, - *? at ' * ' '90*' - . . \ ft'EW VGLUJS2K. JANUARY, IS42. GRAHAM'S Lady's and Gentleman's Magazine. With mora eplenii i Enib?jji?hnien!s than any oilier M^'izine ih tin Union. EDITED T.Y - George R. Geahaji, C. .T. I xtriro", Eogar A. poe, Mrs. A::n s. Srr?):r.::s, 2-lrr. Ejrj.v c. emcurv. PcrmauctU and rtgu'rr C.m'rVju'nrs. Miss e. Leslie, t. s. p.vv, Gr.o p. Morris. Thin work devoted io both sexes ivi:l open a New Volume witli the number for J inu iry, 1812, w:th mi rr.iv of C < ; utors o:* tilent unilTi'in-, which no pc iod'ca! in'.L. coin-dry can I..> .sC orplctond to rivii. Tin V.i'.iiin.- win 1-c ? ;>..in-d with a new and beautiful typo, li'isfiiust white paper, ;ti;f its literary department, which will be given it by tins brilliant array (if its j CoMrihutors, whose articles will enrich the p ges of cich numher will ensure it a cliaracter uhnveany Noffusii.e in I hi- Union. I T.i', Magazine h s become the standard of taste in unites of embellishment, and In s led the way in x. evey thing to lly ' oiii'ul pnhlished in the M iga. zines of last year. The voice of the public pi ess, while it places the work at the head of American literature is unanimous in the announcement, that no work ever started in the country has be*n so clc. gantly embellished, or has so rapidly increased.? ?I r.vtnneivA nrriinirn. JTUrilli: new vu.uim , uiu v.^vi.-..w ^ ? mouls have been made, vvilli tlio most distinguished artist in tlio country for a supply of elegant embed, lishments of all sorts. Oca beautifui. Mezzotint Encravings.?It affords us much satisfaction to he able to state, that wu have nude arrangements with Mr. I*'ARTAIN, the accomplished mezzotint engraver, whose plates have contributed so much to the beauty of the ma. gazine heietofore, by winch wo secure his splendid mezzotints fur this work alone. No other magazine of this kind can have thoin vcilhou! permission from us. In oddition to these we have secured the burin of another talented mezzotint engraving, II. S. Sudd, Esq. of N. Y. that there may he no disap. pointmcnt as to number or regularity. These will bo equal to any thing published, so that v c are able confidently to promise a iiuzzolint in every - number. . , The beautiful engravings will therofu-o form a feature of Graham's Magazine, in every number, sp that we shall be able to distance any thing like ' competition on this ground. These plates arc the t most expensive that can be got up for a magazine of ' largo circulation, in consequence of the great price ' of printing?being more than double that of line engravings?and the necessity of reduplicating the plates; our edition already rendering it necessary < llmt (wo or three plates of" the same subject tnusi be prepared for every number in which they ore used. We now print un edition grcalir than that of any cotemporary for the Inst y? ar, and confidently assert that at the 8amo rate of increase we shall issue in ' 1842, an edition of r.ot less than 33.000 copies ' monthly, and shall soon have an edition unequalled ( in the history of 111 iff izi'ie publishing Our, splendid stkki. Engravings ?We have also entered into a distinct and immanent arrangement with R wdosi, Wrihhl, II itch & Siuil ie, and wiih ] A. L. Dick, Esq. of N- Y for a seres of splendid engravings, to lie gut out in a style uuturpass- d [ by any th il kmc era been done in this country ? The wide spread fame of these artists is .1 ?uflieient j guarantee of .'the character of the work, we sj:.ii j receive from their hands. Soth.it with sucir an or- c ganizttion, we tn ay safely d iy eomt elitidi. in tint ? way of embellishments, show ti e woiid a pitt.rn c for others to follow 111 the way of li -oral and jodi- ^ cios expenditure, and fix a new era in the history ol tnagizine publishing in this country. ^ Elegant Embossed Work. An agreement hits ? been made with tliat inerilorio'.s and accomplished .* artist, F. Qurre, Esq. for a full supply of tasteful e oh'oidory, I-.ce wo'k. birds, flow-is, and lanilscpts, ' colored in the most finished m rf e'eg nl s!yie Tn s a!'! 1 .1 c t. asive; bin p'-pnl ir and at. '. i.C.ive 1'. ..in.- n. li.e wink, and wi.h tie variety j which ivili b ; thus inl.'o.iuced, will always he novel and p.e sing Ricm.v (.*01. red Fashions.?In compliance with , the almost on irnmous wish of our l .dy subscribers, ^ we shall furnish them with a beautiful uiel e >rrect , < plate of fashions, and sli .11 also give the style, for s g.-nth ni.v., which it is beca de.iid.adiy popular with ] both sexes, nod In.s rendered the v.oik tee text , BOOK OF FASHION, tin U.'lioil, OVIT I Great Incrf.xse of Reading matter.?Tin: iepn. o-' toe M.i^ozu.c ti ns f.ir, would l.e :i sufficient gua a lit. c lor i' o futon-, hul th::t ii may l.c 6uui th..t nothing has ! eeu left undone, to uiaii.t :in every department ntthewok, ai d to elevate tin-ii.erary, as w i as ]> ctori.i1 department, we 1 eg ! uve to aniiioiiiicc lli-il wo hivcnot only engaged a host of trfhnlod and elegant American wiilers, but tliat the ^ amount of reading m titer will hp gtvatiy increased, j so as to make it at least one fourth, and possibly one third more than any of the other three dollar t magazines, ai:d about the savie umouvt as the five dollar monthlies usually present. The List of Contributors.?In addition to tho old contributors, whoso names and ariiclcs have . given a high cclcbriety to the Magazine, a number of new ones, it will be percpived, are added, of worth and note, so'that wo may fuiily say that we have the strength of American talent enlisted in the work. Thood -n S- Far, Author of "Norman Leslie, Countess lode." die. Miss E Lis.in, H??n Robert T, Conrad, Mrs. fnn.S bteplu-iis, Dr. Kevn;-ll i oates. Mrs. R S.^ikh i . D . J. K. Mile e!l. Emma C Embv.rv. f.iCrgp I'. M r. is, J?>hu S. D i S l.e, E-u] i'i| 'Author oi t'S'unlev.'" Edgar A. 51 , Poe, Plnlade] Inn. T. G. rtear. PhiloiJel|hi:i,I Author r.f'Mlowad Pinkney." Mrs. Catherine' <,a' EsUug, Mrs E. U St. dman, Mrs. l.ydi.i June Pierson, A.M. Elwood, J:' R. Lowell, Rob: rt M >rris, Pliut y E r , M D. J. S. Fri|igli. H. Per. cival, -YJrs Lambert, Mrs. A. S. Wheip'ey, Mrs;" M S'.' I). Dana, George Lunt, J Topan E an<, R. M. Wals i, Wit.ihnorp Sinus s, 7,-.rs , 9 Lfoi L'Hi'Ji "Prxli'M-nr |i-gra;.am.- A uthur of ' JUa Fitle, Pi - fes "?>? J. !i i ) r>?-t, Pii.l i.rlj Inn. 1 rui-s?or N. (J. Urno*-, .a.ti < r??, Mor:>n i\icMicl?.i> 1, !! ?<]. PiiiUitl '!i'hh. 11- llav.-r.^"; Wt'Us* t.'huhs j L if* m. * v,.--t-- .; ! v'; - " ' J- l\rl":s.ui. Es;. I liiIn 'c'pliia I'ev. Tlnai as II. S.'im k:i<:i. Pai; pliin. S.. n.'.l W St- < l;t?ti. IMirai! |>' n. r". Arip.-!r.n p, 1"rj Pi.ilnd' pi>: ". P: lie i'r. iijaiirrin^EKi '.v York. I>o:iw!:?s Jeriidd, ng'.ii.d, Ja nt'.i.-i*'* Otis. New York. .1 U-ss t'roujie. A-i vic.M.ikirv a-i'l K. Hidden. I- sqrs. Eds. Sai.Comicr, J. !'e ncliainp Joars, Eallititoro, J. E. Dow, j Wasli n ,iot? ' i'y, M;s E. . Ellott, Boston, Louis l\ T M ir , II W. II rkii.. Aulli'.r of "Cio'iw* l!.': -'The I'ro! er-" Oco. J F Snod-i srr.s^. Percie rf.-s'elton, Herman PrirrzlrofF, Mrs'. V i Umi&nl. Mrs. I:'.. A.?Ulon. O (i. Brooks/! \ ar.in Thayer. E. G M .iliery,.J" Tomitii, 'l hon'hs if nlon, S. J). Anderson, J W. forney, II. J. Vernon, S.'W. Wbflplpy. A. M. William bu.ire, Rufus i awes, Charles \V. Thompson, J. II. Dana, A. A. Irvine. In a Idition toDiis brilliant array of names known l"> f'-to:1, the distinguished services of a host.of .-.nooy.cells writers <>f tm ordinary abilities will give worth and character to the pages of the Magazine. The eries of tit- well known n uticnl pa p rs entitled "Cruizing in the Last War," and The Reefer i f 7ti, have had a run unequalled hv any seiies published, in any Magazine tor ten years.? ! The author promises to open a new series of tales I of the sen. And from Ids known abilities .? a de-1 ptclor of sea scenes and life., mi ch may be re ird ' i p n in-m him in u nititnieii g ihe popularity of the Magazine. Papers'n?iy lie expected d ring the volume also, from the author of the we}, known arailidise ti led i he Log of Old ironside, be-ide a variety of choice articles in pr.se and verse, ftvin vorioes .vtiters of eel brity, as Contributois to the piominenl M gazi.es ot t e country Sn.ri.ixt! Caen. isms.?The cvitcul dppirtinei t sh I si.II term a disliii- live eli racti r of the work, and is tinder theeentrol of a genii in .ii id' criti -af an no n r.nd n | ute longesttih'isli d. and In ItJ every where sec n t" none lor siigrcti*, and an honest, fradess iiidependei.ee. t he review of books may therefore be eqpected to b c.iulid .till entirely foe from the inane puffing which marks the booksellers hack; but shall be thoroughly impartial add seven ly ju-t Tijik o.' Pciiucatinn.?'I I e work will 1m- published on the tirvlot t e mnn h in every quarter of *- T,l.~ -...el .ll^inul qnlisriil er will con in.* u iimn. i ur HW...? _ srqu ntlv receive. it on that day. as well as those who reside in Pliiladi liia. T.ik Lowkst Trims.?-The proprietor being moie desirous ot pui-hshing the huiiksomest and. Iiesl, than H e shearpest worn in (he Union, while at I he name tin c lie is anqinns to bring il within the reach of all, oilers the toil. wing us the lowol posihle icrins at which Jie can afiord ihe wmk in lis elegant. sii le lor -1811. I THREE DOLLARS per annum in advance for' a single CGpy. Or two Copies yearly for FIVE DM LARS, invar ably in advrnce.'pi si paid. No new suh-crber received without the in iicy, or I he naineof n rcs( nnsihle agent. For the accanunnilatiouof those who may t-h lo subscribe fur cither ol the tolo iii.g PhPnde!| Ilia periodicals, the fol- j lowing liberal piop? sals rreu.ade For fiu-.dnllais cash, liee of p st.-'gc, Grahams j Magazine ami two copies of the r-iilurdiul Evening^ I'ust; tor one vcar wil. le forwardedFor ten doll rs cesli, or free of postage,-five copies r.fGra am* Magazine, ir Grahins Magazine a d five copies of the Saturday Evening 1 os'., for one year For twenty dollars, cash, ten copies of the Magazine will he forwaidid, ami a ropy gr.tis to the j post master, or others forwarding the money. Editors who niav copy this Prospectus ciilire, and sen.I a cop^r, 11 arkrd with ink .-old cased to the Saiurdav Evening i osl, (wlii. h will ?avc the publisher the pos lag on newspapers J shall lie promptly lurniseed with the Magazine for 1812. A ddi ess post paid,- GEO It GRAHAM, l S \V. corner 3d and Cliesnul stieess PtiilaJelj'liia. Decon ber, 22. Slcatl Qu.irlci'N, Drder No. ? C'i.arenton. Nov. 7, 1841. GW. TAYLOR Esq. having been appointed o Aid de-Carnp to His Exi-ellei cv tlie Goveri"r, wiUi I he rank of Lieu'enant-Colonel, w ill be ilu- e I and res, ccled accordingly. By order of the Conm and' r-in Chief, JOHN L VLANN-NG. Aid-. e Camp. AUCTION SALE. n t i___ i i ... r>..i i ^ ntirx,, ,n r^imrlnn. nn 1? Li OU Smui in i u. s u .iiiuiivii w .... , ? l;i first. VI. n:| y in J .iitetryninVt, tl.iOhiuso .old y>tv ens dunr above.li. L iy". store, known us llic KERSHAW COFFEE HOUSE. I ls well calculated liir ? 11 ^ i.i I'j-tt**:trsiiifiit, lliiv. ag been for that purpose, is s-iluitcdin the autre of liiis business p.irl of the town, and has tlio eee-sary out buildings. The stables arc large and oinmodiou*. wilii extensive lots for tlic accomino- j iilion of Drovers. &c. It is also a desirable and advantageous slnnd for a bore. The sale will be positive, and the terms tadc known on the day. DANIEL KIRKLAND. j NW.24. Ci51. KS'i'RAY. South Carolina? Lancaster District. n? 01.LED l>i fun* in?- tins day us nn EsIS tray, a bright sorrel Ilorsc (gelding) It.nit fourieriit and a liall hands, high, spe ippii years old, blaze fare, left shoulder mil leg nearly white; the'left nostril rtili >r split; he is very low in fl?sh. Appraised at ten dollars arid ri:ay he seen at Dr. Ailunrd Trtrill's near this place. The u nci is leqiiested to come frn ward. prove iroperiy, pay rhiirgc? and take him away. K. I'. MORGAN, Magistral!. i Tavaloiw, Ort. 8. 1841. t'4fi. i\'OTH;E. I1E public arc bcrhy notified thai the lute firm of ALDEN &. AUSTIN, having been heretofore iissolvcd, and iVlr. Ueorgo A.'den In ving settled villi his partners, and received his intcri sis, the busi-' icss of the fnm is placed in the hands of Joh.n D.! VIcruaY for collection, and he nlonc, is authorized! o settle and adjust the sumo. THOMAS LANG. MURRAY & BONNEY. FDWARD AUSTIN. GEORGE ALDEN. THOMAS WH1TAKER. Nov. 24. ___ 'if* CO-PARTNERSHIP. rSnllE business heretofore comjucltdby the above ? firm, will be future carried on byihe*5uli8cri-j b.-rs, ur.dor the name of JOHN D. MURRAY&, Co., at the old stand of Aldt.11 &, Austin. J NO. O. MURRAY. THOMAS LANG. . EDWARD AUSTIN. Nov 2i 1711. 3r>0]rS.I[?? rrnp ?..i :i._. !._. a i? q nnn n._ r. w liu .'uu."ujiui;i Jia^ iii/iM w u,uuu ius, vi jjuitt, B for sale al $G por cwt. ncnt?6 m 8 cts peri lb. at re tail. For corned, 8 to 10 cts. per lb. J. H. BURNS. Nov. 24, 1811. ' . ' ' i. * vt & "cETpST fm HE subscribers have just received j B tlu-ir FALL/ and YV1IN 1 fciK supplyi ( of GOODS, which thny design selling-'?< even lou-e1' than their usual rates. They I coilsUl, in part' of the following, viz: ,' FANCY GOODS. W Superior blk. Gro. de Rhine, " " " Swiss, singloonddouble width,1J " blue.blk" Afriqne, - 1 " colored figured pou de Soic, I " " pluin " " Mock and colored satin, " figured satin-Vestings, > " plain blk. " black French Boinbazin, " " Silk Velvet. Black and white English silk Hose, ! " " " " Gloves, ? French and Italian Crape, Italian sowing Silk on spools, 1 Super striped Chally, . I Single and double width Mouslin de Laincs, Super Tagiionicnncs, u new articlo for ladies' dresses.! ( A handsome assortment of fancy Shawls and Ildkfs. Black and colored silk Cravats. A complete assortment of Stocks, (new style,) I Hemstitch linen cambric Iluudkerchiofs, various qualities, Cambric and liiread Edgings and Inserting*. A handsome assortment of Satin, Bonnet, Cap and , Taffeta Ribbons. ? ( Ladies' black and eolered Kid and Hoskin Gloves. , ' Fillet Reticules. " Fancy do6-4 black Fillet Shawls, 6-4 Damask silk do. 7-4 Bla :k spun do do. White and black Merino Shawls, ' Black and scarlet Thibet do. embroidered Large Broche do. Handsome Taglioni do. LINENS. j Irish Linens, of every description. Linen Sheeting, Damask Diaper. Fine Barnsley Diaper, Bird eye Diapor. ! Fine satm Damask Napkins, j . " " " Tniy Cloths. , [ ?? " ", Table dp. ; " plain " do. do. . " brown " do. do. ' Brown and bleached Towels. i Russia and Scotch Dinpor, Brown Hollands and j Lawn Lawns, Russia shirtings and sheetings, j ' Colored Table covers. Cot toss Coods. !j Super Mcrscilles Coals. Super Merscillcs Quilts. J j White and colored corded skirts. , Furnilnre and cambric dimity. , Plain, figured and cross bar'd swiss muslin. ? & " hook muslin. 1 Cotton cambrics and cross bar'd muslins. j Jaconet and mull muslins. * j Bishop lawns, green bcragc, for Veils. i j Handsome black lacts vutta, ? j j Plain and figured bobbinct, black and white. i Linen and cotton wire lace, Single and double width Scotch Ginghams. Blenched and Suffolk drilling, Brown shirting and sheeting of every quality, i Bleached " " " " Blue drill and york dcniins, j Apron ch clw and bed li?k, i ^ Striped and plaid hoinespun. ( Furniture and English Prints. Calicoes, Ht 3; 4, 5, 6. 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 13 yards for one dollar. Woolens, Super Blue Cloth, Super Invisible Green Cloth " Black do wool dyed. " Brown do " Oxford mix'd cloth, super Saxony Cassimoros. ^ Saltincts and Kentucky Jeans. White, green, red and yellow Flannels. Super Welch and gauze do. Printed Salisbury v do. English, German and French Merinos. Handsome fig'd Valencia Vcstings. " " Merino do. (new article.) " Scotch Plaid. Worsted damask, ai d Zephyr worsted. 11 Double chained N' PERSONS having claims against Thcodrir.k | Wren, dcc'rl i\ any SHAFS^will r resent them to the subscriber for payment. T. K. CURETON, AdmV. < Oct. 13. < " _ / - " . f f I I ; ! I . ' l? JUI .! B | MA SI'S. THE'subscriber having purchased a rhoir? slocU of Seasonable.GOODS u the North, nt REDUCEb PRICES, fters 1 lie s-.rn.e~ 171 UCll liOWCI* tlian 'tiivc heretofore been sohl In Camden.? Phey consist in pnrt as follows: Colored Embroidered Mouslin Dclain ( A beautiful do Satin striped Motjsljn Detain^ itrlicle. Plain blnck and half mourning do. Mouslin Delain, at very low prices Col'd firj'd Orleans de Flora, a new article for Ladies' Dresses, Merinoes, of every description Fine and superfine l>i;ick and bine-black Bombazine,' V A li E C 45 E S, J, of KVBKY DESCRIPTION; Mourning and li -lf irfourn'mg English Prints, Super new style hrinls, Handsome Ginghams, White and colored Corded Skirts, Furnituro Prints, new style,. Furniture and .Cambric Dimity, Bishop Lawns, Spool Cotton, very low, Apron Check's, Bed Tick. 3IE.KS. Superior black and blue-black gro. De Alpino Silk, do. black gro. d'Alger doj do. black and bluc-bluck Do Rhine do. Hhine Silk Hunkkcrchicfs, Fancy Silk Handkerchiels, assorted colours, Black English Silk Hose, French Silk Hose and Gloves, Superior French Crape, Sentiemcn's Silk Handkerchiefs, Superior SewmgSilks, Black and blue-black Silk Velvet, Clack Matin, very stout,aSHBSTS. Irish Linens, of every'quality, Bird Eye Diaper, Brown Linen Damask Tabling Diaper, Bleached Damask Tabling Diaper, Bordered Towels, Brown Holland, Russia Diaper, Superior Lawn Luvns, Pink.and blue Linen Checks, n->mna!r'Ta!it? f'ldllifl. RrOWU Table ClotllB. w *? ? ... ^ * ' Colored Fancy Table Covers. WOOSLSSaS. Superfine 'Vexd-dyud Black Cloth, do Invisible Green 4? do Blue, Citron Green,.Cadet rnixod and Brown Cloths,*" ' Superfine London Cassimcrce,' fvontucky Jeans and Saltinctts, London Duffle Blankets, Fancy and Blankets, Negro Kerslieys, Extremely Low. - - VI i.vcd English Plains, very low. .< IViele Green Bucking B.iize, Sup Hc.ivv Druggits, for enpeting or crum cloths, flob Roy Shawls, Superior Gauze Flannels, iled, yellow and white Flanels, Spotted Salsbnry Flannels, . Superior Fancy Vesting*, &.c. IISo&Moslacs. Virginia Cotton Oznaburgs, very.lojv. Brown Shirtings nr.d Sheetings, Bleached do do"' BIuo striped and Plaid Homespuns, Bed Ticks and Cheeks. Also?a fresh stock of LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S SHOES, As follows: Ladies' French Kid Slippers, do Kid Wlmlking Shoes, do Seal and Morocco Slippers, Hisses' Kid Slippers, Mit-ses Walking Slices, Gentlemen's Shoes arid Boots, &,c. &c. ' ALSO?A complete assortment of Hardware, Blacks milk's Tools, Saddlery, Bagging Rope, Twine and Groceries. Sept. 8. H. LEVY. FALL <& ttJLVI'EK The subscriber is now receiving from llie North, a irgc supply of DRY GOODS. HARDWARE rid GROCERIES. Abo?A fine assortment of 'IATS AND GUNS. To punctual customers or or cash, they will be dispose d of allow prices. Sept 22. E YV. BONNEY. CLOTHING. The subscribers hare made arrangements with one if the first Tailors in the city of New York to keep hem constantly supplied with a complete assortnont of GENTLEMEN'S CLOTHING, which hey are authorized to warrant The assortment consists in part, of the following irticles, viz: Blue and black dress cloth Coats, of every quality. " 14 and grt en frock do 44 44 'attinett & Koritccky Jeans Coatees &. frock Coats. Beaver, Flushing and Pilot Overcoats. Blue & I.Ik, cloth and cassimcre Punts, every quality. ^ * rr 4 - ? J- it aauinei ana ivnmucKy jeans uu Fine plain and fig'd Satin Vests, " Silk Velvet do. " Valencia do. Also?Shirts, Dosoms, Collars, &c. Tltev have also engaged the services of t first rate Tailor, who will he in constant illendanee at the store and will make dolling to order at the shortest noticp. .JONES & HJJGHSON. State of South Carolina, KERSHAW DISTRICT. IN THE CoL'RT OF OIIDINARY. Joseph Loi kharl, el al. i vs. S \aron Lockhart, et al. ) It appearing to .my satisfaction that Aa on Lorfchnrt, John Bottom, Susannah Bottom, Eliza Bottom. Viney Bottom, Ln inda Bottom, Aaron Bottom and Martha Bottom, defendants in the above stated rase, resile without the limits of this-State; It is therefore ordered that the said deleii^J lants do appear and object to the division >r sale of the Ileal Estate of Joseph Loek-i tail, deceased, undevised, on or before he first day of January next, or their con rut to the same will be entered of record J. WvBASKIN, O. K. D. Oct. 13, 1841. firs, fee $5 SO j j - Wc arc authorized to ansaounecl Da|;t JOSEFH BAyKIN. us a candidate for Sheriff, )f this District, at thcensuinjj election. | * * . "r ' V r ?!v? * * ' ^ t' . - r - ;^ -" " ' " 'i t - SOI^ttf-CAtfOLINA, SUMTER DJSTRfOT. IN ORDINARY. DcLaney R. Gibson, Applicant, vs. W. D. Tisdalo and others, Defendants. . ' IT appearing to my Mtisfuction that W. D. Tisdalc and lii? wife Eliza.bclti'P. nr.d PliineoB'S. Gib^" ' son, defendants, reside without the littfts of tlii* State': It is therefore ordered that they do appear nod object to the division or Kale of the llealEstate John R. Gibson onorlrcforc the 22d'day ofDepcinbor ' rest, of. their consent to the same will bo entered of i record. . W.LEWIS, 0. S. H ' Sept. 22,1821. [Prs.'fce, ^5 50}. ' Election Notice. ' ' AN Election vvilh bo held ,on the second Monday' and Tpcsjay in. January .ncxt,-for Clyrk of--the Court of Kershaw District.- Managers of Elections -,v .. are hereby ordered- to nnoet> tit -tho several places o?holding Elections ihroifghont the District, profcred Un' hold said ejection, moot in Camden on Wednesday after tlio second Monday, count the voti;s and declarer the election. GEO. Q. MtlNTO.SH, c. c. p. .Clerk's ov. 19, 1841: aCABD. ,, DR. W'm. Rf.anoi.ds desires to infprmhia friends and' the public generally, that Jrnving'-.entered iuto onnoctioh with Dr. Blandino, of CoJombia^Hc wilf now devote himself entirely -to the" practice of BENTISTRY. S': This occasion cannot be allowed to passt without a sincorc expression of grateful acknowledgements tcr his friends end patrons for that confidence which has' always been manifested towards him, whilst before them (iGa medical practitioner. Now about toefil- . bark cxtensivciy; in the practice of Dentistry, lie begB ' lonsturo them tliat if sliall he his aim-, stilt to nre . . - * serve thisf confidence; and in all his Dental Operation's, (surgical or mechanical,) to.give c'ucb . satisfaction as will .insure a contnraar.ee of it. The well-deserved and extensive reputation which * ~ DivBlandiag has long since acquired, jierds-po.com- ?ment.' Therefore, tvlmn tl:ys connected, the liopo is expressed, that without prcstnrijrtiofl, they may- look or that confidence front ai)lerdightencifaiid.'discern- ' ' ing public, which they severally ond individually onr joyed. , Jan. 19.'-. . Am OrafEjasscc To prevent Hcgsfrom running at largo within th# . Town of Cun.tlcn. ' T!]>E it ordained by tiie lriteridnnt end Wardens of . il:. the Tov/n of Camden, and it as hereby ordained Hby the authority of the same, That from nnd'iffer the'first day. of December next eroding, Jt; shall b? Ldecmed a iraisnhcefor any hog to rBn aparge within a i the limits of tlio fund town. I S. Be it further cdurntd by tho authority -trlorc^ j mid, That from arid after the day fixed in life first | clause of this Ordinance, it srfiall qc the duty of tho Murshalls and Constables of the said -town, and the ! j ' . right of any person, to seize, suture, kiil-or destroy, all hogs found running at large within the limits.of the said town, belonging to, or the property of any citizen or inhabitant of tho 6aid town;, and forthwith after r.ucli seizure, the said bog shjjll bo sold or other, wise disposed of, by the person seizing, afW he ghaflaB-rpay into tho Treasury of the Town' Councilf lliird of the value of such hog,, so seized,. and rti&uvi the other two thirds vuluc thereof to his own proper- ' . benefit and use. . ' - 3. Be it further'enacted by the authority aforesaid, That i: shall he the duty of the P.lareh.ilj'of the said Town, from and after the day fixed in the-first clause, to Gcizc, rccure ar.d impound. r.ny hog running at large witliin the limits oftha said tow n; nsancstray, which inav.belong to or be the'oroucitv of any ucr ' son not a citizen or inhabitant Qf'llic said Towq, and to proceed forth with to dispose of the same according | to the laws of the stale respecting Estrnyfc < | 4. Be it further ordained by the authority. afore?iid,> That this Ordinance shall net apply to hogs being driven to market, hi or through the said town. , " '. . .? 5. Beit further ordained by the authority afbreigajdj That the -Marshal shall pay a finc^ of ten doilars into ?? the town treasury for every. neglect of duty under tliis Ordinance, to be recovered before the town conncil as other fines now are. . , 6. Beit further ordained by the authority aftffesnid, That all Ordinances or parts of Ordinances re. pugnnnt to or incor.sistent with this Ordinance tc, and arc hereby, repealed. . Ratified in. the town council of Camden, this 2nd day of October, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred aud fprly one, and in the sixty sixth year of tho sovereignty and independence of liic state of South-Caroliaa. J. M. DESAUSSURE, Intoelant T. C. Oct. 6, 1641. Notice. ^ WHEREAS, no loiters of administration on the estate ol Lndowick Thr.m| sqn, sen. deceased,. have I em ajptird lor sincd his death, irt pursuance of the statute, 1 have tiken possession of ^ such of hisellectsas could be found All.persons indebted to said Thompson are required to make immediate pavnient, and all those having demands ag.iin.t the said estate are required to Land them to this office, leg illv attested u _ J W. BASKIN, Ordinary K. D. Ordinary's Office, Sept. 22. 1841. tl42 All persons indebted to the Subscriber,' whose notes and accounts have been, of one, two and throe years standing, are earnestly requested to call and settle, or make satisfactory arrangements during this winter, as further in1 ' - i? diligence cannot.ue gniiiH-u. W. J. GERALD. COMMITTED. To the jail of Lancaster District, or? the 20th Nov. inst. a negro girl, who calls1 her name Charlotte, and says slie belongs 1 to J-amcs Gatlring, of Anson County, N. C: Charlotte is apparently about I3years | of agp, 4 feel 8 or 10 inches high, dark I complected and intelligent. The owner is requested to come for-, ward, prove properly, pay charges and I take her away. II. HANCOCK, S. L. D. Nov. 24.* -- ' tiol ' Wc are aushovi/ed to announce VATLLIaM CARLISLE, as a candidate for ShorifT i of this District, at the ensuing election. 4 - ? .