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THE CAMDEN JOURNAL. ? ii iiIIHi ! 11 i i '-vr _n _?? mt ,Wi M??I I? ? ^? au?nimjLLiiiuM ? 1" ?g??^a?^*??M? i iimrqjpbj?am?am BN ROBERT M KMGliT. ''ublUherof the L?w?of ihf I nitfd fiutrt. EUltcd by JOJ>N C. WE':T vol.. II. SOITII-C I ROMV\, OCI O IKK I, |Kli>. SO. ??. m mmmt m* mimV to W w ? '< Publtsfud trtrxj Saturday Morning by ROBERT ,tl'k.\l?HT, rCBLItHEK or Tilt I.AK? or TIIE f?IO> SUtiSCRN'TIONS Three dollar* a year in adrancc, or four dollar.* at the end of the rear ADVLKI ISfc.M K.VI S Inicrtrd at aeventr five cent* the aquare for the Hrnt and hall that am >unt f ?r each continuance? The number of insertion* to be nurkrd on the ; margin or t.ier will be continued and charged ac- ; cordinglv Thoae inserted ncmimnnthly 75 cent* j and montblr ?1 * qiarc for each insertion Communication! by mail to be pout paid or remain : unattended to j v .1 a d f;.v .% J fllllK eub?crib? r* are u<>? receivinga uprU of fi Knglmh (isrrii n Sc?-d? oj the grow (hoi I"\15,! which they can recommend mti great confidence to their ir.cnd* and cmtorarri, aj> being frcah and r Genuine . rnong which air the following y Larlj Dutch t'abtoape, C?'dcn (> *. ^ Ijite Dutch do (?i.?nl AiptujiPM, I.argr tarly V?rk do Curled I'aralcy, 1 " >u/?r I, at do VVuiU* Solid Celery, r Drutu.tead, do Artichoke, Mountain do le?ng Orange t 'j'rot, 4 Cire-n fi laved do Karly O-ange H'?rn do Karlr Curled -aroy, Summer lf?i?h Squash Colnart or C<dlard?, Crook .Necked do Corw-d Scotcli Kale ib o C. >rer Seed. T Karl , Cauhllower, J*?n . Wfutr Ochra. I.ale do Short do rarijr Wbilr uincou, rjfiv June leu, " l'ur[?|r eld F.arlr I lurltnn do Kite Wf"U?k>nr, do Karlv (iardrn Hot#par Karty Spring Turnip* Kcrly Daar:" MsrmwUi . I?alr Flat Dutch do Large d<? Kulv do do Bt?h ' ? # Dwirf Prolific ; Yellow MiIUti do do White ?orfolk do Dwarf tlrecn Imperial | Ah J?*'*n,or Scotch d? It->.*1 llwir' I'r >li..c do Yei.-wr iluta Baga do Karlv Sporkirtl Bc&na Ltrjr laudi-r? Spinahc | " Mootnk do Prvk Icy do do Oraif Pmltfcc. uluU do ' ,\w /leiand do Wt<tU* Kidney do a I/?ng Ill'Kjd .-cct, Karlv t'lima d-.? Kar.y Turnip do < Fine htma Pole do j Vrlloar Sugar do ! Ci-cm-c Pole do KtagUsh i ct low do Ktt.t ilwijin do French Sugar do ; I. .ng t'.-d do Mangle Wuri e!I, i.vge Windsor do Seeding Sugar Parrmp \irgtnu lf'itiin"nr do ' (?uer?iw.-y d<? Karl-. White Tufv'arora I Long Scarlet iiadi>h. Scaxti >.? ?/! I do Flint do I/mj .StiinntiiJ do do WhiU- i ortup do IK-d t"!?tii n? Onion* ?K-d do d i Yellow do do It a ? >V -iter do Ka/1 y Cabbage Head <*urled nJire. I>-.',uce IiOig ti.^vn Cucumber, White t'urUd di Ka'l d do I - r do Sai?if. r \ i j;- lib r tla>dv Tetter oo jji U? 't.-r i!r i? Oo.rh do I'rpji ';' no, or t Magnum n*:-n do L re! W'hitr Mu?tvd S?? d Fine ( ant#?'jH- Melon Large "po Nutftf.' do |/in ion 1 ig lerlt t?. (TII I * 41 f in do So III >r*Ii;?e ! . -J' I ft r i Van i* ti i iirt. ( Iltn * ? ?* I'?*r?i?a (!' Win c it-. ;a' Sra l?uu<i Wat fmri n ,? .4,J |/-if S?n* j M Cat map IVppcr Sirri ilsul ! _ T?rtul*> SiiipriJ (in i Thi mi <_ BpII <JJ [>rt-?Ti l'urplr Plant ' d ? l.t) rndcr BiMtdrti>i-o I'o! T.*?" Tart fi'itibirtt <"iintp TfJP atv>f^- 1 1 ??? < ? mtrA ? llji'f lr? tllP a'tan tic I ! %f-tj 1 ?r I'l t i {jrfu fa! ?fk o ' wll*<**i * J %l+ 4J, Ur *rj?* on iiailfi tuij ? ??d At tbf ii< a! j?ric? ?. \ ? M k A I .N 1 REU1MhNTAL OaDllK. i >< m *1 I Camden. Annus; 'Jd. l.vlli \ \ N ! rtmn ii li r< r 1 r? i i?> i>< !.< i 1 df ,t ii.p r -ji i ,:ti ?i: s i?X r ^ r ^ t: N . I (be I* .tt rDinji.iiiii s id Mm tij i't r 1 i.i;tjii"i; 'on Fm!?) ovlili S jit. ii?!?? r next, 1 >*r Mijnr X" till i't r?r? rt rr i?iDin .. bt ihc T rcMg* nlion '?( Lt. C Quittlin. II Itfi r? coiiiiiMiiiiin^ r inpiiir* will ti< caj??- I'ih ?i !cr lt< rarri.d mm < x en- a? % ^ tion and r? turns manr Id tin C'fl. Ut antiit thereafter uf possible. Bv order nt Cul.! John Chr?nut. J !> MIKKAY, Adj't ?: I KrL. S C M Evtra ? ttf tbr law governing the cl? c lion f??r That w In it tbr en mm nod ort nf Major shall bee <imr racmil, tin- f ohmi I, ami if |)#1 there be n?? t nl tin flii er next in o?tiijnnnd m thrsai ' rj*i*1 all ??rder arh Captain <?r roiuinain!- <>| a rompnn\ , Id .pj Call to hi* ?-?i?inner t'n> (.f bii -nh.illi rn ofuc? r?, ??r other fit and prnpr r prr?oiM in open and hold a poll a tin ir rr-perii/c mo?ter ground*. L i\ in- Vr:\ da\? iin'.ii e, }|r bv advertising m t? r? ptsblir plan - in tin / . "i. bound* ??f their cunma tin *a?d uinimnrr? tdinll the poll >n ?<ur ?1.?\ at ilu ir muster gr mind, fr??i? el? ven rlork in ti ? morning until liner o'clock in tin all* rnoun , ttul ?liail ni? ?-t mi tin* battalion muster cr .nn.l ..r ,,,1111 public Iumi-c m ar tlir *ame. .mi tin ,UX 1 i|| >u iii^, himI count utrr I the i"(< s a* I r|.tr?* the eIrtiuii Augu*: <>?2- ( I'or Side. r, A lnrjjr ami ' tutnixtinn^ store am! Dwelling House rutin <1. t.. uhtrh in at-' tachnl every oilier rahulatrd to .'! > c.irrv 011 ?n t xtrn-iti' tt it< I --ah r, . |(|, tail \lrrra? ttle husint on 11 r? I Sir. 1 t ii) < ,hih1 ii, m il.c rrtilrr * ( I i'miic--, j.ihI a fit allfiy pari <>( ihr l?m n. ami rll it. r- n. ' plrtf t?r?!? r. f..r trrn.i app!* H lf';* < ! ,,r :\cr , t'j< \ w'Tst *?o? Grand Consolidated lot bst. Class if l\. bo <!r??wn at Wi . ig.??n, Del. Oct 19 2 I Prize of f?0.0.H> 5 Prizes of 2..V>0 j' I " 30.000 j 12 " U.IKJ;) |J I " -iii ?r?i? 1 |.? I ,o?*? i 1 ?' 11.310 7"? 1.000 J 2 " UK) " 000 1 2 i.e.*;) 120 " 3(h> s :> " 3,000 12<i " 200 a Tickets $20 hair# s $10 quarters $.7 To for Kind at the Managers' Office, 'I 26 Broud-St Charleston, S. C. J $GFOtOOO \, Three Brizos of $.'W.000 jl rwentv-fivr thousand dollars t >ol >OJKH>. 1.1,OOOd ol lO,(HH> | All tiu aborc to be draxrn in October. ( M\ friend* cannot complain of lack of r >rizc* in this month, and t!ic only difficult <| y will he to decide in which of these t Magnificent Schemes they shall invest t heir money. To assist them wc will first I * c j^TB iUA-DiTJ'-KIi' --5T"Jf Kiixai-' I ;u.\M) CONSOLIDATED. Class A. 1 Pa be dnvn at W iln.nix-i>- ?. Del. NV cdncs lav. On ?M-r ID. I>30. I Rich anti \pint did *rkeme. 91)0.11. 0. 30.000. 'JuOoO. 11.'HO r? uf | J c.r 4.000. I 3,000. 5 of vi f >,<>< :o. i:? of 1 5 0. 75 . f I.CNNI. 100 K f 000. Sir SiC. Tickets t*nI\ *2(1 dollars. Certificate ??I' a package ?'f 'Jo alinlr ickrl* in this Magnificent "Scheme may be it ,a?! f.?r 'J?o ildjir* ? packagrs ??f halve* u nd ?juurt< is in j?r-*p ?rii<?n. ' Capital I; 25,000 ; VIKt.lSiA sl'Al'E LOTTISH Y, ; CLASS \<>. I) * r the hem fit t the T?.? a of Well* urg. T,. ? ia%** M \riiiru, Ya. .. >ntur<i , t > l I I "?<? s< UK *m. soon ' ii : to . i ' .In*). I I? ..I I ->(??. H? . i i .* H -4?. -,'U ..! 'v "|4 il. vV . \r. ir\i ? |0 <!oila.*> ? >!? .ir? ? in proportion. t. lYl i!j? a. ot 4 J?ark'?ar ol ? 11 * ! * irk? .s will rusl <?i.I\ MM dollars. Ha'irs * ail iji;arlffs in proportion. |)? !a\ nut t ? 'i .1 y iiriiricr? to Fortune's llo?m\ > * ii Mi nrnlv |>r ?< < of AO? dollars. Yl.iGl >IA MiTK L?r FliY 1; Class 11. m r tlir br irlll i.. |Y(rr*btj g Ilrnrroiit Mrilniiir \ssoriaiiou. |\. In- i!ia? n Alexandria. \ ?. *viiurli\, Ortober s. ( a*> HMI ' (I IW 0 I -J'T'f HI l I *M ' '.(HI t .'(Ml. Jc . l irI., t- lil lull I; % on A c*rri (irate n| :i |>nrls.t^?' ?f* \\ lioir Ml irU t* uiil be sent for MM dollars ? u'Vifi. Quarter* mi l Kijfblf.i in propor* mi. Orders for nin<jl?- irk.t-i?? r park. c? must be atblp **ffl y J. ^jhNer, ? f> v \ * l.?i? it .1 i? n > i . 10 prizrw ol I .<>00 dollar* \ ir^mi.i Siaic Lottery, CLASS NO 8' For thr brrnfil of |h?* Mrr' Hr- ol i Iciti Son iv ol Vnf.lL To br ilra v?n la \|i \nmlri i. Vi. S.tturih v, Orl. 22 iapitain mkki io,<>oo. ?>.?? 11. i in., 2.1 KM I. .Ml .| I .IN HI. 'I'irki l? 111 ilollar* \ rrrlilirali' (if a pack ?u * nl ?a mTioIi* kii? Mill In- s nl for I ItO dollar*. I'ark- At i i of "*!iarc? in prop iriion i?*f ri Tl?r Ureal 18 iPrairn .Vo it.C^HUM3, nil -:\K1.V AN MWV phizes as ,?1, \\ r.l.WKS. j.( IPCIVI \ <T I'B'ir K. ft I ft \ i i m ? * * w m a j I.OT'I KV NO 7 ir th> fit ii- iii til llir imi ii t>( \N In < Iiit^. i ti he liravi i ai \l- \'an 'na. \ >. ^atur'l?\ < On l?rr MO. I S II \| K. noo. i.">.(hh?. i. otH). r?.ihm>. i.ihh id nf h?. jr? of oo . jo .i rrfHi. -jo hi mm. :m I !{IM A r | Ticki l< 10 i'ullari pi \ < i rlift'Mli- i'l a pa? k ijr of M"> u 'i??lt ki I - v (II In* ?-t ri! l"i 1.1(1 i! 11 la: > ?parI, ni ?.h n - in pr "pM'ti'iii. i , ( M l.\ J'^'n:n. |!r?rhva* N V SOUMH CAROLINA, SM.mER DISTRICT. Jen miah Pitu? applicant, rs. James Brunson, Joseph Brunson, Mary irun?"n, (wife of Isaac. Brunson, Jun'r. Icc'd.) Mary Brun?ou, (w ife of Daniel j 3runson dee'd) Benjamin May, William! iVilder and Mary his wife, the children of ?. Janiel and Margaret tlollady, J. J. Brum Ion, Washington Brunson, James Brunson nd Sarah Bet rs, children of Mrs. Banis* cr. John J. Banister, and children, of |j >u*anah Banister, dee'd. children of I)a-'0f licl .ind Marv Brunson, children of Je- am roiiah and Volrntine Pills, and children s if Lemuel B. Dans, and Ma;ilda his wife lohn M. Dorgan. guardian adlitem for Minors defendants. IT appearing to my satisfaction that Mary Brunson w fc of Daniel Brunson as Inhn Hamster, lianiei noiiauy, me cmiiIrcn of Daniel ami Mary Brunson. also , he children of Daniel and .Margaret Huh adv. James Brunson, and Sarah Beers his and others if any) of the legal heirs ami ilia epresenlatiTcs of Isaac Brunson, Sen'r. of lerM Beside without this State, ll is hen-fore ordered, they do appear and ibjert to the division or sale of the real ai .slate of Isaac Brunson Sen'r on or be- crI ore tin- first Monday in ortobei next, or hit heir c incut to the same will be c.ilercd ,fl0 if record. nia WILLIA M LEW IM, ,lh, Ordinary S*. D. |,ai July 30?27?h * l|f) uAKDi^N Li i t Ors .>aui. ill 1' llluii.siU.N. ./i""",' IthUH uir iAt j0ttuU'lA? ,axi? ,uu L.tiiUAOt icc do Uo I'utvii ilu r.alil llitr iH-ld do do ?>u^ax Jo4l do Uu Lull d d<> do i > do Sii..i.m r Anil ifu.u .itiu ?lu cr<?. a. btts do aw 04.UI dj Cr<*j\ nets Lasuaw, r.v.i oi iwitj; iioca Cuouiuocr, */gr I, tig o.voy d? Uo a: i i/iiiU t.Ut.uuHi r. <;?.?!, Uiffsin*, 1 m < at<* dj {tor tojaic#, i y 1 ! ii < P, Ur.,f^'u .?r L' ijcn o j>, ,vi t?Uud Wjlrf i!< !j.i j "i? (a ia|x.'fior Kim! , ?< > .*,**.i.^ II ilMI', mcdcd j,' uu r \N < i' .. riiuK >?.a i.i* it ; u ii , 1 . In I a *r. * a jiclu iJ** |?ar? i**?i I ^ ill I ni .1 ?l I i!n , . a.'nJ ^ II -> ? it II t, .?il';?i? till i i."" uu \ i--i i<.m* o? ?ici, .. .. ?;i.J .SiLuiJ./". 1 * . ah. i.n- vi in-u, !r4. .. n. iYt?;?cr, * VV* : ... *.w"._iu, jyuiii* tin " w> muiij ..ii m!|i i-.mato*.-* t*'t' *.,< i .4.U.I i. .s(.iii.,r, i, .'?iu i i"i, . i.i ( * * i. -.i i i ?i*. ?, r a .. do ui,i) tl li'll | ' '? i.i" 'kti, Jijjp, ?? i; . l>....*; i tiii.i.i tirii i*!?ivcr .'iTi!, lid ??# > H* 'i'? il*i w till.- >U:tuttUi i'KAS ojj i?i*?-ii itu tv&riv JuiH- do r angir iVi.fijrlor CsiaxU-Un do ?i.i . vcatcil# do fiojjaf do ^ 1 ? ..111^ i lillilji, ii.>:i.'j*i pfuilUC u.i.'l do Inf urftiy i U-i f. fil .lluUiWk l?'?ll?, ( )cl ra ?r i ar/ .t, do v umi ilntil ilu U^ Jn..Uirl U.\ liir- i 1, d . vuiiili K iUI.C^ do lull loji Co do do i.war! do ' .noli do .-kiijici lof u (nlr [Mi.r d<> ilo nijj biKk mnlrr do \ t/irjjatrd Craiibcrf r do p , ilil.' I 11(111(1 d" I.i. .ia do v(,j| ?; ! I ?Mugi- llrjd Ki i? ru?e rora Lofii l.t.1 I l/l K do .* ?,'?( do J | a ^ mini llojiu... d? ' do t.oidcu S.oui dw v4 lil '.ic K. ltd for Al.'tt, l'aiii|iulr!*> on ?arr/niiii?. I * a.. i ;... .it l x ;, l an?u i t ! . ? am ii at. J l:n- ad la. ?-tit > nji.l't, lo af lln- ami all u?j / i hr all *tf .Vrdi lfr ttatrwlcil Siiou'.d an v r find tiirm *<!ln-:\i i?r. allcf a tiif l.-ia!. ollirfi il l? ^itrii in tin if (ilacc A i ?dl SI JI s r KKCUIV KIJ, ri I , X l.i.l.'? K. ? 'rout 1 ink a ml t hilnii lf)hi(iy u? a 11 i.i. m rri.* uK ami ^ rt r * 11 . w WM I. "" rriirli ?V i)imli?*h i hniiicnU, i,r Pfr Tu^? ih. r Willi a I U<m ami 1 .ifunit aiwirl tf)o fill *1 ('ujipinjj nnti llntmaiu /ii>truiMtntt niptrtur t/uni-fi/, iJi*<m r\ my ihr afi<*t>li?>ii ol ^ ihi.u'h at well at f?r ic iiioii.t? ^ Dim: l ? ?I.?/ IU:V\OI.!)S. __ < AKPIvNTIWS rinitl to tract ar*a|>arilla. I.Mr >. i ii ic.lui, mm* i J \tr . i Ru mil, -i fiji l.i?. r.i ifi, it?i l.-r - _ii -i in rifni, it ilni I I * >1 ( In i, 11 tuiit-r"-. i.rn i- .r, Hi.: in I'll!-. I?i?i?- ri-iI li.ur Dvr, j i. In .y l.i.j Mil. ri'' if*.ii iiiMtilil- iiiiij i t|?ii> if.uii linen Dc.iiiijj'i t iiH'ui, |<ir Wli llillllj l.f'.k t'l lull I A I' J . Ill's I I il I'rmi! irni?|i \|, ? Jvil Kriltit, xp 11I i- , (iiHii ,\r itm . (iiuii Sfiu'^il. Arrow yi*r>. - !. I l r ?i i iiiuUc I' i-i ' i ! u I ^i/i'ic'i-t if ii i" I i <! ? l.nj.i??rirr .mil (), urn ?l?? I* |>|??r- a r< lit <!'* Kini'iiriiil rlil Urnii/.r-, and a r\ri i i? "I SiimhiI In-u .I'lirii:-, jn-i r< mud the I il l?>r *al. V, YOI\\(? iV M K \ X. | J. Mirrl. |,\ i-:ir. I X !l(?U: * olio ?'>>';i v\ (?ilis. r ii<> i.iir ills' ( i 1 n(n^ tlirir <;,! , rr ml li\ lli#* m?Ic n?., f v, <11 f.inlri a lav-r I.? mi? ? Ihrm 1:1 a? > ir!-. - j.r ~t n!i!f. and tlm* at (' I nn "( |"?rliiiiii> en !_; nrli in ?Iiir limr < lip-, v. nil Mi . i I *> ?! jil i',< i! v? nv ?. . n lian.i *' " " I I'.. . !.v JOHN UOUK.MA N , \ ' /- >' ''''' bee 723 S7233?.:33?. 'pn* I\S just receiver! a fresh an<! genuine as?orlmcnt n r Gentlemen*, Ladie* and hi Id re n* mipJ OOTS & SHOKS, in? the best *n?! most fashionable style, jc^aJ ong which are a large and beautiful as-l n tment of Ladies French, Kid, Morocco!,nSand Prunella j Ajcc SLIPPERS, fe The above articles sh?ll be sold as low thev have ever been soi l in this market, j uri W. B DANIELS. ;Ca?t L.'frust G?if. Lain The subscriber also respectfully informs jxj customers and the public generally, I he is now engaged in the manufactory Cui Chi< 1 [ w Flak rJegri Lhoes $1 a pair, and as he has raised 10 per f*art it al?<?vc his former price, he pledges SQlf nself they shall be made of the best ^ trnals and in the best workmanship nner, and as to strength and durability, Pali y shall b** much superior to any that Tain i ever been offered in this market, and I inferior t?? any that is engaged in the 7^ ne craft. Planters are requested to hand A their measures as carlv as possible. l'on W B I) wfh,< .ARfiE uwrlnvnl of iloll't I'alrnl Pr'" i?* ?. cruHk anil <;n?t?*. n>v!?*\i ordrr t,V n'v >i tin .1' .c ii.ii' ni^, !jf S.Hiiiim A A "OD" ln?-r. 1.* lit it. !* :.??*. tr?l i?y I'r. II r: tr.cli .? Dt/"r lilv ii|'[ir< i<*il "I tn Cii?* Nr>v ^ ?ri? prartricncn *T c if i-. h.* :* * " ItrlSj ili i^rl.Vr, and ^ * ?? . murh '.4r /icw.mIt ! r? -ortJOJ U> 1,1 4 n * 'Jv it? i^jilniiuii, tin* wrart-r* arr at i< ii> til !.*.<-it jjrcai 11 I'i'iitrliiri.rr, nfit! c*ia!tJrd . .liinr t|; I Urnn Klltilt TtH*?!o?c 1'iu***^ ,r ' j-j*t .r?*t?lth? u ??-iiU-r'?o??n election. will tn* kmI i:ntt?U tiiv low w lc ,^rr a White Lead aiul olour*. LAK ?i ??l (hi*r art !r? ?:;r? c t fro:? ?. * > *urc \ hn ?i>4v.ufart.?n. \*f?n*h ?.j* 1 .ill idhrr- i!?:h?'Iinr ue a* ?! 1 rvi-l t ? \ jf * Uft .? i ;:r(- ' u i A? r jn h*,J ?. . tj|? ^ , Miti'Ir <411 fit. ,t \VM M\V?Un> * W.vo? O N // |\/i *'~ 1 A gt. >1 .upjilt WIN I MI IV l.LA--. nr? """ivot'icf. ~ ? 1'HF. vjUcrilK-r m retting .a Liter) iTJl ntilc m Sunil?T% illf, and will I* rradt !.? r?*i*i*piifiu til I! ?r?u t b\ the lir?l oj i??!wr n? \i, iii>I tlie ath*nti?n of all W NJ m mm mm mmd m m W lit-* tt)viru??ciiu*ni. iinl ! ? ixji up th?-1r t ' II) Alt r<t t with vim. a" tin* i?cM at>?fiiti?*ri will hr if ilicin. ami rtery assistance afforded in ,i:r 1 1112 ihetn; In* will -ibo kt ep i I s r l.>rj?i louse of lMitiTtummcnt h?*l tu:i, these who brm* iheir Hnr?e* to hi* stihle w?>u! JOHN I) BOWEN. Bill.. Spptcn'xT '] dl -en ft "' the I j\ l I'MTEu MoTKL. 5 1IIK Nub*rrihrr iiif-rnis hi* friend* at ami ihr public, tint In- has taken ill* use formerly occupied h\ J. (iuoilm&i. u,r:" I more recently l>v J. J. Kxiim as * *'r!u . # ituir ti l in ihr luun ??l Camden, anu near Court House, where lie is prepared t" inrar ive rompa i\, ami Halter* himself that *e who faV r him with thrir C--mt>on\ ^ ^ I he satisfied with their nrroinmoila- l*tr<i is. A. K. Itl'FFI.Y I' ? < lav U3.?'20:>tf P,u"; Wltfu T,1 I latin's Hotel f,r,jd; l)r nf;#,.##/*. *. r. J tntlrj *<tuth ?f i h*rloih, .\ (' ??n the Camden po?*'' riHid hilila rr< tin' Kiili*rriln'r ?*??i?Ii 11 ??** hi* ltou?r '?unc bitpriaiumrti!, having l>tiiit a nrtr house, * " r ?I* I r tli acfmmtxxlaiiiMt of strnnrnnn< i. lit ti* hi* able In rcmlor hi* rortt rnin(i?rtah|p anil happy. ami ?*??lii~it ? S<>utl intjnnanm ??t" furmrr p.iit linage.-- N ? ,rf. 1 it i i . turns shall In* wanting nil the p.irt "I Siihsrrihrr. IV D\VIM H .GINS i> ?" II. Mr ( . Winjjrt. rnv n-jrnt lor llir 'r'|(n^ , u ill bt- in rmisiani attoinl.v?ci\ flu I) 11 al tlir ? Cai It \ NK m;"N< V ? . M VTIIFSON tcmlrr* Ins service* jjint f"i 11an*?a? t?i'it I'u5;:ic*-s a' ihr Fk. in I '.v .!? n App I | 7"'? ' " <if NI DK llNEs. ""HE Subscribers hare jnst received and nou- opening a luli assortment o( Medi s from the North, uhich can l?e rocoin ded with great confidence, as far as reds their purity and genuineness, having ii purchased from one of the oldest and it respectable houses in Philadelphia.? sicians, Planters and others, are reques10 call, previous in laving in their summer pies, and examine the quality of those r ofiered for sale; which we feel confide n ramming and giving satisfaction to pur sers. itnong those lately received and now open are the following: >ho), Sub. Carb. Soda, jnr Oil, Rhubarb Hoot, rnce, do. Calasara Bark, jleSoap, Lobelia Herb, ix, do in Powder, try Opium, Slippery Elm i ark, ipbor, do. in Ponder, anel, Eng. Bole Armenia, limnn f-rriiind VlnatirH. res, Powd. Cinnamon, Root, Arid Lemon Drops,. jot. I Florida Water mde of Soda, Kidder* Ind. Ink, tr Manna, Carpenter s Sarsaptrillt Myrrh, " Ext linchn d. Gum Arabic, " Pink Root, >. Iron, Compd. Cub. 6c Sarsa>h Quinine, parilla. Morphia, Toliu Balaam, tatr, do. Kreoot, IN, Genuine t eam Oil, (not r. Cubebs, perfumed.) lartnd*, Naples Soap, er a Magnesia, Musk S<>ap. ic Acid, Macc. Snuff, aric, do Hair Powder, &C. Sfreat variety of articles too numerous to mcu, in additioo to the above, a full assortment of :b will always be kept on hand. YOUNG & M'KAIN* 3XD LIVER COMP LJIXTS. lR PETERS* VEGETABLE f STOMACHIC.E LT I1EPAT1C.E, forml y Cn/minl analysis and yulbeaia of srverarxa'.t vrgrtabic punciples, are universally acvleugeu u? hare totally eclipsed the preten* iot every other remedy, and suijiercrded the ssity ot every other mode of treatment, rever Use above disease are found to exist ell as iu t::c enlargement 01 iuc jptecn or.a tumdict luong the *rmptoms of Dyspepsia and Lircrplainls, are Vlatulcncy , sourness ot buntin* in ilomacb meiancholy irralibilily, disagreeable ' in the mouth; rreat irregularity ot appetite. :ii u xmM'Uuirs vunciuu?,ind at other limes llj deficient, thirst, teild breath, naurra, kurn oi the stomach, acid eractations, palpila, drowsiness, irregularity ct the bowels, pmon tiie sinmacb alter nirals, pain in the head, moss or vertigo, contusion ot mind, attended i loss of memory, a gnsaing in the stomach ii empty. dullness. afTeclion ot sight and hearps:n an.} weakness m the bark, iangour, disr<i slerp, c.ilil l?-et and bands. trcn.ur, oncssiiii the lhr??t, chough jum in Lr.c side or d, Ac :ese medecine* have been found so effectual in ting the complaints l.?r which thrv in> rrcsn* drd. lhal physician* frequently having c.\trd ail their skill, to l.ltJc or no purpose. Ui( C b'l LKS Auti Bilious {'ills. lepills are c?>nip<-?eu entirely of vegetable er. and wneu taken according I" the direction* <> acc?u jMiiy tliei,., are (uglily bem-tu lal in u< ami preveiiliou i s.l itiiioiis complaints act r? uirpoii the liver, ub'ii m a il onduioo, carry .n^ oil a large quantity of Uir?ug.< U?e iiiliueiice ot the i iceiDi ni it >u tu ten.tin in the system, d produce cither Jaundice. Liver Complaint, >u* Fever |Vier and Ague, or sonic other reus ocdilv allltcvi. u In a i cases ol torpor of tuwein, they act like a chatin i an anti dyspeptic and dinner piil they arc no ible Many persons v?U?> were subject tovio Hack* ? I k lindache hate Ixen pericolic J in a Jew wh ks l'\ their line '1 h?*w ? ho ate c. '.nit complaint. !<a *u ki.t a* ikiu j |- it. it f I. i ilin .> 0 w dap prr> l-i ii i><>aio i.< v??im-I. uill !? a! Cilia.ii I" ijiapi- it Kru.atr* tan u.i' tlrni p?Ti.-d?, v? ..n-'Ui incurring an\ risk. IVisCici i ufi.i i * ..ito-ru rlinutr, shoUid bi all i? t-ikt ii-ntr o. these pills w ith liit-in fhnir it m!I remain niiimpaited tot \t art m an> c!t V* lai.iiiv should l? with.lit these pills, a un of them, t<i 11 occasionally, would In* the is ol preventing tuuch suth ring Irrin sickner* roin 11 ?-glee 1 ol keeping up a regular peristaltic n ol the stomach and iK'srh, thus suffering In . rbed and unngicd uith tin- blind; unawttnitluid*. that iiiihii diseases arc pr-dtjeed Dr rU confident that no person who gives these a lair trial, will ever alter I'rcl willing to be ml litem. icj c..ntam no particle of Mcrcurv.or any in nt that dues not art in harmony with health pjliiSC dlSCSM*. I' w ishes it particularly understood that pills possess lM-i.? tir lal qualities independent ?ir purgative effects. tliri are both Ionic and ilruetit. artine upon the secreting and exholfunct.i'ns, thus strenethcning the patient, r?*t!?f>vr <>|.*trurti' n* Medicines u hich *? n>? other, excepting cathartic qualities. dote the patient. and their repeated use lays that 1stmn ot a touj catalogue of Chronic diwaI" havrj I rcn educated ut.dor the moa rn' A't-er-rsn anil lltircpran it edienl ppdes and praeiin <i It ?? profession many yearn in the , ? lierr (i ? .-!?< s nt the moat t bnlinatr el.mac* nerail. r.-nsid-rn himself well qualified fo ..n iIk nature ??l diseases incident to warm * h pared and n?ld In Joseph I'mcmIv IVtrr* V h>? Institution fnr the cure of < h?t r.n'e din. I?v means nt vegetable r.vnedic*. ><> !* ? ly trrt. Now ^crk. in\rr>??r r.nil ff'r proKxrh b 'X <*r>nlA!ii* 4i> pj;s ptirr f?0 rfrt>. [* aihivi* valuator Mrtliotpf" nnv K' -l"'itinod Dmjf 8tnr?? ?(>r.N(i A M KAIN. nilon, Via? 7. 1 r ytsi ir *nlr> .">0 f>-1-'> *!-? prirrK Son] Rvc. iv m sn \wo\. Co i:-'n