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THE CAMDEN JOURNAL. * : . , .... - . 'if? . -yv BY ROBERT jrwncnx. 1-M.u.fc.r?1U.L.W.Of tfc.HUM ; . , v:v ' VOL. XI. tAUDBif, SOUTH-CAROLINA, MTB13I R l?, WW. -, TS3 aft.aD32T-JOTT2WA2.. Published every Saturday Morning by ROBERT M'KMGIIT, rvausHER or the laws or '.*mk csio* SUBSCRIPTIONS Three dollars a fear in adrsnee, or foar dollars *ttke end of ihe rear. A D V ERTISEM ENTS Inserted at ^evenly fire cenu the *quare for thr first, and ualt that amount for each continuance-? j F w oa ahcr of insertions to be marked on the margin or taey will be continued and charged ar. cordiagty. Those iuaerted seini-monthly 73 cent*, and monthly ?1 a squ ire for each insertion. Cim-n urn cations by mail to be post paid or remain unattended to. Tiie Indians Panacea. ~; FOft the care of Rlieumatisin Scrofula or ttiag'* -nl. Gout, Sciatica, or Hip-Goat la*j eaporat Casccr* Salt nheoni. Sypiniitio and Mercurial disease* particularly Ulcers and painful af-; iictscas ot'tnc hones. Ulcerated Throat and No*-; this; Ulcers ol every d senpuon, Fever sores'* 1 mad Internal Abscesses; Fistulas, Pil-s, Scald- \ head, Seurrev, Biles, Chronic, Sore Eyes, Eye re- j mpelas Ulochcs, and every variety ofcoaugrous Affection, Chronic Catarrh, tlesdache, proceedu g' from aa acrid humor; Pain in the .Stomach and; Dysprpua, ppo-eeding from vitiation; Affectum*, ot the Liver, Chronic ln9a:oation of the Kidneys, j and general debility, canted by a torpid action of j the vessels ot the sain. It is singular! v efficacious f by innovating those constitntions which have been j broken down b. injudicious treatment, or juvenile; irregularities, la genersl terms, it t* recommended to all those isetfbct which arises from imurri * ' * l..?mor? ssf whll. ' (Ml tl UK UOW, TllWUUU V| UK , cm same or kind. Some of Uie abj?e complaints tnsv rrqutrr come > rilto{ ssistaal i^liettiota, vhica the circa instances of the case vrall dictate: bat lor a general Kurilj of PunjicMlcrr, ,'o rr*i? fie arose, Tut la-. t>ra* s fA>ut? w;ll generally be f ?ua l sufficient To the Public. Raw One it is, that modem Physician#?- in Ihetr j SttbOsoa to race! tn their profession; to erplorc ; Use vast field* of srraee by the t:4 of Chmmtry,' and seek oat new remedial agents; in short to ar- j ire at perfection in the practice by means of i*r! ?joe,?owlook and neglect, as beneath their; mice the rich and oouatr >os stores of mcdtcinc, < whi^h the almighty ht* caused tn spring oat oi the! earth is tmy ehme4 And how much more uor it: is, that While the American Physician looks to for*1 cign eenatru>< for many of his most common and ] necessary articles jM-rpeiasUr changing as titer are I the dictates of fasbhxggfe.fonV he is soi rounded ia, his own coutil'y eiftin endless profusion. Tbe tMrnwa/f uul ium of wge-l table remedies over mineral, may be estimated by j CMlailiBg the ancient practice w.thihe modern; or to bring it ra<?rr immediately under oar own ob(Vrraiioa. the Indian practice with that of the i white*. Who, >n Aunvick, has not knoan or heard ! of repeated instance* fwb*.*cin some decrvpid. un* pretending trnulf Indian by means of her simple -M" 1?. -ST. ?!._ iu?uri mnid in4 a?. rcwnxv iWW, U 4? rirrbwn w> >Uw -J'.- ? toaiafctng cure*, after the whole Mate ia Medics ot tk Ma ftm pneiiCf, directed to the toott skilful nunnftf b< failed* And who h*? '>1 been totpfoed at brboldiitg the e?aurabrc rw? and facility with Which the Indian irrcs himself of any discern, aad ai the almost laud absence of chronic disease am on* them Who has ever beard of an In* dka with a eoasttlvUon broken and ruined by ill treatment * And can a doubt nut. that this happy exemption of the savage from mod of the ills which the flesh of civilised man is heir to. ia chir r owing to the more genial aad safe remedies which ha employs. Tbia astonishing difference in sucec**, h a fiihf exemplification of the infinite superiority of the simple and sale ovana of core which God has CTSCtfd for the benefit of hu cbildien, over those wfoch the pridt and the art of tuaa have !* rcrran Frum a long residrnre among a portion of the aboriginal inhabitant* of this country, and an intimate acaaainlaaee with the methods of cures ol MMimtu moat sneermfnl praclionrrs. the pro. printerof the **Tmz Isoa.'i fasacta,' aeumred a knowledge of some of their roost powerful ami fhvaoMe remedies, from ibesrhc wlecird such as ware moat efficacious and appropriate, and a.'tri various experiment* to test ilicir principles am' * ,k l? *?? ?<m<t>tnr-<4 liirm m (lie forui hef; UVUgMI ? mmmm ?- ? pwonted, aa lb* moa prrifrt aad brnrficUl fei tbs parpsss for which it w recommended. t bo proprietor ?tfrr? this preparation to the pub Jc. with too censeuKWOra* Uut be to placing *?th tt ko reodb, ? remedy capable of rrlttvinj many o! fc&aJbcted Mlsw being*, who or* uflenog an dor th* rmnotti chronic and obotinolo oe? plaint ih which it lo applicable. To each it will prove o InaohiahMs vane. ?o tho wuo, cod io mooy eo ooo Uweofaf onoorcf miming their sofitriogv tod restoring then mm more to health cod happineoi x. This io Mt oflhied as c common rvrnxl/, loot nuj psrohoose ho eqoali v food with moor others nor aaoot,hot ccooe which t* conibl* of ttfinf life it our Ittww eases, when ell tbe nul re me die (hit Thaoithasdoaj repeated!/; aad this is Ui lapifThill it has obtained wbersrer it haa been in i lis t i I 4 MwnOni it is eajjr shoot three years autes this prepara tioa was frst presented to the poblie: hot in Uta short <pace ? time, some hundreds cf person might be (mod, who would olemnly declare tH< the/ htfiavod that tbetr Urea were saved by ii aai in anst earn after they had tried many pei bans all tho common remedies in vain. Wberevr it to known it is rapidly coming into are, and thi aflhrds tin Mat oahsUatial tad convincing pro* of Ho merits. Ths value of tho Panacea, la moot conspicoot in those long aUndiag aod obstinate syphilitic an serofalons slfeetioo* which have defiaed nil oth nn>4mt u4 partienlarlr in those cun wbei Mitvy has k?M so lavishly o?d a* to cum di tmiaff puai la the boon, nodes, mercurial u cor*, derangement of the digestive organ*, A These it oompletely remove* and in ail canw entirely srarti notes the diaease and the effect* mercury renovates the confutation, and leai the patient wand and well la Rheumatism* at In ulcerated sore throat, it* happy effect* are n em apparent, giving almoat immediate relief. Taken in proper doees, Tna labia* Pasaci operate* a* aa aJttrnative, and detergent; a J?? pnoreUo. diwrUc and laxative; an antipaatnod and anodyne, and la proper caaes, aa a stomach and (BHWaagogno. Generally expressed, it < cmn all the secretions and exertion*, give* tor to th* stomach, and excites action in the glands a particular manner. From these principles t operation may be understood. This racdttine he? bwu fcund highly urcful many ambiguous dise&sesnot here specified, and i h t<4 been used witb wonderful success u a Spring t id Fall purifier, by these who are subject to ri t. i:oLs of ihc chrst. and whose constitutions n , iik new rigor. Soch persons will do well t >im> two or three bottles in small doors Wherreei yd>rt drink is considered nrcessarj, the Panacea, taken in a small dose, will answer all its purposes' in much less limp, al leas expense, and in a fai more agreeable manner, than the common diet drink. The following certificates, oat ol hundreds similar which might be procured, are given to show the effect ?f Tna Isnus's Pasacka, in the various complaints therein mentioned; and also to exhibit in the most satisfactory manner its superiority over the syrups in common use. CASES OF KIIEI'MATI***!. CiuRi trron, Nov. 15,1831. Oaring the last winter and spring, I was sfflirl?*d with a veay severe and distressing Rheumatism occasioned by exposure in bad weather. I now take -real pleasutc in stating, that six bottles of the Indians Panacea, restored me to perflrct health, and 1 confidently recommend it to all similarly afflicted. JOHN FERGUSON, king-sr. Cuasuctos, Msrcb 27,1832. I tma netted about three years since with a distressing Rheumatism canard by taking a severe cold wbiie under the influence of merenrj, and \ which has disabled me from business nearly ever since During this period I bare been a iwtient in he Marine Hospital in this Cite, upwards of foort months nearly, and the same length of time in the Baltimore Hospital, and tried almost every remedy, ith liitle benefit On the 10th of February I *xn ft that time scarcely able to moveaboup upon crutches, I commenced the use of The Indian's Panacea. In ope month I found myself entirely ured from the pain, and am now happy to stair Iba I feel mysrlf perfectly well wm. Tucker, 13 marka*. ' CURE FOR SCROFULOUS ULCERS _ New Yobk, Sept 10. 1830 This may certify , that in the fall of 1825, I was seized with a swelling in my neck and face, which afterwards ulcerated and became large ghastly JP err* in my neck Aftr trying several Pbratcitts to no advantage. 1 areatto Pbibdelphia. and placed rat sell under the care of Dra. Physic snd Beach, when, after repealed salivation to no effect, 1 was pronounced lotaOv incurable. Afterwards I took twenty bottles of Swain'a Panacea and eight bottles of Potter's Catbolicon, with no material benefit. Drsparing of life, which bad now become a bur - ? ? s ?m v~-i. I9Cn 10 inr, I murnru m w? piiriiw ? m ? >? > in ItSJD. and pare myself tip to a lingering death Hearing of Ibe great success of Tax Isdias's ? sacca. however, in cases similar to my ?w . I waa persoadrd to trr it, as a last resort. To mj grral surprise as vllunluftrtioa, I soon found mrseM rapidly recovering and upon taking seven bottles, the ufcrrr heated and becaneperfrcUj well in the coarse of two months, and have remained so ever since. 1 make this statement and wish it published | for the benefit o! those who are snlenng ondei simitar scrofoton* or syphilitic iUk-UioM, that they ; may know what baa' cored one who has sofirrrd ' every thine hot death, and who considers his life saved by to* above svrop. WM. H IN 11 A.N . The above Medicine mar be had at WILLIAM REYNOLDS DRUG 8TORE, CAMDEN, S C Medical College ol So. Ca Qaten Street. The annual course of lectures in thia Institution will commence uu the second Monday in November next. Anatomy?D> Wm. IIuiuc, M. D. Stagery ?By K. Horry Dcas, M. D, Practice or Medicine.?By Thomas Y. Simons. M. D. Midxrifirry, and Diseases of troaen one Children?Vi\ F Y. P?rcher, M. I). loj.tift.tri of Medicine. and Meteria Medi ,ca.?By Henry Alexander, M. I), j CJumistry and' Pharmacy.?By Charlci i Darin, M. D. [\ Demonstrator of Analomy.?Bv (I. W Crouch, M. D. P. Y. PORCHEH. Dean. Auftiit 27?30 jA m ^ , A I.AROK A excellent assortment of Hull a Pater True***, double and amgle, made to order oi U> f fat durable nalrrult, for fcoutl?rn oao Alno, on* Inaaumrnt lately intMrd bv Or. U. which i highly approved of by (be New York prarttffconcr It iora away be oar oi Laced Belt* altogether, an di inches try much the nrcrwity of resorting I Pfnrira. By i?? applicalioo, the wearers art i , one* relieved from great inconvenience, and enable f m resume their former activity. The above Troon r are just received, are oft be subscriber's own aekctioi } and will be sold unusually low. o WUItf Lead and Colour*. , A LARGE aopplr of throe art tele* direct fro WcTitcsiu. A HnoTucai' manufactory, whic j. with all others in the lioe, ueb as Oil, Brosbra, Va 4 nisbes. Turpentine, Ac Ac. csn be had on the tm , easonsble terms, at WM. REYNOLDS', ar en?o.v HASH. I, & fujd?pj4; of \V1KDO JV GLASS, 5 notice! ' THE subscriber is erecting LiTer m ??able io Sumter*life, and will be rear d for the reception of oraes by the first October next, and solicits tbe attention of i I E0R8S TP.AD3P.B I o this advertisement, and to put up the c t oraes with him, as the best atieulion will I II paid them, and every assistance afforded r? selling them; be will also keep a '?i Douse of Entertainmer for these who bring their Morses to bis stat ? JOHN D. BOWEN. rt September 3 31?cm ni .. . ?- ?? BANK AGENCY. C. MATHESON tenders his servic as agent for transacting business at t ia Bonks of Csmdcu Sept I7r31 ? FRESH GARDEN SEEDS, <D2P . 2W321 ?jy for sa5s fr? tIiSrjiton. r Jlwumg vkirh ate ikt foilotciag: ' bulj York CABfiAGE Ice do do Dutch do Early White brad do do Sugar loaf do do Curl'd do do Savov do Summer buahSQUASfI Drum Head do do crook neek do Lite Dutch do Crook neck Casbaw, Green Glazed do Long Green Cucumber, Large Eng Savoy do Carle do Early Loud. Cauliilower, Prickly Gherkins, Ijtto do (lor pickles,) White Brocoli, Georgia or Scotch Kale, Sea Island Water Melon ColcKarts, (a superior kind) r..!, TIIRMP A n?U ; Rata Bag*, or \ \\ inter Cilruct, i Yellow Kusaia do i (for preserving) ! Large .Norfolk field do . Large Mask Melon 1 Lair Flat Dutch do Canirlope do Aberdeen or Scotch do : Nutmeg do YeUow Malta do i Vegetable Oyster, (choice kind) Naa&ortioo, ) Red and White Onion, f Large Bell Pepper, i White English Mustard, j Cayenne do Brown do Round smooth T maloes Large Flanders Spina^e, Garden Cress, * Round do Peppergrass. Prickly * do Coried Parsley, New Zealand do -olid Celery, Long White Okra, Sage, Early blood Turnip Beet Rod Closer Seed, do yellow do do White Marrowfat PE^S Long blood do Early Jane do Mangle Wortael or u Charletan do Earlr Scarcity do Sugar do Swelling Parsnip, Bishops prolific dwarf do Guernsey do Early Mohawk Beans, . Ora;.ge C arrot, do China dwarf do Long Scarlrt RADlbH, do white Kidney Co Short top do do do dwarf # do S 'toon do Superior while pal* do Long black winter do Variegated Cranberry do White Turnip do Lima do t- Large Cabbage Head Early Ttuc*rora Corn TBTTCCE do Sugar do Magnam Bonum do do Golden Sioax do (a choice kind,) ALSO, Pamphlet* on GartfraiBf, Calculated b> lbe subecriber, to answer lor Cam* den and the adjacent country, near the same latitndr. *" BJ-Tbc above Seeds are warranted. Should any one find them otherwise, after a fair trial, others will be giren in their place. Nov. SI. J? ST RECEIVED, IN EXCELLENT ORDER, From Js. York and Philadtlphia, A FTLL SUPPLY OP D?.?as & arasxoxNae, Frrocb A Du^liiib Chemicals, Together with a large and varices assort men! of Cupping and Enemala instrumentt of superior quality, deserving (ho attention of families as well as practitioners of Medicine Dec 12. tIJf REYNOLDS Cotton Sww Gins Tliotr who calculate on having their Gins rc|?irrd by the ??b?pf ibrr. wit! tnnirr a tar or by m 1 ding liirm in as rarly u practicable, and Ihoa afI fura an opportonilv ill arrring each in dur time.? New Oin?, wilb tficcl or Iron plate, always on hand and ferule bj JOHN WORKMAN. August G?28?fm i notice. ' All persons having any demands against ' the Estate of Robert Cunningham, dee'd. are requested to present their accounts * properly attested u ithiu the lime prescribed by law.?Also those intfebieu to the 1 Estate will be required to make immediate payment or such arrangements as will bd satisfactory, by the first day of January next. JOHN. CUNNINGHAM, Ea'r of ROBERT CUNNINGHAM. September 17?34?e for sTiTT 3,000 PAIR OF " Negro ^I^^Sboes, Manufactured this rear, of the best ma '* tcriala and by faithful workmen, whici a will be aold at low at any of the kind am b quality in market. Alto Leather for ma king the same, on the mnat rcason?h|i ? terms, a ah paid for green or dry hide* it and leather and alioes given in exchange <d Planters art respectfully requested to cal M and examine. Apply one door below Le B, ey and IIughson's store, to the subscri jbcra. JOHNSON dt AUSTIN. September lT-34-h m' N. B. Any quantity of shoes will b *> mtde to order on the shortest notice. LANDS - FOR Sjycd # |.llr. subaenber otfns lor salt lilt vi luablc plantation, on the west side < 7 the Wateree rirer. and on both sides t * Sawney's Creek, about 10 miles abo? v. Cimden, ronsisting of upwsrds of 1,1 j 3,000 acre* of land. . There is about 400 acres of open land i Til IllV IIBCh HUH me UIIBHVI) "?? UVV(?. . with oak, hickory and pine. In the tra< 10 there is a large body of the best land, ui cleared. On the premises are all t! it necessary buildings, and in excellent r< tj0 pair for carrying on an extensive plant tion, and supplied with the best water.On Sawney*s Creek, running through tl land, there are some valuable mill seals.Any person desirous of purchasin would do well to examine the premises, :cs a great bargain may he, and on liber he terms. ALLEN STEWART. June IS?SI?ff DYSPSP02A ' ays LIVER COMPLAIJfTS. DR. PETERS' VEGETABLE MED1CIK J 8TOMACH1CJE ET HEPATIC A, form ed by chymical analysis' and ijftlbeiii of serein uroz.maie vegetable principles, an universally ae knowledged to have totally eclipsed the prrtec sions of every other remedy, and sarpcrceded tb< necessity of every other mode of treatment wherever the above disease are fbnad' to ex is as well as in the enlargement of the Spleen am in Jeundia A mo a* Urn symptoms of Dyspepsia and Liver complaints, are rUtole ucy, Htunen ot burning ii the itomac^ melancholy irratibility, disagreeable taste in the month; great irregularity of appetite, which b sometimes roracioos, and at other timet greatly deficient, thirst, fetid breath, nausea, weakness of the stomach, acid eructations, palpitation, drowsiness, irregularity o( the bowels, pressure on the stomach after meals, pain in the bead, dizziness or vertigo; confusion of mind, attendee with lorn of memory, a gnawing in tha stomach when empty, dullness, affection of tight and hearing-pajn and weakneas in the back, langour, disturbed sleep, oold fretand hands, tremor, uneesinets in the throat, chough pain in the aide or breast, dec. Tbrw medecines bare been found so efieclaal in remoriing the complaints for which they are recommended, that physicians frequently having exhausted all their skill, to little or no purpose. Da- PETES Aati Billons Pills. These pills are composed entirely of vegetable matter, and when taken according to the directions ' which accompany them, are bignly beneficial in the cure and prevention of all Bilious complaints They act especially on poo the liver, when in a torpid condition, carrying off a large quantity oi bile, through the influence cf the excel oral function, which it suffered to remain in the system, would produce either Jaundice, Liter Complaint, Billions Fever Fever and Ague, or some other Sievous bodily affliction. In all cases of torpor ol e bowels, they act like a charm. As an auli dyspeptic and dinner pill they are no valuable. Many persons who were subject lovio lent attacks of srek headache have been perfectly eared in a few weeks by their use. Those who are subject to that distressing complaint, sea-cicknrai by taking a portion or two of them a few days previous to embarking on board the vessel, will be almost certain to escape it. Females can use then at all periods, without incurring any risk. Person going to sea or to a southern climate, should by alJ ONtH Uir msn ot toTK pm wiui umn. ?OBU virtues will remain unimpaired for yean in anv di male. No family should be without the* pills, i portion-of them, taken occasionally, would be the torts* of prmatiu nodi suffering from sickness it is from neglect orkeeping apt regularperistaltic action of the stomach and bowel*, tho* starring U be absorbed and mingled with the blood; unaanmi latrd fluid*, that moat diseases are produced, Dr P. fret* confident that no person who fire* then pills a fair trial, will ever after fir*I waling to b< without them. They contain no particle of Mercury, or any in gradient that doe* not act in banrfouy with beahl and oppose dieraae. Dr. P. wishes it particularly understood tha those pills pnaaiaa beneficial qualities independra of their purgative effect*; they are both tonic an deohftruent, acting upon the arc re ling and eihal ent functions; thus strengthening the patient wbils they remove obstruction* Medicines arhicl possess an other, excepting cathartic qualities, de bdilste the patient, and their repeated use lays tha foundation of a loog catalogue of Chronic disco sea Dr P. baring been educated under the ma eminent American and European medical profe sort, and practiced hi* profession many yean in lb South where diseases of the most obstinate chart* trr prevail, consider* himself well qualified ( judge on the nature of disease* incident to wan t climates. Prepared and sold by Joseph Priestly Petrn, M t D. at nie Institution for the core of obstinate dw , aaaes. by means ol vegetable remedies. No. 19 Liberty street. New Yerk, inventor end sole pre 1 pfitor Each b>*i contains 40 pills, price M eenh The above valuable Medicines may be obtain* at the Drag 8tnra el YOUNG A MKA1N. Camden, May 7, 1830. Waataf Immedf lately. A Journeyman Coach Maker, aoquainte with his business, is wanted by the subset hers?also a ourneyman Trimmer. To sue as may prove sober aod industrious, a pernn nent situate m can be had, good wages an prompt pay. 6. dc. J. P. SHIVER, j Oct 1.1636 96if j KpThe editors of the Augusta (Ga Chronicle, will ineert the above tdverusemet three times, and the Charleston Courier tint , forbid, and forward their accounts to the sol scribers for payment. i\ Medical College of the Stati of South Carolina, The annual eourse of Lectures in th e Institution will be resumed on tbe secon Mmday in November, in the followin branches: Anatomy?Bjr J. Edwards Holbroo! M. D. I Surf cry?Bv John Wagner, M D. Obstetric*?By Thomas G. Prioleat k. M. I>. ,1 Practice of Medicine?By 8. Hem ,f Difksnn, M D t Physiology?By James Moultrie, Jnt M. D Materia Mcdica?By Henry R. Frot n m. n. HI Chemistry?C. U. 8hepsrd. cl Demonstrator oj Anorowy?r. wuru man. M. D. Ie i HENRY R. FRO T, Venn. e. August 30?30 ~ NOTICE. te THE subscriber has just receired his ~ Fall and Winter supply of L DRY GOODS, al which be wOl scft bw for cash or appro* customer*. J. L. JOr?ES. Nor. 5?37?tf NOT EMBE R!! , MAGNIFICENT CAPIj TALE. Km the yeara4vancom so does the bril lianey of oiir schemes increase, and* we may Vith truth say, Sylvester has never J before offered such a-galaxy of Prizes as I he now lays before his friends for the month of November. This is no eaagge^ ' . ration-for the Schemes speak for them* ' eel vets?Ajrapid succession-of the follatT^-wi ' ing capitals ; 50,000 DOLLARS, Forty Thousand Dollars. . A30.AAA. > Tweaty^flfe tlkmwmui rfiBiii 9 of96,O0O, 13,6003 in all of which we solicit early appUca tlon to ensure supply.. Andrea*. > 8 J* Sylvester, 130 Broadway, N. T. 960 prize* of MB doHalrtu VIRGINIA STATE . LOTTERY 01a?1L For (he benefit of (he Town of Wells i burg.' To be drawn .at Alexandria, Va. ; Saturday, November 6,1836. * > SCHEME 30.000 10.000.6,000.3.3171-83 of 2.500 10 if 1.500, 200 of 600,Ate. ?:* ' Tickets 10 dollars. A certificate of a package of Whole Tickets will be sent Tor 130 dollars.-^ Halves, Quarters and Eighths in proper ; tion. ALL PRIZES. i MARYLAND STATE ! LOTTERY, ij CLASS NO. 23 1 i a a - r? ? o_. t _ _ S?T_ ; low tint urn at oauimorc, oamnw?, ?g; rem be r 12, 1836. . ' * ?' 8023*0. ' 30.000 8.000. 4.000. 2.200. 2.000, 10 of : 1,000. 20 of 500 20 of 30 of 200 dec. . i Tickets 10 dollars i i A certificate of a package of 25 whole ! tickets will be s?nt for 110 dollar*. Pack* .ages of Shares in proportion.. ?w ' 1 j In this Lottrrjr all those tickets hating no drawn number on them will be each t .milled to three dollars, without disrntri^ d Yuit cannot do bettor than adrtnture in I* this Scheme. Capital * 25,000 DOLS. , V1HCLMA ST.4TE ; LOTTERY ? Class Number 7 d Endowing the Leesburg Academy, and for other purposes. T?? be drawn at Alexanf. dria, Va. 8atarda? Nov. 19 ! 925.000. 10.000 4,000. 3,000.3^00; 50 of I 1,000, 6ft of 250. dee. dec. L Tickets 10 dollars?Shares io proportion d Certificate of a package of 23 whole . Tickets will coet only 120 dollars. Halves and quarters in proportion. Delay opt to end v.?nr orders tn Fortune's Home. f $50,000 I LOOK At THIS d ALEXANDRIA LOTTERY Clam 9. \ T?bf dn?nii Alexandria, D. C. Bator !; day November U, 1838 ii kith drift* *pUndi* Scheme* 1 ?URH>. 20.008,10,0i)0f 6g0no, 4LO00. 8.*? 3,000,2^00. 3,000.50 of 1,000,60, rf680, GO of 30081 of 900 Tieketa 10 dollars. [1 A ccrtificiir of a package of 85 whole t i ok eta will he sent for 140 dollars?pack~ . ages of shares in proportion. 'j Forty Thousand Dollars. ? Virginia State Lottery, L | CUn JY*. 8 ' For the Benefit of the Mechanical Bene* volent Society of Norfolk. To be drawn , at Alexandria Va, Sa'urday November 88 Capital* _ 40,000,10,000, 6.000. 3,000 2,300,8080 1000,1,800, 2 of 1,500, 3 of 1.300, 5 of . 1,250, 100 of 600. 100 of 400128 of 100 Tickets only 20 dollars. ,, Certificate of a package of 85 whole tickets in this Magnificent Scheme may be had for 140 dollars?packages of halves e and qnarters in proportion. ^ For Sale. A L,m and mfflmMUmii Slnrt ami - Dwelling House united, to which is attached every other building calculated to carry on an extensive whole-sale and retail Mercantile business, on Broad Street, In Camden, in the centre of business, and a healthy part of the town, and all in com ?d plcte order. For terms apply at this of fie? Antpif! 20?'f