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THE CAMDEN JOURNAL II> ROllF.KT PublUhtr of tin Lawt of the I &ll?d HU(ti< ?' VII I X IDiiV ril-CUiOUVl, HAHC81 1*, h37, \OS. m mmmi m m* iJ#' W v ? <<. ? Publiihr>l crrrtj Saturd'iy M' rrt.tig / !/ ro<ii;kt ivii\ium\ rem kiiiik or i?r la w* or T?ir i m?i* su -scKirnoNs Three dollar* a year in advance. < r four dol!ar? t the "iid of the year ADVKRTISKM KNTS I 14 - -?j 1 l I.ur III'* ^ I'll- M til- ? on 1 Halt tHi' i n mat f.?r etco r mtnnnore >r-~" T'V- in nt?er of inaertnnn t? fx- marked -n Mr mar mo <<r 1 <n\- will He coo'mned in<i ti*\rif<1 jf cor 11 Pi t?? mvrtefj inth'v T'.r.>it? and a >ot'ilv il i f?r in??-rti"n C ?.n nuoications Hv inail to bo post paid >.r c na.n unattended to l.\ %(;(* I'll \f. U)H F,SS TH" foil w:fiu is Prrsi Irut V in B'ir?* Intiutftiral \?! lro3<. <iriiv?*r?*it on S.itnr *.i lk -1 l!i i.ia! at iwi-lrr n'rlnrL a! 11 C ipi tol Fellow Citizens:?The practice ( a!) inv j)H'?lfrrsvir> imposes >?n me obligation I cheerfully fulfil. to accompany mv first anil art { m\ pul. lie 11 nst with an avow tl >if the p- inri|>i that will guidr me in perf'r'niri u. tin! an expression rn\ iV'-lings o: ?H.iiimnk a charge so responsible and ia*' In mutating their example. 1 tread in the foot blrps of illustrious rncn, whose .superiors, it is our happiness to h?li?*vp. are it >t found mi the executive calendar "f an\ country. Among them. we rec..gni-tthe earliest and firmest pillars of the republic; those bv whom our national independence was fjr-t declared; him wlm. above all others, contributed c-uMi-.1! it on the field ?d battle; and l! 0*4- whose expand# d intellect and patr;otisui r??tt <*I r u?~ improved. and perfected theinestimable institution* under which ?r lire. If such men, in thr position I now occupy. felt tlieinvlrr* overwhelmed l>\ a sense nf cra!itu?lp fur thi*. tin- hi^h* *i of nil marks of tlteir countrv * confidence, and by a con*ciou?sne?* ??f their innhiiiu adequately to discharge thr duties of an office hi difficult and exalted. h"\v niurh more must these consideration', ntferi on.-, who can rely on no *tir!i claim-* for ta\..? or forbearance. -Unlike all who hn?? preceded mr, the resolution, that ga*e us cxi5ter.ce C-? one people. ;?rhi< \<d at the prrijii nf my birth; and, n'.il't I a later ngr, and that I may not rtper: tfPf countrymen to w. i^-S my actions with the bfttnc kind and partial hand. So Krn?ilil\. fellow cit'Zcns, do thrar circumstances prea* lhom?clrr? up<?n mi*, that I should not dare to enter upon my path of duty, did I n?>t look f?r the grnrroua aid of those who ?r111 be associated with me in the various and co-ordinate branches of thr Government; did ! not repose with unwavering rrlunrr m tin patriotism, the intelligence, run! thr kindites* of a people who n? ver vet dc i r;< d e publir scrtaoi honestly laboring in ih?-ir cause; and. above all, did I n -t p?niut inv*rlf hurnblt to hope for the -uslaimog support of an rvt-r watchful iiid bent h cent Provtdenre. Tn the fonfii'iTlfr end Consolation drrived from these nource*. u would be ungrateful n i| to add those winch ?prtiig from our present fortunate condition.? Though not altogether rjempt from embarrassments that d?--,tu'S "i;r tin.ju.lit) Oi home ind threaten u abroad, \?-t. in II the altitude* of a great, happy. and flourialltll g people, Wre ?lalld w ilh'Oil a parnH' l in the world. Ahr ad. we uj \ thr n^piTt. and, with ?. arr< h an urrjition, the friendship of ? very nation, at home, while our government quietly. but efficiently, performs the sole legitimate end of political instituti ni*. in mg tin greatest jj.tod to the gr*-;it?-*t uiinil? r. u ? present an aggregate of human pronpcritv sorely not elsewhere to he found. How imperious, then, is the obligation imposed upon every citizen. tit Ins own sphere uf action, win h?-r limited ? extended, to eiert himself in pr rp? turning Q condition of thing* so singular l\ happ\. All ilif lr*50tiM of hi?t>iry ami rxp? ti* dt muni b?* I !"l upon ui, !I wrnrr mnt?nt to tru?l alonr in ,h?- prfuhnr nd v?ol ig**? we lu[)|? ti to j? an.I rliir:aw-. and ihr t> ?nn 1?*< u ? reaoiirr. * lhai nature lias r.?11* r? ?! *nh ?o liberal a hand -?even the difTu?ri! mtrlhgcnrr and rlrratcd rhararter ? nur people? us nothing. if we fail aarrrdU i<> upho 1.1 those political institution* that wen wisely It and deliberately formed. w ith refrrrnre to rrerv cirrumstanre that r.niM prefer* or might endanger the blr??ings w rnjoy. The thoughtful frtruer* "f constitution legislated for our counirv a* ih* \ found it. Looking upon it u ith tin \- j of statesmen and patriot, tlie\ ?aw nil, the source* of rnpi.l and rl'ul pro*. peritv; hut tliev also i! rnn<'0? ha bits opinions, and institutions, p-.uliir. In t1.? i-?fi..iu - ... ...v. ..... Ml". < ! *11 UM 'I H pion, were deeply tixJ. Distinct ?ov? rcignties were in actual rx?*ti ure. wh -? cordial union iva< rwential to t lie wr I tare ! and happjne** ot all. Between many of them there was ?' ; least to soi^e c::!c::S a rcil diversity of! mlrre*ls, IrihU > l?? t'X r.tti <1 i!ir ?:. ' I hini~: r i< ~i_ti: i!i \ ; 11 " ! ??> - i. | > > j i < I ?in>!i, hi a 1111. itni in .i<-t.i.i. fins jM-rtiv v r* <"iirrrs :i ! ji-iwrr; ' t.irif! in ifi?? r'i;ir;i Id I t'n ir i i<!u- J ami *t if?iini.fur'io'i": .ml tu - in \ l?* ! il iiiH'-iir i ?Mtuti.i'i?. uhir!i. unwh. I., i: . . . _ I I ... . . I I I... I. r . I t TU, III! ^ II I I I i ' | I . ? ? ? of the wfp.le. Nl"-t r.trfTitliv v% rr.-? .! I}|# ??* rirnnjiNiMiirr?i \i ij;I? <I. am! t , fouml.i tnins of (Ik* new (I >i i niiii-Jii !:? i upon priiirijil. ?. ?>t' rrripr c il r i:r *?i ami tjitiiaMr ?111j.r i:i-* . The j?*a! u ? hirli the oinaMrr "? ii?? lit ' tai i >1 ill.' p w i- ..I tin- re?. were n I laved 1 by a ru!r < ) representation. c<?nt? ?-? ll\ uin ijti.1! at imp timr, .?n*I ?5r-1 c"? ?I f >rrti r lo remain * >. A natural tear that ?!? broad p.- ?.f enteral legislation ?u:t:1 * bear up..ii am! imvriurU ntr* I particular inter. ?t?. u i* r..untera?*t <! bv limit -tri< ly drawn ir Minil ih> arti 'M .if the fe>!i ral amb'.ritv; ami in the pe..pie aim i}i Si >jrs wa* I'M iinirip iirr.l. their * p'I aft pn tver over the ii. i iim;.Tab). ?- u! >J r!? rmbrae. ! in ihr intern 11 ernr.ii nt ?.t i ju^t ri puln'ir. rtf ptin^ "iirli ?i:11V i- tiere^?ini\ a| 111-rtn.*i t?i the c *v,~< : of tlo vvli l< r.i'ifnjrraf \ . "T H- I'i'i' . - i tin t> 11 r?miiitiniiitv. a ith the o*.lo r tia:i oj tin w ..i! !. Ti,~ .i.-i .i by limo. H.iIf a re Sir\. l<- 1111114; vtitli c X : r;i'<r?!i!iai \ jih! ? !- wbrrr j? t luring *>t.iiii-liiii? fia * j>a-sr<l a I??11 tT; but i > ti ..ur ii?*tit?iiii?ii? it bii* b tt ii.> i ':j ri..u* mark. Kr "ii >t -mail littiiiilv, \i? ! .1?i* r .* ti a { m,<Ii |m?m. r ft.I in number- am! in ?in n^.b: bir uitb our inrria*r i .t- baml in Imm-!. tin* j.r.tjf r?-?~ ..f j ii -1 j i r: t ipb-: t'ir prtvib rati uri 1 r?*li^i u-. > ( tin in?!tviilual an- ^tili .jcn <;i\ j r l rtn! a'. !h>iip-; am!, m I lib tin' tal >r an! f r 111 u?l * i?l tir prupb- !.ai i- r? in. a i*.i J ir lr -in ti - tip aiijbtapprrb. ii-p?ii nf 2" r? !,mi p vr< r. tip \ liat'i' not v ? t iM.liiri'<| u? m ^ -tn^ic In st inrr tn ( iri vvh 11 i*. ri^'ht Our r ?tiiup rri- bas !n >-i, rxt? ti b i I" tin rrinpif-t iiitiuti-. tip' rait: ji i rrrn nalLrr. > ! our |>r<"2urti mi* in-. Im rn ^r? ailv > }?.?:?_ !. .1 tt ifitP rriirr ha- arisen in tin- rt U tjv^ tt.- iiili ami r? f.ourri'j. ! ??rr\ j?or lion of our rMijjj'.rv; \. : t!ir .| .?iiiluul rr^ii .1 t 1 ii'.Iiful k ihi r? .("? to ?Xi?iiii^ '.a- mMtiniir.l l jirr* a:J in -njr r-.unril-. an ! im ' cr 1 ?:t|j b?r . ah?*-nt from o.jr r .ij'iii. t. . Wr hair frarnr i fa xpi ninrr a fruitful .'ri-on: I'.at an nnjhirit an f umirtlaiiu^ n-pr. j i!i< |?rjnrjj?lr* . i which *? ~ i "If?! r )k or?|p4 r?oj?l*r o . v a r * I 111 r < II a f t all I hi* Conflict ?* TTr. a ml ihr v irj-?? 11 ii i? ? i;i?rj<arahlr tr>oi^^Bfl fa jisr I \ *. The nrci s? t .at ha- ;ht:? a:ti-mlr.1 o-ir i/r. al rxprnmriit. I-. m ll*Hf a tu'firn nt t ?r ^ r i1111 Ion arr <u'il >f iHr htpj.JMf-- U 114 * tClualU fn i rrr? !, ml thr ' I <1' it j< I it has UIH .? <4 ulili a I? > 11. lint to dir. Illv irllo I run rs I -l I'm >1:111] to (lit la; .lis III 1 (ulii'r, *.kl ?r ! til |>rj\ir-ttii r.inti.lio^ Uii- rrir-'-prrt j.r> s ?> *s jjr uti-l I r till! ?!rr|i? r il it iiti|.rrs?i% 0:1 >ur i.|ii>! a n Irl 1 ' t>i it ll.r jn-rp? t 1 it \ f >ur institution iji jii 1 i I mis' Iti s, tfi?i if ? UMi'itai i t'if jilt - 111 v? i' f. lh? \ m r> -l*h >'ir I, ih- \ irr J to fonf?T lilt ir Im >|. toll 'II < .1 it 11 i' ill r*tt lit ?! to mmr, 41.1I ! lit I % itir rtr 1 |i| ?rnt to r*? rs frirmf I o anVtOii lh? I fhrrriuk' (ir>> if thsi a p??f ??l?r (t irtu flirnl H im IV f"rm? !. ts Vtiiima 10 ri lie on ' 1 .. I 1 ii'ltiniirr or 1 r < n t'1t* il v \?ar? "U >. It* taj.i ! la. ur> til k Mil jofilir:? I L?'i a 1 ! u i.'iir -Il Mi ram s i]i?s iuii ?rr. tt|>|> * - t?> rlfi. t f 1 o hi IS. via* tn<! w'""'. < > n I v lii'J unlri?- <1l> .?r ap< ihr.i i mm- nntinpair f--r ii> ih? fai?- pa-t rr 1 public*, but thr |r?r? ( mailt a pi\ri"i rfhalanci ! h intuitu h-ipa 1. ' k M??.' h?i k nil ih' <tr i-'f r h-iilllli V Mill luiMilt. b.t ri-liiriaiit'y mai|<. ait I a* how 111 orft iM?unr> . ib? y h*tr con *?! !? I\ I it lr I K ii imp?rfr?"i f||>rrtrnrr, ftur.n^ the * I r k' itI * ''1 ' b 11 * .| u 11 i , w a > * u | >| *i ' I t<> vrirrni! a to lif t thai tin p?op|. ii t b? ni thr laiatro, r>qiitait< to li*rft?r, ! an imriir oar public Irhi alna<!v l> ui r <1. niul I" fjrlrst ihr i;irr?? -rt rI|i?-||o<i I thi (r.frr III III fit Th, r..?i oi tw.. ?n?' ha- brt-ii pant. n >t -nit *ilhnU' a iiiwi * innr, hut with urn qnallf il itlarrtlt Vnnr t? now I fit In t ii?h| that feu h r ' u will hr r ri rI it 11 \ m >r ti? i li n t > n \ i r in rr??nr\ l-< * i*> I.ttfi rnir n?il insiitnii.m? | "f k?'itf'l ir lif.nnr ? r "iir wilfnn. In i1< ril. ^I| * % j ? rt iir#- lias .Intuit ilint tin n illiri^iif*. .if t!ir |>? (? ?- riifitrilnilr t th? *? ? in r??? ?. .>f I'liirrjffiin, lm-. urufi-rMiU .nunn if.#- r.inft ' nrp ><( fin n i r?-1 rr?. ntilit? ? I n ?li?- i r | \ i n r? if* i Iir m> u * IIUMII. M llf M nil f'? 'I I'n I n 11 i-l n illfl r in . ' n? I'iri rPCiij?n;jiil t f 11 nn- (|i|il!i il ? * .1 ? s iif i |i? fn ? ! I'r -I'll MI. 11 vi ,i > ! ri>ri III11M *#'M Clhi III. llill ifn U'tjll I'l 1 !? lt?rni"i. r rni,I I | ri#- liim'I tin' !i?r11r11 ml j m i r l?U I 111. r (? ? rrninrlit t<m*In r. ' i"11 ?iri ii<4 (ti.ii thr ri I n "| t:I ? 'iiijj fa< 11<?11& Stnrr ln? nrariv l-ru vi'ars r j?nnr. |*.r'V ? \a*j" m i"n ha* h? u Tt n i ;?rri> <1 i u? hij?hi ihr rirti/. ami tin- >r11111 Ir> lit* ppop|p ha \ r *- ?iir hr?-n t> r?"t 11 \ lri? <1. yet uur j>u:iiicd aa<J enhanced iu '< I \ nil has encountered, -till p -fiii > its r-. it dl free ami fearless di u--i>.n. Mr 'It'll with unimpaired fratt r 11 in-ling Tin- capacity of thr people for aelf-goj i ? riiiiii'i.t, and their willingness, from i I high sense of dutv. and without those ex-j hihitio s nf coercive power so generally L erii|?ln\ed in other rountries, to submit to', .ill ne? dful restraints and exactions >t the j municipal law, have also been favorably ( ex< in I'll lied in the historv of the American ' . * 1 ( Stiies. Occasionally, it is 'rue, the ar-;( dor of public sentiment, outrunning the : | regular progress of the judicial tribunals i| r -eeAim.' to reach cases not denounced a- rrimiiial h\ the existing law. has 'lis- | |>ia\?u 11 *? ;i in a ? snr.rr calculated to ( 1,'ive pa.n to the friends f free govern-! thrill, aiii) to nronrajjr th?- hopes of lho*rt ulin rtisli |nr n mi rll -w. These orrurunre* |o.wrier. hair hi en far los frequent in our rotjuirv tUn in any other of equal population on the globe; and with tin (1 illusion of intelligence, it may tvrll !;? !i ijird thtr thry "ill rorwtanil) diminish in t:> q.n ucv and violrnrr. The getit*r* i:- patriotism and sou; d roninMin i :im of : ;i Lri it m-.-s of nur fnlow-citizru?.. u ill i?-urr !i\ t in time, produce th:-> r' t-il:. lor .t-rvm assumption of illegal pou rr not oi.K u iiutiiU ilii u.ajr-ti of the law. hut fur st-lo-- a pretext lor abri?iin t!n libertn s the people, thr Utter hare the hi..-t .lirerl s:n! pennant tit inte-est in pr?MTVjn^ tin t;r< at l.ui 1-marks i1 . r Jf r, 411* 1 iraintainirtj; ??n all occasions, tin- inv;,. lability ??f ili 'sf ron?ti:uli .jial and It |?r? t i -; ?11 s w hieh tin \ tin tn?? Ives hat r nt i'lc In a supposed unhttirstt 'if our institn* lions Jor those ,io?tj!e emcr^t-nrie s, which no r-'umrv can iinav? \ *i !. their Irie nt's lounii a fruitful source ?f apprrhrr.-ion. itit ir encnte* ?.J hope. \S hile they Ion saw ieM? promptness of sell n that in ti * r. rn'iie its ihdrrenth formed, the\ |o L 1J ihr Ur more tinjiortaut consideration. that with u* war ?* ?l: 1?1 rievt-r be thr r<sult -I tuft*.dual or irresponsible will hut .< Ust be 4 MirjMiri- for re'lrt rs of jrijort? * tiMa.uf'i ? >lui;t?eriU rmorr?d to hv lif.Hi who St. re to ,">car the nrc. ssarv 'a- t rrib< . wh - w ui*.J fonaraiiriitlv fer I >. iv. . ? j Jlft'lual III 111! r.iutrst, *n<l uh'ijc i r?it-ru'v u.iul i l'f* 11):i.nit"n*ursi< \tii ih?* : br ni^iiuiiicrcil. Aru:: I f i'mi; ? ihcir t*rr??r; '.! ? -U'l I <m?r. Jst ir? wi imparting *nrn r :i-6- r Iriifr i<> ur (i"?? riune ;; au<l ;* - I r. hi 4j>prr't m ??rini*r "rrcjftVt.-T w .??* Ki?i ihr ?yr;'jri of our r..*, \ W'-xi. tmplr >n to HMKiv ? may u<>( r u.oi ??f oibrr tiaiiou*, wTrn^^?^Wll??n.?I * U < f< t i'? 'f*r oiji#?-i (or ihr it nt !* ?i; o t>ni, 4i:h>iij( , ur?u|Tr,( jjl ,< lU^t up >n ihia t< grr.i li?? ?*. ,]a ? ?ili:lar) t! ? g|.' r?t i.rr * iil ^rr?n;i ? rmstrary ??{un;nu i! Ir iu inviting ?KfI .fv.,, aiuoaJ. h lr r lain !?ii|S*r !* lorrioi i i:.,<n thi ? mi >>t Mur i? rtji.iry. tin ii.u!wv!ir4. J? H mi ..1 St.iIra. aii J the r^?*rPanr *<t |??|'% " lalt 'i! Our ?s*tru. <1 br a.| .^ ?.l 'wl\ l*> buuinJarif * C*>M?yjrvl ,f lv b riarrut*. i*f* *r lia*r brrtt w? I ..>,J h?- " t "ii-l r *nj? r;ur**, ihr uinnb* ra ?I > ui i: ?*- r Interact ar? 4lfia?l? rfnuMnl; ami liir u ?uBii? ra *>f -wir y?* pit ?r* m. rrilihty aug- (11 lur.itrii lb? allr?;r.i rau*. ??f *liiigrf * ha* I >ng urp4'??? I anil* ipilr*... b*,t ?i n?* . i ii.? r *n?* vj* ? "fi * In*. I.'ll **??ii- 1 In * ! m > i a*>* flm nr. I ;Ln r*jubli<- hi*. ll m. n i i Nn,iii tuuu' in .ill loaiikiml; ;u i, i-l r ! auili Mlli aia nut ni<?rr aj>* ; * p.ift ul a I t'? aim Mnl. ilia II It la at III }.rr- j " rniiiuilis; ur aii'1 uir khaualltilf aogrrc* ;w I jrni r11 pma^ariu !.a?r brrn npn.rj, lh? ?> rt? tif diMti.f' haft brrn jftrtnl 11 h> hi uitptiii** yr.iiua i<( .iur |ipi j la. lit ' ??I pr.i L'i I r 'I bt ih?- .if i ur I ii imu'iMiii, ami th< ilarkrd vartri> ami " ?imiuiit--t i lrrr?ti, jr iuciiMlia arid pur " ill.a. ha?? ?irrhgtliriH-d thr rhini of rnu j lual <1i pt-mlariri, ami fiirmrd a < irrlr uf i iniilual fit iit-filn, Inn apparailt rttt iii hi al .i f| ..'ki !" i n |i. |ii?i|\ balancing thr |niv< rt ??f Ihr i' f, .'rml ami Mil* .tuihorilir*. diftn liu a ' nr.irl\ in?tirmnuntahU irmr at th* ulS-|" *rl, ?Ril H'Ui 11it<-111 rI ?i i? fir tit-rni- ! ' . .1 mi ?it* Mr. A I t"i???-, it * a? trin ?- ri l\ fn lii ml p.'t-ibli ifal a %rhnnr } ? I' f rnitirnl. *? f.itiipl' 1 III r -f "triii tuin, | " rntjl rrn ai'i nut pint! Ir*r 11? tmih* in ' 1 .mi' -mi 11 ?'mi ii ? ;11 r rmIIiv *rri:r- j ' Ml!. Inllii'?lll"?t1?i'lu C Hi fit! Miff .if t I j :t' liiri* -aliii i'fi| I'ln! t!ir kii"Ulr.|y. tint ?nrfi in Mifi ?sim h:i* hrrn lia|ijii!> !t1 i? <)?i r I mk ir( |. u ii.iI i ml irin- 1 ( ..r ?r\ i vju .is in.i pur.Mr ("nun tlir jiriir- 1 In a! i'|'?'ait"ii i'l ill lutiiaii I'lalitiili in-. ' ' .He! I'm . k in tf unit t" 11 j?rilfr?! rt - nil. 1' t \ ' ' \ | .Vfml 11 n * ii ?v i |. i |,c . 111 sfinj ? 1 \N 1.111 l Ii F i! i r.? (f * rn mi ii I hni * u r 1 '1 i-i ..In lv | ?*r111riit il ilinj?|ir"prinlr ftinr ii r>? in r- I it 111 n t i fnrrijii i *1.?i r >. <in< run J'' i i 1111 > \ nli ii11 \ n.tliiui.l, lint ill rii-rx *1' >':it rcrnnrka! I\ 11 | r v *.I m |>r l i 111 m ii'.l i!i * f I"1111)m l.ira inlrri'St- ami i .- J * i . i i.... I .... 11 -?. ?i ... i - - i iii i'iiiiii ni nun . <11111 nun* v iirau u j? " .iiili.iriU liai?* <?rrasiniallv lrin!r?l tm linn i v* mr ?- uiif ur In* nilirr, it if uti- rl . j 11 -11 11.11?1 v rrrtaiu liat tin* ultinntr n :n*rn11 I! <>f ili^ rniiro ?\Mi'in lias bei-n o fj strengthen cli the cutting instituuous, ai ant] lo elevate uur whole country in prosperity and renown. The list, perhaps the greatest, ??f the prominent sources of discord and disaster supposed to lurk in our political condition, was the institution of domestic slavery?j Our forefathers were deeply impressed j with the delicacy o! this subject, ami they | treated it with forbearance so evidently] wise, that, in spite of every sinister fore-j budinp, it never, until the present period, j Jisturhed the tranquility of our common j rountrv. Such a result is sufficient cvi-. lencc of the justice and the patriotism of, their course; it i? evident not to be mista-l Len, that an adherence to it can prevent ill cmbarra.Mnenl from th;s, as well as' from ererv oilier anticipated cause of difficulty or danger. Have not recent events, made it obvious to the slightest reflection,! that the least deviation from this spirit of; lorbearancc is injurious to every interest,1 that of humanity included? Amidst the violence of excited passions, this generous I ind fraternal feeling has been sometimes' iisregarded; and standing as I now do before my rountrymrn in this high place of honor and of trust, I cannot refrain from anxiously invoking my frllovr-ritizens nc-' rer to be deal t its dictates. Perceiving, before my election, the deep interest this subject was begming to exite, I believed tt a solemn duty fully to make known my sentiments in regard t?> it, and now, when every motive lor misrepresentation has panned away, I trust that. .,.11 m. >-?.ii..<i. i i i__ i HIV ? " ? ? M..WIWI ? " I^'IVU Dliu UIJMl'1* *tood. Ai lea<t, itirv will be my standard ?f conduct in tin- path b? f<?rr rne. I thru Irrlared thai, il" the drstrr of those of my rountrytnrn who were frrorable to mv Irciiou uai urcuhed, "I must go into the ['res id rati a I Chair the inflexible and uo-? omproRimrg oj?<ment of ? rery attempt, jri the part of Cmigrr?*, to abolish slavev io tin iJntrict of Columbia, against he \t tolu s of the sUrrliolding Stale; and i!?u wiih a determination equally derided o r**i-i^t il.c slightest inl< rfcrrnce with it n ilic* Stall s u hcri- it rxikl." I submitted . i . . .11 r..n :iv? n? ;i;\ ini?n? -i iiunn, * 1111 luiuir** md frankness, the reasons which led me > this determination. The rcsuli iuth<?rted iin* in believe they hare been njv >ruri'i!, in J are roiiiidt'iJ in. by a majority lithe pi nj'li > !* tin L inte : .Siair*. mrludii^t!jn;i v. homlhet must immediately af- | ret. It now only rirn .nis to add, that no < ?:11 fo'thnMiii^ with tlu-se tii us enn rrcr er.-.t . i r. / coi>tii;ji:nnrJ sanction.? r Ih'.csr opinion bate ? .cell adopted fci l!ic rr* i 'j it-1 that they are in accordance i ; ith the spirit that actuated the vrnrira?d I it':i rs of the republic, and that uc- i r linjj etprncner h prored them to I ?e hui.iaio , ; "* ? i edienl. honor- i swij a/it?*ron of this < object uai intended 10 rur!i the -lability i I our lU'iuuUuii., . iioukIi has occurred i show that it has -ijjnallv faiIc !; and I a I in this. as in ri erv other 1r apiirplirniiniit t>{ itir (tmI I ami the I jju * I she wicked lor the dc*linati?in of ?j ur C termor m, art- to b?- 11^aI Hilled. H ere an ! there, indeed, scenes r ! tUngrr- us elctleinrnl hate occurred; v "?;ij in. i 'stance* .?| local violence hate t nil ??>in,j a reckless disregrrd I' ! tin c ??| tlie.r conduct hat ?> posed imliTiiliiiti, j., p .puUr indi^na* a or. but neither ma*..,. ,,f people, h r arcifii. of lite country. have hern a ?rr% cd tioin thri .Irv.-llon t<. i?l0 bond c f union, ami thi j>r i i?*i |1* u ha?.ulAljc t ? r v < I It v. i 11 be iter thua. r*uch al. tnnpt at agitation mat peri- | lirallv reiiirn. but with each the object c ill he b' tler um!er?toon. That prrdomi- j aim*: aUeriion lor our pulitical system I hu h j?rc*?ail? throughout our ternlorirl (till*; thai raliit ami enlightened judg- i u tit which ultim *t< Iv governs our people j .?ne fi?i ImiU, will always he aa. hand ( ) rralat and control e?? r\ effort, foreign i r dom? aiic which mini, or would lead lo * rethrow <>ur timlilulioim v What can he more gratifying than * 11 ch ^ reiroaperi as tht?! VT e look b.irk on oh 1 tarlea avoided, and danger* orrrcotne; ' ti ai prrlaiiotis inure than realm d, and.: r -aprruv perfectly secured. To ihe ? a if the hostile, the learn o| ihe ll tld, arid ihe d<>ubla of ihe .<n*ioun, ac 1 nl i lperience htm given the conclusive, pit. We hate seen lime gradually dm ! j rl r?erv unfavorable 'on boding, and , ur f"ii?iiUitioii HurcoMiiii every luhrrsrjj rcuu elftiirr, drra-Wd at tin- uiilbi't a* br-j ^ nd r<?mrol. Pirm m ixcitrmrnt will at1 I tircra, mag n:i v pr? x-nt dangers but in |.'ul<>H.i|di\ inu*l trarh ti* that none i r? thrrntning than tin- }>n*t ran rritiain ^ i he in err of s i , and we ought, I > r #r t \ ? 111 -1 rca Hon, in entertain an abiding iiti !i itr in the liability of our in>tiii ' io*. till nit entire mniirttnn that, i! ' i. ....... ... i ... .i... . ? f ? i - ?it i i ? M 111 tn?* 11 lit i ' rill, nin rar|i r. j ill -pint iri winch tlir\ \*?-rr r?lahl|sin i v an- nbuiidiiis I \ i *lr tn jirc?i r* us all.| unr i hi! Inn the rich hh -sinj; i a11v ilrnvcil fr? in tfictn, to niaki o ivivnl Initil, lor a thousand general iat chosen ??pni whf ? happin-s- *. nr^ ?m a prrh rt equaltu of political r!ui < For m\>rlf, I h i efore, I desire to ' 1 lare, that lln- pricijili that will ?ov<;: , e in the I ig!? ilutv to which my count.', j rt! 1? no . i*, a strict adherence to the Intlet c nd spirit of the constitution, gs it was dc signed by those who framed ii. L Miking back to it as a sacred instrument carefully nut] not easily framed; remembering that it was throughout a work of concession and compromise; viewing it as limited to national objects; regarding it as leaving to the people and the States all power not explicitly parted with; I shall endeavour to preserve, protect, and defend it, by anr* iously referring to its provisions for direcin every action. To matters of domestic concernment which it lias intrusted to the Federal Government, and to such as relate to our intercourse with foreign na? * ? ? t If. I. ^ linns, i snail zealously unvote myscti; ucyond those limits I shall never pass. To enter, on this occasion, into a further or more minute exposition of ray views on various questions of domestic pulicy, would he as obtrusive as it is problv unexpected. Before the suffrages of my countrymen were conferred upon me. I submitted to them, with great precission, my opinions on all the most prominent of these subjects. Those opinions I shall endeavor to carry out with mi Utmost ability Our course of foreign policy has been ~ so uniform and intelligible, as to constitute a rule or executive conduct which heaves little to mv oiscration. unless, indeed, I were willing to run counter to the lights of experience, and the known opinions of my constituents; We a-dulously cultivate the friendship of all nations. as the condition moel compatible i r i.t i / wiui our wi imri1, anu tne prictpies oi our Gorerntnenr Wc d cline alliances, adverse to our peace. We desirp commercial relations on equal terms, being ever willing to givr a lair equivalent for advan, lagrs received. We endeavor to conduct our intercourse with openness and cinccrity; prmptly avowing ??tir objects, and seeking to establish that mutual frankness winch is as bcn< hcial in the dealing* of nations as of men. We hare no disposition. and we disclaim all right, to meddle in disputes whether internal or foreign, that may molest other countries: regarding them, in their actual state, us social communities, and preserving a strict neutrality in all their controversies.? W ell kn owing the tried valor of our people, and exhaustions nsouiccs, we neither anticipate n-?r frar any designed aggression: and. in the consicousness of our nwu just conduct, we feel a security that we shall never be called upon to extend our determination, ni ter to permit an invasion of our rights, without punishment or redress. In approaching, then, in the presence I my t'.so" bled countrymen, to make >.*? (1111 mat > ri r^iijaiiis, auu ; ? pledge myself that I will faithfully etc'ate the ofuc'-'f am about Co fill, vi'.h me a settled purpose to maintain the nniiuiion* nf n y country, which, trust, will alone for the error* I commit* In receiving form the |>eople the sacred ruit twice c nli lril to my illustriuug prelerosor, and which he has discharged so aithfulh and s wrll. 1 know that I cani->t expect to perform th?- arduous task tith equal ability and success. But, unied as I have been in hia councils, a daiv witness of his exclusive and unsurptM*" d devotion to his country's ire II fa re, grceing with him in sentiments which lis counti i mru hare warmly supported, nd permitted to partake lar^- ly of his onftdence, 1 may Itope that somewhat of he same cheering approbation will be mnd to attend upon my path. For him, hu? ?-press, with mv own, the wishes vf -II ' * >i ?n ? jlc n,3y vet long live to enoy the briIIianklevelling of his well-spent ile, an<f, Iji tnvxcU, conscious of but me desire, faithfully to ^^rve my coun* ry. I throw myself, without fenr. on its u?tir nnd its kindiies*. Ihvond thsl, 1 n't look to the gracious protection of heDi?i"r 3eing, to w hu*e strengthening tippon 1 humbly solicit, and whom 1 fcranil; prav to look down upon us all.? i|hv ;t amoti; the dispensations of ii* providence to Mes< our beloved counr\ tilt honors and with length of days; i*tj\ hrr way* he ways of pleasantness, nd all her p-it.'ia he peace. SHILLING OIT The itih?cnber having re commenced u* mercantile hu-irie?*at Merhnnicsvillr, so mi lc r Ih*trirt, with a view oi carrying t on more extensively thnn hereto! ?re. MMin t<? urrotc his entire attention to fir ?amc, ami will therefore (in onli r to lose fus bttsi;n>s in i'aimlcn) hell his thole Mock (r\TjU (Jr-m rics) nt a ?!iad? ibove COST r r*?h or produce. or to hi? punctual 11 rs mi thr iiavihI credit, until the rO'fi mJ' March, on which day ho will com* i nrr to -r)] a I IM BMC AUCTION lis remaining -lock ami will continue from a\ t?i nv until the ? hol<- o disposed of *' - houses ami lot* on Hroad Street aro for tale on accommodating terms.? hie of which is larjfe ami commodious, and iiiswers the purpose of both a store and I welling To a purchaser of the latter proverty the -lock of goods would be 6old at :ost if desired. GEO. S. C. DBSCHAMFS