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I'M!!: CAMDEN JM'RAtL li\EW SERIES.] VOL. I. CAMDEN, SOUTH CAROLINA, SATURDAY JANUARY 4, IS40. NO. 5. -K TK3 OAMD32T JQuP.^AL Is Published every Saturday Morning, B? THOMAS W. PEGUES, At three dollars in advance; three dollars and fifty cents in six months; or four dollars at the expiration of the year. Advertisements inserted at 75 cents per square for the first, atid 37 1-2 for each subsequent insertion.? The number of insertions to be noted on all advertise racnts, or they will be published until ordered to be discontinued, and charged accordingly. One dollar' per square will be charged for a single insertion. ! Semi-monthly, Monthly and Qurtcrly advertisements will bo charged tho same as new ones each insertion. All Obituary Notices exceeding six lines, and Communications recommending Candidates for pub-! ic Offices of profit or trust?or puffing exhibitions, will be charged as advertisements. Accounts lor Advertising and Job ? orK win do presented for payment, quarterly. jy All Letters by mail must be post paid to insure punctual attention. 'iwiiwiHn iiii.ifKnatv.i.Auw1HWX^PIJP VALENDAR j FOR 1810. & H 2! H T3 a 3D O = ^ s- 3. ? s , 3 2 c a. sr ts g. s. =- 2 ? 5 g* ? ? 5 ~ < g. ,2 " * 2L 3 x - " a ? ^ ! JANUARY", 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1G 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 20 27 28 29 30 31 FEBRUARY, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 20 27 28 29 j MARCH 1 2 3 4 5 G 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 10 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 23 20 27 28 29 30 31 APRIL, 1 2 3 4 5 0 7 8 9 10 J1 12 13 14 15 10 17 18 19 20 21 22 32 24 25 20 27 28 29 30 MAY, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 10 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 20 27 28 29 30 31 JUNE, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1112 13 14 15 10 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 JULY, 1 2 3 4 5 0 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 29 21 22 23 24 25 20 27 28 29 30 31 AUGUST. 1 2 3 4 5 0 7 8 0 10 11 12 31 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 20 27 23 20 30 31 SEPTEMBER, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 23 20 30 OCTOBER, 1 -S 3 ~ 5 6 7 9 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 29 30 30 31 NOVEMBER, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 8 10 11 12 13 11 15 16 17 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 25 20 27 29 29 30 i DECEMBER, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 10 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 29 29 30 31 I Direct Importations. , English Flatus, Blankets, Xc. THE Subscribers would inform theiri onr] Oio f!lo* flwttr VluTi* PO II ICilUO O 11U %! ?? I'UifllV liiu. ???? J w cently imported from Bunv, England, a heavy supply of superior PLAINS f BLANKE TS, which they can afford to sell at prices as ow as t!iev can be purchased in Charleson. Those wanting 10 purchase i\egro i loth* and Blankets, will find it to their advantage to call and examine their assortment. Tlmy hare also, just received from the agent of the manufacturer in Holland, a full assortment of B9LT1XG CLOTHS, of various sizes, which they warrant to bo a superior article, and which they will soli at reduced prices. C. it F. MATHESON. Dee. 21. tf3 JOB PRINTING, NEATLY EXECUTED ?T THIS OFFICE. JUST RECEIVED, A EVV supply of English and Classical School Books, Blanks, Day Books, Ledgers, &c.?Also? AA1VUALS FOB 1S10. Fi :e editions of the Fible, and Book of Common Praver, Hymn Books, large and small size, Catechisms, of the several denominations, American Sunday School Union Questions, No. 1 to No. G, School Testaments. For sale by A. YOUNG. Camden, Dec. 21. 3t3 The Bank of Camden, S. C. December 26, 1839. THE Directors of this Bank having declared a semi-annual dividend on the old stork, of $?00 per share, payment of the same will be made on and after the 1st of January, IS10. The third and last instalment of $12 50 per share on the new stock is payable on the 1st of January, 1810. W." J. CHANT, Cashier. Bank of Charleston, S. C. THE Legislature at its late Session, having passed an Act authorising the postponement to a future period of the payment of the 3d and 4th Instalments on the additional Capital of this Bank, the Stockholders are informed that the some will not be required to be paid on the first Monday and Tuesday iu January next, as directed by the Charter. By order of the Board. Dec. 25. A. G. ROSE, Cashier. State ot South Carolina, KERSHAW DISTRICT. William Cuvan } vs > Bail Writ in Assumpsit. R. W. Dunlap, ) P. Menard \ vs / Bail Sum. Pro. Account. R. \V. Dunlap, S Jno. M. Xi'jlun ) s > Bail Sum. Fro. acc't it noio. R. W. Duulap, ) T. R. Sessions } vs > Bail Sum Pro. Account. R. W. Dunlap, ) Charles Jugi.ot i v i > Bail Sum Pro Account. R. W. Dunlap, ) N. B. Arrants i vs > Bail Sum Pro. Note. R. W. Dunlap, j Jas. K. M'Kain ) rs > Bail Snm Pro. Acoount R. W. Dunlap, ) J. II. Anderson <fc co. 1 s > Bail Snin Pro. Acc't. : Robert W. Dunlap, S ROBERT W. DUXLAP, the Defendant, who is in the custody of the Sheriff of the said District, by virtue of the Writs and Processes in the above stated cases, having, in order to entitle himself to the benefit of the Act entitled ** an Act for the rrmre effectual relief of Insolvent Debtots," tiled a Schedule of his whole real and personal estate in the Clerk's of ncc of the said District, Notice is hereby given tothe said plaintiffs and 'o all and singular the creditors of the said Robert AV. Dnnlap, personally or by attorney, to be and at near at the Court of Common Pleas to be holdcn at Kershaw Court ttoiftv, far.i. Kershaw District, before one of the Associate Judges of the said State, on the fourth Monday in March next, at which time and place, the said R. W. Dun lap will apply for his discharge under the said Act, to show cause, if any they can, against the said discharge. G. Q. M'lNTOSII, c. c. c. r. | Clerk's Office, ) Dec. 24, ls39. S 13t3. prs. fee, $1775 READY MADE CLOTHING ay ATCOST.^TJ} | THE Subscriber will sell at cost, FROCK COATS, DRESS COATS, and PaNTALOONS. Also-OS HAND, 1 bale elegant French Bed BLANKETS. Apply to Doc. 28. DAYMAN LEVY. "perfume ity. A N assortmeRt of Perfumery just re reived ami for sale by JONES &. HUGIISON. Dor. 6, 18:19. Irish Potatoes. A LOT of JVorihcni Potatoes, of the white kind, very fine for planting or family use?Just received and for sale at TIIE POST OFFICE. Dec. 6. WASTED. AS an apprentice to ihe Printing Business, a youth from l-l to 15 years of age D<-c. BLANK MORTGAGES FOL SALE AT THIS OFFICE. PROSPECTUS OF THE FARMERS GAZETTE, AND CHERAW ADVERTISER. TIIF. Editor of the Cheraw Gazette has determined, at the uggestion of the Pee Doe Agricultural Society, to devote more space than formerly to Agriculture, and matters pertaining specially toils interests. About nine columns, or a page and a hulf weekly, will be occupied with this subject, except when it shall be necessary to make room for Executive Messages, and a few other political papers such as every intelligent citizen ought to read. A large proportion of what shall appear under the Agricultural head must, of course, be selected. But the numerous Agricultural periodicals now published in this country afford ..hundant and excellent materials for selection; and, after a short time, the reports, and other papers of the Pee Dee Agricultural Society will themselves, form no considerable body of original matter, all of it adapted particularly to this part of the country. And it is hoped, also, that among the numerous intelligent and enterprising planters of surrounding districts and counties some may be found who will, occasionally, take the trouble of contributing to the columns of the paper the result ol their experience. Among the subjects which will engage the Editor's attention the culture of silk shall not be overlooked. Ample instructions will he given, in their proper season, for cultivating the morus multicaulis and making silk. The paper will espouse the cause of no party in politics, but shall contain an im partial summary ot political intelligence and, occasionally, able speeches and well j written essays (when met with) fairly (lis cussing the principles and measures o! all parties. It is believed that a comparative-1 iv small space devoted to political subjects j in this way may be made more profitable j lo the Farmer of domestic habits, who! wishes to be acquainted with the true state , of the country and qualified for a proper; and intelligent discharge of the duties of; citizenship, than a whole sheet filled, from week to week, and year to year, wiih one-1 sided discussions, and the mere quarrels! of editors and politicians,?whilst, at the same time, it will not be calculated to es-i strange neighbor from neighbor, or to; mislead imo e belirf that one half of the; country are less patriotic than the other, i or less ardently attached to our republican: institutions. So much of the fourth page as shall no | be occupied with standing advertisement^, will generally be filled up with matter o : m >ral and religious cast, and articles conducive, in other respects, to proper! family instruction and family discipline. PRO?P?CTlT8 OF THE CAROLINA PLANTERTHERE will be published at the Seat of; trovennent, as recommended Dy Agricul-j tuial Convention, a paper devoted to the! interests of the planter. It is thought pro-! per that there should be, at the centre of' the State, a publication suited to the awakened spirit of enquiry, on this great sub- > ject. | While the main object of the paper will! be the diffusion of Agricultural knowledge,' other topics of general interest in News, Science, Literature. <fcc. will not be neg- , lected. The promised aid of many of our most distinguished men, will contribute to its interest at?l usefulness Politics will be excluded, that the labors of the Editor may be acceptable to all. The Carolina Planter will be edited by R. W. Gibbes, M. D., and published bv A. S. Johnston, every week, at 82 50 per annum. It will be neatly printed, on an imperial sheet in quarto shape. The first number will be issued early in January. Columbia, D'.-e. 4 A letter published in the New York Express, dated at Rochester in that State,' menti*?s that rumors are prevalent thatanother attempt against Canada will be made this winter by the "patriots." A,1 number of Canadian refugees are congre- 1 gated on this side of the line, and the pub-; lie armories are guarded, but very little confidence is placed in the reports. Cruelty.?Some demi-savage at Cambridge, Mass. covered a horse all over with spirit gas and set him on fire. A woman seeing him running by, horse and j harness both in flames, thought it was the pale horse of the Apocalypse. The barbarian actors in the scene had to pay 8100 and costs. A few weeks since, we published a list 1 of the Banks of this ?tnfc which hail sus-f prnded, and of those which had not ? ' Amongst the number suspended was the ] Bank of Georgetown; but the American 1 of a late date states, that the Bank "has 1 not suspended specie payments, nor will it l suspend, while a dollar remains in its ] vauhs.?Grccnrillc Mountaineer. From the Biltimoie Clippor. Our Country.?Many hare been lh?predictions in relation to our own counr try. Some who pretend to much wisdom in predication, have assumed to say that the day may not be distent when our proud institutions will lie caused to tremble, and finally, like ancient republics, topple and fall. Others again, discard all such prognostics, and tell us that the foundation of American republicanism, stands firm as the rock of ages?that the strong arm of the law, the inalienable and inherent rights of freedom, together with an irreproachable Constitution, will defend her until she sinks, wrecked by the potent elements of nature, into her original chaos. Others again, pretend to have foreseen a lack of political intelligence and virtue upon the part ol our law-givers and law defenders?think that because the 6pml uf party feeling is carried to so high a pitch, and that self-interest too much usurps the claims of true patriotism. In this, perhaps there may be too much truth. To compare our public men now with those who formed the basis of our government, and struck the first blow in the great cause of fre edom, the contrast is too obvious. Then, the great consideration wnt in nrprtmnliish that u'hiph wnilld ?? ? , ........ ? tend to universal good, without having any reference at all to individual emolument. When the utility of a principle or measure become obvious, it was not a continued wrangling between parties and partizans, who should have the ascendency, claim the honor of its first promulgation and also ol bringing it to bear, but it was carried forward by a concert of prompt and immediate action, and characteriued by a unanimity of feeling, which gained the approbation of all. There were iiv jiiivaic tuuuuius IU prujuut octici plans through private interest, to carry out measures diametrically opposed to general good, and militating against the very first principles of human right. The love of country was then engraven upon each heart, which was the great and noble incentive to deeds of glorious patriotism. We would not censure our present dignified functionaries, who preside over the destinies of a growing and happy nation, but merely wonder how they would look, and how their proceedings would meet the exigencies of the times, were it possible to transplant them in the situation of those who legislated in the days oi our revolutionary struggle. Then, each moment lost, was as a leaf fallen from the tree of liberty, or a drop of blood taken from the heart of freedom. We are truly happy that the transposition is impossible. All L 1! 1_ __ I Ail repuoncs nereiuiure esiaunsneu. contained within themsslves the seeds of their rwn destruction, we mean those which hare long since emerged into despotism. This, then, teaches us an important national lesson, and that is, to guard against the evils which have caused the downfall of others. We have nothing to fear?no enemy which cau in the least effect us, but the one which exists within our own borders, and that is party strife, seism and disunion?a contention, as it were, for self-interest and personal agrandisement. Our public men are too apt to forget that they hre public servants?paid by the public to transact their business, without any referrence but their weal. There can be but little doubt as yet relative to the permanency of our government. We possess advantages superior to any other republican system ever formed. First, our Constitution has been tried in the ordeal of wisdom and found to be perfect; and secondly, there exists among us ?ne great and important principles upon wiiic.i aVi-afTfefc^ andjqtker* again of an obnoxious nature, which we all repudiate and condemn. We ail agree upon the grand and broad principle of republicanism. Whatever may be our difficulties or umeri'iicus iu mcienuc tu uuuui |juiu?af yet we come back to that, and rally round the star spangled banner and the proud eagle of liberty as a band of brothers.? We have no hereditary aristocracies to oppress the poor?our institutions of learning are open to all?the peasant can rise to eir.incnce, while those who roll in the lap of luxury can do no more. We are a free people, estimated by our intelligence and virtue. Our character does not depend upon ephemeral and sordid dross, but upon those superior adorning qualities which spring up in the immorral mind.? We have a distributive wealth, which, by circums:ances, may fall into the hands of one and then into those of another. Thus we are made happy by having incentives to ambition and hopes which are only held out to those who enjoy the blessings of a government such as America alone can boast. A Christmas Present.?On Tliurs- 1 day night last, a gentleman residing in Ca- rial street, while enjoying the pleasures of ? a cheerful hearth, and the converse of a ( jroung wife, heard a rap at his door. He immediately opened the door and observ- ( ed a bundle lying on the steps; there being ' no one hut himself present?he took the prize and bore it to his wife. On exarni- i nation it was found to contain a fine little i : boy, who could give no account of him I self, as he did not understand a word of our language, and seemed to have known the world only three or four hours. The dress of the infant was rather rich, and must have cost six or seven dollars. The little foundling has got into good quarters, and is doing well. So much for facts?but how can the unnatural mother balance accounts with her feelings? She will meet her child in after times, and who can tell the agony she will suffer in the struggle between nature and pride??Baltimore Clipper. The Onio.?No river in the world rolls for a thousand miles a cunent so smooth anrl npa/?Afnl Tta triKiifanoo ixrinrl tfirrk* 1*1 1VA |VVt?VV* U I* AM uiuumtlvil TVIIIVft illAV as many vallies in ten different States.? The Tennessee, the first in sixe, having passed a navigable course through three States, for more than one thousand miles, falls into the Oliio river fifty miles above its mouth; the Cumberland?sixty two miles?being navigable for steamb~<a(s to Nashville; and for keel boats three hundred miles further; the Wabash two hundred miles; Green river two hundred and . eighty miles from the month of the Ohio river?navigable two hundred miles, r." ' two hundred yards wide at the m \'.b:? The Kentucky, five hundred and f unnies, navigable to the salines, whsre is. annually made from five to seven thousand bushels of salt; Great Muskingum, nine hundred and fifty miles. These are its principal auxiliaries which give substance and strength to the Ohio. In its course of more than a thousand miles, it \vashc3 six States, and with its tributaries lias more than five thousand miles of navigable waters. Its main width is six hundred yards with the exception of the lowest fifty miles?the average rapidity of its current * is three miles an hour. It rises fifty or more feet. At low water, its surface ii supposed to be one hnndrod and thirty feet below the level of Lake Erie, and four hundred and thirtv above the tide water of the Atlantic.?In. Scene is a School Room.?"Young gentlemen I will now explain to you the distinction between the active and passive verbs. An active verb expresses an tion, as John struck Asa. A passive vert, the receiving of an action, as Asa iocs struck. You perceive the distinction? the nominative being in one case the active, and in the other the passive?John struck Asa; Asa was struck. Now you wiil tell me the passive verb?John struck Asa ?what did Asa do?" "Dunno." "Next'* ?" I dunno sir." "Next"?"What,, can't any of you tell?" "E'es, I can tell."? "That's you, you are an honor to your class and a soOrce of pride to your respectable parents. What's the passive verb?John struck Asa?-what did Asado?" "Iguess he gin him a tarnal fogging. I should Ib. Female Resioxatiox.?Dcaccn Marvin, of Lyme, Connecticut, a large landholder, and exemplary man, was exceedingly eccentric in some of his notions.? His courtship, it is 3aid was as follows:? Having one day mounted his horse, with only a sheep skin for a saddle, he rode in front of the house wherein Betty Lee lived, and, without dismounting, requested Betty to come t? him; On her coming, he told her that the Lord had 9ent him there to marry* her. Betty, without much hesitation replied, "The Lord's will be done." Ib. FOR THB CAMDEN JOURNAL. " ^ REFLECTIONS ON THE NEW YEAR. There is something peculiar in the feelings of an individual on each return of his birth day. It seems to act as a resting place, or pause in the history of life, for .1 e klir pur|JU3C Ul uciii/ciauuust ?*i aa u oui?* ible time for the difficult, but important task of self examination and reflection.? So too, the New Year offers an opportulity peculiarly adapted to this great end. It is then, the mind is turned back to tho iransactions of the year that has passed, ind caused to review the works we hare eft behind for others to observe and investigate. When engaged in reflections ike these we hold council with days and nontha that hare fled to join the ranks of >blivious time, and see wherein we have rred. What duties we have neglected: .vhat unholy pleasures wc hare indulged; vhat daring sins we have committed; xhnt prospects hare been blighted; and vhat pious exhortations have been rcsist!<!. At this season too. let us ask ourselves, how the jear, whose dying knell las just fallen upon our ears, has beet, ipent. How have our opportunities b^c mproved? What noble deeds have w lone? What monuments of 'r::c greatness.