The Camden journal. [volume] (Camden, S.C.) 1836-1851, February 02, 1848, Image 3

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\ . io us for his success, which can do Gon. Tnylo justice, by insuring for him the whole strengtl of his great and well merited personal populari ly. Well assured are we that at the South Gen Taylor will only lose by the Soulh's going into I a Baltimore Convention. And for ourselves we are not disposed to sacrifice our own sectional influence for any such purpose. If wo can unite the South or carry its controlling majority, by rallying on the great Soldier, wc by one and the same act insure sound and conservative government to the Southern States as States, and offer the whole country (ay, and in sure it too) sound, wholesome. and conservative government in our national affairs. If pari)1 leaders are not satisfied with this, they must gn dissatisfied. The south will not sacrifice itsell (or party leaders, nor for national parties either. It will form its own electoral ticket, and will elect it too?and Zachary Taylor will show him elf, at least in every Southern State, to be what he is now believed to be?in fact and in truth the People's Candidate, and no mistake. Ic21me in New York. ? During the last year, 14,381 persons have been arraigned al the bar of justice in the different Courts and Police Offices in this city. It is also a fact thai 191 Police Officers were arraigned before the Mayor, for ofTences committed against our Podice laws, the entire number of officers in thi.s -department being 900. The enumeration o! Jhese two sets of figures, establishes the appal ling statistical fact that one person out of erery twenty sis of our entire population is arrested Asa criminal at some period of the year; and that of our guardians of the laws?our conservator* of the peace and public morals?one in every fixe is guilty of souie breach or violation of the very laws which they are paid to main fain.?Na'. Police Gazelle. *.?V. v .True most Truk.?A writer in the Louis*i!!e Courier remarks that 4ilor one country dealer who consults signs over the doors ol pla(if business, one hundred obtain directions to jUwling houses from newspaper advertisements." A 'Annexation of Yvcata.m.?The Herald luiys Our private advices frcm Washington state that an authorized and confidential ajjent from Yucatan is now in the city lor the purpose o! eiiteriiijj into negotiation for the annexation of that State 10 this Union. -sc.. ; ? I CONSUMPTION, In its confirmed and incipient stages, asthma, croup nd liver complaint, form by fur tl.c most fatal class ot diseases known to our land. Yet even tlioso may In cured by means of l.'ie simple yet powerful remedies that arc scattered wherever these m iladies prcrail. Wistar's B ilsi-n of Wild Cherry is tlic conccntrnrul essence of tlioso remedies?it has cured iusipicnt consnmplio s.?lhma liver complaint, croup, etc., in num. berlcsji ca?cs where all other medical means lias fa led. }{& the first stages of the diseases, termed ''Catarrhal J^nsuinption." originating f.on neglected colds, it has been used vvitli undevi iting success, and hundreds acknowledge they owe tho rc?lornliou of their health tc this invaluable tnodicino. In that form of consumption n prevailing in young females, commonly termed dcbility, GOING INTO A DECLINE." A complaint with which thousands arc lingering, it hat also proved highly succissful, and nut only possesses the power of checking the p-ogross of this alarming complaint, bntalso strengthens and invigiratcs these* Item more effectually titan any medicine tve lmvo evci poMrmi'd. N??ncgenuine, unless signed I. Hltts on the wrapper, Sold in Camden by J. It. McIC.iin; at wholesale by P, M. C'lien &i Co , Charleston, and by Druggii-U gen rally in South Carolina. ,? >. j CJDo LJ?j Kershaw Lodgo.Kumbcr 9 THE Retru'ar M ting of this Lodge will he held at thcirnew H.ill o:t Friday eveningnext at 7 o'clock. By order of the N. G. L. E. AUSTIN, Secretary -FiaE~AND~MARINE INSURANCE." Camden Insurance Company, of New-Jersey. '^!'h CHARTERED I.N 1 SI J, . The subscriber having received the Agency o I this institution for Camden and vicinity, will re E ceive applications, and issue Policies at the rur 0 rent rates, IP. I). Me DO WALL. | Jan. 5, 1818. 1 lv E Strayed or Stolet;, I On the evening of the 2'2.l of January, a sorro Mare, 5 years old. about 15 hands high, lias a Final white streak in the face, a long tail and rides to! erable well under the saddle?paces and trots.? The said mire belongs to the estate of Edinutx Wilson, dee'd. A liberal reward will be paid fo her de'jvery at the plantation of the said deceased "Black River, in Sumter District. Feb. 2, JOHN McGEE. Magnetic Telegraph Company. The fourth instalment on the stock of this com - ponr is directed to be paid on Friday, the 11th in slant, ten dollars per share, at the office of tin undersigned. J. M. DKSAUSSURE, Agent. Town Marshal!. The Town Council will elect a Marshall of thi Town on Saturday evening next, in the place of A J Bdfden, resigned. Applications will be reciivci by aUj member of Council. By order of Council, Feb* 2. R. L. WILSON, Rccorlcr. Wide, Iron, Plough Moulds, Socket Spades Cas Stcef,"Garden Rakes and IIocs, wrought; cut am horse shoe Nails, Tracechains, Collins' genuini A-ve^ English castings, 4"c- For 6ale bv February 2. E. W. BONNF.Y^ r a?v?? vuuia^ 4. superior article, Sitting Chairs, Northern wood /en VV4re, &.c. Just received by jFebruary 2. E. \V. BONNEY. Superior Old Hams __ Mountain Butter aud Lard, for sale low for cas fry . E. W. DONNE Y. f Ladies' French Kid Slippers and walking Shoei city vrfuue; also, men's and boy's Russet and Ki JSrogsnis. Just received and for sale by I February 2. E, VV. BONNEY. Ladies' black Kid (Jloves and clear Lawn Ildkfi a new article. Just opened bv February 2: E. W. BONNEY. To Hire, PATTY who is an excellent Nurse House Se vant and Cook. JOHN WORKMAN. Attention Firemen! Attend your regular Excrc;se meeting on M01 rday afteropon noxt at 3 o'clock precisely at tl Engine Iftuso, uniformed and equipped as the coi Ktitution directs. By order of Captain CAI'ERS. T-'J. Warren, Secretary .? Copartnership. The subscribers have this day formed a copar nersbip in the Auction and Commission busiue under the name and firm of GAME WELL & BA KIN, and will promptly attend to all business e trusted to their care. J. N. OA ME WELL, t J. W. BASKIN. ^ January 21th, 191?. r Received on Saturday, 1 20 ibj?. Caslile Soap Townsc' 'Jarsaparilla 100 " Green Copperas Sur do 100 ? Pure Sallpctro Jay \-pectorant 1 100 " Glauber Salts Wisi- > LS iIs. Wild Cherry > 50 " Pearl Asli Van Burcn's Embrocation 100 " Alum Scbring's Cordial s 50 ?' Blue Stone McMunn's Elixir opium | 300 ? Epsom Salts J ay ne'e Tonic Vcrmifugo 75 " Flax Seed " carminative Balsam | 50 " Sal Soda Taylor's Balsam Liverwort ; ' 100 " Sal iE.atas Roako's Iodibe Linamcnt | 50 ' Guin Shellac Swaim's Panacea 1 doz. Toolhacii drops " Vermifuge vlacl for sale low, at Cleveland's nearly oppo!. site the Mason'c Hall. N. B.?Medic ines may be obtained at any hour of the night, by knoching at the sice door. Feb 2, 1813 5 2t t>L\ C. E5. $c"rii>'a meatlache Pills, FOt: THE RELIEF AND CUKE OF SICK HEADACHE. By the use of these Ptr.r.s, the periodic attacks of Nervous or Sick Headache may be prevented; j and, if taken at the commencement of an attack, j : immediate relief from the pain and sickness will be ; obtained. | They seldom fail in removing the Nausea and relieving the Headache, to which Females are subjeot filming pregnancy. For actual evidence in their favour, we arc allowed to refer to the following letter: ' From Rev. Thou. Smyth, D. D. Charleston, May, 1810. My dear sir: 1 have been exceedingly distressed with a very frequent and severe sick hcacaclie, and | availed myself, last fall' of the use of your Pills; I and, al.liough I am not permanently relieved, vol I find very great relief from the use of these Pills and can with them, prevent the headache, when warned of its approach, and relieve it when it has I not progressed very far. I can also secure freedom from headache, oil any occasion, by taking one or more of these Pills on the previous night, i am led to consider them a very safe and useful Pill, and adapted to improve the tone ofjthc stomach and digestive organs. Very sincerely, yours, Thomas Smyth. ' To I)r. Sclia ps. For sale at Cleveland's, nearly opposite uic Masonic Hall. Yeast Powders. These Powders are an entire substitute for ' Yeast in all culinary purposes, having been iin[ proved by a recent chemical discovery, by which they arc rendered perfectly harmless to the Dyspeptic as well as the Epicure, and are essentially necessary in promoting a healthy digestion. For sale at Cleveland's, nearly opposite the Masonic llall. fjook EScrc! PIIICES TO SUIT TIIE TIMES!! Just received and now opening, a fresh and genuine supply of Sebring's Restorative Cordial, a I | lcasa it and effectual relief for Dyspepsia; Tarrant's Effervescent Seltzer Aperient, for Indigestion, Bilious Affections, &c. i-c.; Dr. Mc.Munn's Elixir of <'piu:n; Rowand's Tonic Mixture, for Fever and .\gue; a few ounces very superior Sulpli. Qiiinin ; powdered Ergot, powdered Nux Vomica, English, and warranted of superior quality, together with a full and fresh supply of Dr. Jaync's Fa> mily Medicines, at CLEVELAND'S New Drug i and Chemical Store nearly opposite the Masonic , Hall. Jan. 26. Rark Wanted* Contracts it ill he made for Oak Bark.hvap1 plying to W. ANDERSON d: CO. i ? Head QuariertJ, ottr Rkoimf.nt or 3i> of CJa^lhy, By orders received from Brig. Gen. Owens, an election will be hold to fill the vacancy occasioned hy the resignation 0f Lieut Col. BrailsforJ, on the first Saturday in March next. The captains of the different Troops are directed tu hold said electar j at their several parade srroun Is on that J y an I report the result to Col Thomas J. Ancruiu, ..l C.i.. * den. By order of Col. 'J'. J. Ancrum, Jan. 28. R. II. ClOOiiU VA, J.- A I:. Head Quarters Of ')tu Unr.isiKxr 3:> IIkigadk of Cavalry. Tiie :nli Regiment of 3d Brigade of Cavalry are hereby . ordered lo attend Regimental I'aradv in Camden on the 1'Jtli <>f February next, at 10 o'clock, A. M.t equij?pe;l fur drill and inspection. The commissioned and non-eommissioned Oflieers will attend Officers' drdl 0:1 Friday, ItJth. l>y order of Col. T. J. Ancruai, It. II. OOODWYX, Jr.. AJjatant. January 20, 1J IS. 4 4t To Carpenters, Cabiciit iMakcrs, And oiliors u'tititiusgooil Lumber. A great variety of line Plank, from 12 to 28 " inches wi c; Flooring Boards and other kinds of Lumber may be had at the Camden Mills, cheap. Apply on the premises, one utile below the city. FRANCIS JOY. Camden .Mills, Jan. 7,1818 -1 3t Five Dollars Reward, Will be paid for inlorination that will lead to the de'.eclion of the persons who took from the winj d-iwsofmy House at Kirkwood several pairs of j Sashes a; <1 .Shutters at:d committed oilier injuries to said premises. il. LKVY. Operations on the Teeth. Dr. Ukvnolps will visit Camden professionally on t!ic first of the ensuing month, and his slay will . be limited to two weeks. It is requested that those who require his scrvi- | ? ccs will leave a notification, to his address at J)rs. j Zeuip & Reynolds' oifice, which will meet with ! - attention in the order of its reception. By this mode, the disappointment o.'ten caused by a tardy i application may he avoided. Jan. h'O. j ?32t. o. b. iTjcj: Will visit Camden in February or March, 'or the purpose of tliving and repairing Piano Fortes and Organs. lie will also visit Columbia, Statcburg, i _ Sumtcrviilc and Bieliopvillc. Mr. R. will give one t hundred dollars if any can be found to excel him ,] in tuning or repairing. Jan. 15. jirirjGXJjr, <s*c. Coral Pins, Earringsand Bracelets C.tineo Puis and Bracelets |. Diamond, Topaz and Ruby Rings Gold chains and Guards Gold and silver Thimbles; gold Pens and Pencils Silver Table and Tea Spoons Silver Forks, Ladles, cj-c !' Spectacles, suitable for all ages, with plain and colored glasses g Watch Glasses; Pencil Leads; Silk Purses p He id Hugs; Hag and Purse (Hasps Purse Silk; Steel Heads; Fringe and Tassels Crochet and Knitting Mecdlcs. 3 Watches, Plated If \irc, A'c, Cold and Silver Watches. Geneva Hunting Cases; French and English Patent Levers. ~ Plated cake Haskets; Castors; cordial S ands and Candlesticks. r- Writing Desks, Work Boxes Brushes; Combs; Knives; Razors; Scissors cf-c. Jan. 21. ALEXANDER YOUNG. n- To tin; Votcri of Lanca?1cr District. ,e fr3~We arc authorized to announce Ji( B. '? ' r ___ 'n__ McATKKIl as a uawnauus ior j u* wucnui for Lancaster District, at the next election for that office. And Lot no voter douht the result; _ but stand up for him like David did for Israel against (rnliah, the champion of'the Philistines. t. ss UKO. S. E)()UGLAS & CO. y. Will act as Agents for persons transacting busi. a ness in either of the Banks in Camden on niodcrate terms. They arc alro prepared to receive Cotton ant oihcr Country Produce 011 storage on very moderate terms. December 15. TO MILL WRIGHTS AND MILL OWNERS. The subscriber having obtained a patent for his improvement on the Water Wheel is prepared to sell Rights, cither for States, Districts, or to Individuals. The advantages of this wheel over all others now in use, are, that it is not afi'ectcd by dead or back water so long as there is a good head ~ above it; it increases the speed over the ordinary wheel, so as to grind a bushel in from 3 to 8 minutes?with a good head of water a bushel has been ground in the lirst mentioned time?its construction is so simple that any one who can make a Tub itri?i c _ < ??? ?? ItUlO killl Jllll UJIt; m iiivse ill cj.ciwit , in iuvi| it is the Tub Wheel improved. persons purchasing a right for a Slate or District will be furnished a model free of charge, and _ to those who purchase indidual rights all necessary instructions will be given on personal application to the subscriber nine miles westof Camden, where one of the wheels can to seen in operation. Letters addressed (post paid) to the subscriber, (care of A. Al. Kotmcdv,) will meet with prompt attention. E.MANUEL PARKER. Attention is invited to the annexed certificates ? "Cam lea S. C. March 1, 1317. "This is to certify that I have used -In- Water Wheel invented by Mr. Emanuel Parker. 1 applied i to my Mill, which Inn! previously u round one bu.-iiel in twenty-minutes Ci hut which, after its application, ground a bushel hi./ha: inoi u/cs. uitliuwo-iliirds ol'ihc water (tower. The meal is etjuolly as goo I, if not better than In-fore." I*. McilA. Sotjih-Caroiinn?ICcrs'inw District. I do hereby certify I have in use*, attached to my Gri-1 Mill, tit.- improved Water Wheel, the Patent of widen Kmanuel Parker of Kershaw lti-irict has obtain -d; nnd " liiitl it superior to any wheel I have lie fore had or seen, an.I more ilinu realising my most sanguine expectations. ec a. a. Mcdowell. December 3, hg 17. Sottlh-Cnrlinn?Kershaw District. This is to certify tliat Mr.jH. l'arker has affixed Iiis Palent Wtej-I to my Grist Mill, and i am very much jdeaHvl p( with its {performance, and feel cotifident that it excels any thing of the kind that i have ever seen. W.M. TAVLOH. Finger Howls, covered Dishes, A;c. Just h; opened by 15. W. IJoNNKY. or Post OJHce Stamps, Of the denomination of five and tea cents, for pre-paying letters, for sale at the post office, for cash only. Post offices it: the vicinity of Camden will bo supplied on remitting the money for the quantity wanted. Jan: 10. PRIVATE BOARDtlVti. Thrcc or lout gentlemen, or a family, can be accommodated with good Hoarding (on moderate _ terms at a pleasant situation o:t DeKalb street. J?n. 19. E. G HQ HI NSCiN. For Sale. K The Store and Dwelling immediately opposite Messrs McDowall &. Cooper, will be disposed of on the most accommodating terms, as the owner is ,n anxious to sell. There are on the premises all necessary aDcl convenient buildings for business, to or the accommodation of a family. Any person wishing to purchase would do well to makoappli- ~~ cation to T. J. WARREN, Agent. Jan. 10 3 '4t p IVcticc; oi' Administratrix. Mar.v C. Reynolds having obtained grant JjCtters of Administration of all and singular the p goods and chattels, rights and credits that were of George Reynolds deceased, at the time of his death, J; hereby nolilies all who are indebted to the estate of ll e said George Reynolds to come forward and settle their debts, with the administratrix, and all persons having claims against the said estate will hand them in to her properly attested within the time prescribed by law. I hereby constitute and appoint James Chcsnut, Jr. as my agent and authorize him for me, as Administratrix, to receive any monies that may be due the said estate, and for mc and in 'my name, to execute and give receipts ami acquittances lor the MARY C. REYNOLDS. A Jan. 12, 13 H 3_ tf Administrator's ft'oticO. The subscriber having received grant of Letters n of Administration de bonis non, of all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits that were of .Mrs. Margaret d/athis, deceased, hereby given notice to all persons having demands against the 3 said c.-t..te, to hand them in properly attested, and 2 those indebted arc required to make immediate payment. J. W. REM BERT, 1 Jan. l'J. Adm'rde Bonis Non. To flic I'nbiic.The subscribers beg leave to return their thanks to their customers for the liberal patronage aftbr ded tliein during the past year, and tu inform the public tint they continue the business at tueirold stand, where a)! orders in their line will be thankfully received and promptly attended to. Thev have {rood workmen and superior materials, and will warrant all work done whether of iron or wood. Ready made Ploughs kept on hand or made to order. Wagons, carts, carriages, <J-c. made or re- paired. Prices moderate. Jan. 10. W1 i 1TA K E R & A R RA NTS. 'J5'!a? StilMitti'iher Is the Alien! a*. Camden. fur lite fellow iiii imjx'rs, viz; The l U! KiKit :us;l the Alitlt*. ( itf , Cliarli: i??u The WA'i'l'HM \N .y'. r.It. Richmond, Yn. G TI.e AltlKllll'AN REVIEW, New York. An.! will !>j happy to send on subscribers' nnnics, or to collect dues 'I r any one of tin :n. J urn :i!ei for the Nc.v York Mu'.lla Life In.-uarnce ('oiitfitny. JOHN 11QSSKU. The (Uiuideu iiri-ilge Company. The Ronrd of Directors have declared a Divi- t, dend of seven dollars pet sh: ro on the t apital stock j of this company and ordered the same to he paid at the Bank of Camden on and after the 1st Feb'y. J. C. WKST, '1'reasurer. J J any. 1 Gib, 1S43. Special Court. Ordered, tint a Special Court of Common Picas he lioidcn at Kershaw Court House, fur Kershaw District, on tlie last Monday n February next, for the trial of all cases remaining open on the issued docket, and that Jurors be truwn and summoned to servo at the said court. 11 ?' mi* T/-.CI4T1 T 1,'VA Y? iv>v. i<>, nil' j. u ? Published by order of the Court. 1 2t B. CASS, Clerk. 1 Medical Notice. Drs. F. L. Ze.mi' & S. M. Kev.not.ds having asBociatcd themselves together for the practice of Medicine in a!! its branched under the name of s Zemp and Reynolds, respectfully tender their Professional (Services to the citizens of Camden p and the vicinity. ? Office at Dr. Ceo. Reynolds' old stand. NEW It-OOKS. American Almanac for Id-Id Washington and his (icncrals of the Revolution * Donaphan's c; mpaign in New Mexico Scouting expedition of M'Culloch's Texas Rangers 1 Capt. Dannovcn's Adventures in Mexico Our Army at Moutcry Drama at Pokcrsvillc Mirror of Satire I 1 >1.1 nil if v- O L t?i iwoi * jr Smith's Arithmetic Ca loot's Music Grammar Wank Music Hooks Tyllor's Universal History Schinuckcr on Modern Infidelity ]vlcC.iu!oy's AIiscellanies Splendors of Yerscillcs; Esther do Medina; Ethel Churchill; Ocean Scenes; ltattliii the Heeler; lto, dy the Rover; The Man before the mast; Ollaway, I the last chief of the red men of Newfoundland, I Journeyman Joiner; Old Commodore; Champions of Frcotlont". Martnadukc Herbert; Old Convent**? | ol l'aris; Scenes and Adventures of Theatrical life &c. Jan. 1^ A. YOUNG. W. TIIUIILOW CASTON, irrrrnnvnr im r 1 nr nnihinr o n AUUIM?ii il 1 L;l\Y, L:Ull?L.l, a. I/. . office on kino 8trff.t, oitosite t1ie court house, in rear of boyd's hotel. Just Received. Hogsheads Sugar (some very lo?r-priced) Tierces Granulated Sugar Barrels crushed and powdered do. Loaf do Fine old Java Coffee; Rio do Sperm Candles. For sale low by ' Jan. Id, ld4ti. S. B. LEW. " A ftw Jloie of flic same Sort." 5000 Gnld Leaf Segars 5000 Charleston do Cubrey Butterfly do Pressed Esperango Regalia do Thomas' sup. cncwing louacco Tobacco of various brands, some low priced. Ilalf Spanish Segars. Just received by January 12, 1643. S. B. LEVY. Champaignc. Baskets Chainpaigne, "Bollinger" do do pints, "Bollinger" do do "Boucbe" Casks Porter, quarts and pints do Ale. Wines Liquors of all qualities. Just received by S. B. LEVY. Preserves. West India Preserved ginger; West India pre;rve>l pine apples: limes, peaches, plumbs and icrries. Fresh, currants, citron and lernjs: for sale by S. B. LEVY. Nov. 3, 1317. HaiMns u:i<! E'igs and Apples. j and A boxes Raisins; Drums Figs arrcls Northern Apples; Box Lemons. Also?A fresh supply of Candies. Just rcceiv1 by S. 13. LEVY. Jan. 11. 2 tf 'lie Soutliwoteraa'laillftoad Bank , lias dec.ared a Dividend of FIFTY CENTS jr. Share, payable on demand, on and after Monty, the 3d of January. 1646. JAMES G. HOLMES, Caahier. The consideration of the llOAD DIVIDEND is been postponed until the meeting of the Board l the 20th of January next. TIIOS. WARING. Jan 1 2 Auditor of S. C It. R. Company. Cranberries, &c. 2 barrel* Cranberries 2 do Oranges 2 do Northern Apples North Carolina do Just received y DICKSON & LAITA. Ere. 22. ' To Ilcsit. The store at present occupied by Mr. A. M. cnncdy. ?.\ lso? The Offico occupied by Dr. Lee, and the dwellg now uccupicd by Air. 11. L. Wilson. Possession given first of January next. Apply W. ANDERSON. Dec.8 if 49 Woshcn a?d Fresh Butter. 2 firkins Goshen Putter; fine country Butler, or sale by DICKSON LATTA. J3uckw!ieat Flouv?Fresh. Quarter and eighth barrels Buckwheat Flour, or sale by DICKSON &, LATTA. Iai:as, smokctS hum* pichted Beef, dec. llalf bids. Fulton .Market pickled Beef do do do do do Tongues Smoked Beef, choice pieces do Tongues 3 casks New Vork Pig Hams. For sale by Nflv. 3. DICKSON & LATTA. Aliiiu, Stock and Sack Salt, Kept constantly on hand by DICKSON & LATTA. Fin its Fruits. Oranges, Apples, Grapes and fresh Lemons Iso?Freeh Candies. DICKSON &. LAT'A'A Congress Water. 2 boxes Congress Water, quarts and pints. Just ceived. DICKSON &, LATTA. Frcsli Ratiias Primes, Figs, &c. lloxes Layer llaisins D do Prunes, in fancy boxes I) drums Turkey Figs, in prime order 1 bale soft shell Almonds UO lbs selected candies Soda, butter, and a variety of other crackers. DICKSON & LATTA. Tamarinds in Syrup, Retailed by the pound, by * DICKSON cf- LATTA. Dacun and Card. North Carolina Bacon Leaf Lard, in barrel and kegs for sale by DICKSON & LATTA. Oils. Best winter strained sperm, solar and train Oil jr 8ale by DICKSON & LATTA. idtir, Ale, Porter, Ac. ' boxes New Ark Cider; (i boxes Claret 2 casks London Pale Ale 2 do Philadelphia do do 2 do London Porter, in quarts and pints 10 baskets Champagne, favorite brands 2 boxes line lemon syrup 3 " common do do Itrawbcrry, Raspberry and l'ine Apple syrup usl received by wagon Irom Gadsden. DICKSON & LATTA. IOCS!A ANE> OILE> JAVA COFFEE, Teas, Chocolate, Cocoa, best and common loaf, ra^l.nd. clarified and Havana, and brown Sugars, Also?All kinds of Spices, whole and ground, DICKSON & LATTA. Climt1,1'licMO. H dozen rich imitation English chceso, y d<> boxes Hatch and Winchester's Cheese iiihl and rich, weighing G 10 S pounds. 2 dozen English Dairy do Pine Apple do leceivod by wagon from Gadsden. DICKSON & LATTA. Preserves, and Pickles. East and West India Preserves, in jars of all izns. Also, Pickles, in half gallon, quarts and pint Jars, Caicrs, French and .Npanish Olives, Ketchup and sauces, received by wagon from Gadsden DICKSON & LATTA. Soaps Ac. Ac. Toilet .Snaps* Cnrteel do.; Toilet Powder, finely scented, uperior Pearl Starch, Yeast Powder. Row Water 4 c. 4 c DICKSON 4- LATTA. Pis-It letc! SaliNou, }3n<*k:ti*el,JLoc!ifiue Herring, <&<*. 3 barrels Pickled SALMON No. I 2 do 3IACKAUKL No. I 2 half do do do I 3 <|'i r do do do 1 5 do do do do 2 Whole and luilf kits do doll ami 2 Quarter barrels Fulton Market Pickled Tongues Kits l.oelifinc Herrings frj Salmon and .Mackarel retailed l>v the single ono DICKSON & LATTA K. W. BO.ANrY Will continue to act as Ajicnt for persons transacting; business ;n either of the Banks in Catndei; on liis usual terms. Frcsli Currants, New crop, Raisins, Cliccsc and Pickles, foi sale by E. W. DOXNEY. Dec 29 .r>2 tf Newark Cider, Retail by the gsllon bv Doc. '29. DICKSON & LATTA. Feathers. New Feathers ill line order, for sale by Dcc. 29. DICKSON & LATTA. * ? k % ^ > ? ~ Sheriffs Sales. "S By Virtue of sundry writs of Fieri Facias to me directed, will be sold before the court house in Carr.den on the lirst Monday and day following (being the 7th and 8th days; < f February next between the legal hours of sale, the following property. 2 bales of cotton, levied on and to be sold as the property of the defendant at the suit of Felix Labauve, vs William II. Addison. ALSO ? 200 acres of Land more or less, lying on the waters of McLean's branch, adjoining landi of Danidl Munn, A/aiy Thorn and others, levied upon and to be so]? the property of the defendant at the suit of Mary Thorn aud others vs John Munn. also 150 aires of Land, u.orc or less, lying on the waters of Bcaverdam, adjoining lands of Jacob Young, estate of' Patience DcBrull and others, levied upon and to he sold as the property of the defendant, at the suit of Mary Thorn vs Dan'l Munn -.1 li.^U All the defendant's right, title and interest in 1210 acres, of land more or less, situated in Kershaw District, levied on and to be sold as the property of the defendant, at the seit of Alexander McCaskill and others vs William F. DcBrulil. ALSO 3 negro men named Washington Jack and Moses levied on and to be sold as the property of the defendant, at the suit of James H. Witherspoon, commissioner and others vs Dr D. P. Bush* also 1 house and lot in the town <f, camden, fronting on Lyttleton street CO I'cet, bounded north by 1093 south by lOiift, west by 1001; running back 19S feet, known and distiugcishcd in the plan of said town as lot 1091, levied on and to be sold as the property of the defendants, at the suit of Ja*?s J)iir? 1 ap and othcr2 ?vs C. II. Davis and il/ary J. Davis: also 1 house and lot in the town of camdcn, on the corner of the Broad and Kutledgc street known and distinguished in the plan of the said town as lot No. 1009,00 feet i:i front and 198 in depth. also 4 likely negroes named Jack, Lucretia Caroline and Leah. [To be sold subject to a mortgage.] a lso 1 other lot in the town of Camden, fronting on Broad' strec 00 fee and known in the plan of the said town by No. 1008, and one other lot on Rutledge GG feet, and known as lot 1010 all levied upon and to be sold as the sropertp of the defendant at the suit of Martin, Starr tf- Walter vs William J. Gerald. also? - 80 acres of land more or less, levied on and to \\a onl/I no fnn npnnn ri\r rvf itio (lrtfpnila Mt at the SUlt 1*C OVIU uo .vv V ? of Mary Thorn vs Hardy Thorn. Jan. 12. M. M. LEVY. NEW GROCERY AND PA1.IILY PP.0 VISION STOPS. The subscriber has just opened a carefully selected stock of Family Groceries, which he proposes to sell for cash, at a very small advance on cost His stock consists in part, of? Rio, old Java, Cuba and Mocha Coffee Loaf, lump, crashed, pulverized and brown Sugar. New Orleans and West India Molasses Gunpowder, hyson, green and black Tea Rice, Flour hease, Baco i, Lard and Mackarcl Sardines ir. oil, salmon and lobsters Almonds, raisins, currants, citron and figs Preserved ginger, pine apple, lemon and orange Brandy peaches, cherries and pears Mushroom, tomato, paoli and walnut ketchup Pickles assorted, and sauces of different kinds Mustard, pepper, ginger, nutmegs, cloves, allspice Soda, butter, sugar and water crackers Lemon, pine apple, raspberry and ginger syrups Cognac Brandy (Hennesse's and other brands,) Bordeaux, old peach and apple brandy Holland Gin; Jamaica ar.d New England Rum r Monongahcla, old rye, Scotch and Irish Whiskey New Orleans (rectified) and North Carolina do Malaga, Madeira, Sherry and Teneriffe wine Champagne, old Port, laret and Muscat do London Porter and Scotch ale in quarts and pints American and French cordials, assorted Tallow, sperm* sud adamautinc candies Bar soap; starch; indigo; castor oil; salt petre \Tgjst, seki!itz*and soda powders; Sal .Eratus With a great variety of other articles too numerous to mention. 8. BENSON. - - - i 1 Dickson &.Latta's oiciftann, ngny uj?j>uS uis jl/u v ?o Hotel. Aiay 19. . South Carolina?Lancaster Distr let In the Common Pleas. W ilson Villincs. v*. Henry McDowall?Declaration in Foreign Attachment. Whereas the plaintiff in the above stated case has filed his declaration on the 6th March, 1-47 against the defendant, who is absent and without the limits of this State, as it is said, having neither wife nor attorney known within the same, on whom a copy of the declaration with a rule to plead thereto might be served: It is ordered that the defendant do plead to the same within a year and a day from the date hereof, otherwise final and ablsoutc judgment will be awarded against hitn If. R. PRICE, clerk. Ollicc S. C. R. K. Company. Charleston, Nov. '20, 1647. Subscribers to Stock of the Camden llranch are particularly requested to give their attention to the following action of the Board of Directors of this Company, on the subject of unpaid instal oonf.. ViV Resulted, That measures will be instituted on the 1st March next, to collect all unpaid subscription to stock of Camden Branch. In addition to tiie above, 1 would remind stockholders of the proviso contained in the original subscriptLn lists. \\'c agree that no forfeiture of 6tock for the non payments of the instalments shall release oai liabilities as sue!: stockholders, and will pay foi said shares in instalments as may be called lor by said Company. W. II. BARTLESS. tf 40 House Servant*. A few valuable house servants will be hired for the next year if apnlietl for in time. Dec. J. B, KERSHAW. A few more packages of those lino Teas of the I'ck'tt Tea Company, received by April &S. \V. R JOHNSTON. Blankets Of all qualities, for sale low by Oi l. 27. W. ANDERSON CO. Bonaicts and Uibbons, Cheaper than crcr offered in this market. A'choice lot of the latest styles, \ iz.?English split straw American lVarl. Florence I'cilal, Rutland itiee, Dtliistn blr Cohoiirg, IJnena Vista, Geiiioise Iticc, I'earl, Blaeli Birds-eye; .Siraw ami Al|?rra Mimn' Bonnets, assorted together xviili a handsome selection of the latest sules L t ....i f.'.i...-I- .VTriir UibboiiK tvreami'ii < uu.-. uut^,u.u 7 tilings, &c. All of which will most positively be sold a greatly reduced prices?lower 1l1a.11 ever ollercd ill this mar ket. Person*) wi.-hing to purchase, will find it to their ud vantage to call and examine before purchasing, as we an determined to sell at a small advance on first cost. Dec. H. T. J. WAIIKEN. IKrMrs. M. Warren will attend to the I-'ane] Department. ITo Planters and Others. COTTON Is DOWN?SO IS CLOTHING.'! \V. A. Kent Mitchell are now selling olFthei large atul well selecteJ stuck of HEADY MAIM CLOTHING, at less than New York and Charles ton prices at the .1/asonic Hall, Camden. ID" Call carlv. as great bargains will be given. ' W. A. KENT & MITCHELL aide 11 Seeds. The subscriber is opening a stock of fresh Gat den Seeds, front the celebrated house of Th orb ok tV Co., New York, lie will cont'nue to keep - supply of the very best ;uiu ireojicnv VlliCUO I) ||<V cuti bo obtained in the country, and will dispose ( them on reasonable terms. 1 Nov. 17. J- R. McKAIN. # V i * AND NEW GOODS, At the Old Stand of DeLcon & Levy, Nearly opposite the Masonic Hall, CAMDEN*S. C. J.- A. CLEVELAND, Druggist and Apothecary, of 207 King Street, Charleston, would rem. r it * r .t . <r /i l I pecuuny niiorii) tuc ciuzens 01 i/uiiuvu auu ura surrounding country, that he has opened a branch of his Establishment at the above stand, where be is receiving a large, mid well selected stock of frefk German, French, English and American MMS@S ?8? EJffilBIIOESTSflj Chemicals, Paints, Oils and Dye>Stufis, Perfamery, Brushes and Flhcy Articles, which will be sold on the most reasonable terms for cash or approved credit. ^ Physicians, planters and country merchants supplied at Charleston prices*. * The Establishment will be personally coadopted by Mr. Z. J. DellaY, who has been engaged to the business for upwards of six yoars, and in wbopi I piacc the most implicit confidence as an Apothecary. Jan. 19,1848. "Truthis powerful anil will Prevail." And you that are troubled with that distressing complaint called Dyspepsia, will find it so, if yoit will try Dr. Allen's celebrated ftmpoond, which is now astonishing tho whole southern country by the cures it has performed. It is a safe, and at me same tune, enectuai remeay, wnen usea according to the directions. Testimonials enough to convince the most incredulous might be furaisbed| but we would say, "try it and judge for you reel/.'* A fresh and genuine supply just received at * CLEVELANDS'' ?2 New Drug Store, nearly opposite Masonic Halt. Jan. 19,1S48. 3 . . . 8t "While there is Life there is Hope." I To you who have lingered for years, and nodf begin to think your race is nearly run, good tidiilgs'( are coine. There is a "balm in Gilead," and tfo VVistar is the good Physician who has prepared it, and calls it Wislar's Balsam of Wild Cherry, Bk: using it, your cough will leave you, your sleep wiuA be natural and refreshing; the colour will return to your pale cheek and vou will fceMike a new cre*>. tare. This celebrated Medicine i6 now to be b&d^ fresh and genuine, at CLEVELAND'S Drug Store, nearly opposite the Masonic HalL?Jan, 19. 3 Notice. Z. J. DeIUy, Esq. is duly authorized to act ad my agent and attorney in all matters pertaiuiogto iny business in tho town of Camden. J. A. CLEVELAND* -w Charleston, Jan. 12, 1848. 4t ' .. - ? HEALTH ! HEALTH! . THOMSON'S ?- 4 COMPOUND SYRUP OF TAR & WOOD NAPTHA The only CERTAIN REMEDY for (he Cure if CONSTTMPTIOIT, Asthma, Bronchitis, Spitting of Blood,. Pain, in the- Side Breast, sore Throat, Hoarseness, PuljnUitwn of the Heart, Whooping Cough, Croup. Hives. Nervous Trtmoors,Liver SomphcirU, Diseased Kidneys, and; * Affections generally of the Thfoat, Breast, " cuui.lungs, >( *= Of all the diseases incident to our climate there is n?oe so Universal, and at the same time so insidious and fatal as ' Consumption. In this country especially, Pulmonary Ceta?' sumption is emphatically a scourge, and in itsresbUwscir, I reer, sweeps over the laud as a JL>c*truying awci, uiu^. I low, with a relentless hand, the strongest and fairest 01 oar | race. iZiiherto all efforts to arrest this dread bare proved vain, and all. that seemed within our power was at best the alleviation of suffering, rendering somewhat " smoother, the certain progress to the tomb. . < M;? The Proprietor, in offering this preparation to the publicy would embrace the opportunity to state upon what grounds it puts forth its merits; and the reason upon which it founds ' its superior claims to the attention of the afflicted, that ail who require its tue may repose fall confidence in its cucative powers. Since its first preparation he has had tW pleasure of witnessing its happy results in numerous install* ' tye; but he was detcrinuK-d not to offer it la the public until he had become thoroughly convinced ofits efficacy. Having such conviction, he now confidently offer* it a* a remedy wihtout a parallel in the cure of PULMONARYCON SL'.MI'TION and its kindred diseases. Let the folly wing .-.peak for itself? 'I have used Thomson's Compound Syrup of Tar and Wood Naptbo, for some time in ray practice, and bav? found it the most efficient remedy I ever used iD Consompt live cases, chronic catarrh, Ac., when great irritability^ with weakness of the pulmonary organs existed. The rapidity with wliichit acts is greatly in its favor where dy?pnoca or oppression exists, which is immediately relieved .. by it. In Pulmonary Consumption it can be used with on fidence, being applicable to every form of dial disease, ard I consider it a medicine well worthy the attention of physicians, and exempt from the imputation of empiricism." W. CHAMBERS, M. 1>. Philadelphia, Oct. 11,18-16. . V. ? Tlic above medicine prepared only by <f- Dickson, at N. E. comercf Fifth one Spruce Streets, Philadelphia. Sold in Camden by F. L. ZEM1', Sole Agent, and by respectable Druggists generally. ' ; Price SI or 50 eta. per bottle. Beware of Lmitatinas. January 19. 3 8t WHEELWRIGHT ~"X AND ,.x< BLACKSMITH'S SHOP. The subscriber takes this method of thanking* his friends for their patronage; and would respect*"' fully inform the citizen* of Cantden and, persona residing iu the countjy, that be is still to be found at his old stand, corner of Rutledge and Market-sts. where he will be glad to supply any one in wantof, good Wagons, Carts, Wheelbarrows, or any other work in his line, having a fine supply of seasoned? Oak and Ash Plank, Spokes, Hubs, &c. Also, * quantity of Tier and other Iron and Boxes, for either iron or wooden Axletrees. Jan. 4. ROBERT L. TYVEEIX ' D'A good Blacksmith wanted. \. Valuable Real Estate AT AUCTION. The subscribers will sell to the highest bidder,, on the first Monday in February next, within the1 usual hours of sale, before tho court house door, alt that valuable property at present occupied by then? * consisting of a large Brick Store, with Framed ,. Dwelling above, and Lot, fronting on Broad street D1 feet, and running back to Churcb street, 528feet. Further particulars and terms at sale. Jan. 1G: S. J. YOUNG & CO. 31cdlca! Notice. Dr. Tr.ADEWELL respectfully offers his Profes' Pom/tan and ita ? sionai Services io me cui/.uuo ? vicinity. His Office is at Boyd's Hotel, where be mav be found, when not professionally engaged. jVov. 17. 40 If Bonnets. il/rs. Goodlad respectfully informs the ladies sf Camden and its vicinity that she has received m choice selection of English Straw Bonnets, consisting of Jenny Lind, China Pearl, Bough aixi< , Ready, Cobourgs, Dunstable, Buena Vista, and Cerro Gordo, of the most fashionable styles, which i i --~.t <v>r inanfli'iion this day. 1 Will DC UjJVJivu IV. m Oct. 27, -M tf ' Dissolution of Copartnership. " Oil the 1st of January next, tha co-partnewhip ! existing under the firm of Doby & Kennedy nrnl be dissolved by mutual consent All debts doe by and to the concern will be settled by R. M f Kennedy J. W. DOBY. Dec. 22. R. M. KKNNED^ . Ladies' colored dress silks new style, lor sals low. Alsocol'd all pachas, French merinos, cashr meres and mouslin de lanes at reduced prices. 2 Dec. 8. K. W. BONNEY, . Strayed. From the subsciitjcr cn Sunday the 30th;Novcniber, a red sorrel mule, with a roan head, about 9 years old, a sink or indentation upon the loin or the left side, about the size of a billiard ball, and some scars upon the fore legs, just under the knee. N He is lazy when rode and inclines to pace. A anil*. l blc reward will be paid lor ins ueuvery hf .TOS. S BOSSARD >f ? ? 2-")0 tacks Salt, in tine order, for sale by V May 19. S. BENSON.