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THE CAMDEN JOURNAL. ' 1 ^ . - .* - ' . VV,, * ' '". -' ' ' . aft-; - *BY HO BRUT srKMGMT. nubltafa.r of tho X-w. of Um Baited State* Edited bjr JitHX G? WBffi vol.. xi. ( AllDEX, SOITB-CIBOLISA, ATOIST SW^SSO. , JYO.S0. _ ^ y _ ' - ' - - A | -| ,^,1,1^^4 wrrtnf?wH I-*-1 i?u_."_!. __ _ - -- - * ' ' * *? - ' ? ?-J.. -V-* - THS SAMCStt JCT??.NAL. Published crcry Stiur.iay Morning by ROBKRT n'li^lCllIT, rcbm4hek or rnt nw? or the cno.i SUCSCRII'TlO^iS 1 Three dollar* a year in adrance, or four dollar at the end of the year. ADVERTISE*!ENTS ' Inserted at artenty five cents the square for tin fin', and halt that amount for each continuance-? The number of insertios? to l>c marked en Jin . tnsrgm or they will be continued and charged ac cotdingly. Those inserted semi-monthly 75 centi and-monthly $1 a sqturr fur each inwytfon. Communications by mail to be post-paid or rcmair unattended to. fBY AITHORITY.) law or t?b pjcirr.D states ra?*ti> at . the thmanrv roi rth cgsokksh ~JTRJ?r 8CM1CX. [PtBuc?No. 63.3 AN .ACT making appropriations for certain ftntificatioa* of iIk? l/niicd States for the - ? year one thousand eight hunrIr*M and thir~C" ty-six, and for ociter purpose*. it enacted ty the Senate sad House ol 1 - Reptcsrnuurcs of the Cnhed States of America in Congress atscuMed, That tin- fellow nn tnmi Km Oiwt ff-.r> aramn tm tiMrtir r<r\. pfppiiaied, to be paid out o: any unappropriated money in the Treasury, for ccittio Cculi, ftcatiaa*, viz * For the preservation of Castle Island and , repairs ot Fort indcj>cndc?:?s, Co ton Harbor. our hundred tbo&nnw dollar*. For Fort Warren, fiorstoc harbour, two hundred thousand dollars For Fort Adams, Rhode Island, two hundred thousand dollars. For Fort Scbujlrr. East rirer, New York, two huudrcd th-'Usand dollars For repairs of Fort Col urn bus and Castle TVffltams, and officers' quarters, on Governor^ Island, New York harbor, twenty thousand dollars For Fort Delaware, Delaware river, one hundred and tidy thousand dollars. For Fort Calhoun, Virginia, one hundred AQd buy thousand dollars For Fort Caswell, Oak Island, North Carolina, sixty thousand dolfsrs. For fortifications, Charleston harbor, South Carolina, and preservation of tiic site of Fort Moultrie, one hundred and fifty thousand d tl; lars. For Fort Fulcski, Cockspur Island, George one hundred and seventy thousand dollars. For Fort Pitkrn*, renstacola, Florida, fifty thousand dollars. For the Fort at Foster# Bank, Florida, one bundretT and sixty thousand dollars. For incidental expenses alt racing repairs of fortificatiooa, aod for. the purchase of additional land in their neighborhood, one hundred thousand dollars. For'contingencies of fortification*, ten thousand d^'Ur*. ' For the purchase of land and the right oi way on > hro% * l'oini, in Long Island bound, being the balance of the appropriation of one thousand eight hundred and twenty-six, carried to the surplus fund tho first of January, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-nine, two thousand dollars. And the following Mime, necessary to dose accounts in the office of the Third Auditor, a: Tor t fort on Cock spur Island, Georgia, two thousand three hundred and eight aoifart and fifty-six cents. For contingencies of fort ifica lions, sixtyone dollars and eight cents. For (brtificatious at Pcnsacola*, one thousand two hundred and twenty-three dollars and thirty-one cents. For the armament of fortifications, in addition to the amount included in the bill making appropriations for the support of the army for onothousaud eight hundred and thirly-Ni, including cannon, mortars, howitzers, gun-Carriages, howitzer-carriages, mortarbods, powder, cannon-balls, shell*, and foi the transportation of ordnance and ordnance stores ; and for die purchase of twenty acre; of land adjoining the Kct.ncbec arescnnl Mauic ; and the purchase of land and enclosing the rear of the public ground with : brick wail and coping at the Frank ford arsenal, Pennsylvania; and r-oosiructing a forging sliop ono story high, seventy-fire by fori) leet, of brick, **C the arsenal, >*at?rumu Massachusetts ; and in the ptrcbase 01 i steam-engine of eight horse power; and foi the quarters of officers at Fort Monroe arsenal, foiar hundred thousand doliars. tor Fort Mcllrnrv, Redoubt Wood and Corirjgton IJntcry, near Baltimore, fifty thousand dollars. For Fort Monroe, one hundred and fifit thousand dollar*. For the repairs of Fort Marion, and the seawall at St Augustine, Florida, fifty 1W1sand dollars. For knapsacks and camp equipage, authorized by the act approved nineteenth o March, arte thousand eight hundred and thirty-rfix, for volunteers or militia, fifir-ttro thousand seven hundred and five dollars. For accoutrements for the army, one hundred and two thousand three hundred and; five dollars. , For the purchase of sites, and the construe-, lion of arsenals, for the deposite of arms in* Arkansas, Missouri and at Memphis,, in Ten-j , nessee,/orty-iwo thousand two hundred and _ fifty-six dollars: Provided, That the cost of j such arsenals shall not exceed, fourteen thou- i " sanu dollars each. ';'i For the purchase of twcnty*eighi fire on-*i ' gincs, atid the necessary apparatus, twenty- 1 two thousand four hundred dollars. ' < ' For storehouses at l\ewport, Kentucky, t one thousand fire hundred dollars. < For purchasing seven acres of land, irtcla- i ding the site of. the powder magazine attach- i cd 10 the arsenal at Saint LdUis, Missouri, < i rV-.wi'rt// i hi* ontA ah nil lu?..ncprtiiiiftl not i ? to boon land of the United Sutcs, two thoo- j saud ouc hundred drdlars. - j For ercctingn piaztu in front of the building occupied as barrack? i>y the troops at I Aogu?t;i arsenal, Georgia, four hundred and i fifty dollars. * ( For barrack.*, qu^Vter.*, etoiv-bouses, hos- < pit d, stables and materials for the same, at Fort Jcsup, Louisiana, twenty-fire thousand dollar?. For rebuilding the wharf^ And materials for the fame, at Fort Wolcott, Newport, i Rliode 1 ' end, fire hundred dollars. ( .j F?r constructinga wood yard,and a wood , . yard wharf and fur materials foi the same, at i I Fort Monty , Virginia, one thousand do!- ' [. larsu ~ | .? For constructing a wharf, and for uiattri- . v al* for the satiM', 3i i'.ir; Sercru, 3iarjiana, . . one thousand <io!I >ts. ! For rebuilding and repairing barrack?, t .'quarters, tho hospital*, iwr tvhottsc* and ma- s trnals for aimc, at Fori Brady, Michigan t Territory, fire thousand doHsrs. For tiic purchase j?f f.iod adjoining Fqn j Suliiran, and lli? building* therein, three ( thousand ?creti hundred and fifty dollars. i For the follou jug objects, in addition 10 lor- ' Imrr appfbttriatiou* for the-earoc: t For nat$nd armory at-llarpcr's Ferry, ae- , r?pty-scTcu thousand eight huudrcd and nine- > | ty-scrca dollar?. ' I For national armory at Springfield, forty;fitc thousand dollars. For the purchase or manufacture of light t bras? and iron field artillery, and lor con- t struction of field artillery carriages, caisson? 1 ; and travelling forges, one hundred and thir- j ir^irvni) thousand one hundred and ninulv . dollars. J For the coastruetbc of furnaces ior heatjicg'cannon balls, twelve thousmd dollars Sr.c. 2. And be ti further enacted, Thai the President of ihc United States is hereby authorized^ under the restrictions of the an of the firM of May, eighteen hundred and twenty, to make transfers from one head of : appropriation?, to thai of another for a like object, whenever, in hb opinion, lire public interest shall require if. j See. 3. Aqtf be it farther enacted. That the scrcra] turns of money, appropriated by this act and all other ?ams which hare been 'or may bo appropriatcdL darmg the present session of CougTcas, shall be drawn from the Trcasurj, or paid orrr to the disbursing ofli- < ccrs or agents of the Government, only a* the same may be rr<|uire<J,bj the several objects jot expenditure authorized by "air. ja&JEs k. polk, * Speaker of the House of Representatives. W. R. KJNG, Prrsidcnt of the Senate pro tempore. Approved, tid Jul\, ISJUi A.NDR W JACKSON. [Pi'bmc- No G4 ] AN ACT to amend an act entitled, "An act authorizing the laying off* a town on Mean *'" ? !?? .into /.I anrt fifur nllu>r purpose*," approved fifth February, cigb- i teen hundred and urcnty*tiiuc. >< Be it enacted by the Senate and House of 1 Representatives of the United States of Amer- ' . tea in Congress assembled, That ail acta and j i duties r* quired to b* done and performed bj i the surrey or of the States ol Illinois and Mis* , . aouri, and the Territory of Arkansas, under , . the act to which this is an amendment, shall | . j be done and performed by a board of commis* 1 .; sinners of three io number, any two of whom 1 , shall form a qtiornm to do business; Mid com* j . misst* iters to be appointed by the Prcsideut i r of the United Stiles,-and shall, previous to ? their entering ujwn the dntchargo of their du* i j ucs, take an oath or affirmation to perform the , same faithfully and impartially. Sic 2. And lie it further enacted, That i the said commissioners shall also hare power 1 -J -Li.nnii(? *11 rtiinia In j 10 n?ar cviurncc mu uviinumw ? > I lcx?uT ground m?iug under the act to which ' 11hi# m an Afin-iidtot'Oi, and (or this purpose ,' ilie said commission* r? are authorized to ad. 11 all oahs ilmi may be necessary, and r reduce 10 writing all bo evidence in support of claims to pre-emption presented for their consideration; and when alt the testimony I shall have liecn heard and considered, the said commissioners shall file with the regis, ter and receiver of the land office at Galena, r the testimony in each ease, .together with a crrttficnte m favor of each person hating the right of preemption ; and upon making pay . rncnt to the receiver at Galena, for the lot or lo's to which such person is entitled, the re ceivt-r shall grant a receipt therefor, and isf sue ccrnQcatcs %f purchase, to be traustnit ted to ihe General Land Office, as Id othei cases of ibe sale of public land*. Sec. 3 And be it further cnadted, Thai the register and receiver at Galena, after the hoard of commissioners bare board and determined all thcxas?s of pre-emption undei the act to which this is an amendmept, Shall expose the residue of lots to public side to the highest bidder, after advertising the same in three publicncwspapcrs at (eacj1 -six weeks prior to the day of-salc, in the same manner 25 is provided for ibo sale of the poblic lands in other cases; and after paying to the tornmissioners the compensation hereinafter allowed them,*and all the other expepses incident to the said surrey and sale, the receiver rf the land office shall pay over the 'residue jf the money lie may hare received from fhe sale of lots aforesaid, by pre-emption as well is at public aucliotf, into the hands of the county commissioners of Joe Rariets county, to be expended by them in the erection of public buildings, and the construction of suitable wharrcs in lb* town Of Galena. ' Sec. 4. And be it farther fmecied, That the commissioners appointed to-corry this act into effect shall be paid by the receiver six dollars each, per day, for their teririers, for every day they are necessarily employed. Approttrd/Juiy 2d, 1^38. The Indian's Panacea. FOR the core of Rheamatism Scrofula or King's, GoA, Sciatica, or Hip-Goat. In?pient Cancer*. Sail Rheum,'Syphilitic am) Mrr"urial ducsuf* particularly Jb'lcr* and paintol afHjcuori of the bone*. UJccmtcd Throat tod No* trilr, Ulccm of rrcrj itficnpuctttiy(rr sores s ind Internal Abscesses; firiuliw, JgM, Scald[trad, Scurwe, JHlce, Chronic, 8<>rc<Htea, Eje rerjp^lx*. Bloc he*. and every TehrtylipBoU^eoaa Affection. Chrooio Catarrh, IttMdsem^peeceedW from an acrid humoQ Tain m the Stomach and Djaprtma, proceeding from ritiaUr-n;^ Affections >i the l.ivrr, Chrome luilaraaifbn of toe Kidneys,' ind general debility, caused by.a torpid action of he vessels of the akin. 11 is jrnijftjJarty efficacious >y rr no rating those constitutions which have been ?iokrn down bv injudicious trcatn*nt, or jurrnilo rregufcurtics. da-general terras, it is yecommenled to all those - isease* which arises Ada imurried in tiic blood, vitiation of the humors,, of what iter oitpe or kind. Some of the obo?e complaints mar require some riding aaisUnt applications, which tye circutnitanoen of thr case wilt ?ictate: but lor a general rmcdy or PurifiaOMT, tm moors tic anno, TMt f>mr') Pmcn will generally be franc sufficient To the Public. f iowtroc it is, that modern Physicians?in their tmbiuon to exec! in their profession; to explore he east fields of sir nee by Uie aid of Cbimistry, uid seek out ntsr remedial agents; in short to orirr at perfection in the practice by taedfia of art done,?overlook and neglect, as beneath their lotiee the rich and bounteous stores of medicine, - ? _ ? _ j . iu>?<AriL. UICJI IAC lani^mj (HA unuoa WKHIU M> im ?rth in errry clime' And bow madiMN? inw it *, that while the American fhjrtiaian looka to for ten roaolnet'for many of iui most common and w^r>?arjp article* perpetually changing a* they are In* dictate* r?f fa?ln.-n -r folly ke ia surrounded in us own manuy with an endless profusion. flir ?ngmi*lily, ftfiCKMcy and urrtt of TfTTable remedies nrci mineral, may be estimated t?y roQtrasting the ancient practice wlh the modcrh; tr, In brie* it more immediately under onr own ob rnration. the Indian practice with that of the sr biles Who. in America, baa not known or beard if repeated iiuuncra wherein Mar deejepid. on>*etcmhng :ema'e Indian br mean* of her simple emcdir* alone, haa effected the moat rapid and aacrushing cure*, after the whole Materia Mrdica of he common practice, directed in tb? moat skilful nan tin has failed' And who haa not been surprised at beholding the com para lire ease and (kealily with which the Indian frees himself of aar dla oae, and at the almost total absence of chrome diawae among them- Who baa ever heard of an Inlian with a constitution broken and mined by ill reaimcnt ? And can a doubt cxut, that this happv Xrtnpuon of the htage from raoafc of the ilia rhtch the Arab ofeiriliird man te htirto. UehirCr ?wing In Ok* more genial and aafr remedies which ir etuploya Thu ulnniilima difference in tarcM, m a fair exemplification of the infinite superiority ?f lilt maple and ?afe mran# of cur* vmch God in created for the benefit of bo cluMien, orci b?ac which the yndt and the erf of man bare i* rexreo Fr?m a Ion; rraidence among a portion of the tborigtnal inhabitants of tbia country, and an inti< nair acquaintance with the methods of cum o) i -taa of tbetr moat niccmfol prttlioMfi, the prtv iriofor of ibo " Tmb Iidiih'i Piiicu," acorn mi i knowledge of some of their moat powerful and "a rotable remedies. From these be aeleeled toci ia were -moat efficacious and appropriate, and iflb ranooa experiment* to teet their principles one trenglh lie bos combined litem in the form ben [imrnlrd, u the mou perfect and beneficial foi lbe nurpoM for which M is recommended. be proprietor oficrs this preparation to the pah lie, with the enneaiousness Uut be is placing with in it* reach, re tor of capable of relic rinr-tnanjr o! Iiis afflicted fellow being!, who ore suffering on der the various chronic and obstinate corapjaiufi to which it is applicable. To such it will prove o: incalculable value, as the means, and in many ca rs the only mtamj cf relieving their suffering* and restoring them once more to health and happiness This is not offered oh a common remedy, that omj prreliance be equally good with many others now (n use, but as one wnich la cepable of saving life ie many rxireqie races, when all the usual rrtordiet fail. Thus it has done irpettedly; and tliis is the reputation it bos obtained wherever it hoc been in tnxJucrd Jt is only about three years since this prtpant tioa was first presented to the public: _ but in thai bort spare of time. some btinareaa oi person i might be found, who woufd solemnly declare thn U?rr believed that thrtr lire? saved by it and inmost curi after they had tried many per itaps alJ the common remedies in vain. Wbererei it i? known it ic rapidly coming into use, and lh?< afford* the moat substantial and convincing proo of iU mrrita. The raluc of the Panacea, ta inoat conspicuous in those longstanding and obstinate syphilitic ant acrofnlona after lion* which have defined all nth? remedies, and particularly in those caaea when mercury has been so larisnly o*ed aa to cause dia trcssing pains jn the bones, nodes, mercurial ul cers, derangement of the digestive organs, &i These it completely remoTCt and in all caaes entirely eradicates the disoaar and the effects i mercury, renovates the constitution, and lea?< the patient sound and well. In Rheumatism* am m ullfetated son* throat, its happy effects are no Icr? apparent, giving almost immediate relief. r Taken in proper doses, Tur. Itonu't PaMacz operates aa an alternative, and detergent; A diai phonetic, dinretic and laxative; an ontipaamodi 1 and anodyne, and in proper, cases, as a?tomachi< 1 and emrocnagoguc. Generally expressed, it in . creases a2 (he secretions and exertions, gives torn , to the stomach, and excites action in the glands it a particular manber. Front these 'principles it operation may be nndefstood? This medicine has been found highly usefbi n many arabignoaa rfiseasss not here specified, and i has been osed with wonderful success as a Spring and Tall purifier, by tl|osc who are sublet to com plaints or the chest, and whose constitntians re quire new vigor.: Buch persons will do well tc use two or three battles in small doses. Where vei ndiVf driak 'tu considered necessary, the Panacea, taken in a small dose, will answer all its purposes, in much leas time,*; at less expense; wnd in a fat ' more agreeable manner, than Lhtf common diet drink. . The following certificates, out of hundreds simi Ilar which might be procured, are given to show the effect of Tnc IsdiaxYPaxacxa, in Ibe miout com plaints therein mentioned; and also to exI hibit in the most salisCujioTj manner its superiors ty over the sy rups in commomuc. cases Of rheumatism. CftAftMMToy, NOT. 15,1831. During the last winter and spring. 1 was afific* ted with a very severe and distressing Rheumatism : occasioned by exposure-in bad weather. 1 now ' take great pleasure in stating, that az bottles oJ the J udtin's Panacea, restored me to perfeel health, and 1 confidently recommend it to all similarly afflicted. JOHN FERGUSON, Khr+t. <JhAaurjTojr, March 27.1833. 1 was seized abont three rears since with a dis ilrrcsras Rheumatism ctdtoilby talcing a severe "old whil? under the inBocricc o| mercury, and ! which tun disabled sac from hiftinete neirljr evci since. During this period I have been a patient in ' the Marine Haepilal in this City, up varus of font | month* nearly, and the same length of tune >Q the i Baltimore Hospital, and tried almost every remedy, *ith lAtle benefit. On the 10th of l>ebroary . amd at that time scarcely able to move about- upon crutches, 1 commenced the use of The Indian'a Panacea. In one month I found myself entirety 'cored from the pain, and am now happy to stats that 1 tee! myself"perfectly well. WM. TtlCKER, 134fer?'f-rf. CURE FOR'SCROFULOUS ULCERS. ; . N?w Yona, Sept 10, 1830 This may certify, that in the tkll ol 1825, I wsi seized with a ewe fling In my neck and fkee, v bkt afterwards ulcerated and became large ghastly ulcers hi my neck Afh-r trying-several Physician* to no advantage, I went to rbibdelphia. and placed nrvsclt under the care of Dm. Physic and Beach, #wfien, after repealed salivation to'no effect. I waj 'pronouncod totally incurable. Afterwards t took twenty bottles of Swain a Panacea and eight boltlei of Potter's- Catboficon, with no material benefit Despacin^ of lifr, Vliich had now become a barthen to tor. I returned to mv parent* in New York in lfiSD?and pie myself op to a lingering dratfr 1 rearing of the great auceeaa of Tun Isdur'i "a.tact a, no we per, in caaca aimilar to mjr own,! waa persuaded to Irr it, a* a laat resort- To" my greal autpricc aa well a* satisfaction, I soon found myset rapidly rKottriw, and upon taking seven bellies the allien heeled and became perfectly well In tin course of two months, and bare remained so eve since. 1 make thU statement and wish K polltshet for the benefit of those who are suffering ondet ai miter scrofulous or syphilitic lfleetfions, that tfcei may know what has' cored one who baa saflerri everything but death, and who consider* hi* lif saved by the above syrup. WM. HINMAN. Tl*e above Medicine mar be bad at WtUUM REYNOLDS DRUG STORE, CAMDEN, S. C. I 7 11VKS; XT*. * M-r JL\' 11 1 M-M ' THE Subscriber^ hare jhat received am are now opening a full assortment of Medi ckncs from the North," which can be recom mended with great confidence, li fir as re gards their purity and gcnoinencss, having been purcbaWd from one of ihe oldest ant most respectable houses in Philadelphia.? Physicians, Planters and others, art requcs ted to call, previous to laying in their sntnmei supplies,* Mid examine the quality of thosi 'now oflered for sale; which we feel confider i in warranting and giving satisfaction to pu! chasers. A mong those lately received and how opes in?* sa?*% fllwa fnllftU ittrv* *?1- IWV MMIVM IU^, ? I Alcohol, Sab. Ctrh. Soda, r Caalor 0:1. Rhubarb Bool, Florence,do. - Calaxaya llark, CeaUlcSoap, Lobelia Herb, r Borax, do. in Powder. . Turkey Opium, Slippery Rim Hark, I Camphor, do. in Powder, Calomel, Eng. Bole Armenia, I Cinnamon, Ground. Moatard, I Clorra, Powd. Cinnamon, i Orria Root, Add Lemon Drop*, r Caator, Florida Water, I Chloride of Soda, Kidder* Ibd. Ink, > Flake Manna, Carpenter'a Sarsaparill r Gam Myrrh, " Bit Bacho Po?rd. Gum Arabic, " Pink Root, . Carb. Iron, Com(>d. Cub. & Sam . Salpb Quinine, parilla, f 44 Morphia, Tolio Bolaam, . Acetate, do. Kreoaot, i Squill*, Genuine Bear* Oil, (nc I Pul*. Cjbebf, ' per famed,) . Tamarind*, Naple* Soap, , Butler'* Magnesia, Mu?k Soap, , Citric Acid, Macc. Snuff, ' Ml . . I It !. II A . r tartaric, oo | risur rowan, a?. .A great warily of article* too numerous to men r lion, in addition to the above, a full aaapHmoai c i which will always be kept on hand. r; * YOUNG &. M'KAllt* CARPENTER'S I Fluid Ei tract aarmparlU*. i Extract Buchu, Extract Jalap, Ex tract t Bu t; A rout, Syrup Liverwort, Butler's Magnesia 'r ' tcpericqt, Balm of Columbia, Hunters Cor , Plaster, Hygean Pills, Impcrttl Hair Df< r Beaching Liquid, to remove iron moulds an' ink spots from linen. Dcwing's Cement, fa j menqing broken gltss , china , dtc.: Jewiit' r Water Proof Varnbh. ALSO?Sal ASratw s Isinglas*. Cum Arabic, Gum Senegal, Arroi " Root, Citron, Jujube Paste, Tolu Loxengei J Soda do. Liquorice aod Opium do. Pepper t mint do. Rluibffrbdu. Metal Bronzes, and 3 variety of Surgical Instruments, just receive \ and tor sale by YOUNG & M'KAIN. March 12, 1830. ; ' fcTosspsiA' r ; \ AX# tiltEU COMPLAINTS. ?R. PETERS' VEGETABLE. MEDtlCflfS STOMACHICS ET IIEI'ATICS, foml ed by chymical analysis and ayutifeda of severa wm.nalt vpjje tabic principle*,ertuniversally tc' knowledye<i_io -hate totalij -e pljpsed the preten-. > iiona of every other reipetly, and ntrpaoMedila - necessity of every other mode or treatment, wherever the above disease-sia found to exbt as well as in the enlargement ot the Sateen and in JimNKff * Among the symptoms of Dyspepsia and Livrr- , . complaints, are flatulency, noonieae or- burninjin i the stomach melancholy, irratlbility, disagreeable ' taste toll* mouth; great irregtiferity of appetite, [ which is sometime* wrieioui, and at-giber lime*; greatly deficient, , thirst,' fetid bwath, nacser, . Weakness otlte stomach, acid eructation^ palpitalion, dirownneiS, irregularity ot tke -bowel*, pressure on the stomach after meals, pain-m the bead, dixsineaa or ,vertigo; conQnkm.ot nsrid, attended . with loss of memory,,* gna? ing in the suanpsh i when empty', chUlnwii, ai&ct ion of sight and hear- ^ I (in; pun and wetiaseai in ute recr, tasgoar, ? >. ? la rbed sleep, told feet and bands, In isirfnrNrf . L nnf In the- throat, chough pain in lheirfdb'rpt brawt,&t These medeein** have been found so ciieetaal in . removing the complaint*for which -they or* recom-' mended,, that physicians frequently having ex* L badstrd oil thcir-saili, to JfcUc or bo purpose. MPETEKS * A lit I B ilie a * P it I ft. . These pills are coco posed- entirely of vegetable matter, and when taken aceordlng to the directions which accompany them, are highly'beneficial in , the core and prevention of all nUeoi complaints , They act especially dnpon the liver, when in a torptd condition, cott; tog off a large quantity gf , bile, tbnrarh the influence of the excel neat fuseI lion, which it suffered to remain in the system, would produce either Jaundice, Liver Complaint, | Billions ircrcr Few end Ague, or fetor other . nkrwi bodily affliction. . In all ease# of torpor of , the bowels, they act like a charm. "* As an auti dyspeptic and dinner pill tfrj r.e'i# ) valuable. Many persona who were *ubj r : ',r? vie , lent attacks of stck headache have been prAcctl* J oured in a few weeks by their use. There who are [ subject to that distressing eop^im,. ses<t?tkcrss i by taking a portion or two'of them a few days pre- is . nova to embarking on board the vessel, will fe d* { most certain to earape iL Females can oak. then at all period*, ouhoul incurring any ri>L Feraeait J going to tea or to asouthern climate, should bv all r means take some of throe* pills with thexn. Their I virtues will remain unimpaired far yttre to any di. mate. No fcuuily should be without these pim, . portion of then, token occasionally, would he the jj means of preventing much suffering from archness t It is from neglect ?fkreping op a regular peristaltic action ofthc stowach ami bowels, thus suffering to be absorbed and mingled with the blood; unaaaum* lated fluids, that most diseases arr prodneed Dr t* - ?AnAA*nt fltaaf nan rwPnrat? ?*ivm tluidn - pills a fair trial, will ever after - fee) miHing to le ; without then. > " j The/ contain no particle of Mercury, or any* in* . gred.cnl Uiat-docs not act in harmony with health I and oppose disease. > Dr. P. arlsbes it particularly undrrstocd thai . those oilla poearm lenefcial qualities independent !f tbeir purgative effeots; they are both took and cobstroent, acting epos the accreting and exhall ent functions; thus strengthening the pctisnt, I vrbile (bey remove obstructions' Medicines which "* _: possess no other, excepting cathartic qualities, debilitate the patient, and their repeated ess lays that " foundation of a long catalogue of Chronic discs* r aea. ? Dr P. having been educated order-themes. I eminent American and European medical pbolbs sors, and practiced his profession weay jeans bathe * ' South where diseases of the moat obstinate character prevail, considera himself well qualified fo i radge on the nature ci diseases incident an warm climates Prepared and sold by Joseph Prisstfy Peters, M. D. at nis institution for the core of oMtbiate- ditasses, by means of tsgetaMe rsmediet, No. 129 Liberty street, New Yerk, inventor and sole proj-ritor. Each box contains 40 pills, price ?0 cents. The above valuable MrdkWi may be obtained at ths Drug 8torc ot YOUNG dt M'SLAIN. Uadeo, M?J 7, 1830. SCOT & BSCS BTOItS. * THE subscriber has now received a fresh and general assortment of 'J a Ladies and Gentlemen* Boots and Shoes, - of the latest and moajashionablc style, which were selected with much care by himself? which be believes will give general satisfaction to those who will favor him aritit ihieir 4 custom, ills stock comprises every description of Ladies end Gentlemen, and Cbihlrens Boots and Shoes, generally fooftd in a regular shoe store. The Ladies and Gentlemen of . {i I Camden are respectfully invited to call and 4 examine for themselves. ALSO? On hand a gourd assortment of full SXLS BATS, .Which will be sold on the most reasonable terms. v_ W, B. DANIELS. . February 27.?5if. . ; ? Camden Orphan Socieii ty's Academy. if AN Assistant is wanted for thia institution 'it in (Airh Pen man shin IriitiMn.:. ?J .kn - ?v IXIHIIUVIIV OlIU U1U ?, other ordinary branches of an*English ed? acation. Undoubted testimonials will bo ' required, both for Literary and Moral qua'* locations. Applicants, stating their terms a and naming their references for character, d will apply (all postage paid) to MOSES IIOLBROOK, M. D. Principal, co.ia. July 16--25--tf