B * * > pS ?. ASKiC'JLTi'R-l,. ' - ' * ? _ . , . /'Voni tin fanner s UaxcUe. . | Mf.ctino of tub Per. Den Agricultural Sgcistv, 22nd February 181*2 The President Gen. Ja her. Gillespie, . called the S jcisty to ordei.and tlu^Secrotarv read the proceedings of the former meeting. Dr. M. McLean the Anniversary Orator, tlien arose and delivered a very interesting address. After tins, it being the proper ii:n * f >r the pr ip-Vsal of m?w members Mr. John XV. Leak, and Alex. McQueen, were prop Ysed a:i leloc-' ted. Tii3 o >ct(:lv l!n*n pr weeded tcn'ty 11 ! I. | J >hn J. Marsha!) of Cheraw. an I l)r. M. McLean of Cheraw, Vice Pres'dents,-' William T. E I ii'ho. of Maribor > ,U cording Secretary, Dr. Th ?xi;is ? I' >we of Cheraw. Treasurer. 13. E. Prgnrs, of Chestorfidd. Corresponding -M.'civlarv,; Gen. J. McQueen, of Marlboro, Anniversary Orator. Ia tin; absence of the Presdent rlcct, Gen McQueen, to -k the (/hair, and appointed the necessary Committees t ) award the premiums offered at J ha last meeting. The committee on Up'and Corn ma le j a report in favour of Mr. A. P. Lienste as producing! the largest quantity, b.'ing 43 bushels per acre. The report was n't adopted owing to a want of ftil'ness in its statements as required hv the Society and was laid on the.tahle. On motion it was Rrsoloed, that a meeting of this Society beheld at Marlboro Court Home, on the lirst Monday in August next. On motion it was farther Resolved, that a committee of five be appointed to fix the rate of premiums for the next two < succeeding meetings. The following composed the commit- , tee, W. T. Ellerbe, James Gillespie, John | J. Marshall. Thomas E. Powe, and M. . Mcl ean. The Committee were granted ( an extension of time to make their rep irt and publish the same as the act of the f Society. [, On motiton of Eaj. Blakenev the So-1, ciety then adjourned, and r "pa red to !} Mrs. Stinemetz's to partake of die excel- | lent dinner served f ?r the occasion. N W. T. ELLERBE. j. 'q ADVANTAGE OF EXPERIMENTS. ?, * ??- - i? x ? 7 lT ""U1Q "Tn_i\Jiy JIUVHIIUC llli: K1IIII II" ' Illteri.'St, it T)l"t"C llindr' il in our country, where the science of aji , n riculture is yet in its infancy. We niijfht li not to relv too much upon the cxprri- tl ments made in other countries, as proofs v of the utility of one mode of cu'ture in q preference to another, in this country.? o Therefore, we should not trust to the ex- tl penmen's of (Europeans, but make expc- si laments f?r ourselves. Till this is done tl we are not to expect improvements in a husbandry will rapidly progress. It is v true, there is s >:ne hazard altcnrling new c experiments. Therefore farmers in indi- it gent circumstances, should venture w.th \> caution on experiments, except on a it small scale; as the failure of a year's I cr >p m'jrhtgreatly omharass them. They sj might, however, compare one crop with ir another, estimating the cost expended in si the culture of each, and of one course of tl crops with another, as also the different cl effect of manures on the same, or d.ffer- e; tine IIIUOIIU Mt!iV till w?m, ami ??> iiim hi* uim ui^v ..... . find which methods ore preferable, l>v a t: little attention, without any risk. It is ci necessary to learn what practices should c.; be continued, as well as what to adopt, J, or bring into use. Gentlemen who p >s- d sess large estates may sustain c-wisrdera- y ble losses Without suffering material in- ^ convenience from it. should they fa I of success. Th"v sh mid, thcivfire, l'r?n principl' S of put* i->tis n, h;iz ir I uxporitnents, f ir tbvre can be no rons mi to ol d itibl but that our husbandry ma\ admit rt of many very important impr veinmit-. a ^Tne making of experiments, would n t1 jj$?fonlyi tend to the improvement of our; ^ agricultural science, hqt w ml I pr >vo a f s ?urco of interesting and r sowing indifferent. si> Is; and tie* | peculi ar advantages which might result from sowing different seeds with a dr'l. Also whether drained swamps are not the. most profitable lands, or what crops can " bc^best raised upon them: how liiric as a . v Tv ' * & - V. ' ? \y;ii answer in our hdf-'-^bnmi rs. Vhrt'on w hat kind of soil ii is most profitable. Iii making exp'riin.mi's. -are sh u'd be iaJc.-ri thai wed ? ii*?l ?Ira\v caicin-nons to? hastily. We ought seldom to do it Ir.mi a single tr.al. F.?r a certain practice may answer well at ,nnc time, owing to the peculiarity of the seas on. or s ane" unknown cause, which would not have the same operation at an alter tune. Too i much <: riifidence i;i single ex p. trim, mis, night embarrass ??r m s ea I. rasher tlia ' iiierease ns lid agricultural science. : It experiments arc intended to make impr -vcmen's, th y should be car sfyi.v ] recorded. For want of sus-li rec'?r.fs. ? much lisefti! know edge is c.oi.i.iiua'ly I >st. Tlv?ugh many ind.vidua's h vc der.ved advantages t> themseivLs Iran experiments, hut -few have recorded them.? Evan l!i >se \vh ? make experiments are l ab'ot'if' them, s i as t gve me >rn 7 o i. rect rvpres mtut ons ?>f them when til y attempt t ? relate them. Ma .y useful discoveries therefore f o i die \v th t!i isu \v!r? make. them. T ? , prttv nt these evils, either v limitary operations of ind v.iIim s. or a h ard of agri culture sh ml I be formed in every well i rituiilamd commuuty, to collect, a.id re- i c >r I fir the lim.dil of the present genera- ( ti ui, ami for posterity, useful and unpor- 1 taut agricultural information. :' ' j From the Fanner's dazetle. ,1 LUCERNE. p Mr. Editor: 1 presume you have not 1 f irgotte i my pr iuti.se, of the. last year to ) adv.se you of the resu.t of my experiment 1 on Luce-nr. 1 do this th more readily ' a-: I am informed several neighboring ( Planters intend making the likt; experiment. You will recollect that mv communication stated, that I sowed on the . 25di of April, and that I thought it a in uitli too late, at least. Of this I am. i iw convinced, though my experiment is iar from being full, it has been entirely latisfactory in one particular, that is, we :a i cu iivate to profit. 1 will first state th : errors 1 comuvtt.'d "?r the purp ?se of enabling others to av d iitnt'ar ones. My rows were 22 incite ' ipart. they slioti.d not have been m ?rc i; nan 15 at the utmost. perhaps 1*2 w ui:d ' it: better. The land that I s owe I u:)o:, ' vas it >t dry ??ii mg!i, tli nigh it was j>]n--'t; and, it sh ml.1be a very d y s ?;|. one lha' I jick y absubs wafer. It sh mid l> reach 'tl (as rcc miiii :ti l.'d by Arthu; t'uung) t-i at least tin; depth of 12 incnes. ltd li led _wtli the best undeco itpjscu , nail re I n- two third* of ih itfsta im, ill" seeds sh Hid b? sow.i lick, the hi ist regular and exped liouray is, to pui them in a It ittlc with a { ill through its cork. These arc son:;' < I the errors 1 hut I committed? aving c in rows too w ilt; apart; n t having a ilfieiently rich and dry so:1; and sowing lt le seed too thin. It is a waste of tun * 01 nd money to attempt cu t.vaiing l/iucrne .'ithnut a dry rich s ?i!, kept entirely rig that, had a r iot hi >r<; lha i 12 incites i length, the lateral roots w.-ra v.t\ i Tt, and few, and hence my conclusion lat it will a tin l of being panted very lose, and sli .uid he made very rich to a insiderab.e depth. In looking overs mm old papers some tn ; since, I fmici a very small pamphlet, g, milled "A treatise on the culture of Lujriie in and ab ait It ehni.-nd Va., by " acquiiti Ambler Esq.," which is a' y mr sjj sa . t > make any ex racts IV mi that a 111 amy liiink interestingt<> your iva lers. J >urs, A. PL \NTEIt. | M \mj >tt *? M tr.i'i 1 I. 's 1*3. j J [VV?! liia.ik ?>ur ?.)rr.v|>i?i!Hent f-r ln-j 1 Tji* I li s pa.iiplilot a.'i.l s mil l?o srl;?'l t > T ;eo v. itl Edit ?.] j * ?=sr-vr. - nagt tt raawnr , JOSEPH CHARLES WORTH, Fashionable Tailor, ? i ENDKitS lii-* thanks lu ln.s cu toircrs for] the generous p timiajjo ho has received, ami ipevtl'uily informs the public that In- continues l?? irry on business ui his old st iiid, ttvo ilmrs u; ovc i 'J ** IVst Offito, when- those wishing t<> h.ivc {fir.| icnts lx^tly uml fashionably made arc invited to V ill. 1 J in. 2G. ^ State of South Carolina, ^ KERSHAW DISTRICT. ' Samuel a. b. shannon, who is in the cust'uiy of the Sheriff of the said District, hy , rirlue of a W rit ?.f Cnpins ad Suti fnciii/iluin at ho suit of J im. s F. (j nolilo 1 lido sci, having poiL ^ it:oaed I ho Honorable llio As.-oci.itv Judges of the , Joint of Common Puis that he may lie admitted | o the benefit of the acts i f the General Assembly ( ortho relief of insolvent debtors. Ii is Ordered that the said Junes F. C .-untile. In lorsce, and all other suing c cd'tors to whom j .ho s lid |ielilionvr is in any wise iud 'bled.! ie, and they are hereby summoned, and In vo i.o:iee ( to appear hel'octlic s.id Judges at the sain Cm I to , ,io ho'den at the ' ourt House in Camden, lb K>-r. I haw Uist ict. on the fourth Monday of Gcto! pr n< xt. ' being the 24th day of said month, to show c use. ' if any liny cm. why the siid \>< titio,,er should ant I) tvt* the p/JiycT OI Mts p-sli.ioti priimen. | BENJ. GASE, c.c r. / O.Tjcc of Comnoa PI. JS.i .J C.v \\ right, D'sluralio.i in Attiichiiieut. j ^ John k Wnglii, vs U'il.i.un (tiyal1, I y Deciin ali'-n in Attachment, ' f K iS. In- i I-'hHKu in I n* nb'-Vp si i$9 i'i! imii'si! il. liiisH y fill-Un i: d.-iI mil'n 1 n tn niK,-.. -i i. i i? ..iiiIii Is. ivi r sir si hi 111 ! tid h.'.u i 11,11i s uj Hii- Mil . un-l L mi g It'll"'J^r t\i|f n.ir ?n r ey with n llie* .au.e, n a ho it I i ki-i v a cnji, it. i ir sai I . t'tt ur tin: t uiih line to ! <| therein. j It i or iTril, ili,i ilit* ni! I) o tin 1 do a par ind t ad in t r s i l tlft.l ni.on ti or eier. ill i st day N? i* In r. Ann D-.i.-ni Id/Jnrao ; j iter i.ir j .tljr tm>(it w:ma li * frin-.tls | ^ iind t'le pirilia t!i:il !iu !i.ih i:ik"ii i ii tw.! k.fwi j liiisl, ok- (iii >r .ilio.n ,M . II I.'tviV. I.eril'iliim ., in. n ns i!ic KEIIXIIA >1 COWER HOL'si; < ml li s (ijicii il :i> !.? 11: |m e ?: 111si i:.i. i ^ .1! ."Jin in y t'.v ?r linn wi'li I li. ir |i I oii?g.\ E '"V i ng. .iti.ltlic i, it ,|;c ciiiiiiiy c i !, fi.ii. nut lie vvnit.ig in give tlihl snieril xiisl'c cli.'ii wliic'i In* li * terniii ml i<> nierii N*i |> i ? " 'ill i'O k|i to I to niakerv oiin bu'li cmifo I li!e ,'j ml at !io.ue. C - - - i:..? .. I !'i i I M- flilJilS .Tl* I "*?0 .11 HI cii'imrmnii | c i ml u.lly id ix it's ili 1 f r<:r rtie t j U.hI.!." l!i :l lin- Minnllllll.JiH ?; in I y c. .I" ;i /!' "?* ? X-B-jja--j i",l r ''(l" ' il d Ill-Ills I.I tl up tor tin- iiccuiiiiinii .lion nt? Block of .all k ml.-i |(l Tile Proprietor lias >ol out uitli a del rm n linn ? inorit ii ii'lurii nf' : II llin?r ?vlio tih.ill l.i kind "~ ioiii;li to t'.vnr his Ii use wiili :i trial o*T;'C pr com >ii ill l c ii pilule! lo suit tl.i prrn | il o n arms-el st-icof tl.c linns, 'ii.l cash, in nil >1.11.C M, will l> C.\|J olcd. ,V1 WILL!AM BASK IN. ?> r * 2 i ! hh r in q si 11 i, I I i * ni I In k I i r, .v iipi'ii. r : r . r. j S.J I i'ii .Mr..or Clari-i <'Ii in i.nt'C'idi r. p. I.SO II) i nrrior Si.rr v m.d M .d.ir.i \\ inr, anno* 23 vri.rs ."ili. ujn* ii r P' Tl \\ i r, in In til*1 uwv 1'. " KrriM h I r. inly in! Tin am (ii i. A S ? A II I. jl tl . SS illM'Ilt I I p| Ugarr, . .1 . II I. V >' , taken u\> in &nnf1 ll' IV ill' I* ? P r mv i ran >j I I finnr li nj*f?l al mi hi- "*" li- rib r, a .il |?.. >i ? I In- rx. 11 > I' la 'lii J" ? al ii I ;a(i i: rv?f i in d i' liiOiM- I. , { , nil m 1'iidl () l| S. C d.vmiu i'R n Jr t; .1 n ? ' NM i i?Xl?* f^Tn!i-r i< I imi li? ifiiri I 'il I iVili i?|'f?i li 11k- r i iIn- |'n-I dav ' ! |'i (mail ^ c.\l. 'il 'l:r .-In r i'J Jail" I) !? I ( in ('an- |I(" it'll I' i < i ll< < a in o i l.i 'I* m s l'"i-lh'41. in i| si i ill ;itil l il ir l! i' Ii |!i u i.i" |J: its iiii iIi? ,'1' "ll'- ivrns! r il:r |'i'i'| imOn .Miitiilay 2b F I inn v hi fiil'i-iii Hi'!; hi Tin winy i**i i I' MutIi :i I' la' K-i k; "ii .Vi'iliii-si!ity. 2il i-t iM fit lit Hi fi:.!..; i-n ? riliii'Rilny, 3(1 ill iVii'i'rli ill l.'Zi'iiln V; nn ** ri?l ii \. 4 Ii "I .V a it Ii hi b'clu I'i'kV Al: i I; hi Siiinrilai oil) if March al Cii: i inn'* _ dill. AI'u'r ill" nlnivc nosn ml Iift I v ill at"in! ai Oii'iili-ii ii n - i! tin li'.'-id y n| Ajnil li'Xl. Ill ll I'ieli till I- till' III nk.x u ill ( -si. j iv'li In* eli'Seil, anil all 'ir'niilli is il.n.lilr , - rv it XI'll* J. W. DOI.Y. T. C. K. 1) r1 J:.ii. r>. iR}y. hct.ce. S. K i IFFORD. ii .? ; i I li hn' 'n Ii 'nut ,\ "n .i'Iiii Juui ii 1.11 a r ! ? i'll'i !' '-Ii t ie rul ti in elm < ?l i c?. al )i|\ r nil .hi iis?- in i i [' .i r< Hii'r . .i 1 a* h I'? i: * !:?? 11 c t r _ ) lilk d,?;0In Ci iir-i-n, | nl> ii'ij nil [mt i ii-. j lint tlir ill' i e? ill sir ir r ? a* ' nurl' r v rl ' i ? f I a4 1 ii n?i . . h ! ' nv Ii "'I* i i?* ii, 'n nt..: irpi i ti r of ill. [''am. r 11?* 1: inn lli..l I nvi?'r?jnn i'iiU- 1 * I ar! - F'. Dm ?, m I > nl.'m urn i mill n? u ten aim du i e mr > i'.-f ?'? *:?>ni j ' a d Hun I. ' 'ir I F!' VAS A. HAGUE \ Caoicen Dtccmbcr, 31ai lo41. ' ' T * i ' * " v ' . * < * - ' . \ r ' < r y ? ''5W Jip*v% ., Spsgj - .. .*? -.... wm^z, - ' . ; * >. "." 1 ?iust iLteeiutf, ' ' supu.ior qn liiy, winter strii.1'" ^ cd >uid cluriti'il, ai.d uuri..i.tul ti"i t? dull 111 lie co!de>t wo.itl.er. A !? ? The Silcsian Polish, An article iliat cfmlli ng< e an cqu.il m'.ill ifp cssen. .ill prope lies ofa ripid and be.utifn'poushfur 1 rer, G rriMn silver mid brass plate, DriUunru.i ware, j mi: siciJ cuil-rv die. A Bu gle trinl is m ly i eces j ury furllie sitis'Uctiou of..my person. Far salo at! in sign "f lliu Mortar.J in. 10. DFT.FON4-.LF.VY ; iVfomy Wanted. r.'iH siibseril er lien g in w .nt of MONKY to meet bis own pi f ecin. nls. csn- ct'ul.v iniintxis-i il! lho?c! ii d'-liii (I to him. c'tl.cr by uolc.or acci-nut, lint i n cirlv settlement of their- nsp. etiye duos is?i cqni'PfJ Those >v! o?c notes mid arc,amis have )i < 11 d>:c Joi one or more yea is, muat not expcc any ' onger indu'gc! n<\ nrd in fnlnte. I.e will expect h!k to pay their neroi'iits yo rly. 0*'r?> those customers who have paid him pmic-1 n illv hi* reinri p his thanks, and hopes, l>y mjideralc iriee# and attention. to business, to merit a cohtitlti. ! ince of tlnlr patronage, " - f ' J, II. ANDERSON. Fob. 10. i|31. . If Jl! I'* snive l ers h ,\e j si i p ncd, ni e door sontli o!'the |l ug Slo e o J ines K. 1\1 K in, a nc.v 1-d !i indsii.il ' i>-o tmc:;t of Roots and Shoes if IMC"}' derClplinil. lliullllf CMl .< d III the most ap. ir'.ved i sialil s! iirnts in Philadelphia and Huston. jUj"* I hey have elso, n fine assortment of Leather, h.ui Findings. An:, all of wliieli will be sold at riees niinsii Jly low, , F"\ in. ai.pf.n & ro i In tQU.Iy-fiti'ff/iflW Histrict. ohn (.an ey, Exr, H. L Can-ey vs. John J. Blair?Bill .or Relief and Injunction. I It appearing my satisfaction that the de endant John J. Blair is absent from and beyond the li-! ni's of this S'a'e I: is ordered 'ha he do p.lead, nswe", or demur 'o litis Bill, vviihin'hreej non hs from 'It s day, or an order | ro confesso riil Le etfe-ffd ? '" record nen.nsf him. J ('ante-, Jr Conimr. in Equity. | Feb J23, 11=511 ! Figs! Lots of Pigs!! 1 BOU1' the I") a or 20 o oJ April uc.v\ tlierc j "1 will he'or sale at tlie resides cc ot M homos' '. Bailan', K?rp!i?iv D.s'rV*, a drove i i? . _ ,i i_-??. r'.M:..n? ! r - i TV, ;st f! ?? t>U'Ji r .1 u n.Pii uiiii'wir . Ai.ivL'?\ :'eu* ?u:l b!co*!e . .Vn r I c j.?.r'e?? v. i ,!e 11: I|C? tV ! ! li F v cr: 3 i:' ') ! n paij '<> rr?< in '? ; . ,:! ! f my ! e<', ;;m! ii' ;CF ; < i ":r ;. ?cve arte! a lia!i (.ov: f'er rfaj*? . ! . r ' f " -;ii ;i:o :! e , i u' w> , , iv evv, cr'i.c '? $-F?o'r crca; ex. ' ', 'Hie ? ca I-., v. : enr.ii r. c > u ;l c li:f o Ja y, :tci pay i" . <>. i.a services o! He i.o.*?e v;U.' : e* j cctcil ?-' > "**?. ' ! .f\M?8 ^MYFM. ( To i ettfa I, il.N MI) '? ! hi' If I i ?*xl, I" re ji iimiV!* hi' si < k "I Gin i'p in my i\?n >ii'n h. Ip -i>:\ i c*ii nil ly I . .. >1 i'fIi. mill VI Cut A: ['. r.t'.i -l; I . .. il i.ii iiiii r I! ?- my | ern .un ii' I.iim- I m i*tsi?.d ii d i IF r i r R lit m? m toil i? t i *11,*ii: :y !i In , v": Cue .1 |>i ->< til nc u, i*il t M i- . A- 'i HI.' \ l"ii. ;li ii xl . ! v. i* hi r [>m'. w nn F.mii mi imts, ,i d ntv 1 iiiii i d ry r I) :iil t. ji in! I In- i? Mnren>i n rti_ ii- b nr. T- per niiM r mi iitjr ii r s. a ii Mini* i*m? In sny. Mi I ill y nn m.v iij; tiie j r lir-i m.i ml. I' r |i r mvi njr :i (' tlin it ?l ; 11 * b .-in s ; n il I mi v in ki* Ins i-c-1 ririii>i lor! in rlimi nf p.', or. ri?-idi at .. d sl.in.- .?| i s"N;in ii. i ! Si'T.-.-i ii r. . id by Mfs-rs. W. J , T. 15 i ny "s-i'n. ml M i iny "'ill l?- ?i c tin- 1 l tin n- ? ? ' i" iii'xl. til. ill is rnu 8 n y I lie l.'lli if J I in'V. < lirrir.t ol.i rs ? I' " -1 I-I- mill ill Ii II lis. 11 .? I iirt* ili mi ii it i' So ill r in * 11 i< j iiii>:iic* *. -hit r ? |ii.? i ni.iin. fur iliehi-t. ' v r- ii ? jr. tl 2-">.' (I i Hiilrs, in.(I it s juppiisrd i- y ?rs r c. i is v.i.l ! ?? alum; i sauii* A.A., i' !,ACO TE. i nxv Jiii I2:li 1812 U -';lf | Notice. r t ^L* 111', fl AS, ii? I tt'-rs i?; aduiim ir.ilin fl n ! V tlii* ps ;i i* "I l/ifl is irk Tli- in. ron. s n fl . .-t*.], n xp e n a p ii il mi ?? is >V:i|i. in r-till' 1*1 I'tll.'M Hill- I li.'iv t till p ski'sm.'i: of t Ii 4 Ir.se..rr'H as con d It in tut All pi rson< { ilrlii il in mil . in inpsii. nn* rq'iinl to ma p iiiii' 'l It' pa iin nl. in (I a I l iw lt-i? n dinar s Ifi.v. S pt 22 |ft}| 142 Notice. HE m-piilm r h'p Iipi- mf r>' rxis'iii" n'of i . r.i.... OIIATTf.N* ; SI 'I || |{|.A D f llliil y flissnl'i'il y mil in' roiis iil. Tl'p ll J i'suil In' Iiriii xx.ll p piled x . iiiiips I-. tnili- ; I in. 0 I. I II ?TT N ' JAMES r.SUi IIERLAND. . 1 Jai. I, 1*4*3. !t try ! i' Imui i'ss will, cr i d n 'y tin* auf?- j .i i r xv- ii i I in. p.pry pxprtimi ... Ipa p. mill s(. ct ii I, su fjts rm i; per z nsol On t pii and 5 > ci i y, a Mi ri? o p itr mi r | J A IK F srr-IIF.ro AND. | bUxvTS AND SUOfcS, IraJm Jf. caf Hals Arc, I'" -1-i E NO. N i 21. I nynn Cliarlps j Jr "en t?. / ipp i.-iip M.ssrs F;ii nrA'liay-,) ..trios Ins I'r i- i.s lit I Ik* pii i . Ilia i ? is,iiii? #1 ... .i iif.ui it... tiviii n . r ii iiitiv niirl i. ml: i s< t inrn ill I.no S * il: IIOKS,ol a I in <. nd ii'il in ilir''oiiut ;\ I nrfi' Al *i r i ri??r?A fun- as?.< rtuicni F\I nVniid ? v i? P il M LKAP M.\ IS i ml ;i l*r ? s r" I I. il - ml Mw-V r Tit A W ItOANI/IS., . ! ! In II \\ II lit' ' ll "Hi I hi: i :j?t ft.'iiu,: Ttl'i>- ill - j, i? u ir.ji I ('iiir. -mi. I f 20. I>42 f-rfi j I A.1. h jl .t,, i? i.e t! ,<>il? ilr:it,i'fct li.li fir- I ft ale ni lie ^arain Gerald,?'ecM. lrvip ol Surn-1 ;r D s ric , a e^ie* e?l ? hand hem in prc j er'v aiiqa c\ iivhin ihc ':ir,e rre: rr.bel l v lew, iid gilTifflsiped c il.e ea.d Esiac, u-.ii nUpper Ba t.al-on of the 31b' Regiment.' on .Thursday, tie 21-1 of April, at a point the tripod,er General may cfecin ii.uf'. convenient;' who if beret y ordered to re; or! ijr.niedj'a'e'y, to tiie f'ooj ma in'er-> ,'.e , he place FO.se leered. The-Lr vsjer . En. "ai or,-at George'oti-r, on Tue^av^ific 23 h o.'Aptil.. The 33rd Re; ime-.t a CorwajrWoujrll* on Fridav,-he 2i)-.h "oi Aj rlh . on.a r ? it t? ai iUUi (VJI uuri KLUfcl, yti Saturday, the 7:h of'May. - The Corps of Cuviilry will * [araite w-i'h : he ^ ResJnMjrits or Ba'al ci> mostconvenient. The conmiissioi'ert.Ollkerc-orthe 8 h Brigade willencamp on Monday,^hc 2rd or May next,' at. God;roy's Ferry, in Marioil Dis'.ric, on the"* Groa' Fee Dee river. The 20:h Regimen' of Infantry, it Darlington Court Howrei on Tuesday the 10 h oi May. The 20 h and 44t7?Regimen,8 at Suiuterville, .on Friday, the 13 h oi May. The commits o: eil officers of the 3d Brigade of In nfitry, will encamp near Barnwell Court House, on Monday, the 23d of May next In acrordnnre wi'h 'he arrant eiren's of Brigad er Genem! Janreso-, the commissioned officers ol the 2d Brigade o. ( avairy are also ordered o encamp m 0 e s.auip time and place. The I l"!i a d 43rd Regiments o Iulrmtry will - parade at Earn v. e! 1 Court House .on Saturday, ; n 2d h o. M*'y Brigadier General Jamiesdn will order one of the Troops or Squadrons of his Brigade to. parade a: the san e 'ime ai d pjjrce. The ci mmiss ored and ncn-roir'missirned Ofcers of the Reg in en's ai d (Y.r|s ordered tor review, will assemble the day previous, for drill and instruction at tl.oir respective places of pa-rndc. Tl e Major Generals and Brigadier Generals will, with their S affi attend the reviews within il.e.r ccr-mards. . Brigrd.er Generals I^nna, Sclir.ierle,' Hammond, Hi} l.iri, Jaruief orf and Harflee are char- -J getl wdli the c\ ci s on r.i rcn.ucli of tbisctder as rein es to heir resj ectivc Brigades. Ey order ol the ('cmmai der.-ni-< hicf, J. W^CANTEY*' Adj't. afrtfJInfject'r Gen'l. Extrcct /rem the Z&th recti' n if the Militia Law ,.r. i^.i i 'J ' I'loridcJ, Tliiit nil Si rg. mil* of o irt(? nit s, ai il-^iIi nun c :i nsi?im cd CI' &j S ii.fi." it ffici r?? 4v!.c?h' .ill . ?ii it ri v tu'i.c! r.n ?i c (dj n cr.t ii. U.i ir. nr>| cc|iV' II i^' i'f.1 l?eixeiM|i't "dl'ii inrn..ddiUy? '!'ii-1'ii lla'Mnr n vvli cl. il l V srijli wife; <1 M.cli inc in) tin iU. Purged /ikof'V'titpl .ill Sivgenjit* of l'.i>l|.|Mp:i ?. in tin!! liiili.rJlliiuMjyitllif tl lifjjitn* Si li'i-Cicei*. Wt n i iiit'.j V i ?i"V( li yi urn CWiFOeUl.v? y. in (I a' i l- during li c >cveii snug, ; iu??j tJ:? < i c hi; ii ct.I- in Ilr-i .< n'j or \c II. ?f. dip. rliull tie c 11* i I.. <-.\p (?' !-oin i. i [.! fnii. let 11 oidiliiu ri iiai'iI . ili *. Ai.ii I', r un/, cha. Tl.nt in c?>t ..ni iff. S i.i i . i.nijii iiiim i:.?! R ^ik t-i.iiil S4.jdV < fUcc , f. I. ;ui-r fiiil li> I: i i:j k of n i: n.iii.-:. il > fijefr. I tn.ia. of ? :; cr i icniwy ! i >:i liI iisi i.i.ni * !i it "J l: .Ii:.. lc H||I[I|. ii in (III it., i l# I .5 ' rj lYr iTici.'.' ; p a St Vl'.il.l li: I.IHi III 11114 i: if I'M d U?r,tlM f.flll Stuff ff: i!i\ Ai.it i] nliiill ' c-.tli- duly of all i tUcirs, v|- mi . i:ly sl.nl. I r In - pi on I Siojrpj.jjlii . lid lion. . s. 5* mi mi*san.i il It. jj-iieoTni Si If i ffici rv, to give 1 fin hh| cei\eiy u c-itif.e .ti, figi.rd iffieinlly. pria'yii ? I' c 11 oil.in.rut, its doty, and tin- cum. i.uiy in Ret incoi in ivl ich 'l:i*y I'l-lyi g; wL.cli rtlie.le, wifft jnon." of w ivicr, ; in.oifid T?v Imucl, ni all In iild-i.c In claim i .\eiitj G. n I V* .--li Id. " t n >' K-BINDBIl. CIIAKL' TTL. N. 0. ' ITERS his sirvices Ui tlii! cilizci s >! C.ni.di r, S, i I*, nuii its vicinity. '""I assises those wl y may >iitr?nizf li-m tl ai fiom the |ircn.pli os ncri fly Ic ui vli:oh ho rseculcs o.iioia.Xe will give general satisaction. CI'' ;r?ons wishing liiiiding done. cm, by Icavirjr heir work ui th.* Ca i.di-n Journal Office, have itorwardcil an returned without any exja nse for carape. ... Nov. 24. Head CfcURiters. C..AKK(tr???t;F?-b. -;G. 1842. DB- bb No ? _ > HE B"oa 'iiT Go era's ofl'e fit f); iiinn, t* will out r ilu-ir s nra'Coin Is hi th r re e iin-lln lie*, to 11 en ; n he d a ! oh hi iieir i? ii?* t e It in e on ."-tii n . tl.e 1.1 t .1" U.'v n x- o i MAJ II GENERA I , ? I II the iir nrv cm*. to?l h\ die n sip ate 11 ul' IVlaj u G?.ne al T v is I J ok f 'I'll Bri '* !l ',r e''' s ri' l II im (?j? li.il'Jj). I It.ml 1*1 III l( I ll .11.(1 a I; M 11 11.: I f I > I jj/Jl, >ti i* i T? ? ft \ r:.rs ii'i!, I.! z<~ fi.Cf. I. f'l -|i?m.'(l(T [im! 11 t; wl.in; i!. I ft m.^iiil mt nr si 11 ; ' i i- > ft \ Ntt .I. 11 -!. Ai ii i - :! *iI i n'til ii r 11: i - | In* * '',p i>tv : ? i is ' < rj i'r?;'?i! |i r riu fn*?' |'r(?V( tcju rfv. i >t'\ r' firrp' I- I?' ' K. Mi PflAN, Mag^trae. t 1 n-. a il.A I tflR. i QAfllia n ) V7Ch vj ... ;.%: '..* & v \ ?