University of South Carolina Libraries
I ' ' IIKOBEITVtllGOI. PiUkkntT d^l*?if^^5SiaarKSSi;^ < EditedkrMinc,WIR ??gggggas-~g~ I gggagg^M^gagBMg ? ' -?as-as?-b??^ i ' i? VOL. XI. CA.TXDE!V, ^OITH-CABOUHA, B EI3KB SI, I8S6. ,?,1$. TSS OAttDBN JOTOSTAl. Published every Saturday Atoning by ROBERT B'KIIKHT, reiutHH or tmshhi or rn* ~SU BSCRIPTIONS Three dollars a year in idraoce, or fonr dollar at the ond of the year. ADVERTISEMENTS - l? -t r it. iourufl II IPVOBiy ore ccnil UIC ?4juue mi UI first, and bait that amount fur each continuance'? The number of insertions to be marked on the margin or they will he continued and charged accordingly. Those inserted semi-monthly 75 cents and monthly $1 a squire for each insertion. Communications by mail to be post paid or remain onatteoded to. f?"t?????i?SSSBSS DADrpirrn A DC j ontl about |. Three Thousand Pair of the best JVc.: ro Shoes iit (be District whi(h nil! be sold low. ' AM kinds of shoe maker's materials its* ' eluding e*ery description of ^ Last s and Shoe Thread, ALSO t ^ ? I~ ? ??! T rtn 4 i./.f i JT J. \j urm. i J. BISHO t' CO'S. i recent stuck of Boots and Shoes { comprise (he following kinds, to wit: Gent's first rate calf and morocco Boot* , ^ i ** " wsler-prouf a ** light sewed and pegged 14 " stout kip dt seal skin low price " \ hnrt buttoned , " fine shoes & bootees rarious patterns , " stout bonnd and unbound shoes and bootees, . " lined and uulincd rubbers . " patent buckskin top tnockersons Ladies'French kid's, tie and lacc, new style I " morocco including all colors 1 M nrtmrlla. turn and snrinff heel slif> I" " ' I D . pers M laced and buttoned gaiter boot*. 1 "seal prunella & morocco walking shore r * " rus.'ta, calf and morocco slippers * " dcumark satin plush and satin " 1 " white satiu and silk " " lined, un line el and fur top rubbers Misses kid prunella and seal slippers and : - ftl ? wai&tng 44 seal and leather slippers ????'! walking " .M prunella and leather Boots 44 lined and bound robbers, ? Boy's sioul pegged boots all mzcs jtl ' * fine and stout calf ?kin shoe* ( " ** and " " bootees 41 bound and unbound shoes and bootee* 44 lined and unlint d rubbers. c Children's morocco,s cal & prunella boots t! 44 " " ? * clippers, ? M stout leather shoes and hooters Mens stout sewed and pegged brogans ] >3Uit4 ttUU upjit'i uraiiiui * . Calf and Goat 6'kins, t MAninx ***** MMlutHuf Hkius Trunks, Blacking, Varnish, Sparibles, Shoe Knives <V<* Call ant! sec next door north of Mr C Mathcaon's. Oct. 39::37::tf NOTICE. ' THE subscriber has iust received his Fall and Winter supply ol j DRY GOODS, i which he will sell fovr for cosh or approved ( customers. J. L. JOrtfES. Nov. <V?37?if 1 Fine Cutlery. The subscriber bos just received a case o ' fine eutlery, omoojf which arc a few extra fine Scissors, of ditTeJcnt sizes. New Year's and Christmas (iifta for 1837 for sale by E. W. BONNEY Dec. 3?II?if To Sportsmen. Tho subaer&cr is expecting daily to rcccire a case of soperior Double-barrel, Damascus and wire-twist Guns, made to order in Euro}** among which are some of Extra quality with cases and apparatus complete E W BONNEYOct 29:-.37 ~r " - Notice All persona indebted to the late firm of J. M. Niolon Co., are hereby notified to eall on A. Burr, at J. Bishop &, Go's, who ha* access to the notes and account* doe, and is duly authorized to settle the saipe. W. If. BOWEN. ]>cc. 10?J4?_ tf Houses and Lots for Sale or Rent. The subscriber offers for sale or rent her house and lot on King street, in the .own of Camden; also her house and lot t Kirk wood. Both of them are large and commodious, with every necessary out buildings i SARAH VAUGHAN , Dec 10?42?tf , Public sale at Sumtervil/e, \ South Carolina, 1 By order of the Court of Equity of South Carolina, I will offer for Safe at Sumterville, on the first Monday in January ' next. i Two Plantations, known by the name of Mayfield and Hopewell, lying io the ^ ricinity of Rembert's Meeting House and the Bradford's Springs, io Sumter Dis-j iricL One Plantation containing about lix hundred, and the other about eight j< hundred acres, both in a fine stato ofi cultivation. j ( also, !t One hundred prime Negroes, being iheU property of the estate of the late John O. !| Lieriol, deceased, not already divided md sold for the investment of the minor icirs. The Lands from their situation in a ? iigh healthy country and pleasant neigh' Mitrhood, offer inducements to persons irsirous ol buying, not often to be metj1 riib. . ,i ws as es ! * Among me negroes are csouse ?er-? ants, Seamstresses, Cooks, Ostlers, Field lands, and one Carpenter. The sale will c positive and continued from day to ? lay until the whole is disposed of. j Conditions?One third cash, the ba- u ance in ooe and iwo years, secured by; >ond security, and a mortgage of the! tropcrty, or the purchscr may pay lhc!n Thole in rash at his option: ,' Purchasers to pay for necessary papers. ^ Any further particulars will be given >n application by leUcr, (post paid) to me c it Bradford's Springs, Sumter District, ?n ir to Franklin I. Muxes, Esq,, at Sumter* rillc, So. Ca. r ROBERT L. HERIOT, > Ex'or of J. O. Heriol. \\ Sumteirille, Nor. 12?3S-?h NALE. By por3iration of the Court of Ordinary ^ or iwwiw* Utttnet, win uc worn oa tnoooay he sceotul day of January next, before tlic *oUil Hou^c iu Camden, j Sixty-two Negroes, >ne a prime ilousc Carpenter, and on Tuc#lay, the ibird day of January next will be || old at the plantation of lb? dee'd in Kcrhaw District. :i 100 Head of Hogs 80 Sheep j i5 head of cattle 3 wagons \ MULES AND HORSES J 1 Matched Pair of Horses t One Cart, about 3,000 JlusJuUs of Corn, I 'cm, Fodder, and Plantation implements ge. " irrally dee belonging to the estate of Ben. b dtoebam. dec. 0 Term*?cash for all sums under twenty foliar* For all sums orer that a mount, C raids payable on 1st January ItSfc, with in* crest from the day of sale, with such person- 1 il security as may by approved or by the ad iiinuuaior. j J. M. DESAUSSURE, Adrn'r. Oct. 9-37?bm | New Copartner ((hip. J The subscribers having, on thr l?ih Aug v last formed a copartnership, under the r irui of t J. H. Anderson <^Co. i Respectfully aolieitfrotn their friends and,' the public generally a continuance of that patronage which has hitherto been extended to them individually The Former customers of each of the ^ subscribers, will be accommodated on tho > same terms as heretofore, by applying at | the store formerly occupied by P F \illepigue. J. If ANDERSON. j PFV1LLEPIGUE Nor. 12?3S?if !| I NEW" GOODS. ; THE subscriber is doit opening a large I and fresh supply of 1 f.1l.l, a.xd n'/.ra? h GOOD selected with great care from the latest importations, consisting of Silk, Cotton and Worsted Goods: * ?JMImo? I an assortment of CUTLERY and Fancy j HARDWARE, Hells of Rich CHINA , and BRITANNIA WARE, sold low. , E. W. BONNEY. Oct. 29?37? if For Sale, Two light Raroucb Carriages, with harnesa suitable for one bora, perfect 1/ new, having xtension tops, made to order Apply to A BURR | Nov 5"3?;:g Valuable Plantation ,Md?Wife f B'TH" Ptnnion Amphiana Pit loo J By tirtue of a decretal order of the Court of Chancery, made in the abovexaae, the Com ? ? e m r* *ii DMUOner in rxjuiij tor v/ucmvt mnria will tell at tbc court bouse of said District, on the first Monday in December next, all that plantation whereon William Patfon dee'd lately lived, situated on the Catawba River, at tbc bead falls of Landaford, containing 640 Acres. . Die said plantation consols of a* irfaod in i taid river containing 133 Acres. 1 well adapted to the culture of cotton which equirc no fencing; 40 Acres r , >f cotton land, on said river, and A Crnn/i Meadow: he remainder is strong upland well adapted 0 (be growth of com and eottoo. Almost 4 100 acres are cleared and now fit for cuiiirt- , ion ? On tbo premises it a two story Dwelling House, rithS rooms, and a fire place in each; 1 good Gin House and Screto nd all necaanry buildings, socb as j ^egro Houses, Stables, Arc Those who may wish to purchase, wiu do rdl too xamioe the prcmiscs'bcfore the day f sale. Q* W. Doby, Esq. if called opoo , t his residence in Lancasterrille, or address . ? - - - .? - - a ?_ I d uy icuer, wiu s&szst urate wco may uesirc ] 9 look over paid plantation. < The safoVill be poative^ j Terms of sale.?Somadb of the purchase j wacy as will satisfy ibc costs of site most , c paid on the day of sale; the balance payato in three equal annual instalments with ( itercst. The purchase money must be soured by bood and appro rod security, and a . tortgage of the premises. 8AM. M'ALlLY.c. c. c. d. lommusioncr's office, 1 :bester Court House, > lorembcr 6?37?h. j Iu Equity, KEUS1IAW OfSTRICT. t j?dr?w Bowman") i and others < rs. IBUt (bra sale and division i lampton Bynum and oiltero. '< It appearing to my saiufation that Hamp- t hi Bvnum. Gray Bynum, Elizabeth Farmer, i< "abuba Parmer, John Farmer, Abnev Car- i licbael,ElizabethHampton, Thomasifamd t h?, Robert Davis, Wiiham Davis, John C. < >a*i5, Mary B. Phillips, Joseph Phillips, rcriiuda Gardner and Gray B. Gardner, Uic efecdanu in this case, are absent from and cyoud the limits of this State. It is order* d that they do plcsd, answer or demur 10 ie said bill of complaint within three months -omitbe date of this order, or the same will e taken as confessed against them, and an rder entered accordingTr < W. J. GRANT, Cooim'r. { kxsmbnoner** office ) Kershaw District. S October 4JB-tn~bm J strayed" rx W (k? IfWIi inai m Da- llrtll pn n < I * iw?j uuuor, oi U year* old, with i ?Uf in hb forehead, J 5 1-2 hands high; with saddle, briddle and1 nartiogalc, all nearly new, and saddle blanket rub 2 black stripes on it If said horse b topped and delivered at M'Adaras' Hotel, he person so doing will be liberally rewarded. Nov. 3S-tf SUMTER HOTEL. THE Subscriber informs his friends and the public, that he has taken thej inusc formerly occupied by J. Goodman md more recently by J. J. Exnra at a lolcl in the Town of Camden, and near te Court House, where he is prepared to rccire company, and flatten himself that ,ho?c who favor him with their company trill be satisfied with their accommodations. A. R. RUFFIN. May 23.?20::-tf. Wanted immediately. A Journeyman Coach Maker, acquainted cvith his business, is wanted by the subscribers?also a Journeyman Trimmer. To such is may prove sober and induatriona, perms- | pent situation can be had, good wages and j prompt pay. s. 6l j. p. snrvER. Oct 1, 1830 3Gtf {L3*The editors of the Augusta {Ga.) Chronicle, will insert the above advertisement three times, and the Charleston Courier nntil forbid, and forward their accounts to the sub* scribe r? for payment LAW BLAVK* For saio at this Office. Mail Arrangemeitt, December let, 1830. Northern Met), doe every day 11 o'clock, A.M. Cloeee every day, 4 P* ML Colombia Mail, dne every day, 5 P* M. Closes every day, 9 A. M. Express Mail, from North, doe every day, a. p. m. Closes every day, 9AM Express Mail from South, due every day, 1-2 past 10 A, M. Closet every day, 5 P. M. Charleston Mall, via 8amter dae every I Tuesday and Friday, 6 P. M. Closes, every Wednesday and Snnday, 5 i P. M. 1 Statebnrgh Mail, doe every Tuesday and I Friday, 6 P. M. Closes every Wednesday and 8nnday; 11, A. M. Ltnbasicr Mail, doe every Monday and , Friday, ft. P. M. < Closes every Tuesday and Saturday, 7, A. < M. 1 York Mail, Via Liberty Hill, due every * Wednesday at 10, A M Closes same day at IS tf. Office oncn etcrv dav from 8 o'clock. A. i M. to 1-2 pact 6. P. M. Office will be open on (he Sabbath, for delirerjr, of letters and papers, 1-2 an hoar after the o- 1 pening of the North and Sooth Mails. 1 P. THORNTON, P. M. Dec- 10 * Hn. Carpenter ft mini Hairnet " have received their FaLL supply of MILLINER Y And Fancy Goods, oosisting of Satin and Velvet Bonnets, En- j jiiab ana American Straws, Silks for dresses ftibbons, Flowers, Gloves, Belts, Fancy j Shawls and Scarfs, White and Black Blood Lace, Veils, Plain and Figured Laecs Blood Lace for Dresses, dec. all of which will be ( old on rcr* rcatonablo terms. Millinery and dress making executed to orIcr as usual Nor. l'2-3S-.lf J South Carolina, i Lancaster Dialrict James J. Hortoo, applicant, re. Mary Ilorten, widow. William L. Johnson md bn wife Levins, WiMiara Ingram and his rife Celia, Ransom Morton, James J. Hotoo, John Baskitis and his wife Nancv, Zenina Hortoo, Elizabeth Hortoo, HoUss Hotmi, Mary B. Morton, Event Morton and Benimin Morton,defendants; , It appearing to my Nil i-faction that the! iborc parties, dcfcudants, reside without this { talc. It is therefore ordered, that tbojr do ap? ;ar and object to the dirision or sale of the eal estate of Sterling i fort on, on or before be first Monday of December next, or their xmtcnt to the same trill be entered of record. JAS. a WITflERSPOON, Ordinary L. D. Sept. 29, 1S3G.?3Gb Price adr. $<573 India" rubber GOODS ] Fhc subscribers hare just receired from , [he manufacturer, a variety of vaUr-proof ( [foods, consisting of gentlemen's over-coats , Pantaloons with boota attached; Ladies' j Silk and Cambric Aprons, Bootees and Shoes all made without a such. Also rccclred per sleam boat, Lsdic's real French Slippers, made by "Eitc.-Pari.?," a beautiful article; Black Satin Slippers, and Denmark Satlecn Slippers Together with a fail stock of mcu's and boy's fina and stool Boots and Shoes; sole leather, calf skint, lining skins, shoe thread dec dec J. BISHOP & CO. Nov. 28-40-tf watch maker S.V0 Jeweller 8. K- GlFfORO own bis semen to the in41 '* ***? i A. .1 1 ? - Jianont AAtinlra in MOIUniB Ol WBWU, WW UK- WVVMU ft ? ctamlng and re nailing all kiod* of Watch**, Clock* Manic Haxe*, Jewelry, 8Um Ware, Guns, Leca* Ac. All article* done by bin tvamnlrd to pleaae hi* tnploy#?, and at abort notice. No* 19~XMT fancy drab, BROWN and Mixed BROAD CLOTHS uiled for orereoala, al*o, rich, check'd ?A PASS A MERE and 8ATTI MM ^ ? - - ? ? ??? _ _ NETT8, for sale by B. W. BONNEY. Oct. 29?37?U. Notice Tho public aro informed that R. L. Wilson i* duly authorised to settle the Books of tho late firm of R. L. Wilson fc Go. (Mechanicsvllle, Sumter Dial.)? The books will be open until the 1st January, after which time, they will be trans fcrred lo proper officer for collection. Dee. 10? Wanted A Cook and Waaher woman, liberal wage* will be giren for one that understand! the bu sinew, with wages paid nwuhlf ' i Dec 3-1J-tf Cotton Saw Gins > TlKw tliocaicnlitf on hariag ihcir QIm n> ^ paired by tbr wUcriher, will umertftvor ly ani > din* Utrm in a ?Hj as practicable, and tho* ?fford on opportmfitjr of Nf*in/Mdi in dan than, ^ New Gin*, witli Stccf or Iron pUle, ?I wnf*??b?ad and for sale by JOHN WORKMAN. Angtui 6?36?fw ^ 1 ^ ? . ? ? ? - ? ' ?? ? ' nuriufi . > 1-* The subscriber Jias just received hb J v' Fall and Winter supply of Dry Goods and Groceries, (selected bj himself in New York) evbrs^ ciog almost every article usually found mm'' Dry Goods and Grocery store, which heoSsre low fer cash or owl hp jMlcrriklo ywNov. 5?37?tf All persons having demands ifainst the.esute of LewisCiples Esq. late aTCam-, len, dee'd, we requested to present (he asms to the " Ldministntor without delay, and iboae imfsHlsd'ii nake immediate payment, u an early aartlemsel d tbe estate is desued. JOHN CHE8NUT, Adm'r. Dissolution of Copartnership. The Copartnership heretofore riming at Jin place under the firm of Crosby dt Eieb* irdjon, was this day disaolred by mutual coo?at, the whole business of the concern will le seuJed by J. J. Richardson. . JOS. J. CROSBY. ' J. J. RICHARDSON. ^ FoHoo, August 10?32?if 1 ---V V 1 .. The Hawthdrndean Seminary For Yooog Ladies in the vicinity of State burg, will commence its next session the ad Monday io January 1837. Ample pro? jsion b mode (be the accommodation and astrnctioo of twenty-fire or thirty boarders. The scholaatie year will comprise ten nooths, which will be divided into two aw* ooes, at the dose of each wdl be a public txaminauon tod vacation. i he couite of nsttoctioQ will embrace Spelling Reading utd Writing 810 per session. Arithmetic, Modern History and Coopodtioa including the above 815 per da English Grammar, Geography with the ?K of Rapt. Natural, Moral and Inteileo? _ toil Philosophy, Rhetoric 1 Logic, Chemistry, Mythote gy, Ancient History. Botany, Algtbra, Geometry and Astronomy. 3 ' " X la addhioo to the above morae, instate ' lion will be given to id who desire it, in Latin, Greek, French, Music, Drawing, % Patofjog and Ornamental Needle work.? Ferms for which will be as follow: For Latin and Greek 890 per Seamoo* " French $10 do. %: " Music $25 do. u Vieo( Piano $3 do. 11 Dz*w?ng and Painting $15 do. " Ornamental needle work$5 d& ** Board iodudmg Bed and Bedding Fad crashing and Candiep $60 ' w Scholars may 'enter the school at any period in the session, and will be charged from such time, according to thp above rates,but no deduction win be made after entrance Tor absence, except in cases of richness; and the pay for the session must in all cases be in advance. W. W. ALSTON, Principal Dec 10 42 ' *' ~~SOUTH CAROLINA \ ClimtA* * f kJUUUCI UIOUIUV ) William H. Branson applicant v? Leonard E Branson, Manning D Bran son, Lawrence Branson, Jared N Branson James Y. Branson, Willis L Branson, Ilenry P Branson, Mary Branson, Dema* ries Branson, (now Hodge) having inter* married with one Hodge, Emily Brunson, (now M'Elvain) having intermarried with one M'Elrmin, Mason Reams guardian adlitem for minor heir William L. Branson defendant*. It appearing to my satisfaction that Leonard E Branson, Henry P BrtuteonJared N Branson, Lawrence Branson Emi, ly M'Elvnio, and her husband, reside with oat this Bute, it is therefore ordered that they do appear and object to the division or aale of urn real estate of Peter E Branson decM on or before the nineteenth day I -? - ? l? fllA of December next, or ineir coowen*?? same w*!? be entered of reconl WILLIAM LEWIS, Ordinary, S. D Oct 29::37::h Pr's fee, $<3 75 M. C AT da PR WM. REYNOLDS will, for lb? prevent keep his office in the houae at the rear of the Drug Stor*, lately deetroyed by fire, on the corner of Broad and York [streets. where he may he found during the day?in the night at his dwelling: in LogImvn as heretofore. He will now devote himself to tho practice of his profession exclusively, oid solicits a continuance of public patronage. Dec 17?43?c v