University of South Carolina Libraries
TIIE CAMDEN JOURNAL. ? BY ltOCERT M'KMUHT. of it?r tbr I niUd Mate.. Edited Ity JOHN C. WE#T L ^^???? mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm???m???atmmmm?tt?? ?^i^ ** vol,. XI. ' A HWfcV SOI ril-riKOM W, FKBKl.tKY 25, |K?7. VO. 39. ??????W?I ???????wy???Pi??????I??????hm^ m ?m *?? WW ^ .4 ? - ?* w '! ?? I l,u''h''t',i f i~" >! ! / v r- n?.t n ^ i ?* o? t#i >. i ?m? SUJSCKli'TiONK Three d illf-s a -.'ir i.i advance, or four do'.'n the end of the year. ADVCRTI^EM ENTS tmcrtrd at seventy ?ivc a; it. ti?e ?ouarc f?<r t'i<first. and halt that amount fi.v rach cn.itniuai?'*?* ? Tii?; ri'J ii'kt of insertions 1 ? I?e in "Used on ?i;e margin or tliey *ii! In; continued sm! r'urn-i! jr. C'lniin/'V. Tiiav mierte.I lonto'v 7"i cents ai'! .O'littiily $1 a 'juirr f>- insertion Com'Tinnications liv mail U; or ;? >at r?ani or i< . ~ f cnattendcd to. jg '? -??? . BY U i tlOli IT V | LVtTS O! the iMTIi) ^A ifo n-M n >. l THE ??F.CO\D sr.^ms o THE rvvcsrv KOfftTt! l No T.j AN ACT : > extend the limits of t!ie port r-f New Or leans. B- it cnartid, I?y the Senate and IIo::-c of Representatives of the United States of America, in Ctingtess assembled. That from and. after ibe passage of this art the poll of New Orleans shall extend, on tl:r river, from the lower to the upper corporate limit# of lite municipalities of the citv of New Orleans. J AUKS K POI.K. ^Vf'Arc vf i.'ir Hour of llrjifrtrnfahcr' \Y. It. KING. /Vot/.Vw o! li.r S'taue ].<rv ir&porc. Arrnovto. Oth F? 1>. IS!I7 ANOUKW JACKSON. [Pi r.rt'. N??. * I AN ACT to change the name o! !<te Collection Distrirt of Minhinn n- i>?? <>f Massachusetts Jo Full Ki\ r r. m.! for other purposes. 23r it enacted by the Senate ami llousr 01* Fief rcs.rntati\ru of it r I"i. <1 .Sl.i * , of America in Con^ro-* oonn! led. That fruir and after the f;r?l ?)av of April next. the said Pistnr'. kncir. 11 nn<! rail. d h\ the name of tn?- I>.;;!*t?.<fs L) irict, shall i c ral'til ll.r Oistr ?rt of I ail Ifiirr. and r.s rurli shall he made a jmti <u lulrv fur teasel* arrit in* irotn the I'apt ?.f (jnod Hope, and fr<?'U plact ? be; o't>l the ?atnr. HOT law now in force '.<? the < mlrar\ nott\ iih.s landing. Arrnovtn, February 13th, I**37. {Fii:j:c.? No. 0.j AN \(.^T lu onicnd an net entitled "An art to establish branches of the mint of the United States," passed the third tlnv ?>f March, one thousand eight hundred am! t flirty-fire Re it enacted uv the Senate and IfutiHe of R?nrr*cnintivc% of the United States of America, in Congress a??crnbied. the officer* of tlic branrli mini at New ()i - ( leans tltail be one superintendc:it. ontreasurer, one af?*a%rr. disc imT.t r run! r? liner, flnd one coiner; and that the officer* of the branch mini* nt Charlotte arid !>-*! l.inegn, *es orslly, "hall be one Mijiciml? :itlonu who slmll also perform the duin-* of treasurer; one a*M?yer, who rdiall al?" pi rform ihe dttlica of inciter and retiurr; and one eoincr; and the annual aalanr* of the said officers hall he a* folio**-*: for the branch at New Orlcain*. to the superminident, two thousand five hundred dollar*; . a -1 :o mc treasurer. mc assayer. mc innn r and refiner, and the coiner, each two thousand dollars; for the brandies at Charlotte and at Pnlilone^a, to the nupcrintcndent, two thousand d -liars; and to the .is* saycr and the coiner, each fifteen hundred dollars. Sr.c. 2. And he it further enacted. That, so much of tlu art? ntitlrd ''An net to ? -* tablish branches of the mint ot t!ie I ni* icd States," approved the third day "f March, one thousand rijjht hundred and thirty-five, as is inconsistent with ihr provisions of this act, he, and the same is hereby, repealed. Approved, February ISih. ISt? PRIVATE SALE. , riii* subvert!*. t w i?!unj? to r! < lt'? pfewiit !'ii,inc*s, offnr* * .':? the larfe an<i rouiui'?<!ioi:.? glory li'?u?f, ii'i " wriijin'i) t)v linn .1* .1 ?!???<? .vnii dwelling (in tlir (>ri'nu?<s in a'1 n-'C*' fv ut b'liJdtnjr*, viz bio* ?t'>re, coM'-a h ;> . I.11 Vn s:ar\c Imuse nni! ?:s!>'o If ti?t' ???'?? ril? ' w.!i it--;*-" *1 stock of ?joo?ia at tiio U'n<>. * 'n! priiifipj'lj of Grocfrics ind Doinwutf ?!s< . r. I ?<r. Csunpbrll atrff t Also A lio'it f?n:r horse wagon. T!w ilmvo will lx' '!*! on sffo'tt'noilctinjj term* Vor particular*. app!v t<? the pttl^crilxr. JS DKFASS 'it* M- 17^ tf t A civ ( ' opal'I ii ip. The fsuljsCribcrs 2m^ in?. on :ltr l~i'i A11: j I?i-1 formed a copartnership. under thr Jirni of J. II. Anderson if* Co. Mespccifi'Mv soliriifrom their frirtu!* nnci tlir public tencraMv n comituianro <.| inni patronage 'thiohbss Itiiborio ??? c?? evirinlol lo i'm*i11 itulividuaiio Tlir I-\>r.:nv c;:?l??iv.r r? of rnr'i o( ?'?r subscribe; s. will !ic acfoipniudalci 101 I'?*' satrr lrrm< jk JuTOioftco. 1 v aj*f>Jv i'"_ a; tiic Siorr lo*i::i r!v ortvpicij l>v I* 1 \ iiifpij.ic. J. n \M)F.KSO\\ V V \ I l.I.I TICl C Nor |'2 IN -!t" Tin MiuiuUictnry. I h iijiiv "i IIM i rij , n ' :i ucJrn on* m >.. ri > i -t| tin* l'n?t ''f!i?-p. \\, rotikln >> . in'n. n i> c\r V ati! lu! ? ??<> \ u..*nt ??f TI N \V A I.!' V." i i i w ..I '.* il.<n-.u u nf 1' I !? 'owe*: I _ J..J, v. ,1 ^ v : li I . a; . 1 .. .! . o.r;, PKWIS SI/KH \\ n. <i a J . > (': it .< !mo :r ?i'ft 'l 1 .! ?-? ii \< ; i. ? .ii., < . o ?.w lit o I. i a ?i* .1 I.1|| 1 1 J \ I IT ,'-.t,? . . . ? I.-J 1-n .i? A.I O'i. IVH ii-j, ( . i'mt. a:;il l.' .wi. v. i liUn hi rirl 'iii;!' .nr -.uiri, I) V . c. "a. v 11 ? Aoiicc A'l prrso > i<!? irii in mr i tie ?>i .1. M. Nm'i) i iV ('< . arc lutein no.* int .n r.!1! ?"? A I'.i".-. aI 11 i? <_.> ?. v. iii? Jo*- nccr ? io .lie imMr*, n ??i ar miki I? line, ant! :*i i c'v ,m .!ior*/.ftl l*.? -r.iV an:r. w. u. i;o\M*N Drc. 11) Look ai This I' ic v.ojtl i?g!?i-woo'i ai)t dr*c p i !t:iiu?(.f co*n, peas. r aij'i p r? trrnl for fctc2rr?i>o.M?. can !? b.nj irawivil* m ?pplvsug o; \i)c llc;tnt,a^p. tn SAML'KL P,\sK?N< I*.n 4 *0* 'f < fin / ?* M M 11 IV A :i or i::t'o ?. J i j ; r I r.o o: ( .Tj'fi.rf iVntio c-i.'ir: V i o'.<* ?>' :.cCOUtH : fC 0 ?( < IVO'C c.:!lcil If HO J'? ti: ji^\fucnt. I i:V c! iiicu'^cucp r <n:>i inpraoicd, r.- n mcr.-arv ti>M f !>> ' m . of lil.'il CouCC. S v:Ow'i] !h* i-ri.irtl ilt.iu !v. 1: u i:o.\m:v. Ja 7 I(J f IjV)i fir*/ Jfo/it-// Dttf / gihicco jus: ^ v r. \v r.nNM'. i J ,~:i 7 !?' ;f (?l Iff. li M.I. T * " fill!'. !! i* ' ?v .1'iri:i ? tnv ni-wnrr firoui !'.< State; N M \l\* ^ |f-.- :tl 1. M AlC'HON and COMMISSION III SINKSS *! ."?' * : r??|?"r'.r" . :'>! ;> t r i a * iu? r..iiii!ir"rri' i!)r ?l>ovr l>u?tsi?-i>?, a::<J Mill <!i ?;.<? * r,( an? n>rrr l.jmhw k'.ajr ..f j.f. vjlr ojilr rrj!ftj?tr?! t" litniai c! -,\.!! !>c thitiklu! f f . *.*, '*!?. i r. r'l !i i i v< n vol v; \ V I :f Ilrfrrr nrr ? Jm||N ridSSi It. JOHN M M'lJ.ON r v v if i.nn.i ?: I !>?||'. V.ollkM'iN !!<?:.: i \ v \ s a i.ass J i JOM >. Tok salkT 1 < .r Mf.v \\ Hml: in N ( <!rlit ? ra!>lr ntl <>r n!???i:t '.lie \!"tl? r h lYI>runr\. il i Dpjdir.v.ioN In n .-de A (. \\ IL1.IS J aU 4^ N II. ? |l?-livrr*l?1r nt ' I JO r.trli tlr*. i arprvifrr A. Mi^llolmoi hate received iheir f \!.I. -?ij?|?1 v of MllilJA'./K Y A ml Faiifv ( JimmI*. nnuntinp of Satin ami Yehrt Bonnets, Kn"ln-h anil American Straw, Silk* lor dre^t. Ribbon*. I'lowcr-, (note.*, IMu, l'.uirt Shawl* and Scarf-. W line and Black Blond I.nee. Plain ami Figured l.v i - Bl<>nd La en lor l)re*?est A. e all of ttlnch ttil! be I -old onv? r> rea-oiinbic tert.ij Millinery and drc s,; '\ceuud to or | tier as u-unl Nov r\\<;v Di{.\it, lUKoNNN *?n<l Ml\< ! IWto\l> ( l.dTHs uitnl f"r i>< < rrf.nt'-. * I<??. rirli, ?11# r k * 1 n ! -trijiri! (' \^S.\ M l.!U. iih! S \ 1*11 j N I/ITS. ! *r ? ! l>\ i:. W. IJn>NK\ j < >rt VI*1?? 'i. TAX ICS. 'TAXICS I I u i.l jt fiitluw ijij? tun, k and |.!?rcj t<. < < I ,t Tn x r<-' n? J' r l!.? nr 1 -.'t? \ ; At !..Vr?\ Mill. <x? M >n?!?v, lAtli M < !? I- IT I F ! ?? U'?rk. "Ttir??!av I 1l!i i '* HuffalfW. ' Wrdnfudjr. IMii t " 1.>u!,h\ /i, ' Tiiiit?<2a?. K'.iii. " Sfhr<vk * M?1J f'ruhv 1TI? | ' <'>irrt"n * v. l~i!i sn<! .if t'vn?l#-n, [if\ < ')> >ii.l *lVr t'ul I ? j?: til - i I (if I ?l M n , lt? ii th<- ' i - ? 11 t * r J-!l> \N1 1 r K V 1 ! V ! - V .\cw (rf ?ic rs!ii|>. ^ | ^! 11'. uii.iciripiM-d. i11' inu on tlic f.r-.t I .irioci ilicfnf ivt? in i-c Mcr C?i') i i ' * I hi -1 r; r undf III'' firm nf L.ZVT c# 3TTC-HCC17, H)!iCi:> Iro-n t!>c cnuiirtniiitv , .1i:d |>.?rtu" :I. r!v tho/uriner cnMoni'-.s <>f H ( I. ni ,n ronlinmiice of the 11!?crr.I palron.itio ( extended to Imn. ami v.iiichn will ho thru rni'f.iiui i'j nun,; t *y intend purchi*mp j CM i\ ;.( (! i),i?r?v>wee, for winch 11 if v .. i .... . ? 111 r: ii r <*r t % i i.-rc. V. . c? ... . ............. ....... . ii i.r.vv \v i: m r.nsoN. S :,. i \EXY r v i.m. < <: oiis , I ili. mil?"i fi i? a't* now i?|f a choice ;??i>4?rliiT?'fU of >I! \SON \ 111.1. fiOOOS, ulncti tliev olio on iijo iin>?.t JcnjstjatjJe .?fii'v. cMI - >*i in" in i "!? to'low WOOI.r.NS I.'IMXIN HI I I'll. lil.x.NKr.T.c, .M ,ir k i!j ?.'< Siijii'iini .ii roi/.m'-n Ni.(?KO I.INSLVS ' S.jj?**i .uc 1 .<i ??! >*? I?!11?*. 1'.i.?ck , Urow n. (iiren 1 N.if"i!? on. \ olr: .Titl .M iv.! ( I.OTIIS. S .!, * ( Sii.;i?'i ami I * I.? ii (. \SMMI.UK ijo I'.ir k-t? ni. i'n ' i * i .i .i Sir *?mi I * 1 > S \ I I i N I.TS 1 \\ in.' S.T.ti iV \ ' f?v. 1 I. \ N N I.I.S. Ov c \MM(N1 1.11 i.uwu,\ 0.1 J^rrjtir.rii r<gi:r'?: M i -1 *.! , ( "? ncr. .it | url<\) ; 0-1 ['lain, nuil r? :;o .Mi:RIN0>. ' ?'."'.r i: i !nl >f < (I ) 0-1 " M?'f :m ('I KC \SS|( >N S (si; r Khrt. a...| , ,| IK ?M i: \ZKTTs 0 I Sti.?? r Iii- ?ck r.( >M I'l \ /.KI'N. I : I <I I.I < ll 1.1 )< I 1 N ( I , \ t . COTTON OOODN. Sjjirr l\mr\ C.l!,|i Oi!;. Mnin ? do Sinlly <! > mi I'l a hI ! j " 1 r. nrh ?!o ami < tinou'n i orniuirc ?!o. I'i i.ii r.i:ii J'l.ini (11 ,\( 11 \| S ' ".jiufi-ii 111,i;r. .km 1". nii ( \\ .Mimics M?...iiiM .lit'.unit Ml SLlN> lltx.U. Mil'! r.j?il S-.u-i c)o. Ssri;H <l nin! I'Utu < \ M HUM'S, ( 31ll.ll IC, I) nil*, v ami ("ofilt ?i (OA J'S ( o.'ofi ?1 a till Vi ,ntf ('oiioti HOSIKK Y ?Jw.c LINKN.V. i i inch I.INKN.S .AM) I. AW NS II::-1.1 .Mi'l Daitii-L N \ I'K I I ?i iji' r A. i <ji!m ic 11 D K1 S. noMKM'ICS :: s i; o.-.-i sunt n.v; I-1 ' i ilii ;.t <! > shitting :M to.-, i lllc.icliii SII1KTINGS \ SUIT TIN<;< A;ifot. t I!!'.< KSan.l piai,l HOMCSt'l .\S .Mix.-.: fnTTo\ \|>!;> C::i!'n I I. \ N ,\ i'. I t *\ intc an! c??lo r>! j I-1 r.u<! t'-l I'll K>, ,n SII.K (il)()l)S. r,. ?t I.I.ic'K i ji'.11 I.'.^ i iii.N(io. " (if;? I)?; lS> ' I'!nii and I i^nrrd SILK** Sett ir.?' Si!!- a (it! i ?ri IIau?!^u??' I'anc\ Silk >11 \ \\ I.** Vht ami Bandana 11A M > K Kill HIKl'S S;>tti!?*fi?!d ?!u n!3c?. i . >\\i 'i > i ( v.lort il T f i KKS ]!!aek ait<! < mW.1 S.U <,L<>\ !*> Italian l KAY A I S S!* ll? ?Si:. (plain and rilj>?d)&c i FANCY (i()()I)S. 1 II.;n<l*oinr Worked Muahn COLL\US d i do < M'KS do do and l'riii'd d>? Blond I-ACK and Thread KlMjlNli J Bilniut I.AI I do FOnTlv; S'.vi?? SsrtjK- Ml M.IN China Silk H< >SK Rlacl. Spun Silk Klaatir do 4 # V / i ? - I/ ?f? A rompVtr avnrtnw'it f < AHI'KTIX. <M 1 lit* m-ur.*t anil rno-t appro*rd pattern.nil} eolora arr< niri! A IX), n rxicii^iv < <>1 | gro( i;riix i s\i)i)Li:m. IliltDWilti; i b a. g a x n a .v . i I.'I K A I I (t'I'l I 1' i IN A: HATS, : itli mafcy <>tlirr nri < !?* ? 'or -?Jo !'\ I.KVYA III <,IISn\. j Si jttrniUrr '{"J NOTICK A I pf n* n ' ' !<- ! J.imcj I* I. m ro, n (11 *.V Mi- ?! '! ?ili- ?!t ; m tf?- lini #if i il.,-, ? 11 * ! i " id I!? ' Iiiii !" "t nn Att >rnrv i i <?,tt '? I :?* r>'')< riA?urn > iv. n I tin ilun tr,J ' .ti.- in .ill me- ? hi-rr n?l ih)i!>< I W il WILLIL r IV. 4 lj~t* NEW FIRM. Tim f-iib-cribcrs iir.tins; on the '2d of Jan! uary turned a copartner-li-p und?m the firm I of Junes tV .Maishall, for tliopur|>os??of traiis-j acting ihe mercantile business, u ill keep con-i ?:anilv oo hand a full supply of dry goods, j F'uCorii* vVc winch l key will dispose of on| ;lm mosi reasonable tci ms. and hope hv their, ..ct atmunou ;o Lm-ine?s to merit a share ofi he j 11i.'ic patronage ( r inxtx A. <.\ MAKSUAL ! J .in. " ? ! *??:f ; N 15. Hann? fo^MCti tI?c above coparilobip it be coino necessary for rrc 10 close nv l)U'i.m-?s I then.-fore re<|jcsi n'l wlio nrc rni< bird to ntc bv 1 r>ic or account rocail and c dc sic ?o:j:c. J. I,. JONES. The Hank of Camden. So Ca O.AMDKN. Oil. 1-Vli. I KIT. Tnr Hoard of Iliroeturs Ion mg ordered :!;< pav mnii of the 3ih and last I'isinlmenl mi liic ("ap'inl Stock of litis. Hank, on Sai11 r I\ . lb.' 1 **lli day ol March next. Pub hr >'?tirc * hereby civcti. that ihc same In itio icn dollar* mi enrh share, will be rerc*\ i ti ?>n ur lo l\?rc Saturday the lsih M a re !i ne \ i. hi ( liar lr-ion Iiv i !m* I * f a '11 r r\ ami M?fhnPic"s Hank: in Cnlun.bia bv ibc ['umnir r?*ial Hank: in Cheraw bv the Merchant's Hank, ami in Cnimleu, al the Hanking I!ou*<r, by ihc Cashier. The Srrijil will bo'Sailed on n^jdiraiion at the Hanking Il-nisc in Camden, on receipt of ihc Returns of payments Ironi the places ibov e designated. Hv order ot tl?e I loan:, W.J. CHANT. Cn: it if r' 1*. !>. 1 l -bO-t The Colombia Southern Time*. t!a* Charleston Courier. M enrv ami I heraw (i.i/.iilc will I'libli- he above until i!ic l^Ji Marm ne.\t, at forward t!:eir hi 11 h : o the Cashier. Fine Culler v. The >:i >scri!)? r has ji:-1 ireeivt'd a ca*e o t i :* cutler v. anion j wl . c h arc a lew e\ira fine Sois*or.s, oi liitr-.-icui M/es New Year's and Christmas (.nts lur !* *>< for >sU- i.y K. NS BONNK Y Dec. 11 ? :f At public Auction IVf.irr the ('our! H?uv. on MonHay Csr ? x.U ,!it .! Mtrtli kj i! tin- Arterial ?&.! S|.rwi'.aiiii:;^ thrfric!.,* u!u*r ? (* ti.-c 'I<irtr> Caused i>! Cariuicn J W I \NU Krc. rJ1 . - ;. 1 : ' . ! M:\\ (i(i()l)S. , T? T? Ts * *?? tW? mmi t?a?i inkr-. tin> in< llio.l o| informing ilie- I.adirs of Camden nnd i'.a vicinity, ilwt she has jii>t received from New York, and is now opening in the ln.u?e on llroad street formerly occupied by Thus. Warren, anil I I *? t as i in.jrJ\ opposite iiif .u a so ii if Mail, a Iji'.r ?- ?.>r t'i nil (i| >1 ILL! N E 1? V AM) ratfay OrQO&gu !i:rh shr \% 11! srl! I??r cash or to ptincti'jJ cL'iiomnrs on the most ruasonablc l?T ins. nu<l hoj'f hv her strict a'.trillion lo business to r.irrrit n s! arc of '.he pub) r pat roiiagt*. N. H ? Mi ur<!r:s for Millenary nnj Mnouia making nil' b>-'ly ntUnN,,v \: ~>jr? hi: w.mi): RaM?s\ from the -t:l?Trii?? r nbnU thr ! ot Not. a lir^ro man nam?-*! All | III R. -an! nr^ro :? about f"tt> > ?ars of age. o feet eijjfn i>r mru- incites high. stout bum, hns a hu*h\ head. rxcrpl on the- top, \\ here he ii n litilr Kilt!, round shouldered. 1ms a morons his breast, and carli arm. made l?v a knife, pucker* his 11j s, - prnk > till! titly and makes use ol ?!.?\*? r\ language, loves to talk nturh of thi" jjondne^N o! (mi., S in! in ?*rn was purchased from Mai. William (' I-'.mmet ? I Wilkshoroupli, .V ( and has lit i d at Statct 11 It*. N. and .Na-hviilr. 'J'i nnciifr, he i* a pood cook, ostler and cnarh-isiin. ltr-ide the nlmvi reward, a liberal compensation will he ?it ru l".?r Ins ilrlivt rv t?? ine at tins place. j. iiisnor. Hishopville, Sumter Ihst, Pre Ml?Ivj tt M.'W CIWllK i 1 U.d * T > ^ ^ r \ f m. * K't THE -uhsmhor i* ncn opening a 1 ar^o an : in* h -!i|>pl\ ?>f r.u,r .i.YD iri.vri;ip ( OODS rl.rlnl with CP*.it Ore from thr l.i:< mpnrtnti >m. r.?n>i?ung of Si!*, Cut' o anil i'i?*lctJ (Jo i'-: ? ilso ? nn a"??ortmrnt <>f (1 Tl.F.IM an?l Faiir\ If \:f>\N \ UK. s< tt- .! Kirh rillN A .nn) IiRiTAMSI.V W AKK. * >l?l l??w. i:. NY. BOM KEY. Oct. i *^*?i I Proposals I roi: rir.uiiusnix Charleston s. c a .slsn monthly j'fcuiodlcal, to r r x T I t i c D t 11 c Southern Botanic Journal lu compliance with ihc nomcrous soliriiaiinns of the frieotli of the Thomsonian Si/sirm, the subscribers have concluded to publish n |?n|??-r ti? be railed tbc SOUTHKKN HOT A NIC JOUKiSAL, to be devoted lo ilic support ol the Thomsonian System of practice uf mtdicinc, by pubntf such facia in relation io the cause as will convey correct knowledge to the people, ami useful iuformaiion to those who have odoplcd the practice in their fauit'ics* The Journal will have nothing to do with polities or religion, but shall be dcvoird to the true ihterest of the South, so far as is consistent with the original design of the work. It shall be the constant aim of the publishers to lay before heir readers oil the informationlliey can, with regard to the to the above practice, in the form of essays, and correct reports of difficult eases, the treatment of the -atm\ and the rationale of the remedies? it> select from oilier uorks all tlic infor t:niioit calculated to be useful and interesting to ilie readers of die Botanic Journal. The publishers w ill endeavor to rendc tin* work a book of reference for the I'hnirr ami others who possesses Thorn* son's family tight. They flatter themselves ilut tliey v. ill be able lo lay morsels before the scientific leader as will be M'a-o ied in Ins tas.c?they will endeavor to <!rs? rvc the support and attention of the philanthropist, ct least in alteniion, jf not in real men'.. The fiimdof truth shall find lo- cause advocated on every page of oc not.uiir Jouriia', as llirv arc uetcnmu. c<l n??i lu sarrrc from troth, nor soflcr their prejudices l?? suppress any thing that i-i 1:k* Iv to prove beneficial lo their lellow mm. TlJC cause of humanity shall be I c a r I r -1 v advocated, iml no pains spared i > r? ?: '? r the u. rh worthy of it* patrons. Tiu* Sjuthern Botanic Journal will be issued r\cr\ oilier .Saturday in Chaileston ??. ('. each No. containing sixteen Oriovo pages on a super royal sheet. There Will in? three pages for adve.-liiscmcnis ou the cover to accompany each copy?so that the w hole of the paper w ill be filled w-.ii reading mailer. The lirst No. Id appr ir the 1st Saturday in February next. Si .1..i. I.o * > *Vf? J,. . . A . #1 I %J~9\ * ? } * v? ? j Ml V, I ? ill V VIS. |vVl jciil' :i (iii?ar;.ibl\ in advance) viz: for 20 iiiju'f'i-r- ? 11 <3 pages?WiIh 3 title p.aiM- and ?? index ilphabeiicall v arranged' VVIUHN A. WOOD i ?*: Publishers i! \ K V FY it CAKLISI.G ) Dr. D. F. NAKDI.V Editor. P. S. Subscriptions rcrcircd by liar vev it ( -irlisle, Camden, S C Waulrd Immediately. A Journeyman Coach Maker, acquainted uitii h"? buMiie*s, is wanted by the subscribe* r??a!vj a Journeyman Trimmer. To such as may prove sober and industrious, a pcrruaucm siui.iti i.i can be bad, good wages and prompt pay. J. r. SHIVER. ()c: 1. lSUf. tffijf M'rYUc editors of the Augasta (Ga.) Chrumclc, will insert the al>o*e advertisement three titnes, and the Charleston Courier until forbid, and forward their accounts to the suS senbers for pat meal To Sportsmen. ' The subscriber n expecting daily to rccctro ease of superior lX>ub!e-barrH, Damascus and \vire-t?ist Gun*, made to order in Europe among which arc sime of Extra quality with cases and apparatus complete I E W BONNEYOct 20."7 *: A m r/iii ?U I [ The subscriber his jnst received his | Fall and Winter supply of Dry Goods and Groceries, . ('elected by litmscll" in New York) embra? ciop almost every nrticlo usually fouad ina DrrGoodi and tiroccry store, winch he offers low for ca-h or on the utual cretin to punctual cuMoinorr W, J. GERALD. Nov. 5? ;VT?if r m. jyiftUH SI >1TI-;i{ HOTEL. I rilllF Subx Tiber informs his fricmlc I mi l the | tiMir, (hat he has taken the 1 house formerly orrupinl by J. (iomJmnn arnl mnrr recently by J. J. Exutn as v i hotel in iho Town of Camden, ?n<i near t' Court House, where he is prepared to j eeriv?* rotnpany, anil flatters himself thnt . i'iiUi1 '.vliil In vnr lii i* u I ill itirir r iitiHi.lUV ? i!i l>c ssnIishccl with ihrir nrrommodalinn ?. A R. RUTIN. May hla'k hi.xck silks and oiallts1 A Uo, n fbw pieces small Figrircd Monfnin?J Prinio't I'rinto<! Floor Oflth. I) 4 Plain do iugk recmrthy E. W. UONXEy Oce 3t?v