University of South Carolina Libraries
THE C/AHHEM JOURNAL. ; . i 'V '''" 1 1 ., . ' 1 1 ' ^ -^^ggg5gg riritOrttcr **? rnlUJ St*a?* Edlt^ by JOIttC. wtw SaPSj < A*PE^ WCTa-CAROM**, PECEM 3EB 3, IS3C. ~~ *C. 41^ ( vo'; * * v ?<rt?.* ** *- >> (SS5Sfi552?2ESS525SSnHBKfifiifiMci * ': r - . . . .. - * . ..*=, ** xs&a&usmt jotra?Ai. / -p* .'ihtMip&ad*9*r*f&tf*rdiig Mormag *y - INSERT |?I9KlieflT, ?*** toimiukwor mt t*w? or thb OTio*. f " SUBSCRIPTIONS Three dollars a y*ar in advance, or four dollar I tilbe end of the year. ADVERTISEMENTS " *'' '* -? e?- ?-?<. tka <m?M Far the I ,s ^DlCnCB 41 icreni^ uic WHi) w? thtl amount for each continuance?- ( number of insertion* to bo marked on the; will be etsaUttBod and charged acruo^Mghg. OOaeaft inserted aami-monthly 75 oestt-. fcr each Insertion, altakv by mail to be poit piid or remain v fha Indian's Panacea. ^anSP9B' tho'eon* at Rheumatism Scrofula or CkwU. SciaUea, or Hip-Goot, In' fgafcrdK pnwn, Sail Rheum. Syphilitic and McreuHaldi*c**e?. particularly Ulcer* and painful afftet)oaf (if(b? bHm. Ukrtatrd Throat and No*bib; Uletn <A crcry description, Fever sore*'* and internal. Abscesses: Fat a I as, Pile*, Scald-1 bead, Scar?ey, Bile*. Cnronic, Sore Eve*, Eye re ipetaa. Btoewi, and every variety ofoonlageou* 1 AfScefittst, Chronic Catarrh. Headache, proceeding . tram an tend humor, Puis in the Stomach and : Dyspepsia, proceeding from viUalioq; Affections of the IJver, Chromic lnflamation of the Kidney*, and general debility, canned by a torpid action of] the fMrbaf the *kiu. It b ajogaUilv efficacious by renovating those constitution* which have been ' btokaa down by iujadicioos treatment, or juvenile ? trergalariur*. fa general terror, it i* momanh < ded toail thone iiseasrs which arise* from iraurri- < jacd in the blood, vitiation of the humors, of what- I ever name or kino. 'Sbaif/ifJJw e?n|>binU mar tr^nii* some ' .tsfita^asistaai applications, which the circom- i *et|8p?9 of Uif* ca*? trill dictate, bet lor a rrnrraJ I wtwaljr ttt P?rific*ti>r, to restart tit ccutc, tiik !* 1 ibrisS PaVacca trill jencrallr he frand sufficient- 1 . ~ - v ?-U>? ? jl t* Ta t&e Pafoiir. \ j! Ika th? it is, thai modem I'bysiaans? in their aatbtUoa to excel in their proration; to explore j tWntfdfldr rf cteoce b* the wd of -ChimUtrr, {J cad aaek not now remedial agents; in ehart to ar> ' ijtox portecUon in the practice bj means of atrr | J OOOP, ?oserlook and neglect, as beneath their* ntice lhe rich and toactrous stores of medicine, i' which tlnalnigbtjr tames used to spring oat of the earth ia cver/.cJims; And how raecb more trua it j it, that while the American Physician looks to for- J oi?n ?mititru>? for msnv mf his most common and j twiniwrj truete* perpetuallychwafinr a* tber are}1 <Hp d>?4ttt??ff-?ahl<?n -.r he u?airaaoiieJ in 1 hi?9*n c?oafjr with an cadlem prof a mod. 'The ion^ruidily, (JScintry mad nmr of regeUhlc resuedirt* o W m*y bo e*liauurd by ?attiutM|ih! ancient ptacttcc tho modrra; iil Jo hp11 j if ww amuaedtatcly waderoar ova eb> vcrratioa. the lt>9ha prschcr with that of the vkitN.' tVho, m Aaw-ica, baa not known or beard j iapiiajHd III it'll >ix ?, vtwcio mm d*crrpid| onpnet*nd*:i? <*<a&U? lotion by wiw of her assopU* TCSiedic* alow, hu rfllwW U?<- RWMt rapid and u* Vanishing cure*, after the wb'dc Materia Mediea M 1fc? ornate* ar??t?kv directed in the ioo?t aiilfbl anaoaor has t*i 1*4' And who boa not been surprised at beholding the co.-nnarati?e ??c and factlUy with which the Indian tree* buaaelf of any d??- ' ear, and at the alaaoat total ahener of chronic du- ; ou? u)?az them. Who ku ever beard of aa in di?4 with a"constitution broken and rained by m i treatment * And nan a doubt exist, that this happy J iM' vf we ft-w* .nose of the tfla i scu. a?w 4?nu)d utaa **fearw, i* ciur.r owiaj W.lhf marr /proial aqdsafe remedies which he employs! This astonlshm^ difference ia soccras, 1> aAir fWtttjrtifcatwfrnfthr^aflnite superiority mMmjkppfc and n& mmm of two which Cod jMi Cfnlni for lb* bradit of bii children, over Vta# which (he jtrhU and the mrt of man have '!> MoiU^aisa "'' * s y - i JLVf|0. * ~ * iW a long residence among a portion of the ,nbo(i^ina< raitabiUai* of Urn ouiralrY, and an rati* uuiir acnuainlance with tW method* of cure* of hum* ofwfrtmit soreemfW pheliihm, (he .pro* priclor f the ** Till lfiu.^PuieUr aeuuired akcowfedf* ofspare of Uw-ir moat ponrerfh! and favorable reoteiite*. from these 1m? selected such as vera most efficacious *nd appropriate, and after rarfcras ?*tpryfiarau I# tet time prtoctples and * iUaagthh* has ooomnrd th?m in the lorm hers) .presented, a* tire moss pertret and beurficisl lor the BUfpot* for which it is recommended - I'f-p.- ipnetor1 It-*-* thi?j?r*p?-?t;?*n i*ti?e pub t w.-tn kie <MtmV-U4(* <*? uu: Ur im with' *-- * -- ?h4 (iiwtinaie --mftwhg got tun ttinw..... i - , to iHucVit j*4^p)mi>ie. To noch it will prove o. incalculable valor. ei the mno*, and in man/ cai tet ikcumljtmenjucr relieving their ?uffertajp? and ' tWtOffUy t kw>a once more ViViith and tuppinrM J Hm m wottdSnmd w eiwun m? d;,thti mm/ Mivtoooc be rquft1: f fond wilb MOV other* now in cum, but uone ffnid is capable of hod| Gte in man/eauemr eon**. When til the nentl remedies fail. Thmitha* don* repmitedl/; eaif this t* the mpuUUoa a feat obtained wherrrer it ba* been iuttodoerd It rt-JBl/abotrt there year* vmee this prrpar* ikm. vn dm-pwwnted to the pvWie but in that vhoft-*pcice of time, name hundred* of person* night we found, who would oimunly declare that thev believed thai their live* were aared b/ it, una in moot Man after the/ had tried man/ per,fc? iMHdM in vain. Wherever iTSfcaowa It is rapidly c Mini; into aw, and Ihin conrincing proof Tbe valac of iho Panacea, is most conspicuous in Usdac (oMittudiof and obstinate syphilitic and tKOrifg afaHo? *fcisb hare dafided all ntbor MRkts. and partKwlarlr 4* -how cmo wIktp mcrtvirgr has bora so farMiljr u*ed m to cau*' UisUaafca# pujns in tfit bodes, nodes, mercurial ul ?J*s, derangement of the digeetite organs. Ac | *?<?* it compklslr rsioom and u* all cases 11 -oniiialj 4 eradicate* the dirvo and the effects o i m^ntur/ 'renoeate* t&e consliialiun, sad learr I - ? >! ' the patient a/mad and vrrll * In iwrn?i?n?m??? M aeetavd ?ary thmt, iU Jwpw cd-cU are at* ?t??Pi?f?ai, giving ?lai *1 nmuodial* rclicl. Taken in pfrtpi?T Tiir I*r?iA*'? rAirAcaa ?per?it.3 ss ?n, and dataryent; a dlan pliewlic,:dimvuc uid Usaltva; an aniipaatnodei aod aaodyn?, and ut proper ciki, at a atoinacbni and **nn*euag"?uc Generally expired, ?l *ic fciraafa aft the tecretKWM and etertinns gir?*? tonrV) aba atamacb, and ?-x< iter Action III Uw gland* i>i a part'catar mtnoer k'ri?m Umw principlca the ojienlion quj tn; underaiaud. Tm? mcdicia? fasr been fiwid h'flilv narfn' in toanv ainbijjuou* disease# not here specified, and It huUn uwd with wonderful wcaw MA Spring tad Ftxil pmri/er, by those whoaife anbjrcl to torn (AUntB m the cheat, and vhwn constitutions re quire new vifor. 8och persons wiil do well ttue two or three bottles in small doaea. Wherever aiut drimk is considered oecesnry, the Panacea, taken in a small do?r, will answer allitapgrpqacs' in mdcb lea# time, at let* expense, and in a far more agromMe manner, than the common diet drink. jj The following certificates, oat of hundreds atmJ- J , lar which airbt be proenied, tn> given to obey i the eflbct of Thjc hotel's Paiacka, in the nH-! J oat Ooapllinti therein mentioned; end iho to ? [' hibil in the most satisfactory meaner Ha snperiori- t ty over the syrups in common use. I CASES OF RHEUMATISM. i Ciuilmtoi, Not. 15,1631. t Dating the Utt winter end spring. 1 wen effected with e wit tertrr end distressing Rheumatism occasioned by* expos are in bed weather. 1 now j take rirVL pleasure in stating, that nix bottles oi > the Xndiso* Panacea, restored me to perfect ? health, end I confidently recommend it to au aimilarly afflicted. JOHN FERGUSON. King *. * Charlssto*, March 27, 1332. t X was seized ebont three years since with e dia- X timing Rheumatism censed by taking a severe j f cold wnile under the iofloence o< mercury, end ( , which has disabled mc from business Dearly crcr,. since. During this period 1 hero been a patient in I he Marine Hospital in this City, upwards of Court t months nearly, and the same length of time in the Baltimore Hospital, and tried almost erm remedy v sth liitle benefit. On the 10th of February -? :?? .V.U ?#> mnmt i)wn( einon UIUMUWC IUI**!; win ? ?r crutches, 1 commenced,the uae of The Indiu'i Puuera. In one month 1 found myself entirely urcd from the pain, and am now happy to state Lba I feel myselfperfectly well. wM. TUCKER, 13 Mark*-*. ' CURE FOR SCROFULOUS ULCERS Nt? Yotut, Sept 10. J830. J This may certify, that in the fall ol 1825, 1 traa irixed with a swelling in or neck and face, which < iflerwards ulcerated and became large ghastly al- *' set* in my neck AfLr trying aercral Physicians ? o no advantage, 1 wnnlto Philadelphia. and placed e nraeli under the car* of Or*. Phyaie and Beach, p when, after repealed salivation lono effect, I waa ' renounced totally incurable. Afterwards 1 took wenty bottles of Swain's Panacea and eight bottles II ?f Potter's Catholfcon, with no material benefit u >oparing of life, which hod now become a bur- c hen to mc, 1 returned to my parents in New York n 1499, and gave mysctf up to a lingering death. * [fearing of the great*success of Thr Isdias's Pa- 0 ucsa, however, in cases similar to my own, I waa wrvuadcd to try It, as a last resort. To my great j utprise as wIIm satisfaction, I soon found raysclt "sotdlv recovering. and upon taking seven bottle*, 0 bo ulcers beaW tad becameperftsUjr wtlJ in (bo p x>ars* of two smith*; and have remained so ever unci?, t make ibis statement and wish it published or tinj benefit ot those who are sttSertng under siuilar scrofulous or syphilitic aflcettioos, that they nay know what has cured one who-has suffered rvery thing bat death, and who considers bis life nared by the above syrup. WM. HINHAN. n The above Medicine mar he bad at WILLIAM REYNOLDS 0 DRUG STORE, CAMDEN, S C. ? * ?. . At 0 ?f^ 11 v ***' t A LARGE A excellent assortment of llnll s Patrnt Trusses, doable and single, made to order ot the must durable materials, for Southrn nse Alan, a] n?w Inurnment lately inentxd by Dr. II. which la r highly approved of by the New York pcactfUonm. ? - - ? ? ' ? 1 oat. kkmlw. and t UdoMany w BOW mmh ? . ( Jiminshes ?*i?rb the imtmitv of mwrtlaf to IW41KH. Uv it* -op^iicottoii, the wtntn Off mi once relieved from pro Utoouaknw, mod owobiod w- mrnu* thdrlocnwrocUtky. Tbeabqg* Traano a mop jo?i received, are oft be *alwcnber'*own orlcctioo, I and will be wid tmuiuafly low. f White Lrad nnd Co (ear*. J A LARGE mppl; of these irttrlfi direct Rota Wcramsill * BmtM*' mauofcetory, which, with oil other* to (be line* achM Oil, Brash**, V?r c awbeo, Tortwrtiw. Ac Ac- can he bad 00 the mo* i sosenabi* Irrra*. at WM REYNOLDS'. r AL$f>~f>X HASP. 1 A fwdaoppty of WINDOW c?LAS , 1 ' NOTICE^ I THE subscriber is erecting a Lit erf t ^' blf in Surnterrijlc. and wHI bo read? r thi* first <n ? i??f li?r rCCHHton III mn.. Ociitiw i in vi, iiii) olictio ih<! attention of all . so,Eea ??.A33?.o , o this adreriistyncnt, and to pot op tboir tl lorna with Aim, w the beat attention will bo v paid tbcra, and errry assistance a Horded to ) telling thetn; be wiU alao keep a * f IIoum* of Entertainment for these who bring their Horses to his stable , JOHN D. BOWEN. ' September 3 31?cm I | Hagins' Hotel. | BI.L AIR, j iO I S miles south if CkutpRt X. C on tht Camden road. Whor ' the subscriber continues hie House "f Knicriainmcnii having built a a?r Mouse, expressly for the accommodation of slrangen*, lid hopes to be able to render his quests comfortable and happy? and solicits ?r former palronage.~*No | a ?*!*rtfan? ohali be winlinf on the part o lit Subscriber. DAVID IIAGIN8. ' )nljrl6?3S"cm ? N. B. Mr O. Winger my agent for the house, trill be in constant attendance. D. H. BANK AGENCY. C. MATIIEHON tenders liia scrrices jn* agent for transacting business at the llnnfe* of (.'amd'ni Sopt IT"31 ' ' : a!? SUMTER HOTEL. THE Subscriber informs his friends ,r. and the public, thai be has taken the home formerly occupied by J. Goodman ind more recently by X J. Exnm as * L J. .1 _ ' * VT?_ _ J__ J Iffiet in xoe lOWB OI wuucu, ?uu near i te .Court House, where be U prepared to iceive company, and Matters himself that j hose who fevor him with their company i rill be satisfied with their areommoda- , ions. .sA. &. UUFFLN. , May 23.?20::-tr. , Buhter'? Notch ! Fl< only Edition jmdiisM ts ambers to send by < moil |i IX XOatBBBS SOW BEADY rOR DELirER Y. I Induced by the extraordinary sale of I lis beaotifnl edition of MARRYATTS tfOYELS, the publisher of those works i lid, on the first day of July, commence c n the same faultless style* an edition of | he celebrated t BULWER NOVELS { Comprising? i Pclham, Derereux, ( Disowned, Eugene Aram i Ricnzi, Paul Clifford, f Lift days of Pompeii* Falkland, Pilgrims of the Rhine, \ faking an nniform edition of nearly fif-! c eeo hundred page*?four hundred more; s ban Makbtatt. They are published in jc cmi-monthly numbers, each of which j] ontains one complete wofk*, with title-j age and corer. The wholrle^fes will be omplclcd in eight numbers, and will bo aminhed to subscribers- at toe extraardiary low price of thrac dollars and fifty I cuts, payable in advance. They wilt be cot by mall, carefully packed, to any part 1 f the United States or Canada. _. uit mmr bsJud for Itn I ollars, payable in advance, by directing . rders to that effect) enclosing the cash,: t osuge paid* "OJUi of RqnUif*tia* cf\ ^SF 1 The publication of the abort, was com-" lenccd in July. In January next, another republication; f some ccfebrated modern Novelist trill ike place,'either James, Coorxa, Inrixo, ? r some other of equal repute. It iade- i crraincd by the prveeoa -Publisher, that < he American public shall be furnished < rifh the most beautiful, and at the tame imr cheap, edition of modern Novelist xtaol - , A few copies of Marrratt are yet for ale at three dollars. L. A. QoD FY, Publisher, !( PHILADELPHIA. | The sketch book of Character' hCmriamemd AxtkauU Xmrrntxwe* oW Jtneabm respecting Estrmmrdinmry fmimdmmU. I In preparing the follow lug work from I tuple materials, care has been. exercised i o arold, in the main, the beaten track of < ormcr compilers; to present the rentier raher what was Inaccessible, than to copy < rrll k own biomphies and events. The principal object of the present eol-'< ction, u to supply a pleasing variety of< hat kind of incident, which, by exhibit- ' ng the marvellous in circumstance, and > he extraordinary in cbsrsctrr, displays he occasional waywardness of event and < u frequent carious operation upon the ? luman mind. It would be easy to prove ' bat, independently of mere snterttain 1 sent, a knowledge of remarkable facta is ? 11 *' - Al-t.ll ! lO C^ITCf I lilt* i v m i^vii errry'dii)- irai)M?liiio>; and thai in 'i ho seience of life, u veil as in erery I thcr, His necessary to become acquainted rith the exception to the general rule.? To estimate property what is, we most Missrss some knowledge of what may be; ji md the information is only 10 be acquired I ?y an attention to the memorable and pe? < :uliar, which hot been. < The publication was commenced in Jny* It will be Issued in sembmonthly lumbers, containing 80 pages each, and rill be coinpletrd In 6*e months, or soon* ?r, ai the option of the Publisher, and will sontain, in all, orer 400 pages. The nuiok?ira will h* cent br mstl to any part of Ilu* Union, carefulfy parked* Term.?One Dollar for the complete work, or six copies for Fire Dollar*. Address . L. A. GODEY. 100 Walnut street, Philadelphia. Celebrated Trials, and cases of Crimical Jurisprudence, or ALL AOBS AND COUNTRIES FROM THE EARLIEST RECORD. SeUtttd iy ? member ef tk* PkUadtipkim Par Treason?Hodiiion-Witchcra ft?Robbery ?Mutiny?Heresy?Libel?Murder?Pi- J ? ?*?Porwrv, Ac. Ac. Thew remarkable and deeply interest* ing Trials have been collected from all the best sources which the public and private Libraries nf this country afford. The numbers will embrace many recent cases furnished exclusively by the London An* nual RegisteV, and recourse has been had occasionally to manuscripts where prin* et] documents could not be procured. It Is belisrd that the collection supplies a striking deficiency in the Hbrary of the Lawyer, Physician, and general reader. To membera of the Bar the publisher need hardly recommend it, as they mom know its worth, but to the gentral reader, who may be misled at to its character, the publisher assures them that it Will be found when completed, a volume of the moat in tense ana exciting interest. One singular and alarming fact presents itself in (he murder cases, and it is that 10 many should die protesting thsir innocense. Is it to be believed that upon the rerge of eternity they could so loudly proclaim that which they knew to be false, irhen not a hope of escape is held oat to hem; the " Circumstantial Evidence** :ascs, of which there are five; would! nake ns think otherwise. It is. a sobject i, hat may well make oae ponder upon the aw which demands life for lifer The publication was commenced in July, md the numbers are issued semi-monthly, ;*ch number containing 190 pages each, >rinted on fine white peper of the size of he Marryatt Novels, and will be competed in October,?making a volume of ; iOO closely prime I octavo page*- The j lumbers will be sent by mail to any part if the Union, carefully packed: Teribs >2 for the complete work, or three copies or five dollars, ft in worthv of.remark, that a similar ' rork is published in London at about 79 enls a number,, and contains only 76 mall duodecimo pages. Ttusediiiou will ( ost bat 40 cenu a number, and contains 30 large octavo pages. ( Address, L. A. GODEY, 100 Walnot street, Phiisdphia. CLimiira. lulwer's Novels and Saturday News, 86 Do. . do. and Celebrated Trials^ 86 rbe Trials. Sketch Book, atnf Lady's Cook, 85 lady's Dbok. Saturday News, and Sketch Book. 85 latnrday News, 8ketck Book, end Celebrated Trials. . 85 kfarryatt's Novels and Lady's Book, 95 Or a remittance of 85 will pay for Bnl , rer's Novels in fall and 82 on account o nbcerintton to Lady's Book. V .To Sportsmen. The subscriber it expecting daily to reeerre i i case of superior Doubte-barrel, Dams seas ind wire-twist Guns, made to order i" Europe nimig mi www of Grtta-qnaitiy vith *se* and apparatus complete ITwbonneyOct 2fc:3T ; Bradford Springs An English, Mathematical and Classi:&) 8ch ol will be opened, by the subscri* ' xr at Bradford Springs, on Monday* the 3th of January nest. i It is needleaa to eay any thing of this place, aa a fitting loeatlnn for m aehool. its healthfuineaa throughout the year* and its entire exemption from all opportoni ties lor vicious practices, are wwll known The year will be divided into trooes* tions of 23 wecka each* For board* (in the family of the tea* :her.) inclusive of the uae of bedding, fu?l See. with tuUon* #100 per session, , Tuition alone. "020 do- \ wwriebhj in advance* Parents or Guardians who with u Board [ their noo* or wirai wiui uie mcivr, ire requetrtql to communicate with him, i>5* the 10th Dec. None received u boardns in the teacher's family, over the if* of 15 year*. Mr. Ilenry Britton, near lb* Academy. p it pared to accommodate with good board. HENRY P. HATFIELD. ; Nov. 5?37?if The Editor* of the Charleston Obserrer and Colombia .Telescope are reqoeated to idsert the above once a week until the 1st January and forward their ae;ounta to the Editor of this paper. NOTICE The subscriber has jtwt received lib Fall and Winter supply of 'Dry Goods aud Groceries, '?l-"?1 u?if fin Nmt VaHcI ombrS. ^iWim WJ MIUMPItll |W eing almost every Article usually (band in Dry Goods tod Grocery store, which he offers low for cash or on the osoal credit to pane* tosl customers. W, J. GERALD. Not. 5?37?if NOTICE. By permission of James H. Witherapoon Judge of the Court of Ordinary, will be sold at the late residence of William Mas? Amm'A nn it,* WtTtill rwfb. Lancaster wi'jr uvv ? ?? .... , Disi 8. C. the whole of hit personal estate, on Tuesday, the 6lh of Dee. next, consisting of sixteen very valuable Negroes, Horses, Cattle. Hogs, sheep, Househeld and Kitchen Furniture, Plantation Totds, Corn. Fodder, Wagon and Oear? with many other articles. Terms of sal made known on day of sale. 1 II. MA8SEY. ) A. T. C. MASSEY 5 Aom r Nor 12?33??# ! New C opart nership. THE undersigned, having oo the fir* in*.MKciated thcmsaJvoa in the Mer c&utiie business under the <lnn #>f ; iivr * xtrsHfioar, Respectfully so!reus front the community, and particularly the farmcrcagtomenof H. Livt, a continuance of (he liberal patronage extended to biro, end which if will he iheii eodeator to merit; they intend purchasing. COTTON and other produce, for which They, will gFvc the HIGHEST pricei H- LEVY. W. E. HUGHSON Sept 3 -32. NEW, T.u|*l?i?.t;OOI>ter THE aboard*!* are now opening a choice MMOKot of SEASONABLE GOODS/ which they offer oil the moat reatotiahla terms, oonaimfng in pert as follow: wooi.evs LONDON DUFF1L BLANKETS, Mtekmv do. do. Superior and common NEGRO LINSLYo' SuperfineLondon Blue, Black, Brown, Greer< Napoleon, Violet, and Mood CLOTHS. Super Striped and Plaid CA8SIMERE JT fuckskin, da Plain, Striped and Plaid SATTINETS White, Searlct & Yellow FLANNELS; &c WORSTED GOODS. MJuqaud Frnirod MERINO, (>ne? , article,) 54 Plain, English and French MERINOS, (black and colored.) 54 " Merino ? IRCASSIONS (all colors) Black aifd Colored BOMBAZETtr 64 Super Black BOMBAZEEN. Wonted Bl<? ,d EDGING, dta COTTON GOODS. * Super Fancy CALKOE& ** Merino do , - , ? Shallj do " Texts* Plaid-do M -* French do ' and < oanrtr Fmahor* da ??l?_ ?j . in.rj i ivu. c? nun lira nira uuvuna no. , . Colored Plait, and E nbowcd CAMBRIC Medium and Jackooei MUSLIN* Book, Moll and Swtaa do. Striked end Plain t'A MBRlJV, Cambric, Dimity aod Corded COATS Colored and Wiitte t otton HOSIERY Ate* LINKNS. >41rah LINENS AND LAWNS Ifr6e^SicsmTO 3-4 Brnan SHIRTING. ' - 4-4 do' do '" ' ; 5-4 do SHEETING ; M id 6 4 Blrach'd SHIRTINGS At 8HEK TINGS. Apron CHECKS and Plaid HOU RSPT NS ' Nixed rtVTTONADEa ^ Clnbw FLANNEL- (white and colored) 4-4 mod 6-1 BEDTICKs, &.C. SILK GOODS. Best Blaek Italian LU STRINGS. " Gro Do sWI** ' Plain and Figured SILKS. Sewing >ilk and Twial Handsome Fancy Silk ^HAWLS. Flag and Bandana HANDKERCHIEFS Spfetafidd do Hank Lot? * do ^lo^LPQNftREa . Black andCnlored Silk GLOVES. ?7' BUck Italian CRAVATS. Stlk HOSE, (plain and ribbed* Ac. PANCT GOODS, Hindwmc Workod Mnlin COLLARS do do CAflBSi::j' do do irNN'r1** Blood LACE tod Timed EDGING Bobiiwt LACE, do FOOTING. Sw ifs Stripe MDsUN. China Silk HOSE. BltckSpon Sdk Beetle do * ?ALSO A complete assortment of? <ALFITI1XG or the newest and most approved pattern and colore wanrented. also, An extensive assortment ofGROCERIES. SADDLERY, JB^pWAp^ APS* September 3?32 NOTICE. THE subscriber has just received bis Fall and Winter supply of DRV GOOD6T which he will sell few for cash or spprored customers. J- I*- JONES. I Pot. 5?37?if