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the caiupem joumal ???I'Bl.llthrroflhf Ufft of lhf 1 nllcd Wtot<* ^ ^?? ??J? BV KOBERT >l*KX*?rlT' ?? ? ? !!^==?= tubbv MHiiin k?|.i * a, habcii ?, i?ar. mwvol.. xii 'my-rt a vr ^*3**T * > mmi w ?***? Wa' *> ?/ ? a w? 1 mmmd Publuiknt errnj "yaturdaif .Mnrtun^ by ROKEICT TPkMI-JHT, prnLM>iKuo? rut nw^or thki'Mo* SUBSCRIPTIONS Three dollar* a year in a* I.auc?*, or four ?!?llar t the en J of the vcir j ADVERTISEMENTS la?ft?1 *t -?f> i ?: l-?r tV ?7 tire f?r the hr?t. and i t'f 1t: i n n il f>r 'Mc i continuance The number yf in?erti?n-< f? be marked nn the i mirjin tr t.>v will b- continued an I chirped ac* Cordinjly Th'w inserted *' ni- nontlilv 7*? cent* and O jnthlv a ?qu ire for each ir.?ir!i'>n Conifnunicatjoo* hv mail to '* poit paid or lemain unattended to _ _ J M ar Drpnr/ittntl, / J v I Si?. S j' Rules in rela no\ r.?cl\i*i^:j pr tided f ?r In an act of C fix;r?*?-> passed ISth Jatiu?rv. IS}?. entitled Aii!, act to provide for the payment of horse* f and other property lo?t or destroyed mi the military "em < of the United >:?ten." prescribed in pursuance > ( the -1 l? sec-i( lion of the s.iid act. I All claims under the provision* of this;, net mu?l be presented at the office of the , Third Auditui of the Trea-nrv !)epirt- , mrui before end of the next session o| Congress, and each mu?i lie substantiated < by such evidence as is hereinafter designated. with respect to ca? sof the clas* > under which it full*. t SIRST CLASS op C.'.sr.s. I By the fir*t section of the law it is rn- '( acted: I **Thal any field, or stalfi or other officer. mounted militiaman. volunteer. ranger, or car*|iy. rn?aj;t'i| in the .nili- j lary srrvire of tJit- 1't?it(?] Mitre ( the I8lh of June, IM'd. or who shall y hereafter be in said M-rrirc. and has sustained or shall sustain damage, without ( fault or negligence on his j>ari while in ( sniJ nervier, bv the loss of a horse in battle, or by the loss ??l" a horse won tided in ' battle, and whirh has died, or shall die, of said wound, or being so wounded, shall be abandoned by '?rdcr of his officer, and lost, or shall sustain damage by the loss of any horse by death. or abandonment, in consequence of the lnit?d j tSlalCs failing to *uj>jd\ sufficient fmage, i . t ? *? i i * or occause w?r rtuer tvas dismounted an .' Separated from hi* hur*?. ami ordered u? do tluty uri fool at a station detached from h>'fif. or when lh( othrrr in the no* njedtJTc command ordered. ?>r shall order. f ihc horse turned out to gra/r in thr wu<>.J?. prairie, or common#, brcau?e the U* S. failed. or shall fail. l<? Mijiply ?ut!??"i?-nt forage, ami the Josh vras or shall he cut- ' eqtlCMl thereof, or b?r "he loss .if it? res- ^ aary erjuipige in consequence ul the I < ?? of his horse. a? aforrkii !. shall b? all ?w ?) ami paid the *a!ue tin r? ot. /'rorn/rr/. ^ That if ?nv pawnrnt has !>?.-?-ri or shall be nude to any otic aior? |.*r t!?? use j am! ro?h. or for forage after the death, ? ' lo??, or abatidotitnent of bis horse, ?arl payment shall hr drduetrd from the value thereof, utiles* he satisfied, or shall ?j ( tifcfy. the paymaster. at the St tie he made or shall make the payment, <?r thereafter show by proof, tint h?* was remount* in which cam* the deduction shall only ? \lend to the tune be w.i- oil foot And pro. j aitltil, it any pat incnl n alt have been - r shall iie-rafter be, made '.o ativ | person abort' rnentt tittl. on irrount >( clothing, 1?* whirh he v js nn'. e:?ti;J? .1 l?% law, iiuch payment -hall he ^ fr??m tf 10 value ut h:s fn?r*?j or a<-r??utrim?*nLs " To cstabli-h a rlaim under 'iii> pr t.Bion, the rlai nant mu*l adduce tin- ? * iilrnce ol the ofiirrr under \\ run.til a nil he crrinl when tin* loss occurred, if alive, or. if dead, then of th** nrxt r^rvivinj ofiirer; ?!c"*cri!?in^ tlir pr ;>< r'.y. the value thereof :;ie tioJr .1 oc! man r t 1 which the loM happened, aij,| whet he <0 liol it was t>u?t.iniei| without any fault ??r licgli^pure 00 tin* claimant's part. Th? ' rtiJcnrc should also, mi r;i?r the r!a n 1 1 ant Was rem uint? 1 .1! er the lo?-,. stale V/hen lie was r hi m ?t-d. how long h? continue | no. and eitdain whether the hornc whereon he was rcrno-.'ntrd had n<?i been furnished hv tin* United Stair-. r 1 tU'iiC'l l?v another rn ?uM? 1 ?ui!r.i i man or vulimtf r, t<? whom |i.ivm> nt h>r the me and ri?l? t*? r <(*. <>r I r r.- I r??j . whilst in the {ios-r*-i.?n ..f th - rl.nrn ?nt. mny lave been ma lr. and it it h id hri n thus nwnri!, *Jl"u! | nntur tin )? r-un. and th? cmnin md to which hr b?d'?njr< d. \ ml in errrv instance in ?htrh the t l iun n i\ extend t?? cjnithe *evcral imrli - ! wmrn the Mini' r.*?nsi*ie<i, ami tue ( ? rate value of rnrh. ??!iuuhl be i?|?c<**i"i?' !- ( S E1. * N 11 < I U< Ml CASI * J The srmtol neriion ,,f ili?* law rnarte , -That nny n h . in the Mi1' mill la ry service. a? a v kuo-rr >r dram lt?'d hi 111JS uiii *l, fu r iii? lie t| .if s}| ill in* '?i?.h himsrlt with inns 'Military .vroutrr meats, rt n?l sustained u -?I. a 11 mi-uhi .Janiaue by the capture -?r de-trurtinr. of the saulC, without anv fault or negligence on his part, or who lost or shall lose t?,?. I same bv reason of h;s being wounded in! the service, shall be ailowcJ and paid t the value thereof.*' Each claim under thi* pr??vissi(?n be established by tin* nib-nc- i rtificer ivli ' r nn nandcd tin* claimant w t i >^s happened. it" alive; nr. i? ! tV n ??f the nrxt surviving fTin-r; ' - rliing tin* several article^ lost, tin- \ I t each. whether or not tin' sane n t rni?died In* the claimant, in what \vn j i I when the loss nrr trrr !. an ! whnh- J r ii it it ura-% sustained without any I ?"1 I r negligence on his part. TiMKt) ci. \-- ?* r\? t.s. The third -erti >11 of the law rn ct* mi m-ranii ivh'i sistainri ' * " I ~'?all suKi.tin l.iin.iur !?v t'ilos?. raptor. r (Ifslrurti-m, l>\ an rm mv, f a 'I'lfti*. (mi!.-. r?r waij" ', riri, 1 r lnriir?*( while ?ur!i proprrtv \vn- i:i 1 "?iliiarv srriiiT of the l;mt?'i! t'iilwr 1)v imprc^mcnt <?r rornrart. i*xr? p' .. ...... #!,?. cii.L f.% vi lurlt ilir nr?i 1 I 1 i " I V. I II ? HI' II.-". . -. I [irriv won!-! he rxp ?** ! was ajjrertl tu !? - I ncurrt 'l !>v the vvncr. it ;l hi.nH apnear ' hat such loss, capture. ??r ilesirueti ?ti I .vas iv11?i tji nnv fault <?r ne^lt^r uce ?n | In* part <>f the <>**. n> r; ami any ! i\"11 without anv sijrh fault ??r tiejlijenn . j iijvt.ji'i< i ur 'h ill -usiain liaiita^** ht tin leath or ahatnh-timrjit ami 1 s of au\ : t:f|j !nif.?, muli*. .?r "X, while III the r- J i in- r?t<?re?.ai I. ill mu^eijm in*r ol tin allure. <iti the p.,r*. i| the I r> t 11 Tile i furui-h tin- na i.e with utTirieiit l??r.i??*. ' hall he allnu e<l ami pat 1 the *.?1 u*- there- s .f 'I'm tahli'-h a claitn t::??!cr tint pruM- 1 !<?!?, i: Will he r.en * * r\ t<> prmlure till J - - - - - ?" ' .. ..I* ft... c esll ll.on> <ti lor ciii; ti i'i iu ?>i in. United State- u li . impressed *>r contracted for the pmprrtv mentioned 1:1 mioj tlairr, anil also <>| the oiiict r under whosr ( rnmcdiaie roinman<! the same wan < in- t ?l?\ ed at thr lime of capture. de-trnrti??n. os?, or abandonment; declaring in what f >va\ tin- proper'.;* "ii taken into the *er- t .'icr nf the I ui'.ed State-, the \alue there- 1 f, whether or not the risk t< which it ao'jhl he exposed was agreed to he inci.r'ed h\ the owner, whether or not. a- re- : yarded horses, mules, or oven; he ruga- ' jed to supply the si me \\ ith sutlici. n I I ori^e in what manner the lo-s happened, ] ittd whether or not it was sustained with- ' ?ut any fault or negligence on In* part. j The sixth section of the law enacts. j "Thai mail instance* where any minor uw been, or ^!iaU he engaged in i!ic imiiurt icrvicr of th" '.tilted Mates;, and was. or r dial' t>e provided with a iiorv or equipments. i ir with iint;l~rv iccooirpinnio, ?? In- parent ' ir {juaro'l "li. and has died, or ohail ?ii" with 1 Mil paying Jor caid |?rojvertv, and the same : !? Im ii.oi "hail !h- I isl, captured de-troved >r abandoned. 1:1 tin tnanti't nji-trs^n d. said parent or g lardian, *? r? a 11 tx- .illowi .1 ?a> ihrr< lor. on mining vitislactor. pr<kj| as !l Oth'T C >.?? ?. .-.-id tin further pf'H?! t'nl li< ? nitr.'.ed thereto, lo lining luruish-J the ' atnc ' ' A ;>ar< nt >-r guardian of a deceased minor ' a ill. I herelore, in ailditiuti to such testimony ' ippiicatd- to hi* claim as is prerlouslv descri- ( k?!. have io furnish prool that he provided 1 .In- minor with th?* prop? rtv therein mention- :d. and tint h", the parent or guardim .-utillcd to payment lor it, hv his having lur- | in?hi d t!:? -am" Tlu.-M-v.-nil. -ictio:. i ! : 1. - l.w enact.*.* " rhat i!. all iiu t > i\iiif t:i\ jur-oii. , ?.her linn a minor. lias been or shall fxr cii-i I i,jcd in tin- milit ?n s? rwc aforesaid, and' lias been, .-r .shall fx- pforidcd will, a hnr**e ' ?r c<|Uipm*-iil*,or u ith military accoutreine is 1 !?) an) person, tin? ownrr thereof, uho has r?sl,ed i I shall i.ik' I'u- r \ ol v. !, h ,fv lit- or in: inn ai, o ;'.r? un nt.s on ' Ium-.m11 and tin- s.|iii? } or sin:l be ! *\ c ip'tir* -1, d' sirnyrd of abandoned in the 1 rnanm t tx lore menu >ned, such owner shall 1 In- allowed pit th'-r.-for, on mixing stti-fac- 1 tofv proof, .ib in olfu r i is. ?, and tin lurlht r r?rcrof that he is i tilith d thereto. In ha?inr* I * #? furnished the same, and having ii the ri-k on hiinv !l l?'*>id? s ' he testimony in support of h.* claim ie rem before r -<nnr? d, < n r. ?ii< h im iter, t hrrelof e, Will h ??? I i pfot e t h it he ii id proaide tin horse, >j up m nis. or tnilii irv .icCfHitr?*ui.'iits lln r? iii nnn'io:nd md (>atk It,e, r> -h 'In r?.*s it on !. i ii-. |l, and thai In- n elitl j lied to pat ifn r? lor. b) inning luriu-'n-d the same. Htid i a h < ii l fie r i?k thereof. on Inmsi-ll and tlm prool should I*- roniained hi a de position of lie- |h rson who had Ix-rti mi provi > ? * I - ? . ... I . . ....... ijimj ii imhi n ii 11 ii if n ??- <j i(> w m-. "i iniliur) urtunir? iii< ui? I n iin cr 111 i !) ' jifmJurtiMfi ! iIn *ij?r > nim il. it ii>(w11- . ?%ilh, uiii?-h i in' 1111 > r;? if t!>ilii> m! | it' h | ii. iii^' it li? rl'-urlv ; f \ *1, -ita 1 iff ii 'I.i' if ir-1 iifl I H O | lit ill r I V ! t III I". Ill .% Ill I III' I f III t \ : in ?w rjili'iii , unlit til" I if lu? iu*<! III lu>l liir lint ii c'.ii ii 11111o| |n* ,'ti' '<i! 11 ji t'if 11 !>', ,i <!. (Mi-Miiou i(| i ;i< i i 11ii, tut. i|?*? I ?r in,; lint h? Ii.i- n.?( I* i i>? >i <r #:ii imv <>lia 'r ??r a,piit ul the Ltiitcl s: it' * tin !iar-< i.r !i.>r. i 'join aj;r. arm-. a'-cootM no nt?, mulo, w.i?oii, cirt. l?"il, ?loij;h, or Ii iriu ??, f.n? tin- nn1 may If.] in lieu of tIi? ri> he loM, imr am Co' ii i >*;ii * 111* 'ii lor ilic <?i?iiii,1 tin! I"* - ii j > |Kijti'il. if jirjcli able, by I h?* original v 11 it ilion lisi. made by "ho iippraivr- ol the (?ro (K-riv. at the tini*- the ?iiii?? wao taken into the ' "iiil?,<l St or- ?r? ice Ml evidence, othrr than the certificates j of officer*, who at the time ol jti\iii^ the n. | w rr in the milit irv *rrvirc of the I'mtcd I ITUS'i b" s^' vrD ! >?rt -omo t'jihxT.' j justice of ihe j>ea?:r. r?r otlif r person duly iihori/rd io idiiiiriia>t*'r oaths, and of which unoritv proof should accompany th?* evi ' B I*'. -'iU i LKIl. S*rrrtary o* II 01 ivl nxtrrnx. \|?pro;cd, January vio. I**-17. ANIMF.W .! \CK>ON" 'i RKVSrRV I)?' TAflTW K N T, Th irl lu/ht r'< Oifirr, J-numrx) Kich claimant can have the sum, which, m o Im* allowed on his r111*11. remitted to, hi n direct on his si?ni.t a wish to that clh'i" I. and ii uiiiinr the p!aceol his residence; bit il ih?- ii)>tfif*v i' to be remitted or pajed to an\ other per?on, a power of attorney to, linn from tlx- el innant, duly executed and, autln jittcntid iliinilai be forwarded with the' claim. j To facilitate the requisite, and ! avoid d? lay in tlx' adjustment of the cl cmi",1 ic!i -houltj n one on In* pi|?T*| die pat master or oilier diideirsin^ officer*. J by whom lie was paid l<?r the service- ol! Iiiinsell, li'i's--, wajjon, cart, team, boat, \C i I'KS'KK II.AffNKU. 1 uHitnr Slirnll s NaU s. | IIv v it )- of S'l'wirv Kitb'.' "? to me dir?<*trd, ^ .v: 11 t~- ? ij !m i ('.itir! H-t)W in ( **mdrn. ti j ,h?* fir?t M ndaa and Tur?d?y m Marco nnt.i' iw us-a! -ur* of rale, the fvl>oai&? pro- ' C ()ne Iiou>o and Lot ja it t!;r <f I'mmini, front, raj not '>n broad < * t.'ccl and known in (.')? plan o| the Town a J | wrupii-d at prrvnt a* a Printing tfirc levied i f n and to t?- w .!<{ a< tljr property ol Sarah A at the ?ujt of t.ic Kacc-Jtof o! Zark Can try 1 Itc.t -ii -j Also one House and Lot n the T-?* n of t'a.nd-n. fronting ra?t on broad j trrrt immediate iv north of the n<-* Haptj?t i' .. jr n. and known in the plan of the Tuwna* i i.inibr J f Also one NVerro Man !i .ujK-i JOIMJ \\. a Mr.<"W U?cr and l'laatrirr by I ra !< I\ .in ! to Lr ao'.J a? Iff j?r n_v i>: ^ "h.v!<-% \ MrDoua'd, at the *u:t of llrnry H ' j nik )!i<] < thrfB Also one Negro Roy , ..".rocd SIVt'N, on and (a U a 'Id a* the ^ mj-rrty ? \] ?at tt>c ?u.t > !" %1 urty A Slclnltth, (i \K Into?h a:?d other* One tract of 1 it* nd I!, m tin1 north ?uh* ! 11ranov? ftrr r >n- ^ a ttfi r.r hundred tn.?rp ,,r ;? *?. adjoining ' .and* ( J ?i.n J \li ?.!r \V i) Sti -n and other* I on and t.i to- ?..!d a* t.'ir jir";??Ttv John j liddlc ?- :j at '.hr -u;t ol J i' l.uctUJ and other* ^ \ Is-i miic tract of I ituul^ l.V" Arrr? more or !r<? on the wa'.rraol i VTi'llty t. V i* lilite i'trrk. utjoinin; land* ?1 I. tr.w?-o ao.) oin. ??, ([;? projrfly ot Sam t?*l S i 4i at the ?uit ot ll'ivf A lr:?r> and otlirr* ' < oiUitioRa ? a-.ti I' t" j>av tf,r Shef- ' ?r M II"JSSKK. S K L) i r-V'orr II. SKI.UN<; OFF J Tl.r >: !i*rrtl>?'r Jia\nirt ri rotiintcncril m n? ti.? rr.i;i:;!? huMMr** Mci'liutii''** tile. | ">111111'r 1 ii ?trirt. Willi ;i view ul rarr\i i: ! , I on more extm-ivr l\ than I??-r? l- I< r; ivi-lles t i devoir In> entire attention to ,'ie -arno, and Uill tlirrrl'ore (111 order t ? lose h i ? bu-ine-- lit ('auitii-n) -ell In- , * hole -tori; (? \ceji'. (ir??ciTK!?) j t a >ha !< | ibut c . COST "r fis!i ?r ( fiolurr, i?r t<? In* !' "ui'.o.i ?r- on the rrrdit, until llie ' ' ,,t Nlarrb.ou which ?l.i\ lie will cum- I ii? ucc to -? II at 1 ITItUC AK TION ] Hit rrmiinin/ -tuck and *ill continue from , lat to da> until llic w hole i- dirj*?-cd ol. Ill- liou-*-- and lot- on >tn,?,t are | *i?o lor - 11?- <>n arcoiiiino'latin^ term-? I >!lf o! w In !| l- [.If ?r and Colli.|l hIiou-. aiiil . ( I 1 iio?'H 11pur(> >-ic ol Ixilli a -tore ami ; ^ j?e!lnio lo a |?urciia-rr ol the latter |?ro-' , (e rti the Mock ol would be sold at ro-t it tl?-<.ir. 'I , i.ko.s c.Di:si ii\Mrs. , J in 'd*" ? l**-h t \nr ('opart nerxhip M I Tin i'r..TH hat in^, ?>n ilir l?t!i Aug 1 lui I riii< il a rojmrtin r?hi;*. under llir. lirui ? ! j1 .1 II. \ndrrson iV To. {{ (m tiIuIU M>lii ii fr ill llirir lrn ml* uii'l tin* puliiii* i:tm rnlls a c*?tilit uanrr ? f * i i a I |<air>magr vliirh lias hitherto hreui r\tr|ulr<l in thi-ui null* nlualh I*!..- r.trinrr rwMtiinrr* i f rarh o! tin* -ul>- 'iiirti, will l??- nrrniniiiuiJatci! mi the ?! in-lit n? heretofore, hy applying ai 1111' -.ii rr I 'IiihtK orrupu <1 l>\ r f \ii-' lip.-.m, j. h vndkkson. | F F VILLFI'Hit i: I N<?t i'j :{H _ti Tin Miuiufariorv. I lio ?i|''?rr l? i lining * ;?! ! hun?rli in ^ I'imiiI'Mi hi r if . r tinrlli nf *|ir OfTirr, tvi'j, l.i ?-[i i | ti?t-?iil!v mi li*!ui i n#r?l -Ut'l ?i!i n?c rl j mi- til . i I I V \ f11' \\ Iiii- ?i n i j I it .* (i'im-i! i.| | .it thn I writ rut ? Ji .*? hiiTk i-X' Mliil t?rl!| tirftl ii.-** tn?l *|Ml< h I)T N N IS M/ K It | \V .ili'ril h J #? i f m<- v i- :i I., "k lii'ii till*, lirm (?, I l*(|'llt i r ?1 U ,1 k ii. 1 irl *i-l - i.xitv i in I ( ! , ' ii n' ;'r.',!i I i ? " i I nl tlii.ii I 4 lu |? J . f *? V. !l ! < Iilnn ill innrft,! ? r I -II > .) J" A t> r I '< ;.( r I; i?-, ftltil I , Will In- j *?' tl r\ <Kr!i?ll^r |.>r Wr.fK f> S | t ' r ii tr v I! ?.><1? H Not ICC. Th-^" tr* Wj? ? iS?*nHrr by n<*t?? r>r nr count, n*<> r> q ir?t< <1 ! *riti?> Iho *?nir before tit?* nnt return tf*v. <tlifiwi?? t'n > will find oil unrr?l!r>d in the hnncN i f 1 Wether* K??j T L JONP? P.-> i! ? CO? Variety. From th<? vort.'j Carolina Standard. ORATORY. Pnjton.?"Hie ! Kroun-lrol i}ihIi Mnt ii>ult tiji*. 1 will hive the I if- of tin* i| I villain. Y'mu shont speak; (J?<1 I m v >u, hold your tongue, (*?I I n v uj, take vour ryes off of' rue. voii ill i "'t look at me." IVisr.? Dm't Peyton, the <1 ? ! seomlrel is not worth inindinj*." We will not <av that the ab ire is a fair specimen of whig oratory; hut it is the language of two upstart leaders of the whig* in Congrefle, used in their officiul capacity. These men hare descended, , not ?qIv from the dignity of their station*. , hut from the altitude of common decency. , to retail infamous slang <?f lying "rumor" , in the floor of Congress. Wc sought an , tpology for their Conduct, in the heat of { ;>artv excitement; and supposed they were , not what tlicy seemed to he. But their -her.triers have become fulh developed in ' he committee room; and we s?t exhibi- , ion" of blackguardism, consonant only j o nnnds habitually vulgar, ami to hearts t 'indicative and corrupt. These are the ^ nen who have made a general charge of r 'oruplion against the Executive Otpar:-', ncnts. nud have impudently railed .. : tl-> ( irru'cd for tcstemonv to criminate them- r ? Iv?*s; thus showing that thrv know as j ittle of w hat is due li? just ice. as to dcceu , v and propriety A statement was rua.b n lite House of Representative*, mi tht | llh inst. by Messrs Peyton. Wise, <ji?- jj ? *? II ' ITT ' i ftl intj Itiliri, it . I uamor, i .11 i. !? * * ( !?e Committer.) which fully corrohor- r airs the statement of Mr- Wnitnoy; il tt r lo not. there is no stirh thing as cor-1 oburativr testimony. Mr*?Ts' \V !>.( tit.) Vyton bestowed on Vr. Whitnev. :r? , | heir speeches in Congro**. an i r< ; fiein in their explanalions, the term-* **i - t .Knolls wrrtch; thief; robber; low, ba?e,{ ilc, cowardly. dishonest wretch;" all of; vhich Mr. Whitney is to receive with *] hankfulnc** and humility, romiug from a urh high. noble, brave, honest and fa- { nous gentlemen, as arc Messrs. Wise and j j Vvlon; the champions of our ''bleeding t 'onstitutioii"! (iod help the Constilu ion and the country too, if they look for irotcrlion from such ajdeudid brutality as his. v M. W isc makes on excuse for the con-!. I ? luct of his friend Mr. Peyton, because g He knew thai ihr gentleman from Ten- t lessee regarded that urrteh as a minion ?f Kxerutive power."?So, no?every .1-. .v .... a _ L . . 1 - ' nan ui.u uicsc uiwiiirs iim' \ ) ur a ; | 'minion nf Fxr< ul'*e jiowt-r," mu*t -s u l? - t ^ nit to i j.ithet* l.k< th? nboTr, from kojv>rri' >lt |?riulf?nrn; ll they do not. I fir Lonoratit grntlemrn will "take I .cir 11vr*," un ??s tlirir "blood" should be "too mrsi?"j* 0 "stain" the honorable hands of the \or<iblt k'rntli'incn. i 7 he OOl Sna*.? A couple of blades | ore mn a Vcrmutitrr at a tarrrn. They i' n<! In ar?l inurh of Yankee ingenuity and ( 'uniting. oinl if.rv sown dclertutned loser * 1 thry could not "ionic round" this son ! a- I 1 i\ %. :- rm :_i . i - < ii mi- uirni *i *iin11jiii i ninaing mat j ir would be careful of his copper*. the* j' proposed to him. in ihc course of the eve- '1 ting's chat, that each of ihcra *?h?>u!-i ' -rojiusr and do something which the other ' ?o should imitate; or on refusal of either m to d-?, he should pay all the damage the thrra might sustain, and the scot at the , liar. The Vcrmonter was a little wary at j iirst---but at length consented. One of.] l!?e V-irkrrs commenced the game. II? ! [Milled i'if his cont. walked up to the Jire j.iJ | :hrcw it on. II is companion did the ?.?mr. I, ? The Vermonler, ns they hid agreed, i oust do so too with hts coat, or pav lor', die otliri two coat*, and the scot. With-J i Mil hesitating, off went the garment on to |. ilit? Iirr. 1 lie other .>cur lorher next I mode trial. lie ? tf b<>cts and hat, and ri?iiMjjiir>! tlirtn to thr devouring rlrmrnt Hit companions imitated him, and tu their [i?lnm?liiiieut, the Yankee uatnotbnrk?v 1 r?J. >'nw rame thr Vrnnmitcr's time | t. trail. " Landlord," said hr, " i* there i a ilui'ior near?" " ^ ? *, Mr."?''Send fori' htm." Thr gentlemen of ^ urk began to;1 -tare. Thr doctor tonti enmr in. " Doc- J' tiir," aid thr V rrmontrr, got your in- 5' trnmeniv, I want* you to pull out every 11 tiHJtft in my htail, and these gentlemen will pmbaldv want the same done with their*. | at llie same time he began lo make rcauv I' 1. r ihr operation. The dor'.or and the J other ^tuo wire rnnl'tMinilri! ?(\?ino,' doctor. don't wait," n11 1 helling opinio*;' nniilli, he discovered lo the compatit t lie had in hi- head hut one old sing uhirli \v i 11111 ha Til iv keep in his head. It 1 was | ri -(:illv out. The Yoikrrs wi?rly .! r 111. I following suit, paid the ^ crii.outer (>r his coat, hat and b?mt?. and' went oil lo bed grinding ihrir molar*. j A nnr /rra?.?Thr Oswego A?lverli*rr state* that "Iti a r.nrrti in the side of n 1 mall mountain in the Niagara district. I Canada uat?r is continually oozine irom!, J * I tin* rork. 'I hi* water freezes in summer* ami dissolves in winter; that di water j jjrows rolJ tn antnnin ami winter the iri melts aunv. hut as spring opens it begin* to freeze, ami form larjje icicles so that by harvest, tliev may he conveniently u^cii 'o :*>c ioo L-'- the:? vho ar^ versed ill the freaks i .N.iui i- ^ive UB the wiiv and wherefore of this sir* iga variation from l?cr general laws*" When Roger .Sherman was a young man lie was ol*jecied to by the parents o: a young ladv, whom he addressed, on the ground that lie was poor, and would never shino in the world. She however, like n true-h.irlcil woman nreserved iu f - - h?r iutcntinn, and m.irried him,?and lived to see him a signer of ihc Declareli.m <>f Independence, and the governor of his native state. Hiring to Duty ?Cultivate in no way the rrvrcen.i v principle* Never hire your child to doits duly. To substitute the reword for the motive, and make prc?cnt advantage the determining influence, where truth honor or religion, all sacred md imperative, should decide, is to breed Ttonstcrs in the nigral world. Something Curious.?It is a singular fact, iavs the Fife Herald, thai a dock of sheep n this neighborhood were struck blind on ho night of the late brilliant display of he aurora borcalis. They were bled lext day, and thus had the use of their ri<ual organs restored to them. If the irrumsliner i< anv ?->f" * "re than a ncrt coincidence, it wonld seem to im >ly that sheep ore very attentive o'j>ercrs of celestial phenomena. t're sentiment.?" Docs not that bell toting." observed his companion to Col. , >r. hearing a funeral knell, " put you in mind >f your latter cod?" '"No. but the rope puts nc in mind of jours." Cause "/ roll.?A wild wag of a tailor in Baltimore, thinks it must be mighty cold cp n Abtiigton, " for they hare no thermometer here, and it just gets as cold as it pleases 'g Ilrnr.?We learn from the Boston rimes thot some good people of Dresden ire carrying on an immense business in he manufacture of spurious rhampaigne. l is the sham-pain probably that produces he real pain. The genuine article has no 'headache in \C-.tico. Cour. /! venerable preaeher.?Rot. Dr. Woodf, viio Ins preached fifty-four years in Boscarcn. N. II. and who prepared Daniel Webtcr for college, died on Sunday, the "i>th lit. Shakrsp/arr'i tomb. - \ suWrition has jcrn opened in F.ngland, and jf'iOO suhscr.* uctl, to renovate Stratford church, in which rpi^e the a.<tbc? of Shakespeare A liberal .ub?cripiion .al-K) ha* been entered into ttnongst the filrrati nt St. Pttcrsbur% in tid of the renovation of the tomb. Th-prtu:css Harintiuski is at the head of the list. Parisian anrrd^tr. ? Mr. , a weal? hy ftnancrr, being convicted of filling his >wn coffers at the expense of the royal treasure, was deprived of his ofiice and distnisicd the court. He shewed no confusion rhatevcr, at his disgrace, aad was merely ward to say: " They hare done Terv wrong ct ini? 1 han? t?iif7t.*n?nili/ "or myself, and vu just going lo provide for he king." Quite probable.--kn editor down cast ?ays, * iherc i* a man living in Maine whose feci arc an large lhai he has to pull his pantaloons on over his head!" Streets of f.ibcrty ?An Irishman e?r:ipr?l from a prison hv jumping out of a window. He ramr down upon the head nf n molasses hogshead, which broke srul let him in up lo the middle. "Faith," ?aid he. oh he scrabbled out, "I have often heard of the sirates of liberty, but no ver knew wliot it meant before. ,-t rash voir.?At the Hastings quarter scs<ion, on Monday last, a witness excited much merriment by slating that although h? had been repeatedly knocked down in a tu mull, which came before ihe attention of tho bench, he had taken no part in the pugilistic contest himself, haring some years since, made a ra>A row ucver to fight. Woman* fart.?How extremely chaste is the following aphorism, which Mr. James, the author of '* The Ovpsev." " John Mirsion Hall.' &c introduces in one of the episode of " The Desultory Man," his last new norel " Women arc taught to keep their affection, like a rare e<un. hidden from all eyes in the racket of their heart; and it is not nil, hv some mishap, the key is lost or stolen, that man funis what treasure there is w i'.hin! ' /'ir-fn'i/i/; r 1 f 1nr\rr ??- A clin?i ? ? ? ' ...... V. I ? niUil ago uvo children, brother and sister of, vwiit in a boat on the Rhine, to pot to the inland" and gather some wood. A storm came on and carried them down the river.? In their passage they came up to a small vessel which had been up?et. and two men were clinging and c.rving out for assistance. The children's boat reachici them, and the first man w Vo got into it \? a* their own father, whom thev were thus the Cert untile tr.Tar.s . e 'e j , 1 C*f i ven 1 ticn.