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THE CAMREN JOURNAL. :' - * . ! . : . J'..*1 "i.v* fn. jf? ? ? ? ???KU'HCTW !! " ? - ? j. >rii 1 ^"|l ?IWW^??? CI UORSaT STtenonV. IN?bU?herofU?eI*tw?rtIu?Catt?|?ut?. . ^'-'i .. V ; ' ? Edited by JOHM C? WB8T Noi^jtL ~ CA HI>?V,~ SOIfii-eiKOLI\,y *KPTE?Bl?-;B iO, ISS6. I _._i*0' ^3'.\ m mmm* ^ w *<* *? ^ ?' - - -J r n uJi PuV'Jit'l tin jSatafJi:jj .' ' ' s:??S?KT fl^^iiJIIT, ri : i :*rr?;R or *"!if I. US' <I| rtr r<jnj, St^ttjH.'KlPTii T-iror tiiiUr? a year i:?-air :oo \ or f.-ur tibial* at the cud of ttu* year. * ' .". , A OVERT iSE^JTvN TS 1 i _. ?i.. c..? ?r n-~r fur the , , aa?i hail that e.ich .cnlinusflcf? The nambcr of iOK'THur.s t j -V?- marked on 'JLo < margin or t /r will be erojt^n, d rn<? eJsargi tl nr. OTuin^Ir Ti?< -lUf "MeJ fe.-cui.sij'.y 7" cofct^ and rnonthlv >1 a > ?e for *-*. i ;n*mt'* >r(Jon?:i? imraliOn*'?/u?a;* to !" ' v.n.' v n'-ir i v.naltended |g^ (BY AFTJSOttSTY I r %av n? tuc i vi r: n ; \*t v i? at . TlU. TULNtl ?rt mi! 5*:.' r k'r'v. [F; i ? '< < - j AN ACT in pn?nin:r prr?;:u?5 ol i: -c .< > arts, and to - jv ! ct* ! part* o' ..c-'< hoKtoiorc < r ; . t , or*'"-** IV it ? met' ! i ! - . :? ! I! .:**** "? ncprcwn-iiTrt oi > i '! > :at? <; Ararncva ?.i < ..:ijn - : vr;. i Int -f - > .. ..-.tii. L*' CM'! JKJMK -J 3w.i ail i . > ni' i 'v partinrnt ? ! :i .>ui r r (! ' * tilled 'he OiUi<* :'.r rl.ii < :'ic? r < f nbich ?!iall be c?H- <! i - < n * ? ! I'ateinj, to be 1 v *' r< ;r. '<} r.nd wttfi ihc aiiii- r '..jJ - : '? ! < oalc. whn*i* jIu't >: "M \r r t: turn of t?i?? Sci'r'fr.r ->i Si ' " ' ' : f.-i cxtcwe, ant! pes vm*. ;.;t r touching and j r? ; ? " { i i trtlittj! of p-.frti* v \ i .. ! i rirs. ir.v( nfin?!<. .'tiiii i*:-] - ? herein provided u.r. ?r ? . *'i ? .*? n : < . ' * 1".IV, (bribed !i? < t a.-).; ; ; i . :.n?l -t.-n ? ? .1... .t . >4<vUI 1?:? i . , i .. . ? ... l*Oofc?, ri"! r? -, jf- r . r, ..'. - v chiru?, .1 ^ i!i r : : !. -j : > ? .? ! T/fTiCr \II.'! ?r,wi ' ' .'j; . '] r if f*< nr ll:f i>irnr ri. -i . . > ! . ! io th?- 1r ?>l 1 h i <' ( 11 ! J.-p.,rI: ()(] *!,-!! I -'f i ???l imd rrcrjtp |/-::cr* .u<?! , n to the ( :! i ! St. . Z. A???J in" it ?ur.! < r nii'l'1!, I i th^rr ?}iaJr h.-, i;; ! 1.*' :> c !7~ccr. l<"> be a;?j> uti'' . ? ,i iji .! ul lla T, V. i:'l t Ijl . 11! . ,"< 1 7 i | ? <11 to rrCV.Vi ,U t; 1:?-i J of >? ? *Ti. tr^ii ! ? .<';< .1 ?? . !;:-. - n<} ?<? c !'?<i ti.?Ciil'-rCUsik ot t? i'jtri;' I ; ? <>, t:? ...! cavs cit:rin^r the rt*v <'i il.? r, or u!.< n th*.? *%? ! j?rj:t?~ij?-! >>'. liCrsUal! t**cainc Tacajjt, ii iri- ti?r rlnr,: * and cumikIj <?f itw ? .it, and ?>f ttrr?.r?iv book-, p jM-r*. machine, 1-. aint ail ifh cr thin;* t?r oii?ii!i?j to the saiJ o?aco, ami shall perform the duties of Coromiiw>iirr rhino;? -uch racancy. And the s:id Ooronu*si>ocr iua* al-o, with like npproral, appoint an examining ch-rk. at an annua) >ahrj ot fiaeen hufldft d dollar!.; two other cV.rkn at t?ci?4" huif'ri ti ilt/Tnr* racb. onq ot wlifim shall bt? a c<? ;*:c;it drn^htsmttn ; one other clerk at ??n>- th u tti?l <in?Jaja; a machinist at tw??lv?' hundred an'! I'l/rv dollarsatwi a o?e-i .t ? n hiiiiiiretf-Hdoliare. 'r** i ?nd Com an-.-io.ier, clerkr. Hiid >?!?. r appoint* d \ttri emptor; ?2 j.j *ui?i otli^ , ? n all b? dnqiiiiihci and .. *rdic:*H from aeqqwin^ ? - ' ?- ? in?-r during lli? ur ?. o ? ? w? m . ? rv ?v?d lot wiw.L th**v *5'" ' ' 'h- ir .ij?poiii{tr.? u'. ? r? ?pectiri I), ?i'_> f ^1* ??t itiMvM, <!> rceilv or indirectly, ?u .by patent (or an in*cnu?iii or di<8cotcry wLich lias been, or may htrc-fu-T be, granted. Sr.f *1. A nd n further enacted, Thai the prm< tjnl ?du?-?:r. and rrcrt otiicr person .ip|>'!i;:?d in tin* said office, shall, befoir IK! filters hjjiKj !?>r ?iti11?- > '?( hi# office or apjxiintrnrni. im k'?* o:iih < affirmation, truly ninl faithfully t>'\?<u;?' tin t ust commitird :o him. And i!.?- said cornmissloiirr and I lie I'liirl r !cr \ ?!*<?, ix-forc f nwring upon their (Jul | ' H # Kl ? | ? * ?% I *, I' I f 11 J t ! s (Mill f'jrctie# to the Trfnvm r of :L?* t nnru the ftir.ii r i.i i . .tun ;< n t). -tlsand dollar*. awl tli<- . rt? r. in ;h> ? t: ?? nj thousand d??lhr-. w r,i r nli n r i r j trilt? and li.i.'.iu' nr. n ?:.t to l.r i ?.r !,. % *ut o ? T in tifijt I-. fji r ;: , , III 111 ,!! .* u i::ch bo I?V thrin rr-|?? rt|it ,1 r< r. .*.<?} for duties on ivHrnln, nd 4->r > ops. - <1 r?.? otdt? ntid drawings and all ??{I?rr in received l?y virtu? <>| slid otlirr i c I And br )i further enacted. That thr ?aid com in i *> loner ?iwan i ^ I in be rnad" and prnrntrj for i)m: "aid office, wrtb such d vico as tlx? Pre?rli m*?f tbr Ctntrd Siajr^H annr .tr; and copir* of any re cord*. U?-jk . [?a| T* or driwinp*, to the -aid ?nd?. r the Mgnatureof tn? ?aid CoiiHiu-.-i<>ncT. or, when the officrshall L?f? vacant, under ??*> y?pn.?;iiro ol <t?C chief clerk, with t .e said ?.? ?! ?h*ll l?c competent evidence m a'! ewe* in which the of* records, book?, paper*t or drawing*, couM l?e e\i'lrr>co. A-id an-, pcrsrtn tnaknt* npplir.mnn there! r, tnvv harr. "crn(,Ad c<? rr of '.?> rr rd-' ?!r" 'i's-, a:;*! o'. cr p* |>ers deposited id said office, on poring for jtlie written copies, the sum of leu cent*- for Very p^e of one hundred word*; orsd for 'copses of doming*, the reasonable cspfcofeof imaking' ihe same. See. ft. Ard br it further enacted. Thai all poiculs issuing from >aid office thai! be issued in the name o| the L'nifd States, and iiindcr the seal of said office, and l?e ?igned by the Secretary of Stale. aiid'cotioterwgncd' by thn t'ommissmttcr of satd office, and shall he recorded, :o?v:b< r uifb the descriptions, .-nccificaiions. and drawing. in lite ofiicc I a ? t:? hoc!:;* to hr k^pt fnr that pt:rjKfc>p Kvry .stirh pau nt -dial? contain a ?!>orf description or title of thr intention or dtfcrficrv, correctly unites ling >,H n?iU?r?: and doign, and in ft* term* ^rant to the applicant or applicant*. Ins or tin tr !;c:c.?, .".tittum^'niiorj, cxtv,u!nrs, or a-,-n.c, tof a term ttot exceeding I>ntrff9rn ;<nara, the full,and exclusive rijiu and h.Sefty of making, using and vcndtu? u/xnhcrs to bo nar-fl iho?=if} inrpnurm or flitcovrrr. tcfcrnuir to the specification* for ihf pantculnni thereo., a cop* nf which shall be annexed "to the patent. Rjd-r ii'r i:i2 w bat the patentee chirb* r.s hi- hi\ oiiijoi) or disctwrj. Si;? 0 And I?o it further oTiarjrrt. That an) person or prr?r?n* Hiring dtvcowrtni. or u?r?nied air. new ami useful art, run diinc, nv?ntihirt::r?'. or com;*?-iti"n of matter, or ai-v no it and useful i;nj?ro*ense:it, or any art, fii*S?v.r fotniifacim-* ur roMln-'-ittrin of Rial ??*r, not J- ikjwh or u*oi hy otlw*r* I* foro hisor thru d,vn f?t :nrru:iun thereof, and no*., .v, ?! e for a patent, id r:::???r t: r iron v. t: h lu* councillor aii v. ..urt*, .-,s ilje unentnr or dts^nvcrcr; and dp-ira :o ol?r^.?ii %u c\clo<irc property : r? in, i- ay application in uriwug to iiu (v>r?rn?-. : .tt? r ofexpressing socb 3;ui ti.i- Comrniv'ioscr, 00 duo prt^ r 1 bid, mr.y grani .i pairnt ih'jHor.? Km bcjorcany int rnior idvalf rrc'ivc a patent :<?r ,v;v I. r.'.tV intention or ifi-cnvr-nr, DC ! ..!! (ja urnb*o dr.scri]>i.*oii of his invi ti if i < r >'! rcrcty, end of "the manner and ; r.t. coutliuclin^, usw;* .and < ;. : ; t!.r > ja.\ is: -uc!? full, clrnr and . or; r. r, voiding unnccr.'nry prolixity. : . i .1 .1 ( .! .itn " f-nn skilled in the art or .. i . i , .. ";n in v. ,ii' it n 4j'j" iimn-, v? ?? ??! in-i-L nr.;?!;. rwuocic*!. to ITttl'.o, COIJ<-:rnr:,. o:??j>./or. 1 ar.i tt>* the Mine . .m ' in I'iW'of t.u\ mach:::i-, cxpl ??n iho jn .i:?J ;h?- <?-teral in *tiuch hrcnniTnjilntcsJ tho aj^pli'caf'wn of that [>ri:;r:j .n ,,r chiractcr Lv nlttcli ti mar hr JIrum oil.' r itiT??nt;irti*> ; npti haii ; artic.ilarh -}?cr lv ami imjisii mil ihr pir*, -Mf, of rumiMtiftllo;,, wlllrh h** cl imi - ,i"? in* own iiptuiMWi or liioruyrrtr I If si.;|{, I'lrthr'-ruorr," accompany i!><* v. hole wiili atiriu <>r dran uir%( .iinj ?v , i; t r*Trrr;j( , _ ? li'-r l|-.c nature of the- C3?" admit* ?.[ i]; i ^ v. i;?i c uigmitf !.!? ,:..J r>l )!.? r< 111 < I in3Ucr. 'tlTi* c < ji: hi otniuit j tor th?* j'mrj?o'r <jl <: ??? :,n???m ?i>rm ii i: i ... si!i?*:i ?.r ditcovcrv K <?j it rn;pit of w r , w jucii ?f? rrijdmrj? an ? ?ir tn ov liic invi-jiU* uuti !., i u itbl-lifM in the I'.tfciit < 'fl'too: 3:iii hijha/J moroorcr furbiiUi amotM o: 1.1? invention. in clj ease* otitic!) admit of r- prci^tiiaU'jn hy tnudrl, of % cnnTcmciit *tw io exhibit adrftmagrouj'ly it* fvtPft! pr:rt* Thr applicant *hsll alio make oitli or aiSrmatinti that he iior* rrrily bcltere that h- in lb** origiuaf and fin?t tnrcn or or orrrc-r of the art, tnnrhine, romp *?:nur? or in> pnnwuent. (or which ho ->?*.c?u a patent, and 11 Kit he dot'i tjoi bud or belfctc thai the sarw uan. eter 'cforc icno?n dr owd. and a No or what cenntv 1h? if a citizen, which oath or ?lTtrrnatron mar be made belorr anj prjon authorized lor hx to adiniooc r os'.h?. Sj;c. i. And be it furlhrr enacted. That, on the filing ?f any ?neh application. description, and specification, and ilir payment of tlic duly hurrimflfr proriilnl, the Cnmmi*?tHiticr nhall make nr cause lu he made, an rxariinaiom i?l t!?e uHedged new intention or dUcnvcry. and if, on Mtch examination, it nhall not appear to the C-ommivsioner titnt the tame find brrn invented or discovert d by any other person in this rn-.rurv prior to the alleged invention nr liorotrry thereof l?y the nppliennt, or that it had been patented or described in any printed publication in tlii* nr any foreign country, f?r had been in pubhe Ufo or on talc tritii the npplicnni'n consent or allowance prior to I he i.ppliration. it" the Coirniiksion< r shall h ctn it sufficiently n-cfuJ and imprrutit, it shall In- hi* doty la i*ntic a patent there f'?r. Iltit \?Jn?uover. on nurli examination, it ?!*- ?J? appear to tlircoruini* -ithat the v? us nut i'jp original ami furl in. rcnior ??r (iirrovr rt*r .hereof, or that any part r( vthielt is claimed as nctv hml !?oIon* brcn in\mud or discovered, or pa* tented, or ilrtrribnl in n?y printed publication in thin or any foreign country. as aforesaid, ??r that tin' description is drfpeijrc mnJ intniincicnt. lie shall notify the nnlirunt t!i?re,,f. chine |?irr. hri* fly. ***r ~ -jsurl' ml'irn tiii >u ami rt ferenro nr mav ;l?c n*cf?ii in of the propriety of ro? jurwing hfs application, or nltrring hi* spvriftrAlton to'erj.brncr only j'. : part <W 'fl?r invention or ?fi*rnrery uiiir.ii \? ne*r. ; in ory mtcii rsrr. if the applicant ftinII >frrt (< withdraw hi* npplionifon. rolinrjt?i?!?ir.? hi* claim to the moth!, l:c tmnll he entitled t?? rrcrire hnc!t twenty dollar*, , port o> the iltily required by tlii* art. on fili i" a nnjirc >n vnrting of #?c?t election * ? ^rr. 3 << r*v 1/ which, rcr I>y the Commissioner, shall be a ( .-.ifficicpt 'warrant tor the'Treasurer for | paying back In the saLVup^icant the said sumrtf tit en;y dollars. But if the appli-, '^ani in Ftrch cn?c shall persist in h?Ve!aitfi t?-r a patent, nilli or tvithoui any altera*! ! linn of hi* specifics I ion, he shall be ?I - mnl-? ^1> nr sffirmulnn itnoarJ J llli'M 41# l/Hini */?.!?" ? ; in manner ns aforesaid. And if the *p?-j 'cincation and clnini shnll not hare hocn J ^o.ih'fltliiied w, ir? the opinion of ihrCnm-j tniivtfif?ncr. ^ltall anli'.le the applicant to a >patcnt. hcmi?j% on appeal, ?nd upon re-! 'fjacst in writing. hnvo thfi d*fi?h?n of a] I hoar J of examiner*, to Lr r?>n?po*cd of' lhr?*ett;?iiMerri'.rd p?P?ons, whoduHbeap*] .pointed for that pnrpnsc hp the Secretary! - ' ' ? ? > .? L I.I . ul .^tnte. nrtf ?>j wnorn 31 ium iv g? encc-. , ted, if practicable nnd cnnrcniciil^. for his ; knowledge ami skill in the particular arl?i innv.nfaclarc, or branch of science to , which ihc alleged invention appertains;' j who shall be under oath or nfurronlioo for the faithful wi:d impartial pcrfwtr.ancr of , flic duly imposed upon thrm by said ap-> . p ?intn;cnt. Said Unnrd sbnll hr furnished ^ }?ilJ> a cert ideate in writing, of the opinion* and decision of the Conniii**ionrr. stating; particular grounds of his .objection, t a ail the par.: or pans of the invention which hr considers as nut entitled to be Ipatontvd. Ami die snid board shall pi re reasonable notice to the applicant/at w cH a* ?o tire Commissioner, of ihc time and' i place of their meeting, that thrr niajr l\?rr . an opportunity of furnishing thcfci j u i:h such facts and evidence as they deem necessary to a just decision; and'p, ^ >11 r>?* 1K1. of ihn roffimiirian<>r b! litrittftii to the board of examiners such ife>. , formation a< he may pos?c;v? relative |0 the matter under their consideration.^' , :Vnii on an examination and constdcralicpl I of flic matter by surh beard, it shall be ' in their p??er, or of a niajority of then, 'to rr\nr*c the derision of the Cornmht.#i ?ner, either in whole or in part, and tlicif opinion being certified to the Cmnoti?ainnrr. he ?hali be gnrrrned tlirrcl^iT in the further ftroro?'diurs to be had on >':rii application: Provided, fioicmr, Thai ibefore a board -hall be in?tiiulcd in ?i)J "Uch ease, the applicant shall pay to l?it& > credit of lite Treasury, as provided hi the ninth section of this aef, the aunt f twi tity-lirp dollar*. and each nf said per- <>nk ho appointed hhall be entitled to ri jvc for his serrirc* in each ease, a sunt .... ?# iti.llnra In lil? il^lor. nunc! nntl by il?r ('"riimisMonrr out ?>f any rrfthfr* in lii?t ii.iml#, which be ni lull rt.uijunt?n?nui lo lhr |>crK>hi uho i,;v? be cppnirtml, f-?r their t xatnir.u' tbm mitl certificate aforCMiil. . b- Ami be it further cnsrtrcl. That whenever on application boll be ' ? r>ImhI tt-Ki^ii ?M I lf.7 r f if>lllfl IIJVUIVJ ?VI (I |>>|U III MIIIVMI til ? ....... f l!iC Colli mi Soulier. n-nnM Inurfrre vv ith other Cor which nn application may l>o j?? t.'Urie. or with nny umxI* r?"l J stent uliirlt ?h*?H hnrc heeti grnn-j ted. it 1h- the duty of ihc Commit-, s tuner ;o giro notice thereof to such ?pl>liran:?, or patentee*, a* the ease tr.nv i c; and if either shall he dissat'sfo d with the ' drcision of the Commlm toner on the question of priority of right or inrcntion, on' t I.raritij thereof. he may appeal from iiirh i!< r is ton, on the lit n terms and eon't!i'|??o? ?? are provided in the preceding M*r(i<>rt of tiiis act; ami ihc like proceedings shall be hod, to determine which or: ; whether cither of th? applicants iscpti-f lied to reeeirc a patent as proved for.? ii<it nothing in tliia act mniaitiot! *hali l?? ' roix'.rucd ( > lirprire an ami t>u?* ' In?-rr.:?-r of thr tijhi to a patent tor hi* in' umion, f:r re .am in of hi? having prerimii;lv ijscn out letters patent therefor in a I foreign country, and the same {taring hern i " " * # M!- ! ?.l - published. at any lime urtinin six mmunx j'ne\i preceding ihc filing of bin spcrificnnnd drawing. And whcnercr the apj pJirnnt shall request it, ihc patent *hn|l talc dale from the (line of the filing of the , specification and drawings, n?l hutvrver] I exceeding six months prior to lit' actual i?*uing of the patent; and on like requests jand thr payment of ihc duty herein rc-i quired. by any applicant, his specification and drawing* idi&H be filed in the secret ! arcltivrs of the ofiirr until he shall furnish the mode! and the patent he issued, not 'exceeding the lortn of one year, the applicant being entitled lo notice ol interfering applications. ? Hue. 0. And be it further enacted. That )br|ore any pplication for a patent fhall| He considered by the Commissioner as . aforesaid. ihe applicant shall pay iolo the (Treasury of the United States, or intoi j the Patent Office, or into any of the dejio-j jslte banks to the credit of the Treasury,; (if he be a citizen nf the Untied States, or j an alien and aliall bavo been resident in [ I the United States foroneyc?r* next pre?j !ceding, and ?hall bare msde onth of hi* (inu nii ?n to become a citizen thereof, the! 't.M.iof !hir1\ dollar*-, if a suhjeci of the ; hiagol (Jrcnl Hrilain, tlic* miiti of hinuhrd dollars; and nil other persons the ?nai of three hundred iloliar?; for w hich | payment dupljente receipt*; shall be taken, {one cf which to be filed in the nflire of Jibe Treasurer. And the money ? renived , jinio the Treasury under this net, tdiall coni Intitule a fond for li?e payment of the tala* > r:?f1 < f the officer!) and rlcrks herein prov !' ! r?r. ->nd all othrr expenses of ?he Patent Office, and to be called tbe patent fond. * - * - : Sr.c. 10. And be it furtbnr, enacted, 7bat where any.person maiic, or lisve nrnde; any new invention, disCoVjbrr* or iaprnrenicnf, on account of \rbich* patent might by riflue of ifiia net 'be granted, and"such person shall die-be'fore any patent shall be granted'therefor, the right of applying fut# nod obtaining such patent shall devulre on the executor or administrator of 50rb,person, .-in Irtisr for the brirs at low oflhe deccAscd, in raKr he shall bare died intestate; bril "if olhoFV. i<r, then in trust for bis dceisres, in a* full and aiVTp'c manner, end tinder flic same condition's, limitation*; and restrictions, is the same was held, or might heve been claimed nr rniovod bv such person In hi* or her1 lifetinip: and trhtn application lor a patent shall bc'ntarfe by tneb Icjra! representatives, die oath or.affirmation provided in "the sixth section-of this act, shall be m varied as to be applicable to them. ' t See* J I. And ho it farther enacted. That ever) patent aball be asSjgn&ble. in ht*r either a* to the irhole interest, or any t:ndit jded part thereof, by.any instrument in writing which alignment, and also every nrant and conveyance of the exclu* ftivc fight coder any p.ilent. to make and nac, and to grant to ethers to moke and a*c, ilie thing,patented r.ithin and through-, out any specified part or portion of the United State*, shall he recorded in the Pal on: Office within three months from the execution thereof, for wliich the assignee or grantee shall pay to the Commissioner the sum of three' dollars. .* Sac. 12. And be it forther enacted, That any citizen of the TJuiu-d States, or then who shall hare been resident in the United State* una rear nest preceding, and jchairbnrc made oath of hi* intention t*? bwottir citizen thereof, who aifall have invented any new art, machine, oRimpre** incnt thereof, and shall desire further time to mature the name, may, on paying to the credit of the Treasury, in manner ?* provided in the ninth acetton of this act, (he sum of twmty d dlars, file in die Patent .Ofliee a caveat, setting forth the design qA<Tpurpose then of, and its principal and duiiogutftliing cbarncteriatirs, and preying protection of hU ri^hi, liii lir ?iiall have ma. n red hi* invention; nhich aum of twenty dollars, in n*o the person filing stieh ravea 1 shall afterwards take ont a V? tent f?>r the invention ihtrvin mentioned, *1mH b* MMu?ul?*re<l a port of the sum herein rcquin d fur the miuq. And such carrot shut! be filed in the ronfidentiil or* chivc* of the ?.fii?e. nn?i preserved in secrecy. Afi'i if application shall be inaHe by ary other person within one year from the time ??f ??iirh rjerat, for a patent of any invention ?ruh wf.i- Ji it may in any ? ? ?* ? :< ?.!. -.11 i.rt IIIM linn* t\f rrn|*n 4 nnni' M ? ?.. M. ?% -.-v. ? ?w, lh?- <-< ???<uij??inn?ri t?? dcpoviic ihcdtscrip* tion, ?pi, id caucus, drawings, and model In *hc confidential archives ??f the otfice, and to give notice, br mail, to the person filing the rarest, of such application who" ah all, within three months after xeecirng (he notice, if he would aenil himself of th?* benefit of In* carrat. file Ida deacrip lion, iprciurmiunt, Iirnw aim hmiuvi, ondif, iu die opinion of lire Comminsiott* er? the specifications of claim interfere with each other, like proceedings may be ; bad in all respects as are in this act pro! riiled in the case of interfering 'applies* 1 lions: Prvtidcd, Mctcrrcrt That no opinion or decision of any board of examiners, under the provisions of this aet,^ shall pre--1. nith.nn inlvrollrj If* fllVnP nf Or I mill u 11 T llkisut! I > ' against ihc validity of any patent which ho* bren or may hereafter be granted, from the right to conical ihc ntnc in any judicial court in any action in which it* validity may cnmc in question. Sre 13. And he it further enacted, That whenever any patent which has hcrrtoforo been granted, or which shall hereafter be granted, shall he inoperative ov invalid, by reason of a defective orinsuJlicicnt description or specification, or by reason of the patentee claiming in his specification as his owu invention, more than he had or shall have a right to claim as new; if the error has, or shall have : arisen by inadvertency, accident, or mistake, and without any fraudulent or deceptive intention, it shall be lawful for ) the Commissioner, upon litc surrender to him of such patent, mid the payment of 'the further duty of fifteen dollars, to cause a new patent to ho issued to ihcttaid ' 1? ?? ? I'm fnr iko IHIYCIHOI, |Ur IflC snmu laiviiMiuui ?v? tv Ircxiduc of (lie period tlicn unexpired for | which tho original patent wns granted, in accordance with the patentee'* corrected description and specification. And in ease of his denth, or any assignment by hint made of (he original potent* a similar right shall vent in his executors, administrators, or assignees. And t!io patent. ?n re-Issued, together with the corrected description .and specifies lion, shall hare the same effect and operation in law, on the trial of action* herenrtcr c??tn| menccd for causes subsequently accruing. I as though the snmo had been originally hied in such corrected form, before the is4 'suing of the original patent. And whenc - ?-- A ti l. - ;rnn< jvcr Use original patentee sunn u?- ... J of l<<r dr^rription nn<l speci<iralion of *nv new improvement nf the o:??nal (invention or dwcortiy; jtofcahatt fay* been inrcnted nr discovn^Lliy jiipi,eqbs sequent to the date of hjs patem,mty , ii k?> prortctiiii'Tfi btnnfr had ittalhrcupect*. < as in ilic case of original applicationsand j on the-paryeflentof fifteen dollar*, ay here. in before pro Vided, have the *?ne<roi>?*cd (ti> the original clesrripiiorr and spectfjee, liofa;- and the CoroniisMOOer sbali Ton lhe tiiargm of such annejed-jptriprion ami ?peci5ration,. the timjfof its being anuexed and recorded; , 311*11 nil I Ifl i !?.? HI1TT I III I [mm l^r, to ail intent* and purposes aiMhmrgil jit !?a<i l>cfn embraced in tbaoriginefjift* * scripUon and specification. * -. .-.J| Skc. 11. Ami fe it; farther ciwctet!, jThai whenever," uj aW anion for damage* for T?rhing, "sing, ,6i selling the thing (whereof the csc?u5i ve right is secured by j patent heretofore granted, or by!"any* pa-' j tent (tiHeh/majr hereafter be-^ranted, a i verdict shall he rendered fur the plaintiff j m aucfi. action, il shall he in tiic power of J the court to render-judgment for any sum j above (be amount fount? br such verdict as (he actual damages sustained by tho ! plaintiff, not Exceeding three tjmiy %e 'amount thereof, according to the eirebnj'-. stances oi the case, with costs; and such damages may be reentered by action oto ' the case, in any court of co tape lent jurls' L^4L?k..|ii in.1 ik, Varna ' av~ UaGMUflt W UC UiUUJUt ill v >H<i .^a * names of the person or personsiatetested, f '.rbe!her a5 patentee, assignee?,. grantees of lite oxciuat ?e n'got nritbfn and tbrunghout a speeded pari cf the Untied Stales. ? Src. 15. And be it further cnaeicd, That" the defendant in any sweh ection shall be permitted to plead the general time, and to give thisact andanjr special matter jmj evidence, of which notice jn . writing may have been given to the plain-tiff or bis attorney, thirty days before trial, 'tending to prove thai the description and specification filed by- plaintiff * dor* not coQltin we wtiuie iruui rcu?i*D tohis iurenliuo or dwcotery, or (btit roouinr more (ban in necesrsaryto produce the described /fierf; which concealmr.,t pr* addition fully appear to Ii?*o bvfin made for the purpose _?-fdoccicing the publie. o.r thai'the patentee vas.not the ?>ri^in*iT and first invrntor or discoverer of the thins patented, or of a. substantial and material pari thereof churned as new, or that it had been described in some public t^ork anterior tcr the auppostd discorcry thereof by tho jmumce, or had been fn public uiOi ?r oh talr with ll?c cooscrt oad allowance of the before hia application for a potent, or thai he Ksdaarrcpauodsly or , niijurtly obtained tiie patent for lliat which . . arai in fact inrerrted or discovered by anothci. who was nainp reasonable diligence in adapting, and perfecting the same; or that the patentee, if an alien at the time jL* -? ? ?-? - t?il ftllftit nmt I fir Jin (I'll ft N M9 |^i?iW??w neglected for the 5pace of eighteen months from the date, of the potent, to put and continue on sale to the public, on reasonable terras, die invention or discvery'for which the patent issued; and whenever ' the defendant relies in-his defence on the fact ?.f a previous invention, knowletfi^p,^ or use of die thing patented* lie shall slate, in his notice of special matter, the names and places of residence-of thofo _ whom he intends to provfc to ha?e pos- . tested a prior knowledge-of the thing, oml where the same had been used: in. either of which cases judgment shall be . rendered for the defendant,' with costs: , JVvridnd, Aeawrr, That whenever ilahal I " Mit.r.?inr;iv snnoar that the DO lent CO. |fv ^ _ 9 - the lime of making liis.appJicationfor thepi ten t, believed himself 10 be the fin) invrnior or discoverer of the thing p$& tented, tie same shall not be heldtolfo void on account oC the invention or discovery or any part thereof having been before known or used in any foreign eoou!ry, iinot appearing that the same or any substantial part thereof had before been patented or described in any printed publication. Andprotidtd, (dsn, Thai whene- ? rer the plaintiff shall fail to sustain hie' action on the ground that in his specification of claim is embraced more than that of whirfi he was the first inventor, if it shall appear that the defendant bad used or tinlatcd any part oi me invention jubuj and truly specified and claimed as netr, it ahull be in the power of lb* court tbad' judge and award a* t?? coats as may-appear tp I>f* jli?l and equdoblc. j St;c. IG And beij further enneteJ, That wlreneter ?bcre eliall be two interfering patent*, or u hencrer a patent on application shall hate been refused on. an 'adeems dccis Son of a board of examiners, on the ground j that the patent applied for would interfere j wnh an unexpired patent prenmisly granied, i any person interested in any *ucb patent, ?i>? ; (her by assignment or otherwise, in the one (Case, and any such applicant in tbc other case, may ho re remedy by bill m equity; and the court hating cogawance thereof, On no t? j i 'ice lo adverse panics ?inu wirthuc fnuvwu j ing* had, may adjudge and declare cither the 'patentsvoid in the whole or io part, or inoperative and invalid in any particular part or j portion of the United Stat**, according to the I interest which the parties to such suit may | possess in the patent or the inventions paten j ted, and ntty al*o adjudge lhatstich applicant I n?? entitled, according to the principles nud