,1 . . . . ,-m f JOB PRINTING Neatly executed at this Office. Notice. ALL persons indebted by note, bond, or open account, to Wm. Nixon, deceased, are requested to "make immediate payment; and all persons having claims, are requested to render them in according to law, to either of the subscribers. PRISC1LLA NIXON, Ex'rx. WM. B. PARKER, > v , J. D. WINN. \ Elt '5' Macon, June 2. * IN EQUITY. LANCASTER DISTRICT: Thomas J. Wright, vs. John Massey and John Myers and his wife Frances. " r i:_r reuuuu iur reuci. IT appearing lo the satisfaction of the Commissioner, that John Myers and wife Frances, defendants in the above case, are absent from and reside without the the limits of this State: On motion of J. Williams, Solicitor, for Petitioner, It is Ordered, That the said defendants do answer, plead or demur to the petition in the above stated case within three months from the publication hereof, or that the same be taken pro confesso against them. J. H. WITHERSPOON, Jr., C. E. I. D. Comm'r's Office, June 4, 1840. (Printer's fee 86) TO THE MEMBER . OF THE STATE CONVENTION OF THE BAPTIST DENOMINATION, OF SOUTH OAROXiXNA. DEAR BRETHREN: The President of the Board of Trustees of the Furman Institution has recently informed me that the affairs of the English and Classical department have undergone such a change, since the annual meeting, as to render an Extra Session of the Convention indispensably necessary. From the statement that he makes in bis communication, I fully concur with him in his opinion. I have, therefore, consulted the Board of Agents of the Convention on the subject, at whose instance I am authorised to call extra meetings of the Body. The members of this Board concur with me in the opinion that sttch & meeting should be called on the present occasion. Thus authorized, I do now appoint 10 o'clock in the morning of Monday, the 6th day of July next, as the time, and the scite of the Institution, three tiilesfrom Winnsborough, as the place at which the members of the State Convention of the Baptist Denomination in South Carolina are requested to assemble in Extra Session oti the affairs of the Furman Institution. And as the interests of the Denomination and the cause of God, imperiously require that the meeting be held, I do earnestly and affectionately, entreat every member of the Body to be present at the time appointed. > WILLIAM B. JOHNSON, President of the Convention. June 1. , 3t27 Dr. E. H. Anderson, Jr. OFFERS his professional services to the inhabitants of Camden and its t vicinity. He may be found at the office .formerly occupied by his father, Dr. E. H Anderson. > April 25. Feeling my health somewhat improved, impatience of idleness, and particularly from the motive of assisting my eon with my counsel and personal atten tion to patients, as far as my strength will permit, I wish to resume the practice of my .profession, and may be found either at the old stand, or at Maj. McWillie's for the present. E. H. ANDERSON, M. D. Protracted Meetings. 4 ' ' Camden, April 15th, 1840. AT a conference of brethren held at the above time and place, the subject of holding a series of religious meetings was considered. After a free interchange of opinion, it was agreed, by divine permission, to hold tho following meetings at the following times and places. 3d. AtSiTMTERviLVs, on Friday before the third Sunday in June. ' -4th. At Conoarei:, on Friday before the fourth Sunday in June. 5th At Bethel, on Friday before the second Sunday in July. Brethren Breaker and DuPre were appointed a committee tp solicit the services of Ministering brethren at the above series of meetings. The meeting adjourned. Thos. Mason, Ch'n. Jas. DuPre, Sec. Lamp Oil, &c, THE Subscriber has just received a supply of Superior Winter and Fall Strained Sperm Oil Also, old North Ca rolina Linseed Oil on hand, together with White Lead, Spirits Turpentine, Train Oil, &,c. &c. All of which will be sold very low for the money. JAMES R. McKAIN. March 28. Sperm Oil. THE subscribers have just received a sup ply of superior Sperm Oil. JONES & HUGHSON. April 10. > ap??????j????^ i PROSPECTUS FOR THE ] EXTRA GLOBE. | THE publication of the "Extra Globe" will be commenced early in May, and be continued six months. The first number will i contain the proceedings of the Democratic Convention to be held in Baltimore the J first week in May, to nominate candidates 1 for President and Vice President of the United Slates. 1 TERMS. For 1 copy, $1 6 copies, 5 12 > ? 10 25 ? 20 And in proportion for a greater number. Payment may be transmitted by mail, at our risk, postage paid. The notes of any inonrnnrntpd hanlr in ihp TTnitftd States. currentin the section where the subscriber resides, will be received. But when subscribers can procure the notes of banks of the Northern and Middle States, they will please send them. 53=?No attention will be paid to any order unless the money accompanies it. The low price for which we publish this paper, precludes credit to any person for it.? Therefore, it is unnecessary for any person to send an order not accompanied by the money. To insure all the numbers, subscriptions should be here by the 15ih May next, at farthest. BLAIR & RIVES. Washington City, April, 1840. TO PRINTERS. THE following REDUCED PRICES will hereafter be charged for Printing types purchased at BRUCE'S New York Type Foundry, No. 13, Chambers-street, and No. 3, City Hall Place: Pica, 38 cents a pound. Small Pica, 40 do Long Primer 42 do Bourgeois, 46 do Brevier, 54 do Minion, 66 do *1- il OA An liuuparciif IJX uv Agate, 108 do Pearl, 140 do Ornamental Letter and other type in proportion. These are the prices on a credit of six months; but we wish at this time to encourage short credit or purchases, and will, therefore, make a discount of five per cent, for New York acceptances at ninety days, and ten per cent, for cash. We have recently added to our former extensive assortment, seventyfive different kinds and sizes of ornamental letter, embracing Condensed, Extra Condensed, Extended, Outline, Skeleton, Ornamental, modern thin faced Black, &c.; 100 new Flowers, and a great variety of Ornaments, forming altogether the most extensive and elegant assortment of Printing Types in the United States, and absolutely an unri- 1 vailed one. * ^ alcin Airnict, Avanr nrllrlp that IS nfi. Tf g ttiOU lUIIIIOII VTV? J ? ? ? cessary in a Printing Office. Printers of news papers who publish this advertisement three times before the first of November, 1840, by sending us one of the publications, will receive payment when they purchase from the Foundry four times the amount of their bills. GEO. BRUCE, & CO. April 1. 3t22 FRESH SPRING And Summer Goods. THE subscribers have just received a handsome assortment of Spring and Summer Goods, CONSISTING IN PART, OP Superfine black Crape Camblet, 44 blue black crimp'd do. < White, drab and brown French Linens, ' Striped and plain Linen Drill, ' Cotton Cassimere and Drilling. 1 Merseilles Vesting, ' < Very fine white Silk figured Valencia, t A fine assortment of Cloths and Cassimeres 1 " " " Handsome Printed j Lawns and Muslins (just imported) i Fine black and white Jackonet Muslin, < 4? French Cambric Prints, A very handsome assortment of SFXUNO CALICOES, Fancy Gauze, Silk, Satin & Picnic Shawls, Ladies' summer Gloves, of every description, A fresh snpply of Zephyr Worsted, and Canvas, English long Cloth, Cambrics and Muslins of all kinds. Linens, Lawns and Linen Cambric Hdk'fs. Bleached and unbleached Shirtings and Sheetings, Ladies' Hoods, new and old shape, They have, also, a good assortment of Gentlemen's white and drab HATS, for | summer, Gentlemen and boy's Palm Leaf Hats, of < different qualities. i SHOES, of all kinds, principally from White's factory. I ?ALSOA general assortment of. Hardware, Groceries, &c., which will be sold unusually low for Cash. JONES & HUGHSON. Camden, March 21. rrpThe Snbscriber having j LJ-"^ returned to Camden, will attend to any work in the TAILORING line with promptness and dispatch. Any orders ' left with Messrs. Jones & Hughson, corner of Broad and Rutledge Streets, will ; meet with immediate attention. J. L. BRASINGTON. Jan* 4. 3t5 * MAIL ARRANGEMENT. Northern Mial, due every day at 5, a. ra. Closes every day at 4, p. ra. 3oulhern or Columbia mail, due every day at 6, p. m. Closes every day at 9, p. m. m^Letters for Charleston, are made up every day, and sent via Columbia. Sumterviile mail, due every Tuesday and Friday at 8 p. ra. Closes every Wednesday and Sunday at 4, p. m. Stateburg mail, every Wednesday and Friday, at 8, p. ra. Closes every Wednesday and Sunday at .4, p. m. Lancaster mail, due every Monday and Friday, at 3, p. m. Closes every Wednesday and Friday, at 6, p. m. Yorkville mail, via Liberty Hill? due every Thursday, at 10, a. m. Closes every Thursday at 1, p. m. Id^The office will be open on the Sabbath, for the delivery of papers and letters from 7 to 8, a. m., and in the evening one hour after the arrival of (he Columbia mail. P. THORNTON, P. M. In Equity?Kershaw District. Alex'r Young, j vs. > Bill to foreclose Mortgage. Benj. Williams, l fT appearing to my satisfaction that the defendant, Benjamin Williams is absedt from and resides permanently beyond the limits of this State; It is ordered that he do appear, plead, answer or demur to this bill of complaint within three months from this date, and that this Order be published for that space of lime in the Camden Journal^ and that in default of his then appearing, an order pro confesso will be granted against him. JAMES W. LANG, Com'r. Commifisinnflr's Office. ) Feb. 18. 1840. Kershaw District. $ [Pr's fee ?6 For sale at the post-office Stationery & School-Books, Among- which are the following: Woodbridge's Geography, with Atlas, Smith's do do Willis' do do Greenleafs English Grammar, Kirkham's do do Murray's do do Adam's Arithmetic, Smith's do Pike's do Key to do Walker's School Dictionary, Columbian Orator, National Reader, Murray's Reader, New York Reader, Nos. 1, 2 and 3, Cabb's Juvenile Reader, Nos. 1, 2,