x . . < ? ' *J tOiat it will bo punctually issued. This number closes the third volumo. We wish that we might be able to forward at least some subscribers for the next The Editor 19 after our own heart in his mention of tho Notices of the Press." He remarks, "We have been much gratified to see that no small interest has been te't w our enterpnze. Some . praise has been awarded us, but it has not been un. mixed?faults, quickly risible to the practised eyes of Editors hare been pointed out. For this frankness, as well as for the commendations we hare received, we now return sincere thanks. Improrement is our aim, and erery thing calculated to quicken our pace and keep us onward is acceptable." This is truly a commendable spirit, and we wish that some others could be actuated by one equally liberal. Among an Editor's many vexations, the ingratitude of his own craft is perhaps, the most severe. For instance, some brother Editor, that we never heard of before, forwards us a number of his periodical?it is marked "please notice;" mind you?not please commend. Wo take a seat in our arm chair, wipe our spectacles, place them in their proper posi tion, and devote as much, and perhaps more leisure, than we can well spare, to an examination of its con. tents. Determined all the while to pass over all trivial defects, aware that ice cannot expect our pecu. liar taste to be gratified in overy particular, and also conscious that every article which is morally good, must please some one, even if not precisely adapted j to our organ of enjoyment in that line. Well, we get along very smoothly for montl^n this course, perhaps even yeays, until eventually (somo solitary j article appears which in our conscience we feel bound to coodemn, or bold our peaco. In many instances wo have pursued tho latter course, in a few others we have exercised what we consider our natural privilege, and expressed our disapprobation, decidedly! it is true, but in every instanco we believe justly. And what is the result? Why, that Magazine is henceforth among the missing. But bo it so. So long as wo wield the pen at all, howover feebly, it hall yet be justly; and we will not for the whole subscription list of any or all of the Magazines in the country, disgrace our columns with a commendation of'w.hat.is either unjust in character or impure in morals. Among the number of Magazines with which we have long exchanged, but two have withdrawn. In ? the first place, about a year since, the "Southern Lit. erary Messenger," in consequence of our having expressed our surprise that the "History of an Adventurer" should have been admitted within its precincts. When that notice was penned, we had seen ?io other mention of the story. Immediately after, however, we observed so many, with which ours bore no comparison for severity, that we rather congratulated ourselves upon its mildness. Had we no other Magazines, "The Messenger" would have been sucli a loss that we should perhaps have been forced to subscribe for it,"to supply the deficiency?fortunately however,. its absence has only somewhat lightened our Editorial duties. We did not intond when we commenced this article to extend it to such a length, but we suppose it is also one of our Editorial privileges occasionally to' thrust our own affairs before the reader, and we ' shall therefore just add a passing notice of Godet's Lady's Book, of which which wo have bocn an admiring reader for several years, until, in an unlucky mordent for us, we noticed what we considered a very ungenerous allusion to the "Southern Ladies' Book," and put a single query which has never yet been answered. Truo, we received the next number, with a few lines on the cover, purporting to bo an answer, but' Which were about as much to tire point as it V would be wore some one to address the following question tons: "Mr. Editor, what has become of Godefs Lady's Book? You never mention it," and we should reply, "why sir, we don't receive it, and of conrse it is no longer issued." But we have wandered entirely from the blooming Magnolia, which deserves the liberal support of the whole South. Its contributors are among our most talented, and the work must flourish?we owe it to ourselves We were much pleased with the remarks of a Puritan, and more so with the spirit in which they were met. V w. t Mr. Crittbndkn.?This gentleman at present Attorney General, has recently been presented with a valuable and handsome Kentucky built Carriago, and tt pair of horses, by a number of his friends from that State. THE BANK REPORTS, t' y mL- nr\P' iUnmo Muntra urhirh tho ino ivojwi w ...?.. ? , provisions of the Act of December 18, 1840, have uat-mado their appearance in the Mercury, showing thoir condition on the 31st ultimo. We subjoin the araount~bf circulation and deposites, with the amount of specie and notes of other Banks which each insti-f .jtution reports: , FBank or the State. Circulation, $628,730 25 ?' <- Depoaitcs, 542,502 42 81,171,232 67 J Specie, ' 8136,700 31 I Notes of other Banks, 167,106 50 $303,806 81 k ' South Western RailRoad Bank. BF' Circulation, $634,432 50 Depositee, 159,446 78 IM $793,878 28 PP Specie, ' $166,274 88 ^ Notes of other Banks, 56,247 00 i. ?$222,521 88 Planter's and Mechanic's Bank P / Circulation, ?252,075 00 ' Depooitcs, 310,105 94 I r ?562,180 94 1 Specie, ?187,640 00 fc- Notes of other Banks, 101,012 00 m -?288,652 00 Union Bank. I Circulation, ?, 6,831 67 H .Depositee, 168,169 06 t ,-J' 8175,000 73 Specie, ?59,176 19 H Notes of other Banks, 19,346 12 wF% ?78,522 31 _ ' The -whole amount of the circulation and depoef itoa of these four Banks on the 30th of April wa* ?2,862,613 72^awkOio whple amount of specie and notes of other 1?9ks, ?963,133. 16- From the above Report it^iil tw eeeti that on tho 31at of May the circulation and depontea amounted to 82J02,. ' - * - : 292 62, being a redaction in round numbers, of $160,000 00; and that the amount of spdcie and notes of other banks was $893,503 00, showing a reduction in this item, in round numbers of $70,000 00. Tne entire amount of specie in the vaultts of i these banks on the 30th of April was $550,043 70, and on the 31st. of May $549,791 48; exhibiting a reduction in this item, of less than $300. roa the journal. - A respectable portion of the citizens of Kershaw and Lancaster Districts, convened on Wednesday 2nd inst. at Gen. Sumter's Old Battle Ground, on the waters of Hanging Rock, for the purpose of adopting proper measures to celebrate the Anniversary of their National independence, on Saturday the 3d of July next. After a few minutes' consultation on the subject, the following resolutions were unanimously adopted viz: Resolved, That the day be tfelebrated in a manner becoming the occasion, and that a dinner be prepared for the entertain* ment of those whg may come thither to associate with their fellow citizens, on that day. Resolved, That John G. Bowman Esq. being regarded as a man of the highest literary attainments, as well as a man possessed of the most brilliant talents, be respectfully requested to deliver an oration suitable for the occasion. Resolved, That an invitation be extend i . /-? . v:_i. i ?u.. 11 C(1 10 V^a|H. ivirtv UIIU uic gunaiu uwiiij/aii^ whom he has the honour to command, to partake with them in the honours and pleasures of the day. Resolved, That Col. David Miller, be invited to officiate as President of the day, and Col. John W. Baskin as Vice President. Resolved, That the remaining veterans of the Revolution, who are in reach to attend, b'einvited to unite with their fellow citizens in celebrating a day commemorative of blessings which they, by their valour, aided so ably to procure. After having obtained the consent of Capt. James ,M. Ingrem to furnish the dinner, and having appointed a Committee of Arrangements, consisting of the following gentlemen viz: Messrs. Francis P. Ingrem, John Ingrem, Caswell Mobley, Rev. Wylie Horton and Capt. James M. Ingrem, Samuel Spence Esq. being elected Secretary of the Committee, the meeting adjourned. Hanging Rock, June 3, 1841. Lear Sir: 4 1 - ?? - - ? ?. t ? vnMnA/tlnklo /vi a meeting ui a iwjicnaum portion of the citizens of Lancaster and Kershaw Districts, convened at Gen. Sumter's Old Battle Ground, (Hanging Rock) on the 2nd inst. for the purpose of making necessary arrangements for the celebration of the birth day of our na.ional Independence, you were unanimously chosen to deliver an oration at that place on the 3d day of July next. In behalf of the Committee of Arrangements, and in accordance with my own, as well as the feelings of all present on I the occasion, I hereby extend the invila! tiori to you; hoping that you will comply j with the request of so many of your friends, in a task which you are so capable of performing. I have the honour to be very resppctfully vours of superior qttalLcmon and Ginger, 7 l ty. Superior French Cordials, assorted. Cbampaigne, (Demotte brand,) of superior qual_ ity, Champaigns Cider, Abbott's London Porter, Composition Candles, of different colours, a handsome article, ; Fluted Pink and White Loaf Sjgar, Superior Sherry and Madeira Winos, some ve ry old. French white '.Vine Vinegar, nt 62 1-2 pr. gal With a complete assortment of Sugar, Coffee See. June 9. H. LEW. annkersa;^^^^A^ON. TCevsihn.iri Troon, HmJk 1/ f xj a %j \s%/ ? ? ? _ _ The Kershaw Troop are hereby order-J ed to parade in Camden on the 3rd July at 9 o'clock, armed and equipped according to law. It is earnestly expected and desired that on such an occasion as the. celebration of our national anniversary, the members will be prompt in their attendance, and that the ranksof the company may be full. By order of the Captain, W. A. AWRITW. O. SCommitted TO the Jail of Kershaw District a negro woman named CAROLINE, and says she belongs to Dr. Pinckney of Cooper River. The owner is requested to come forward, prove property pay charges and take her away. D. BEAUFORD, Jailor. June 9. ?3=- Committed to the Jail ot* Tk* ' '* !?? OAtK inol o no ' Lancaster utsirici, mi mi ?Vm u ... gro Girl, about 18 years old, very dark, intelligent and likely. Says she belongs to Mr. Edward Richardson, of Richmond, Va. The owner will prove property, paycharges and take her away. I H. HANCOCK, Jailer. Lancaster C. H. April 28. 22. _ CAIWBEN DEBATING CLUB. The following is the Question for de| bate on Thursday evening next. Is the doctrine of Instruction, now advocated by a portion of our citizens in accordance with the spi| rit of our constitution? Lemon Syrup, Porter and White Wine Vinegar, of the best quality, for sale bv May 5. E. W. BONNEY. JAMES CaNTEY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Will attend the Courts of Kershaw, LanPirhlnnd and Sumter. Office in | i no?| i, the rear of the Court Mouse. C.imilett, June 2. To Kire or Sell. A young ir-gro Worn tn ar.d her female child, six yeara old. Tho woman is >. good plain Cook and Seamstress?has been accustomed to house work generally, and is a good Weaver. If sold, the terms will be cash, or a note well endorsed payable at Bank on the 1st January noxt. Apply to J. S. DEPASS. June 9. .^3='We are authorized to innounre Cnpt. JOSEPH.BASK IN,-as n ( HnYitlidatp for Sheriff of this District, a< ,i the ensuing election. I m April 21. JOB PRINTING Executed with neatness and despa'tchy at this-'Office. 'fifcSjiV-*"' .v .? % 3fek.\ ; .k - I - v ' ' . .. . " In the Common PIeas?*r KERSUAW DISTRICT.' H. T. Chapman for J. H. Mcintosh, VCa. Si,^ . A Jamea N. Johnson, j Sum Pro. . Thomas Smith, ^ va ? Cs. So, on Pro. - --"TV" * * > James N. Johnson, \ Whereas James N. Johnson who. j* ill; the custody of the Sheriff of Kerth&W District by virtue of the Ca. Sa's. above staled, has this day filed in the officR-'df the Clerk of the Court of Kershaw Dif* trict, a Schedule ofall his estate, and I tlso a petition praying to be admitted to the . benefit of the Act commonly called the Prison Bounds Act, on his complying Whh the requisition^ of said ac't thereto per staining.. Notice is, therefore* duly given, to the Plaintiffs or their Attorneys, to be and appear before George CI. Mcintosh, p? nir..:. _r O-^.Uf n ji LJ\ V^UlOiU WUlIMIllSSlUIICf Ul UpCLiRI OB|| ( v at Kershaw Court House on Saturday, the' 10th day of June inst. to show cause if any tiiey caji, why the prayer of the petitiontfr should not be heard and granted. -GEO. Q. McINTOSH, c;^W Clerk's Office, June 9. 1841. - Printer's fee, ; GOOD WATER. The subscriber Iivinpr too romoto from-the sphere.,. of his engagements, offers his House and about 119 acres of Land. f jr solo, situated near the Providence ; 1' ! Springs, in Sumter District. Any persons wishing y.' a pleasant and healthy residence for'the, eoniraett; ' would do well to call and see. NOAH GRAHAM. Providence, June 9. \ - g .in ? . I- . I - Ttl . I..ANDS FOR f Allen Stewart, deceased, on TUESDAY, the 22d day oj[ JUNEn*xi, (the sale to take place upon ; the premises.) I he following described tract ? of LAND, of the estate ol the said Allen- ' ' ? Stewart, situated on Sawney's creek, ?iHF ^ kntnvn as the Gold Mine,tract, hounded by Joseph Mickle's land on the south-wg^^? east by the lands of the estate oLJobn.^BF Nelson, and on other aides by lands ot Willis Huckaby, and Mr.'Leiber, containing about One Hundred acrep, more or less. (?7* Mr. Joseph Murphy or Willis Hucfcv aby will attend the sale and act as tny. agent, in offering the land at public Auc- - f lion. JAMES A. STEWART," ., Executor of Allen Stewart. Feb. 12, 1841. . tfll. . IN EQUITY > LANCASTER DISTRICT. Robert H. Crocket, *1 vs I ' James P. Crockett, John > Bill for relief 6l iniunction: Ad.;ma, Asia M. Cas- i ton, et al. J It appeaarining to my satisfaction, ti)jkt'> Asia M. Castnn, one of the defendants Ut> the above case is absent from end without the limits of this State: On motion of Clin*-; ton, Complainant's Solicitor, It ia order* eretl that the said Asia M. Caston du appear and plead, answer or demur to the hill in the above case, on or before the. 24th day of June next, otherwise the said bill tvill be ordered pro confessd against him. JAS. H. WITHERSPOON, > Com. Eq'y. J*. D. x Com'rs. Office, March 20, 1841. . v,. Prs. fee, 86 50. IN EQUITY. LANCASTER DISTRICT. Minor Clinton, vs. ' ' John Sims, John Mc- I Bill for account Ken2ie, Amasa How- j and relief, ard, Wm. Williams, j and others. J " k"'-77T appearing to my satisfaction that |JA John Sims, John McKenzie, Amasa Howard, and William Williams, four of ihc defendants in the above case, reside -1-: without the limits of this Stale: ? On moti friends of Gscmctte. - --S i. McIntoph, announce him at t Cjwdilate for Sheriff atfthe next election. : i Fresh Prunes, Jart received by H.LETT. nne 2. - :?&Z J > . '*.?* * : . j - ~ ->~V '-L -Z.M1 *