ceutly been living with her mother at BcrW gen, New Jersey, and had visited her m birth p|ace, on Stat.-n Island; that about a month since she catn<' bark to the city, j and went to the house in Lewis street, where apartments had been provided for her by Floor. She said that Floor never called on her; but once at the house in Lewis street; that 011 last Tuesday week she called on Floor at his slaughter-house, and asked him fur some money, with which to j>a\ li.e house rent. Floor put her off with >ome short answer, and gave her a half dollar. Ag-J grieved ai mis ireauueui, sue ?untu ?v.venge, ami with the halt' dollar she on her way home stopped at a drug store in Olive street, and purchased some arsenic. On the following Saturday she mixed the ars enic with a cake, which she baked and took to Floor at the market. The rest is known. The prisoner is about 25 years of age, and has rather an interesting countenance. At the conclusion of her examination; she < expressed a desire to see the Rev. Henry Chase, by whom she was married to Fjoor. Her wish in this respect was complied with; Mr. Chase was sent for, and the' prisonar was again remanded to her lonesome cell. Effect of Habit on the Infant mind.? "I trust every thing to habit; habit, upon which all ages, the lawgiver, as will as the schoolmaster, has mainly placed reliance; habit, which makes every thing easy and casts ait difficulties upon the deviation from the wonted course. Make sobriety a habit, and intemperance will be 1 J ?i ? l.uKW ftulciUJ una nam; mawe (iciuuiiitt u ?>., and reckless profligacy will be as contrary to the nature of the child grown an adult, as the most atr-'Cious crimes are to any of your lordships. Give a child a habit of sacredly regarding the truth?of carefully respecting trie property of others ?of scrupulously abstaining from all acts of improvidence which can involve him in distress, and he will just as litde think of lying or cheating, or stealing, as of rushing into an element in which he cannot breathe." Early formation of Good. Habits.?"If a child is neglected till six years of age, no subsequent education can recover it.? If to this age it is brought up in dissipation and ignorance, iu ail the baseness of brutal habits, >.nd in that vacancy of mind which such habits create, it is in \aiu to attempt to reclaim it by teaching it reading and writing. You nut) teach what you ch-mse afterwards, but if you ha i?. ,i_ r>^i? r> .1...,., L?Oll? OCtintTl UU I Uif V1UUUC1IJ u'J Kurly scarlet short top do Limn do Whito Turnip do White Dutch tuning Jo Scarlet do do A LSO::::Recoivcd, a few of tin Rohan Potatoes, which may he had by applying eariy. Jan. 18. SCHOOL BQOKT" LATIN and Greek Grammars, Exercises, Dictionaries and Classics.? English Exercises and Grammars, by Smith, Kirkham, Greenleaf and Murray ? Geographies, by Smith, Smiley, Woodbridge, Williaid and Parley? Arithmetics, Davies' Smith's, Smiley's, Pike's and Bridge's.? Kirkham's Elocution, Porter's & Town's Analysis. Parker's Progressive Exercises in English Composition. Historical, and Scientific Class Books.? 1st, 2nd and 3rd Book of History for Children. Willards Universal History. Tytler's History. Grimshaw's and Goodrich's History ot the United States, with Questions. Willard's Republic of America. Roman Antiquities.? Philosophy, Botany and Chemistry, for beginners?the same, for advanced pupils. Duvies' Algebra, Geometry, Surveying ami Lenear Perspective. Htitton's Mathematics. Bonneyecstle's Algebra. Playfair's Euclid. Vince's Fluxions. Kirth on the Globes. Simpson's Conic Sections.? French, Italian and Spanish Grammars and Dictionaries. French Exercises and Colloquial Phrases. Perrin's French Fables. Bolmar's and Lebrun's Telemaque. Vie dc Washington, IVllistoire Etats Unis. ALMA-SACS FOR 1840. The Penny Magazine and Cyclopedia, from 1S32 lo the past year. Pickwick Papers. Waverly Novels, in complete setts, and variety others. Stationery, Toys and Fancy Boxes, Victoria Steel Pens, Ruled Account Paper, Porcelain Slates, Visiting Cards, &c. For Sale bv ALEXANDER YOUNG. January 18. 3t7 JUST received, and for sale at the Post Office, a few boxes of superior Bunch Raisins, very low by ibe box. Also, Fresh Candies and Kisses of a superior quality. Dec. 31. NOTICE. WILL be sold at Liberty Hill on the 1st Saturday in February next, the Thorough bred Horse NEW RECRUITER, formerly owned by John Ballard Esq., on a credit of twelve months. J. PATTERSON, Agent for the owner. Jan. 17. ~7ust received, BY Boyd's fast sailing boat, Belle, Captain Jack, master only one hundred and Ant ft* r\ m I1kort..fl?n 1^1 %. J Ud J ^ UUk lit/Ml VIIUJ JLOIUU) 10,000 lbs. of Wetherill's WHITE LEAD, which the subscriber will, for the CASH, sell at prices hitherto unheard of in this place. He has, also, lately received large additions to his stock of Paints, Linseed Oil, Window Glass, Medicines, dec. making it as complete as any in the State, and all of which will be warranted equal in quality, to any stock in the country and will be sold for CASH at prices unusually Off. HJ^The subscriber returns his thanks to such of his customers as have liberally patronized and punctually paid him, since his commencement in business here. To those who owe him accounts of two and three years' standing, he would say, their money is wanted, and if it is not got soon they must pay costs. SCj'The subscriber will discount ten per cent, on all bills purchased from him where the cash is paid and the amount exceeds five dollars. JAMES R. McKAIN. Jan. 28. tf7 THE subscriber wish, f i n it tn disnnsp of a small MJES interesting collection of */' ' liteSSa# English, Spanish and Italian Works, offers to sell tlicm at Tory moderate prices. The editions are accurate. The Italian productions were selected amongst the collection of L. Da Ponte. r. MENARD. Camden, Jan. 18. AT THE ACTUAL COST, StTFOR CASH.^CH PgMIE subscriber being determined to lessen his stock of Dry Goods, Hardware and Saddlery, persons will do well to take advantage of this opportunity of purchasing Goods at the actual cost, for cash. The stock comprises in part: Very heavy Dulfil Blankets, Mackanaw Blankets, Large French Bed Blcnkets, Blue Plains, Negro Linscys, .Superfine black, blue, invisible green, brown and inix'd Cloths, Superfine black, blue, drab and other rolumi Cassiuicres, Superfine Doeskin Cassimere, Superfine and common Sattinetts, of ail colours, Rogers' best Welsh Flannel, White &, red Flannel of every quality, Cotton, worsted and silk Stockings, Superfine and common Irish Linens, Superfine and common Long Lawns, Bird-eye and common Diapers, Fine and omtnon Calicoes, ColouredCambrics, Figur'd and cross-barr'd Muslins, Plain acd figur'd Swiss Muslius, Bobbinet Luce, Splendid fig'd black Satin Vcstings, White and color'd Mersellis do. Fig'd black Silks, at 50 cts. for ladies' dresses, Handsome plain black Silk, Black Silk Velvet, Black Tabby do. Shallysand Mouslin Delaines, Alcrinoes of all colours, Bombazcttes of all colours, Pongees, very low, Fine strip'd Homespuns, Bleach'd and unbleach'd Homespuns, Salt, Iron, Sugar, Coffee, Tea, Cordials, Best Sherry and Madeira Wines, Best French Brandy, Best Holland Gin, Monongahelaand N.Carolina Whiskey, Port Wine in bottles, (very old,) With many other articles, by HAYMAN LEVY. Jan 7, "Tcard. ~ MRS. CARPENTER & HOLMES, in addition to their former stock of Millinery, and Fancy Goods, have just received a very handsome assortment of FRENCH EMBROIDERIES. French Perlumery, (of a superior kind,) with Fancy Boxes and Bags, for Confcc tionary, and many other tancy Articles, suitable for NEW TEARS PRESENTS All of which they will sell on very rea sonable terms. Dec. 14. READY MADE CLOTHING \STAT COST.jji the Subscriber will sell at cost, frock coats, dress coats, and PaJNTAloons. i Also?ON HAND, 1 bale elegant French Bed BLANKETS. Dec. ?$ HAYMAN LEVY. SHERIFF'S SALES. BY virtue of sundry Executions to me directed, will be sold before theCotirl House in Camden, on the first Monday and Tuesday, being the 3rd and 4< to be sold as the properly of Eli Crei?h ton, at the suit of Murray Richards r two horses, nearly new. A!?o# .in i xeelivnt Fumilv Horse. Applv at this office. ' !>eV. M.