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THE CAHDEIf JOUKIM. VI ROBSUTM'E5lGIiT. TwMtoltCTf ih*tiKW4Qt<**VnHt*rWUU9. - - EdUtd fcy JOHH C. WEIT m. II. (;*HBE?, SOtTB^llTOUXA, SEPTElHEB S, I88C. - JVtt *.'*"; - ' - ' ' - -- .) 731 3A3D32T J* OTO^TAi. Puili*UeJ czery Saturday Morning ly ROBERT sfl?S5T, rcbluiitu or tiic uvri : the rsio* SU HSCRI i'TIONS Thrfr* d >!'aH a year in advance, or four- dullan at the end of the year. ADVERTISEMENTS Inserted at *<*vcnty five rent* the jtqusre for the first, and hilt that am >unt Sir each continuance? Tne nu.nbcr of insertion* to be marked on the - * - ?j ?? -1? i __ margin Of they Will tIC COQUDUCO auu Ciut^ru UV,ordinjlv IhoM inserted semi-monthly 7?? cent* and monthly $1 a squire for each insertion. O?nimnnlcalion? by mail to be pea! paid or ictaain unattended to. IBY AUTHORITY I j * I ! (IAW_ or THE C.VtTKD STATES PASSED AT THE TWENTY forKTII CON'GttESS IT EST SESSION*. [Pt-nuc?No. &>.] AN ACTjio regulate ihc compensation of certain officers of Revenue Cutters. , j Be it enacted by the Senate ?ml (loose of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That in lieu of pay, rations, and all other allowances now authorized by law to the captains and first, second, and third licutenanlsof the revenue cutlers of the United Stales, there shall br allowed and paid, quarterly, from and after the passage of this act, to each captain, at the rate of twelve hundred dollars per an ' - .? - iratn, to earn lira I lieutenant. Mi 1<!V ia.>. of nine hundred and *ixtr dollars prr an* iium; (o each ?ccond lieutenant, at the rale of eight hundred and aixlv dollars per annum; to each third lieutenant, ni the rate of scrcn hundred and ninety dollar* per annum. JAMES K POLK. Speaker of the House of Representative*. W. R. KING, President of the Senate pro tempore, j Approved, 2d Jul*. ANDRKW JACKSON. ( 6? J AN ACT to re-organize the General Land! OiKcc. Be h enacted by the Henate ami Hnusr of Representatives of the United Mate* of America in Conjees* assembled, That k from and after the passage of this a el. the i executive duties now prescribe!, or which may hereafter be prescribed by law. appertaining to the surveying and sate of the public lands of the United S aic?, or in any wise respecting such public lands, and, aUo, such ss relate t ? private claims of lands, and the issuing of patents for all grant* of land under the authority of the j Government of the United State#, shall' be tnbject to the uperrision and control. of 'the Commissioner of the General Land Office, under ibe direction of the I'rcsi dent of the United" State*. StEC. 2. And be it further ecartrd. Thai < there shall be appointed in said oflire, by the President, by and with the adriee and ' consent Oi U?c QCIMICi UYO luonrumai; officers* one ol whom shall be called Principel Clerk of the Public Land*, and the oilier Principal Clerk on Private Land Claims, who shall perform surh duties an may be assigned t?? ihcm bv the Commissi oacr of the General Land Office; and in case of vacancy m iho "ffic?* of the Com- j iDtssiooer of th?Gm<Ml Land Office, or of the absenceor sickness of the Com.; rmsstoner, the duties of said office shall: devolve upon and be performed, ad into* j rim, by the Principal Clerk of the public' lands. ~~ " * ? 1 - ?- ? ?.? TL.. ' Bsc. 9. Ana DC II lurmcr cnarirw, i uai there shall be appointed by*the President, by with the adrico and eunscu'. ??f the Senate, an oflicrr to be styled the Principal Clerk of the Surreys, whose duty it i sbtir be to direct and superintend the i making of surrey*, the returns thereof,! arid all matters relating thereto, irltich are dono through the ofiirr* of the Stir- ' reyor General, and ho shall prrfurm such oilier duties as may oe assigned m mm uy (he Commissioner of the General Land Office. Sec. 4. And be it further enacted. That < there shall be appointed by the President,. by and with the consent ??f the Senate, ? Recorder of the General Land Office, i whoso duty it ?haH be, in pursuance ??f instructions front the Commissioner, l?? certify and affix the seal of the General Laud Office to ail patent* for public lands, onil he shall attend lo ihc correct cngroa-. sing and recording and transmission of.' such patents. ||c. shall prepare olphabe- i tical indexes of i!?c names i?f patentees. | and of persons entitled t?? patents, and he shall prepare such copies and rxe plifiea- j lions of mailers on file, ur recorded in the; General Land OlRcp, as the Cormni-<*ioucr ' may from lime to time direct. Sr.c. 5. And be it further enacted, Tint there shall be appointed by the I*r? ?i?l* t?t ' bv and with the advice and consent ? f th 1 Senate. nn officer to be called ihc Solicitor of the General Land Office, with n? annual salary of tiro thousand dollars, whose duty it shall be to examine and pr sent a report to the Commissioner, ?f the *t:?!r of farts iri all rases referred by the Commissioner to bis attention which shall involve questions of lair, or where the! jfacts arc in controversy between the' agents of the Government and.individuals, j 'or there arc conflicting claims of parties " -? I belorc tuc LJeparimcut, wtui ms opinion thereon; ami also, to advise the Commissioner, when required thereto, on all questions crowing out of the management of the public lands, or the title thereto, private land claims, Virginia military scrip, bounty lands, and pre-emption claims; and to render such further professional services in the business of the department as may be required, and shall be connected with the discharge of the duties thereof. Sec. fi. And he it farther enacted, That it shall be lawful for the Prrsidcnt'of the United Sutcs, by and with the cdricoond consent of the Senate, to appoint a Secretary, with a salary of fifteen hundred dollar* per annum, whose duty it shall be, under the direction of the President, to sign his name, and for him, all patents for land sold or granted under the authority of the United States. Sec. 7 And be it farther enacted, That it shall be the .July of the Uommisaioner to cau?c to he ?:renared. and to certify. f " j under the seal of the General Land Office,, such copies of records, books, and papers on file in ids office, o? may be applied for, to be used in cridcncc in courts of justice. See. 8. And be it further enacted. That whenever the office of Recorder shall bcronte vicant, or in case of the sickness or absence of the Recorder, the duties of hi* office shall be performed, ad interim, by the Principal Clerk on Private Land Claim*. Sr.c. 9. And be it further enacted, That dm licccivcr* o 1 the land offices shall make to the Secretary of the Treasury monthly returns of the moneys received in their several offices, and pay over such moneys pursuant to hi* instructions. And they shall also make lo the Commissioner of the (ienerol Land Office, like monthly returns, and fr.nsmil to him quarterly accounts current of the debts and credits * -i - t /r- !.L .1 . f t. _ t <m litcir st'tcraj omccs uim wie liikui State*. Sec. 10. And lie ?t further enacted. That the Commissioner of the General ( Land Office <l;a 11 be entitled to rrceire an ( anneal ?a!#ry of three thousand dollars; the Recorder of the General Land Oilier, an annual salary of fiftrrn hundred dob hrs; the principal clerk of the surveys. , nti annual salary of eighteen hundred dollar*; and rarh of lit *aid principal clerk* an annual salary of eighteen hundred dollar-; from and after lite dale of their respective commissions; and that the said commissioner be authorized to employ, for the sendee of the General Land Office, i one clerk, whose annual salary shall not ??-u i s.-.t .mil r,.... i'AVrCU *11%* VII IIUMlll vM V*'fV??9? IWUI ?*?*'? tvhosr annual salary shall not exceed four* tccn hundred dollars each, sixteen clerks*. \rho>e annual salary shall not exceed tliir- i teen hundred dollars eachi twenty clerks, whoso annual salary shall not exceed > twelve hundred dollars cach-.'fitc clerks. i whose annual salary shall nol exceed i eleven hundred dollars each ; thirty-five clerks, whose annnat salary shall not ex* feed one thousand dollar* each; onr principal draughtsman, whose anting salary; shall not exceed fifteen hundred dollars: one assistant draughtsman, whose annual j< salary shall not excred twelve hundred dollar*; tw.? inviwngrrii, trhoic annual ubry shall iioi ncwl Seven hundred doh lara each; three assistant mciwitjcri, whose annual salary *hall nutexreed three hundred and fifty dollars each; and two packer*, to moke up par'age* of patent*, blank forms, and other things necessary to be transmitted to the district land of ficcs, at a salary of four hundred and flfty dollars ench. Skc. II. And be it further enacted. such provision* of the act of the twenty-fifth of April, in tho year one thousand eight hundred and twelve, entiled "An art for the establishment of a Gene? i f ?i t\rr.? i* ?r isi i.uim iihini tn iiiw |/i |mi iiiiviii i>i tut Trahsorv,". and uf all net* amendatory thereof, at are inconsistent with lite provisions of this art, be, and the came are hereby, repealed. See. 12. And he it further enacted, That from the first day ?f the month o( Octob* r. tr.ilil the fir?l day of the month of April in eaeli and crrfy year, lite ( l.aml Ofiirc and all the bureau* nod olhri * therein as wrl! ns iliosr in the Department* of the Treason*. AS'nr, Navy Si* tr, n:>*! t??tier*! I'ost Olfire, shall he open for the trancartimi of the public hn?im?a at least eijjht hour* in each and evert dav. except Sundays, and the twentjfifth d iv of December, and from the first j lay nf April, until the first tiny nf October. in ea? 'i vonr, all I hi? aforesaid office* ii?l hurctu* -?linll 1m* krpt open for lite ".in?nrlion ? I ilir public business nt l?*n?t ten hour*, in enrh and erery day except Sumlnv^ : n?l the f'?ort!t tltv of .111T>*. ?t< And bo it fitrtbor onncted. Thai if any person shall apply to any reenter of any land office to enter any land .?halercr, and the said register shall knowingly and falsely inform ilie person so applying thai the same hnrf already been entered end refuse to permit the person so npplj ing to enter the same, men register 'shall be liable therefor to the person so 'applying for fire dollars for.each acre of land which the person so applying offered to enter, to be reentered by action of debt in nny court of record, baring jurisdiction of the amount. l*t A n?l ho it further rnnrt/??l Thai all and every of ihc officer? whose salaries arc hereinbefore provided for, arc hereby prohibited from directly or indirectly purchasing pr Jn any becoming interested in the purchase of any of the public land; ana in ease o! & violation of this section by any such officer, and on proof thereof, being made to tho President of the United .Suites, such officer, so offending, shall be, forthwith, removed from office. Approved July-lib, 1KK?. [Pcblic. No. -CS.] AN ACT in addition to the act entitled "An act making appropriations in part fot the support of Government, for the year cightreu hundred and thirty*six, and for other purposes. Be it enacted, by the Senate and Home of Kcprrscntattws of the United States of America, in Congress Assembled,That the following sums be and the same arej hereby appropriated, to be paid oat of any j money in the Trrasury not olheriris?appropriutcd: For compensation granted by j law to the members of the Senate and j House of Representatives, in addition tui the appropriation heretofore made for that j object, seventy "two thousand two hun-; dred and sixteen dollars; for eoropcnsa?i linn of the Senators and Representatives; elected by Michigan, scvjih thousand, so- < ren hundred and seventy-six dollars; for the contingent expenses of Senate, twelve. thousand dollars; for allowance for was-' tage in gold and stlrer coinage at the mint; for labor and for alloy, in addition to the former appropriation, thirty-three i thousand dollars; for extra clerk hire in' the General Land Ofiice, for the year eighteen hundred and thirty-six, fourteen , thousand six hundred and sixty-six dollars and sixtr-fottr cents; for messengers in the offices of the Chief Engineer, Adjutant General, the Commanding General, Surgeon General and Inspector Genera) and in the Clothing Bureau Topographical, Ordnance, and Subsistence Departn./tm* nm ihnituml fir a hundred and sit ty-eight dollars; fur the assistant messenger in the first comptroller's office, in addition to a former *ppr?pria<ion, fifty dollar*; for compensation to the surreyor in Alabama, in addition to a former appropriation, fire hundred dollars; for compensation to tho clerks in the office of the. Secretary of the Nary, and in tho Nary Commissioner's Office, in addition to the sums already appropriated for the present year, nineteen hundred dollars. Sue. 2. And bo it farther enacted. That so much of the act of theninih May eighteen hundred and thirty-six, "proriJ: ?*? ? nf esrtiin officers UIIIJJ |ll| luv ww* therein named, and for other purposes," m provide* for tho employment of to ad* ditiotial clerk in the office of the Nary Commissions, and for his compensation for the year eighteen hundred and thirty* six. br, and the same is hereby repealed. See. 3. And be it further enacted. That the third section of the act making appropriations lor the cm! ard diplomatic expenses of the government, for the year one thousand eight hundred thirty*fire, is hereby repealed; * -? - L' .1 ,u k. M9, mm I nr OCCWIJ ?# im tmmj W) and he w Itereby aalbortxed to pay to tb* collectors, naval officers, furrtvors, and ibeir respective clerks, together with the weighers, gnagers, measurers, and markers, of the several pons of the Uni ed States, out of any money in the Treasury not other*too appro* priaicd, such sums as will give to the said of* ficcra, respectively, the same compensation in iIhj year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-six, according to the importations of that year, as they would have been entitled to receive, if tlie act of the fourteenth of July, otic thousand eight hundred and thirty-two, had not cone into effect: Provided, That no officer shall rcceite, under this act, a greater annual ?alar> or compensation than was paid to such officer for the year one thousand eight hundred and thirl y-tuo; and that, in no case ' hall the compensation of any other officers than collectors, naral officers, surveyors, and) clerks, whether by salaries, (ecs, or oherwise, exceed the sum of fifteen hundred dollars j each per ounum; nor shall the union or any two or more of those office* in one person, cotitle him to receive more than that aum per annutn : Provided, further, That the said collector*, naval ofScers, and surveyor*, shall ren.I-r an account quarterly to tho Treasury, and the other officer* herein named, or referred to, shall render an account quarterly to the respective collectors of the customs, where they are employed, to be forwarded to the Treasury, of all the fees and emoluments whatmer bv them respectively received; and of all expenses incidental to mcir respective offices; which account* shall be rendered on oath or affirmation, and shall be in soch form, and be supported by Mich proofs, to be pre scribed by the Secretary of the Treasury, as trill, io his judgment, best enforce the provisions of this section, and show its operation and effect: Provided, also, That any salary or compensation due for. the year one tboosand eight hundred and thirty-five, shall not be affected by ibis section: Provided, however, That in the event of any act being passed by Congress at the present session to regnlale and fix the salaries or compensations of the respective officers of the customs, then this section shall operate and extend to the lima anali ?/ # imoa inla nflluil an/I nn InniM# IIUIW O'lVU UV? gWV0 IIIIV WMWWWy HUM MV ??N^?? Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That the following sums are hereby appropriated to be paid out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, for interpreters, guards, and other expenses incidental to the Consulates in the Turkish Dominions, fire, thousand fire hundred dollars. Foe refund-1 ing the duty paid upon the Belgian vessel Anton i us and her cargo beyond.the amount which would hare been paid by a Dutch vessel fourteen hundred and twenty six dollars nr?H wtpn For comMtualion to thn clerks' in (ho office of (he Commissioner of j Indian Affairs in addition 10 a former appropriation, fifty dollars. For an outfit of aj Charge d'Affaires to Russia four thousand fire hundred dollars. For compensation tothe third Assistant Postmaster General one, thousand two hundred and fifty dollars. For1 compensation to the clerks, messengers andI watchmen in the Post Office Department as provided by the act to change the organization of the said Department in addition to the sum heretofore appropriated for compensation to tho clerks and messengers in the office of ti . I .1. \ 1 lite l'osi roaster ucnerai, tour uwusiua sou fifty dollars. For compensation to the Auditor for the Post Office Department oat thousand fire hundred dollars; fofecompensation to the clerks and messengers in the office of the Auditor (or the Post Office Department as provided by the act to change the organization of said Department twenty-seven thousand seven hundred end fifty dolldrs. For contingencies in tbe office of the Auditor for the Post Office Department. fiftoegJkpndred dollars. For alicratkms'and rewtfrcof the in?t?<iinA fMivifn aT tlis hMavm llui IHWIWWaU^ VI tuw ?V*#V VtVI 1UV principal stairway to tbe Representatives Hall and copper?ng (be projecting steps and lop surface of the cornice round the base of the dome of tbe Rotunda six thousand three hundred and eighteen dollars and seventy-fire cents. For lighting lamps and keeping tbo grounds and tvalks of the capitol square in order including tbe cost of trees sad shrubs fiioi thousand firo hundred doll?lif" gardener employed in superinte^ng the capitol aqaaro and other public grounds one thousand dollar*, f or alterations ana repair# of the President's House, for the gardener's salary, aud for keeping the grounds and walks in order, including the cost of trees and shrubs, three thousand four hundred and sixty dollars. For the annual expenses of two fire engines tiro hundred dollars. For grarolling the yard east of the capitol two thousand dollars. For repaying culverts two hundred and thirty-one dollars. For purchase of Smith's spring including one acre of land and for enclosing the same, for budding enlvrrts and kwnina the water nimta in order fire thousand three hundred doner*. For attendants on the furnaces of the Rotunda during the recess one hundred and fifty dollars. For replanting trees and keeping boxes in order on the Peons?Irania Avenuo.porcoaso of trees and planting in fountain square, Lafayette square' and across the poblic reservation at settcfeh street one thousand two hundred dollars. For a work shop one thousand two hundred dollars For conveying the surplus water of the capitol to the Botanic garden making a basin and purchasing a fountain of Jliram Powers fire thousand dollars. For enclosing the garden and grounds of the Magazine and Marine Hospital near the. Eastern Branch five hundred dollars. For a dwarf wall and fence between the Executive buildings and the President*# House one thousand one hundred and sixty-fife dollars and fifty cents. For extending the capikd square and improving the grounds within and adjacent to the same as far west as the first street intersecting the Pennsylvania Arenoo from the east, the snm of twenty-fire thousaud dollars to be paid out of any money in * m - -a _ ? 1 mo i rouury not omcrwuc appropriates.? For enlarging ibc folding room of lite IJooso three hundred and fifty dollars. Sac. 5. And be it further enacted, The President of the United State* be aod he1 hereby is authorized to cause to be erected on or near the site of the former Treasury building, or any other public lot which he may select, a fire proof building of such dimensions as may be required for the present and future accommodations of the Treasury Department upon such plan and of such ma* tcnala as he may deem most advantageous and that for this purposo there be appropriated out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated the sum of one hundred thousand dollars. Ti And kn it fnrthor nntrlr/l Thll tho material of which the walls of the Capitol and President's Mansion are constructed shall be adopted for the construction of tin** aforesaid building Provided upon Tuil inquiry a cheaper and more suitable material cannot bo obtained. And pr, i ii/ed altrayr. Thai tho foundation wills of tho said buildings below the surface of the earth and two feet al*nc shall bo of the hardest and most solid rock Src. 7. And be it further enacted. That ibere be erected, on some appropriate sit* under thedireclioa of tbe President of iboUnited Siates, a fire proof building with SOUable accommodations'for the Paeot Ofisc, and lo be JtfOfhfo! with the necessary case<* and furniture; (he expense of which ?.baTl , not exceed one hundred and eight thousand dollars. . 86c. 8. And be it fprtheiL.eiiMtri, .tto there be and beipbjr is apprdprme^O^defrajiog the expense of such buikiii^ and cases the sun of one hundred and eizbt thousand dollars to be paid outof the patent 6md to (be Treasury not otherwise appropriated* Sec. 9. And be it farther enacted, That the same kind of material ofwhtjCbtberwells of the Capitol and the^Mansion of the President are constructed shall he adopted for the construction of the aforesaid building: JPra| tided a cheaper and more eoittbk^ptariai cannot be procured. ^ ; I Sac 10. And be it further cnactwl, Thtt the duties and powers of the cofnnwnmth^w of the stoking fsnd are hereby sospeoded ;until retired by law, and the recdrdsef the commissioners bh transferred tp the custody" of the Secretary of the Treasury, who is hert> by authorized and directed to pay oat of any money io the Treasury not otherwise appro- ~ priated any outstanding debts of the United States and the interest tbereoa Sec. II. And be it further enacted, That for the purchaaeof eight acres of land with. the improvements thereon near the Barracks at Key West if in the oirinfoo of the Secre taryof War t he public service and health of the troops require it a sura not exceeding six. thousand dollars is hereby appropriated. Sec. 12. And be h further enacted, That so much of the third section of the act entitled M An'act making appropriations for the. ci?il and diplomatic expenses of government lor the year eighteen hundred anu thirty-fi*c" as provides that14 the whole number of custom-house officers in the United States on the first of January, eighteen hundred and thirty-lour shall not be increased until otherwiseallowed by Congraw" be and the same is hereby suspended until the fourth day of March next, Amni*ed. Jnlw 4 lfiSfL 4 r - 9 - -? ? ? 4 [Public. No. 69. J ' AN AftT supplementary to an act entitled "An act to regulate the depositrs of the public money,** passed twenty, third June, eighteen hundred and thirty-six. Be it enacted, by the Senate and Homte of Representatives of the United States of America is Congress, .assembled; nothing in. lht> actio which L piemen I, shall be so construed it to prevent the Secretary of. the Treasury front making transfers from Banks in one Stain * . or Territory, to Banks in another State or Territory, Whenever such transfers may be required, in order to present large and ioconrrr.icnt oceuraulaiion* in purticfria* places, or in order to produce a doe * quality* and just proportion, according tp. the provisions of said ac;, . ArraoTED, Jnfy 4th, 1S3G. ' ... [Peauc. No. TB.1 AN ACT to carry into effect, In.theStaien of Alabama and Mississippi, the exist ing com pacta with those Sutcs in r ganl to the fire per cent, fund* end the school reservation*. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Ripresentatives of the United States., of America in Congress assembled* That a sum equivalent to five per cent, of the nelt 'proceeds of the lands within the State of Mississippi, ceded by the Chickasaw* by the treaty of ih e twentieth of October eighteen hundred and thirty-two* which have been or may hereafter he seHU%X. n iJII L! J:.L 1- * *22T,-? uuo|rc?h mi?ji uc, idv? ucnvv, iiiu im oat of isf moneys in the Trcasary not otherwise appropriated, to be applied in the same manner, and for the same uses and purposes, as is designated by theAfth section of the act of Congres ortfcff&rst of Mareh, eighteen honurqi and seven* teen. / " " See. 2. And be it farther? enacted. That there shall be reoerred from sale, in the State of Mississippi, a quantity of land equal to one-thirty sixth part of the lands ceded by said Chickasaw** as sfoTtsapi^ ^ trithiu said 8tala of Mississippi, which ; land shall be selected under the direction of (ho feecretnty of (ho Treasury, ia section#, or half sections, or qnsrtsr section* out of any public lands remaining unsold, > ! that.shall have been offered at pnblie snlds | within cither of the land districts in said State of Misshtsippi, contiguous to <ai4 ; | lands within said State, so ceded by thft Chickasaw* at aforesaid; which land*, when so selected as aforesaid; the same shall vest in the State of Mississippi, for tha iim nf schools within said territory in tn ?aia Slate, so ceded as aforesaid by the Chickasaw*; and said lands, thus selected shall be holden by ibo same tenure, and* upon the same terms and conditions,?" aM respects, as the said State now holds the lands heretofore reserved for the Use of schools in said State. * Sec. 3. And be it farther enacted, That a sum equivalent to fire per cent, of the - ?L ^ nclt proceeds of Ihc lands tmniu iuu L<Slfttc of Alabama, ceded by the Chides* *a*r9 by the treaty aforcsajd/trhich hare been .or may hereafter be sold by Congress shall be, and i? hereby, reserved, out of