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THE CAMDEN JOURNAL. [NEWSERIES.] VOL. 1. C.11IDEV, SOUTH CAROLINA, SATI KDAI DECEMBER i31, 1820. AO. 3. MiMMMMM-TnniM-WlirMMWTmnil? Hill mt rM??fB??W?JMIfB?P???3?MP??B?? "S3 OA1CD32T JOURNAL Is Published every Saturday Morning, BV THO.TIiS W. PEGJJES, At three dollars in advance; three dollars and fifty cents in six months; or four dollars at the expiration of the year. Advertisements inserted at 75 coats per square for the first, and 37 1-2 for each subsequent insertion.? The number of insertions to be noted on all advertisements, or they will be published until ordered to be discontinued, and charged accordingly. One dollar per square will be charged for a single insertion. All Obituary Notices exceeding six lines, and Communications recommending Candidates for public Offices of profit or trust?or puffing exhibitions, will bo charged as adi ertisemonts. A i i>,rl T?K XVnrlr tvill bp X\tUUUMW iWl iWIWIMWUJi U.1IV* j/VU T?w..? -? presented for payment, quarterly. (E;'AH Lettors by mail must be po^t paid to insure punctual attention. A^Ticiiltisral. RETORT Of the Committee of the Agricultural Society of South Alabama, on the Twin or Okra Cotton, at its fall meeting in Montgomery, Nov. 5th, 1S30. The committee appointed to inquire and report every tiling deemed interesting in relation to the twin cotton, as far as ascertained, have had the same ender consideration, and report: From the very short time that the twin cotton has been cultivated, together with the diiticulty of procuring the necessary information, your committee are not prepared cither to present many facts, or make such suggestions as should have weight with the society. We can only offer for your consideration the little information it has been in our power to obtain. Various have been the opinions entertained as to the origin of the twin cotton;? whilst, perhaps a majority contend, that it is of an entirely separate and distinct genus from the common Petit Gul?others are of opinion that it is one and the same, but that is litis been brought to its present state of perfection by care and attention. They arc led to this conclusion from the fact, that indications of its degenerating into the common kind, have in some instances been discovered. That it is superior to any cotton heretofore amongst us, cannot admit of a doubt. Worn actual experiment, we arc inclined to the belief that the poorest soil is best adapted to its successful production. Upon very rich lands the weed or stalk grows to an enormous vheight, is slender and weak; so soon then as the bolls appear and arrive at any size, top falls to the ground, thereby injuring the further growth and rendering the gathering of the cotton, when matured, exceedingly dnlicult. Your committee arc ol opinion that this might be partially, if not entirely remedied, by early topping. Tiiis would have the ellbct of' strengthening the stalk, and causing the whole to spread.? A greater HusJit of bolls would be forrn" t d upon ea :h su-m. and the,nicking or gathering rendered comparatively easy.? The twine ?it at, from vh manner in which it grows, produces but yiude shade, consequently it matures at a much curlier period than the ordinary kind. Samples have been presented to competent judges, anil they have been unanimous in pronouncing the staple of a much superior and liner quality than the ordinary l'etii Cu!f; that it produces at leas* one tliird more to the acre, we have been informed by persons testing it last year. The present crop not as yet ascertained, we arc unable from our own knowledge to corroborate this; but we are strongly inclined to believe its truth from the prospect and appearance of the l crop of the present year. Your committee respectfully submit tlie followingexm tracts from a letter received from Mr. W. K. Aldridge, the gentleman in Wii ?sc pos& session tire twin cotton was first discovor ed. Ilis opinions are entitled to much weight, as hi- had a?i opportunity of arri vingat correct, conclusions from the length rof time he has been engaged in raising the new cotton. \ He writes us as follows: I Mr. Todd Terry gave me three iformed me that lie discovered through his father's farm late in a stalk of cotton entirely difthe common kind. The coten picked out, but on examink he found three seed. He inhis father had bought the Ped that year; it was found near la. I am under the impression ate soil is the best to raise it on, but nave no doubt of its doing well on the best lands. I sold a few seed to a gentleman living in the cane brake, Perry county, Ala., who informed me that it yielded surprisingly. Another reason for believing it would do finely on the richest soils, is. W that it has but little shade, and of course. " opens earlier; also, there is no doubt it matures much sooner, which renders it loss . liable to rot, &c, Moderate seasons arc best; however, I have no doubt it would stand a drought much better than the common cotton, owing to the shortness of the ' stems bearing the bolls. As I planted but one stalk in 1330,1 have had no chance of knowing how much could be raised to the acre. Last year I had an acre planted, 1st May, giving five feet distance, wfien three and a half would have been all sufficient, Every person looking at it, said there was not half a stand?I gathered 1200 lbs. from the acre. My present crop is planted at J the distance of three and a half feet and it is amply sufficient." Yourcommiltcc can add but little to the information contained in this letter of Mr. Aldridge. We are in possession of but fewfacts in relation to the subject, not alluded to by Mr. A. It may be superfluous tor us to express further, our approbation of the Twin cotton. We shall, however, be pardoned for expressing the belief, that in order to its success, the seed should be selected at the end of each scaon, retaining only such as arc sound and in good order. By adopting and pursuing this course, we have no doubt a very material and important improvement would be manifested in the raising of cotton. We feci no hesitancy in expressing it as our deliberate conviction, that the quality, quantity and value of the article would be grealy enhanced. In conclusion, we can but express our regret that circumstances have prevented us from giving a more extended report upon the subject committed to our charge. C. M. JACKSON, CIui. In addition to the report, we beg leave to submit the following letter from Dr. Jas II. Taylor, directed to tho Chairman of the Committee. The letter will speak for itself, containing as it does, the result of the Drs. observations upon the twin cotton, founded upon actual experiment. C. M. J. Moxtcomeuv, Ala. Nov. 4, 1339. Dear Sir?As a member of the committee 021 Okra Cotton, of which you are Chairman, and in compliance with the desire of the Society, I beg leave to rep >rt to vou the result of mv experiment on the tame. ! 1 purchased last spring two bushels of the seed, with which I planted thirty acres 0:1 the 13th of April. The land 011 which I planted it is thin post oak praric, much worn by long continued cultivation. It was laid oil* by a deep furrow at. five feet, into which the stubble was listed, and upon v.!licit a bed was thrown by the plough, then dressed up with the hoe, a single seed was dropped at every twelve incites into a trench, drawn fbr that purpose, and slightly covered. No more than one fourth of the seed came up; but that which did . vegetate, came up a vigorous plant and grew off finely. About the ;.r.;t week in May, I shaved it down, and immediately thereafter, gave it a close and deep ploughing, fallowing with the hoe and dressed it up. Every ui4?;u s.aiv.-) ? ga>o 11 a cial ploughing, wit!* the sweep,.each time, following with the hoc and giving it more bed. About the middle of August, I laid it by, by ploughing it superficially as possible, and then drawing up to it with the hoc as henvv a bed, as the soil would admit of. On the tenth of June, it commenced blooming. It grow up generally in one tall stalk, from eight to ten feet high, with limbs about eight or-ten inches long, and from three to lour inches apart, leaving a cluster of bolls on each limb, of 5 to 8 in number, and sometimes more. It frequently occurs that two, and sometimes three limbs put, cut from near the ground, and growing upwards the full length of, and bearing fruit equal to the main stalk, i It is from ten days to a fortnight earlier in maturing than the Petit Gulf cotton, and is a hardier plant and tougher wood; it has a longer tap root than other cotton, and thereby bears drought better. Its staple is much finer than the Petit Gulf, and I should say at least twenty per cent difference in the:r value. 1 have already gathered 24,000 lbs. from thirty acres, and still have a heavy picking in the field. It must be observed, that I had but 3-4 of a stand, and that too planted in five feet rows, whereas it will bear planting in 3 feet rows. I confidently believe the same land capable of yielding three thousand pounds to the acre, if planted at three feet or in double rows at five feet. There can be but one objection to this cotton?it bends to the gronnd by tiie weight of its fruit; but this, I believe, can be obviated by planting in double rows, at fivce feet. It would form an arch from row to row, and thus support each other; the limbs being short and the foliage thin, it will bear crowding. It yields from the Gin head as follows: i 100 lbs. cotton in the seed, when ginned, will nett 36 pound of lint, or two bushels of seed weighing 01 pounds. I Very Respectfully, your ob't sorv't J. II. TAYLOR. ' Gen. C. M. Jackson, The Sexes.?The following is an ami- j able ami sensible hint to t he Miss Martinoaus, Fanny Wrights, Mary Woolstonecrafts, and all other gentlemenlike ladies These observations are from the head and heart of an accomplished lady, who knows the station of her sex, and practises its duties.?Bult. Amcr. "lie wanted to persuade me that women were equal to men as to intellect, and brought a hundred reasons and sundry examples to prove it. I do not know whether he was serious or not. 1 never give them credit for being so when they say this, but imagine it is merely to flatter, although they defend their opinions, and appear iii earnest. Compliments and flattery arc such common coin, and so well received in general, that they are dealt without anv consideration for the nain ihey inflict upon sensitive minds, or those whose vanity is not sufficient to give them currency. A sense of deficiency, a consciousness of not deserving it, often converts what is meant as a compliment into the bitterest reproach. Many a time I have writhed under one, and tried to simper and look pleased, merely not to disappoint the good naturcd intention of the complimenter, while my heart ha? been secretly smiting me. ' But to return to my friend and his opinions. 1 lowevcr ingeniously they were put forward, I should have been very sorry had he shaken mine on the subject'in question. His theory would have utterly I destroyed an oi tuc ioeautuui relationship between the sexes-that dependence on the I one side and protection on the other which seems to be the natural order of Provi! dcncc. This is subverted by the attempt j to equalise their powers, either mental or ! physical; for one may as well think of doing so with respect to the latter as the former-both would be equally absurd. The pen of a Do Siael, the pencil of an Angelica Caufifman, have been given to the world, 'tis true; but, like all other exceptions, they only prove the rule from which they ditler. It was no human voice that 1 said, 'The head of the woman is the man.' " And it is well for her this should he so. IA woman's heart and her hea l are geuer | ally her guides. \ ielding to her impulses, [as slie so often docs-ant to be led away 'by lrer feelings and affections-influenced [by a lively imagination and acute, what wor.Id become of her, j could she not stay her weakness upon the sound and sterling qualities of the stronger | sex? Women never aim so suicidal a blow j against their own interest as when they try to do away with, or revolt against this doctrine of their iaforioi itv. They throw away their props, reject the guidance and guardianship with which the goodness of Uod has provided them, and absolve the lords of the creation from that protection which they arc so willing to aflbrd. " Thus the bond is broken; one party at least is a sore loser, and perhaps both. Woman is left helpless arid insulated, and man is denied the generous gratification it : must always yield the strong to support and sustain the weak." Tub Latest Piioject.?'The discoveries of perpetual motion have had their day. Time was when all the world was agog for the big reward offered by the 1\ i a _ 1 * l Dniisii government; scncmcs were abundant, and each new one excited a groat share of public interest. Now a days, although some bewildered projector comes forth, once in a while, with a discovery of the long sought desideratum, it is only to meet the sneers of the newspapers, and the utter indifference of all newspaper reaj dors?or, which is the same thing, of cve1 ry body. Mechanical ingenuity is driven j to now expedients; and here is an account of the latest that has fallen within our notice. We cut it, the other day, from a paper issued somewhere in the interior? if ivp iv>mr>mhr>.r rinbt. flin ("MnvolnnH 1 Ir'r. , aid. Air Navigation!?(Ureal Discovery!!! '-For 5,000 dollars premium I will engage to transport an express mail regularly be| tween New York and New Orleans in 15 I hours! The subscriber begs leave to announce that he has invented a balloon with which he can navigate the air in any direction at pleasure. To the government, and to the public at large, such a discovery must be of the greatest consequence, as it will, in the conveyance of speedy intelligence, entirely supercede the use of steamboats and railroads. This invention is the result of long and deep study. The balloon, when constructed, will carry five hundred pounds weight with ease, and travel at the rate of one hundred miles per hour, if required. JAMES C. PATTON. N. Y. Commercial, 18th hist. /Lior morlom eairl a liic i uou? ttiauuui* obiu u uvj^tvi iv liio ; patient., I am truly gratified to sec you in life. At my last visit I told you, you had but six hours to live. "Yes, doetcr, you did, but I did'nt take the hit do;C. Sensitive IIaie.?In the hospital of the Royal Guards at Paris, was a private soldier who had received a violent kick on the back of his head from a horse. The excitement of the hair produced was extreme, and could only be kept under by almost continued bleedings, both local and general. Amongst a series of phenomena produced by the state of preternatural excitation, the sensibility acquired by the hairs of the head was not the least remarkable. The slightest touch was felt instantly, and cutting them gave exquisite pain, so that the patient would seldom allow any one to come near his head. Baron Larrcy, to put him to the test, gave a hint to an assistant, who was standing behind the patient, to clip off some hair without his perceiving it. This was done with great dexterity, but the soldier broke out into a volley of oaths, succeeded by complaints, and it was some time before InAiiliI UA Ar\nno^A/l ft o/J ,< uuuiu kj\j noun, x / c/tis/t ^/f^yc-/ A Tender of Moxey.?At the Liverpool Assizes proof was given of a tender , of rent by a woman, who said she laid the money upon a table. Baron Maule took occasion to lay down the law as respects tenders. " As to tenders, it is very strange that they are so rarely made in a legal manner. One would think it a very easy tiling to make a"tender; but it is the rarest thing in the world to find a tender clearly proved. People commonly clog a tender with some condition, which makes it 110 tender in law. One man goes to another, and says, ' here is your fourteen pounds, but I must have a receipt in full of all demands.' A tender, to be good, lie nn iinenndifinnn! one. f.livrcrorl with 110 stipulation whatever; and certainly the tender made by this woman was as good a tender as I ever got out in evidence in my lile." British National Debt.?Blackwood's Magazine states that the Tory Government in the space of fifteen years after the battle of Waterloo, had paid oft'eighty millions sterling of the debt; reducing it from 803 millions, to 783 millions.? And that the Whig Government has increased the debt a million a year during the eight years of its Administration.? The writer prophesies that the change in the Post Office law will produce a further deficit of one million a year, so that liniwiftPr trio ri-.ivi' nl* flcht will be two millions sterling. It is stated that if the taxes had been kept up to the standard of 1815,-there would now have been paid oft* 400 millions of the debt, nearly one-half. By a statistical table in the same article we perceive that the population of Great Britain and Ireland has increased in 24 years, from 10 to 27 millions.?Philadelphia North American. Effects of Laughter on IIeat.tii. ? " Laughter," says Ilufeland, " is one of the greatest helps to digestion with which I am acquainted; and the custom prevalent among our forefathers, of exciting it at table by jesters and buffoons, was founded on true medical principles. In a word, endeavor to have cheerful and merry companions at your meals: what nourishment one receives amidst mirth and jolity will certainly produce good and light blood.?Curtis on Health. The Zancsville, Ohio, Republican states that one thousand barrels of Flour had been ottered at S3 75 per bbl. without 1 Hiding a purchaser. At Massilon, Ohio, Wheat was down to 50 cents per bushel. Sales of pork have been made at Ripley, Ohio, at ?3 50 per 100 pounds. Mahv of the farmers in the vicinity of Ripley design packing on their own account. The Memphis Enquirer thus notices the tide of emigration from Tennessee to Texas. "The fall emigration to Texas thro' our town is now considerable. Scarcely a wagon passes dest ined f >r the promising young republic, without being embellished with that family appurtenance, Western babies. The Tennessee stock transplanted into the healthful and vigorous climate | west of the Sabine, will grow up a race of Western giants! Many of them in their prattling infancy, have lungs that complete iiy overwhelm the musical roarings of the I usseninc teams that convey thcui. ? Dinner Parties.?Poron- in high life, atid especially these advanced in years, who are in the habit of <ping to dinner parties, &c. should set aj>art one or two days in each week to rest, quiet, and abstinence. It is reported of a late well known alderman, that he used to have what he called one banyan day per week. ?Vurtis on Health, I The year 1811 will be a very eventful one?to every old ? aid v. ho gels married.! ?a eays the Almanac. From the Richmond Whig, Most Distressing Casualty.?V?'e have to rec >rd a most heart-rending e.a**ially which occurred on Monday nigh!:.? It seem* that Mrs. Knowls, \v*ffi of Mr. j Frederick Know'es, and Mrs. Edwards, j wife of Mr. Samuel Edwards, residents of ; Belle Isle, near this city, had visited a sick family on tlvs side, and set out r turn to the Island about 8 o'clock. Tl; boat which conveyed them across \v . managed by one of the negro men bo!v. ing to the works. From all the cire ; o stances connected with the affair, it w 11 appear that the boat began to lea!:, . which the lives of the passengers was endangered; and it is inferred that t!v> ?:gro, finding his boat sinking, landed the ladies upon a small island in the river ami I mnrla l?Io tirotr to thrt oKaWJ H"Vr IUUUO uio naj u inv^ cmiviv? *vi u^aunuuu'.* It would seem that in his anxiety to afford relief, he failed to give the alann, and took out another boat to their aid; but the poor fellow failed in his efforts, and it is believed was drowned, as both boats were found together in the morning. And, what is still more distressing, the ladies perished on the Island, their bodies having been found there yesterday morning! To . affliction is heightened by the circumstane that each of them leaves two young ehii dren to suitor the bereavement. i\lr. Knowles is absent at the North. The public sympathy is deeply excited at this most distressing affair. Sources of Social IIa rrixEss.?A? regards public happiness, statesmen and politicians too ofien forget that though good political institutions conduce to it, yet they arc but one means to the attainment of tliis end, and that more than these arc requisite to make individuals and nations happy. The cultivation of good will, kindlier, humanity, and all her gentle affections, are far more influential in the promotion of private happiness than the justest balance ofethe political constitution can be, so that though the value of civil and religious liberty is great, and has a large influence on national well-beinn, still it alone docs not constitute happiness; a i 1 therefore it seems to me that those writers who devote their energies to the task of endeavoring to soften and improve tlie so-_ cial affections, do incomparably more to promote the benefit of communities than those who have onlp in view what is more strictly designated "the public weal."? Uurtts on lleulth. A Goon Blsixess.?We understand that our rail-road is delivering at Harper's Ferry about one thousand barrels of flour per day, besides other freight in considerable quantities. From this propitous beginning, and from what we know of the abundance of the last harvest, we venture to predict that 200,000 ban-els wiil pass over the road during the present year.? The ascending trade, also, is well sustain' cd, and the travelling is rather Greater than at the same period of any former ? year. By the way, it affords us pleasure to state, that arrangements are being made which will place the travelling acc mmodations of this road on a footing with the best in the United States. [ Winchester Virginian. Swallowing a Farm.?A farmer in Connecticut, who has occupied the same farm, on lease, for about thirty years past, was complaining that lie had not been able to lay up any thing from his thirty years' labor. A neighboring storekeeper offered to explain to him the reason., and. proceeded as follows: " During the last thirty years that you have ix?n a that farm, I have been trading in lh:s sr-v: and the distilled spirits 1 have s id y with the interest of the money, would have made you the owner ol the farm y ? hire.?Journal of Humanity. T'Urt nnlvli/> /InKf r\f tKn TT'citif Tnrllfl . JL 1IO WtUl'M IUU lJU i. pany,on the 1st of April, 1837, was ?3040o,000. The estimated surplus of incomc over expenditures in 1838, was ?l, 300,000. The number of spirit licenses granted ! in I'hila lelphia in 1-837--3, was 077. In 1833--0, 8>0, Decrease in one year, 127; jor more than onc-e?g!ith. " I love thee fllHP' as the quiet husband said to the chattering wife. An Irishman who had cnii^ratra to i:?:fir west in the exportation of niukintr fortune without working. says, " n . i arrived here Iiv inv soul I had net : ''>'d I my hark, hut faith :ifthcr the ?x; ;r.i;: :>! of three \ cars, ! was covered with thorn. Irish Potatoes. A LOT of ,\orilirrn Potatoes, of the ,:?- white kind, very fine for planting or family use?Just received and for sale at THE POST OFFICE. Pec. 0.