/ GARDEN SEEDS. rH lHE subscriber has just received a full -* supply Thorburn's Garden Seeds, which he will sell to his customers and friends on fair terms, and warrant every seed if fairly tried. It is unnecessary to say that the reputation of the Seeds from the establishment of G. Thorbtirn is equal to that of any other house hi the country. J. R. McKAIN. Dor. 10. DEN iJSTKF. S felt. J. LEE may be found in Camden, ?-* for the three weeks next ensuing? i'i;:ing u.'iich time he will be happy to ati:ml to such persons as have had the kindto wail for him. ? Material and work iri all cases warranted to give satisfaction. Dec. 10. TO THE PUBLIC. A CARD. Mlli Subscriber having purchased the ^ well known, extensive and varied nsr-uricnrnl of BOOKS, Stationary and iancy articles, belonging to the estate of kite Mr. John P. Beile, will re-open the establishment on Monday the 14th iupl. when he trusts, he will by his attention and courtesy, merit that liberal support that has heretofore been extended to the late proprietor. SAMUEL HART, Sen. Successor to the late J. P. Beile. Charleston, Dec. 10. ^50NS1STING of Pomatum, Ilair Powder, Col ogne, Lavender, Rose, and Orange flower Waters, Wash Balls, Soaps, &c. &c. ALSO. French Quinine, (from Piilitier.) " Acetate Morphia, " " Sulphate With a supply on hand, of fresh Drugs, Chemicals, Patent Medicines, Dye-Stuffs, Paints, Oils and Varnishes, with all arli cles usually found in Drug Establishments all of which will be warranted as to quality and furnished on moderate terms. DELEON & LEVY. Sign of the Mortar, Camden. Dec. 23. 3i3 FIXE WHITNEY BED BLANKETS. ONE bale Ribbon bound Bed Blankets, from 9-4 to 14-4, will be sold for less than cost, being partially damage by moth. H. LEVY. Oct. 28. THE subscriber has just received his ; fall supply of Medicines &c. which ! lie will be happy to furnish to his punctu ul Customers on the best terms. Among, other articles, are the following: Murray's Fluid Magnesia, Henry's Calcined do English and American Calomel, Moffat's Pills, rnciiiX timers, Camphor-, Rhubarb, Root and Powder, Sup. Carb. Soda, Sweet Oil, Castor Oil, Isinglass, Gum Myrrh, Alcohol. Nutmegs, Mace, 6cc. &c. He will also, in a few days receive a large supply of Wetherill's pure White Lead, Lamp Oil, Train Oil, 6cc. &c. J. R. McKAIN. Nov. 11. LOST Thursday last, either in Camden, or between that place, and Carter's Cr^ek on the Stage Road, a small Leathe POCKET BOOK, containing one hun dred and thirty-nine dollars in Cash, be lieved 10 be in five and ten dollar Bills one i?f the Charleston Banks, a three dollar bill, on a N. C. Bank, and two half dollars in Silver. One due bill, payable to Mrs. Catharine McKinnon, signed by C. 6c F. Matheson, dated Dec. 3d 1840. Also a bill of four round bales of cotton sold to W. Anderson &, Co. A reasona blc reward will be paid for the delivery of said pocket book and contents to the | Post Master in Camden, or to the subscriber. JOHN M. SHAW. iAWCUTTERS. ieceived a few. of Eastman's Pau-iii &uaw Cutters, of wood and iron frames?with revolving bottoms, extra Knives, and eccentric feeders, and all of his latest improvements, which make them superior to any we have sold. ALSO?Corn Shellcrs, setts Safe Wire, ' different sizes. W. D. McDOWALL & CO. Dec, 9. . 17iv t'l M t\i ?? viiiiru i 1 tJVFilil t Ililil A OlII f lill HAVING tr.aile an assignment of all his efi'er.ls to George Brown and William Shiver, for the benefit of his creditors generally, the creditors arc hereby notified I to hand in their written agreements to accept'a dividend under the terms of the as-1 signrr.ent on or before the secoittl day of 1 January next, otherwise they will be tiebarred of all interest in the said assignment. J. r. DICKINSON, For Assignees. RUSSEL PEACE ACADEMY TIIE Trustees of this Institution take pleasure in announcing toils palsons and to the public generally, that they have secured the services of Mr. Jon* G. Bowman, as Principal, for another year. If any vouchers were necessary to one who has been so long known to the public as a'well qualified and successful instructor ofyouth, they feel justified in saying that more than two years intimate acquaintance with Mr. Bowman, has convinced them that he has few equals in that most difficult of all tasks?train, ing the youthful mind. I The classical and mathematical departments will be under tho exclusive direction of tho Principal. A competent Assistant will be provided to take charge of the English department. Good boarding can be obtained within sight of the Academy, at Eight dollars per month, exclusive of washing and candles; which will also be furnished to those who may require them, at moderate prices. RATES OF TUITION. Per Quarter Spelling, Reading, Writing and Arithmetic, $3 50 English Grammar &. Geography with the above,[6 00 Classicsjand Mathematics, 9 00 This Academy is situated twenty-four'miles north of Camden, in a healthy region, and in tire midst of ; a moral and religious community, remote from every temptation to idleness, extravagance or vice. J. PATTERSON, S. B.1HAMMOND, JESSE K1LGORE, Z A DOCK PERRY, WM. S. STINSON, THOS. L. DUNLAP, L. J. PATTERSON, S. DONNELLY, WILIE PATTERSON, E. L. FRASER, C. L. DYE,? JAS. B. CURETON, JACKEY PERRY, J. R. DYE, ED. HAMMOND, DAVID MILLER, Dec. 16. Trusted EDUCATION. CA1DO OKPIIAW SOCIETY AQjuftasnr* THE Exercises of lliis institution will, be continued, after the 1st of Janua-j ry ensuing, under the superintendence of Mr.^QENRY, P. HATFIELD. In making this annunciation, the Trus-1 tees take occasion to remark, and they do so, under a full sense of their responsibility, that in point of critical scholarship, and the facility and success with which he communicates instruction?thorough instruction?especially in the classics?Mr. I Hatfield has few equals. They therefore earnestly and confidently {recommend the institution to all who duly appreciate the importance of a proper course of academic instruction. E.' H. ANDERSON, W M .gMcVV ILLIE, THOMAS LANG, JOHN WORKMAN, BENJAMIN IIA1LE, C. MAT1IESON, C. J. SHANNON, \V. E. JOHNSON. WM, VV. LANG, J. M. DESAUSSURE, Trustees. Gamden, Dec. 9, 1840. For sale at the post-office Stationery & School-Books Among-which arc the following: Woodbridge's Geography, with Atlas, Smith's do do "Willis* do * do Greenleafs English Grammar, Kirkham's do do Murray's do do Adam's Arithmetic, Smith's do Pike's do Key to do Walker's School Dictionary, Columbian Orator, National Reader, Murray's Reader, New York Reader, Nos. 1, 2 and 3, Cabb's Juvenile Reader, Nos. 1, 2, & 3, Parley's Little Reader, I'arJey's iaJes oi liUrepe, Ainca, Asia and America, Child's iirst Book of History, do second do do do first reading Lessons, Pocket Expositors, do Juvenile Instructor, Popular Lessons, Child's Instructor, N. York Spelling Book, Elementary do Alphabet of Natural History, do of different nations. Receipt Books, Slates, of various s Copy Books, Quills and Ink Steel Pens, by the card, Paint Boxcs> Amanacs, of different kinds, for 1840, Blank Books of various sizes, Memorandum Books, Wafers, black and red, Lucifer Matches, low by the dozen. ~ NOTICE. ALL persons having demands again t WIG fdlttiu u I niti ?uio ?i wuvi auij Sen. dee'd. are requested to hand them in, and those indebted, to make payment on or before return day next. C. A. BOYKIN, Admr'x. Dec. 9. llf DIT^I forbid all persons to employ my serrants George and Tom, bricklayers, without first contracting with me, and no money is to be paid them without tnv receipt. SARAII LEVY. Dec, 9. H. LEVY Ifj Is now receiving a choice and sea- r J sonable assortment ef GOODS, which hej J ntends selling at very low prices. Those' bo persons who have to purchase will find .Di it to their advantage to call and judge wj for themselves. His stock comprises in|$l part of the following articles: k Pe WOOLENS. Sup. fine blue, black, olive, brown, ~ Green unci mixed Cloths, Blue, black, &. col'd Cassimeres Sattinets of all colors, Kentucky Jeans, pi Sup. fine Welsh white Flannels, Ked and yellow Flannels, jn Plaid ected accordingly. ^01 ARM STEAD BURT, 19t ALBERT RHETT, Tw LOUIS T. WIGFALL, JAMES. P- DICKINSON, 0 JOHN PHILLirS, con JOHN ENGLISH, 2d< WILLIAM H. CANNON, JR. his J. HARLESTON READ, JR. ? IIENRY II. THOMPSON, JAMES McPHCRSON. The Aids-de-Camp above named, will juip themselves, and report f??r ?1 nty, I ther personally or by letter, to the Ad- ! tant and Inspector General, at Aiken, da1 C., by the 10th day of February next, cig either of the above named Aids-de- ma amp shall neglect to report as above wi quired, it will be deemed a refusal to ha: cept, and the vacancy will be immcdi- sea ely filled by another appointment. a li By order of the Commander-in-Chief, wh JAMES JONES. bal Adjutantand Inspector General. as Dec. 14. 1810. ] PROCLAMATION. " I* _ tni By JOHN P. RICHARDSON Esq. to* over nor and Commander in Chief, in id over the State of South Carolina. .WHEREAS, in pursuance of the act of the Legislature of this State, the ^ ?tes for members of the twenty-seventh jngrcss have been counted in presence the Governor, by Commissioners aplintcd for that purpose; and it appears at Isaac E. Holmes has been duly elcc- jtk (1 for the Congressional District of Char- J. ston; R. Barnwell Ruett, for the Dis- l0 ct composed of Colletion and Beaufort; sec iiin Campbell, for the District com- gp iscd of Georgetown, Iloriy, Marion, jir? alborough, Williamsburg, and Darling- ta^ n; S. H. Butler, for the District com- ne( iscd of Barnwell, Orangeburg, Lexing- > n, and Richland; f. W. Pickess, for cor e District composed of Edgefield and ry bbevill; William Butler, for the Disict composed of Pendleton and Green- gp( II; James Rodgers, for the District ; mposed ol union, iotk, cjiananuuig id Chester; Thomas D. Sumter, for the ^ istrict composed of Lancaster, Kershaw, rj lmter, and Chesterfield; and Patrick C. ^jj hldwkll, for the District composed rc? Fairfield, Newberry, and Laurens. gj(. Now, therefore, I do issue this, my ?jn ochimation, notifying and declarinng, ( cording to the provisions of the said Act. can at Isaac E. Holmes, R. Barnwell, g^ [iett, John Campbell, 8. II. Butler, W. Pickens, William Sumter, ,mes Rogers, Thomas D. Sumtiir, and itrick C. Caldwell, had a majority the votes in their respective Congrcstnal Districts, aforesaid, and arc duly jcted Representatives in the Congress of e United States from this State. j Given under my hand, and the Seal of the State, at Columbia, this the 16th day of December, in the year of our jjj Lord, one thousand eight hundred and forty, and in the sixty fifth year A of the Independence of the United .. OIUICO VIJ niiiriiku, ... JOHN P. RICHARDSON, ,ej By the Governor. M. LABORDE, Secretary of State. Dec. 17 * 61 I NOTICETHE notes and accounts, due to >Ir. j A mcs Conner, ha"e been placed in my nds for collection. All persons intercs- l'ie 1, are requested to call and settle theme. BENJAMIN GASS. J Dec 15 th. THOSE indebted to the firm of J. II. A iderson &, Co. or the subscriber it.diiv ally are hereby called on for an early dec ttlcment of their respective dues, o the tch longer indulgence cannot be g'-en. del J. II. ANDERSON. I I II HWllMiWll IlI'MllMI I' I I r A!Wfr##*MAN, in dfcatiofi of (he doclririe anc! pra"CTice of Baptist tfe nomination, tielWered bee the Baptist Cbnrch,jp Cheraw, for 3 at'thirOffice.'' PHccSft cents.. Li - ' ' APPOIHTMBHW. ty Divino permission' the' Rev* Thomas Mason I preach at tho following places in January and iruary 1841: ' ; ,J JAXUARY. laturday and Sunday, tho 2d and 31, aVSwi/l ek; Monday, the 4th real; Tuesday, the Mb (at lit) at Staleburg; Wednesday, "the 6th at" Ram's Meeting House; Thursday, 7th at Phmdenee; 8th, 9Ui and 10th at Fellowship; Monday111th, > Tuesday, 12th at Bethlehem; Wednesday^ 13th, Jedar Swamp; Thursday, I4th, ride; Friday! 15th, IcGinney's; from the 16th to the 25th, in