The Camden journal. [volume] (Camden, S.C.) 1836-1851, March 02, 1842, Image 3

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i.".' ; r.mxar ?:~: 3U?..'wrr m iwow For the Camden Journal. TO MY FRIENDS: Supposing; you have ail seen my commun:calioa in the Journal be.'ore last, I now address myself to you particularly, with a ."ew ideas and suggestions on the coining election for Town Cour ;il. As this is a matter in which you, as well as myself, have always taken a lively interest; since the last election I have closely observed evejy act and movement of the present Council, aspiti uously gathering up materials to use agains' thom hereafter: and I think you will agree with me, that I have touched them pretty close!;", in my article, without being either personal or virdictive. I am not aware who they accuse of the authorship, but certain I am, that no suspicion rest: uoon me, nor do I think they will now, puspec. me. F.n iing myself thus fortified from assault, you (and I speak so every one can hear me,) may look out for a co nstant discharge of well-aimed siio. at those honored, but bare-faced delinquents. The effect i? already quite perceptible?in proc of which, lot me refer you fo'the gibs in last Wednesday's paper, signed "A Citizen," sneering at t he clice of Warden, -fee. Who thi wouM-bc pithy ar icie was intended to designate. 1 en: ot say, nor do I know the author?hut i have my *?p 1:0:1, ami am not surprised at it?fo it was easy 'o see that tiie Ward ens, or, at an; rare, three of thorn, have worn Ion; faces forl'.e last. fortnight. T.iey feel that tiie spirit of R fwin is abroad, and that they muat either par with their honor.- , or give more of their time to tiie public. This brings rr.e to the heaviest charge against the present incninbent?, fori have not any dot bt of their capacity, if they had the energy and disposition. They have always attended much more to the r own business than to the interest an; well-being of their fellow-citizens. Have they then, I ask the question emphatically, wi h ihh grave charge staring them in the face, .ana before the world, any claim to re-election! Y01 will join with me in saying they have not?especially when men can bo had, who have made i their study, with singular devotion, to rco thai tiie afTiirs of the town were fully and fairly administered. If we cannot make a total change, can we no', by a faithful co-operation, turn out at least three o them? You know v.*e tried it 1 n one of thern last year, but that was so j oiited, v.e aiicd? A clean sweep t;:i; spring would bo uracil preferred, r.nd in the r places, let lis put men who are ardent and vigorous in performing all the) c m find to do. When you read this, I hope it will 'end tc | consultation and a count of our forces?for if I cannot be elected, I would rather not bo a candidate?knowing a: I do, the uneasy ."sanation that always follows defeat. if, after ail our trouble, we can only succeed in ge'ting in one of o;;r friend?, (and in all humility, I thin!; myself the most suitable rrnn,) it v .il oo a great victory.? or serious!}*, I do be1'evo that J r,m bet'er qualified, from my part iifc, to serve in a representative capacity, thai any other man in our circle, or even in our community, and I will openly and honestly give you my reasons for thinking so?the maturcr years of iny life, nearly up to the present time, hav< been spent in the service of others, giving, t advance their good, the whole of my time, talent? and attentio ; and I take the present nccrsion, vihliclv. to invite the innuirv. if I have not .given the utmost satisfaction, in every ease, to each an.1 aii concerned. On you, my dear friends, i generously throw myself, depending upon your united efibrts in my favor, an.-l in favor of reform generally, and I fee! sanguine, that, should success attend us, my industry and zeal will coon !>c sensibly fe!-, ii fir.nly establishing and promoting the welfare of our own CA.MBEN. For the Camden Journal. Mr. Fj Lttr- Your correspond:-'.t, who app. mrod i ' lost \vjs!;'k o*-cr i!i signature of * '.'ilisrii son ii? to < x rib*' ;i ! il of suns-it ivmiuss m-cnus" :hi ??itu ttiori of icat l):K'ilb !i-is cotnp '1 led w.-i fte to bring it to t!ic n?t!cn of t'"- |i>.Vic. il v. j p i.n p i:Hy .iMk< fit "o>!i *A v t m>. D :i I t:t>: suppose ;!i a '{."tjimJ . .5 J -I -? c 'is*:;: uri'i ;; o.i to 1! son t\ f - m i I c : ..i..' i i n :! ?- un. I' l, anil ur'l In n t in why ami t u- . iio'i'lore. Ae. I is, lioivevnr. I .vill lak 1 iiim on nollier ;ir: ; ; : Jjivo? to dn-.v r?:il lit; /rW?r.3!iolhi:r if! is inc.: bn tin-is. IViv, tell "fliliz"-:," w!iy ;-,-u ;.r> n ;' iiji i:i us for voorlv dragging bi.-.h.c tbtho situ l'i*i.i ..'our II ! ,;.ig pi icy? lio V -U Cita-tile' it as con n in ground, in v hicli ait have or fool, n c -,! .i.jii intoro.-l? And d> vnu deny ll> it thn iinlliortiosot'thjf t'".vn, nsit* s?i;> rvis n-.?, ha mi bused their trus ? Or, -id ni t-iiT |'in f??-t, do vc.\ f.-c! alVaid to disturb the embers <?i*;>n!>Iic o,iinio:i, in rc'atioii In ;t? Or is it tint an order having pass:?' to re; air it before the election, you will luve t'ne nppo unity to coine out with flourish of I umpets, in praise of 1:.nir un ceasing duties fur the public weal? Of all others, in our viciuitv, this is the most frequented p! m o resort, for it! ci isscs of the community. It is for the r.sting place of the dead, that the stranger naturally enqiiivs, and loves to saunter there tind hold con. verse among tiie tombs. If the v do were taken torn >rrov.\ tlit-rc is not t ic least doubt but me united voice would lie given to have this sulrstanti ll>* enclosed, and the interior cleansed of the rubbish at public expense. Ouu wo expect any thing good In como out o( the present Council? IIivc m?l three of" llicni been tried for as ininy years? and does not each year retrograde in appearance, rather than advance?? However high therefore, as citizens, they stand in our estimation, the interest of the town loudly calls for a change. cur iim constrained to notic3 an apparent neglect in I Council, that should be explained. To thoss I*4- 0 I who weic picscnt at the last fire, it will be recolloeb ted, that but one Warden was on tho ground, and , that the most efficient Town Engine present was nanagi (1 by blacks, although two gentlemen are ap. ! pointed to the command, and in consideration of said duty, arc exempt from road work. What would have been the consequence if this state of things had oc. _ curred at r.iglit, would not all have been dismay and c infusion? "5*. Mr. Ed tor, we liavo a certain clique among us that think the olcction of Council entirely bolongs to them, and if a voter is so presumptuous as to 9ay night against their nomination, lie is donounc-d as an enemy to the town. TAX PAYER. For tfte Camden Journal. Mr. Editor: Your correspondent (Cilittsn,) in last week's Journal, attempts to be very witty at my expense?but it is no go. He has made statements so palpably erroneous, that any one, with half an eye, cm seo his object. He evidently bolongs to the inpoxoer party, who are notorious for ntt( mptmg, by , inch means, to kvcp out of the way tho real qocetion, , to draw off voters from existing evils, an \ impress them with the belief that "'twill not benefit them to < uakoa change"?for although they should find ue i 0 "very patriotic, ?r,d very anxious to d.stinguish ; themselves an to co nn forward ns candid itts" for their oulFrages, it would '.e "just us likely to lend 1 o evil as good." Did tint tiro members of the pr. sent :' forward ar.d earnestly entreat that this tk nkleos ojfice in.ght b hcsto.v. d on t oui? Iltveji ey, la .iay ?mo ptritcu. r, Sir Trn mil piuioiism vnic.'i sh->uid bo exhibited by ire n so chosen? Citizen states that wast D2K i.b street lias but ee .vaoroig'.l homes, occup.rd by i.s many, , ia'.f c.f whom am permanent r<aiduuts, paying taxes ^ t the amount o!'?18. Is this,broad assertion tru,7 Or, on the contrary, is it not well known, that there ire ten residents on this street, all ef whom ow n :irir dwellings, aasesoed by the town, us worth ( ;! 18,000, and paying taxes of about 3^50? Aside1 Vo;n these, it has upon it, tho most frequented ( Church :n our coinmunity, which of itiolf, ougin to , irrestthe idea of shutting that portion out by put.intra gate at either extreme. It is true, that the rerr.i year forty dollars have been usehsrly wasted -in etreet, but let it lie remembered, that this is me only sum expended within the recolkction 11 ' .c oldest inlialtilanls, saving the pine tops \vhicl. were deposited thnro in 1837 and '3d. Under there :ircum?t.inecs, tl oref ire, is it not proper and right that' west D. K lb should be i.roug'.t to tho notice of the Camden public" at least or ce a year? Cut sir, 1 do not wish to confine rnyaeif to this e c'.ion alru.e "here arc others, equally deserving of notice. How -that part of Broad street, just above- Shin* ion's residence, and how has it been since the fiisi d ty of Anril last, (nay, for two years previous?)? Denounced by every traveller, as a disgrace to any nop e. acting Ui.dor a corporation, and that too, .viicn the materials for its ainendnicnt are on the ,?o!, requiring but a sin ill sum to give it a perm 1. nont and d sirablo appoaranco. Wli .t say you to I ho uvest end of York street leading to the Boat v.../ 1 r* i.?.?.. > e in :r .. .1 h..l nit..,,. i IUU i iinj: ui>u IIIIU HI'j u.v ?10 i? What of t!ic cast er.d leading p.iH tlio Tar;. Yard, by which routo thousands of "chicken cjrlb" ' nave tr.ivci'c J the p?n t twenty years? Wh it of Lyi- 1 tion sir: it. or* "/'>:eh no tvoik has been done fur [ lime immemorial? In f et sir I n* < d not p.liicu. ( tarise, when all, a!!, am in a cend iio:i that sp.-. ks ( uncr.ditto tlmse whom we have rmpowind 10 see t to them. We nro within four weeks of the contest, ' tod if these are so, (and I presume no one v. ill have ; the hardihood to gainsay them.) is it not time to ' gin the onsot, and..endeavor, by ail kor.o abb .leans to elect an entire new Council, so that that r,l ighting influ nee, which has for a long litre been .ccumui.itiiig, and is now weighing d-iwn and |nostratingthe most important interests oi the town may ' in: arrest d. It is u ficl to i, easily demonstrated, hit not more than I wo thirds of the taxes accruing tn lie town aie c ii.'rct< d. It is however, parta ularly worthy of nolico, thai Citizen's communist* lion lias resulted in good?fo no sooner had yoor nap. r heen laid upon our table, than the Council we o at work, arid the Marsh ! I usily engaged in remedying a nuisance that has cxi.-. . ted fur the past twelve mo.uhs, in tho vicinity ot" tin Lodge. I refer .to the opening and re-laying of the (1 air,?A most imnor ant m< a u , a? it will effectu. al.y remove the pond that t!;e obstruciion of tin <1 ain I an n -cesser:!y ctused to remain there The i 'in I r,r? mm!.* :inri li.e iifivl four weeks ivil. ) undoubtedly, i-xl.i iit lo us inipriiveinents in i-vcy ?ii. ri cti?.n, IJiorcliv cn tiling their fronds lo s.?y, Have i not our Council been very efficient the past year, uwi mil vc not give tliein ;i clion? I earnestly ir^e vot' rs to oo:ne forward in tie c a;=e of reform, .. . ... , i 0* nm-t assure.; :y, .1 wn put our si.ou d rs t?? tic wherd, il must forward. It is nut enoughth t ] x should voloncr.-e v s.but it i-s our duly to trgc . friends and ne.g! bosto vot ?thai :i!t> r tee . |. ->u. we may have it to s.y I dot.c mv duty Mr CAM DEN. ' ! i Money M attr! s in riiiLAor.r.pni.\?The , .'utinri'ij in'c.'itge titter's Philadelphia corrrspon- . lent write?.? There are daily increasing indications of n ar>is here involving the hanks and nil concert)rl with tiiem. Th r i-omc time pa..! the ban!:?, j with a few except :oiir?, have re.used t?? receive . any deposits front new customers, or new dop"..-"ifa from oM cur.'mnors in sums exceeding live hundred dollar?. Yesterday and tn.(i.av all the I '.tanks except two, possibly three, have .'alien in-. ; o the rule. The effect is manifest. But lir t, f as to the carso; which is that the banks .are, vYnid to hold the notes of one .ano'iior, which'1 [ ire in circulation, being in the city almost excltt- : i sively these of two i;;cti:u>ion.a. Mow as to the ( ofloct: it is, of course, to strangle all the ordinary money transactions which require the intorven- t inn of deposits and checks, to increase alarm, a id to pave the way to a speedy explosion of a system and of Hie parties eiiir'igred in it, who, . !i iving lost ell fait h in one another, can no longer hope that the community w il have faith in any of them. This end is also hastened by political movements?more properly, perhaps, movements ro directed by any party influence, ' i but spurred on by th; times. 1 I _ ^ I j Uctstde Kow.?"ciam," said a pjauter toone i i of his slaves "if you will contrive any way to i i prevent the destruction of the outside rows of ( . corn by the squirrels, I will release you from work one month." Sam mused a while and then replied, "suppose massa, you leave the outside 1 | rows, and no plant em at all: den equirrols no 1' trouble em." I V " , I"' 'CAMDEN HUCES CURRENT. B?ef, : : : lb 4 > 5 . f B icon, : : : lb. 74 10 B;eswax, : : : lb. 18|i 25 Bih Rope, : : : lb. 10 12$ a Bagging, : : : yard 24 26 Co,/ee, : : : lb. 15 10 0 Corn, : : : bushel 45 50 P Cotton, : : : lb. 5 8} Feathers, : : : lb. 374 40 * Floury : : : barrel 6 50" 7 00 p Fodder, : : : * cwt. 75 1 00 Molasses, : : : gal. 33$ 50 Sugar, : : : lb. 8 14 Sail, : : : sack 2 50 Tobacco, : : : lb. .9 50 Peas, : : : bushel 43 ij 50 Potatoes, siccct, : : do. 37| 50 " Irish, : : bar'I. 3 25 l' IZice,^ : : : bushel 3 50 4 00 r? foioaer, : : : keg |u uu ou o ? i( CHARLESTON MARKET Feb. 28. c Cotton*.?The Up!a:;d mirket at the close of the last, nr.d in the early part of the present week t, was rather heavy, owing to a slight advance or freight to Liverpool, coupled with tne firm stand ^ of holders generally in regard to prices; but the rates given in our review of 'he 19th inst were maintained up to the c ose of business on Wednesday a:ternoon, when accounts reached us ~ rom the other side per the British Mail Steamer Ciydy, at this port, ad vising of a slight decline in J tot'on in the Liverpool market, which to a limit- J ad cxten*, has a corresponding effect on prices j vith us, purchasers having operated at a decline ^ of | \ cent per ib. on the inferior quality of ^ [Jp!and, while vhe other descriptions however, nave maintained the of the previous week 0 fhe transactions compromise 7105 bags, aga.nst :he receipt in the same time of 6972 bags. t< XX XXJJ- I H?una;ciimuuj n Notice. i' TII'OMAS S. MOOD informs the citizens of *1 Camden, th iltho report, wlucli lias been indus. riou' ly < ircukite.l of.his leaving, is utterly f I-o.? IIj intend* to re main, and ! opes that !?j# trienda and t.'ie public generally, will continue to favor him with Iheir patronage. _ ' . 1 r.I.-cl. 2 THOS. S. MOOD JVotice. 1 LL persons having deui nds against the Es.1 tale of Benjamin Gerald.dec'd. late of Sumer District, nre requested to hand them in pro- * erlv attes ed, within the time prescribed by law, r.d all indebted to the said Estate, will make c rnmediaie payment to. s W.J. GFRAT.D. Adm'r. March 2, 1842 j /3S\ fc5Y order of Capt Dikinson, u v&7 jk> the DeKalb R fie Guards, t \\?$ will parade at their rendezvcut on Saturday the 12th inst. a 10 h o'clock A. M. Tho Cons'.itu- (> .onal fities for deficiency in ac- ' *outreiTien*9 or ammunition will ereafier be -rigidly enforced, a <irrns required 10 j?j in complete order. Members " will be rcorrired in future to be >A punctual hie*r attendance, as J jjj hcrca tar the Roll will he called ? a: half rast 10 o'clock precisely, ' nd a:i members who answer not to their names, 'a vhco rolled will fce reiurncJ as defaulters. 11( U* Mem' ert w.l! find it to their interest to ob-' sorvc that the fine now imposed by the .'a e Act J t >f the Leg.sin',ore, ior delimiters at a Company j I. ntis.'cr is. for a private or non-commiss oneri tflicer, Ten* Dmeai s, and fifty per cent on 1' heirpciternl tar, and that all defaulters are retimed to the Regimental Court Martial. ' W. 2. JOHNSTON, 0. S. March 2, 1$42. , ?r-? a Take Notice* 5 LL perrons in arrears for Town Taxes, are Si. ;i hereby noiificd, that the Books will be gep.t y )pen during the present week to receive the 2arr.e, after which lime they will be positively !o-ed, and delinquents re'urned to Council to I'1 .e dealt with as the law directs. u. L. v. li.r Ui\, uccoraer and Irene r. March 2, 1S42 ~ Just Ueeeived, A simply oi' superior Sperm. Oil. 2 J r? MrTC Af\T t police. n rl-IR subscriber, desirous of paying his debtp, ci request-? all those indebted to him to cali ji i id settle previous to the 12th of March, next. Feb. 20. J A MRS MrEWEW Ctiiiuien Debating C lub. y The following in the question for debate on Tlmrs l.iv evening r:o:;tr? 1,1 Should j.or candidates for office, .and persons pi idvowe-lly f'ier.ds to their elections, be proliibi- ,i ?.l from visif*- public entertainments to their lc *o -s'i'i'pTf! w in BanMy"Mer9itaw district. p1 iolui Can e;:, Ksr., H. L. Carrey vs. John J. Bin;.?Ci!i for Belief and Injunction, fr appearing rny satisfaction that the defendant iohn .T. Biair is absent from and beyond the linits of this .Stare. It is ordered that he do plead, inswer, or demur to th:3 Bill, within three J rtonths from this day, or an order pro confessc ,, ,v ill be entered of record against him. it J (W.VTEV, Jr. Conitnr. in Equity. s; Feb fi.?, 1eM2 lo Notice. ii P do hereby caution and forewarn, all persons ^ ?A from trading.for or having any thing to di. j villi a Bond, signed by C.Cherry, and'myseii understand the bond referred to was drawn lot _ our thousand dollars, in favor of Conr.or of Camlen, to be paid by different instalments. My mma to that paper was obtained by false re- f ire.-nutation, I being very sick at the time, and vas told that it was only a Power of Attorney or the transaction of some Bank business.. riiorc.'brc as far as lam concerned, I never in en?l io nay lite same or any part thereof. JUDITH DIGGS. (. Feb. 23, 1642. ' * Money I <i< ^ LL persons indebted to the subscriber, of two, w * three and f^ur yours standing, siro requested to i''me forward sind.settle by tiic first of March next, ' ?j is the mon.y is particularly wanted sit that lime to pay oITdohts duo by the subscriber. Those concern. I'd. would find it to their interest to call without further invitation, and thereby stand a chance to save cents. E. W. BONNEY. T N. B ?Hereafter, Goods will be sold on a credit J of one >oar, and no longer. To customers who arc S wilting to comply with the above rule, the bout of 1< bargains will bo given, E. W. B. 1 r ' " ; f t, * . m - it.ii .i.r-i.j ' r i minimi "i ^ If SHOE STOISJE. ~ rH E subscribers havejust opened, one door south of the Store o;'James fif. McK'airt, a'new nd handsome assortment of Boots and Shoes f every description, manufactured at the tboflt ap. roved establishments in Philadelphia and Bastou. l'liey have also, a fine assortment of Leather, ihee Findings, &c. all of which will be sold at rices unusually low. ,.r Feb. lfi. ALDEN & CO. Money Wanted. rHE aubscriber being in want of MONEY to meet his own engagements, respectfully informs II those indebted to him, either bv note or account, <V. * hut un early settlement of their respective dues is L-quired Those whose notes and accounts h ive - en due foi one or more years, must not expect. any jngvr indulgence, arid in future, lie will expect his ustomern to pay their accounts yearly. ' ti_rTo those customers who have paid him puncjaiiy he returns his thanks, and hopes, hy moderate nces and attention, to business, to merit a continunce of their patronage, - ' ;v J, H. ANDERSO^. t Fch. 16. tfll. . Mortgage Sale of Slaves. ff WILL sell on Monday r the seventh da? of March next, uefore the*Court House ir (lumen, twenty SLAVES,- mortgaged by Mrs. Eleanor, Ipinn, to Charles M. Fnrman?which mo'ftgge as been transferred to the President and Directors f the Bank of the State of South Curolinn* Terms?A credit of one and two years; purchasers a give bo,id with approved personal security and a lortg' go of.the slaves purchased, and also to pay ar ail necessary papers. THOS, SALMOND. Agent of the Bank State of S- C. $ Feb 15. \ III Chancery, ,ewis Ciplcs and F. A. Adatnsnu, vs. 8. A Adam, son. L. C. Adamson and E. E. Adumson.' Bill for sale of Real Estate k | N obedience to an order from this .Court at Juiiis Term. 1841, I will offer furs de, before the Court louse on the lirsl Monday in March next, %1 Tract of Land, ontainirig acres, moie or less, situate in Kerhaw District, and bounded on the south by Kirkmod, west by lands belonging to the estute of Col. ohn and others, north by Sanders' Creek, ist by Jand< of Thomas Lang and lands cf tho esite ot Col. Kershaw. i onus?oo rnucn cnsn an win pay costr??tne il.ince on a credit'ofone, iwoand three years, with nnd, moitgage und ampie personal security. Puichaaur to pay f-r titles: J. CANTEY, Jr Comm'r. CoTim'-'." office. Camden. Fob. 14. 1841. f AivoUgSit to the Jail \ Sumtrr D. trict on tin* 3d ilav of January t. w last, a St'ut<> feil<Kv about 33 veil s, ? ho tvs his name is JACK.njid th thbelnng. d to Ir >el>o.i MsFadden, <>f S&eiii, Sumter District d was's nt by hi .. last N ivpoibi r to Charleston > Win. C. D'.ltes. to be sold, who j ut him in the a- or of Air. Godson -fn sale, anil was sent By him Mrs i~i,islto|.o s Mil., and at present does n t n trim bisowoer i*. . -r' The owner is requested to c< me furwtird, "prosfe ro, eriy, |-a_y ciiarop- and take him a av. HENRY S. EVELEIGH, Jailer F. I., 9. Pi s tee. 31 67 Brought to the Jail |~KF Slimier D.strict,n the 29tn ol January last, Lfr a Miiiaito ma i about 2d years id age, the fin . rs i floe rigid hand cutoff by a S.w in, who t s his i ami is NE^S N, and ihnth belongs to Ir. Daniel Johnson, of Lunc eter'District, aliout } n.i esahi Vr Caiiiden. * . 'I he owt.eris ipqnrsi.d to oonie^fprward, prme rop rty. j.av charges an take him awav. HE.sllYS. EVhLBi-JH. Jaler. F. b. 0. Pr'af-e g 187 Look Out. II Vj 8u:i: crr or gives notice tnai no win piaccau his not '? and accounts, duo previous to the rt ?f January, 1842. in the hands of an attorney by cxt return day. IJ e is compelled to adnp*. this ourse to onaldo him to meet his own engagement*, nd will, therefore, make no distinclio p. The subscriber finds that such customers as do ot meet their engagements at least once in two ears uro unprofitable to him?he would, therefore, jggest to such, the propriety of transferring their usiness elsewhere. '1 o those who have punctually aid him, he returns his sincere thanks, and solicits continuance of their patronage. and will endeavor ? merit it by attention to business, and by selling hat they want in his line, at the lowest possible T D YlrtfAlV i !U9> wtraM .? , . Fo\ 9. BOOTS AND SHOES^ % I'alm Leaf Hat 8 Arc, rik F FLE il NG, Ni?. 24, Hayne St. Charles LP ion. S. C.- (opposite Messrs. Fanar& Hays,) ilorms his friciitls and the public, thai lie is now ci'iviticr d reel from the i nmilsctoxies. a new and iii ndi<l iss'Timeiu ot BOO . S mil SHOES, of ail n U, nd led to the vnjntrfr Made. I Al-o. reri ivinjr?A fine assortment nf M< n-Vand oys'PALM LEAF HA iS. and a fine of L . nd MisW STRAW BONNETS, il.of i\ hi. h, will be so d on the n.ost accuii.nioi.lung terms " . . -1 Char .>ion, Jan. 20, 1842 SlS State of South Carolina, KERSHAW DISTRICT. \"> o a'l an ' ai gularfthe kindred and creditors of Col. David Mi.Ier,.iate of-fCtTshaw District, dorcatcd. "T-i v - ? 1 * ?? FiAfoVtt? ni?r>rl nnH ftfl Illl/, (III i CULJI ui juii, (l,v hrirwj nnislieti. to he-nnd appear in ati I lei re the Court rOrdinarj' l't!ig?-?ni I District, to be li Id-m at a i;dpn on Ftday the fourth day of Mar- It next, t-> nuv Cause. if any you can, why Letters ol. Adlio'slration "I tIn* Goods nod Chat-els oi the said J [ ceased should not he grant-d to Sar h A. Miller, ?!m S. Cunm gham and Robert B. Cunningham, ho have applied for the same. WITNESS, J. W. Baski.v, Esq, Judge of die 'ourl i-f Ordinary ol said Lislrict at Camden this 1st day of February 1*12. J \V. *\S \IN.0. r\ I). Cotton Oziiaburgs, OA' CONSIGNMENT. r?I E subscribers have just received* few balc? of Cotton Oznaburgs on consignment, from' tiro aluda Factory,'which tiiey are authoriz- d to-aell ut >w rates. Also?Cotton Yarn and Cotton Sewing thread. JONES f mWffSQ*. : Sh^nflPs Sales. ^ DY--virtue of. sundry MocutiohB^to me direct ed W'^fr fe*?lS-beft7r(? tli? COduit Bnuse door in Camden, on tho first Monday and Tuesday in# | March nexti the fdliofring property, riu i Tho Lynches Creek plantation, containing about 2,0t)0 acres, bounded north and nbrtiiwest' by land* of James W/fantcy^sottth by Angus MeGaskill, northeast by lands formerly owned by s Daniel Gaa< oaBtby Peter McCaskill and Cspt. John WJlfiams^ me saia tract being known as the "Porter Place." Also, "';L ... / One other traot,*containmg <?; acres, rnbre of loss, on Hague's branch, adjoining lands of William McWillie, James C. DoW atfd Frederick Bowen, on the west side of the Watcroe river. Also, | .Thirty nine Negroes.; All levied upon and to bo ' sold as the property of Henry T. Contcy, deceased, at the suit of J." J. Blair, an assignee. ' r ' Jr | -Th-ee Negroes, named Ben, hia wife, Sarah and I child levied upon and to be sold a? the properly of Peter VI eCaskiiJ, at the suit.ofths Bank of Cam. den, ?. C.-. ' . " One tract of Land known as the Mill "tract, In. eluding the Herbert Marshall tract, -in all *ab<mt 400 acres, more or less, adjoining lands of Richard Hjitt, John Myers end Robert-' Turner. Tlia" Smith's shop and Timber Wheels will be sold with this j$aCi' AlW. ^ i 1. ,ThePiantution6n which the defendsntno* IlfeCi tontaining 1,100 acres,- mors or less, adjoining the | lands' of Daniel Scarborough and Wiley Robinson. I AH levied upon and tp be the ' pfypertf of ' Lewis Pebbles, at the soparrato suits of John Turner, 1 Lewis Johnson and others. ; I Ono large tract of Land, on which the defendant {icsides, on little Ljrnche's Creek. Them ?? the premises, a good dwelling House, with all the others necessary buildings; aleo a Gin House and Screw, a good Grist Mill, with two sett* of stones * .. "and irfgood order, bounded on the north east by the ^ lands of T P. Ballard, and on UiO south eisthy the ^ lands ofGem (,'onty and W-ilJiamTdlbJt. Also. 18 Negroes, levied upon and to be sold a* the '** property of John Williams, at the separate, adits of A. G Groewell, Je*se De&rhhl, O. & Maths*son and others, One Negro nlah named B?n, levied opto-and to be solb as the properly of Philip Breweri-afc. the suit of James Conner. .. ^ Two Negroes, viz: Louisa and 'her da ghWf-' levied upon and lo he sold as the property of-Wm? ? . Voalo, at the suit of E. Jacobs. ' J. B A SKIN, S. K.''D. Jan. 12. x o FARMER'S aotalif, By William JBaskin.THE subscriber respectfully informs his frienJi and the public that he has taken tliut wpll jt.nnwo standi one .door above Mr. H jjtiry'nIfjapstofnfe known bb the KERSHA W COEFBE^SdtJSEi end h.iB opoVd. lor the/purpose of ttftartaimng all who may favor him with their' ;.|&t4?Uge.. erf. f. thing, and of tho best that the coufitry olin o'fford* ^ '- ;3 hall not be wnntirg to give that -genera^ satisfao. j faction which ho li n tietorotined to rnorit-. Nop ins will be spared to mnke e\ ory one bolli comfortuble and at home. . ' *s* ' ?;3 ' x*'* ' * jrV s The stables are large and eommodibns, and .will he constantly supplied with all the vwrietiUMj! pro* ?gg^ vender that the surrounding country can .produce.? SCL, having been ted up for the acc6mi|iodntion of stock of all kinds. The Proprietor has sot out with a determination to merit a return of all those who shall bo kind enough to fivor his hnnsd with a trial. CTTho prices shall be regulatbd t6 aoit the prei? ^ ? cnt emharressed stale of the times, but cash, in all instances, will bo expected. - : WILLIAM BASXWFeb. 2. tf9 Fresh Fancy Groceries > Prunes, in Glass Jaia. r unants, Citron, Almonds, Raisins. U derwo. d's best lickles, Piesi-rves, in Br-ndy, - ?t: \ Preserves, in their nun juice. Olives, Chainp.-'8 la st French Cnriliol, Lemon, (ring ran I Rispberry Syrup#, plmmi.?!? ? - <?f am Prior o .ftfitv. Ho k wtiics, Superior Porter, Si. J :Iien Medoc Claret. ChampaieHe Cider. M.SO * Superior Sherry and Madeira Wine, some 23 year* 4 old, Superior Port Wit e, iJi<l*pttle??. vpry old; " French Rrandy i.nd Holland Gin. ALS )? A compVtr. nss'-rtmpnt of Sugars, of every quality, Cqfee, Molasses, Jrom | Salt, "<?c. All of which, are offered on icaaomble tenre. by _J;.n. 29. - H: LEVY. Taken up in Santee Swamp, Scjnare Bale str.ined Cotton, Btanr'ed i J1 'j A. G ??.?oinewhfat -.danjaept' hy the water ? Tlie own, r can getth same by application to the s bni rib> r, and p.<e?ni? the ex^n-os of lauding I it?al-<o tl ecxp nres of tMa ..dveitieemei.t. 1 ulton PostOfhir. S. C. :. > DWARD liRGUGHTCN, Jr. I 1 ^ 10 1ft<?? \ f I Taxes. NoIkp is hereby given that I?will open books*(Mi the first day of Febuary next, at theslore of James Dunlap in Camden for collecting the Taxes for 1841, and will attend at the following places ??n the following days for the same purpose ! On Monday. 28 Febiiary at Liberty Hill; on Tuesday 1st of March at Flat Rock; on j Wednesday, 2d of March at Buffalo; on j Thursday,-3d of March at Lizenby's; on i Friday, 4 h of March at Schrock's Mill; [on Saturday 6th of March at CuitMon's Mill. After the above nan ed times, I will attend at Can den until the fit st day of April iievi. ;il whirlviime the books will rmgi. tivi-h be dtfsed, and all Jel'aulters double taxed.- . J. W. DOBY, T, Cr-K. D. I ?' V.. r- j . /. ' . ?* < - 4 ' * "0 'rjm ' .^El