Southern Cabinet, OF Litcratuic, Agriculture, Arts and Sciences. Under tiie above title, it i* proposed to publish in this place in January next, a monthly periodical, to he devoted to Ainusement and Instruct! ti, embracing Lit eraturr, the Arts and Scietn rs, Agriculture, Horticulture, Domestic and Kural Economy, Sporting Intelligence, tScc. The Literary department will embrace interesting and instructive /Tales, Narratives, Adventures, Sketches of Travels.' 1 1 ??. A I A/, n f f V pHlCCS UIIU prrsuilQf aurtti?H( c>| * w- ^ , Extracts from, and notices of new works. All new disco"eries in the Sciences and Arts, us well as interesting papers relating to either, will be immediately noticed, and when of sulBcienl interest will be transferred t > our columns; or such extracts given as will furn ish full information to our areders. In the Agsicultural department, special attention yvill be paid to the great interests of the South. From our Planters, we will endeavor to obtain much practical and useful information which now lies buried and known but to themselves-. In order that we may the more fully and effectually carry out this part of our plan, we propose to make frequent excursions into lite different sections, not only of this, but also of the adjoining States, for the purpose of personally inspecting and reporting on all the various operations which may be carried on, on the plantation we may visit. By persuing this plan steadily, (as we hope to do) much highly useful information will be obtained, which cannot fail to be of immense service to the Agricultural community, inasmuch as our planters will thus become acquainted with the practio s of other sections of the country, and mav from time to time adopt such as may pro-1 mise a greater recompence, than those,! they may at the time follow. Nor shall we confine ourselves to practical information only, but from the rich stores of know-1 ledge which are to be found among our planters, we hope to draw much which 11 "r..I on.l intarn^limr Will |)IW>C U3CIUI mail lilltlvauii^i Horticulture will also claim onr ;?tton-j tion, and we will endeavor to raise it from the low estate in which it now exists among us to one more worthy of if We will accordingly give not only practical directions, for the cultivation of fruits, Flowers and Vegetables, but entering into the scientific department, we will publish whatever we may find interesting.? Descriptions of new fruits, flowers and vegetables, as well as their culture, will be I given from time to time. The forcing department, which is but little attended to, iu the South, embracing the formation buil ding and management of hot beds, conservatories and hot houses will also be attended to. Domostic and Rural Economy will not be neglected, but whatever we can find likely to promote either, will be given in our columns. Sporting Intelligence, Anecdotes. On Dits, and various miscellaneous matters? which cannot well be classed, will swell our pages, and add interest to our periodical. In furtherance of our object, we will do all in our power to render this periodical highly interesting and instructive, and one which shall be welcomed by every member of such families as may patonise it.? To effect this, while we hope to contribute our share to the Original Literature of the day, as well as to add considerably to the stock of Agricultural information, yet we will freely draw from the sources open to us, in the numerous daily, weekly monthly and quarterly publications, which embracing every subject, abound not only in America, but also in Eutope, and from - * _ 11 _ i 4 i.. i. lliese we Will srieci UIIIJ SUCH uuu ira ns may prove highly interesting or instructive. The sources which are open to lis in each department are ample, and wc trust we shall be able lo render the South ern Compendium a highly acceptable visiter wherever known. Political and religious discussions will be excluded, and while we have our preft retire to b<>th, yet we will not admit of any thing which may he likely to wound the feelings of our readers. We have thus sketched the plan of onr periodical, and respectfully solicit for it -?support, "'insrrtguuns aim coniribuiions. Terms?The Southern* Compendium will be put listed on the 15th ofach month, in octavo form of G4 pages, at $5 per annum payable in advance. JOHN D. LEGARE. Charleston, Dec. 1S39. REDY MADE CLOTHING 1XTAT COST.JJl TIIE Subscriber will sell at cost. FROCK COATS, DRE-.S COATS, mid PANTALOONS. I1AAD, 1 bale rb gant French Red BL\NKF.TS Dec. 28. DAYM AN LEVYllead Quarter* 3tli Brigade, i UObKlKK, Jan. 20, 1S40. \ AN election for Colonel of tlie 22OOOCODCEQD^-!-l-stCS05a>C5 od s : ? I ^ 1 C3 " ? | ~ . * ...... - 2 3 ? ->o x qp ? o n T) ? ? x or ? ? od ' c - CliO-wKO-CtvO-OW? I *4?W?s|wC^W">^W'^v^3?s|cc>^W*vl? C. ** m c* r-? ? c"* - e-* * * i"* r* ? * = OOOC-03O0O0O00^ rt _ _ ? powaxcacoDoaaaDOio?? 2, M ? w ins W ? t;u? ?j M W t-2 W W O' >^>.^>>>>>>>^>>>> * * ? * wj I ? r. J 00 z fT ? jaw H^w ^ -PrS* P*-* o O 3 * ? "J 3 * _ no ? 03 ? ?? OZ." ?W -?>ZP p M M ?? 2 ?1 " M *1 r* J r- ^ r? 1 - H X ' < ^ "* ' < "" V. " *' 0 CWM o o ? The public are cautioned against receiving the same in payin> nt; they have never been issued by this liank, and will not be redeemed. D. L. McKAY, Cashier. [ Feb 29. 6tl3. AT THE I ACTUAL COST, H3f>FOR CASH.OCU r IHIEsubscriber being determined to lessen his stock of Dry Goods, Hardware and Saddlery, persons will do well to take advantage of this opportunity of purchasing Goods at the actual cost, for cash. The stock eomprises in part: Very heavy Duflil Blankets, Mackaoaw Blankets, Large Fiench Bed Blenkets, Blue Plains, Negro Linseys, Superfine black, blue, invisible green, brown and mix'd Cloths, Superfine black, blue, drab and other i i n cojoreu v/usMim irs) Superfine Doeskin Cassimere, Superfine and common Sattinetts, of all colours, Rogers' best Welsh Flannel, White & red Flannel of everyquality, Cotton, worsted and silk Stockings, Superfine and common Irish Linens, Superfine and common Long Lawns, Bird-eye and common Diapers, Fine and om ron Calicoes, ColouredCanibrics, Figur'd and cross-barr'd Muslins, Plain acd figui'd Swiss Muslins, Bobbinrt Lace, Splendid fig'd black Satin Vestings, White and color'd Mcrsellis^-dQ.? Fig'd black?iJ !t$^at 50 ctsTfor ladies' _d.ress.5s; wJIandsome plain black Silk, I Black Silk Velvet, Black Tabby do. Shallys and Mouslin Delaines, Alcrinoes of all (olours, Bombazettcs of all colours, Poneees, ver\ low, Fini* strL|>'d Homespuns, Bleach'd and unbleach'd Homespuns, Salt, Iron, Sugar. Coffee, Tea, Cordials, Best Sherry and Madeira Wines, Best French Brandy, Best Holland Gin, Monongahela and N. Carolina Whiskey, Port Wine in bottles, (very old,) With many other articles, bv HAYMAN LEVY. Jan. 7, m. iili a%vm*AM t A1 1 JbM HUM i BLaaaatA^r SKB??!?* YOU are ordered to parade in Camden on the first Saturday in March next, armed and equipped as the law directs. By order of Capt. Boyki.v. W. A. AKCRUM, 0. S. Feb. 33. For sale at the post-office,! Stationery & School-Books, | Among which are the following: Woodbridge's Geography, with Atlas, 1 Smith's do do Willis* do do Greetilcaf's English Grammar, Kirkham's do do Murray's do do Adam's Arithmetic, Smith's do Pike's do Kev t.n do Walker's School Dictionary, Columbian Orator, National Reader, Murray's Reader, New York Reader, Nos. 1, 2 and 3, Cabb's Juvenile Reader, Nos. 1, 2, &. 3, Parley's Little Reader, Parley's Tales of Europe, Africa, Asia anrl America, Child's first Book of History, do second do do do first reading Lessons, Pocket Expositors, do Juvenile Instructor, Popular Lessons, Child's Instructor, N. York Spelling Book, Elementary do Alphabet of Natural History, do of different nations, Receipt Books, Slates, of various sizes, Copy Books, Quills and Ink g Steel Pens, by the card, Paint Boxes, Amanacs, of different kinds, for 1840, Blank Books of various sizes, Memorandum B >oks, Wafers, hlnok and red. Lucifer Matches, low by the dozen. State ot South Carolina, KERSIUIV DISTRICT. William Cavan } vs > Bail Writ in Assumpsit. R. W. Dunlap, 3 P. Menard ^ vg > Bail Sum. Tro. Account. R W. Dunlap, ) Jno. M. Niolon ) V3 s Bail Sum. Pro. acc't ii note. R. W. Dunlap, 3 T. R. Sessions } va > BaiUSum Pro. Account. R. W. Dunlap, ) Charles Jugr.ot } vs > Bail Sum Pro Account. R. W. Dunlap, ) N. B. Arrnnts i vs > Bail Sum P;o. Note. I R. W. Dunlap,.) I Jas. R. M'Kain } vs > Bail Snm Tro. Account R. W. DunJap, ) J. II. Anderson Bail Snm Fro. Acc't. Robert W. D unlap, S ROBERT W. DITVLAP, the Defendant, who is in the custody of the Sheriff of the said District, by virtueof the Writs and Processes in the above stated cases, having, in order to entitle himself to the benefit of the Act entitled " an Act for the more effectual relief of Insolvent Debtots," filed a Schedule of his whole real and personal estate in the Clerk's office of the said District, Notice is hereby given to the said plaintiffs and to all and singular the creditors of the said Robert W. Dunlap, personally or by attorney, to be and a| pear at the Court of Common Pleas to be holden at Kershaw Court House, for Kershaw District, before one of the Associate Judges of the said State, on the fonrth Monday in March next, at which time and place, the said R. YV. Dunlap will apply for his discharge under the said Act, to show cause, if any they can, against the said discharge. G. Q. M'lNTOSII, c. c. c. p. Clerk's Office, ) Dec. 24, 1S30. j 13t3. $17 73prs. fee, JUST RECEIVED, And For Sale at the Post Office, a fresh supply GARDEN SEEDS, of the growth of 1839, warranted fresh and genuine, Among which are the following: Early Spring Turnip, White Onion, I Ruin Rnirn or Vf-ilnw Red do Russia" Ho Long Green Cuc'imbrrLarge Norfolk field do """ do Large Globe glummer bush Squash. or Early Orange do .-^"ADcrdten do Summer crook neck do Green Glazed Cabbage, Long "White Okra, F.arly York do Short Gri en do Early Dutch do Large Squash Fepper, Early Sugar loaf do Salsify, or Vegetable Large English Savoy do Oyster, j Drum Ilcad do Cmled Parser, Late Dutvh do Nasturtiums, Red Dutch do Solid Celtery, French Sugar Pert, Early Charkan Teas, Early Turnip do Early .Tuna do Long Blood do White Marrowfat do Early Yellow do Bishop's Early dwarf do Long Orange Carrot. Blue Imperial do Swelling Pnrstiip, Early China dwarfRenn Long bl k winter Radish White kidney dwarf do Long Scarlet do Pole Cranberry do C..I 1?. I im. A-1 1..U J I j >L ill i v I o li U1 I L? 'J' it1' 111 * Whito Turnip do White Dutch runingdo Scarlet do do ALSO::::Rcceived, a few of the Rohan Potatoes, which may be had by applying early. Jan. 18. r NOTICE. ~ ALT. persons having demands against the Estate of the lite Col. JohiiChesiiwt. arc requested to hand them legally attested, to the Executrix and Executors, and those who are indebted to the said Estate are desired to make payment to ELLEN CHESNUJ, Executrix. JAMES CI1ESNUT, i THOMAS WIIITAKER, } Ex'rs. JAMES CHESNUT, Jr. ) 1 Feb. 1. snt4i9 GODOLPHIN. ^1^ HIS celebrated Horse will stand the approaching season, commencing on the 1st. of March, and ending the 1st of Jnly, at Carnden, and at J. W. Cantey's Plantation onLynch's Creek?one half of each week alternately, at each place, commencing at Camden, on the 1st of March. GOsiOLPHIlV is a beautiful sorrel of great bone and muscle, combining beauty and strength with line action. ICf-By reference to the American Stud n r>A/li/TOAD f\C r?/iT?AT PHT1M DOUlV, lilt CiKllMBK may be seen, together with an account of his performances on the turf. Mates will be fed at fifty cents a day, and the same for servants. Every care will be taken to prevent accidents, but no responsibility should they occur. The terms aTe fifty dollars for the season, and seventy-five to insure a foal; with fifty rents to the groom. Camden, Feb. 21. - 6tl2. %# The Carolina Planter will publish the above till the 1st of April and forward his bill to this office. TAXES. WOTICE is hereby given, that I will attend at the following times and places, for the purpose of collecting the State and Poor Taxes for the year 1839, viz:? On Monday, 2nd of March at Liberty TItll. nn fuacilotr ??rh at flat LJIJJ, Oil A Htouujj v... w, ??u.v.i u? * iu. Rock; on Wednesday, 4th of March at Buffalo; on Thursday, 5th of March at Lizenby's, on Friday, 6th of March at Schrock's Mill; on Saturday 7th of March at Cureton's Mill. Previous to, and after the above-named times, I will attend at Mr. James Dunlap's St )re in Camden, until the first day of May nest, at which time the books will positively be closed, and all defaulters double taxed J. W. DOBY, t. c. k. b. Feb. I. SCHOOL BOOKS. |T ATIN and Greek Grammars, Exerciscs, Dictionaries and Classics.? English Exercises and Grammars, by Smith, Kirkham, Grecnleaf and Murray? /-, l.. o ? ;.l l< :i rp i ueograpnies, uy cwiuri, oiiiney, ti uuubridge, Williard and Parley? Arithmetics, Davies' Smith's, Smiley's, Pike's and Bridge's.? Kirkham's Elocution, Porter's & Town's Analysis. Parker's Progressive Exercises in^English ('(imposition. Historical, and tectcntitic Class hooks.? 1st, 2nd anrl 3rd Book of History for Children. Willards Universal History. Tytlev's History. Grimshaw's Ilistoiy of the United States, with Questions. Willard's Republic of America. Roman Antiquities.? s Philosophy, Botany and Chemistry, for beginners?the same, for advanced pupils. Davics' Algebra, Geometry, Surveying and Linear Perspective. Hniton's Mathematics. Bonneyeastle's Algebra. Playfair's Euclid. Yince's Fluxions. Keith on the Globes. Simpson's Conic Sections.? French, Italian and Spanish Grammars and Dictionaries. French Exercises and Colloquial Phrases. Perriti's French Fables. Bolmar's and Lebrun's Ttlemaqnc. Vie dc Washington, L'llistoire Etats U- ~ nis. ALMANACS FOR 1840. The Penny Magazine and Cyclopedia from 1832 to the past year. Pickwick Papers. Waverly Novels, in complete setts, and a variety of others. Stationery, Toys and Fancy Boxes, Victoria Siee Pens, Ruled Account Paper, Porcelain Slates, Visiting Cards,