* * V ' ' . 4 ,v *-> ' C jrr:s:>imdence of the Charleston Courier. Washington/ Jan. 3. in the House, todnv, Mr* Holmes?the highly esteemed and able representative from the city of Charleston, appeared and took his scat. Mr. Cost Johnson, win was entitled to the floor, o.'vthc reference question, spoke, at considerable length, in favor of sending the subject of the tarifl' to the Coiinni'tes on Ways and Means. He also viruhcti'ed himself and the whig party from the i!targe that they were ~ pledged w a pro! pc ive tarilH Ku4, he rcmarked, that Hie deficit in the Treasury was now $1-1,000,! KM), and, in aao.'her year, would be at least 'JO.fKM?in raising vrluc h revenue fro n commerce t' to would necessarily ue a nuflii'.'e :i: protoc.jo.i for minuiactine?. He oppomm, '. waver, any principle of taxation not inie.i i&k eole.y for revenue; and declared his hostility evoa to the tariff o! 1S19. lie argued, too, that there was a strong and perpetual hostility befwccffilbe interest of commerce and agriculture, on the one side, and domestic manufactures, on the other, and lie would, as he said, 8upportno system of duties which did notrecog4 nize and protect the great corn, meat and tobac* co interests. He insisted on countervailing duties, which would force the governments of Europe to do us justice by admitting our breadstuffs and tobacco,^ duty free. Mr. T. C. Clark, of N. Y., after adverting to the length of time that the subject had consumed and the necessity of attending to some other business, moved the previous question. Mr. Fillmore modified his motion 60 as to refer so much of the message as relates to a discriminating tariff and manufactures to the Committee on Manufactures. The previous ques tion was recorded by the casting vote of the Speaker?the vote being 88 to 88. The main question was ordered to be put, yeas 101, nays 97?close enough. The motion to refer to the Ways and Means was lost, 95 to 104, and Mr. Fillmore's motion then succeeded. The remaining portion of the President's message was then referred. The adjustment of this question of reference, after all the debate upon it, shews, distinctly, that a majority of the House leans to the protective system. It must be recollected that all our protective tariffs have been made by the Western and Middle States, and in opposition to a large majority of the representatives from the Eastern States. If, now, the representatives from New England are compelled by the results of the former policy of the government, to sustain a system into which they were reluctantly driven, the protective poliey will certainly be taken up. In the Senate, to-day, Mr. Huntington, of Con., spoke on the motion of Mr. Tallmadge to refer to a Select Committee the "p^an finance." He took strong grounds against President Tyler and his whole scheme. He declared it to be utterly incapable of any amendment? It could not be freed from the objection that it was a government bank, and that it subjected the whole treasury and the revenues to the Exe cutive. But even if this objection could be removed, still he contended that the scheme would be inefficient for any useful purpose. Mr. Bates, of Mass., will have the floor for to-morrow. Washington, Jan. 4. The debate on the President's plan of finance was continued in Senate to-day, with great ardor. Mr. Bates, of Mass. spoke in a tone of more courtesy towards the President, and more toleration towards the scheme than any one has done before. Still, he had no idea of taking the scheme as it was presented. He said, there m as a necessity for doing something. A bank of discount, he argued, was now out of the question, "paper, for the purpose of a uniform currency, would be very valuable. He hoped therefore, that the scheme would be so modified as to be beneficial, and that Congress would then adopt it Mr. Bates' speech m as quite a Tyler speech. Mr. Filmore's project answers these questions in the negative. The poor man's salt and-cugar, and the coarse fabrichs m hich compose hie clothing, are to be taxed, not because the nation wants his hard earnings, but because the factory owners have fixed their affections upon them, and have set their tools in Congress at work to extort them by devices of law. Mr. Barrom-, of Louisiana, took a very different view of the matter. He made the most Dersonal speech that has been made against the Cabinet. He intimated that the President was dishonest?that he had promised this and that, and broken the promise. He always distrusted, he said, Mr Tyler's professions of integrity and religion and would prefer that he would stick to the Constitution. He attacked the scheme as a plan to reduce the whole American people to a dependence on the Executive. It would, very soon, destroy the liberties of the oountry. It had been read with ridicule by one party and scorned by the other. He was apposed to the reference?no good could come out of it, jio modification would make it acceptable or expedient. He hoped the Senate would strangle in its cradle this monstrous progeny of Masachusetts tederalism and Virginia abtractions. Mr. Moorehead, of Ky. has the floor for tomorrow. Vou will judge, from all that ha6 transpired, that the scheme finds no favor.? '1 here i6 little chance that it will, in any form be adopted. In tiie House, to-day, Mr. Adams occupied some time in pressing his motion to refer certain petitions to abolish all rules excluding abortion petitions, to a {Select Committee. Mr. 5 Merriweather, of Ga. moved to amend the same so as to instruct the Committee to consider the nrnnriptv r>f ahnliRhinrr tlip nrpvinnn nupefirm ? r" T * * ""V & k"w pvt.vww ^?vevivii *\jestablishing the one hour rule; and providing that bills should be taken out of the Committee of the whole at a convenient time. Some discussion, in the course of which Mr. Adams betrayed great excitement, took place; after which, the whole affair was laid on the table. Mr. Arnold, of Tennessee, then moved to reconsider the vote referring the Tariff question to the Committee on Manufactures. Mr. A. said he would discuss the question at length, and began with a personal attack on Mr Burke, of N. il. There were many calls to order and 6ome cenius.on took place lor the first time this session. borne passages took place between Mr. Burke?andseverai other members?particularly Mr. Stanley and Mr. (Extra) YV. Smith came into collision. Finally some question of the cliair, pending which, the House, in the midst of a gathering storm, adjourned. All liie world goes to night to Mr. Bodisco's ?the Russian Minister. The occasion is the christening of his infant daughter. From the yew York Evening Port. Mendilfergreatiy in their notionsof the proper nature and business of government. Some look upon it as a contrivance for distributing offices and salaries, others, as an invention for making railroads; others, as a machine for grant-J ing bank charters; and there ia another set, who | <> ' i a | hold that its proper and principal duty is to increase the profits of those who own shares- in manufacturing establishments. Mr. Fillmore, of the House of Representatives, is an active and zealous member of this political sect This gentleman is in favor of seccuring the greatest good to the great number, but he is for doing it in a peculiar way. Whatever you give to the owners of factrries, according to this gentleman, is for the benefit of the whole community. Fatten that member and you nourish the whole body politic. There are persons who will tell^ou * * 11 11 -*-1- ?ilia that in com weauier, u uieir jt.-ct , whole body is comfortable. Cherish the factory owners, says Mr. Fillmore, keep them warm and comfortable, enrich them by laws made for their benefit secure them ample profits, and you cannot imagine how jolly and comfortable the rest of the country will be. ; To bring before Congress a plan having this philanthropic object, Mr. Fillmore has proposed that the passage in Mr. Tyler's annual message which relates to the tariff, should be referred not to the Committee of Ways and meansj"T>ut to the Committee of Manufactures, the dry nurse of all projects for putting money into the pockets of the manufacturers at the cost of the restTof the community. We are glad to see that this offer to do mischief has met with a vehement resistance. Mr. Foster of Georgia, has called in question, and with good reason, as we think, the right of Congress to appoint a Committee on Manufactures. The encouragement of manufactures not being among the powers given to the government by the Constitution,?by what right do Congress proceed, as if it were fairly a branch of their duties, and appoint a committee to have it in special charge! Congress might as well create a Committee on Medicine; they might as well create a Committee on Domestic Architecture, or Gardening, or Ship-building.? The objection appears to us well taken, sound, insuperable; and we hope to see the time when Congress will no more think of usurping the patronage of manufactures than of creating a board of agriculture. In the debate which took place on Thursday last, it was urged, in order to give some plausibility to Mr. Fillmore's proposal, that the President's Message contemplated the protection of our manufactures.?To this Mr. Rhett, according to the report of the Globe, replied in these forcible terms. "He did not understand the message as recommending a tariff with a view to protection, but understood it as meaning a tariff for the purpose of revenue. He also understood the message as saying, that while thfey were legislating with a view to the raising of revenue, there should be such disposition made in the laying of taxes as to give a benefit to manufacturers.? The doctrine was a popular one, but he entirely dissented from it Where did protection commence? It was invariably at the point where revenue ceased. The only way in which the domestic manufacturer was to be benefitted, is to have his yard of cloth introduced into the consumption of the country in lieu of that which comes in by importation, and pays a duty into the Treasury. In that point of v,ew, how was it possible to make a tariff both for revenue and protection? The two were entirely incompatible with each other. You must exclude the foreign importation, and this is to destroy revenue, before you can give protection to the manufacturer. If the two were incompatible, as he contended they were to protect manufacturers, unless they impose duties for the destruction of commerce, and the consequent destruction of revenue!" There is no resisting the force of this argujalgj Mean.' is a tacit confession of its justice; it is an acknowledgement that a tariff for the benefit of the factory owners is a very different thing from a tariff for the raising revenue. The Globe in discussing the question, says well: "The manufactring capitalists, we think, will be found among the wealthiest classes in the community. What right have they to insist that such a discrimination should be made in levying duties on foreign commodities coming in competition with their products, that the great body of the people should pay two prices for what they are obliged to consume, that the double price may fall into corporate treasuries, and the National Treasury be deprived of revenue on the article to the whole extent of the exclusion, for the benefit of the manufacturer, when the whole pretence on which the tax is levied at all, is revenue for the Government! Instead of increasing the burdens of the mass of the people for the emolument of privileged manufacturing companies, ought not the discrimination have an eye to deriving the greatest portion of the t *1? revcuiic iiuju uic must aiiiucat uiaooco iuwot who, without labor, get rich on the labors of thousands! Ought not the exemptions to be in favor of the laboring poor, who work to accumulate wealth for the few?" ROYAL WAYS OF THE BOURBONS. We happen to have full accounts of the way of living of the royal family in the days of their prosperity, as well as of their adventures when adversity overtook them. Up to the time when the duke of Normandy was four years old, life in the palace was as follows:?The oldest members of the family were the king's aunts, the great-aunts of the duke of Normandy. There were four sisters, all unmarried. One of them had gone into a convent and found herself very happy there. Aft er the dullness of her life at home, she quietly enjoyed taking her turn with the other nuns in helping to cook in the kitchen, and in looking after the linen in the washhouse. Her three sisters led dreadfully dull lives. They had each spacious apartments, with ladies and gentlemen shers to wait on them, and a reader to read aloud so many hours a day, and money to buy whatever they liked.? T) ?1 *u: J MAUn.l,. r>UL llltJV 1ULU 11U111II IU UUy dliu IIUUUU) IU iUVC very dearly. They were without husbands and children, and even intimate friends; for all about them, of their on age and way of thinking, were of a rank too far below their own to be made intimate friends of. These ladies duly attended divine service in the royal chapel, and they did a great deal of embroidery and tapestry work. When the proper hour came for paying their respects to their niece the queen, they tied on their large hooped petticoats, and other articles of court-dress, had their trains borne by their pages, and went to the queen's apartment to make their courtesies and sit down for a little while, chiefly to show that they had a right to sit down unasked in the royal presence. In a few minutes they went back to their apartment slipped off their hooped petticoats and long trains, and sat down to their work again. They would have liked to have taken walks about Paris and into the country, a6 they saw from their windows that other ladies did, but it llrOCl linf 1/1 Ka tllAII/vlli <> (" if klllA ItAAll <\t\ ??t?o HVl tv/ Ut lUWU^Ul VI?--1C ?UUJU UUCJl IUU I undignified: bo tliey were obliged to be content-1 ed with a formal, slow, daily drive, each in her I own carriage, each attended by her lady-in wait-< ' ^ ne- , ?. *M - ' v ingand with her footman mounted behind.? They were fond of plants, aud longed above, every thing to.be allowed to rea? flowers with1 their own hands in a garden. But this, too was , thought out 6"f the question, and they were ; obliged to be content with such flowers as would ; grow in boxes on their window sills in the palace. Madame Louise, the one who became I a nun, employed a young lady to read to her j while she yet lived in the palace. Sometimes the poor girl read aloud for.five hours together, ' and when her failing voice showed that she was ; quite exhausted, Madame.Louise prepared a ! /vlnoo Hfofn* onrl Lnni/IA I ? UOTIU5 , UCl, i saying that she was sorry tor cause so much fatigue, but that she was aiiiious to finifeh a course of reading- which she had laid- out. It does not seem to have occurred towMadame ' Louise to fake the book herself, or askeoine one eltfe to relieve the tired reader. EDUCATION. An education is a young man's capital; for a well informed,- intelligent mind has the best assurance of future competency, and happiness. A father's best gift to his child, then is a good education. If you leave them wealthy, you,' may insure their ruin at the best, you only leave themthat which at any moment may be lost. If you leave them with a cultivated heart, affections trained to objects of love and excellence, a mind vigorous and enlarged, finding happiness pure and elevated, in the pursuits of knowledge, you effect an insurance on their after happiness and usefulness. Unless you bring up the young mind in this way, you cannot, with any justice, claim for its inspector independence. Your children must be virtuous, or they will not desire it. They must be intelligent to have them intelligent associates, as they must have habits of industry and sobriety to make the company of the industrious and sober agreeable. s It is in your power to bestow this virtue, this intelligence, and these golden habits. Present them a good model in your own life. And give them every opportunity to cultivate the heart and the understanding. Spare not expense on your school, and put into your children's hands everv thinu- that mav encourage or assist them in their mental or moral improvement. From the Temperance Advocate. To the Trustees of the Cokesbury Female School: The Board of visitors selected to attend the late examination of the young ladies of the Cokesbury Female School having dischaJged that duty, beg leave, respectfully, to REPORT. Their presence on that occasion has been the source of the highest gratification, and it affords them the greatest degree of pleasure to have it in their power to bear testimony to the high character of the School, and the exalted claims which it is justly entitled, on the confidence and support of its friends and patrons. The winning address and gentle manners which characterised the deportment of the young ladies, indicated the happiest disciplinary training not less than the brilliant specimens of intellectual attainment | which shone so conspicuously. To particular| ise, is not the design of-the Board, nor do th ' wish to draw invidious lines of distinction?suffice it to say, that the familiarity exhibited with the various branches of study covered by the ex-' amination, reflected the highest honor on the ac-1 complished instructess, and the most distinguish-1 ed credit on the young ladies themselves. The j Geographic! attainments of the younger portion of the School could not but strike the Board a6 eurnrisinir. To witness so remarkable a de.?i in. ...gu-.n-pi ten wnrr reguru iu lilt' more advanced in age and attainments. That expectation, however, so far from meeting with a defeat, was more than realised. In the departments of Botany. Philosophy, Mathematics and Languages, (French,) the result was in the highest degree flattering, and not surpassed by any thing ever witnessed by the Board. They 1,1 t> uum nui iiic uiguij uncican 11^ iiiiio;cal performances which enlivened the whole course of the examination. The dulcet notes of the Piano, accompanied with the highly cultivated tones of female voice, and the melting tide of song as it rolled in thrilling effect from the strings of the Guitar, touched by a master hand awakened sensations not soon to be forgotten by j the tasteful admirers of musical excellence? ! and the. well known accomplishment of the i head of that department were exhibited in a i manner the most impressive and commanding. , In a word, as the result of their visitation, it is i the decided impression of the Board, that the i Cokcsbury Female School is not surpassed by any similar intitution in the country, and that it cannot share too largely the confidence, or be too highly recommended to the patronage of the public. Respectfully, &c. J. D. VVATKINS, F. BRANCH, JOEL ANDERSON, r iTc-v mxmrv J ltv 1 JJIVV-' l? ilf A. M. E. C. WILSON MARGARET McCLINTOCK. Root. and Branch.?Sarah, duchess of Marlborough, was accustomed to make ail annual j feast, to which she invited all her relations. At! one of these family meetings she drank their; health, adding, "What a glorious sight it is to j see such a number of branches flourishing from one root!" but observing Jack Spencer laugh, insisted on knowing what occassiuned his mirth, and promised to forgive him, be it what it would. "Why, then, Madain," said he, 41 was thinking how much more the branches would flourish if f the root were under ground.' From the Union Democrat. THE TARIFF. Unexpectedly, a discussion has arisen in the House of Represcntitives involving the princi-1 pie of Protective Tariff's. It is gratifying to perceive in the remarks of members, the pro- j gress which truth las made on the subject with in a few years. Formerly, it was considered a sectional measure, favorable to the North, and oppressive < only to the South Now, it is recognised as equally or more injurious to the Northern Far- j mer than to the Southern Planter, as well as the Mercantile interests generally, which thrive < best when the Farmers and Planters are most i thriving. Inline, it is now understood to be a < scheme to tax the productive labor of the whole i country, North, South, and West, to enrich a '. few individuals who have vested their capital in < manufacturing establishments. Certainly such a tax is most unjust, and will not be borne by 1 our people when properly understood. i We will endeavor briefly to illustrate the difference in their effect upon the people, of a < Tarifffor Revenue, and a Tarifffor Protection. I Take the articles of tea and cotton cloth, and I suppose the Government wants to raise twoli millions of dollars by import duties upon them./ ] As tea ie not grown in this country, all the peo.1 < ?, JWf ' -J? V I' 1 1 i^SS^BSSSSSSe^SSSSSSSSSSSSSS pie pay (except a small portion of' the mer-; chant's profit^ goes into the puhlic. Treasury.? As about half the cotton goods consumed is, manufactured in the country,.only"onehalf -the ( people pay in consequence of the enhanced j price ocpaeioned by the duty, goes into the Treasury, while the other half goes to the. manufacturers. To get two millions into the Treasury from cotton goeds, the government is obliged to make the people pay four millions, whereas to get two millions from tea, they heed make the people pay only two millions.? The account will stand thus, viz: Say get two millions of dollars into the Treasury by a tariff on cotton goods, the people pay, in the increased price of cotton imported. 82,000,000. In the increased price of cottons manufactured in the country, . 2,000,000 Whole amount paid by the People 84,000,000 To get two millions by a tariff on tea, the whole being imported, the peo- . pie pay in the increased price, . ^'2,000,000 it -f Making a balance in favor of tariff on tea, of $2,000,000 In exact proportion thai a Tariff7 for Protection produces its intended effect, in the same proportion does it increase the amount paid by the People over the fair and natural price. Suppose that three-fourths of the cotton goods consumed in our country be manufactured at home, and the government wishes to raise two millions of dollars on imported cottons, then the people would pay in the enhanced price Of imported cottons, $2,000,000 Of cottons manufactured at home, 6,000,000 Total, $8,000,000 Showing an exaction of EIGHT MILLIONS from the people, two only for the benefit of the government,. and SIX for the benefit of the manufacturers! ^ , , If nine-tenths be manufactured at home and the government seek to raise two millions on the tenth still imported, they must make the people pay twenty millions, EIGHTEEN of them for the benefit of the manufacturers! And if such a duty exclude the foreign article altogether, the WHOLE of the enhanced price, be it TEN MILLIONS or TWENTY MILLIONS, becomes a tax on the people for the benefit of the manufacturers, and they must then be raxed in some other way lor the support of Government. l'reciseiy tne same principle applies 10 every other protected article. Is this system right! In the course of a life passed not without observation, we have learnt that the human mind may be led to believe all sorts of absurdities. But for the charity this conviction has taught us, we should not believe any intelligent man honest who would maintain that such a system is beneficial or just to the great body of the people. Yet multitudes of honest men undoubtedly do believe it?believe in effect that it is a blessing to the people to force them by law to give a part of their earnings for the purpose of building up inanufactunes and enriching their owners. We trust, however, that truth has made too much progress to admit an increase of protective duties in our day. Let the manufacturers have the twenty per cent, protection allowed them by the Compromise act; but, if the government must have more revenue than a general twenty percent, duty will yield, we say, let it be raised by an increase of duties on the unprotected articles only, thus taking from the people only so much as is needed for government jV>3u*s. jjui if thesA ihonopotigty who are eternally applying to the government to enrich them at the expense of every Farmer, Plainer, Mechanic, and Working Man in the country, are not satisfied with this, and insist on going into a new partnership with the government for the plunder of the people, we go for reducing the duties on the protected articles, and leaving tnem nereatter to snut lor tneniselves. A discrimination against them is a thousand times more just than discrimination against the People, and if they press such an is use, let it be met with the arms of truth and reason. Protecting American industry! Rather call it a system to depress American industry?to tax production?to compell the many to work for the few to make us a nation of landlords and tenants, of Princes and Paupers. See in the following extracts from the last English prpers, the blessed effects of such a system in a country where it has been carried to perfection: Paisley.?The gloomy forebodings on the subjeet of trade consequent on the near approach of the fcmost flat season of the year are more than being realized. During the past week the number of working people, with their wives and families, depending on the relief committee for existence, has increased upwards of two thousand, the total number being no less than eight thousand eighthundred and thirty-six persons who have no means of supporting themselves except by charity. Stockport.?The distress of the working classes of this town, instead of diminishing, is on the increase. Out of 8000 persons who were assessed, upwards of 2000 have been summoned as defaulters, and a new two shilling rate has been figured. Scores of families are literally starving, and no less than nine families have not tasted bread for three weeks. The ( streets are crowded with men, women and children, seeking relief, while the several shop keepers are completely besieged by importunate ' beggars. . As yet we may justly sing "Hail Columbia, happy land;" but should the project ol our Whig Leaders be carried out, we may find in these accounts from Paisley and Stockport, true pictures of our future Lowells and Pittsburgs, ' many of whose working people are now so J3 To Correspondents.?" Hesper" and " Isla'r shall appear next week. GEOitniA.?An election for three members of Congress took place in this State on the 3d inst. But few- returns have yet been received?so far, they are favorable to the democratic party. CONGRESS. We refer o tr readers to the "Correspondence of the Charleston Courier," for Congressional news. The Exchequer bill was still under discussion in the Senate on the 5th inst. As the scheme in its present shape, meets the views of neither party, there is not much prospect of its receiving the serious consideration of Congress, or of lis being referred to any committee. In the House, omthe Same day, Mr. Adams kicked up'a considerable dust in relation to abolition petitions. There was some sharp shooting between Messrs. Arnold of Tenncsse, and Proftit, of Indiana?the latter declaring that un'ca* he was protected by the Speaker from such attacks as those made on him by the former, he should protect himself, and come to the House armed for that purpose. On the 7th, the House went into consideration of a bill introduced on the day previous, to authorize the issue of five millions of dollars in Treasury Notes for the immediate relief of the Treasury. This, our readers will recollect was the plan recommended, by Mr. Calhoun during the fl liscussion of the loan bill of the extrft session, and had that course been adopted we should not have heard the doleful lamentations of our \vh7g~brethren, about an empty Treasury and starving office-holders. The Northeastern Boundary?The Bangor (Me.) Whig states that the Commissioner for running out the Northeastern iToundary line lias closed his labors for the winter. lie has during the past summer, had about one hundred men in his employ, in removing trees from the line. Sixty miles of the line remain to be surveyed. ALABAMA. It willj be seen by the following paragraph, from the Flag of the Union, that Alabama has followed the noble example set her by South Carolina, and refused to receive any portion of the Distribution bribe. Let the other Democratic States of the Union follow in their footsteps, and thus show that ''Democracy cannot be bought and sold like the principles of modern whigism." "Distribution.?The resolutions of the Hon. Walker K. Baylor, the Senator from Jefferson and St. Clair, against the distribution of the proceeds of the sales of the public lands, passed the Senate on Monday last, in the same shape they came from his hand. The report of the committee, which proposed to strike out the first resolution, the one rejecting the distributive share that may be allotted to Alabama' was no concurred in, and the resolutions were adopted. We congratulate the democracy of the whole Union upon this glorious step on the part of our sterling democracy. Alabama has rejected the bribe. So hasSouth Carolina. So will New Hampshire?so will the other Democratic States of the Confederacy. Democracy connot be brought and sold like the principeJs of modern Whigism. It is purer than geld, and more precious than rubies. We have saved our honor, and maintained our indent stand. The bribe is rejected." Fur the Camden Journal Mr. Editor: I perceive that "Enual Rights" ias come out in the most conspicouus place irt pur paper with another grand flourish, while 'Fair Play" has to content himself with an obscure corner. The sophistry contained in his last communi:ation might be as easily replied to as that in his irst, but as I neither claim or expect the same>rivilege he appears to have, viz: that of inspecing the replies to his communications before hey appear in print, I should have to meet him >n unequal ground. The force of the reply is .veakened, and this being the case, I must leave iim to others, more able to compete with him .ban myself. FAIR PLAY. We do not say that the above is an ingenious mode adopted by "Fair Plav" to evade a reply o the hist number of "Equal .Rights." We do ay however, that it resembles it very much.? Hie insinuation that the author of "Equal tights" (or any one else) has "the privilege of inspecting" the manuscript of communications ;cnt into the office for publication with a view of nnlirinrr tliorotn io .'n/?r.rrpr1- .ITIfl SO far as W? W"o , mow, he never saw the communication of "Fair lay" until it "appeared in print." In placing'