Variety* _____ F.*ou? the Lund >n Court Journal. Tar White Muff.? the niost vimlir : i v e nnd ferocious feelings oJ ihr burr, n i carl are, among llio Irish peoph-, oli< i r.iuii erbalenccd by those of a m >rc rcni mis nature, it is not unusual t ? .<-< r sl.i man whose iron nerves '.rend i . n.sien ; vrctrlirj family to a torturing and liu gcYin.> death, to satisfy a holicai feelinj ol re venge, melt into feminine tunic rues: at an art of kindness offered to lniusell ??i his babes. Of the truth of this the foj lowing anecdote is illustrative. In ti-c year 1 ^ ?, a ?!< tarlrju-nt fron !he ??? foot (fir;i statMac '' t?aiwav ua< quartered at Oughlt r-u. Tnr '!im"N intpt'sotl was one particular: ;* ' ;i ':r>to both nfficr r? ami men. (; w >?. i ? sup. press illitit iIniion. and. Ij*??,vrr, that may be hurtle! to ;!:r reter.u- of hicountry, destructive to the moral- of it? member*?yet, &s none but i c very poorer class are engaged in tbi- unholy traffic, few of the military e.: . r? roiirile it to their feelings to steal fort!), assa v-iiilil.e at midnight, and ting, from his b< d the poor miserable peasant. u'jom- aching heart trembles Jett the revenue officer should with i-ae'e eye discover. and siiz" ttpon that fur which lie l a- liskrd f;i> health, bis pcarc, his, teputati n ? and. which Io*>!. deprives |,im of the means of Aiiminrstrrin# to the wants of hi- starring family. To accnrn; hah this, tip cxriv man, who i? always rnmmamh r in-rl u f, in these calor >u* expeditions, usuvih chooses a night of triple darkness, v. hen tinder an.bush of the sombre shy, be c*:i 6lcal with caution upon his j rr\. ft was on surh a one as this, but rrn dcred more dismal by torrents of rain that commonly fall in November, that I tui sitting with Lie utenant m our barrack room; \rc listened to the fearful Storm thnt raged with -nvage t; !?nr. mound t:?. The rain brat with ttrrif* force against our wiub-w The i u ! blasts of wt i !. that sh .k the r < rv ! .urack to i.r cilitre, put a s; to . i;n,. sip, for it required at <5" j ; be; or. ' our ordinary povr? r.e to o.jkr our r ire* .v.idj. Llc to our?c!r( 3. Lake ("orih da*' ? ! m ;;!i fury against ihc r.\!!>; an>l. n?. the caudle* burned with unite 6.!) itght we shuddered at the idea of anv human rrcsture bring cxposrI to h? frightful a r;t t r dreaming of t?'.?* nich a one < being rhos.-n for a midnight march. I: , was. how ever, perfectly possible. !<>rju?.j i as we were preparing to r?r.ic to bid. < shutting out the deafening sound, a hr.ivt i footstep aacer.ded the stair, aud a loud, i hasty knock et the door told its import, t The Lieutenant started to hn? fret. and n < impatient ejjiculaMou of "lo.p. sifdi! I t am nut the n< V! tor dutv," ?pnkr a trrm- t bJing fear of the probability ot *urh bring ) the case. Another l.r. -rk. an 1 "Come < in!" followed rapidlv; anil Srr'T apprii I? d l> <>i burnt! i.i s'crp. All or, r.rt n jrk? , !.| ?but the i? !\ n j i*. ; > the v.j1.!u:?" nuo?- ! tuons t- ,- ?!.e t \ w art e-r that ti.c ri ; 'sr s< u hicii s< < , Iv notice of the part) *b route. The r.. rlw cf *r*rch then commenced?worm n anJ children were roused fn? ti.- i h?d? every corner t?a* looked into, i-i k : s: uu? raiuarLrd, am! not a hillock but hs> nr probed by iht bayonet. No interropfon. rn however, urns offered bv the j>rr.*: nt-. ? Their cotititcuat:fen were rn!m and tin- no moved?all, save one; and, during the on general confusion, I lie Lieutenant hnd j.r marked the anttioua arul ngoni td j;!anre f c he had given his shivering w tfe nn i ri..!- |)M ?lren a* the minute .ra:r,j va* earned on * Tl?c looks of the l.itle r??t.j? \v? re mile! Mn to the spot where the J,i utrnant flood. jin The storm had partly aha; ?!. and the uiot.n. appearing at inl?-rt;?h. jnw hint an opportunity of watching the in!< n?o and fjf, fearful glance the;, tire s on the soldirrv. jCf as they came tican r and ..v ir< r tor, no and rather more elevated :l an the rest. Wrh |,r an appearance of zeal the Lieutenant di- ri, reeled his men not to Token tiuir ? while he,! measured j the it round t the (|uce?innable ^|?? ?t.-? ,j(1 Drawing his Mvord, lie j'irffr ! the < irih ...) ? it .>*? soft, an-! rridprMly ht'.l ju ?l In nprd togrihrr ? a 1 .ir ! snt??l:i!?cc rr*:stri! I? i -? Weapon? r .;! I he no longer ft ,,tI i.ont>t?;! t covered *":!! ! there in < j |)( concealment. iri Turning to the er.'. mi v.! r in.oaW ? he tlx wjs assure;! iih it0 family. who too well i.iuM t'.p ?!i^rr,t(fV I i hp had made. In a mom < e,: '.! < \ < j ( t t ;i11 !ir J . . | .U ii > |. : t > iiut mi u:i? fh? re e'.i .' < ' - V,-. ' iI'-rn." I !; -1 you sec, v*i;r information Is incorrect? j the in- i. imvf mv'c a \ i^orou* dearth, and : :.i i;1 < r tK? v n.?r you iia?c made a seizure. - l?:i v?u. u ,?!i '- ? keep tfu 111 nut lunger r, Bali:,-.:. I.m n -t Piiisfii il, lu* rmilil offer I i: ? (.! .1 i ?r a l< ngi r flay, an I vva?, emu* - polled io iirknow!?*?!,?c it tvas tinneccs^arv. i- tin- populace, which had fallowed the i mm t; >tn p ire to place, no it rnrom |^ I ili. j-in ii . With breathless anxiety ? the !a;:-i i:t ?-1 interested In-! rrowrhed up < to the Lieutenant? he stood in the forer n-o-i 1.1,1k. :u d a kern oh>ervr mi^hi 1 - .. ? 1 . 1. _ . t ..1 1.1. :a%r ?j; >c??\i ; t"tif i;i wiv |??im :m js ?*.* drain like e-uinlcnancr. and hi-* ncitntcd i manner. that lie there a wailed his srnif nee. Sr-rrmv < i ! he (.'arc ? > i.fl hi? head?..i !rii,;] . I^wciir, ! e i!. ; ant! ; rc .ii in .'.e an. ? \:si ve . planet : ! t! ? uii.eer snot m net was .- ft-. l\-Ij lilciWv S a a lui:t*:.l. '|C saw lhe marts' march av.r.}; he ; az*I on the r? c: sIc{-> u ::Ij a:*. t:r.Yl.::? ! ituroi* and i:;ni!icri??1 r \pr< s-;<>iis t)i gm:i:*:Jc *."! i the (Xitnl (>l his ? !;!.^aii ns. \\ ith t ntinisiaMo lite peasants rushed niirr the soldiers, and their h.ud shouts, a*. thr\ saw them descend the mountain. canvevcii. in t.hc heart of the lirilish Hirer tint !iis forbcarsii't was appreciated. Time passed on, and I had forgotten the nrcuti sinner, when ::>\ tetrad rtmc in; r.iv room one ntorning, an said thai a la mil) desired l see me. The) Jiad imputed for lurutruant . end, on fit ariug hi via* nut. wi?hr?! tub admitici! l?> rnr?1 r< adiJ) granted the interview, and a moat interest fig jji ?.ij* iiuntcd: il?!y entered. \n elderlx man .?nd woman, v. :th a yours? girl about ..;x!??n precipitate!) ajranred. the) sani. at mv J< et. ami wi h a! that poetry of language no characteristic ? J the lower Iri*>h, gat* rent In the emotions ? t' tJjeir heads. "In us." paid the r atr. " !) hold th> familv \.?i:r n??hlc husband sated fr?.m destructj. j. He gavr u- hi?*, f r he d? barred ta not of , the meant ! existence; ami so In g a.i xi.iWnrr is pr i i;?? d the best 1 i ?od of M ::r\ (t'iJoiilU'ii belongs |;\ right In t-enefiet He paused, lor lie Was evi- j. .. nit v 11 v (?rpt? u< fril. ' Nurr. uc jwhui! ' i ;i i imi ! t ri 1 :i j Mtire," sai I lit* liri!? ^ ! riil, asui'.h m ? xriii ?r :ii ;j : 'n !?, she <;n' ! c.l a naif]' a it J f Ii;>p? * < ( ^in' "iii? on beaut), "but m\ iti<; n:\f-iir rrnbl not c -licet lite ri i!.mvm s.inrn r ? they arc of tin nun making,, su ! I tiuM. lad)," ?!tr rin linucil. a* nlir ihrrw the I iticr gracefully ovei ii.v h'iouI- , !rr?. "vou mil deign to accept am! wear diem ck a very poor remembrance of nil a i* our \ uu." 1 wan great!) alfeciri! at In* rene, and rouil u llhng i\ h:.\r j.u;^ - i! t rse I'iritv tukrnt <1 heir-gmti* tide: l>ut I w ? ! i k. i tv U>a 1 t'.e J ? j . ?r:t J, u j.i.i i ' "M the laltir -! t > ar :ilr. :? < ? t'lit 1 - : 1 Uri-ugh the kit i ii ! r; .| i; f* ,i ! ! < it. it'ii ii? Lnrl.iii., , ..? n luil mat Lis study !>.l--tc i;:i I:;^ lit, :u! In* i? alw av-* i at I I>r. Cotton * V c l.?t)u r. u!;u kiu it liif ia!tif in time in hft ! i \ tiling ;% a* net t r \? 1 iug ?o uu? t a , Ui< tit ? It. I o Hi ' l t:..? pit.. ? :t ^ | ?.! written upon ti.r .'nor < ! '.>> , large Jr :t<-r ?. *Hr Hrtef.' t r-::n . .t rtilt?nor in i!u* 1 in?i -1'; "1 u- ; if.'j*.!.inn to j rc-\ . I tin i.'.itfi !-i in frtiin tijtt rrujiiiiiR liim hi inn bourn f 1.11: i! % , hat! ivriittn at tlic intra c- of ( , ||t r.uv. "Fnctjil, u!h* wr tmi n,r.\ , . w ho cnti r Jirrc, be tjui^k v. ith \our or go ' I I.c Itarurd ali^cr place! the f"iluUi!i|: plirt.M up"tj c door el his raliiu J, ?" .M \ litm it i:;\ .... r . .. I IM !s!c. I i!? latotilc i j . ... ? I,M < arc tv as, l ojisMcr time Im j r> r i-::he ( rut in ?" I'.k iii'- p.n , r f a! | .>! { ? i . | litre," ! l/ti'.l |l\ . - II r:. \ m < : ! i! i?: ri" \ . i ?. > . ('UtWlltit 'i (<> JJ f* t llti Uj Midi l-l I.If- til s fit nrf itiiMUl lunato mi thrne uwd?: . 1/1 i l>i o ' good mends, lire Jimi a lor j Sire, one irunf, mjmI q soldier v cxi c* ?Iny l r < i?:? 1:nl? i\ i* ranted the tcnurM " 1 rcr l'.lftrts of w?rrin/7 en th( duration vf * ' mm r.?>(?nir vrrv (iirit>U> l ieu on linn soli- . nra t arc flalci: I \ I rr. I irc of Am nalc?, the mean duration of lite, lor let* :< married wmnrn of 25, uas alone .'{(> Pin ir*. ulnle lor the Ui.married was but |l,*i 1-2. -\t HO lliere wan a <>l ink ears in fat or of the married, ml at men , 2 year*, mil soon It tuny be sai? .' Wai rhn p.<, thai innrtud ft'tnalr* ought to ls|? considered as picked livr?; I ml. n? Dr. j IDm? s-prr observes, tins i- lar Irotn In itio, Sod. mt.iIIv the case, especially in lite up- mini r .v. I ii i'idle flassr- of ?ocicl\, it is \nri, s! \ ai in t'lr ! n rr nr . r\ w he; e a dm! 1 ! - ? ;:.< nr< ! ' \ I?bur, that j- poj - J tance is attached to the bodily health an ! vigor of the female. With nrgard to mci ! wo gather from Dcpnrcieux's and the An sjcrdaui stables that the mortality cf tin t from 150 to <15 years of age is 'J7 per rent, ft the unmarried, w hile it is but Ihfnr the ma riot!: ant! lor the bachelors who attain th ngc ol SO, there are 7^ inArr:c:? { sexes marriage is conducive to longevity Mid O'az. Singula) Custom ? \ lettc r from Mov c. J?ub'lslud in a i'aris paper, <;> ?"On ilic 1 ?t]. M ay was celebrated tin ludidtv r illnl t!,c inspection ot thr !?< tmthrd The young men who wish h marry arc drawn up in a row on the sides o| the pubi;c Walk, a Jul, doting tlic spare Ml or six hours they hehnl 1 l!;r prorcs-ional walk along their ranks a* nt a review ?if liir voting women. tlcroratcii in their brv. attire, hi illiant w iili their natural prafis, ami urna rated witfi diamonds niixru with (lowers. (In the !*?I lowing d /" tlio-e voting women who hare attracted the notice of the bystan'c?*s.? 1: 11 would nt;r vim,; l-tdies think ! he; ig put np at public vendue in tins manner! Won; v arc the on!* beings who have not been degraded In slaver). in bondage, th?) tr. not sordid; under p r-rcution. they arc v.h! g> :u ro*t-?titer preserve tijejr laith 0 the l?it I: ; the-, rtnp'ov kindness to sofrn the cruel; hi siffcrmg, iiicv loose nut belevolenn ; m the m??i afflictive trials, they ?ove*> msgn iuiiiiiit; their lore ol glory is bunded on sympathy; excluded from power, irtvilegc. and ili- incH ui, tlfey have eolhusii>tn for every great design, tor every -pi olid achievement; their affections are purified rom -clfvtiiiess; tlirv r joice in dcfFiMiig joy nd ar?- greatful for bi-??ings in which they re not allowed to participate. Th'i/ art alone ? \n account of a stddrn cath t g 5: e ,? ; >111 i , tier- i s n w i urnfv.l i,t:i!ne--. I'll- parents w h" ? ' !, ?: ? ji. trj:. fttaiti a fn>uil\ u rr lijbu ar-l i io r> fi? rtion that tl or una children ;.tresl iin' j-r iim ? < 1 ifuir labor. li.Hf Mirh r? irnn! t'>r their toil?nothi.'jj t jh'.cn the ?rvrtiiy ?* 1 their !.ih.?r At u < inuruju^'n nt the 'nlih>*i? h!r?:^(t r.l ? ?taint's praicrs. thry loah -j I'M '! 1!J? 'II lit t! IH "Mil i! iltl'l i: ;? !' ? r t > ; t u >'.h i.:u < .:i u t . i stir t;i*h, j i li r ;:.i \ an a I :n . \\ 1 ) ficku :/ t:?r ti!'*.r C( P r.h i ;i s w h r:.11.* *?- pain ? thrre ..i i'!i' t -"fay u: t-.1 1 nr." ! * j What hi l" r*pi< - - 'n i in. u? ? i |i. ji'Oi thai mil in r i ll Here kindred l?? tier ml ? but it lu ll slit* blcr?ini? ut n child All ! hcrti fUj>ertu!<{((i, a In- fell the kindred ended to Ik art. \\ lirt: lhn' i liilii tl<> WjM?ti iuv mother'# kncru until it died ?i anjjui?11ri! parent then fi ll the ft"ii- 1,1' ? uf rliiltllrtMWftft; tdie llirii uiltlrr-;ti ml thai .-!:? *' \v.m alone ,c*. ii i learn Jo fluster -J?t In come J >i> girit'U* --our nllcrliuiis ?!.? u 1111 111 . 1"'1 ipr.Miiti.ui?.intl lie who Im.H pu--rd| itli and man < <1 in tin round of idea- ' I r,IJ r, or on the buf\ iinrlnl trndi , vitli'j??r u ? 1..itt-i ll of length (of rsij- \ inriU. j S?.i find a llul l.i: if alone I'lu man . I tr? \ ears ftlmuld Jiud,* rr lie turn-, ' ie I ire: I ? c*!ierr Inn: w ill* n Huilr, noun- j ^ ue to |il? -- Iii?i? l"r favors some Ii< ml' p I Ui uls w a' i:rn111ti !r. ' aaI*htlntle!ph\a l\ S. (Jaitflt. ' I-'1 TAiii'M.vmrs (J 'luitl llMrati ^arxn|ini illn. i 1 Mr u i ll.iCtni, iwtraet J ii ip, \tr.u-ii I'm , tit, r-'vtup hirtTMort, limit i * M t^'iK-i in_ ricni, it >lnt - I Coliimlni. Ilunier'- t >?ro rr, nil IMI-, Imp riil 11 a i r l>\?. nil rlii:ij? hnj'iid, remove iron mould- . in! In i ifom lilliMl. Drmng- (mcnl. lor a* ding l:r-ik i gl . limn Ac .1 mil - in i i? |'r x?t I artn-li \l. I'? Sil I rnlii- pro tjl.i--, (iiiin Arabic. (jinn S< m gal, Arm.t t. Citron, 'njulw l'.v?te, 'I old l^o/engr ? I \ do Liquorice ami Opium do Pi pi* r- j t do II liiilinrlid >. 'del 11 |trnn/.e??, ami a Cli i\ i Surgit il ln-lruincm?*, just r? ct ivrd tlir. lor a.nlt I'V toil YOU Mi & M K.MN. -cr ; m i;dk ii\i: . "j' THE >uh?cnL?crs have jnst received and 'i are now u|nMiing a lull assortment of .Med' a 11 cities from the North, which can he reeom |( e mended with yreat confidence, ?ia far as re- ,, gards their purity and genuineness, hating j C. bee purcli.iM (I from one 01 the oldest and u r ino-t respectable houses in Philadelphia? Vv ^ Ph)H-iati". Planters and others, arc reques r< '* ted to r"II, pretious to laying in their summc :i, - supples, .hi.; examine the quality of tlios hi now .dim (i ior sate; which we feci confiden ji, in w.irr.iuting and giving satisfaction to pur- d< chasers. (J Amonj those lately received and now open tc inp. arc the foil, wing: I pj A|r>h'.!. Sub Car'o f'oo'a, ' I Ca-tnr ();!, | Hiiubnrh Hoot. i | KJorrncr. do. Calasaya Hark. Castile Sucp, l,?.iie!ia llcrb, flora x, , do in Tundrr, i tir1 ry Opium, j Slip;>Cry Klin Park, ""Camphor, j do. in Powder, ' - Calomel, J'ng. j Rolr Aimonh, . Cinnamon, ] Ground Murlard, "*( CI- vr?. i'uud Cinnamon, ph Orris Hoot, Acid I^inon Drops, j(, Castor, ! ri'?ridi Walcr. i Chh.ridc of Soda, Kidder# I rid Ink, ! 1 I'lake Manna, Carpenter # Samaparilla 'Tl Gum Mvrrli. " Kxt Hucltu fta1 p.iwd (iuni Arabic. " I'ink Hoot, ar:>. 1 Conijxl Cub A SarsaSttlph (Jinn;nc, partita, u Morphia, T??liu Hd?3m, Acetate, do. Krro> ral SouilS#. Genuine car# Oil, (not . u: I'ulv Cubob#, pel fumed.) Tamarinds, .Naples Soap, ' |!i:t!',r-# Magnesia, Mu*k i>oaj?, the Citric Acid, Mace Snntf, wil Tartaric, do Hair I'owder, Ac. A great variety of articles too nnnw roti# to men trnn, in addition t?? the al?ove. a foli assortment ot which will always be > opt on hand I YOUNG A M'KAIX* 5TC"3?D:i, l. l?> j | firm comi' i..t/.v t.< ?R IT.Ti Its' VF.GKTAIII.K MKDICINX STO.MACIIU v.l Gl.l "i It .V, limn- l,ra' ?ij Im ehvanesi analysis and *y Mi-errs ?>t r?-vera! 1 ta i roi m-itr vegetable prim i, ! ?. universally ec- jj* [.n.-ttif ilfji-d to have totally ?chjwd the prrtcit* p|J<;] siobs ? every othei remedy, ami MJTpereedccl fhf nrcrtwlv ?l every t-Utrr inrl treatment, "" 11 where vcr the above d.m m* are ! mid to c- ? "Ij'j a? iv?-!l m the enlargement of the Sj>Ucn and }> {/] j, in Jaundice j Ann rg the ? ,'mptn:ni i f I)? ?p- p*.-. fttvi l-:rrr- ' complaint*. arr Klalulrnct, v>u:n?>>? burning in ' the ?t'jRisrh melancholy irra'.ihiti'r. ?">r;'n > aide ' tzdr in ;ln- emu'-ii. great inrguLinii ?.! appetite, i* ? ?!?? iimea ri-rartpt;*, and ft! ?t!?? r Ium-j X greatly de-hen nt. llnr^t, t< l>d I rejth. r. surer. rjj-jj, weak "em > t ti;e stomach, ar.d cri'cta'.i : -. paipita* 1 '.on, -J-.-a ..lieu, irregularity ol tin. !.?iwr!s, prrs- P^t"fc sure on tin* stomach alter tnesis. jam .,-j the Itecd. >n?f? dtzz.nes* or verUjp.; confusion mind, atlrndrd nut with ! ?? -f mi m?ry7 * jjnr.ttirg m the ctcijjpeh when empty cbillnero. cjleclien r.{ * eh; and hearing pun nn?i or/?kne?? it; t' ~ I nek, hrgnur. disturbed sleep, r.'Id lee t and hated* tic. r, racMinee* in the ihtoat, en ugh pj.n in :nr ;.d" c: ifea?l,?\c j Ttir-w n;?-dtTine? hay ! err. r vnt! #o Cert r.! in V:n i in^ the eniiipla.n'k ! r v. i .i'i ;!. , are t .-em ' i.ended. that 'piti sioan* irnptei.t \ rata UEtrd a:i the.r ?k;!h to L'.tir *.r n? put pure. i i> x i? r i-: :t .lull ii i I i o ii * I" i! I * These pill* are composed cnUU y ot vegetable T "B natter, and k lieu taken necording t^ the d-rcctcoii* k" J! iluch arr. n j.iin tbrui, arr leiguia tn-m hci-d it; hreur. asu'. p?rv-ntiioi o! oti i.itieu* complaint* !"iac? act e.j?-f.n!Jy unpft ti e Inn, w liett in a tji.J ii.n.'i.i ti. riii1. eg < :! a ia.'ye eiiiritilr of *>* He. tilt ugh t .? i-.;i j Jnrre- i t,f jj >ii. v.o ?n feci r, iniii, ii- !;?- ?t?tcjn, >iil'l pr. -due i i . i J.i in'. . l.itir I .?ii plait:*., l"1*1' [. ;?'!! iei.'i Ii-..; and A ei.e, ??r .i..e ot!*- r r011 It ,u? i?-d i, wti'ietion Ii. c . i i? < i I t- i: c { leb-inile tJn-\ -i I uar a rIiiiin. At itia.i'.i U.eju pt c ami dinner pill thc-? are no a uci'.i- i|*:i? ,? 'io ii !i>. ? ere >uIih >?l tovn - tj nt attack* I ?, a l.c jOi< In- Ji.nt Lcrn j erteitl. , i.*i J in a ten u.. k? ! \ tin it n e T !it ?, * n?t -j-t to t. c! -::ei;in^ cc.nipiairt rca dnVt iar , l ii.n^ ft jm-tIc n c.r tw t> cd tin in J ti IT d.*\ ? pie \ |'i una In e! k.ny n l>i^;d the \c Arc, t- ill he tii- j Till i*t r< italic l , ap. it in i re i an un tin in , ail jwf li-d i, a?,|| -til ii.. i|f r. nj* ;.rii r. - W I 'c | it. e e ^ .lll|,' I' 11 i'( I" 1 i r lir I V .-. I; i ll "I ! Ii Pl'it tftki ; - . I'.ii i; I-Ii. *1 1.1 : r t.: 1 re menu uti.n. . i;. : r \ r? TI a :i\ eli rr I'.e A>' ianult cbnuiil Le villi" lit llcere | iii? . a rti'-n of then:, take n Kca?o tiil't , vc nld It- the ran* ot jifevt iitinjf iiitich ?ulT? ring Irotii ?crkrcM? ul i L? t?''ph e'. ot kri p eg tip 3 tegtllsr }?efl?ta!l!C f''lct ll lii'ti ? ! the -t-oiiaeli and tt r!?. iliu* ?tiirer ng lo J j. | j .die 'dwil Am!>ii! ii.'i i;. i Kr .. iiMii'im. i d ilcii.v that ii.< ^ tin< a-.-,-- a:r e: ?'ur? ij l)r ' '''l f 1 ?? ? ! c.> p r??>n ?}??. jjnm tin ?? ti :>M;t ! a tan lm!t will rwr iltrr ftel v il' ; ;> !< l-o i|lt\ . " ' t I \ II ? il ll?? ).|r|.i t V. < i. \ . ? :li- , . , , iJ ri.i uia* it<.".r!i< nLr! v ur.di nmr-d,'1 ' > r tiilln j*????-? It rl'inn! ijtiablim ir.i!r|ir nc'rnt Ihrir piirgat.vr rtli-rl*. t! ?-\ arr I uili time and Kilrurhl, irlmj; n tlir M'Cftil'j; and filial[ funct ?* . iiiii* mt? tijlhrtimff the | alirnt. ii!r th<*_v nt !>lflinn-is* Mi'6< ilioulucli- '* " ! ? *? i t!.? r. in jiS n/ rntl.atlir ijnalilirt c!o ihp I'.i, ' 11< <1.- ;t' i. : i. ::ii l . ir rr jm at. ! \ * I hut afo fM nil*, n < ! a I. * l attli./uf < ! C'hmnir d:>on- . . J |*r?|-?-v )r I* lisv?f ? Irrti tdnmtid i r.tirr thr n nni( I im nn i: < nl j r< U t I .MillI !?, and v? ar I n ? ?1 I ? | t< J? p-n n n an. \ r. t ? > . | i:?' " j'S V Oir nth uhi ii' il m jm t i<| i|m' ijk>?' l.?iiTi.'ir rlmiar. J*' vail, r i in.iln ]nn:?f 11 v ? ! I ? i.jvl-l t d |n , ^ if? mi tin iia'.tm < I !: ! ;.ir? uu .iV.-it ti nr:ii '](')} "r?"par in! r?-M J"" \ r..i?faiii? IT pill*, pnco "?t' rr ti*? Tin* valnahli Mrdinm-p tuay l-r -! ? ? t?rt* Iln- St- rr . I YOl'Xi A M KAI.N rwmlrn. Mai 7. IKltl. ? - _ . i Waiftte// 'miiirfiirtrfy. Man \ JoiirnrvtiM'i ( o.irit M i\. i. r ipruriK .] to i .K li In* luisnirs*. i? i? liii'il l?i llio Mibwn- will In' a niirii(-\man Trin tin r. To ?uc!i <|o:i>iii n iv | roil- M?lit r 'Inil 11?i.?if?r*?n?a jM'rnta- !?inp 'I it ti)ii i;| ,(| (-.'111 l?c lsa?l, good wipr.t and | ti-rntf. itipl |?iv. ' m il lea st J iv > in tnlor [>n 1 ISW> IWif jnwlrxa ly^Tlie editor* nf ilit? August* (Ga.) iv nnti r.uiirlr, ?ill insert ilir nlo\r schrrtisentcnt | her?, o innr.a.nnd il?e Charleston Cnurir r until' }?rpt: ml. and (i.rwnnl i h? :r x: counts to the cub- > 1? iIxts for nntmcn? '< ' ZD"2.. 2 nT!B ART1 FILIAL NIPPLE. THE Subscribers have just pruchased supply of the above instrument, which as been successfully used for the last two r three years for that distressing com* iai:4t. -.ore or excoriated nipples} or hi re the nipple is entirely wanting; or hi re the rbilds mouth is so sore that it mnni nurse on the natural nipple.?The -11!iria 1 nipple is recommended by the igliest tnpfliral authorities on the subject i this country Dr. Octrees of Phila dphh, and Dr. bewail of Washington itv, as the certificates annexed will atst; to which the medical laculty of this ace. give their entire concurrence, havg witnessed its successful application. f)r ?lija?i Pratt DI:ak Sin : As I feel jt a matter of much public portance. to possess a im ans of lessen* j the terrible suffering from sore ntp; I have much pleasure in being owe ay, tliat the shield you offer for the fronting and cure of this malady, is iter adapted to the purpose than any I ic hrrtofore seen, in two or three in* nces, 1 have known thent to be used? icb satisfaction has firm r*nrrcs.i?#t ?*??! -| .-!??? rc no hesitation to believe, it will gcncly succeed. I nm so well persuaded of 5, at this ii om? ul. that, I cannot lorbear express a wish, that our City, through various AJ lothecarics, may be supplied h them. ! am, yours, &C. M. P. DEW EES, M. D. 'hiladelphia, Jan. 13th, IS3-L Washington l ily, February lib, 1S34. lavintr examined Dr. Pratt's newly in led nipple shields, and witnessed its applications among my patients he treat pleasure in recommending it derided!}* superior to a y thing prer* ly known. It constitutes a perfect rely f? r that Ciisiressii.e malady, sore >les, a disease which so frequently c is nursii'.jr wo no n. THOMAS SEW ALL, M. D. Prof. Anat. & Physiology, Ci lumbus College. D. C. he Instrument is accompanied with trd i'ir? riions fur its application, and ervstion.?!'. can he packed nj? in a II compass, cm! m pi t? enj part of lite itr\ b\ Sla?Address VOL MJ McKAIN. Camden, S. C. jj^r ws. mm ? ? P* " S p>;i(rijt? : a fresh and genuine . re . i t i Lrnflemras. Ladie* atnl I hildreiw DOTS & SHOES, r best and most fashionable style* g which ar?* a lirgc end beautiful as* wot of Ladies French, Kid, Morocco r:id I* rum Ha SI BPRF.RS. .IM.I-Irv VI .! I !?? S'lili as low \ hate o 11 l?? rn -nl | hi ;(. * market. w. li. damkls. MIS I 0??II*. (- subscriber also rr?p Tifully informs ustomcrs and the public generally, ? in ih>? i n^ in the manufactory sfegro Slioas .. pair, ami ds he has raised 10 per hoir his former price, he pledges If ?he\ shall he made of in? best nils nod in the best wo: kmanship and os :? strength and durability, hall Is u rrh superior to any *lllitl it :!.:*< ??-.arkrl# and . j w? it t?t is cugn^fd ? ? ilic raft, rianictsnrr requested to hand i measures as carlv as possible. W B P ixnite. persons Inn mg any demands against tatc ?L paid for pre en or dry hides, B liter and shoes given in exrhanpe. fl s nre respectfullv requested to rail fl| mine. Applv one door below Lc- Hj Iliipltsoti*:-' store, to the snb?cri* fl JOHNSON &, AUSTIN. Q ' rr gj . \ v rf;*n 111* 1 y of shops xri 11 bo JMj I