y'"" ' * > 'r'."y L-_- ' Notice. j ALL persons are hereby notified, that ?] I will not be responsible for anyi contracts made by my wife Harriet An-i drews, or for any services rendered to <3 her, unless speciallv authorized bv me. j ROBERT W. ANDREWS. ! J June 27. 30 3t j i THE CASKET, j! AND ;I Philadelphia Monthly Magazine. [ WSJ^S?alSai?2?3a) S3MK9JJ33 2 t Prospectus for a New Volume. e THE great increase in the subscription list oi e the Casket, which has nearly doubled since t the commencement of the last volume, warrants t the most extensive improvements on the first of c July, 1810?at which time a new volume will be r commenced with increased vigor. Nothing need t be said of the firm basis on which the Casket 2 in advance. Published by J. Winstcr, 2d. Ann-Sliect, New York; ~ AN ORDINANCE To establish and regulate a Town Guard. 1. He it Ordained by the inlendnnt and Warlens of the Town of Camden, now met and sitting n Council, That four persons shall be elected'by he Council, who shall constitute and be the Town iuard, in and for the said Town, in lieu and ilaaeof the patrol of said Town, who shall perorm all the duties required of thc-patrol, by Laws if the said State and Town now of force, or hereifter to be passed, and shall be subject to all the renalties, and shall have all the rights and authoity, of the patrol, and the protection extended to - i rr* I lie patrol, contained in the Laws or tne sain 1 own md State now of force, or hereafter to be enacted. 2. lie it further enacted by the authority aforeiaid, That tlyj Council shall designate 'two of the said four. Guardinen, who shall be Sergeants of he Guard, and shall be responsible for the coninuance on duty, and the due performance of luty, of the man on duty with him, and shall vport to the Recorded, at the end of each calsnler, month, all absences from, and neglect of luty, by the inan of his squad, and of the sergeant >f the other squad, and all violations of the proviiions of this Ordinance by them, or either of them, ind the Recorder shall report the same to the Coun:il'at their'first meeting thereafter. In the absence ot any one of the scrgcnnts, the nan of his squad shall perform all the duties and >e subject.toal! the penalties of his sergeant. 3. Be it further ordained by the aiitho.-ity aforciaid, That it shall be the duty of said four guardncn, to assemble every night, at the ringing of he nine o'clock bell, in the guardroom, which ihall be the south room of the second story of the Market House, and while not on duty, shall renain in the said guardroom until day light, it ihall be the duty of the said two sergeants to divide he night into equal water s, and if they cannot igrce thereon, then to decide by lot, which of said vatches shall be performed by each sergeant and lie tnan of his squad respectively, it siiall be the luty of one of said sergeants, at nine o'clock !very night, together with the man of his squad, o proceed forthwith to patrol the streets of said rown, according to the laws of the said State and FWn, as are now of force, or may hereafter be tasscd, and the sergeant shall take one part of said rown, and the man of his squad, the other part, vhich the sergeant shall designate, in which they hall respectively perform duty, and the serg: ant hall appoint certain placeB.inu limes at which he hall meet the man ot his squad, during tno said va'.ch. But the sergeant on duty may require the nan of his squad to accompany him to any part of aid Town, if lie shall deem the same necessary n the performance of his duty. And so soon as he term of watch of the squad on duty shall cxure, the sergeant on duty shall return to the guardoom and wake up the relief guard, who shall be he other sergeant and man, and who shall proceed orthwith to perform the same duties required above if the relieved squad. For each violation, of any of tho provisions of his section, the guardman offending, shall be fined,' lot more than five dollars, at the discretion ot the j Jouncil. 4. Be it further ordained by the authority aforeaid, That the sergeant of the squad which shall apture any free white person for a violation of he laws of the State or Town, shall commit such irisoner to jail, and give notice to the fntendant, ind confine all slaves or free negroes coptuicd for J teing without a legal permit, in the stocks at the ;uard room, until next morning eight o'clock, uness sooner discharged by the other provisions of his clause, and the guardman who made the iezure, shall give notice to the owner of such j lave before eight o'clock, and if one dollar shall hen be paid to the said guardman, such slave or j na.fva eKnll Ka cot nt lihoftv. hilt if I Jlfi fi^id ' um of one dollar be not tben paid to the said j [uardman, such free negro or slave, slnll be forth- j vith whipped by said guardmnn, according to law; I ind ihc sergeant of the squad which shall seize any ree negro or slave for any other violation of the atvsof the said Town or State, shall forthwith J ominit such prisoner to jail, and give notice to the j ntendant next morning. 5. He it further ordained by the authority afor^ ] aid, That on each and every Sunday, one squad i i said guard, shall perform duty from nine o'clock n the morning, till such time before nine o'clock t night, as the Council may direct by Resolution, ach member of which squad shall be on duty one lalf of said period; and all slaves and free negroes cized on Sunday, shall be dealt with according to aw. 6. Bo it further ordained by the authority aforeaid, Thnt each member of said guard shall be furlished by the Council with astcut stick and rattle, sathor belt with a scabbard attached thereto, and ba3'onct, and the sticks shall be so made tlidt the ayonet may fasten thereon, which articles tlio'said uard shall wear while on duty, under the penalty f one dollar for each oflbnce therein: and the said uard shall be further armed with a musket and ufficient powder aud bulls when so directed by the ntendant or Council. And in case any one of lie said guard on duty should nerd assistance in erformancc of the duties of his watch, he shall pring his rattle, when the whole guard both, hose on duty and thoye at the guard room, shall romptly repair to his assistance. 7. Be it further ordained by the authority aforeaid, That in case of a fire occurring nt night, the re bell shall be rung by the guard, and the whole f the guard shall turn out and patrol for the reaainderof the night, in nil jarts of the Town. 8. Be it further ordained by the authority aforeaid, That any one of the said guard may be rcaoved from ollice, by a vote of the Council, and ; he said guard, while on duty or at the guard house,! hall be subject to the orders of the Intcndant, or , nv member of the Town Council. 6. Be it further ordained by the authority afore-1 aid, That each member of said guard shall re- j eive, out of the Town Treasury, compensation,! t the rate of two hundred dollars per annum, to j e paid at the end of each calender month, by or- j er of the Council; and any one of the said guard, uitting the guard, without the consent of the Council first obtained, shall forfeit his pay of the hen current month; and no member of the said ;uard shall quit the service, until after the expiraion of two weeks notice in writing to the Council } mder a penalty of tch dollars. 10. Be it further ordained by the authority afore- I aid, That no deputy shall be allowed or received nthc place of any member of said guard, except' y the permission of the Iniendant, in case of the ) ickncss of said guardman, or some member of his ! mmediate family, and then only, at the expense j f such guardman. 11. Be it further ordained by the aulhority aforcaid, That it shall be the duty of each member o( aid guard to report to the Council, all violations of his ordinance by any one of the said guard lii. Be it further ordained by the authority aforenid, That all penalties for violation of the proviior.s of this ordinance, shall be inflicted by a vote 1 f the Council, and the amount thereof deducted i rom the monthly pay of the guardman so lined, j Ratified in Council, this eighth day of July,! in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight | hundred and iorly, and in the sixty-tilth ! year of the Sovereignty and independence j of the United States of America. JOHN M DKSAUSSURE, , intendanl of the Town of Camden. r OFFER MY HOUSES itt'l Lots on Broad Street, for sale, either ieparatcly or collectively; and am disposed o make the terms reasonable and acconinodating. T. II. ANDERSON. July 4. m*mam rrpThc Subscriber having returned to Gamden, will attend any work in the TAILORING' line wii promptness and dispatch. Any orde left with Messrs. Jones & Hughson, co ner of Broad and Rutledgc Streets, wi meet with immediate attention. J. L. BRASINGTON. MORE NEW GOODS JUST RSOaiVBD, ' BY JONES & HUGHSON A NOTHER SUPPLY of Gentlemen Summer Wear, which will 1 sold at their usual low rates. H3=*Thcy have, also, a handsome artic of Mouslin de Lains, at 31 cents per yar * r c/-? ? r? ??. .. T nvno jijjvjv/?1\ icw ensKS lirsi iuw PORTER. May 9. THE NEW WORLD. The Largest, Hamlsomcs and Che ape NEWSPAPER, as? aaai2 msraipaii) eu&iymgsa Edited by Park Benjamin, ErF.s Saroeant ai John Nkall, and Published in .New York, ev ry Saturday, by J. WINCHESTER, No. 90, Ai Street, at ?3 in advance. TllC New World was commenced in Oct ber, 1839, and has obtained a circulation of 20,OC It contains the best specimens of the the Liter ture of Europe and America, ha.unghitherto gjvi the first edition of the works of distinguished En lish writers, nocli as Balwcr, Boz, Knoleics, Moore, Talfour Miss Mitford, Mrs. Jameson, Mar rye VIsraeli, Ainsworth, <$*c. And Original Communications from the best Nati Writers, among which arc those of Dewey, Bryant, Longfellow, Holmes, D na, Street, 6fC. And all of which has been done witho infri ging upon its character as a Complete & Comprehensive Ncwspnpc The New World is specially valuable in the coi try from its affording to intelligent readers the be and newest Works at lire lowest possible price, work which costs in England a Guinea and he a Dollar, in the Book form is given in a number the New World for Six Cents. ? For Three Dollars each subscriber is sure to tain reading which costs in England Three Hi dred Dnl 1.1 rs. besides American productions, NC and a great amount of reading mailer. All Postmasters, who will do so, are requested act as agents for the New World, and retain a co mission of 50 cents on each subscriber -for llii services. Clubs of Ele?en persons, who will remit at o time, S"33 free of postage, will receive each a co one year. Letters must be addressed to the Publisher, a unless postpaid, will not be taken Irom the oflico, gjpSubscriptions reconed by P. THORNTON, P. AI. Camden, S. C. J For sale at the post-offic Si.ilaoaicry & SrSaooI - Cook I Among' which arc the following: Woodbridge's Geography, with Atlas, Smith's (io Very fine white Silk figured Valencia, s A line assortment of Cloths and Cassimeres J,e " " " Handsome Printed ' Lawns and Muslins {just imported) 1 Fine black and white Jackonet Muslin, J ^ " Freqph Cambric Prints, ^ A verv handsome assortment of 1 SPRING CALICOES, c( Fancy Gauze, Silk, Satin & Picnic Shawls, ^ Ladies' summer Gloves, of every descrip- c st tion, i A fresh snpply of Zephyr Worsted, and f .Canvas, f English long Cloth, Cambrics and Muslins jin of all kinds, t Linens, Lawns and Linen Cambric Hdk'fs. ^ ?- Bleached and unbleached Shirtings and v ^ Sheetings, ' c jn Ladies' Hoods, new and old-shape, g- They have, also, a good assortment of a Gentlemen's white and drab HATS, for c (J, summer, ^ rt, Gentlemen and boy's Palm Leaf Ilals, of j t' different qualities. L " ? .11.: f I vc bliuiis, ot an kiqcs, principally iiuui { White's factory. c fl" ?ALSO? a A general assortment of n- 55 Hardware, Groceries, &c., J r! which will be sold unusually low for Cash. J ?" JONES & HUGHSON. r \ Camden, March 21. J of Notice. i 0l, ALL persons indebted by note, bond, or y un open account, to Wm. Nixon, deceased; Ks are requested to make immediate payment- j to and all persons having claims, are'reques, n,_ ted to render them in according to law, to ' ier cither of ?hc"subscribers. PRISC1LLA NIXON, Ex'rx. J no WM. fi. PARKER,) P ,r 1 W J.D.WINN, 5 Exrs; I nd Macon, June 2. IN EQUITY. j __ LANCASTER DISTRICT: ^ j Thomas J. Wright, vs. John Massey. and , John Myers and his wife Frances. , Petition for relief. ? , "5T appearing to the satisfaction of the ( Jtr Commissioner, that John Myers and', wife Frances, defendants in the above case, j ( arc absent from and reside without the), the limits of this State: On motion of J.| , "Williams, Solicitor, for Petitioner, It is j, Ordered, That the said defendants do an-j saver, plead or demur to the petition in thev, \bovc staled case within three months from j! tne publication hereof, or that the same be ( taken pro confesso against them. , J. II. WITlIEPvSPOON, Jr., . C.E.L.D. j Comm'r's Office, June 4, 1840. (Printer's fee 86) J 3 ~siTmterTiotel j ?Tt IIIS commodious establishment is now c ** open for the reception of Boarders i and Travellers. The proprietor will en-, j deavor to nlease all who may favor him;( o with a call, and respectfully solicits the pa-1 c tronagc of the public. I THOMAS STARKE. ? s, Camden, March 2G. NEW DRY-GOODS, AT VEP.T LOW PRICES AMONG WIIICII ARE: Fine Mourning Calicoes, at 25 cts. per yd. ? do Half mourning do at 25 " " "" do mourning &. half mourning Lawns, 50 c and 75 cents per yard, do Light color'd Lawns, at 50 cts. per yd a Linen, for gentlemen's wear, from 25 to ? 02 1*2 cents per yard, ! Unbleached Homespuns, at 6 1-4 cents 11 per yard, . i ? Lawn Lawris, at 50 cents per yard, ' Furniture Calico, (handsome) at 18 3-4 j 1 cents per yard, - With a complete assortment of Dry Goods j % equally low. ALSO? One case Nun's Bonnets, at 75 cts. each. | -ALSO? * ^ A handsome assortment of Gentlemen's! " HATS, suitable for the season, very low, \ by * II. LEVY. J1 May 2. tf22 . ^ NOTREHjjnilF.RE will be au Elcotion held on the second Monday and the day follow- tli - ling, in August next, for ORDINARY for T Kershaw District, to Jill the vacancy oc- m cosioncd by the death of James W. Lang, di. Esq. Managers of Election will assem- pc blc at their respective boxes, open the polls and proceed to hold said election, .and m meet in Camden on the Wednesday after, Sc -I.*- -i? .t? -i ' ~ count llic votes ami ucciare me eiccuon. , - GEO. Q. M'INTOSH, c. c. c. p. c " June 27. * 30 8t ic ZEPHYR WORSTED. ic TONES & IIUGIISON have just open- P1 ccl a complete assortment of the above. July 1L ..V^j - THE : ~~ 8R0THERJ0NATHAN. 3 EDITED BY - . i; P. WILLIS $ HASTINGS WELD. 'he Largest and Cheapest Newspaper in the "World, - and certainly among the best. '' .. . Published every Saturday by WILSON & COMPANY, TERMS $3 PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE.. . CPON entering the second of .volume of this pioneer, in the introduction if papers of its class, the publishers may . \ ie excused for congratulating themselves. . . v ipon the continued, prosperity and ad-\ ancement ol tnetr periodical, from the ssue of its first number, to the present i ime. Aware that competition is the life if business, they expected, and have met. vith rivals-?but those rivals hare, so far,; >een essential aids to the publicity and :irculation of the Jonathan. New readers^lave ?een made, where, comparatively, cw existed before, and the taste created - \ or the elegant literature of the two hemis- _ >heres, carried into all parts of the counry, and made accesible. to all, has pro- . luced a demand fur the Brother Jonathan, vhich it is gratifying to state is constantly in the increase. With such addition to their resourses ind emoluments, the publishers have aim-" - . id to give s commensure increase to tho alue and interest of their sheet. In addition to the labors of the gentlemen vhose names are announced as editors, he publishers avnil themselves constantly if the aid of such occasional contributors is they can find space for. ' For the foreign correspondence of the fonathan, the services of Isaac C. Prav, ,' ^ F., have been engaged; and his fine lite ary tase will'also be exercised ip the seection of things ra^e, netv, and worthy . n the European literary mart. Selection rom the cream of the foreign magazines vill of course be continued. . ' MUSIC.?In the progress of improve-, nent, a new feature has been added fo tho irollier Jonathan?the publication of newmd popular music. Every paper will conain something in this way, new and pleasant?reference being had in the selection, atber to such pieces as all can sing and ilny, than to recherche compositions, suited only to the scientific.?A new font if music type has been purchased, and a rentleman engaged to superintend this de- lartment, of excellent experience and inowledge of music. This will, enable is to give music a publicity which it neter enjoyed before: to " carry the samethemes for carol to the sylvan maid in the farthest back woods, which delight the party in the city dsawing-room. A simul- x tnncous popularity will thus be enjoyed sll over the country by such compositions ss are adapted to the public taste, and ivorthy of the public favor. "Whatever other improvements may suggest themselves, will be adopted; and ho lains spared to make the Jonathan a welcome visiter to till sorts of people, whose astes are worthy of gratification. Other' periodicals may be addressed to particuar opinions?or to particular classes? Jonathan will wander free, "from the grave o the gay, from lively to severe," and strive, - ". vithall the aid he has enlisted, to compose he whole circle: to give, in a word, a Cyclopedia, of whatever may be desira)le in a lileiary magazine, and weekly lcwspaper. He appeals to the past for 'ouchcrs of what he can do?and what he an, he will. TERMS? Three Dollars a Years in 4dvancc.? For Five Dollars two copies " >f the paper will be sent one year, or one :opY two years. In no case will the paier be sent out of the city unless paid for n advance. id3 All Communications and Letters hould be addressed, postage paid, to WILSON & COMPANY, No. 1C2 Nassau street, New York NOTICETHE subscriber tenders to his friends and ustomerr, his thanks for their patronage, nd at the same time, resnectfullv calls on 11 indebted to him foi immediate payment ir satisfactory arrangements. Nothing tut necessity compels him to make this rgent demand. And he hopqs that the all will not be disregarded, and constrain iin to use summary measures to realize lis just claims. C. II. DAVIS. June 13. 28 tf CAMDEN JOURNAL. Published every Saturday Morning, THOMAS W. PEGUES, Publisher of the Laics of the Union. t three dollars in adva<.ce; it.ree dollars and fifty cents in six months; or foyir dollars at the expiration of the year. Advertisements inserted at 75 cents per square for c first, and 37 1-2 for each subsequent insertion.? ho number of insertions to he noted on all advortiso ents, or the}* will be published until ordered to bo scontinued, and charged accordingly. One dollar r square will bo charged for a single insertion. Semi-mo..ml)', Monthly and Qurtcrly advertirecnts will bo charged tho same as now ones each in- ' rtion. All Obituary Notices exceeding six lines, and Dmmunications recommending Candidates for pubOffices of profit or trust?or puffing exhibitions, ill be charged as advertisements. Accounts for Advertising and Job Work will be esentcd for payment, quarterly. UTAH Letters by mail must be post paid tninsuro actual attention. _ '