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THE CAMDEN JOURNAL. ?BMMHMaHiNMMMMHMM^^^S^B"KSE9SSSSSSSSSS99S5SSBS9SSSSS5999SSS^SSSS9SSSSSSSSBBSi^SSS99BBS99S9SSB9SBS^BS5B9BSSSBBBSS5S9iKBB^BfiB9^i^' RN KOBKKT MMEM1GHT. PaMtakorT theUmrftto Cited teste* # Ultod kf JOIH W?T. ;-, , ? _ : __l ' "'. "?. - - -- '. : "* .>-1 vY- \xr* ?*-V\Wrj%'rj?^: ;"v.' ' VOL. XI. CA?IDEX, SOETH-CAROMlfA, A? HJ#T9T, 1836. . ?' ===== ====^=a=^^^^?^=_l=^^sssi?sgsBia *33 OAHBStf JC733AL. Putiisncd tterg Saturday Morning hy ROBERT M'K SIGHT, rciuiRu or ma laws or to a cjuos ______ Three dollars a year in advance, or four dollars at the end of the year. ADVERTISEMENTS ' Inserted at seventy five cents the sq$oe for the first, and hall that amount for tach continuance-? The number of insertions to be marked on the margin or they will he continued and charged accordingly. Those inserted ermMjaKhJy^Jo cents and monthly $1 a square for each insertion. n- ?u?r.Anii h, mafitn he naet caid or remain unattended to. lav ?r the ojsfted states passed at tub tvektt fourth c0n0re58 first session. [Public?No. 65.] AN ACT to change the organization of the Post Office Department, end to provide more effectually for the settlement of the accounts thereof. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representative* of the United 8tatrs -of America in Congress assembled. That the revenues arising in the Post Office Department, and all debts due tgidhe same, shall, when collected, be paid?undcr the direction of the Postmaster General, into the Treasury of the United States. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted. That the Postmast General shall submit to Congress at the next, and each succeeding an noal session, specific estimates of the stuns of money expected to be required for the service of the Department in the subsequent year, commencing on the first day of July, under the following heads, viz* "Compensation of postmaster."? 44 Trahsporution of t&o mails," "Ship, steamboat, and tray letters," 44 Wrapping paper*" "Office furniture," Advertising," "Mail bags," Blanks," 44Mail locks, keys and stamps," "Mail depredations, and special agents," "Clerks, for offices," and 44 Miscellaneous." And the Postmaster General shall render an account to| Congress, at each succeeding annual sea- ! don, of the amounts actually expended for each of the purposes above specified. Bsc. 3. And be it further enacted. That g?e aggregate sum required "for the service of toe Post Office Department," in each reu. shall be appreciated by law opt df tAt metme of tic Department, and that all payment* of the receipt* of the Pool Office Department into the Tretsory, ?bil be to the credit oT the said appropriation. Sec. 4. And be it farther enacted, Thai the sum* appropriated for the service aforesaid *11011 be paid by the Treasurer m the manner herein directed: Prodded, Hut the compensation of postmasters, the expenses of post offices, and such other expenses of the department for which appropriations hare been made, as roar be incurred by postmasters, may be deducted oat of the proceeds of their offices, tmder the direction of the Postmaster Genera): And provided, also, That all charges against the Department by postroasters, on account of such expenses, oh* 11 be submitted for examination and settlement, to the auditor herein provided fnr and that no each deduction, shall be villd, obIcm ike expenditure so deducted, be found to have been made io conformity to lav. And provided, also, That the Postmaster General shall have power to transfer debts due on account of the Department, by postmasters and others, in satisfaction 01 the legal demands for which appropriations bare been made, of soch contractors who may be creditors of the Department, as shall have given bonds, wiu? security, to refund any monevs that may come into their hands over ma above the amount which may be found due to them on the settlement of their accounts. Sr.c. 5. And be it further enacted, That the Treasurer of the United States shall gtve receipts for all moneys received by him to the credit of the appropriation (or tho service of the Post Office Department; which receipts shall be endorsed upon warrants drawn by the Postmaster Gene, rat, and without such wan ant. no acknowledgment for money received as aforesaid shall be valid. Sec. 0. And be it farther enacted, That (he appropriations for the service of the Post Office Department shall be disbursed by the Treasurer out of the moneys paid into the Treasury for the service of the Post Office Department, upon the warrants of the Postmaster General, registered and countersigned as herein provided, and expressed on their faces tlie appropriation to which they should be chargedSr.c. 7. And be it further enacted. That the Treasurer shall render his accounts o( 'he rr.uncvs r?cp*rcd and oai! bv liim ?r. account of the Post Office Department, quarterly to the Auditor for the Post Office Department* hereinafter provided for. and shall transmit copies of the same, when adjusted by him* to the two Houses of Congress. Sec. 8. And be it further enacted, That there shall he appointed by the President* with the consent of the Senate* an Auditor of the Treasury for the Post Office Department whose duly it shall be to receive all accounts arising in the said Departments* or rclaiirc thereto, to audit and settle the same, and certify their ba lances to the Postmaster General: Provi~ ded, That if either the Postmaster General, or any person whose account shall be settled, be dissatisfied therewith, he may within twclre months appeal to the First Comptroller of the Treasury, whose de-; cision shall be final and conclusive. The said auditor shall report to the Postmaster General when required, the official forms of papers to be used by poslmasters| and other officers or agents of the Depart* meat concerned in its receipts and payments, and the manner and form of keeping and . staling its accounts. He shall keep ag# preserve 'all accounts, with the vouchers, after settlement. He shall promptly report to the Postmaster General nil delinquences of postmasters in paying orcr the proceeds of their offices. Ue shall close the accounts of the Department quarterly, and transmit to the Secretary of the Treasury quarterly state menu oi tu receipt* ana oxpemu lares. He hall register, charge and countersign, all warrants upon the Treasury for re ceipts and payments issued by the Posiraster General, when warranted by law. He shall perform such other duties in relation to the financial concerns of the Department, as shall be assigned to him by the Seorelarj||pf the Treasury, and shall make to them respectively, such reports as either of them may require respecting the same. Tho said auditor may frank, and receive, free of postage, letters and packets under the regulations provided by latr for other officers of the Government. And ai.? Setters and packets to and from the Chief Engineer which may relate to the business of his office shall' be free of postage. See. 0. And be it further enacted. That it shall be the duir of the Postmaster General to decide on the official forms of all papers to be used by postmasters, and other officers or agents of the Post Office Department, concerned in its receipts and payments, and the manner and form of keeping and stating its accounts, to enforce the prompt rendition of (be returns of postmasters, and of all certificates, ocknowicdztnruts, receipt*, and other papers, by postmasters and contractors, rclatire to the accounts of the Department; to control, according to law, and subject to the settlement ol the auditor, the allowances to postmasters, the expenses of post offices, and all other expenses incident to the service of the Department; to regulate mi iirtet the payment of the said allowances and expenses for which appropriations hare been made; to superintend the dieposition of the nrocceds of nati offices and other , - f " I ^ moneys of the Department; to prescribe the manner in which postmasters shsil pay over their balances; to grout war* rants for money to be paid into the Treasury* and out of the same, in pursuance of appropriations by t?w, to persons to whom the same shall bo certified to be due by the said auditor: Provided, That odrances of necessary suras to defray cxi pentes may be made by the Postmaster ; General to agents of the Department employed to investigate mail depredations, examine post routes and post offices, and perform other like services, to be charged I by the auditor for the Post Office Departjment, and be accounted for in the settle: raent of their accounts. Sec. 10. And bo it further enacted, Thai (ho auditor for the Poet Office Department I shall state and certify, quarterly, to the Post Master General, accents of the moneys paid ; pursuant to appropriations, in each rear, by ' postmasters, out of the proceeds of their offices, towards tho expenses of tho Department. under each of the heads of tho said expenses specified in the second section of this act; upon which the Postmaster General hall issue warrants to the Treasurer of the | foiled States, as in case of I tie receipt and payment of the said moneys - into and out of j | the Treasury, in order that the same may be carried to the credit and debt of the appro' priation for the service of the Post Office Department, on lb* hooka of the auditor for said Department. See. II. And bo it further enacted, That the Postmaster General shall, within six'y data after the making of any contract, cause a duplicate thereof to be lodged in tho office of the auditor of the Post Office Department. Upon the death, resignation, or removal of any postmaster, he shall cause his bond of office to be delivered to the said auditor; and shall also cause to be promptly certified to him all establishments and discontinuance of post offices, and all appointments, deaths, resignations and removals of postmasters, together with all orders and regulations which may originate a claim, or in any manner af! feet tho accounts of the Department. 1 *-> And be it farther enacted That the accounts of the Post Office Department shall be kept in such manner as to exhibit the amount of its revenues, derived respectively from " letter postages/* " newspapers and pamphlets." and " fines/* and the amount of its expenditures for each of the following objects, namely: "compensation of postmasters," " transportation of the mails/' CT ship, steamboat and way letters," " wrapping paper," office furniture," a ndrertisinff," M mail i bags," ' Hanks, mail locks* keys and stamps/' i " mail depredations %nd special agents," i " clerks for offices/' and " miscellaneous." i Sec. 13. And bo it further enacted. That < the bonds and contracts of postmasters, mail contractors end other agents of the Post OA < ficc Department, shall hereafter be made to < and with tbe United states ot America; and ail suits to be commenced for tbe recoiqjf of debts or balances doe bj postmasters and otbcm, or upon bonds or contracts made to or with the present or anj former Postmaster ; General, or for anj fines, penalties or for&i- 1 lores, imposed bj tbe latrs respecting tbe < Post Office Department, or by the Postmas < ter General. oursuant thereto, shall be in&ti (sled io the name of the United States of 1 America, and the demands in snch suits shall hare all the privileges and priorities in adjudication and payment secured toother claims of the United States, by the existing laws.? Protidtd, That actions and suits which may haro been instituted in the name of the Postmaster General, previous to the passage of this act, shall not be affected by the provisions of this section. See. 14. And be it further enacted. That the auditor of the Post Office Department shall superintend the collection of all debts doe to the Department, shall svpa intend (he collection of all debts due to the Departeuwt, and all penalties and forfeitures imposed on postmasters, for failing to make returns, or pay over the proceeds of their offices; beshall direct suits and legal proceedings, sndj take all such measures as may be authorized; by law, to enforce tbe prompt payment of mo- \ neys due to tbe Department. j See. 15. And be it further enacted, That copies of tbe quarterly returns of postmasters, and of out papers perlauuog to tbeaccooott ' tn the office of the auditor for the Post Office Department, certified by him, coder bis seal 1 of office, shall be admitted as evidence in the courts of the United States; aod in every' ( case of delinquency of any postmaster or coo- ( tractor, in which suit may bo brought, the maid auditor shall forward to tho attorney of the United Stales certified copies of all papers in bis office, tending to cosiain the claim;' and in every such case, a statement of the ac-. count,certified as aforesaid, shall bo admit-! ted as evidence, and the court trying the cause: shall be thereupon authorized to giro jodg- j meat and award execution, subject to the provisions of the thirty-eighth section of the act to reduce ittio one tUe several acis establishing and regulating the Post Office Department, approved March third, eighteen hundred and twenty-five. No claim for a credit shall bo allowed upon the trial bat such as shall have been presented to tbe said auditor, and by him disallowed in whole or in part, unless it shall be proved to tbe satisfaction of tbe court that the defendant is at the time of tbe trial in possession of vouchers not before in bis power to procure, and that he was prevented from exhibiting to tbe said auditor a claim for such credit, by some unavoidable accident. In suits for balances doe from postmasters, interest at tbe rate of six per cent, per annom, shall be recovered from tbe time of tbe default until payment See. 10. And be it further enacted, That tbo attorneys of tbo United States, in tbe! prow-cut ion of mils for moneys due on ac count of tbo Post Office Department, shall obey tbe direction! which may, fr?m time to time, be gircn to them by the auditor for the Poet Office Department; and it shall be the dutr of each of the said attorneys, immediately after the end of etery term of any court ( in which any of tbe raits aforesaid shall bare been pending, to forward to the said auditor a statement of all tbe judgments, orders, and steps which bare been made or taken in tbe same, dcring the Mid term, accompanied by a certificate of the cJcrk, showing the parties to, and amount of each judgment, with such oilier information as may bo required by the said auditor. Tbe said attorneys shall di reel (peed; and effectual process of execution upon the said judgments; and it shall bo (he duty of the marshals of the United States to whom the same shall bedireeted, to make to the said auditor, at such times as he may di. reel icturnsof the proceedings which hare taken place upon tho said process of cxccu> lion. Site. IT. And bo it further enacted, That in all eases where any sum or sums of money hare been paid out of the funds of the Post Office Deoarunent to anr individual or indi viduals, under pretence that service has been performed therefor when in fact such service has not been performed, or by way of additional allowance for increased service actually rendered, when the additional allowance exceeds the sum which, by the provisions of law, might rightfully have been allowed therefor, and in nit other eases where the moneys of the Department have been paid over to any person, in contcrpicncc of fraudulent representations, or by tho mistake, collusion, or misconduct of any officer or clerk of the Department, it shall be the duty of the Postmaster ficneral to cause suit to 'h? brought in the 'mtrie of the United States of America, to recover back the same, or the excess, tr ibe case may be, with interest thereon. Sec 18. And be it farther enacted, That the auditor for the Post Office Department shall adjust and settle all balances due from postmasters on account of transactions prior m iKa fir?? tint nf Jul* Mahim) hundred and thirty-six. So shall, when accessary. Institute suits for the same, and cause them to fw effectually prosecuted to judgment and execution ; and in cases in which proceedings at law for these or any other balances that are or may become due on account of the Post Office Department, hare been or sbtll be fruitless, may direct the institution tof suits in chancery, to set side fraodulent conveyances or trusts, or attach debts due to tbe.defendauts, or obtain any other proper exerciso of the powers of equity, to bare satisfaction of the said judgments; and the courts of the United States, sitting in chancery, shall have ft', (MifArism utek hill* anil malm such decrees and orders thereupon as may be consonant to the principles and usages of equity. The said auditor shall report to the PostmasterGenera), to bo by him submitted to Congress, at its next annual session, a statement of all the balances and debts doe to the Post Office Department as aforesaid, by late postmasters, showing, in each case, the name and office of ibe principal debtor, the names dI the sureties, if any. the amount of the debt, the time at which it accrued, the steps tafceo to collect the same, and whether they bare been successful or not. The said statement shall also classify such of the said balances as may then remain due, into such as are considered collectible, and such as are not, with the whole amount of each class.. Sec. 19. And bo it further enacted, That ibe auditor for (be Post Office Department, or any mayor of a city, justice of the peace, ? 1?J? mX o/turt t\t mm?i] in |Ka IfnitMl HI jUU^V VI ?UJ WIUIWI >?vv<? ? >MV ?P..... States, by bim especially designated, shall be toiborized to administer oaths and affirmslion*, in rdation to tbe examination and settlement of tbe accounts committed to his charge; and if any person shall knowingly swear or affirm falsely, batching tbe expenditures of tbe Post Office Department, or in relation to any account of or claim against, or in fetor of, the said Department, he or she sbaQ, upon conviction thereof, suffer as tor wilful and corrupt peijory. See. 90. And be it further cnaemd, That ibere shall be employed by tbe Postmaster ? ? n. .. . ucocru, a intra axmuu i u?ui?wi wam* al who may rccciro tad scad teller* and package* free of poelago; and in Gem of tb* clerks now employed in the Department, ooc chief clerk, three principal clerks, and thirty-three other clerks, one messenger, and three mutant messengers, and two watchmen. Sac. 21. And be it further enacted, That there shall be employed by tlie Secretary of the Treasury, in the office of (he auditor for the Post Office Department one chief clerk, four principal clerks, and thirty-eight other clerks, ouo messenger, and one assistant messenger, also three clerks one at a salary of fourteen hundred dollars per annum, one at a salary of twelve hundred dollars and one at a salary ol one thousand dollars, in the office of the Treasurer of the United States, in iieu of the same number of the clerks now employed in the office of the Fifth Auditor of ihc Treasury, in adjusting the accounts of the Pott Office Department. 8ec. 22. And be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty of the Postmaster Genera) to make to Congress at each annual session thereof the following several reports: First. A report of all contracts made for the transportation of the mail within the preceding year, stating in each case of contract its date and duration, the name of the contractor, the route or routes embraced io the contract, with the length of each, with the times of arrival and departure at the ends of each route, the - J. iMn.tM.ui5m, f/ir nml UJtfUV VI HIUBIWIHIHVII VVHHVVnU IWI| MOM the price* stipulated to be paid by .the Department; aleo a statement of such land and water mails as may hare been established or ordered by the Department within the year preceding, other than those let to contract at the annual letting* of mail contracts, specifying in each case the route or water course on which the mail is established, the name of the person employed to transport it, the mode of ? ? - ? #k? ?mnltnt h?i<i n? (A Ka IIUIIBpVIMINUIIt MIV VUlwuu? va ?w w%< paid, and (he proposed duration of the or* der or contract. Scamd, A report of all allowanecs made to contractors within the rear preceding, beyond the sums originally stipulated in their respective contracts, and the reasons for the same; and of all orders made by the Department, whereby additional expenses is, or will be incurred, beyond the original contract price on any land or wa ter route, specifying, in each ease the route to which the order relates, tho name of the contractor, tho original service provided by the contract, the original price, the dale of the order for additional service, the additional service required, and the additional allowance therefor, also, a report of all curtailments of expenses effected by the Department tvithin the preceding year, specifying, in each case, the same particulars as required in eases of additional allomnnces. Third. A report of all incidental expenses of the pefsr'mcnl for the tear ending ~ , . = ; on the thirtieth day of Jfnne preceding arranged according to their eereral object8 as for "wrapping paper,** "office furniture,** "adtrerU ingf'*, mail bags, "blanks*' "mail locks, keys, and stamps,** "mail dcpredations, and special agents,** clerks j for offices,*' "miscellaneous,** &Iiowing.Uie sum psid under each head of expenditure . . and the names of the persofos to whom paid, except only that the names of persons employed in detecting depredations on the mail, and other confidential agents nppd not bp dixdoMd in Mtiirl ronnrL Fourth. A report of the finances of the Post Office Department, fur the year' end* ing on (he thirtieth day of June preceding, shoving the whole amount of balances doe to the Department at the beginning of the yedr, from postmasters and.all others, the whole ambdht of postage iiict accrued within the year, the whole, amount of the engagements and liabilities of (hp Department for mail transportation daring "t tho year, the amount actually paid during the year* tor and on accoont of mail trass-' poniuQiii sua omcrvise, siiuiifNjwaw ly? so much of the said amount as may nave been paid on account of the transportation of the mail, and for other debts for the same object, in preceding years. Fifth, A report of all hoes imposed, and deductions from the pay of contractors made during the preceding year, for failure to deliver the mail, or tor any other cause stating the names of ihe del in- . quent contractors, the nature of the delinquency, the route oU/rbich it occurred the lime when the fine was imposed, end whether the fine has been remitted, or oriliffor deduction rescinded, and for what reason. Bsc. 33. And be ll farther enacted, That It shall be the doty of the Poslmae- : ter General, before advertising for propo sals for the transportation of the mail, to form the best judgment practicable as to the mode time, and frequency of transportation on each route, and. to advertise accordingly. No consolidated or combination bid thai! be received, and no additional compensation shall be made to toy mail contractor, so as that the compensation for additional regular service shall exceed the exact proportion which the original compensation bears to tbe original services stipulated to be formed; ana &o<extra allowance shall be made to any contractor, by UieTbstinaster General, for an increase of expedition in the lraaij>ortifcv~ ^ tion of the mail, unless thereby the. enr-? | ploy men t of additional stock or carriers^ by the contractor, shall be rendered necessary ; and, in such case, the additional compensation shall never bear a greater proportion to the additional stock or carriers rendered necessary, than the sum stipulated in the original contract bears to the stock and carriers necessarily employed in its execution, aud when any ex Irs serrice shall be ordered* the amount of the allowance therefor, in dollars and r cents, shall be signified'in the order for such set rice, and be forthwith entered upon the boohs of the Post Office Department, and no additional compensation shall be paid for any extra regular serrico rendered before the issuing of such order, and the making of such entry, and every order entry, or memorandum whatever, on which any action of the Department is to be had, allowance made, or money paid, and ovary contract, paper or obligation drawn up in said office, by any officer thereof, shall have affixed to its true date; and every paper relating to contracts or allowances filed in said office, shall have the date of its filing endorsed thereon.? And whenever it shall become necessary to change the terms of an existing contract in any other manner than that designated in ibis act, or to enter into a contract for the transportation of the mail at any other time than at the annual letting, the Postmaster General shall give notice in uiio pHunitnu at ?I noiiiuituu City, and in one newspaper published as near as may be to the route on which the serrices are to be performed for at least four weeks before changing or making such contract, inviting proposals therefor; which proposals shall be received and opened, and such proceedings thereon had in all things, as at the annual letting*:? Provided, however, That the Postmaster General may make temporary contracts until a regular letting can take place. Sec. 24. And be it further enacted* That proposals for mail contracts shall be delivered to the Department sealed* and shall be kept sealed, until the biddings are closed, and shall then be opened and marked in the presence of the Postmaster General, and one of the Assistant Postmasters General, or in the presence of two of the Assistant Postmasters General. And the contracts in all cases shall be swarded to the lowest bidder, except when his bid is not more than five per centum below that of !hc last contractor, oti the route bid for, who shall hare faithfully performed Ills contract. Provided tjowere r, That the Postermaster Genera} shall not bo found to consider the bid of any person who shall hate wilfully or negligently failed to execute or perform a prior contract. | 8ec. 25. And be it further enacted jThat it shall be the duty of the Postraa?| I for Genera? to have recorded in % wei