University of South Carolina Libraries
'rflE ( 4 H?E\ JOI MIL s - - ' - - ' I .. 1 . " ' " - KT K^ttERT WKSWnT. . ^ PelTOer of the Laws eftke^BiSed Stites.. EdH?S try JOUS C. WFIT . VOL. XI. *- - *r>* 'I?EV KOtTll^ l KOf J*A, iOVEJI J KB 19, I8S6. AO. 30. ** ' * . ' * - ? '_ " -'- * ','* ^ ... ? ' tss o&saata iozsma.*.' ; Pullishtd aery Sats&d&y JMorning by bobert ]h'e^ietit, j r PC*t4SIIX* Or THX LAWS or TUS C5IOX. i Sl^lSCEIPTiOXS. TJuee dollar* a yw ia advance, or foar dollars : ^ttitOend of the year. * ADVERTISEMENTS . ! Inserted at oercntj fire cents tie" *qoar*> for the firsthand halt that amount for e*?h. continuance? Tho another of insertions to &i?Va|sfc^i?n the margin or \htj will be continued an&raraed ac- i oordjojlj. Tb-we inserted #rmi-nxoothl^ycfni*. ; and sionthlj $t a annate for each to wrasm. Cocomunicatio3* by mail to bo post paid or remain ] unattended to. * 'PL. IV i. tit? iuuiuus i mua^a. j * K?tOE-tk cure of Rheumatism Scrotal* or;1 ^kttf's K?U? Goat, Sciatica, or H?p-Goct. Id- ' ? 4 capifpt Cancer* Sail Rhttun. Syphilitic cr.d Mcr-^ ' eogujl dtseaa##. particular!y Virm ami painiul if* ! flUttiooa of the bones. CJecrated Throat and No#-, trUi: Ulcers ?i ererr description, Ferer sorWdi! and Internal Abate**-*; Fiatulna, Pilrs, ScakM Scarcer, UUea. Cbrotoic.Sore Erea, Eye re- r aipcb#, EIoc&n, and rrcry rvirty of cm lagoon* j' Ai&cUoo, Cfctonic Catarrh, licadiehc, proceed u,e;' fiwiia acrid humor; Pain n the Stomach and - D^tpeMit, proceeding from filiation; AffVciiors J or the Liver, ChnOic lnfUautiou of the Krdncya. and general debility, canaed bjr a torpid action of .llie^vessclaof the aim. H u> aingnlarlv r&eactafu i by reaoratfi^wwe constitution* which hare betn J hrokctf down br injudicktna treatment, or jcrcnilc inOfttlcrhzca. In^wnllmra, it w rocotsmen- , drd to all Uitnc ?ea*r* vrhicn ariaes from itaurri- c eedfo the blood, ntiaUcn of the liumor*, c{ what- ;e ?T*r name or kind. t fhime of the abo-c oomphtaU may irenirc so me r * nfflnj as; slant apphcali uia, *rh>ch the eircum- i? *4anc*w of tbe:came 'will dictate, bat ler a general n wmedy atPsr\jU#!or, to rewere tic cause, *1 uc la- : i vt\s's Pasacr t nrjJ! generally he f ?un 1 su&cicnl c ?2L?,f - To tfee Public. * , , Ho\r tree it ia. that modern rhya^-ana-^a tlirir " cntkiuon to excel in their prorfbMion; to explore ' the rastflrlda of nience br the a d of Chuoi^try, * and seek out newrriimiial ayenb; *?n abort to at- r ire at,perfection to the prseUe* by means of act ; * oOnr,??>*rr!ook and neglect, an beneath their r ntio# the rich nod Ibaatoos stores of raidictoe, 1 which the almighty luu caused to apnng oat oi the ic earthm etjerj chare' And bow ?i/t marc true ?i ? i^thatwha ttiw Aajencu* Physic in looks to foreign eoactrre* for mtny of kit m??t common and c ccottMtry articles perpclaaSl^rltanjfinjj as they ore ic tm meeun ? (unuui r n^mmu^uru u>, his ova cm"a! y with xa eodiesii pr*!c*ion. !* The C4n?fJti*tdy, r^eintcy ?aJ *sr*Ti of re?Uhlc remedies cter mineral, cmj tw> estimated by edatissting the aacient ptxcimn' v th the modern; o? to brin; it more rmitttJiafftt under nor own < !> wnM*oe, the Indian practice with that of the urbttcs. Who. in A;tie tea. be so*, knoc a or Itefctd of Ttjei'xJ instances wbwem ?iw drcrrpiii. onpftrtrndin^ temair Indian by n?rar.? ?>f her simple PStttJd:?* aJoav*, hat o1k*cV?*J the roo?t rapjd and a?-, los'u&iOijcttfca.aJlrr tlw w!w!p MskvU .?led tea r.J: the tomawn practtge. directed ia the most tkiiful piayf has Kulcd?" Arid wb*? hn a d been surprised at beholding the comparative rtw and facility sfltb Which the latitat) tree* himself of aajr d?<-' / case, 0a*( at thr** total absence of chronic di?- 1 cur aoi-roj U*et? VVho liu ever heard of an Indian WiUaa conxtUUUott broken and ruim-d liy ill a trrslmeol? And ea.i a doubt exist, that this happy ti exempti??;i of lUc *iei*re from most of the tils | which the dean of cirilired man is eLje::r d owtn j to the iivim genial and eafe remedies wbisb I heempl i/a. This astonishing diflerraee in stieces*. a iVa fait rxe j?pIiS?*lioo -if Uk- infitnle superiority t, of the dfljlr and rtfr ayun? of core nrhjch God a his Off*t?4 for the benefit of his children, over a thaw which U* pride and the art of man have is-] .YEST*t> lYmw a long residence tnwng x portion of the / , ajtortginal inhabitants of this country, and an ?nti- \ mate acquaintance with the wcUhsIs of cures' o! , none of their m<.?st snccrasfht pracUoaers. thf pro- ? pricier >f the " Tnx l*t>,* fmcu;' accmrrd r a knowledge of at m->*t prn-rrfu! and ? -?? -- - A: ... I*-- .t. t ?^1. KTOruu' irmrainr. rra n mv-vr itr K-.ri, ihuu i OS were aiMt et&c*cu>uj> ?i?l ?ppMpri?>, and after rwiutu exprr;n>onl? i?? u*?t* Wieir principle* am) | ii he baa cauiltirtri) 'hnu m the I?itn Ijerjl preacntr4, a* (he ;???? perh-et ami beneficial for the purpoae for wh?-h n ia rectutuar tided. I He proprietor <?lfcn this prrpagaUcn to tiw> pob j ' ic, W'tfi :> ean?ci<>uat?e?4 that W is pla- mg with' i f la ,U (rK4. > rented/ rtpibir <(f rehc vine man/ i? I f fchow tx.ajt. WHO art* ? unf 4rr tor mww euaaie dad obstinate c.-uipTamt. to which it is appiictble. To svch it wtl) pro re o C Incalculable value u the iwjm, ami in man/ eat | sea tbe ?*// moot*ef relieving their s-.t(Trri.ig? and _ restoring Utrut once mote to health and fuppincss ' This :s 4 ft offered a* a common rem <Jj, tiul rtujr * perchance ??C e<j;iv]Jv good with man? other now 1 in te, hat at one which is capable of taring life in 1 manv eatrr .ue cwi, when ail the usual remedies f IStft.' Phna it n?a done repeatedly; and Urit is the rapKiUoii it has obUiocd wbrrrvcr it haa been introdoerd It is only about three /ears tinee this prepareUos was met pnrwntrd to the public: but to that short of time, some hundred a of person* might or found, who would aolrmnly declare that the* believed that their Jivet were saved by It, sac in mnct cases after they had tried many per hap* all the common remedies in vain. Wherever ft is known it i# rapid)/ coining into oar, and this affsrd* the most substantial and convincing proof ^ ?f its merits. * The flMK of the Panacea, is most contpiecom |n those loo* tttading and obstinate syphilitic and * eronatoaa itSklioiM which have defided all other o * reared**, tnd particularly in those ease* where r mercery haa been no larisnly used u to cau?r di?trassing pain* in the bones, nodes, mercurial ul cera, derangement of the dlgestiyr 01 trans, dre ? Thw #t ompbtrl* kioovm and in all cuw I a entirely eradicate* the diaeaae and the effect* o r Mwronry renovate* the constitution, and leave . the patient sound and well In ftheuinatismt. and in ulcerated sore throat, iu happy effects are not *PP*fent, giving almost immediate relief. Taken in proper doses, Tnr. Ivptaa's PastcRA operate* aa an tltarpATe, and detergent; a diari i ^pnorelic, diuretic and Uxatlre. an antipasmodei 'and anodyne, and in proper as a stomachni and ainsoenagoguc. Generally expressed, it sic * creases all the secretion* and exertions, fpm tonrto lha stomach, and excites action in the glands i?j a particular manner. From these principles the operation may be understood. Thin taediehw hi? been fonnd highly ctrfql in 1 * I many, ambiguous di?cs.-.ea not b We Specified, and it ha* been used with w<m&Wal'1weees? u s 5jmir/r and Fall purifitr, by lho*e*icho etc stihjc ct to c< tu plaint* ot" the chest, and whew constitutions re quire new rigor. Such persons will do well t. use two or three bottles in small doses. ~ WberrTrT sdiet drink is considered accessary. the Panacea, taken ih a small done, will agaprer all it* purpose r* iqptach lean time, at less, expense, and in a Tar Qflfe agreeable manner, than. the common diet following certificate*, oat ot hundreds similar which might be procured, are given to show [he effect ?f The Ikdia*'# P*Jt#$jE*, in tlw van* on* complaints therein mentioned; and afiioJaii' bibit in the most satisfactory manndf its sujiSJWJly over the syrups in common use.. " . i CASES OP ItHEtMATlSM. c?ar,:.?;jtos. Nov. 15, 1s3i. 4 Daring the last winter and spring. 1 was affiic- 1 Led trilh a rear severe and distressing Rheumatism < occasioned bv expocure in bad weather 1 now < takr enral plwumte in stating,. tballix bottle* ot the Indian* Panacea, restored me to perfect health, and 1 confidently to all tiav LtariT afflicted. ' " ; JOHN FERGUSON. J&gp*. Citsatcsro*, March 27,18S%. I was seised a boat three years kqcc with a dat^ , trrssing Rheumatism caescd by taking a ?&&& , cold while under the influence of n:rrcu^Bnglw ; nrbich has disabled mo Iron) Irasincas aeafl^SSScr ~ lince this period ( bare been a (alien tin sc Marine Hospital in this City, upward* o!f fsart aonths u< nrly, shd the cam? length of time in the Baltimore !lo*pitsi}t and tned almoin. i?t remely, ilh liitte benefit On the IOth of February ivn at that time dcarrrly able to more abort opoti ratebe#, ] commenced the nse of The Indian * ; Panacea. Jn one month 1 found myself ?fitirrly i ircd from the pain, aUd am sow happy to slate . ha i lee! myself perfectly well * 1 WJT. TUCKER, ISJfeiitf*. < CURE FOR SCROFULOUS ULCERS I New Tons. Sept 10. IfflO 1 This may crrlif#, thai to the fait of 1?3S, I <ru I vised with a rtrefliog id ray neck and fare. which ftenrard# ulcerated end became large chia'Jy ul> era in niy neck After Irving *erer?J Phr*ician* \ ' 0 no advantage, I wcRttn rhifidelphu. and placed ] ar*cif under the care of Dr# Phrnic and Reach, , risen. after repeated salivation to no effect, t wxa ' >ronouncrd totally i rem able A firm a?da ( took i wenty boulr* of Swain'* FaBaca and e=ght bottle# 11 f Pottrr'a Catlsolscou, y?u[ ?n nutrrial benefit, j >c*pariog of life, which bird now tw-como a bur-1 j h?n to me. ! returned to sir parrot* in New York ', a 1^4', and pre myaclf up to a Jmgrriog death.!: 1 caring of tlie great ituxrw of Th* Ldux'i "a* $ t toe*. n??k-r^jn ca?c? similar to tay ow , | traajt -crttiRilrd to try ?t, 3S ^U?i. reaoirtr^ VVmr mat . ntprisp aa ?r*il aa astiaffcclien, I vtmc found ttf-umlj npidlv recovering and open taking wvrn k it lea,* be ulcer* healed and beeameprrfircUy well in the ' <mr*e of two mouth#, and hate remained #o ever 1 ince. i make this autement and with it poblithed at the benefit of thoar who are suffering under till iar acrofakma or ?yphiiiDc aftecttion*. that they aay know what baa' cured one who baa suffered rcYy thing but death, and who consider* hi* life ated br ft?e above arrnp WM H IN If AN. The above Medicine roa? be had at 1 WILLIAM REYNOLDS drug arruai:. uasiden. s c. { L AP/iK St exce'lenl 4*? rt?.rnj of iioli a Patent "njw *. doable and ?>ujlc. made to order ?t Ibe ?i durable n-airiuiv, lot hoyiiiitt um /.!*>, a. i'w Imurumriu iafrii tRariinfbv'Of. II. which t? i shly approved of bjr Ifrtf New York pracaOoocr*. ( dot* away Ue om of LaccJ Bella alio ~rOur, and ittnbca ??r much the ncrmi(T of martiog to K 'etHiarW. fly iln 4p|Juration, ffie *r?'rfi jrr af a<v h bwed Ir<? . frr?i inroj;?fno; and r-.?Wed j rrwime Ifwu lor.j-crart nit). TUce cnc I ruon rr ju? r?t*i*cJ. arroftbe'uhxMbrr'aoiiaarlrction, od wtl! heaotd <rnu?tt?lU low Wliltr Lend mitt Colour*. r i LAK< ?K Bupjdjr of lhr?f aiticlea direct from Vrrututj:.:. A tteoTitua' uui.ufartort, which, I'tfh all other* in the line, uef la ?>il. Brosbea. Var niw*, TorpenUfte, &c 4k* c*n W> had on the rno# t1 siostblr uritti, ?i WM, REYNi>LDh'. i im-o.v //.< v/? i A ruV *ii|i{4) of WINDOW it LAS , I i^UMUli. _ |. THE Mibscriber is erecting a Ijiicry 1 *< Afrit m Sumtcrvi le, and will bo readv nr Hie rfwpiion of bv the firet o| )ciob? and -olicn- dm attention of all S0?.S3??.A23?.8 I i dtta adrcniscment, and to pat up their'r oraeK with Aist, op tlx* best attcutiori will be ' >a?d them, and every assistance afforded in * citing ihem; he will also keep a I louse of Entertainment ? or these who bring their f lorsea tn his stablet j. JOHN D. BOWEN. f September 3 -31 ?cm - . * Hag ins* Hotel. Bf.X }; 5 1-2 miles toulh of CKmtloU* ,V. t" om the Catadta i road. Il Vher?. the subscriber continues his House t f Entertainment, having built a nrurhouu, n xprcsslv for the accommodation of siran- n ers. lie hopes to be able to render bii u ur?ts comfortable and happy, and solicits ti continuance of former natronaee.?No u xertions shall be wanting on the part o v e Subscriber. 1 David hagins. r July i6-25--cm a N. B. Mr C. Wingct, ray agent for the fc otwe, trill be in constant attendance. c p. n. BANK AGKNCV. [ MATHEHON tenders his serrice* s is o^ent for transacting business at the c tanks of Camden Sept I7::3i c 1J 1 1 ' 11 ! South Carolina, !>ar cn?tcr District James J. Morton, applicant; v?. Mary Horten, widow. William L. Johnson and bis wife Levina, Willi?m Ingram and his wife Cclia, Ransom Horton, James J. florloa, JohjVBastins and bis wife Nancy, Zemins tnon, Elizabeth Morton, Mollis Horoof Mar?LlIori a, Evcrat Morton and U3|p defcndania ; It appemg lo thy satisfaction that the shore partFdPf defendants. reside without this [state, It is tWeforc ordered, that they doappeatjfed ob^aet to the dirisiou or wle of the rcalS^tftljik^terlm^ Morion, on or befaie th?rmif 8HR.1F of rti'TOiTl'iV neit r<r fhftir Rie will be entered of record. WITHE 4SPOON. Qiroary L. D. 3Gb Price ad*. ?G 75 SlMTpiHOTEL. rjPlHE SuUcrilwr informs his friends JL* and lltfl^pollic, that ho has taken the h!>??? f?rin?yly ocespied by J. Goodman ind more recently by J. J. Exum ns * hotel in the Town of Camden, and near he Court House, where be is prepared to seyiao company, arid Hatters himself that tJifiie*who tan?r hini with tbeir company srill be satisfied with their sreommodsdTn*. A. IL RUFFIN G May 23,?20;:-if. * . ~ i iiultcer'# .Yard* , The only Edition paliisM m has to tead ky , mmI { tix * rune us row ready rnt delivery. { Induced by the extraordinary of), us bcamifoi edition of MARkYATT'S I envri a ii,. *(...? I I LaU47| lite |MIUII?IIVI VI UIV?V RVI mw J lid, on the firm day of July, commence n the sauiA faultiest style, an edition of he celebrated <? j - BJJLWHJft NOVELS i Comprising? f Pclham, Drecrcux, 1 Disowned, Eugene Aram 1 Itienzi, Paul Clifford, ^ Last day* of Pompeii, Falkland, 1 Pilgrim* of the Rhine, daking an uniform edition uf nearly fif-j' een hundred pages?four hundred more:' han They are published in 2* cmi'inonU I) number*, eaeJj o( which \* otilain* one complete work, with title- ' >agc and cover. The whole series will^h*ompleted in ciijlii ifuntbrr*. and will be uruikbed to subscriber* at the cxirsordiinrv loir price nf three dollai* and fifty' vols, payable in adrance. They will In ' ?ent by mail. earefuUy packed, to any part r >f the United St&tr* or Canada. Three complete sets may be had for (en loliart, payable in adrance, by directing ' irdcrs to that effect, enclosing the cash, < milage paid. ' "0?t? iif RrjmUit*li*n of\ 1 PopHtmr XertiiUt." J NOTICE. , The publication of the abor?, ira* com- * nenced in July. In January next, another republication >f noinr celebrated modern Novelist will akr place, ritltrr JU*r?. Courts, lartNo, ' ir wmc other of equal repute. It is dcennincd by the present Publisher, that he American public shall be furnished 1 rith the most beautiful, and at the same * iiue cheap, edition of modern Novelist rtanL ' A few copies of Marryalt arc-yet for ' air at three dollars. ' L. A. GdUF.Y, Publisher, PllILADCLrillA. I The sketch book of Character )r Cxriint* and .latkentu Xnrratiaex and .iuudaUx rerouting Extraordinary Indiridnmh. In preparing the following work from mplc materials, care has been exercised j o avoid, in ihe main, (he beaten track of | urmer compilers; to present the reader raher what was Inaccessible, than to?copy rell k -own biographies and evbnta. The principal object of ^he present col- j f lion, is to supply a pleasing variety of hat kind of incident, which, by exhibit- ? ng the marvellous in fircnmslanre, and j he extraordinary in character, displays he occasional waywardness of event and is frcqurnt curious operation upon the itiman mind. It would be easy to prove j hat, independently of mere cnlerliairf itent, a knowlrtlge of remarkable facts is j iccrssarv to correct the judgment, even ipon crerv-day transactions; and that in y he science of life, as well as in eeery thcr, it is necessary to become acquainted % rith the exception to the general rule.? fo estimate properly what is, we must tosses* some knowledge of what may be; nd tbe information is only to be acquired ' >y an attention to the memorable and pe? uliar, which have Ocm. The publication was commenced in Ju- a y It will be issued in semi-monthly a luriibrrs, containing *80 pages each, and a -ill be completed in lire months, or soon- c r, at the option of the Publisher, and will onlain, in all, orgr 400 pages. The num* bcrsjirlll besent by mail to any pert of the Union, carefully packed' 7traw.??One" Dollar for the complete work, or six copies for I'ire Dollars. Address L. A. GODEY. 100 Walnut street, Philadelphia. Celebrated Trials, and cases of Crimicai Jurisprudence, OP ALL AGES AND COUNTRIES 1'ROJJ THE sip.t.rear nsmsn. Selected .by a member of the Philadelphia Bar Treason?Sedition-Witchcraft?Robbery ?.Mutiny?Heresy?Libel?Murder?Piracy?Forgery, &c- &c. -These remarkable and deeply interesting Trials hare been collected from all the best source* which the public and private Libraries of this country afford.' The numbers trill embrace' many recent cases furnished exclusively by the London Annual Register, and recourse has been had occasionally to manuscripts where printed documents could not be procured* * It is beliered that the collection sopplies a strikin# deficiency j* the library of the Lawyer, Physician, and general reader. To members of the Bar the publisher need hardly recommend it, as they must know faf worth, but to the general reader, who may be misled as to its character, the publisher assures them that it will be found i when completed, a volume of the most intense and exciting interest One,singular and alarming fact presents itself in the murder cases, and it is that 10 many should die protestiog their innb-' ccnsc. Is it to be believed that upon the 1 verge of eternity they could so loudly proclaim that which they knew to bl* false, * when not a hope of crape is held oof to thero; the " Circumstantial * Evidence" : cases, of - which there arc fire;. would make oa thinL otherwise, ft is a subject that may well make one ponder upon the law which demand* life for life* i The publication was commenced in July, I ind the number* are issued r cini-monthl v, sach number containing 120 page* each, printed ou fine while paper of the *ize of be Marryatt NotcU, and will be com* plated in Oetybc<Cr-making a volume of 100 rhifrir printc I octaro page*. The iumberewr?tt be sent hy mail to apy part , >f the Union, carefully packed. Terms ?2 for the complete Work, or three copies 'or fire dollar*. It is worthy of remark* that a similar rork is published m London at about 70 ^ a number, and contain* only 7b Moall pages This edition trill to?t 40 cent* a number, and contains Address." L. A. GOUtt, * 100 Walnut street, Phitodpkia. CLIBBIKCI. Julwer'a Novel* and Saturday News, 83 Do. do. and Celebrated Trials, $6 , rh- Trial*. Sketch Book, and Lady's ' Book. s $5 Ladv's Bok, Saturday News* and ?i- -.-L r? i. an riKCirrr ?<>uk, v* Saturday News, Sketek Book, and S Crkbraird T rials, #6, d arryatt's N urcls and Lady's Book, $6: Or a remittance of |5 will pay for But rcr's Vurel* in full and $3 on account o iub*rriplion to Lady's Book. LIST OF LETTERS ) Remaining in the Post Office at Ckmden, I October 1st, 1928. ] A?J as. Atkinson, Mrs. Aldridge, 2 Darid Andrews, Mrs. Nancy Albert, loerph Atom. B?'Thos. Bindan, Abraham Blackwell, flachdie "Blair, Airs. Alary Blakeney, floralio W. Baker, John Ballard, W1Iiam Brett C?Jonathan' Cran kficld, Daniel ulireath, 2.. i D?William Darls. E?Howell Erans. F?John Folsum, Jaa. Ferguson. D?Donald Gunn. II?John J. T. Hatfield, Richard Hunt , fohn Hudson, William K. Hunt, John flail, Lewis Hogan, Darid Hays, J?Airs. Man* Jones, Darid Jimmerson. K?Jas L. Kilgore, laaac Knox. L?Joseph Lynn, Mrs Rebecca Lowry, facob Lucioos, 2; * M?Robert Martin, William M'Willie, 9 D. Miller, 31 Misa Mary R. Miller, 2; tanml M'Dttnalli. I O-JC O'Handlin. ' P?Lerii Patterson. R?Miss Sarah Rate)iff, John Rodger* lohn Riddle. 8?Rachlll Smith, John Stokes, WilIam Stone, Wm. H. Sinkler. T?Mrs Delina Turner, Jas Thompson,. * IVm Thompson, j W?Geo Waynor, Geo White R L Wilon, Jn? J Watts. P. THORNTON, p. u. \ October 1?30 To Sportsmen. The subscriber is expecting daily to receive i case of superior Double-barrel, Damascus iDU WIIWWIJI VJiJtJH, miue iu viuci m imong which are some of Extra quality with asc* and ap-wratus completo i E W BONNEY- ? Oct 59::37 9 New Copartnership, rJlHE undersigned, having on the firm JH iast, associated themselves in the Mer? canule business under the firm of . LSVT & StraaBOJT, Respectfully solicit* from the community, nod particularly the farmer customers of.H Lett, a continuance of the libera! patronage extended to him, and winch it will be theit endeavor to merit; they intend jjArebaajog COl'TON and other produce; ibr which they will give the HIGHEST prices. ; H- LJSVT, - ... W. E. HUGHSON Sept 3^-32.: * : > NEW . THfaJwJ^ !rc nS rtoke tMOfimant of SKA80NABLE GOODS, which they offer ou the most; reasonableicrtns, consisting in part as follow: WOOLENS LONDON DUFFIL BLANKETS, Mackinaw do. daSuperior and common NEGRO LINS&Y& Superfine London Blue. Black, Brawn, Green. Napoleon, Violet, and Mixed CLOTHS. JT ' Buckskin, * -da ^ Plaits, Striped and Plaid SATTINETS. White, Scarlet dc Yellow FLANNELS, Ac WORSTED GOODS. 6-4 Jacquard Figured. MERINO, (a new article.) . . 54 Plain, English and French MERINOS, (black and colored.) >, k, 84 * Jfanoo \ IRCASSIONS (aBcoloo} Black and Colored BOMBAZETTfc G-4 Super Black BOMBAZE$N, Worsted Blood EDGING, dec. COTTON GOODS. Super Fancy CALICOES. ' Merino do . " ? Shall? do M TwianPUiddo " French do ' * and I'omm'n Furniture do. Plain and Plaid G TNGH A MS Colored Pfaiu and Bwboased GAftMMtf08 Medium and Jackonei MUSLINS Book, Mall and Sarm do. Striped and Plain CAMBRlCSf Cambric, Dimity and Ford d COAT8 Colored and Wuhe Cotton HOSIERY LINENS. " Diaper &. Linen t Miabric HDKFS. DOMESTICS. 34 Brown SHIRTING. .. - . ' 4-4 do do 5-4 do SHEETING M to 5 4 Bleaeh'd SHIRTINGS <fc SHEE . TINGS. * ^ Apron CHECKS and Plaid HOMESPUNS Mixed COTTONADES. Canton FLANNELS (white and eoletwdV 4-4 and <M BEDTICK8, Ate. SILK GOODS. Bat Block Italian LUSTRINGS. Gro Do sWIsjS * Plain and Figured SILKS; Sewing Silk and Twist Handsome Fancy Silk SHAWLS. Flag and Bandana HANDKERCHIEFS Spiulcfield sdo Black Lorb do Colored PONGEES-: Black and Colored Silk GLOVES. Black Italian CRAVATS. Silk HOSE, (plain and ribbed) dec. FANCY GOODS) Hudaorae Worked Mnalin COLLARS do do CAPER, do do and PriO'd do ' Blood LACE ind Thread EDGING ' Bobioet LACE, do POOLING. SwiasStripe MUSLIN. China Silk IIOSE. Jlack 8pun Silk Elastic do ?ALSO? A complete assortment of" *. CARPETIJVG )f the oeweat end most approved pattern, ' ind oolors warreoted. ALSO, . An extensive assortment ef GROCERISE. SADDLERY, HARnWABE!. lioaY'f c* V PDBACLOTH 1AP8.A HATS, iVith roan? other articles lor Sffe b? JLKVY A HUdllaON. September 3?32 NOTICE. THE subscriber hasjott received his Fall and Winter supply of BUY nnnrjN rhicb be will cell few for cash or approved ustomers. * J. L. JOfiES. No?. &*37~tf / . , . ' ' v