THE CAMDEN JOURNAL. ; " v : ltj&& #Z;fg.-r vj BT ROBKUT M'KSIG^T. Publtolicrof Ike L?w. of Uk* Called State* ^ Halted hy JOHN C. VOL. XI. i lDEV M>ITII- AK01>I\A, FEBRUARY 4, 1837. ?;; *<^ 49. ? II?II -T1? iiwaOn" TS3 0A2?3:f JOZZMa*. Tmblukri every \aturaay Morning by ROBERT n'k\I?IIT, ruiutiitR or Tiir i.*w* or tiie ?*e?o* SUliSCRIPTIOXS dollar n * evxr in idnaT, or four dollar tbMud of tbo v^ar, ADVERTISEMENTS Inserted it neventv five cenU the square for the I ^rtt, and bail'that amount each continuance-? j ' tThf number of inwriiona to bo marked on th? -raarjin or t ?er will b?* continued and charjed ac* cordinjlv. 7"ho*e inserted oemi-mnnthlv 7." eonti ! and monthly SI * * m-imrn r* Afr "? " 1' V JmhhB ( ^ BV .tui 4.0..ITY * " ' - * ?? LAWS o? THE EXITED STATE* PA**ED AT THl^ second ?r-pS?* n-nnrv lo ih?? an cnii- I tied ,4An ac? f-*tnbii*hi f-iJcnt uf lhe lb S. !?\ jn I with t ?r a;! *i?c artd consent nl the S imte.^ >?i:cri??S 5. And be it furth?T r taritd. Tnat ihr fi-sprr:i?e dulioft f tiu: them cf therein: shall hi u* f??ihj.;r-. firfl. The dflPfClnrmhall iiave the e i.itrul ?5h1 miiS4?r!fcf?t:L the* the -aaipcrinicn'ctnrt? of, the uiti ?ts ^;:?! jjci sottA ?;t|>|i>rc(l therein. ;?:? ! the _cu? raJ regulation an J ?upr Co of thr Tro.:ti;rt, from tunc to4Jinc, nt, *ai?l Secretary ahali r? - ' qtiirr. crtiiu*; fnr'.h sil t?V opcmii.m* the i report t jyade up ?u t??<- s.ul?j< t : < J^eroa !. l ??* *hail r? n ivr. aad ?t;fTy I*t ? p all i on. \ * v.' ic'i s u:i !?? ' far lh" tfur awl topp ti f a It U r current arri un> ft i! < mint. 1 and jay ?!! m * I is** I r* ** ! no vi.irr.uu* fiosn l"ic .itr? rt"." 11 thail ira'i bullion brought So lln* mint coinage; shall hp she keeper of all !>ol i niri coin in the mint, except vrhile the ftausc it legally placed in the haunt of other officer*. ami ?h?H. ??n trnrrnn'* from the dirrcJor. deliver all min*. struck at thr mint in the prr??n* n whmn thry aoall be lr< illy ;>a) ahlc. Ami hr tit ill < keep regular and Uiil?l:Jl jrrouals of u'l transactions "f ike illicit, in bullion and coin* j?oth urilh the? oJEnrii of the mini and dapurilort; and thai! pn-rnt, ij.iir- , teryerlr, to thr Tna.un l).pi : . ut -of the Lnilrd Sinlr?. nr.- tiding . . lormt i** *h*!ll?r |?r< *i"i ilit (1 ]*v llial .!. no accountot In* rr?*-i|?ti and (!>'toriiei:irritK t?f lti?* mint, i.?r the purpose of iteing adjn>|cd and m r.!> d. Third, the assayrr thai! carefully a*?a?. mil moul? i?4ed in coinage. whenever ?nrh Oiuyi 1 rt required in ihr nprrnti-rtvrt with tlic Ir^al devices and mseripiu?ns, all the tlit*** used i ? the fmiage??.* the mini and ils branches. tie Ttos 3. A id be ii furihrr enacted. Thai the (iirecirti shall appoint, with the approbation of the President, assistant*! to the assnyer. inciter noil refiner, chief coiner. and enj^raverjand clerk* for the titrecior ami treasurer. whenever. on re- ( preso nlatum iti-nli' l?y the director to the Pre*/dent. i? be Uic opinion ot the Pre? dent that such iiMiitnn!* or clerk* , are* necessary. And it shall !* the duty' cf e assistant* to aid their principle* in ihft-*f jeculion of their re-spcrtivr office*. I ami* f the clerk* to perform Mich duties as sb xj" r?r:^:r;!! d for t!:rm by the diTccia . Section 4 And be ii further enacted, That whenever any officer of the mint shall be temporarily absent on account of sickness, or any other sufficient cause, it shall be lawful for the <)ircctor, w?ih the assent of said officer, to appoint person attached to the mint to act in the place of such officer during hia absence, and that the director shall employ such workmen and servants in the mint at he shall from time to lime find necessary. Section* 5. And be it further enacted, '?'l tr _ i i ns; every omcrr, assisiaoi, ami cit-i* of the mint, shall, brt'urr he enters upon the execution of his office take an oath or affirmation before some judge of the United States, or judge of the superior court or any court of record of any State, faithfully and diligently to perform the duties thereof. Section 6. And be it further enacted, That the following officers of the mint, before entering upon th?* execution of their respective offices, shall become bound l the United Stale*, with one or more sureties, to the Treasury, in the sums hereinafter mentioned, with condition for the faithful and dilig? nt performance ??f the duties of their offices, viz: The treasurer in the sum of ten thousand dollars; the atsavcr in the sum of five ih lusan 1 Wo'lnrs. the melter and refiner i.i the sum of ten thousand dollars; and the rhirf coiner in the sum of ten thou sand dollars. And that similar bonds may also be required of the assistant* and rlerh?, in such sums as the director (hat) determine, with the approbation of the Secretary of the Treasury. Src. 7* And be it fetthcr enacted, That ihere <*hail lie allotted to the officers of r _i. . _i / t _ t . u uh' mini ine muowin? salaries pn minim: T. allowed as the direr;<>r iimv dricn/jnc. uith the nptifobni n) uar'.e;!v in I I . ta'nir ? ?. **': i . S ,\a 5 he it further iT.arin!. ?r rInti?Iar\! ??r *????i .tin! mIu: ft>in> ?f !'ip fnitcd Siati't *i?nli hereafter he t'l.i! at h'ip l!u?.:\ irrij'tt, nine l.uta Ir. '! !ir n|" purr and ip lr?*d ?u" alloy: nod I he elI'tv "f the silver r on* >!ul| he of rnpprr; 11.< 1 the .iliiiv < :. Si.i . 10. ml J.? it furtirrr cu.r'.cd. Thai ?f trie gold coin*. the aright of thr eagle shall he m-i hundred an I fiftwighi grains; that of the half eagle our hurt deed and twenty-nine groins; ami that of the quarter eagle sixty-four and one half grain* KnA that for all ?urnf whatever, the eagle shall be a lo?ai tender of payment for ten dollar#; the half eagle for five doiltrs; and the quarter eagle for tiro and a half dollar*. *- - ? ? - i i - ..' ci c. ii. .inn uo ii mi mi i iikii Thai 'he silver ruin* heretofore issued at ll* * mint of the United Mite*, and the gol I r*I tenders of payment for their nominal value* on the ?r?m?' term* n* if they were of the coinage provided for by this net. Six. IT Ami be it further enacted. That of the copper, coin* the vv? Ighl I?( the rent shall he one hundred and *ist)> rich: grain*. and the weight of the hall rent eighty four j;r?in?. And the rent iltnll hr ron*iderei| ?f the Value of one hundrrth part of a dollar, and the hall cent of the value of two hundrcth port ?d a dollar. St:c. IT And be it lurthe. rnarted, That upon the coin* *trurk at the mini there shu be the follow ing devices anil legend*: upon one side of carh of taiil co?n* there shall be an itnprestnon cm bleniatir >f librrtv, with an inscription o the word Likkrtv. and the year of tin icoinage; anil upon the reverse of tit* j C'dil and silver coins, there shall he tht or rrprcscii!3i: op of cn cvritl " * c ' the inscription United Stales of America, and a designation of the value of the coin; but on the reverse ??f the dime and half dime, cent and half cent, the figure of me eagle shall be omitted. Sec 14. And be it further enacted. That gold and silver bullion brought to the mint for coinage, shall be received and coined, by the proper officers, for the benefit of the depositor: Provided, That it shall be latvfui to rrfuse at the mint, anv deposite <>f less val-e ihan two hundred dollars, and an) bullion so fuse as lobe! unsuitable for the operations of the mint:; And provided also, That tvhen eld and! silver arc combined, if either of these mculs be in such small proportion that it! !cannot be separated advaulaPcaiKtlv. on! T> V * ? | 'allowance shall be maiir to (he depositor j {for the value of surh rnrtal. I Sec. 15. And be it further enacted, j {Thai when bullion is brought to the niini ' for coinage, it shall be weighed by the i treasurer, in the presence of the depositor. when praclicabb . and a receipt given, uhirh shall Stale the dr&rripliin a d weight o( the bullion: Provided. Thai ; when the bullion 1s in surh a s?atr a?|?o require (netting brfore its value ran be a crrtaincu, the weight after melting shall he considered as fhr true itright of the biillioo deposited. Sr.c. 10. And he it further enacted, Ttiat fr?mi every parcel "f bullion deposited lor coinage, the treasure shall deliver to the assaycr a sufficient portion lor the purpose of b< ing assayed; but all such bullion remaining from the operations Of the shall be returned to the tre .surer by the c-sayer. StC. 17. And he it further enacted. That the assayer shall report to the tr*-a mm i mi-cjuauiv or sianuaru oi the Utillioii a*M\n| hy him: and ho shall also cojMiiuiiirat to hr treasurer such information as will tliable.hint to estimate t>' e amount of the charges hereinafter provided Tor, to hr madr t ? iho depisitor, for the expense* of converting the bullion ?nto standard m< tnl fii f?.r coinage. Sue. I>- And hr it further enacted* Thai the only roihjp-rts f charge by the rn ni to iJ? r!rpr'it*>r shall he the following. For refining when th. bullion is bohat standard; for toughening when metals are containril in it. which render it unlit for coinage; for copper used fornlloy when the bullion is aborc standard* fur silver introduced into the alloy of gold; nnd for separating the gold and silver when these metals exi-t together in the bullion: end that the rate of these charges shall be fixed, from tune to time, by the director, with the concurrence ( the Secretary of tfie Tr- r,m;ry. no 10 of a quality suitable for coinage >nr. '41. Ann be it lurtnrr enacirit. Thai I lie ingots thus prepared shall b?- assay cd by the AH??vcr. *nd if they prove to be within the limit* allowed for deviation from the standard. they anal be trana fcrre l by the metier ami refiner to the treasurer, accompanied by the assaycr'a certificate of their finenea*; and that a careful record of tiie tratislcr shall bo kept by thr treasurer. Sec. '4*4. And be it further enacted. That no ingots of gold shall he nsed for coinage of which the quality differ* more lhati two thousandths from the legal Mail" d.ird, and that no ingot* of ailrer shall be u?cd for coinage of which the quality differ* more hun three thousandths from he legal standard. Sr.*;. '43. Vnd be it furlhei enact, d, That in the t cnsiircr'* account with thr ! inciter and refiner, the inciter and refiner f|shall In debited with the standard weight ! of all tiie bullion placed in his hands, that , I is to snv, with the weight of metal of lr> en I standard fiiirnrnn which it will u ake: | r?~ # * I and that he shnll br crrditrd by the stall* I dan! wcijjni of all the ingo.s delivered by him I" tlir treasurer; ami that mice at f' least in every year, at such lime as ih? i director shall appoint, the meltrr and re j finer "hall deliver up to llic treasurer all the bullion in his possession, in ordn j''.hat hib accounts may be trilled up lo thai | time; and, in the settlement, he shall be I entitled to a credit for ihe difference b? 'tween the whole am unt of bullion delivered lo hirr. and received from him. since the list settlement, as an allowannfor necessary waste: Provided, That this a lowance shall not exceed two thousandths of the whole amount of gold and silver bullion, respectively, dclircrcd to him by the treasurer. Sr?c 21. And be it further enacted. That the treasurer shall, from time to time, deliver over to the chief coiner, ingots for the purpose of coinage; that he shall keep a faithful record of these transfers nothing the weight and description "I the ingots; and that the ingots thus placed in the bancs of the chief coiner shall he passed through the scrotal processes n? parately. and such as am not of legal wright shall he delivered to the tuclici and refiner, as standard bullion, to b( ugain formed into ingota and rreoincd. r*i:c. ?/. /inn oc n lurtricr rnactru, That at crrry delivery of coins made In (he chief to the tf<-??urer, it ?hal be t: c ilou of tlie treasure.. in the presrncc '>l th?- assayer, to take indiscriminately a certain number of piece.-* of each variety for the annuil trial of coins, (ihr nui 'brr being prescribed by the director.] which shall be carefully labelled, and dopnsiticd in a chest appropriated for ilu purpose, kept tJHilcr the joint care of the treasurer and assayrr, and so secured thai neither can have access to its content* without the presence of the oll??-r. *ec. And be it further enacted, Tin-1 the chief coiner shall, from time t? time, dclirerto the treasurer the clipping!1 and other portions of bullion remaining after the process of coining, and that th< treasurer shall keep a careful record o then amount. Sec. \J9. And be it further enacted That in the treasurer's account with ih< chief coiner, the* chief coiner shall bdebited with the amount in weight o standard metal of all the bulliou place* in his hands, and creditrd with lite amount alv by weight, of clothe coins, clippings and other bullion delivered by him to th< 1 .1. _ - I ?. treasurer; hiiu iiai once ai irasi hi rvrrj yrai, at such time as the tiir rior shall np point, the chief coiner shall dclicvcr ?* the treasurer all the coins nntl bullion it his p ssession. so that his accounts mat be settled up to tint lime; and in this ?ct dement, he shall he entitled to u crrtli lor the difference between the whnh amount of the ingot* delivered to him, am of the coins and bullion received Iron Ititn, since the last s. tlicmenl, no an ai lotvance tor ntcessarv waste: Provided That this allowance shall not exceed livt tlioti?a dths of the whole amonnt of th silver, or one thousandth of the wind amount of the gold, that had been deli vcred to hitn by the trea*nrer. See Jtt). Aud be it further enacted, Tha when tin* coin* which are the npmalciit i any drjiosiic of buihou are ready for delivery they shall be paid over to the depositor, o his order, by the treasurer, on a war ran from the director; and the payment shall h c i i i l ? macio, ii (lrmanuen, in in? orocr in wiuei the bullion shall have been brought (o lb mini, giving prio.ny according to priority < depositc onlt; and that in the denomination of coin delivered, the treasurer shall con: j ply with the wishes of the depositor, unlcs when impracticable or inconvenient to do v; in which case, the d? nominations of con shall he designated h\ the director. ' t? ill. And b" It further enacted, Tlis lor the purpose of enabling the mint to mak the returns to depositors with as little dcla I as possible, n 51 m 11 be th- duty of the Sccrr tary of the Tieasiiry to !cnp til the batd inin i whtu 'he -.tucoi tho Trcaaury will adnt I I hereof, a tie polite of such amount of pulv, lie money, or o. bullion procured fur the , purpose, as he slwli judge convenient and ? as the President shall from timeio time designate or that purp -m?, who shall j meet as commissioner*. for the performance I _r .v. _ ? .t._ 1 \i 1- ? r?-t U| III a (JIIIV, "III lllff- TIUJIU .TI?>U'J*\ lU I CU* ruarv, annually, and may continue their meeting* In *dj nrmneiit, if DfCeMiy; and ^ if a majority of th t ?mmt>stoners ?bnii fail to attend at any tune appointed for their meeting, then the dire -tor of the mint-shall tail a meeting of the com mission era at Mich ; other time as he may deem convenient; and that before the>?e commissioners, or a majority of tbcm, and in the presence of the officers of the mm', -uch examination shall be made of the reverted po-ces as shall be judged suffie lew, ami it it sin 'I appear that these pieces do mn duTi-r from be standard fiue nessand weight by.a greater quantity than ? ' .allowed ej law, the trial shal' h?* considered ! and reported as satisfactory; but if any .retl* jcr deviation from the legal standard or j weight shall apj?ea;. this fact nball be cer'lificd to ihe President of the Unii?d Stale?, , and if. on a view of the circumstances of the case, he shall so decide, the offic- r or officers, implicated in the erru: shall be theoccfoft ward disqualified from holding their respective offices. Scr. 33 And be it further ?nac'eu. That copper luditoo shall be purchased for the , - .'mint, from time la trni:?, by the treasurer, iunder instruction* from the director; that die cost shall be pud front t!:o fund hcrcin?! after provided for; ami thai the copprbuli lion >h dl lx- of g?od q nitty, and in the form , of planchiM." fit tor passing at once into the j hands of the clnef coiner l! sre .And ba u further enacted, Thai j tl?e copj?cr pluichru fhill be delivered, from ! nine to time, by the tre?*urer to the chief | comer, iu l?c by bun corned; and all such ! copper ?!t ill l>c returned to the treasurer, bjr 'the cottier, weight lor weight, without allowance for waste. 1 Sr.c 35. \nd l>e it further enacted, That it shall l>e the duty of the treasurer of the mint to deliver the copper coins in rxchaugo for their legal equivalent in other money, to any perrons who shall spply fur them: Pro, vided, That the sum asked for be not less than a certain amount, to be determined by i the director, and that it be not ?o great as, ! in his judgment to imerlcro with the capaci. ty of the mint to supply other applicants, f See 36. And he it funhei enacted, That the copper coins may, nt the discretion of the director be delivered m any of the prin[. cipal cities and towns of the United States, r at the cost of the mint for transportation f! -re 37 \nd be it further enacted. That j the money received by the treasurer in ex! [Prnuc?No I ] ! AN ACT making appropriation* for the payr nicittof the revolutionary and other pen '* i siouers of the l ulled St.ucs, for the year 1 I one thousand eight hundred and thirty* '* | seven c i ! c it enacted by ihe Senate and House of ^ Representative* ol the United Slates of Amc* ' rica in Cougress assembled, list the (ol'* I lowing sums l>e and the same arc hereby, * j appropriated, to lie pud out of my money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated 1 for the pensioner* of the United St.i cs, for the year one thousand eight hundred and 1 thirty seven: e For the revolutionary pensioners, under y the several acts, other than tiiose ol the fif5 tccnth of May, one thousand ctghi hundred I, and thirty-two, a rid the fourth of July. on* it thousand eight hundred and thirty-vix, *c