University of South Carolina Libraries
THE CABIDEN JOURNAL. bV KOBKRtIuKNId?T. inblUbrr of the L?r? of the Itilled Mntrs. Edited by JOHN C. WEST v?i,. Vi. ( A MHTII-CiKOIJVl, KEI'I'EiriKK Jl, IW?. .to. as. M ? /\ w ?<1 a ? aa MIMaU V. ??a'? aa utal V V w a f a i aaaaM a /*? 'iltjhtd rr-'ry "ialurtluy .V.jrnatj / / KOiis:c; r ^B<*tsT, roitu?MI.K or Tit i : v a - i t r >; i ; m >* si . scran u0?s Three dollar* a year in advance. or f? ur dollarat the cud of the \ '-ar \!)V f.ISTlSKMKNTS In*rr:~ ! it <-ri*nv.- fiv<- r -r. t ?<??! -c f?*r t !< *u?i ti-i I ii'. 3 i. .i i . i .nir.u i >< T:i" iu :i ' of ncrti >ii t !? "... tnar^iti or t cv r. !! i>r r'c d r.n<J riiir ? i a<-. cordnj'r ]*!i r '.'( i) 7.* z.r.1 'iii!? ! . j s if r i- ii C'lui niiu. t<i;?'?c ji ,n I if tf.n: n'.rrtdrt! i. > c- e- a V P ?> r- T * ? n f! # .' it 1 J)j I ?, a. ar F5T^?;t ?'il-?rr r? .?:? i?.v> x s s ?u;m v of I hi . . .. l. ir. . i > v- sl? I-rj. vx b:r :, . 2 . i .< r.<J u.! i ^ i- . < i?< r to ttivir if .1 . irati > t;?i* ii? r?. a> !? .nz ?? ?a Jini 2hrnu;t?* ?!.< :; r < 'hr ,:.j Lirly Dir. hi Gvilrn ? ?. l?2li- [tuicii IiuiK \?;ii a Large Kariv Yuri; >" ' u. "<i i" < ). ' .">u^ar 1. -a. 4 ( firry, Larip* i)ru;uh?*aJ. 4 ? Da .'t . \:tn-.i'>kc. Moar.Uio d i i. j I "arr??i. Gr fill li.a'eij ?j<? l.j i >> 1: i, i lorn do Kar.v Cmlrii -jt'ii . > ; !! .* 1? ><ju3Ah Col wart or ( l arii#. (*r<? i. in k- d do < *url'-?J Sctitrli rwaU- il< <1 I over > ?i. i*-. i ... ... | V\ I.,;, i >? .ira ?-<*! J J " * v f I .air (]" >.< > ' 0" ' Kafir Wh.V Kar.v Jun?* I'riv * i'u: . J> K*r ? (."(lirl'.'O Oj l'?nr l?.*i ?i > Ks'i . < a liut?j.ur Klfi % S,? ' it ^ i?:. f. r , |l*jri at l?*lr Tial [hi.i .1 <: 1.1 J'- d < Karlv ' (i > l? ?.i j? ? Ujt .*! Prolific Yr'hw MsiU** ?1 ?lr? White i? ti ? liar""' a! Alfrd<*cn. or >r ' . K mi! S>?-; l'r !? .c do Yellow ii-j-A ?i-? Kj.*Iv >,-ck:< d ileana l*?r^r ; lant^'fa ?>jimailC tl.xjittA ?1o I'r.cte lr? tio <J?> I > a<t 1 ; -i :v. r. i!t> Nrw /??'t4flvi ti? IV ?ilf ?io IajO'* Ci'.r ! . cel. Kaxlv ' tl" Kariy i uro:("? ?! ? f\n< l,:iua i"?>!r cf?? Yrl!?.vr <!'? l':ilr*rr (!?j Kngli?!i A i K*' i ?lr-^an Krro< U S.)?-.r Ci 1. I*.-rj ?'o JMaojlr ^ ff". I \\ . r i!u S??ci;in^ X" .J-lf i'.i-*-:. p, \ : I! .. -nv ?i > * ( '.<* .!* . <! l.irii ?'? .i.ll i u* ifoja l??ox S*" <* ' : t Scarlet * j ?rI j? < > flint ai ? t I .1 . < , , ,. ~ WhiU* J ?'. > K?-J I'iin! n- Oni<>m Jt?nl <i ? 'l rll .? ?;.i J ? IKarW W i*t c' ? Laiijr !!? ?<! (Jurtrii I/ON* n V 1.1,'jrf, WJjslr < .'!? J ?'. Kirlj ?! . ii |'?- t'.i fc>ainf. t \ , ;? U'-> < i i a'-f v T'-*trf ()i *' r li'iiin I ?uU fi t'x rcrr'JT'3"'- ?* * ^* '*<1 n ' > t ?. inl/> * i! Fuw ('?ol?'l"f>r .Mrl in I - NuluW^ <1 ? 1 . ?)'.' I ' * ' i K iif^rn 1 Iron <! > > ii t!> < i i Fi#i* Apjv1 < ? K ! ? jr n > <;, I'mun '?'i ;,,'r i S**a ?\ ?li fitirlui) i<r>?sd l/^at Oa*rnn?* iVjijirj ) SnitI Hazil Toiniloi*iSttl|M'd cJ<? I'll. Hi'Ilrll <lo J?*rr! Ma tor am I'uiplr r.zz riui i c?> (.atniacr j l'.ij *<4<i True Tart ltiiol>ari> ' ('atmp Thl* ai> >vr rj ' t -- .I ' t fir! r I! '.'r li I '.r 5 wn.iiritl .,t _., >! ? \\. 1 . -.'*1, Whir !l U I ! l*. 5 j !? IK k< [>' *1 111' . 4*1*1 111 * t I lip pr?f ? VUl'.MJ ,\J KAlN KEiilMKNTAL OUDKH. / Camden. Au?n-1 i!?l. v AN ?'!? r ; !.< : r! \ < n.i i? .:*,!< I < I ! at t!. r ; c:i\ ? inu*?l* r <jrnuinisi?f thr i? 1'. ?'" !.j> 1 hm ? iti t!i< u|>]*? r J?.iM::Ii<>ii On I"iwla\ the S? pit iiiImT ln \l, !<?r . r t hii > ^r*i < \ rramwii In ihc rfM^.ii.i.'li "i li. c . ill ii11 li. Oflicrfi rniiiHidiuJliig r.-iii ji.iiiiri uill caUM'l!?is iirili r i*i b< rarrx il into i\?rution ami ri tnri:^ riia<!r l.? tin (Jul. as m?oii tbcrraliir a* |?u>mlic. 15y tr>;ir of Col John Cli' kinii. J. I) MI'KK VY. A(!j'i !!?- s < y\ k\uj . I tin- Liw jjcucri tog the ?jc ctiun for j??r That w in 11 til" rmiirr * 1 M <i >r <ha)l h ?T'?:iif \sraut, tin- 4 *< i t. t: < J a .unj j? ihrrr fci: no (" '! thr i?r?i* rr i.? \i :;i cornrnainl in il?r- ?u r> <:11?.f nt -!i . , r?'i r i ii < * til a ill <>r all'!? o t a i > . i; \ , tu call io !:>? stance t*>vu <<t m- m ! ai*.i rn officer- r "tin r lit Kti i )>r ;>< r ; Phiiia ;?> open ami i n .i ; >11 at ;i 11 . ? muoJer ?rnt;n<.i'ii i? : :\ \ - r:i?:irc. hy acJverliiin^ in t'.r< |-?il*in pluc< ? m the hound'* of their r unman !; tin -an! manager* *!ini! hold the poll on one ?!.?\ r iht ir inusl? r groUini. Irofn eleven Ii'riork III tin mornins in.ill ihire o'clock in ihr ntti r noon , itnl ?hall t::? rt < i Ir I?ali 11?^?i? muster ground. <tr >??tnr jniMtr !i??uin ar l!?? sain**, on t'ir tin\ !> !!< u i. nixl roimt uv?r llip ?.iu < ami ?!??r|,trr the < Ic'.inti. Ancm-t i?? j-* I4"or S;i |r. A !.1 p ami c >u>ip > ':> x- s;? rr anii Dwelling House i::, w t. ul.irli - altaclud < vcr\ i tlirr Imh , .t ! 11>1 c?rr\ on an r\i? r-it p wlxili | r, . tail Mrrrantill miim >s, on I.r ?i in ( aiii lf n, in j',i renin <1 .* iit? - . ; i a In ?h!>\ j : } :'ie i ? n. anil all r< i . I . r h ri.i - \ i: . jice \ -M New (/opnrliHTshi|). > U!K undersigned. having on tlx* fir ? i:iM, 3.wi u< .J ihernsrlve.s in tlicMer-j uitih* htivjnr?- under tie- firm of m A ? a?' I ? C'< M W a/Mas W * < ^ llovjwcifulh soiieu.s Irom the ronnuuniiv,' in) p riiriil-rl) iho f< riw r customers of 1J. Lr.vv, a continuance ol the liberal patronage i \trm!r<I io iiini. ;.nd uhicli it v. i[] In* then <H'l?-!?f rto merit: i!;? v intend purchasing < < > 1 I < t.\ and other produce, lor u lx*v \*ili gi\c Jhe II Hi 11 ' !>'!' prices. 11 U.VY w. i: iii;g[;.hj.V. sVpt .] :V2. "V ?\r .. \ .? 4 ? V fu ?;*ii V'ooi>s. Fiji. ;n?wnber<i are :cnr opening " riioicc . -s-iriiic'ii: ..I >i:\IiI.i: (iOODS. uhtcli tlm*. o(T? r 0:1 t!i?* uvrst rcasouablc n rm>?, r\>u-:*i!r)?' in jnrt f : V, OULKNS. LO.MM>\ DFFFII. DLANKKrs, Mackauan ?]<> do Superior ;i!iJ comui ;i MXiltO LI.NSI'.VS Sujw rItn Loudon liluc. Iliac*. ilrowii. Njjwtlron, Viiil?:, and Mivd ( LOTUS. ! Su|H:r Sinf* <1 and I'Lid CASS1M LKF in Huclokin, do I'Jjin. Striped and I'Lid SATTIN'KTS. White, Scarlet &. Yellow FL \.V\LLS, \c i.oons. (kI Jaco'nrd Figured '<i F.ll! NO, (\ ne?v ar 1 ?v I.- ) ' -1 Pino. and Fnncii .M!* 1LINO.S, ( i ?<" k and c.'i ?r 'J ? hI " M? ritio ( I Jit AS> !fl\^ I II r-.lorM Ilia. * ai! t "luj' d lit) M ti \ i 1'S ti 1 Sij* r Uuck Pd l*<! J?AZA.Y.N. \\ i>r-t -<i III ? <i *vc. ( o r i'O.N t iOO DS. Silver Fancy t'ALi* OllS. ' Mi rui do ' till til) do " T< u iti rsi.?j <!o " Fr. iir i do ami (.'onim'n Furniture do. Plain .n<! Plaid (??.N<iU \ iIS. Colored fin. iri X F. nLx^v.l < AMPItlCS. Mitliuin and Ji k >nct Ml ShLN'jj. .Mull and Stt'n* do. SinjMtl ami I'lalu ("A f>IvI S. ( aniline. Di'iuiy and (' rdril t O \ PS, Color d and \V..ite Ixmon mwmmu cvc J JNK.NS. I l I nth I.1NKNS AM) LAW NS ii S*n t \i j ,!jii 1 ).i m k N A I'K I \S. I " Ihaj* r iV I .iu' ti C unl.ri .* liDRFS. il(iMi.>TI N. :l-1 l'ri(U :i Si 1 lie I I.Nil. 1-1 do do .VI do SIIF.F.TI ViS A-1 to "? I . leach d SHIKTi.NijS SIIFK TINUS Apron CHUCKS and Plaid HOM.SIN .NS Mix'-d CMTTO.NADKS. ! Ciutoii Fl. NNK .Slum" nil colored) 1-1 ami <?-. uKUl 1( k>. iNc sil.K cool)-. 1W-M Mark r.alnn l.LS I'RI.NCS. (i'r.1 l>c S\\ ISS. ' J'lain and I inured -ll.KS ScttM)?? Silk and T??*t Handcomr Finn Silk SIIAWI.S Flag and Bandana HA.NDivKKt H1KFS. SjMuJcfn Id do lilac L lyr.c ( (?!?>r? d I*( I N( 11 I .S Hlack arid ("o!??r< d Siik < i i.< > V US III ark 1 .tli;ri I "K A Y A 1'S Sdk IIOS!:. (plain and ril?l?cd) &: c. V\ my coon-. liand?orar Worked Iu?lm t 'OI.l.A RS do do C M'Fs. do do and I rdl'd do Blond LA< F and Thread FlMil.NCi BohlllCt I.ACF. do M X ) I I \(I. SwSiri|H- Ml I.I.N J I,inn .SSi, IK ?M. I'lack hpun >ilk Kln-uc do ?.1 /,>0A romplf'r assort twtit r#| r\uri/n\<.. Of tin* n?Mvc*t and tnoii approwd pattern*, ami colors wnrrcntrd I ALSO. An cxi cii>i\ < iisMMHiii nl oi GK(>( SA DDIiKIJ V, II ABtim AStl^ BAOGINC & . ItOPil. FI R & C'LOTll 1AFS& EATS, Willi many other article* lor ?ale l?v u;\w ?v iii fiiiso\. i Septpm!?er A? ? I NOTICE. Thoso .u?M?tP(J ir. \] I "a<k ill A Ur??wr. "it' or trrotint. lor I^M J ati'l ? ^ro r,%<t i t< ! t<> in.?1%' pavr< w, a it ( ?!. r (!'!? 'o f I .? ? tlic tlit; n>:it ' rP r m i nskijj.. "V f.? ? II f SOUTH O Alii) LIN A M .Willi HI ST 111 (T. Jeremiah Bill* iij>j>licaot, ^?. James Brtm?on. J >>' ( ' Crimson, Marv Bnins-n. (uiicol Isaac Crimson, Jun'r. ilec'd.) .\Lii \ Crui:?on. (u ifc of I) Branson <'re '.) C* :.j-jc:r i May, \\ ,,.i;ini M ii'irr iirl Man !?: ? ni :: : < i.ililrcn of i/anifl an i i -r _;a. "t i tciiaiiv, J. J. Crimson. Via*.lie ? :i .Jri;n???n, J aloes Brunson lii.i Sarah '?. rr?. . iiii.iroti ol Mrs. Ban isit .!<< t11 .! i-.i .?.? r. and rhildrcn. r>f" > :v<nah i> ?ii I -: r. deo'd. children of I)ai:t 'I iia?* M.?( v jirsi.'.MHj, children of Jt-rrioi.ii) and* and children ul ij-iHii-I 15. Pur!, *i'l Matilda his wife ; .1 hn M. i \'ia:i aciiiteizi for! Minor# cii'lVij'lanis. 1 *1* aj?: ri <^ in :j y rilisfaction that1 Marv 15runs<>:i w t?* <>i |l*ui??| i'runsnn John IJaui-tii. Daniel U.-dady, the chil-l ilren of Daniel w! Mny Hrtmson. also the children oi Daimlaud Mar-arcl Ho|lad\, J.ime* Drum-on. anil -Sarah JJeers (and otners if any) of tin* lecal heirs and rejin sentatii cs of iininsrin, Sen'r. iler'n iC< -itjt* without tins Stale. 1: i?. tin r? lore order* d, thai iJiry do appear and uhiect to iJ:** ?!n imoji or sale of the real t.-tale of l<a sr Drunsnn Sen'r on or hefore the first MoiuJay in ortohci next, or their e -ii-eut tu the same r.iiJ he entered of record. wimj.W; M:\MS, i ) r'i t rt rtr ti V /) * i/. July 30?*27?h i 4?A <JJL' ???a si/j4 A tt ^ p, ^ t h? .s \l.i. tit i I Hi iit.N i U.N. Jii-x,' tCStttA ait ihr JimIoici*^ -srii I orx ? .uui.Ui !. |re Co uo t'ui'it do i?.Ir- (lead Uu C Ou^ax ioai do uu V.titi a ?Jo do ?:o &Uioui? r i>oxii i>l?l Acrll I .<t A<t <)<i Co i ;<aiL ttt-cx do l?au i'u.ui tio Cr-iox ut-cx V. 4*tiaw, Itlit'il ti.-iXni Uj 1 .oili# lift i ll i. U'-Uiultef, jjf ?.t?^ iJtVii) d>? utiij do i.t..a f, t tiLXIt titjrtXtlU, i-tli U j ^tuS jnctitt.j \N ttU- iWoCoil, <?t-o/J.A of tVoicti Ot a I viand iti'T Melon Lulrntto, (a >Uj>cno( j hatit II KMr, .* t-t-OfU <Jo Kuu i>a?a. ?r Vt iitirr liUorl, in j? itutui do )i<>r |?v?( tun^) J -iJ ,?ullti|Jk ):cld do l^i^r ,ij uik M>'U'U LtUr ^ 1*1 UuU'li (Jo Louii i.i|< do ;Vxiilirn 01 cwtcti do .*oUitf? do lcioit* nana do % r^v-uoie Ujrftsf, ICJI'KCC kitld ) .J.aiufuojl, llr(l iiiu ..iU" UJllVll, l-a/j(C lie ? I Ji ilitc l.U^oail .iiikUIU, > lit line ilJ lltun it do ikouinl i uiiloni l.ii -< i .in0c:* ^ tii.'ik'ii i ii ??, lioUllO ll ' ' 1 |'|W ' * ' ^ * i I ri'Mi du i iiiiiO i iiili'j, c o /.liiijiil do ioJ.U LiliilJ, J<oiio O our S*4^f, l*u.j i.?i?t uiiiiji iicvl ll? O C'loTrr ?rfd, do jrijow do do >litiu?i!at laonjj oi'-od flu toll)' Juju do \N or'.:ci or ' " ClUi'lrUn do l.arlv cv:a:< itj do >u?ar ?! > Swelling lai%iup, lluuo|M pfvliiie d?ari do tiu<-ni*? \ Uu Mtilian* tkani, Ufa ? arr>?t, do I lima dwail do Iajd^ .vailcl K.VUIMl, do while Kidtuj do Shfit toj? do do do dwarl do ? ? iim>n do Suj?r(iof ?Into |?uo do (nark winter do \ aiK-galcd CrnnhcrfT do \\ iuU- lomip do I .no a do CakUagc lirad t.a 1} lil?r,tora L'ofil l.t. I'ilCh do J'ujn do Magnum H*num do , do lioidru S?oax do \? choice Mad,J ' Al.-'l, l*nui|>iilrt- on li.irr/riiini;. I It* 11. a - I. . I .* K *.; !*r , ; . f? ; ; :!:<t(i j. i lin* iVn and !.'.? a.: ? . al l uiiutti ( ncaf t-?? ?iuir iali lildr i - I'h ? a1'* . < Scrdu a?r vrirra/ilrd Should anv <ilie iii,?i i,n at w :?? , a!l/ r a !a.' 1'ial. other* will U- gircn in Uicif place .Nov. til. Jisr KtiCUlVHD, I.N i.X. ? (UilihK. From -V. iorlc and Philadelphia, a 11 i i. m ri'i.v or Ma't w Q Cv French A !ln^li?ili (lirmirah, Tog? ihf-r vt11h a h'pr and various assort meat <>1 t 'tipping ami ilnnnnin InftriwirrUt of >upmor quality, dcMTVing the attention o! Untitles ai well as pracuuoncr? <d Medicine Dec Id- 11.1/ KI A .\ OLDS. OAlM'lvMKirs Fluid i> tract vir^iparilla. I'.xir u'l Huciiti, Lurnct J dap. 1 xtr.irit Bu Arnul, S\rap I.n'Twori, Buiicr's !c|mtit??n. Halm i>l Columbia. Hunter's t urn Plaster, llyi!*aii Pills, Imperial Hair Dye,! Beaching I.Kjuul, to remove iron moulds and ' mk trmu linen. Umnp Cement. for ( mending broken , < limn , eVe Jcwitl'sj \\ ntrr Iron! \ arnndi. Al.^O ? Sal t.raius, j iMiiglan*, Cum Arabic, Cum Senega), Arrow < Root, Citron, Jujube |'a?.te, Tolu Iozcnjr^ Soda il?' I.iijuonee and Ojvnm do. I'epperinint do Rhubarb do Metal llronzoi, and a J variety of Surgical ln?trutnc?us, just received and lor .sale !>y YOUNG <V M'KAIN. March |-?. I^J. 4 ot lou #Saw (ens. Th'>*ew|:* < Ifiilalo on luting liter (?m? repair* <t l?v l'" 1 'il?vril>rr, ? t'l center a Inv<>f hv sen 11??c 'hein tn *<? a?|y |.i.u" , jMp. t!iu< nf I .ril an <>p]w?Mnn''v of ?.-?vinj -'i in titnr ? \.m\ 11MI", ?. illi Strcl t' e j- ' A.atumi lnn?! 11!'I I .1 HtV tiy .11 MIS 'V<?Uk M \ N J \ 1 i m mm+* W W ?MWa>a*^?l*< HAS j its! rrccivfl a frr<l? an?' jenuinc as.-ortrijpjit of Lent Iruieii*, Latliru and I liil<lrrn? HOOTS ~A:" sifOES, of i!ic best nn'i roost fashionable style, among which are a hrgc and beautiful assortment of Ladies French, Kid, Morocco and Prunella SUPPERS. The above articles shall be sold as low as tlirv hare ever been soi l in this market. \v ii n tMP.r <5 August 0?2^?tf. The subscriber al-o respectfully informs his customers nti<l the public generally, that hr is now engaged in the manufactory uf Negro Shoes at *1 a pair, iiii'l a< he has raised 10 per cent aborc bis l*?rnirr price, lie pledges !u ..srlf tbev shall he made of the best (Materials and in the best workmanship manner, and as to strength and durability, they shall Lm much superior to any that has rrer been offered in this market, and not inferior to any that is engaged in the same eraft. Plantersare requested tolnnd in their measures as carlv as possible. | W B D A LAK(?K & excellent awwrtmenl < ! Hull'# Patent TrtJ.O? ?, doob'r and ?in?lc, tnsdr to order r>f the iiMxi iJuril'ir Rialrniln, lui Smilitu uw Aim, a nrxr lti*<ruti>< tit lately irrntrd by I?r. It which u> hijhl> 8}'|>rjir?i ol by the New Yort practitioner*. It doe? *.?av lie u*c ? ! L.acrd Belt* aJtojjrlhcr, and tii.iiii)she? ?rr. much tno nrcrr.'t'.y of rmnrtiug to Pemurim. |ir it* application, the wearer* are at once relieved Ironi ^r?-A4 inrontrniclKf, and enabled - ?- ii'lnilv Tlii-.\i?)ir * ? nrr ju?l Krrnril, arrofiiir ?ul??cni>c:'?own ?c!cCt?on, and wtJl lw ?*?U!!* low I White linut and olonr*. A LAKoE *u; }>Jv ol lhr?c article* i!iM;l from Wc7itc?;i1.1. A liitoruisu' uuiDfartiini, which, wi:!i ?!! ot.'.i .* in t!j?- litir. t:<"v i? ' ?!. Urii'ho \ -r ? I'cfj ii! Al A r ran N- /....I <*/> the jr.- * ra??.?fiaLjJc tcf.n* *t \\ M IIK\.Nt'1.1?!s N if\\lJ A ?<>?! *u, |.U t VVINU vV liLASS, NOTICE. TIIK sul>scrtber is erecting a |?il'Cry Mtnblr in Suintemllc, and will be ready for ilie reception of Horses by the first oj October neat, and solicits the atleniionof all A W U ail ? a) Mb a?ad U to thi> advertisement, and to pot up their Horses with him, as the best attention will lie paid them, and crcry assistance aHorded in selling them; he will also keep a llouso of Entertainment for these who brtnf their Horses to his stable JOHN D BOWEN. Scplcinl?cr *? Ill ?en sumteiFhotel. r 11 n k Subscriber inform* bin friends A and ihr public, that he has taken the iInline formerly occupied by J. Goodman and more recently hv J. J. Kxunt as o Hotel in the Ton n of Camden, ond near he Court House, where he is prepared to retire company, and flatters himself that those who fav?>r him with their company will be satisfied with their accommodations. A. R. RUFKIiY May ?1?420 :-tf J lit inn's Hotel. n fjfcfiitia iii:r,.tsir s. c. 2U l-'J miles tauth of I ftorlnUi. .W on the Cor.idtn rotul Wlirrn ihc su!>?rnl??*r continues his House of Kntertainment, having huilt a neir hou.<r, expressly for the accommodation of strangers. He hopes to hr able to render hi* guests comfortable and happy, anil solicits a rontinuanre of former patronage.?No exertions shall be wanting on the part of the Subscriber. Y \ A 1 I n 1J.\ v I If IMUI.V1. July JV. !i. Mr. C. Wingftl, iny agpnl for ihc house, will lip in constant attendance. I). H. BANK AtiKNCY. f\ MATIIKSON t< ndrrs his Korvirp<? n? ngMit for iMiiMciing business al tlir I lUnlsH in ('vr.tlrn K"'P1 !"!?!'{ ? MEDICI IN EN. THE Subscribers hare jnst received and are now opening a full assortment of Medicines from the North, which can be recommended with creat confidence, as far as re gards their purity and genuineness, having been purchased from one of the oldest and most respectable houses in Philadelphia.? Physician?, Planters and others, are requested to call, previous to laying in their summer supplies, and cxamin c the quality of those now offered for sale; which we feel confidcn in warranting and giving satisfaction to pur chasers. ' Among those lately received and now open i ing. arc the fullowtog: I a r. ? et L J, Ajconoj. aou.^-ari?. roue, jCaitorOtl. Rhubarb Root. I Florence, do. Calasava 13a/k, ' Ca.?tilc Soap, Lobelia Herb, Bora*, do. in Powder. Turkey Opium, Slippery Elm i*ark, f'ampfior, Co. in I'owder, Calomel, Eng. Bole Armenia, ! Cinnamon, Ciround. .Mustard, Clove*. Powd. Cinnamon. .Orris Root, Acid L/tmon Drops, Castor. Florida Water, j of Soda, Kidder* Ind. Ink, i Flake Manna, Carpenter's SamapariJIi Gum Myrrh, " Kxt. Bucbu Fo*rd. Guru Arabic, " Pink Root, I'arb. Iron, Compd. Cab. &. SarsaSulph Quinine, partlia, " Morphia, Toliu Balaam, Acetate, do. Kreoot, Squill*. Genuine Fran Oil, (not Pulr. Cubebs, perfumed.) Tamarinds, Naples Soap, Uutier's Magnesia, Musk Soap, Citric Acid, Mace Snnfi", Tartaric, do Hair Powder, &c. A great variety of articles too numerous to rarntion. in addition to the above, a full assortment of trKieK m? ill *t!tr*iru lua k i*nf r.n ItftnH " r TOL'.NG & M'KAIN0X9 LIVER COMPL.UXTS. Dft PETERS' VKGKTAHLK MED1CIN.E STu.MACHlCiK ET HEPATlCiE, lorm! rd t>? rhvuucal analytn and synthesis of scvrraprv: rnaic vegetable principles, are universally acknowledged tn hare totally eclipsed the pretensions ot every oiut-r remedy, ana surpcrredrd tlx; nccrssitT oi every other mode of treatmrnt, wherever the above disease are found to exist as wrli as in live eoisrgeu.vnt el the ziphen and in Jauadzct r ?x .. _ I f : Aiiion-jj Mr svmptom* oj t/ysprpnij snu uirrcomplaints, sir Vlalulrncy, iouiiir? or turning u? thr stomach melancholy irrslunlily, disagn* ablo taste id Iih* nmuili. grcsl irrcgaUrity of appetite, which is sometimes v<>rac>?os, snd at other tiroes greatly deficient. Unr?t, lelid breath, nausea, weaklier* <jt thr stomach, acid eructations. palpitation, I'nittsincn, iricgoLirUy ot the bone!*, pressure ?>;> the utosiiacli alter mrsis, pain in ;l.c brad. d:ri.rt<*?n ur vertigo; contusion ol romd, atlondn! with I oil* i ; R)?in<>ry. ? gnauing in the stomach when rmpir. rhi! loess. sihction ol sight and hearing pjm and wcakm *.? in tJir back, iangour, disturbed sleep, coin Net ai.d hands, trruior, uneasiness in the threat, chough pain in trie side or brcasl, Ac ? "o? i- > vo ksm?? r.-*n n e4 o tor f 1 * 1 in removing the complain'.*lor which they are recommended, that physicians frequently having exhausted all Ihcir skill, to little or no purpose. UlifKTEBS 4nli Bilious Pill*. These pills an? composed entirely of vegetable matter, and t? hen taken according to the directions which accompany litem, are highly bcnchciai in the cure and prevention of all bilious complaints Tlicy act especially unpon the Itvrr, when in a torpid condition, carrying off a large quantity of bile, through the intlucncc ?I the rxcctnenl Junction, which it suhrrrd to remain in the system, would produce ciUier Jaundice, Liter Complaint, Billiou* Kerer Fever and Ague, or ionic other grirvous bodily affliction. in all caves of torpor of the boa els, they act like a charm. As an auti dyspeptic and dinner pill they arc no valuable Many persons who were subject tovio Irnt altark* of' ?i?.k headache have been perfect!/ cured in a few weeks by their use. Those who subject to Uiat distressing complaint. sea-sic knew t?v taking a porlion or two o! theui a lew dajra previoua to embarking on board the vessel, will be aimoat certain to escape it Females tan use them at all periods, without incurring any rink. Peraoec going to sea or to a southern cliuiatr, should bv til meana lake aome of these pilla w ith litem. Thnir virtues will remain unimpaired for years in any clt mate No family should be wilhonl these pills , a nnHi/vn nt I liorii tnkon Armatnnnllr ti-nilIri h<> I Kl% mean* of preventing much suffering from sieknraa it u from neglect oJ keeping up a regular peristaltic action of the stomach and bowels, thus suffering to be absorbed and mingled itii the hli>?xj. UDassitnilated fluid*, that most diseases are pp-dueed Dr 1*. feels confident that no person who givea these pill*a fair trial, will ever aAer iccl willing to be without thrrn. They eoniain no particle of Mrrcurv.or any in' gird.cut that doe* not art in harmouy w ith health and oppose disease | Dr 1* wishes it particular!* understood that lii.w ml!* po**c** l^ru tiriaJ qiia!il??** independent of their purgative effects. they an- hoth tonic ami : deuhstnient, arting ui>on the frcirlinjj and ? x!? "?Ij enl function*: tlm* strengthening the patient, while they rnnovo obrtruelions Medicine* which pones* no other, excepting eat hart ic 'pialitie*. debilitate 1 he patient, and their repealed uae lay* that foundation ut a long catalogue ol Chronic dina M'?. Pr I' having been educated ur.der tlio :nn* eminent American and Kurnpean medical proles ?mn?, and practiced hi? profession many years in the , South w here ifiM-ascs of the most ohstmate rhnraej ter prevail, considers himself well qualified to pidri on th? nature o| diseases incident to warm [ climate* i'rrnarcd ami roid by Jonrph Prientlv |Vtrr>. M P at In* Institution for the cure of nWmatr diraA."*'-*, by mean* ol vcjrlihlr rainedie*. No li! l-iherty street, New Yt-rk, inventor ami *? !? propritor Karh box contain* 10 pill*. prion '?0 rente. The above valuable Medicine* inav I** obtained ?t the Drue Siore of ^OI'Nti A M KA1N. ("aniilon Miv T SKEO RYE*. Knr ?.nlr. r?0 Im-li^ls primp Srrr] Kyr \pply to SUV NXON. M (; EE iV Co' S^p* 1 T'.o l:*b