University of South Carolina Libraries
"THE CAMDEN JOURNAL BTROBEKT STESICUTi Publbhw of th?I?W?of <h? Called Stmt"* E4IU4 by JOHI rt trE:<T ' -" - ' ' " - - ' VOIi. SI. MO|JTH-C%BOtl^A, i*?VKM * B 26, ISJt. X0.40. ^ : " ' =5^^=aassa? Tsa oAissai* Published csery Siturdsy Morning bp " ROBERT M'K!*I?UT, ' romiaw oir tjir iaw? or tui pwo*. SUBSCRIPTIONS Ti'"? jmi<h r?ir in tdnno*, or four dollar ? %t the ead of the rear. advertisements Inserted at seventy five cents the square tor the fi.-at, and hall that amount for ewh continuance-? The ouffber of insertions to he marked on th( mttjia or t*ry trill be continued and charged ac cordiogly. Those inserted semi-monthly 75 cents and monthly ?1 a square for each insertion. Communications by raiil to be post paid or rernair unattended to. minimum n? ii m m TUe Indian's Panacea. FOR the cure of Rheumatism Scrofula 01 Kind's irli, Gout. Sciatica, or Hip-Gout in eapient Cancers. Sail Rhea ,j. Syphilitic and Mer curial diseases particularly Ulcers and paintul af flicttoas sfthc bones. Ulcerated Throat and ?W trile; Ulcers ot ercry d scriptioa. Fever sores'i and Internal Abscesses; Fistulas, Pil s. Scald hand, Scurrcv, Bibs, Chronic. Sure Eyes, Eye re sipofatt, Bloebes, sad every variety oFconUgmui Affection, Chronic Catarrh, Headache, proceed it j from an acrid humor; Pain n the Stomach am Dyspepsia, proceeding from vitiation; Affect mwu of the l ?ircr, Chronic InSamalion of the Kidocr* and geueral debility, caused by a torpid action* oi the vessels of the skin. It is singularly elfiracma; \ by renovating those constitutions which have be*t biokoii down b . injudicious treatment, or juvenile ? RTFfoUriucs in general terms, it is recommended to all U*cac tsetse* which arises from imurri cd in the blood, filiation of the humors, of what ever name or kind. ^Soaoe of the alro e compeiinU tsar require sornr rilling asisUnl applications, which the circumstance* of tb* case -rill dictate: bat for a genera Rtardtr or t'urijiector, loeesa.rr ike coast, Ttir Is fcrwf'i ifi>ACS4 trill general!j be f ma s&Sicient To tfee Pabiic, Hour true u u. that .n-wlern Pby?ici2tis--in liteti naibiuon to excel in their proSwRon; U explon tinC ran ft*!ds of menor br thr d >f Cbtnimr v sad seek out near remp.&ixl. agents; in abort to or ir? at pertjrcUorrjnliw practice by mean* of am oose,?overlook and neglect, c* brnraib tba nUco-tbir rich and b >:i?rte >as stores of .nedietoe ' which the almighty haacaused to eprio# out of tb earth In every clime' And how mu^b mart-tree i wt that white the American Physician l<*?ka to for <ig? countries for tunny of bin tno?t common am necessary articles perpetually changing a* they ar the dictates of fubi-m r folfr he is sm rounded t his own ienant-arwithjin endless prolaidan. The c?*r *??i??fjr, efitiewey and sararr of v*? tabic rcoedir* om nunc ml. may be ?sti>?*!ed b contesting the ancient ptacUce ar th the mod *?? or to bring if m?Nr mi wd?stely wider ?or own 4 termisa, the Indian practice with tint cfth whites. vVb w i? A netca, has e?tknown -r lk-;f of repeated tnsuneet wherein wuoe d~orrgUI. ur p^ttendinj nile InJno be wan* ot be* ?in?i rsoietii-M alone, b*? eflV?-u-<i ii??- m <ft npv'. snd a iQHiiamj c t#e* after the trh-de * late ia >?edic* < lite e i n n ?nj?ne'-?ee, d 7eo*-dio ibe mast tjrii?!F< nj tin ; !m fvVd Ail tr'j . !i:? n ?1 been snrorr cd at be?*idittf-the e'-.JifHralitw ease and facilil WJ'-t which t4c todjan free* huoarif of any dl ease, aniai; Vv? ai u?st to'al ?bwnv ofebrooic di r?r" \ j ?i{ iVrn Who has ever beard of an 1: din iti'.it a cwntitotion broken and Ttttned by i treatment? And ea.i a doubt exist,that thishtpt exemption of the ?eaje from most of the il which the flesh of ciriiiffd man is beir to, is chict osrioff to iv noes genial and mfr irwedie* whv hoeui/. V/si TuioUUmthtBf dil&fencr in >oec** is a &ir exe ?p/iflrat*m of the infinite sopertori of the si npb* and wfc means of care which G bxs created for the beoeflt ?f his childim, oi those which the pridt and the art of man hare i nearer' From a Song few-h-nee among a portion of t aboriginal inhabitants of this country, and an to mate aconamunce with the methods of caret oome of their most ineeeaifht prsetkmert, the pi prictor f th* 'Tar l?ra ?*t Passes.*,' sects ir a knoelrs^r ofwaw of Ihrir most powerful a fkrorable rttiacdie*. Fn>r? these be selected so M wcr# QOHVQIClCrnil iiHI BppTopiww:, ?u? w yyriatu erprfiuwntr to te#t ihrir principles n treogth h<? Uia combined tbeut in the lonti hi prscentod, u the maw perfect and beneficial the purpose for which it u recommended. i be proprietor njfcri IbU preparation to the p it, yjpt ' ;H*. nJoHjUs-^Hae** \h<%* ue i? f>' h;,' >,, !Q 'is it'.w, > h :ih"?5iijUl/ / '."Uij kis sjlcii'i ?im are miu< ?uj 1 4?r Urn various durante and 'hstlnot* enmplai to which it U applicable. To such it will pro* incalculable value *? thr rararw, and in many ** the<mlujnr*** cf m Uevinf their sufferings * vectoring them oner more to healUi and happia Thisia ?>t offered as a coatora rr? dy, that 11 Crohaace ho equally rood with many other* 1 UK, byt aaoae which Is capable of raring HI many extreme cases, when alt the usual rente fail. Thus it has done repeatedly; and this is enpQtaUcm it ha* obtained wherever it ba? been traduced Jt ta only about three years since this prep lioa was firs: pecsrnted to the public, bo; in short -pace of time, so ne hundred* of pen might be fonnd, who would solemnly declare they belie red that their lives were saved b and in must cases aftr? they had tried many -? wk.. IUOI >11 >nc &(iianiytt iruiruir* ? . ' it is known it is rapidly coming into ok, and the most substantial ahd convincing | of Rs merit*. . , The tah? of die Panacea, t* moat contpir in those low# standing and obstinate syphilitic acro'uloaa aOeclioos which have defided ail < niwdw*. nod fwrticolarlv in ihose c*?m w nstttir; tea been to Uviuil; o?c<l as n cause lreeling punt in the bone*, nodes, oerccrii cert, derangement of the digestive organs These li complete!/ re mo vet and in all ea entire!/, eradicates the disease and the efft mercury renovates tie constitution, and I the patient sound and well In Rheumatism n ulcerated sore throat, its bapp/ effects ar less apparent, giving almost immediate rriirl Taken in proper doaes, Tit* lanua s Pa* Pirates as an alternative, and detergent: a phoretic, diuretic and laxative; an antipaar and anodyne, and in proper ouh as a stunt and Oinmenagoguc Generally expressed, creases ail ti?e accretion# and exertions, give# to the stomach, and excites action in the gWr a particular manner. Krrwn these principle operation may t?e understood This medicine Isv beea hishlv u?! f 1 many tobigmoi diwurtnol here tprcifird, am ha* been used tritb wonderful success a* a Spn and Full pnrijier. by those who arr sublet to e< plaints ot the cbrst, and whose constitutions quire new rigor. Such persons will do well use two or thtre bottles In small doses. Whrret idut drink is considered nteessory, the Panic taken in a small dose, will answer all Its pnrpoa in much less time, at less expense, and in a I more agreeable manner, than the common d drink. The following certificates, oat ot hundreds sir Isr which-might be procured, are given to sb< the effect ?f Tax IxdiabYPasacxa. in t> ra oos complaints therein mentioned; and also to t Libit in the most satisfactory manner its snperio ty over the syrups in common use. CASES OF RHEUMATISM. CitAKUtrros, Nor. 15,1*31. During the last winter and spring. 1 was affl . I ted with a rear severe and distressing flhrumalii 1 occasioned by exposure in bad weather. 1 n< lUk> rreat pleasuie in stating, that six bottles the Indian a Panacea, restored me to pen* , health; and I confidently recommend it to all ti ilarlv afflicted. - o JOHN FERGUSON. Kk?*-*. Ciuruitok, March ST, 1332 1 as seised about three years since with a d trrssjor Rheumatism ceased by taking a sen r cold while under the influence of mercury, a . which has disabled me irom business nearly ei . since Dur tig ibis period 1 have been a atienl : be Marine Hospital in this City, uo&ard* of foi . f ri nlhs nrarly. and the taice le'ngU) of time in t , ] Baltimore Hospital and tried almost crery rrn .ids, 1th liitle tx-nrfiL On the 10th of frbroa . j **n at that time scarcely able to mere about up (ler?eh,?t | commenced the use of The Indiai r Paaava. In one month I (bund myself er,lin | orro frosi the pain, and am now happy to ata , lbs ! frei utrsrlfperfectly well. WM.ttCKER, 13 Markd-d. I C /llE FOR SCROFULOUS ULCERS i Nr.w Yona. Sept 10. 1H30 < This may vsertitr, that in the fall of 1825, I n i wiled - ills a swelling in my neck and faoe, whi . afterwards ulcerated sad became large ghastly i I rem in my neck A/l r trying several Phytici? to no adrauUgr. 1 wentlo rbif'delphia. and plac mescll under the care of Dra Physic and Boat ' when, arte repealed aalmtlMS to no effect. ] a pronounced totally incurable Afterwards ! to II twenty bottles of strain's Panacea and right boll jof Putter's CatboUcon. with no truier-af bene 1 Oeapar.n? of life, which n^e* St. r < t hi - ... v. * >> jlifatoffl*. I mornrc i j in 1*??). and n?i.? ;! <?;> ? > V*S" '1*4 r! Hearing ??f tin- .; ; T?t? ' i?u' j|Sicr*. hflwrfr; .> <;*u ' ? iw'iM r ar I ? , j persuaded to try it; a*, * ?srt T'? mr ?n . j ?wrprUe as w ti a* *st?i.Vi v-u.-f ?jnp C"ttn?i invi r J rapidly rwoTerinjf tnu uj.--?v utmp ** rrn h ill r j the ulcrr# heated and Ur.-a-arp^rirelJ^ well in I ,. cnorw of two and haee rrminnmi ao e< P since. I tnaJtr- this stair men! asd wish it poblis) t far the benefit of those who are safirntig undei . miUr sejvfuloc* or syphilitic afleettioit*. tbst tl a Mtjf know what has rttrrd one who aufft e crrry thing but death, and who consider* MsJ a" namedby thr shore smrup. ( WM. IIIMIAI The shore ^ed-cine way be bad at WILLIAM .REYNOLDS r DftUO tfTOftE <*A.MDEN. S C. j *' A . j% SU3 K !b excellent aas'irtownt of 11 oil? P*i *" Trosn a, double and single, made to order at *" isawi durable materials, lor SouU?ru uk A Is f?t; i * Instrument lately iRented fnr Or M. whk highly #pp?n<d wJ bjr the Near York pmethior jf it does away be use of Laced Belts altogether, f ditniathes *erjr mwb the naecoBtr of resorting 7 Pm?m. By it* application, the wearers ?r ^ fjoci i v ptr?< iim.nrnki<(r. ami r * *' Ut mmtuw their tamer activity. Thrsrawe Trt 2 m> just rmriied, 4f? of the ?abrribrr'so?rn sekc ?o >?.<! mil he aofd tttWBOally low. VT ^ WhUr Lead oud Colonic. j,c A LAROK supply of Ummc utirln tfifcci Wirawiiu. & Baoracaa' mafcobesery, ?l pi with oil <*fcer>inth?lta?, ach m Oil, Brashes. - nwh+*, Torprstior. Ac if. can t? bad co tbe ^ r*?on*Ulr irnm; ! WM. REYNOLD! 13 AJLSO?O.V HASP. A fa>! sapplt of WIN DO IV ('.LAS , 5 noTICE. for THE tufoeribrr wrrocting a Ut< Miftblf id Sumirmylc, and will be n . (or lt?*' reception of nfwhi b? the first . < >! (.-' . r ,V \t V unf S0P.O3 " - ^3S.%0 inl- J o thu advertuemen:. ?a<l lo put up i ^ 11 owe* ariih 'lim, a* ik* '*?*? atioutioti w?! Ad P*'d then), and etrrjr valance a Horde r?? wiling llietn; be will also keep a ?i 1 louse of fCntertainiiM J,n f?r iheao who bring their Horace to bin % 6 JOHN D. BOWE i in- September 3 31?cm lluitins' Hotel. IU"11 Kjr Mint wr i;?t roof <jq j.j ?>f Chatt" ' .V L on iht C nyjii. uotM Whcr the subscriber eouuuur* bin I Over ^"icrtainment, having buili a new here r*pre**lv for the accommodation uf i din- grrj. l)e hope* to be able lo rend d ul guests comfortable and happy, and Si l^c a continuance of former patronage f^0 exertion* shall bo wanting on the p leave bo Subscriber. i. and david HaGI, ? noX July lfl-So-cm N. B. Mr. C. Wingct, my agent I dian house, trill bo inconstant attendaon nodri D. aehni - '!.? BANK AGENCY. C\ MATHBSON lender* hi* ?< ns agent for transacting business Bonk-} of Camden Sept 1" i il - ifc | SlfMTEH HOTEL. ^ npilE Subscriber informs his friends wX X end ihe public, thai he has taken the house formerly occupied by J. Goodman ? ? *?- and more recently by J. J. Kxutn as v J? h >tel in the Town of Camden, and near >x[ he Coart House, where he is prepared to ri- eceive company, and flatters himself that those who favor him with their company will be satisfied with their accommodations. , A. R. RUFFIN. to- Miijr 23.?:20-.:-tf. ia? : ??.. ? 1 Z JBuhtcr'8 Novels *l Tie *j*/y Edition published. in numbers to send by SIX HCMBtRS KOW KCAPV F??R DELIVERY. Induced by the extraordinary a* ie of i?. his beautiful edition of MaRKTTATT'S NOVELS. the publisher of those works did, on the first day of July, commence tn in the same faultless style, an edition of jrt the celebrated - . ~ BULWER NOVBL.S Comprising? b's Pelham, DcvercuX, Disowned, Eugene Aram ** Ricnzi, - Paul Clifford, Last days of Pompeii, Falkland, Pilgrims of the Rhine, Making an uniform edition ol nearly fif'*o teen hundred pages?four hundred more ej* than Marrtatt. They are published in ^ semi-monthly numbers, esch o( whirl, rd contain* one cot-plete work, with title:b. page and cover. The wh?lr series * ill b?- < completed in right numbt rs. and mil be Jni famished t?? subscribers at the xir?>rdi-i fit. uary h?tr price of three dollar* iiiy fifty or- rents, payable in advance, 'i ury trio ' ^ sent bv mail, earefully p?ck< 'I, i any pvl . * j "t, , "f llie t/Mteil MtlPt or ^a- i .r. : rtu ' Three rumplctr Mis may i?r ),ai! for ten ; 11 dollar*. }?ynlilc in *!-va?trr? by directing order* to thai riitriv enclosing the cash, Z l???*agc trr ?ifd uOfrt* of finmUitatio* of\ *? Popular .\ota*i?U" J >r?r NOTICK. jjj? The pultlir ttiuii of the ubovc, was comy racnred in July. In January next, another republication of some rrJi bratctl modern Norclist will take placr. t ithrr J asks. con ria. In vino, or aome other of equal rrputc. It is determined by the present Publisher, that ^ the American public shall be furnished g i with the most beautiful, and at the same 7 jiimr cheap, edition of modern Norelist ' extant. A few copies of Marryalt are yet for sale at thrre dollars. iet?t L. A. GODEY, Publisher, 1216 Philadelphia. 0, a * J* The sketch book of Character nd OrOtricnu and JtsdUniic Jk'arrmAtaa and .Ineedota g to nqwttfsf Extraordinary individual*. rat In prepari ft (It* following work from '* ^tsiujilr Htsufiulati' n?a been exerciser! to aruid, in the m jn, the beaten track ol ' I former compilers; u? present the reader ra< ther what was Inaccessible, uian to cupj well k own biographic* and events. JjJJ1 The prindpalobject of the present col Vaf cction? ta to aitppljr a pleasing variety o mo* that kind of incident, which, by exhibit *' iog (he niarrciloos io circumstance, am the extraordinary in character, display ! Ihc occasional waywardness of event am its frequent curious operation upon th< human mind. It would be easy to pror< JIT thai, independently of mere cnterttaii r*dy I meat, a knowledge of remarkable facta i i o| nreessary to correct ihe judgment, rvei : U i ii ?'Vrt\ Sr-'<*s?< 'i*| it': ' I* I ihc ?<ueiiC<* yf'liU. nrii as .n ? *cr their .ithrr, it is ueccssar) tu become a< quaintc II bo witti the exception to the genera) rulc.d in; To estimate properly what is, we mm pnss< ** some knowledge of what may bi 3111 and the information is only to be arquire by an attention to the niemurtblo and pi ' . coliar, wliieh hta< ban: | The publication was commenced in Ji ly It will l?r issuetl in semf-month! numbers, tonuinin*. 80 png?-s each, or will be completed in lire months, or sou er, at theoplion of the Publisher, and wl contain, in ail, over 400 pages. The nut hers will be sent by mail to any pari the Union, carefully packed* 7rrsu.?One Dollar for the cample amJtn WOrk, or six copies for Five Dollars. ' 4 1? J. \ GODEY. I Atiuiru m- Asarftf 100 Walnut utrw, Philadelphia. limn- Celebrated Trials, and cases lliriil *finical J urisprudence, .?No 0r ALL A0E| AXD CMWTIUBS FROM T arl ? EARLIEST EECOBD. StJertrd ktf m mumktr tf C4c Pkilnddjtkim Ha Treason?Sp(iiii?i|..\Vi<r)icr?l't? Kobbi 1 ' ?Mutiny?fleresy?Libel?Miirdtr? r - rtcy?Forgery, Ac. Ac. ,,r 1 Thest. remarkable unci deeply idtcn C H TriaU hare been collected fro,u all beat source* which the public and priv Libraries of this country afford. 1 numbers will embrace many recent ca jrvicc* furnished exclusively by the London at the nual Register, and recourse has been r.:31 occasionally to manuscripts where p eel documents could not be procured. Il is belief tl that the collection supplies a striking deficiency in the library of the Lawyer, Physician, and general reader. To members of the Bar the publisher need hardly recommend it, as (hey roust know its wprtH, but to the general reader, who may be mislcd^ss to its character, the publisher assures them that it will be found when completed, a volume of the.mosi intense and exciting interest. One singular and alarming fact present* itself in the murder cases, and it is that so many should die protesting their innoceose. Is it to be believed that upon the verge of eternity they could so loudly proclaim that which they knew to be false, when not a hope of escape is held out to them; the *- Circumstantial Evidence", of which there are five; would make us think otherwise. - It is a subject thai msy well make one ponder upon the; law which demands life for life* The publication waa commenced In July, and the numbers are issued semi-monihhr,; each number containing 120 pages each, i printed on fine white paper of the site of! the Marryau Novels, and will be cum- ; plelrd in October,?making a volume of 000 closely prime I octavo pages. The numbers trill be tent by mail to any part of the Duion, carefully parked. Terms' $2 for the complete work, or three copies. for fire dollars. It is worthy of remark, that a similar work in publi?i?rd tn London at about 79 ; cents a nun.btr. a;;d contains only 75( small duodcc.ino pages. Thj Sedition wilt cost Sut'4p'conts t i T-bcr, and eouuiua 120 lar-r.vctuv.. pagt Aililre^. L. A. GODEV, 100 Walnut street, Philadphia. (LlbBIW. Blister's Novels and Saiur toy News, $5 {) > do. and Celebrated Trials, $5] The Trials. Sketch Book, aod Lady's Book, ' 6oj Lady's Bock, Sattm'ay News, and ] Sketch Book. 05 j " -? ? si?, ttl-.t.k Runk. and Ofl WfUBJ iicnci Mnv?vn CVIcbmtmlTriak v |5 Marry all's Navels ami Lady's Book, $5 Or a remittance of $5 will pay for Bui wor*! Novels in full and $2 on account o subscription to Lady's Book. To Sportsmen. The subscriber is expecting daily to rocatre a case of superior Double-barrel, Damascus and wtr<Mwrist Guns, mad*? to order to Europe among which are some of Extra quality with cases aud apparatus complete E W BONNETOct 2fk:37 Bradford Springs An English, Mathematical and Classical Sch?ol will be opened, by the subscriber at Bradford Springs, on Monday, tbs 8th of January next. , It is needless to say any tiling of thii (dace, as a fitting location for a school, ts healthfulness throughout the year, end I its entire exemption from all opportuni f tics tor vicious practices, are well known The Year will be divided into two sea f alone of 23 weeks each. For board, (in the family of the lea - -i.M v titMrnira of the use of bedding, fu* - VUVI?^ T" ^ f dec. with tutlon, 9100 p?r session - Tuition afone. 930 . do* 3 ntarioUy in advance. i Pereota or Guardians who wish 11 boar J their sons or wards with the teachei t are requested to communicate with bin e by the 10th Dec. None received ? n boarders in the teacher's family, over th s aye of 15 years. n Mr. Henry Rriiton. near the Aesdemj ?? i- pr* |?sr?'-! t sr.* mm<*date with goo \ b?ard. il HENRY P. HATFIELD. - Nov. 5?37?if it The Editors of the Charleston Obse s; ver and Columbia Telescope are reqne d ted to insert the above once a week uni 5-.the 1st January and forward their a I counts to the Editor of this paper. STRAYED " ?h? 10th insl., a Bay HORSE, B* ? ",J ??iiK ?tar in hia forehci "* vr years uu, ? .... ? _ 15 1*0 hands high; with saddle, twiddle a 0 martingale, all nearly new, and saddle blanl 01 with S black stripes on it. If said hoves stopped and delirered at M'Adams' Hot t the person so doing will be liberally reward j Nor. I2.-3S if I NOTICE q!* The subscriber has jost rtceired his Full and Winter supply ol nt Dry Goods and Groceries, (selected by himself io New York) eml t Jciug almost crery article itsaally found ii ry Dry Goods and Grocery store, which heof Pi- low for cash or on the usual credit to pa taal customers. W, J. GERALD ?si- Nor. 5?87?tf For Sale, rh?* Two light Rarnucb Caariagcs, with han urs suitable for one horse, perfectly new, hat An- extension tops, n.ado to order Apply to had A BUR! rin* Not &::37;:o I New Copartnership. ; rJlHE undersigned, haviny on the first ? M i?st, uwiciated themselves in the Her cantile business under the firm o? 2.1VT & stroseoiT, Respectfully solicits from the community, end particularly the former customers of H. r Lz*r. a continuance of the liberal patron*^5 extended to him, and which it nrffl be lbeit endeavor to merit;. thcjr intend ptircfmsiDg COTTON and other produce, for which they ill fife the HIGHEST prices. v - H LEVY. W. E. HUQttSOY Sept 3-32. r f* - NEW . > . i 4V . 1 oooDSi Tflr^mbrrwri IW now opening a choice Mnrimeot of SEASONABLE GOODS, which tbejr'offf ou the meet reofooabie terms, Mnkow is pert ae JbiJot?: WOOCENS. LONDON DUFPIL BLANKETS, Mackansw do. da Superior and common NEGRO LIN8ETSSoMrfiup London Biuo, Black, Brown, Green Napuhron. Violet, end Mixed CLOTHSL Super Stnpcd and Plaid CASSrMERE. do Bodukio, do. Plato, Striped and Plaid SATTINETS. White. Scarlet 4k Yellow FLANNELS, &c WottSl'ED GOOD& &4J.csu?d F?o?d MERINO, (? aew u. 64 Plain, Eagliaband Ftcneb MERINOS, (black ind oulomL) x- *1' 3-4 ? Mermo t l&CASSIPNS (?n cobA) Black and ? okmd BOMBAZETTS 6-4 Super Black BOMBAZEEN, Worsted Blood EDGING, dtc. f COTTOiN GOODS. Super Fancy CALICOES. ' Merino ; do * ' Shulljr dia " Tcxian Plaid do " French do * and Cookfri'n Furniture da Plain and Plaid GINGHAMS. . Colored Plait, and Eoboaed CAMBRICS Medium and Jackcaet MUSLINS Book. Muii and Ssriss do. Stripad and Plain CAMBRICS, . Csus&ie, Oifflilj and Corded COATS Colored and While Cotton HOSIERY &exr linens. 44 bidi LINENS AND LAWNS. Roma 8fertjung and Dami-k NAPKINS. " Diaper %k Linen Cambric r DOMESTICS. 34 Brown" SHIRTING. I 44 do do 5-4 do SHEETING : ^ x 3-4 to 5 4 >i|e?et>'d SHIRTINGS dc SHEE ' TING s Apron i RECKS and Plaid HOtt?SP0K& MindCOTTONADEa . Canton FLAitN&L? (white and colored) j 4-4 and 34 BEDTICKS, &c. silk. goods. BeM Black Italian LUSTRINGS. ? GroDa*WIs8* Plain and Figured 81LK8. Sawing Silk and Twist 1 Handsome Fancy Silk ^HAWtS, ' * , F!?f and Bandana HANDKERCHIEFS Spttuafield do Black Lota do A Colored PONGEES ' Black and Colored Silk GLOVES, it Black Italian C&AVATS. m Silk HOSE* (plain and ribbed) &c. FANCY GOODS, . Budnw WoMHgrihOOUitS 5 *> do cjw37 do do aodFriH'd do Blood LACE and Thread EDGING, Bobirtei LACK, _ do FOOTING. H Swiss Siripe MUSLIN. *, Cbiot Silk HOSE. ? Black Span Silk EUauc do ?JLLiSU? - A complete apartment of (ARPKilAXj. Of the newest end most approved pel tern : end colors werreoted. ? , ALSO, ( j b An extensive assortment of 4 GROCURI E. SA1 l)I.KRY,_ HAaDWARK, r j&Jk - 4* ' luH^^y A^* With many othrr articles tor ?He b? ' ' LEVY& RtJGHSON. nc> September 3?32 ' <vonc\e. THE subscriber has jott receircd bis Fall and' Winter supply of DRY GOODS, which he will sell bw lor cash or approved ft ioastomers. J. L> JONES. I Nor.5?tfT-ir