shall "exert himself to illustrate the important, principles upou which Husbandry, tlio noblest of the arts and sciences is founded, and to introduco into! the labours of t!ie Husbandman, an economical sys-, tern in the stablo, garden and vineyard, in the licld,! meadow and cocoonery, which may bo best adapt- J f cd to the seasons, the climate and the latitude in' which wc reside." Should sufficient encouragement be afforded, the paper will bo published semi-month, bj. Wc doubt not but the " Gleanings of Husband. cy" will be a valuable addition to 11 to number of Agricultural periodicals, and its extremely low price | will, wc hope, procure for it an extensive circulation. The Prospectus will bo found on our fourth pajje. j 1 I B Gkx. Harrison.?Wc observe that an attempt is B making in Charleston to manufacture a small quan- | titv of public opinion in opposition to the re-election 1 of ."Sir. Van Burkn to the Presidency, and in favor of j W Can. Harrison, but we imagine it must be an up hill business. Whatovor objections the people .South Carolina, or any portion of them have to .Mr. A an Bcren, they are not of such a nature, as to i induce them to support Gen. Harrison. He is not the man upon whom to rally even a respectable opposition. Tina Convention.?Tho Democratic Convention, for tho purpose of nominating candidates for Presi- ' dent and Vice President, will meet in B.dtinioro , the 5th instant. CONGRESS. In this body, at least iu the I louso of Representatives, there does not appear to bo the slightest atten- [ tion paid to the public business. No one can pos-1 sibly imagine, lrom reading a speech., what question was before the House, if it wcro not for the fact, that we generally fir.d at the head, "speech of 3Ir. j on the bill making appropriations &c."? j One member gives us the history of the Florida war,;1 on the bill authorising the issue of Treasury notes, i I' The truth is the whole time of the House is taken > 11 up ill discussing the relative merits oi mo administration, and (Ten. Harbison. Every day is regular Iv occupied in this manlier, except when a row or a tight takes place. A sceno of this character took place the other day, disgraceful to the House, and to , the country. For tlie particulars of this humiliating . atliiir, we refer our readers to an extract from the : c irrc.-pond.uico of the ('harlcston Courier, in another ' column. In relation la these disorders in legislative ^ bodies, which arc becoming alarmingly frequent, j lVimsylvania has set an cxamjilc which if imitated J v strictly, and promptly in a few instances, would go far I to redeem the character of the country. Virginia.? The elections in this State took placo j on the t-'3d ult, but we have no certain information ' as to the result. l'Oit Till: J.H'KNM.. -1/r. Jul,tor: l>ul you ever reau utc witticisms ofilicroclc?? One nfthcui is worth . mention, and it is this:?Once upon a lime, j a fellow, by name, Scholasticos, happened to pass by a well, where pcoj)le were as-' scmbled to draw water. But having no i rope nor bucket to do so with, they were deliberating on the ways and means of pro-, curing those necessary appendages. Pending the discussion, which the sapient' youth had overheard, lie drew nigh, & asked I what was the matter? One of the group replied, that they were talking about the well, which was very valuable for its excellent water. And how do you know that the water, being so deep, is excellent? "NVc know it, was the reply, because our fathers and all our people have drank of it. Urank. ot ill exclaimed tiie wise one, icnai | long necks they must have had! Mow, sir, j to make the application, you know (and if you do not, you arc informed of the fact,) that there is in the upper public square of, our town, a well whose water is like truth,, net only deep, hut excellent; and being in ; the predicament of that recorded by the [ (Ireek wit, our necks are not long enough] to allow us to drink of it. Instead of hazarding the ticklish experiment of stretching the dorsal vertebral to the extent required, j itstruck me that a bucket?anircn bound bucket, would answ er the purpose as well Besides, this appendage would, no doubt, be! quite a comfort to the poor old pole, there-1 by affixed, which dangles and swings about in the most mournful bachelorship iniagi-( liable. At least, the thirsty passenger; would not be templed to the inviting spot | merely to be tantalized!)}' the sight of, abundance which he could not enjoy. The j precincts, you know, have been graceful-j Iv adorned with ranges of posts elegantly carved, in imitation of classic stauary; which guard each other "all in a row," and protect the trees and shrubbery?from wind and weather. Do you think, sir, that j our Town Authorities could be induced to' afford another illustration of their taste and 1 liberality in the useful as well as theorna- j mental? As an advocate of the cold wa.j tcr principle, perhaps you can make the j suggestion of the bucket, to good effect, j Put uo it sub rosa?and oblige AQUARIUS. | FOR THE JoinXAI.. Wo, the urand Jury ot Sunitcr District, fur Spring Term, LS-10, having taken into consideration various matters of a local nature, do believe that uo evil which now exists in this community is attended with more injurious consequences than that of retailing spirituous liquors. We look upon it as a nuisance to the community and would recommend to the Legislature to take such measures to remedy the evil as tliev in their wisdom mav think nroDer. eith-r l>; ':l>nHsliing the License Laws altogether. increasing the penalties, or taking sucii other course as they might think better calculated to put a stop to the evil complained of. ISAAC LENOIR, Foreman. Ordered that the above be published in the Camden Journal, JOHN HELTON O'NEALL. March 30, 1840. CAHDEN PRICE CURRENT ARTICLES. PER $ C ? C heel, in market, lb 5 a 7 Bacon from wagons, lb 8 a 9 by retail, lb 10 a 12 Butter, lb 15 a 25 Beeswax, lb 20 a 25 >? - J IB OR uaggmjr >tiiu ?. Bale Rope lb 10 a 14 Coffee lb 14 a 16 Cotton lb 5 a 8 25 Cora bush. 60 65 Flour bbl 4 a 4 50 Feathers from wagons, lb 37 a 40 Fodder cwt 1 a 1 25 Hides, green, lb 5 a 7 dry, lb 10 a 12 Iron cwt 5 a 8 i Ijmc cask 3 a 325 Lard lb 10 a 12 | Leather, sole lb 22 a 25 Oil, currier's gvlon 75 "a 1 lamp gallon 2 Molasses . gal 45 a 56 Oats bushel 45 a 50 1 NOTICE. | A LL those who have recorded Deeds and Mortgages remaining in my office, and the fees not pa id, will find them j soon in the hands of a Magistrate, for collection. ULOKGE H. JVIclNTOSIJ, Reg. Mesne <.$* Conveyances. May2. tfS2 IvewIry-goods, /.T TEP.7 LOW PRICES. AMONG WHICH ARE: Fine Mourning Calicoes, at 25 cts. per yd. do Half mourning do at 25 " " do mourning &, half mourning Lawn?, 50 and 75 cents per yard, do Light color'd Lawns, atoOcts. per yd Linen, for gentlemen's wear, from 25 to OS I-S cents per yard, Unbleached Homespuns, at 6 1-4 cents per yard, Lawn Lawns, at 50 cents per yard. Furniture Calico, (handsome) at 18 3-4 cents per yard, With a complete assortment of Dry Goods equally low. ALSO? One case Nun's Bonnets, at 75 cts. each. -ALSO? A handsome assortment of Gentlemen's HATS, suitable for the season, verv low, by U. LEVY. May 2. lf22 4441j CAMDEN, April 25, 1840. ORDERED, That the Ordinance against firing guns, &c. be re-publisheil in the Journal, and that the Recorder give notice that the same will be strictly enforced. J. W. LANG, Recorder. ORDINANCE. AND whereas, the practice of firing ^ Miiuii itrma %v iiijiii uir iiuiiia in me said town is extremely dangerous to the lives as well as the property of thp inhabitants thereof, and ought to be strictly prohibited. Bvit tnerei' r- ordained, by the authority aforesaid, i'hat hereafter, it shall not be lawful for mv person to fire or discharge any gun, pistol or other small arm" within the limits of the said town, and if any person shall wantonly, knowingly and wilfully fire or discharge any gun, pistol, or other small arms, within the limits of the said town, such person shall forfet and pay to the use of the said town, the sum of one dollar for each and every offence, to be* sued for and recovered according to law. And whereas, offences of this kind may be committed by minors, negroes or other disorderly persons who have no ostensible property whereof the said penalty can be levied and made: 2. Be it therefore ordained by the authority aforesaid, That any gun, pistol or other small arms, fired or discharged by such person in breach of this ordinance, shall be liable to the payment of the penalty or penalties aforesaid, and it shall be lawful for the Intendant, either of the wardens, cither of the constables, or for any freeholder of the said town, who shall see such person offend against this Ordinance, to seize and take into possess on of the gun, pistol, or other small arms so fired o? discharged, and deposit the same with the Intendant or anyone of the Wardens, and if the person charged with the said offence, shall be convicted thereof, and shall not within ten days after conviction, pay tin. ^trnuiiv lutuiitu, auu me costs ior prosecution, the same shall be sold to discharge said pcnaltv and costs. | CAMDEN, April art, 1840. SAMUEL BASKIN tolls before me this day, a bay mare MULE, three years j old this Spring, with a dark stripe over its Uvethers'?appraised at 75 dollars. The owner is requested to come forward, prove property, pay charges and take her awav. It. L. WILSON, J. P.' May 2. 4lm2'2 HE4D-ftU4RTERST CAMDEN, April 20, 1840. BATTALION ORDERS. THE Lower Biltalion 22d Regiment S. C. M. will parade in Camden, on Saturday, the 9th of May, armed and equipped as the law directs, for inspection and review. Defaulters in every respect will be dealt with according to law. The attendance of the Regimental Staff will be required. SAMUEL S. TAYLOR, Lieut. Col. 22d. Reg't. S. C. M. TO PRINTERS' HJMIE following REDUCED PRICES will hereafter be charged for Printing types purchased at BRUCE'S New York Type Foundry, No. 13, Chambers-street, and No. 3, City Hall Place: Pics, 38 cents a pound. 8mal! Pica, 40 do Long Primer 42 do B 'Urgeois, 4G do Brevier, 54 do Minion, 66 do Nonpareil, 84 do Agate, 108 do Pearl, 140 do Ornamental Letter and other type in proportion. These are the prices on a credit of six months; but we wish at this time to enc"tirage short credit or purchases, and will, therefore, make a discount of five per cent, for New York acceptances at ninety days, and ten per cent, for cash. We have recently added to our former extensive assortment, seventy-five different kinds and sizes of ornamental letter, embracing Condensed, Extra Condensed, Extended, Outline, Skeleton, Ornamental, modern thin faced Black, &c.; 100 new f lowers, anu a great variety ot Uruarnents, i forming altogether the most extensive and elegant assortment of Printing Types in the United States, and absolutely an unrivalled one. i We also furnish every article that is necessary in a Printing Office. I Printers of news papers who publish this advertisement three times before the first of November, 1840, by sending us one of the publica'ions, will receive payment when thev purchase from the Foundry four . times the amount of their bills. GEO. BRUCE, & CO. I AprilRl. . 3122 r. NOTICErWIHE owners, agents and consignees of j Boatsand Vessels navigating the San) tee River and its branches, are hereby . respectfully requested to comply with the requisitions of the Gih section of the Pat1 e/t I nncaa/1 l\i.? t 1% a ? am'kL < Ol , IV. UWW I'UOOI U "jr llic AUCg ISltl llll Cj ^191 j Dec., 1S39, viz: " It shall be the duty of I the owner of each vessel or boat, navigating the public rivers or canals of this State to keep and produce to the Magistrates or Patrols, who may demand it, a list of all the negoes composing the crews of said boat, with their owners names, and a description of their persons." The same section makes it the duly of the patrols, to enter into an*' disorderly house, vessel, j or boat, suspected of harboring, trafficking or dealing with negroes, whether the same be occupied by white persons, free ' negroes, rnulattoes, louslizoes, or stares, and to apprehend and correct all slaves found there, by whipping as before directed, and the said Patrols are moreover au| thorized and required to give information ; to a Magistrate, of such white persons, free negroes, rnulattoes. or mustizoes. as mav be found in such house, vessel, or boat, and to detain in their possession such produce, or articles for trafficking as may be found j in such house, vessel, or boat, if such detention he authorized by any three'Freeholders, or any Justice of the Peace, until , the same shall be recovered according to law." Those employed in navigating the above river arc further requested to observe the 34th, 35th, 36th and 37th sections oi the i act passed at the same time, "concerning the office, duties and liabilities of coroner" which shew the penalties of an interment of a corpse without giving notice to thq Coroner, or if his residence is more than 15 miles from the place the body is found, then to the nearest Magistrate. The above to be published by order o( the citizens of St. Jame's Parish, Snntee. bushel cash on delivery. C. & F* MATHESON, JAMES B. M'KAIN State of South Carolina, KERSHAW DISTRICT. By J. W. LAiVG, Ordinary. fcl/HEREAS, Mr. Charles L. Chaften v * halh this day madesuit to grant to him Letters of Administration on the Esstate of John W. Clyde, late of Camden, These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of the said John W. Clyde, deceased, that they be and appear before me in the Court of Ordinary, to be holden at Cantden, on Monday the 11th day of May next, to show cause if any they have, why the said administration should not be granted. Given under my band and seal, this 'JTtli day of April, A. D. 1840, and sixty fourth of American Independence. J. W. LANG, Ordinary. WANTED TO HI RE. ' A GOOD Cook, Washer and Ironer, for whom liberal wages will be given, and paid monthly if desired. Apply to J. GOODLAD. April 25. FOR SALE OR RKNT. rFHF. Brick Store on Broad-street re cenily occupied by Wm. Matheson d: Co. Apply to 8. E. CAPERS. Apri FOR SALS. THE House and Lot in the town of Camden, formerly the residence of Col. John Boy kin. The house is -commodious and comfortable, the grounds extensive, and the situation agreeable. The terms will be maoe to suit the purchaser. JOHN A. BOYKIN, AJm'r. April 25. HAVING been appointed and duly qualified to act as Justice of the Peace, will attend, promptly to all business in that capacity. He also, tenders his services to Merchants and others, for collections, &.c. He will, also, execute jobs of writing of every description with which he may be favored. Office over the shop of Messrs. M'Donalc & Watson. R. L WILSON. Camden April 25. 5t21. DR. E. H. ANDERSON, JR. OFFERS his professional services to| the inhabitants of Camden and its vicinity. He rnnv be found at l!ic office formerly occupied by his father. Dr. E. II. Anderson. April 25. Feeling ray health somewhat improved, impatience of idleness, and particularly from the motive of assisting my son with m> counsel and personal attention to patients, as far as my strength will permit, I wish to resume the practice of my profession, and may be found either at the old stand, or at Maj. McWillie's for the present. E. H. ANDERSON, M. D. April 25. ti* JO SJJJ1J1 UPON Sanders' Creek, belonging to the estate of Col. Boykin, will, as heretofore, furnish every description of Lumber, at the old prices. JOHN A. NELSON, Miller. April 25. ?Com mil ted to the Jail OF Lmcaster District, on Monday, the 20th insl. as a runaway, a negro woman who calls herself Jenny Dawson, and says she belongs to her husband, Bob Bawson, of Randolph County, N. C and that she was brought to this State by a speculator by the name of Carter, and that she left said Carter near Taxahaw, in this District. Jenny is yellow complected, about fifty years of age, speaks quick when spoken to, and is quite intelligent. The owner is requested to come forward, prove property, pay charges, and take her away. ELLISON STRAWBRIDGE, April 25. Jailor L. D. Sheriff's Sales. BY virtue of sundry Executions to mc directed, will be sold before the Court House in Camden on the first Monday and Tuesday in May next, within the usual hours of sale, the following property, viz: One hundred and fifty acres of Land: more or less, bounded on the east by Mrs. Raiclifl'and others, levied upon and to be sold as the property of Wiley Hall, at the suit of Robinsons & Caldwell, (bearers.) One Horse, Saddle, Bridle and double Barrelled Gun, levied on and to be sold as the property of Win. Scott, at the suit of; the State of South Carolina and others. Conditions, Cash. Purchasers to pay for titles. BEN J. GASS, S. K. D. April 10. To Rent during the /Summer THE subscriber will rent his House in Log Town during the ensuing Summer, on moderate terms. C. M. BREAKER. April 10. Hoi se Bills, Printed at this Office. Just Received, \ BEAUTIFUL assortment of Spring l\. and Summer Goods, which will be sold unusually low. E. WARREN. April 26. 1'ROSPECTUS FOR THE EXTRA ii LOBE. THE publication of the "Extra Globe" will be commenced early in May, and he continued six months. * The first number will contain the proceedings of (he Democratic Convention to be held in Baltimore ihe first week in May, to nominate candidates for Picsident and Vice President of the United fSlutesTERMS. For 1 copy, $1 6 copies, 5 12 - 10 25 " *20 And in proportion for a greater number. Payment may be transmitted by mail, at our risk, postage paid. The notes of any incorporated bank in the United Slates, current in the section where the subscriber resides, will be received. But when subscribers can procure the notes of banks of . the Northern and Middle Stales, they will please send them. ?E3"No attention will be paid to any or- , der unless the money accompanies it. The low price for which we publish this paper. precludes credit to any person joriu? Therefore, it is unnecessary for any person to send an order not accompanied by the money. To insure all the numbers, subscriptions should be here by the 15th Maynex^ at farthest. BLAIR 6L RIVES. Washington City, April, 1840. The Jftauk of Camden, 8. CJ 16th APRIL, 1840. $ THE Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of this Bank will be held at the Banking House in Camden, on Monday, the 4ih of May proximo, when an election of seven . Directors lor the ensuing year, will be made. W.J GRANT, Cashier. The Charleston Courier will please insert the above twice a week, and the & Carolinian once a week until the 4th May. Committed to the Jail of Kershaw District on Wednesday last, a Negro boy, who says his name is CliFFE, and that he belongs to John Weston, of Lexington District. CtifTeislSor 19 years of age, light complected, and has two small scars on his forehead. The owner is requested to come forward, prove property, : pay charges and take him away. DANIEL BEAUFORD, J. K. D. Camden, April 18. FRESH SPRING And Summer Goods. THE subscribers have just received a handsome assortment of Spring and Summer Goods, CONSISTING IN PART, OP Klaeir P.rn no Pom Klot 44 blue black crimp'd <16. White, drab and brown French Linens, Striped and plain Linen Drill, Cotton Cassimere and Drilling. Merseilies Vesting, Very fine white Silk figored Valencia* A fine assortment of Cloths and Cassimeres 44 44 44 Handsome Printed Lawns and Muslins (just imported) Fine black and white Jackonet Muslin, 44 French Cambric Prints, A very handsome assortment of SPRING CALICOES, Fancy Gauze, Silk, Satin & Picnic Shawlf, i Ladies' summer Gloves, of every description, A fresh 'supply of Zephyr Worsted, and Canvas, English long Cloth, Cambrics and \luslirts - i* .ii oi an Kiiius, Linens, Lawns and Linen Cambric Hdk'fs. Bleached and unbleached Shirtings and Sheetings, Ladies' Hoods, new and old shape, They have, also, a good assortment of Gentlemen's white and drab HATS, for summer, Gentlemen and boy's Palm Leaf Hats, of different qualities. SHOES, of all kinds,'principally from White's factory. ?ALSO? A general assortment of Hardware, Groceries, &c., . which will besold unusually low for Cash. JONES IIUGHSON. Camden, March 21. ESTRAYaS'. TAKEN up at the plantation of the late Col. John Chesnut deceased, two estrays viz: a small COLT, two years old, three white feet and blazed face. Also, a bay mare PONEY, eight or nine years obi, with a few white hairs about the root of the tail, also a lew saddle spots on (he bach. The said estrays were left in the possession of the subscriber. The owner is requested to come forward, pay expenses, and thrtn awav. C. II. DAVIS. Camden, Marrh 29. 18 ~ ~17^ x1 ur iit'iii, THE store next door south of the subscriber's Drug Store. JAMES R. McKAIN. March 21.