes*. Pr. I.e Roy's Pills are the licet active and searching Medicine in exi-tenoe. They at unco attack the very r??aa> w ?m ?rutM W ? ? ?*. * m y " blac k lading Gaiter* f ltvnii & Co. 1 " blac k halt'Gaiters ) Philadelphia- 1 " " Kid Slipper* ivid ami i all walking !Siioes! 1 Misses black ami colored Kill Slippers I ' ' Kid ami Calf Walking Buskins Children's fancy Bronze an.! Iilack do 1 ?also? i Men's sewed and pejrtp'd Bmgans, very low Men's Women's and Boy's Shoes and Bootees, of our own i manufacture, for sale low, liv 1 Jan. C- W. ANDKRSON rni,h' pizc.) Surgical Instruments. VarwVli Brushes, Airputatii?gr Caeea, Sash Tools, Obstetrical ? Til dies, Pocket ? Urirk i,niiifrr?, Spring Lancet*, Brass, Wall Brushes, (white . " Silver and wash) imitation, Marking Brushes, .p""1 Stencils, I rocars Seaton lancets, Viioc Brushes, ' uinb Lancets and ca* draining Tools, c, huh Brushes, (fine) ^'anficatora, "double with? hi'orcePB- . handles, foxes Keys, "Spring Bolt anicls I fair Pencils, rp a,,d P!?in' Stripinaiirv :a2&& Large Scotch Leek Tall Sugar do Top Onion Seed Early Tuscarora Corn Curled Parsley Earlv Golden Sioux do Cayenne and Bell Pepper Early Sugar do Long Scarlet Radish Canary Seed, for Birds Early scarlet short top do Long Blood Beet Long salmon do I Early Turnip do Scarlet Turnip do True French sugar do White Turnip do Large Purplo Brocoli Black winter do Early Cauliflower Round Summer Spinnagc CABBAGE. Prickly do Largo laic Drum Ilcad Purple Egg plant or Guinea t r? c,....... Ijjnrgu tJ\ uin uayyjj Lite Dutch Luccrn or French cloror Green Glazed Round Red Tomatoes Large Mountain Ycl ow do Grocn curled Savoy Early spring Turnip Early York Large Norfolk do Early Baltcrsea RulaBagaEarly Dutch U"A considerable discount will be made to per- : eons who wish to purchase to sell again. Should any of the above seeds, on trial, not prove good, others will be given in return. Dec. 1. New Fall Goods. , The subscriber is now opening a general assortment of staple and fancy Goods, selected by himself in New York, which he offers on his usual accommodating terms. They compriscjn part, as follows? WOOLENS. Ileavy London duflil Blankets de striped brown French Blankets do grey and white'mackinaw Blankets do drab and brown negro kerseys do gray and plaid Degro cloths do Glascow jeans do do i * do Kingston striped and plaid negro cloths White, red and yellow flannels, ass'd qualities Superfine real Welsh flannels do black, blue, invisible green and cadet i mixed cloths Fashionable cassimeres, assorted colors Ermine and doeskin cassimeres Sattinets, assorted colors and qualities Montery cassimeres; fancy vestings FRENCH EMBROIDERIES, Ac. Elegant real French embroidcredeollars do do do trimmed do do do do embroidered capes do do do lace do do do do worked sleeves do do do do ladies caps do worked infants' robes do do do robe bodies do rimmed linnen cambric handkerchiefs . do embroidered do do do do do lace bordered do 1 Superb embroidered cashmire robes Hich cashmire dresses Rich velvet-striped poult de soic silk French figured and worked muslin for dresses COTTON GOODS. Calicoes, of new style and assorted qualities English and American long cloth, unusually cheap 12-4 bleached sheetings Blea. and unblea. homespuns, assorted qualities Unbleached and bleached canton flannels Cotton cambrics and plaid muslins Furniture dimity and book muslins Swiss and mull muslins and Furniture Fringe 1 LINENS. ' Irish linens, lawns and sheetings; brown holland and linen oznabur^'s; bird-eye and Russia diapers; table diaper and damask table cloths; dowlas and.linen threads. also Alpacca and bombazine; Montcry plaids; gala plaids; colored merinoes; gondola plaids; worsted m&ntellas; belgrave hoods; butterfly carved mcking combs; carved polka tucking combs, dressing atid fine tooth combs; hair brushes With a variety of other articles sept. 22. II. LEVY. Bagging untl Slope. 150 pieces Kentucky Bagging; 100 coils Rope. Just received and for sale by sept. 22. II. LEVY. Crockery Ware. A large stock of Crockery Ware, which will be I ? ij i?.., k? si RV.VSniV OUiU VCI y IU??| J UCJI avi/vivvu ?/j /. JOH\ L\GIiAn, Receiving & Forwarding illerrhant and BankAgenl, CAMDEN, S. C. All business entrusted to him faithfully attend, ed to, on moderate terms. J. S.DKPASS; BANK AGENT COMMISSION MERCHANT CA.11 DEN, S. C. Business entrusted to him will be promptly and faithfully attended to. July 28. Northern Tubs, Brass Bound Water Buckets, Sugar Cans, Keelers, Measures &c. For sale by E W BONNEY. Jan 5 1 tf For Sale. 50 barrels fresh LIME, in good order. Jan. 5. J. F. SUTHERLAND. Notice. John Barnes of Lancaster District, is my lawful agent while 1 am absent from the State. ZADOCK PERRY. Dec. 14. 1 tf Congress and Blue Lick Water. Just received and for sale by July 2a S.BENSON. The Subscriber. WILL continue to act as BANK AGENT, in both the Banks of this place, and attend to any Commission Business which may be entrusted to kirn flflico at tho f7niintinrr Room of McDoWall cfr Shannon C. J. SHANNON. *cw UIctliodiMt Hymn Books. A supply of the new Southern Ilymn books, will bo received by the Dclvalb, and will be bo sold at the publisher's prices. | W. H. JOHNSTON. Gloves. Just opened,"ladies col'd silk Gloves, Borne very handsome and new styles, also ladies' light and dark col'd French kid do, gents superior white kid do. | Dec. 8. E. W. BONNEY, fn Ordinary?Lancaster District. James I.ungley and wife and Elizabeth Langley, Appii ?r cants, vs. Margaret Blackmon, (widow) Daniel Blackmon, William Langley and wife Nancy and others, Defendants.?Sale ordivision of the Real Estate of John 0f Blackmon, sen. deceased. , It appearing to my satisfaclion, that Daniel Blackmon, William Langley and wife Nancy Langley, Defendants in the above case, reside without the limits of this State. It I es is ordered that the said Defendants do appear and object to the sale or division, of the real csiatc of John Blackmon, soil, deceased, on or before the 3d day of February, 1848. . or their consent to the same, will be entered of record. 'ol JAMES II. WITHERSPOON, Ordinary, L. D. 8U or Tan lard to Rent. ^ W. Anderson & Co., offers to rent their Tan gu Yard, about one mile from Camden. The Bark B|, Mill, Hide Mill and Pumps, are drawn by water, tf, and the T.cncbp.c. Vats. Shuns. Hide and Bark r_ Houses, are all in excellent order, and make it or one of the most complete establishments in the country. hi To a practical Tanner, this offers a rare oppor- t0 tunity of commencing business, as there is no cfther Tan Yard within c:ght miles of Camden, the pa market for the sale of Leather and Shoes, a good ai one, and Bark and Hides can be purchased in any quantity, and on reasonable terms. z( A few hands accustomed to the business can be ga hired, and the stock now in the Yard can be pur- n( chased if desired. PJ Mice. 6; A rrimc article of Rice, on sale. ' W. B. JOHNSTON. 0| COPASITMERSII1P. tc The subscribers beg leave to inform their friends pi and the public generally, that they will, on the ai first day of January next, enter into copartnership, ni under the style of A.M. & R. Kennedy, when in they will remove to the store lately occupied by el J. I). Murray. . tc They intend keeping a general and extensive si assortment of Dry Goods, Hardware and Groceries, and hope, by strict attention to business, and 6; selling at the very lowest prices, to merit a con- e; tinuance of that patronage heretofore extended to v them. a. 31. kennedy. v r. h. kennedy. j1 NoliCC. a All persons having demands against the Estate of. John II. Anderson, will hand them in to the g Administrator legally attested, within the time ! h prescribed by law,and all persons indebted to the ! o said estate, will Jniakc immediate payment| to j a JAMES R. McKAlN, Adm'r. A OTi 1QJ7 I a "ut;- w' ?; Fine Saddles. J The subscriber has on hand a few fine Saddles witbjextra long skirts to order, which lie will sell jj | very low. Also men's and boys common saddles, 0 English bridle fillings, bits, stirrups girths, ladies' riding whips, &c. _ Dec. 8. E. \V. BONNE V. J . Ilacon and Lard. " 5,000 lbs. North Carolina BACON ' 1,000 do fresh do LAUD 1,000 gals, best do WHISKEY" For sale by JOHN INGRAM. v csiaers. i< Walnut, Maple, Fancy and Plain Painted ? Chairs, v Rocking and Nurse Chairs, Children's Table and Silting Chairs For sale by C. L. CHATTEN. g Dec. 22. 51 6t a Administrator's Notice. F. L. Zcmp having received from the Ordinary ^ of Kershaw District, grant of Letters of Admin- j istrationdc bonis non of all and singular the goods and Chattels, rights, credits, dues and demands ^ that were of Joshua Reynolds deceased, hereby j notifies the public, that all dealings with the estate of the said Joshua Reynolds deceased, must c in futue be with the subscriber. Ali persons having claims against flic said cs- . tale, will present them properly attested, and all J( persons indebted to the same are hereby notified p. to come forward v\ 'thout delay and make payment . FRANCIS L. ZEMP, Adtn'r. de bonis non. Jan. 4 1. tf r Copartnership. n The subscribers have formed a copartnership, h nn/lor tKfl titlonf MrDnvvnll r!iioner. for the transaction of a general Dry Goods, Hardware, Grocery and Commission business. Tlieir stock is large and well'selected, which they offer on accommodating terms. They have ample accommodation for the storage of merchandise and produce. * w, d, mc do wall, J. M. COOPER. Jan. 1 1 6t ^ TAKE A SEAT! Just received a fine assortment of curl-maple and fancy Silling and Rocking Chairs, cane and wood seals; together with a fine assortment of I. Furniture, such as Sofas, Book Cases, Wardrobes 11 Bedsteads, fancy and plain Dressing Bureaus, For sale cheap for cash or good paper. Jan. 5. * J. F. SUTH KRLAND. ~ Notice. To rent, a house and store on Broad street.? T Apply to JAMES McEWEN. J' Dissolution of Copartnership. ai Tlie partnership heretofore existing under the ci title of McDowall & Shannon, is hereby dissol- i' ved by mutual consent.. The name of the firm will only be used in the settlement of its affairs, c< by W. D. McDowell and J. M. Cooper. V W. D. Mc DOW ALU TIIOS. E. SHANNON, ai J. M. COOPER. d Jan 1 1 Gt h To Rent, The store house on Broad street, now occupied (j by Jefferson Burkley. Possession given immedi- 0 ately. Apply to a! A. G. BA.SKIN. Jan. 3 1 tf Crushed Sugar, and superior Sperm Candles, just received and for sale bv W. B JOHNSTON. c Dec. 22. 51 tf R.' Old Port Wine. t\ Just received another cask of that splendid old i?r:? ? ,u_ ? ,l,,? ? M'ori lilt*, precisely UIU acinic mutiu an iicic %? which I sold beforo. W. B JOHNSTON. tl Superior Scgars. |J Just received a fine lot ot Segars, branded 'B. Franklin' and 'Levon de Oro,' both brands very fine. W. B. JOHNSTON. J Dec. 22 51 tf SAMUEL SHIVER, ; Rail-Road Blacksmith, pi Respectfully tenders his services to the public 8 as a BLACKSMITH, having commenced business on his own account. lie deems it unnecessary to say any thing or give any reference as to his qualifi. ca'ions in the above business, having been so long ,.\ and extensively known as a mechanic. Suffice it ci to say, that every effort will be made to give entire ni satisfaction to those who may favor him with their rt patronage. lie will do every description of work ai in his line, at the shortest notice, such as, Carriage rt Work, Carriage Springs, Springs of every kind made and repaired?Huge Tools of every description. made of cast steel, and repaired?Plantation ; - work of every description?Pipe Boxes and Axle Trees always on hand. EFHorse Shoeing.?This branch of his business will receive his exclusive personal attention; hav- ing devoted much of his time, and particular attention thereto, he is quite certain that no complaint will ever be made on that score, and all he asks is a trial. 4 His shop is located on York (below Davis' Ho- 81 tel) and Market streets, one door above E. M. Ci Bronson's Tin Shop. th March 17. . 11 tf _ I An Ordinance b raise Supplies for the Toxen of Camden. 1. Be it ordered by the Intendent and Warden* the Town at Camden, and by tbe authority of 3 same, That hereafter, annually, during the jnth of January in each year, the following Taxshall be levied and paid into the Treasury oftbe >wn of Camden, for the support of the goefenH" ;nt thereof: that is to say on all negro aiaveabe* iging to citizens of the town, or livingtherein,th* m of fifty cents each: to be paid by the owner, agent of the owner (if a non-resident) or by e person who shall hire such slave, and bring ?!???? /* ?fto!r!a In eoirl Tnmrt* rtfl all WIMMn a>ii ciarg iu ivoiuv in ui? ?aiM * wm ? ? hv^>v ives, not being mechanic?, owned by citizens of e said town, and hired out within the said (own r a longer period than one month during tbe.year, le dollar each; on all negro slaves, not being mtlanics, owned by non-residents of thetown^and red out to work, or who shall work in the said wn for more than six months in each year, two illars; which said last mentioned tax shall be lid by the person who shall so hire such slave, id bring such slave into the said town. 2. On all negro slave mechanics, own bydtr;ns of the said town, aud hired out within the ime, three dollars each; and all persona jiiring jgro slave mechanics from non-residents of the tid town, and keeping them at work within the lid town, for more than six months at a time, shall iv a tax of five dollars on each of encfos aves. 1. All negro slaves, mechanics and others, hired jt in the said town, shall be provided with a badge, i he furnished by the Recorder of said town, on lymcnt of ihe foregoing taxes being made lu him; id from and after the first day of March next, any egro offering himself or herself for hire, or beig hired, without being provided wifh such badges iilI be arrested and committed to Jail by the >\vn Marshall at the expense of the owner, until i provided with such badge. 4. On all Goods, wares and :merchandise, on tic in the said town, on the first day of January in ach year, twenty cents on every hundred dollars due thereof: if 5. Ten cents on every hundred dollars of the alue of all town lots, Houses and Real Rotate sit-, ated in the said town, according to the value iercof assessed by the Commissioners appointed nnualiy by the town council of Camden. : . 6. Twenty cents on every hundred dollars of ross professional income received by any perftdd avingan office within the said town, excepting ? * n the income of school masters, school mistresses, nd ministers of the Gospel. j 7. On all free negroes, under fifteen ye^rs ef ge fifty cents; between fifteen and fifty years,of ge. three dollars ($3,) over fifty years old* 0113 ollar. 8. On all pleasure carriages drawn by two bf lore horsep, iwo dollars; on the same drawn Ry I ne borse, one dollar. 9. On all vehicles, wairons, carts or drays,em* loyed to haul for hire within the said.towxvfaf lore than one day. at a time, drawn by lbtl? or Bj lore horses or mnlcs, five dollars; drawn by two H orses or mules, two dollars and fifty cfents; drawiji H y one horse or mule one dollar fifty ceritsr Otf ^B ach break wagon, five dollars ^B 10. One-fourth of one percent on thearaeKod ^B aluc of every improved or oc< upied lot in the said B nvn, whereon there shall not be a good well of B atcr, so that water can be drawn therefroni^pn- fl enicntly, as a well tax; which tax sfcatl notex- I ecd four dollars to be, paid by the ownerhf'Inyt H ne lot. it AH nA?^i 11. /Ill I'lTMMJH JliiUlU IU pUIIUIMI pUIIUI QIIIYV hall pay into the town treasury, four dollars, a? yM n exemption thcrelrom during the year the said ^ ix may he so paid: u*i ' I 12. All persons liable to perform read duty,Vball I e allowed to commute therefor, by paying litre? ollars for each person so liable. 13. The owners or possessors of dogs. who shall avc dogs within the said town on the first day of anuary in each year, or thereafter during tire year, hall pay an annual tax of one dollar, on each tad very dog so kept within the said town: 14. That all returns of property, nnd iuforrnaion to assess taxes, shall be made on oath, jo this >wn treasurer; and all persons liibjc to taxation hall give full information to the treasurer re^jjee" ng the property subject to taxation, when thereto eqttired by hitn. ' * 15. That all Ordinances and parts of ordiqame** cpugnant to litis ordinance, be aud the-'saige ar% ercby repealed. ' Ratified in Town Council assembled this ttyelftfr day of January, in the year of our Lnrd;one thousand eight hundred and forty eight. A? witness the hand .of the Jnteudfent and the seal of the said town of Camden. JNO. M. DESAUSSURE, , Intendt. Town of Catnden. R. L Wir.soN, T. Recorder. .''^ Plough .Moulds, wide Iron, English Casting*, :c. For sale by E. W. BONNEY. | r ;*f* _ To Rent. T38E FINE ARTS. The subscriber has taken a room over the Post tfice, where lie proposes to teach a regular and ystematis course of Drawing and Painting. He ill receive either grown persons or children over velve years of ago as pupils. Terms ten dollars per quarter for Drawing, and lien the pupil is sufficiently advanced to color, le terms will be twelve doliars for both branches iclusive. The quarter will consist of 38 lentona f one to two hours each. Jan. 12. I. B. ALEXANDER. fancy, Sign, and Ornamental Painting. The subscriber respectfully solicits the pajraaTeof the public in the above branches of his ?V Itich will be executed in the beststyle, and at low rices. Rooms above the Post Office. |Jan. 12. I. B. ALEXANDER. Head Quarters, Kershaw Troop. CAMDEN Jan. 10, 184& In pursuance of an order issued by Col. T. J. ncrum, an election for Cornet, to fill the ratlinf occasioned by the resignation of Cornet Cttongham, will be held on Saturday the 5th of Febtary next. Lieut. Jones and Sergeants Brewer id Johnson will manage the election, and make % iturn of the result to Col. Ancrum. ?g_ By order of Capt. YVm A Ancrum, ' Z. CANTEY, O. S. ticnticnicii's laibionabic Boot*, Philadelphia made, for sale by Jan. 27. W. ANDERSON & CO. Garden Seeds! The subscriber is opening a stock of fresh Gar* ?n Seeds, from the celebrated house of TfrofcBintii Co., New York. He will cont'nuo to keep it lpply of the very best and freshest Seed* which in be obtained in the country, and will dwpoatof icm on reasonable terms, Nov. 17. J. R. McKAIN.