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P*~THE CiMDE.Y J0IJ8ML U ' ' ' " ' . W ?MM?eami ii?UM?bmubwiHIIIUIHJ^ii i ????OPMM? 'J- '. [H'EW SENSES.] V&h. 9. C I tIDE.11, SOUTH CAROLINA, SATURDAY DECEMBER 13, IS30. ' S..\5^ ' TE2 Z? Published cccnj Saturday Morning, HI* IS W. FUGUES, At throe dollars in advance; tiiroe dollars and fifty cents i:i six mouths; or Ibur dollars at the expiration of liie j-car. Advertisements in sorted it 73 cents per square for the first, and 37 1-2 for ouch subsequent insertion.? The number of insertions to iic noted on all advertisements, or they will be published until ordered to be discontinued, and cha-ged accordingly. One dollar per square will be churned lur a single insertion. A!' Obituary Notics exceeding six lines, and Oom iittnlcations recommending Candidates for public Offio ; of profit or trust?or pulling exhibitions, will be c!u. -red as advertisements. Accounts fur Advertising and Job Work will be presented for payment, quarterly. iCAll Letters by mail must bj post paid to insure ' punctual attention. From the Washing inn Giolic. The Pe.ntvscla of Florida.?Great is the error which has prevailed as to the vaiue and importance of this peninsula.? It is a division of territory of great commercial, agricultural, political, and military importance, and the h jhest considerations of national policy require it to be reclaimed from the savages, covered with our population, and made subservient to all our views of strength, security, and interest. In the first place, it is a country of great extent, not less than forty thousand square rr.iie-, counting what is east of the Suwannee, up to the Georgia line. This great extent of country is, what its descriptive appellation imports, almost an island. being surrounded by the sea, except where it touches Georgia and West Florida. It presents a sea coast of nearly one thousand miles in circuit, and must \ necessarily iiave mnratime interests and a , ' inaratiinc population, engaged in commerce,. in the fisheries, in the coasting ... Trade, and in trade with the West Indies. Independently of the pursuits of agriculture, it will supp' i'i a numerous oopu'a, lion. In the ne::t place, it is a salient angle of the country; it Is a tongue of land projecting itself three hundred miles beyond the general line of our S ?utiiern frontier, rand extending itself down to the nohrhh-?rl:-)od oi the British possessions in the Bahama Island?, and the Spanish possession'* i of Cuba; and it is surrounded bwshnds - * and keys belonging to the United States, "3 and which must be possessed and defended by us or which will be. occupied by others to our annoyance, and to their do? lii'nii n ir* ti!f? Ihtlf of Mexico. Ina miii : t&rv point of.view, tho complete posso> j siou, occupation and defence of the whole P peninsula of Florida, is of the highest imv; portatico to the Southern States, and to the security of a!! our interests on the ' <.k;!f frontier. No military eye can overlook this peninsula in providing for the common dof'nee <*f the country: ar.dnow, the' wo have undertaken to reclaim and jv o-v; if, no earthly consideration should ; luce the abandonment of that plan, j.. In the third place, an I contrary to all previous belief, there is a great deal of i good land in this peninsula, capable of / forming compact and strong agricultural settlements, and extremely valuable on '; account of the productions it admits of.? . i On tliis point we present the following cx! tract from l)r. Lvwso:,h> letter, which, ' / being the result of personal observation, i may be fully confided in: "Tlierc is an extensive range of counr| try.ami of very good land between the , cove of the Withlacoochce and Silver Spring branch, at the head of navigation 011 the Ocklawaha, and there are many good tracts between these two rivers, cx; tending to the Indian settlement called Pilakiikair1, where there is another body of |. good land. "This section of ceo .try is capable cf supporting several thou emd inhabitants; there is a plenty of gam; in it. and the rivers and lakes in the vicinity afford fish in abundance; and, withal, it has the ad\ vantage of water communication by the Niyithlacoochee with the Gulf of Mexico, & anhhtfirough the Ocklawaha and St. John's '*}{ river \*?th the Atlantic. In addition to %-ihosc considerations, there are several liealthy {joints in the country, particularly in the viciiiity of Fort King; and here a * large settlement should be made, as it -will bo the barrier between the Indians i and the white settlements, and constitute the base of Operations. "There aro some good lands on Talakchopto, both near the head of the river where it is called Pease Creek, and on the lower banks near the head of Charlotte'.* haibor. . " There are three or four good tracts \ or or ncarthe banks of the Colosa-Hatchee, | particularly hi vicinity of Fort ThompI son, at the great crossing of the river.? f Fish and game abound, I believe, in this ; region. I am not so satisfied as to the healthfulness of'- this section of the country; but i* should bp occupied at all risks. as it is on the line of the nearest pract icab!e route between the Gulf and the Atlantic side of the peninsula. "A few good tracts can be gotten on shores, and on islands within Marcus i sound, near Cape Roman. " There is a beautiful tract of land on j Pavilion river, ten or twelve leagues southj east of Cape Roman, and some parcels of good land may be found on the banks of Shark river, and on the shores of Lake 1 Maniton, ten leagues still farther east. "At Cape Sable there is a beautiful j spot for a military post and depot for a [ i colony, which should be established on a; I prairio, running east and by north from that Cape along the coast towards Cape j; | Florida. This prairie runs immediately h ii _i r c..~ :i~_ I on me sua snuie iui umiy-iive nines, men 1 | turns a little north and to the interior of the country. From what I saw of the pro- i ducts of the land on the cape and the islands in the vicinity, I am induced to believe that the soil of this prairievwill pro- i duce in great perfection, grain and vegetaj bles of every kind, with sugar cane, cotton, &c. &c. Through the prairie there 1 ; are numerous clumps and groves of trees, which will afford both fuel and building timber for the settlers. The keys and sand-bars in front of the cape make an excellent harbor for steam-boats and other vessels drawing from six to ten feet water. The waters along this coast are full of turtle, and fish of cveiy kind, and the prai- 1 : rie and woods around abound in game. ! "The immediate site of Cape Sable is 1 evidently healthy, as arc almost all situa- 1 tions directly on the sea board; and I have 1 no doubt that healthv positions can be cot- 1 ten on the prairie, as the climate is de-11 lightful even in the summer season, from j 1 the prevalence of the sea breeze, or trade ' winds. ; " There are also good tracts of land on ' Now River, and a great body of it on In- i dian River, both on the Atlantic side of 1 the peninsula; and near this last river, on St. Lucie's sound, another settlement should bo made. This section of country, being within the ifiuencc of the sea at- < mosphere, should be healthy; fish abound ] in the rivers and sounds about, and game perhaps is plenty in the country." General JIeh.vwdez. a native of St. Augustine, and every way acquainted with East Florida, and the peninsula, also, thus speaks of it in a letter to the Military Committee of the Senate: "I have read, with much interest, the 1 loiter ot the burgeon Cencra', Dr. Lawson. aud I was mucii pleased to find that he does not think the country as unhealthy as it has been represented Coming from so disinterested a source, his statements cannot fail to remove impressions not less;1 erroneous man prcjudical to the counlry. I His description of the country around Cape Sable will doubtless attract attention, and I hope many of our citizens, who are locking to Texas and other foreign climes, may sec it, and be induced < to seek in Florida a residence where they will fiud a soil and climate equal to the < best, and a country just as easy of access. " Here I beg leave to say, that the country cast of the Suwannee river is capable i of sustaining an immense population, and i must, in the political order of tilings, even- 1 taally form a State separate from that 1 of Middle and West Florida, and greatly < to their advantage and that of the coun- i trv. In this Dart of Florida, exclusive of i lhe extensive hammocks and very productive pine lands, there are great bodies of savanna, swamp, and meadow lands, composed of the richest soil; to wit: alluvial, clay, and marl, much of which, when properly reclaimed, will, south of St Augustine, produce two crops of grain each year. " On two hundred acres of reclaimed swamp lands, I made an average of thirtysix bushels of Cuba seed corn per acre, while, at the same time, a crop of sugar canc tvas growing on the same two hundred acres, the manufacture of which was prevented by the war. . "This is the only portion of the United States possessing a tropical climate. The advantages which, I believe, will grow out of the adoption, by Congress, of this measure, for the occupation and settle- s mcnt of it, will soon render us, in some t (degree, independent ot the West Indies, J except in the article of coffee, which; I think, cannot be there raised, owing to the < blighting winds of autumn passing across t the narrow peninsula. Sugar, Cuba to- } bacco, and all the other staples and fruits ( of those islands, I believe will be cultivat- t ed in great abundance in Florida. These articles, together with the orange of the [ country, which is more highly valued than t that of other places, with the aid of < steamboats and railroads, can be sent to 1 the Northern and Western States in full s perfection. i "That Florida is also destined to be a < great silk country is placed beyond a i doubt. , s "How different is the idea which these c responsible letters give us of East Florida from that which had been previously entertained. Heretofore the whole peninsula was thought to be uninhabitable swamps, or barren sand and pine lands, and the extremity of the peninsula especially a low, sunken, wet, dreary waste of sand and swamp, Instead of this we; find large bodies of rich, dry land, capa-, ble of producing sugar, cotton, and Cuba i tobacco; the pine barrens, as we would; call them, capable of producing the most' valuable tropical fruits; the orange, le-j mon, fig, plantain, cocoa, and the mu(-1 berry tree, in such perfection that, bearing. Ieave3 nine months in the year, it would feed three generations of silk worms in: the year, and consequently give three; croDS of cocoons. Goino- to the extreme # 1 . O # 1 point of the peninsula, and there is found, in a single body, sixty miles of rich land, by twenty wide, all high and dry, with a lime rock foundation, like the Bahama islands possess, with a good harbor for vessels of light draught. All this presents the peninsula of Florida as a valuable country in a mere agricultural point of view; an aspect under which its contemplation must, by no means, be confined. Fourth. The peninsula of Florida is, valuable for its fisheries. All the officers who have served in that quarter, speak in terms of admiration, both of the quantity and excellence of the fish which are taken there, and that both on the Gulf and Atlantic shore. General Jesup, in relation these fisheries, uses the following strong language: " The coasts of Florida afford as valuable fisheries in proportion to their extent, as the banks of Newfoundland." Great is the numhp.rof vessels, mostlv Sna nish, which are now engaged in fishing on these coasts. They fish nearly the whole year round, salting down the parcels as they are taken, and pushing off to Cuba, and other islands to make sale of their cargo as soon as the vessel is filled; thus finding a market within a few days' sail. With the peninsula settled, all this valuable fishing would fall into the hands of our citizens, and would be a source of great profit to them, and a fine nursery of seamen for the country. Great, also, are the supplies of turtles and oysters in this quarter. It is flic best turtle, ground on this side <bt the South seas, and New Orleans and the W est Indies, & some of the Atlantic cities, now derive large supplies from them. DCr3The Spaniards who now; fisifin this quarter, are a main cause of the Indian hostilities. Upon the continuance of these J .1 1 il_ x! nosiiiuics uepenu me conunuance 01 meir lucrativeoccupations, with all the attend-, ant advantages of robbing wrecked vessels.; From these Spanish fishermen the Indians obtain abundant supplies of arms and ammuniton, and are encouraged to continue the war. They and the Indians can hardly be told apart; and many officers are fully of opinion that they are engaged in many of the massacres which take place about, the point of the peninsula. Fifth. Florida is valuable for its forests of pine and live oak, the former for the t ln?v*k/M? fwnrJn owrl tko fkn nntrtr Luuiuui uauLj auu tire lauui IUI 111c uavji Sixth. In connection with the keys and islands which line the coasts and belong to; it, this peninsula is also to be of great val- j ne to it for salt It approaches within two! degrees of the tropic of Cancer, and has the advantage which most of the Bahama islands is the chief, for the manufacture of this prime necessary of life. Sunshine and sea water are the elements of this pro-! iuction, and these are possessed by the Southern extremity of the peninsula and, the circumjacent isles and keys. Seventh. This part of Florida is the j ?nly part of the United States which will produce the Cuba tobacco, generally worth ibout thirty dollars a hundred in the Uni_j i r. a ?r i.:?u i?.! ,eu oiuujs, ctiiu vac juic uuvui ui winuii uus, Tiade us so largely tributary to Cuba for j ligars and snuff. j Eigth. All the coast of the peninsula is: lealthy. This is attested by all the offi-|( icrs who have been there. In this, the;< coasts, and especially the extreme point, j resemble the islands of the West Indies, 3eing open to the healthy, cooling and in- ' cigorating breezes of the sea. The health ' )f the interior part s4depend upon local cau- ' ses, and may be considered on a par with ? he neighboring parts of Middle Florida md Georgia. : Ninth. The peninsula of Florida is the i >nly part of the United States which pos- < ;esses a tropical climate, and which can < lrofliic.e the ironical fruits and other nro- < lucts, for which we are now so largely t ributury to foreign nations. ! From these views, it is evident that the ; jeninsula is not the uninhabitable morass, 1 he barren pine waste and the insalubrious s dimate, which it had been thought to be, 1 >ut that it is intrinsically valuable in it- 1 self, and able to sustain a large population 1 n the vorious pursuits of commerce agri- I culture, fishing, lumbering, &c. and, from < ts position and form, indispensably neccs- I ;ary tobe possessed, settled, protected and I lefended by the United States. Strong t military works should be at. or near Cape Sable, and on other parts of the coast, and in connection with Key West and other islands. The protection of commerce require all our islands about the peninsula to be inhabited by an orderly population subjected to the restraints of law and government, and ready to succor, instead of to plunder vessels in distress. The last and present administration, penetrated with these great national views, have commenced the business of rem oving the Indians, settling the country', and making the 40,000 square miles of East Flo-N rida, now a desert waste, overrun by savages, a fruitful and cultivated land, covered by inhabitants, protected by defences and tributary to the wealth, strength and security of the Union. With this view the country was purchased from the Indians uy generous treaty stipulations years ago. With this view military campaigns have been carried on there at a great expense j of life and money; with this view the arm- j ed occupation bill was brought, to estab- j lish 10,000 armed settlers in the country, j and oay them in land for maintaining the possession of it. The Southern Conservatives, by joining the Abolitionists and Federalists to defeat the views of the Administration, defeated the this bill; and to their conduct the continurnce of the war, with! all its attendant calamities must be attributed. ^TJODK OUT FOR MuRREL MEX.?A few days since, two gentlemen in a carriage | came into the neighborhood of Joseph! Spurgen, Esq. in Davidson County, and ] sola a negro to i?ir. Jacoo lokely lor ouu dollars. Mr. Yokely paid them in two horses, and 8100 cash?after which they left the neighborhood. The negro seemed well pleased with his new home until Saturday night last, when he decamped, and has not been heard of SaIICC. The presumption is, from circumstances that the whole was designed by the negro and men, to swindle Mr. Yokely out of his property. After the men left, he was seen to have a hundred dollar bill, and some specie. Mr. Yokely is said to be an honest and hard working man, but not so well calculated to judge between a Murrel man and an honest man. It woul l be well for some of our honest farmers and tradesmen to be more on the alert towards strangers trafficing through the country in negroes and other stolen property. Salisbury (Ar. C.) Carolinian' Cincinnati, Nov. 28. Pork.?On enquiring yesterday, we could not learn that a single hog had been purchased this fall by our pork packers, or that any contracts for hogs had been entered into. Hogs are more abundant than money. Drovers cannot make sales or get offers.? Threedollars per hundred has been named but purchasers cannot be found to offer that price, or drovers to take it. We doubt whether there will be many hogs packed this winter. No one seems to have much money to invest in pork, and we understand our banks will be unable to discount a' dollar for that or any other business. Republican. The Richmond Compiler says that the Railroad managers have fitted up a spacious car with three tiers of berths for pas sengers, so that the passenger from Richmond and dream himself to Fredricksburg. and vice versa. Salisbury, N. C. Nov-22. Lynching.?On Wednesday night, the 13th inst. six white men, some of whom were painted, and one colored person entered the house of Mr. Nathan Lambeth, Davidson county, seized his person and dragged him some distance from the house and there gagged him and inflicted on his body several hundred blows with sticks. Four of the party becoming somewhat alarmed at the consequences, fled, while the other two remained and renewed the beating, until Lambeth became insensible, ind fainted. In this situation the party left him, but, lftcr coming to, he v.vh great difficult}-. reached the house, and on Thursday night | Jied. It is stated by the physician who ai:endcd him, that he was scarred and la- j :eratcd from his neck to his heels, and that j here was the appearance of several blows laving been inflicted on his stomach and '.bdomen, the latter of which, no doubt, j ivas the cause of his death. The ciroum- j ;tances that led to this glaring offence: tvere these: A Mr. John Goss, who had}' formerly resided in that neighborhood, but j atoly returned from Missouri on business,1 iad deposited with Mr. John Lee between eight and nine hundred dollars in -specie, j for safe keeping. Thi3 money was taken 1 from the desk of Mr. L-, on Siia lcy nigh; { the 3d inst. f Suspicion having rested on a negraman " of Mr. Lee, he was taken up, examined, ' and confessed that lie, in connection with Lambeth, the person Lynched, had taken^ the money, and the greater portion oflt" was then in Lambeth's possession. Tins' confession of the negro no doubt led to the. ^ deed which followed. The two persons ' who were more directly concerned in this -;";, transaction, it is said, have fled. As matter will, no doubt, undergo a judiciifl; investigation, and as'the parties implicated *r'H are of very respectable standing,'we re-frain from inak'-ng any comments on thls outrage of all law, order, and civil liberty;^ Since the above was in type, wc teariV'V that two of the individuals alluded to above S.- ' JohnGoss and Lee Wharton have fled and no doubt, are on their way home souri. : Exploring Expedition.?We under- -J? 1 i! iL T* 1 T* ' -? * siana mat me j&xpionng j^xpcauion went, as far South as lat. 70, and some minutes. Large masses of ice, were seen in, every . direction; and as the winter was coming | on, it was not deemed prudent to proceed further at that time. A plenty of right whales were seenm the high latitudes. ; " . Returning to Vaiparaiso and Callao, the , Expedition refitted and then proceeded to the Sandwich Islands, and were to spend the (Southern) winter in exploring:among y Pacific Islands. On the return of Spring y they were expected to go South agairt, in tending to gain as high a Southern latitude as the state of the ice would admit Re- * turning from this cruise, in the autumn,, they would visit the Columbia river, Or-; gan Territory, and the neighboring co; : :e and islands, after which they would re((irnto the United States by way of the Ca$& of Good Hope. They cannot be expect-v edhome much sooner ihan two years from : r the present date. The amalgamation coblors of Lynn, ' Mass. got their "dander up" on a late occasion, because the conductors of the rail - road at that place would not permit a i ''darkey" to sit in the same car with white . . foiKs, it was iounci iiecessaty tQ out the Sheriff and suitable force to preserve. 0rder and prevent the shoemakers from proceeding to ar,ts of violence. A gentleman being called to subscribe to a course of public lectures, objected, ,v. "because," said he " my wife gives me a ' '< gratuitous one everv evening.''' ? - O 4; v. ' True-as holy Writ."-?Isaac Scrip-' tars is one among the four Whigs elected< in Lowell. Who doubts how the Bay State has gone??N. Y. Star. . ' A certrin gentle man, who dresses in black, uses brimstone for his shaving cake, and whose name is never mentioned to.. . " "ears polite," it is said can use, (quote)' .. Scripture, to serve Ids purpose, with as' mnob rrliknooc 00 ontr ^UWIIVOO CL3 CU1J T f Ulg III lUV ?U11U, Indeed, Dean Swift said that the personago we describe, was the first " Whig"' , himself.?Savannah Georgian. " ; How to bother Bucs.?An Armenian, ; a clever good tempered fellow, who..had known better days, thus described an ingeniouscontrivance by which heavoided the vermin that abounded at Crtakpni.? ; ' I take care to examine and clean.a large' wooden table: on it I lay my matt'rasi-, and then T put-the four legs of the table 'V each into a pan of water on the flopr; f am thus insulated?tlte bugs can't very well cross the water!' 'And do you escape their invasion?' 'Ye?, all but that of a few that may drop from the rafters and ceilings of the house!' A Young Chap.?A gentleman travelling, found by the wayside a man he supposed to be 80 years of age: weeping most bitterly,?desirous to learn the cause of > such immoderate grief, he inquired of the old gentleman, why it was that be was '<*<-* crying. He was informed that his father i had just been whipping him! 'Your father!' exclaimed the astonished traveller, 'is it possible that your father is alive?'? 'Yes, sir,' said the mourner, 'lie lives in that house,' pointing to a small habitation near the road. The traveller was anxious to see the father, and accordingly turned into the house, where he saw and - ' conversed with him expostulating with him nn the abserdity of his conduct,-in whipping, as old a man as his son. The ' old man apologized saying that the young rascal had been ' throwing rocks at his grandfather who was at work in the garden ?Brovsnvillc Banner. Irish Eqhitv.--A couple from lite t*reen Island ? Pal and Nancy,?had settled on the Mississippi, and in course of limn, (to use tlie language of the region,) had 'acquired six children and nine negroes.' Pat had made up his mind to tatter his fortunes; and to go unencumbered higher tip the river; and lie therefore explained his plans to Nancy, linisliing with 'and so, my tiarlin, I'll lave you; but will ! '? itsv tajiby you: I'i! lave you the six dear, :i.?tc pretty children, and will take the nine nas'y, lirty negroes for myself."'